#and at least Scar and Grian are Derse Dreamers
i made the mistake of perceiving a hermitcraft homestuck au and as Someone Who Has Done Far Too Much Studying On Classpects I. Now feel. Like I Am Legally Obligated To Think About This. Anyone is welcome to throw in thoughts if ya have any.
Given 26 Hermits, normally that might be annoying to divvy up into 12 classes/aspects (if we wanna be shitposty, technically 17 classes and 13 aspects) BUT we can double up the main 12 and then throw the extra two as Muse/Lord Time/Space which is quite fun actually. Also perfect number for an equal split lunar sway, but that’s for a different post.
I’m just gonna go right ahead and throw Xisuma intooo im thinking Muse of Time? cause yknow, Server Admin. That feels right. Influencing/inspiring the timeline/end from a distance for the benefit of others. But. on the other hand. XisumaVoid... Technically there's nothing stopping us from making him a Muse of Void, which still fits the Server Admin themes (except this time now more aspects of creating a world from nothing/protecting that world by obscuring it/wiping it for resets). Also if the Muse/Lord duo aren’t Time/Space aspects that could play into them having a broken session which fits Season 8′s plot pretty well.
Opposing that, I’m kinda tempted for Doc as Lord of Space? Mostly for shadow items n stuff - Manipulation of space/material existence/physicality for benefit of self. Or Lord of Light (manipulation of knowledge/chance/observation/etc) which does still fit with the game-breaking themes.
Grian i’m debating a class for (hesitantly settling on Maid, Mage, Bard, Prince, or Thief - Mage/Maid for more Watcher!Grian vibes, everything else following his semi-destructive/chaos streak, and an argument could probably be made either way for benefit of others/self). Aspect though, my gut feeling is Time or maaaaaybe Heart (for splinter-selves)? I’m admittedly liking Time much better because of the destructive associations with it, inherent chaos, and timelines/multiple selves stuff which is far more subdued in Heart. Heart is a lot more following. yknow. your heart. and prioritizing that over Mind/”rational” thought (alongside misc soul stuffs). Maid of Time for him is very tempting. I Would Like To See Grian Hit A Timeline With A Broom.
I don’t have much thought out for the other Hermits (mostly either an aspect or a class) but here’s some misc ideas: (note - the pair of class & aspect is v important because it dramatically changes how the god tier functions so basically any of these are subject to change)
Scar I’m thinking either Prince or Page? Not sure aspect. I’m leaning more towards Page but Scar with a destructive class sounds very fun. Also, bonus, both those god tier outfits are dorky as hell but I think he’d vibe with that.
Zedaph - Almost definitely an active class, unless we’re going the route of a classpect that opposes/challenges that. Aspect... hmm... Light? Maaybe Mind? I’m feeling a lean towards Light particularly with the s9 daredevil route.
Gem’s giving me Hope or Heart vibes? Not sure on class. I almost wanna say Rogue? But I’m always hesitant to have too many canon god tiers. Maybe Seer? Gem as a Seer sounds kinda fun.
Joe maybe Life? Maayyyybe Sylph...???
Cleo im thinking maybe Witch? Or maybe even Bard? with Witch they’d be an active class & have manipulation over their aspect which is fun, though the focus is use of aspect for benefit of self which i’m more ? on for them. Bard would be benefit of others and also a destructive class which is very fun for her. Not sure on Aspect though which would definitely change things up dramatically. Especially given the gorgon s9 theme I really wanna incorporate her statues stuff. Best I can think of for that would prob be Light/Void or Space?
Mumbo’s got me very stumped, but maybe Heir? For the transformative/”becoming” aspect thing. Sounds like it’d be something fun to mess with for him (espc given his s8 themes).
I feel like im legally required to make Wels a Knight.
Anyways enjoy this half-sensical babble.
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foxsartdump · 2 years
Free pass to ramble about anything you want!
ok so ive mostly been thinking about how the other 2 life series (+100 hours just for fun) are involved into trafficstuck which led me to something more or less like the sketch below but ALSO how they actually started playing the game
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i posted it before but after some revision i changed 3l!grian and hc!grians places which MEANS that the reasons of why dl!grian and ll!grian masquerade as rust bloods change/get swapped aka dl!g hides his identity as to not be recognized as the descendant of The Deserter/3l!g (a controversial figure in this alternias society and history, the former emperor) while ll!grian, in a similar sense, to not get found out as the descendant of The Vanished emperor, took the sign and spectrum placement of The Aviatrix (a beloved historical figure in this beforans society) without knowing that he and his ancestors are the exact same troll
SO in both sessions both grians dreamselves (derse dreamers) are awake before anyone else and both get tricked by this aus Horrorterrors aka The Watchers, outer gods residing in the furthest ring that reach out to those who dream on derse and that, unlike the homestuck horrorterrors, like to get involved in their players lives even before the game sessions start. how do they get tricked? dl!grian gets shown visions of his pre!scratch selfs life (aka hc!grian) with promises that this could become what he and his friends could have if they play the game, meanwhile ll!grian gets promised freedom, an escape for he and his friends when it comes to their faiths once they reach maturity (theyre expected to take on the roles their ancestors used to have, none of them are really Thrilled by this and grian is the least so seeing as he and his supposed ancestor have 'no relation whatsover'). in both cases tho they both accept at the price that when the session is done/won/lost they will give themselves to The Watchers, think kinda like what happened to rose when she went grimdark but also Not Really (this also ensured the existence of the dream bubbles for both sessions)
tbh i also wanted to go a bit into how the ll!session was more or less a doomed, unwinnable, glitch-filled session (think how homestucks game over timeline got by the end of it, also the boogeyman curse was one of the major glitches fucking them over) which caused grian, scar and joel having to escape to the dream bubbles before the glitches (and the watchers in grians case) caught up to them but also led to scott (the time player) to technically be the last one living of the session and having to be the one to start the scratch while also ultimately escaping into the dream bubbles BUT this post is already long enough so yeaaaah
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