#feel free to ask about it i like discussing classpects lots
nekropsii · 2 years
I just wanna say i love your analyses. im not even into homestuck that much and really only pay attention to like 2 characters and the classpect system, but your analyses on the characters and the story are always so interesting to read, and its nice to see someone who is just. so aware of it, especially of the more problematic aspects of homestuck (like its antiblackness, ableism, and the infantilizing of characters like mituna and kankri within the fandom). as a blk person its refreshing to see someone acknowledge it because most of the time i feel like these things are so swept under the rug, especially by other nonblack fans...
besides that, id like to ask. what are your thoughts on sylphs as a class and how sylphs who are doom, void, timebounnd (you know, aspects that are normally seen as "negative") interact with their aspect? i feel like out of any class, they're the ones that are difficult for me to understand. id just like to hear your thoughts!
Aww, thank you so much! This is an absolute DELIGHT to hear. I'm glad my work has held so much value to you!! It really does mean a lot. Glad I'm doing something right in your eyes. :)
Homestuck has been a deep passion of mine for years now, and I find that it's physically impossible to earnestly and completely tackle it without directly confronting the layers of bigotry that Hussie was operating under while writing the comic. The comic is so overtly caked in it that it affects even the most basic meta of it all- foundational parts of the story are infested with it like termites. Classpecting is an example. Even the magic system isn't free of it! I don't see very many people bring that up, but then again, I don't see very many people bring up literally any of the Anti-Blackness in the comic, like... Period. It fucking sucks. But that's what I'm here for, in part. If no one else will do it, then I will- and gladly so, because it really ought to be discussed more.
And, to answer your question about Sylphs of Doom, Void, and Time...
Sylphs either Mend or Create, depending on circumstance. They largely intend to maintain stability of their Aspect within themselves and their session, and are eager to speak about their own perspective + experience with their Aspect, should you let them do so. The presence of a Sylph tends to imply an excess of their Opposite Aspect.
Doom is, largely, the Aspect of Rules, Restriction, and Sacrifice. The job of a Sylph of Doom is to keep these things in check- Mending where it's needed, or Creating where it's needed. To use Sovereignstuck as an example, a Sylph of Doom could take on the role of a Game Patcher/Moderator, making sure the active session follows whatever set rules were given... Perhaps a little too strictly. Void is, largely, the Aspect of Obscurity, Nothingness, and Oblivion. Mending these may require active deceit... Though that's not necessarily a bad thing. An excess of Light is a frightening thing indeed- though largely seen as a positive Aspect, Light is about Chaos and Uncontrollability, and even the slightest amount of unchecked excess of it can snowball and tank a session. Time is, largely, the Aspect of Entropy, Fate, and... Well, Literal Time. The job of a Sylph of Time tends to imply the stabilization and restoration of Timelines. They maintain linearity- keeping the threads of Fate from getting tangled into a terrible mess. Not to bring up Sovereignstuck again, but we also have a Sylph of Time, and she aids greatly in keeping the timeline- and therefore the narrative- straightforward. A Sylph of Time would prevent the story from becoming as much of a tangled mess as Homestuck proper is... Dave was never good at keeping things clean.
I hope these explanations were adequate! Feel free to ask for any clarification you need, thank you for valuing my opinion, and I hope you have a lovely day!
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Davesprite, I bet there are enough unique anons in this askbox to make a unique Sburb session. As a result, I've decided to jokingly try classpecting the most prominent anons in order of appearance based on stuff that's happened on this blog because why the fuck not.
(This is gonna go horribly, but I tried.)
Flamingo Anon
Maid of Heart
Reason: As far as I know, they were the first identifiable anon to show up on this blog. And they did that mostly for their own benefit, such as to spread the passion that they have for birds and ornithology. Personality-wise though, I'd say Heir of Heart is more accurate.
ScAnon (a.k.a., me)
Sylph of Time
Reason: First of all, I seem to care a lot about things like the past through the questions I ask and keeping things moving by sometimes acting as the voice of reason when shit goes down. Second of all, I have my own ideas of the past and future that I enjoy discussing (as seen by some of the asks I've sent). There's also a tendency among Sylphs to meddle with stuff, which I think I have. I feel like those are good enough reasons for me to be a Sylph of Time, even if they're shallow.
Witch of Void
Reason: This is confirmed on their own blog, so there's no reason to argue about it. And as far as I've seen from them, it checks out.
Tophat Anon
Page of Mind
Reason: This one was hard to take a crack at. For one thing, their typing style is based off of mine, especially with how names and pronouns get coloured. As far as I know, it's typical for Pages to try to mimic the people they admire, especially in the hopes that it can convince others to help them and listen to them to compensate for and be given the Aspect that they lack. (I'm not sure if that's the reason why they chose to type similarly to me, but that's my guess.) In the case of the Tophat Anon, they seem to lack Mind and may try to act as if they have a lot of it (also typical Page behaviour), especially by trying to act as a voice of reason (only for that to sometimes backfire, such as the case of the 'No homo' shirt) and by asking questions about the circumstances (which is not a bad thing. It can be helpful for anyone who stumbles across this place while Davesprite's got his ass in the middle of something, like being accused of being gay).
Explosion Anon
Bard of Space
Reason: One could say that all the explosions they cause literally destroy space (and that's not counting the other shit they've done). However, it is through what they do that they create the conditions to get things to happen, such as the Grimdarc and all the explosion shenanigans. (That's as far as I know. Please feel free to correct me on this.) They are figuratively helping leave Time in their wake for everyone else to deal with in the form of events and suffering through said events. Also, they seem to have a penchant for chaos, which seems to be typical for Bards personality-wise.
So there we go. What do you think of all this stuff I thought of out of boredom?
- ScAnon
TG: ...
TG: goddamn
TG: i dont even know what to say this shit is just straight up impressive
TG: i know like fuck all about classes and aspects and shit but this all seems vaguely right?
TG: nice work man
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refractal-moonlight · 2 months
howdy!! call me fractal :] i'm a prospitian moonlighter of soul (thief of mind + page of heart) and use any pronouns
i'm new to classpect analyzing, but i like to think i'm decent. like it says in my bio, i do analysis of canon and @superxstarzz's combo classpects, plus some extended zodiac if i'm feeling spicy.
i DO NOT do session or relationship analysis, nor land, power, or weapon ideas, though i might include them in my classpect posts if i can come up with any.
my zodiac analysis will mostly be discussing how the aspect and lunar sway of a sign would interact, with a few notes on the social standing of the caste.
a bit more detail on combo classpecting under the cut
combo classpects tend to have a lot of possible definitions, for example my own could be "one that steals mind by being served heart" / "one that is served heart by stealing mind" / "one that steals through mind by being served heart" / "one that is served heart by stealing through mind" / "one that steals heart by being served mind" / "one that is served mind by stealing heart" / "one that steals through heart by being served mind" / "one that is served mind by stealing through heart"
while these can mean similar things, that's still 8 definitions with 8 different meanings, and it might be difficult to focus on all of them in a single analysis.
i usually pick whatever makes the most sense to me or is most fun to think about, but if you're worried you won't like your request, feel free to ask the possible definitions for your desired classpect, then send a request specifying which one(s) you'd like me to focus on
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i made the mistake of perceiving a hermitcraft homestuck au and as Someone Who Has Done Far Too Much Studying On Classpects I. Now feel. Like I Am Legally Obligated To Think About This. Anyone is welcome to throw in thoughts if ya have any.
Given 26 Hermits, normally that might be annoying to divvy up into 12 classes/aspects (if we wanna be shitposty, technically 17 classes and 13 aspects) BUT we can double up the main 12 and then throw the extra two as Muse/Lord Time/Space which is quite fun actually. Also perfect number for an equal split lunar sway, but that’s for a different post.
I’m just gonna go right ahead and throw Xisuma intooo im thinking Muse of Time? cause yknow, Server Admin. That feels right. Influencing/inspiring the timeline/end from a distance for the benefit of others. But. on the other hand. XisumaVoid... Technically there's nothing stopping us from making him a Muse of Void, which still fits the Server Admin themes (except this time now more aspects of creating a world from nothing/protecting that world by obscuring it/wiping it for resets). Also if the Muse/Lord duo aren’t Time/Space aspects that could play into them having a broken session which fits Season 8′s plot pretty well.
Opposing that, I’m kinda tempted for Doc as Lord of Space? Mostly for shadow items n stuff - Manipulation of space/material existence/physicality for benefit of self. Or Lord of Light (manipulation of knowledge/chance/observation/etc) which does still fit with the game-breaking themes.
Grian i’m debating a class for (hesitantly settling on Maid, Mage, Bard, Prince, or Thief - Mage/Maid for more Watcher!Grian vibes, everything else following his semi-destructive/chaos streak, and an argument could probably be made either way for benefit of others/self). Aspect though, my gut feeling is Time or maaaaaybe Heart (for splinter-selves)? I’m admittedly liking Time much better because of the destructive associations with it, inherent chaos, and timelines/multiple selves stuff which is far more subdued in Heart. Heart is a lot more following. yknow. your heart. and prioritizing that over Mind/”rational” thought (alongside misc soul stuffs). Maid of Time for him is very tempting. I Would Like To See Grian Hit A Timeline With A Broom.
I don’t have much thought out for the other Hermits (mostly either an aspect or a class) but here’s some misc ideas: (note - the pair of class & aspect is v important because it dramatically changes how the god tier functions so basically any of these are subject to change)
Scar I’m thinking either Prince or Page? Not sure aspect. I’m leaning more towards Page but Scar with a destructive class sounds very fun. Also, bonus, both those god tier outfits are dorky as hell but I think he’d vibe with that.
Zedaph - Almost definitely an active class, unless we’re going the route of a classpect that opposes/challenges that. Aspect... hmm... Light? Maaybe Mind? I’m feeling a lean towards Light particularly with the s9 daredevil route.
Gem’s giving me Hope or Heart vibes? Not sure on class. I almost wanna say Rogue? But I’m always hesitant to have too many canon god tiers. Maybe Seer? Gem as a Seer sounds kinda fun.
Joe maybe Life? Maayyyybe Sylph...???
Cleo im thinking maybe Witch? Or maybe even Bard? with Witch they’d be an active class & have manipulation over their aspect which is fun, though the focus is use of aspect for benefit of self which i’m more ? on for them. Bard would be benefit of others and also a destructive class which is very fun for her. Not sure on Aspect though which would definitely change things up dramatically. Especially given the gorgon s9 theme I really wanna incorporate her statues stuff. Best I can think of for that would prob be Light/Void or Space?
Mumbo’s got me very stumped, but maybe Heir? For the transformative/”becoming” aspect thing. Sounds like it’d be something fun to mess with for him (espc given his s8 themes).
I feel like im legally required to make Wels a Knight.
Anyways enjoy this half-sensical babble.
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Hello, it’s the bard of void/maid of light anon
If you wouldn’t mind, I would like a classpect analysis since I’m currently mid classes crisis yet again
I’m kinda worried I’m gonna write about only the bits that would give off bard of void vibes but im just gonna start I guess
So, I’m quite a creative individual. I write, I draw, I play dnd, and largely try to contribute a bunch to the nonsensical plot of the Minecraft server my friends and I are on. I typically Run dnd games more than I play them. My friends say that my npcs are definitely my biggest strength when I’m the DM.
On top of creative things, I have a habit of learning a lot about random things and spouting off all that I know about them as soon as I get the chance. Recently I spent 4 hours learning about bugs and plants to create an alien species for a super hero ttrpg I was playing in.
As a person, im very anti secrets. I’m basically an open book that comes with an audio book version right next to it. I generally never keep any secret when it’s in regards to myself and I will likely tell my boyfriend or my best friend other secrets if they come up in conversation. I do try my best to keep others secrets besides from that though, it’s come to a point where I just have to stop myself from speaking it I don’t want to let something slip.
On the flip side I do love surprises, because I know I get to tell eventually and the reveal is always great because I love seeing people’s reactions.
Just realized I should elaborate on my thing with secretes. I’ve found that for me keeping secrets like “here’s something someone did that really bugged me but they genuinely don’t know” has never worked out well because this one sided animosity kinda builds up for completely solvable reasons. Then with non serious or harmless secrets, I’m just too prone to talking that they just slip.
Last thing that I think nebulously falls into bard of void category. I don’t like lying and I’m generally pretty bad at it because I subconsciously do it in a comical tone (ie “yes,, that IS what I was doing” with too much emphasis on every word somehow). But I’ve found that if I have time to think out a lie, I can execute it really well, but that only really works when I’m lying for mine or another’s safety. I don’t really lie otherwise
I’m generally uncomfortable with the idea of not being important or useful? In games I’m typically constantly doing mental gymnastics to figure out if I’m actually making a difference or not. It’s especially difficult seeing as my friends aren’t the type of people to commend anyone for being helpful. And the fact that one of my friends is somehow disgustingly good at every game we play, somehow.
When we play a game I’m good at or understand well, I have a tendency of being very vocal and drawing attention to the fact that I’m absolutely killing it, in other circumstances I’d be worried that comes off as annoying, but I accidentally built up this joking image among my friend groups where I’m some nebulous entity of unknown power so, I’m pretty sure all my bragging comes off as a joke.
I’ve noticed my personality is really easy for me to like genuinely change to the root of who I am. I don’t think it should be that easy but it is. I make a joke about myself and suddenly it’s a part of me. Within the past month my entire persona just obtained an intrinsic connection to clowns SOMEHOW and now it’s just like a part of me. On top of that vriskas on the kin list cause past me thought it would be funny. And I unironicaly use the word “babe” despite disliking the word, just because I think it’s funny. It’s not ironic because I think the fact that it’s genuine makes it worse. Is that some strider level irony or am I just being annoying? No one knows. I kinda made being a light player a part of my identity, I managed to start liking the color orange, which is weird since I’ve hated orange since I was a little kid. Uh anyway, I think I wrote a lot so I’m gonna end here. Thanks
From this information I see two main options - yes Bard of Void is one of them but the other option is actually Witch of Light instead of a Maid.
A lot of what you describe does relate to Bard of Void like you pointed out - you destroy the unknown by creating light and sharing secrets. Framing things as being related to Bard of Void is also a sign you are, because although I can relate some of these things to a Witch of Light, your own understanding of your classpect is most important. Not having a stable sense of self and relying on jokes is also a very Bard of Void thing to do. Light does seem to surround you a lot, but in situations that could also easily be you as a Bard avoiding your aspect. Being uncomfortable with the idea of not being important could be you being uncomfortable with your own aspect. 
But you could also be a Witch of Light. A lot of what you discuss does suit Light, like wanting to be important and learning a lot. You also do specifically use the word change - changing the reality of who you are based on bits of information, even if they are jokes. Also, by doing things like sharing secrets, you change the unknown into the known. A lot of what you do is also finding loopholes, which is common for a Witch. You find a way to love surprises by relating it to Light later and you find specific circumstances in which you can lie. 
I hope I haven’t confused you too much by adding a different option to consider! So determining between the two - you can look at the typical ‘character arcs’ for Bards and Witches, or consider their differences in personality. But it might also really come down to how you frame things - currently you do seem to be automatically framing things as a Bard of Void, but that might also be you overthinking it. When you generally think about things relating to your aspect, does it suit Light or Void first? Is the dynamic of destroy/create really important to you, or do you think change might be the more accurate option?
I hope this helps, but feel free to ask any other questions during your classpect crisis. ^^
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ardenttheories · 4 years
I don't expect a super serious answer from this, but I'm just curious. in a perfect world, how would hs^2 be written? do you have any particular headcanons or plot lines that would be interesting to explore? I understand the hesitation in answering a question like this, because other people might try to discredit your critiques under the guise of "well its not ur headcanons so that's why ur mad". anyways, just curious because I respect your perspective and ideas
In complete honesty? The first thing I would consider vital is a diverse team of people - genuinely diverse - to consider every point of representation with. I’m talking people of different races (to avoid the anti-black coding of Gamzee), with mental illnesses (to avoid the ableism in both Gamzee and Dirk), with different gender identities (to more accurately and healthily portray Jade, Roxy, Vriska, June - any character we could feasibly want to make trans or nonbinary), with different romanticisms and sexualities (so that we could write genuine MLM and WLW relationships without falling into homophobic pitfalls; to avoid biphobic stereotypes), and overall, with different traumatic experiences and triggers (so that we could more accurately gauge what triggers would need to be tagged and how to go over them in an appropriate and respectful manner).
We could never be 100% perfect, but with a team like that, we could at least get close to it. 
Additionally, I’d bring back either fan prompts or closely listen to fan theories and conversations. Homestuck^2 was touted to be written with the fandom in mind; to consider the direction we were asking it to go in, while basing it around a general barebones structure. I’d want to make sure we were including as much of that in as humanly possible. So, if a fan theory seemed like it’d fit into the story? I’d want to include that with the rest of the text; if the fans liked a specific character? I’d want to try and include them more often. Little things to show that we’re listening and that we’re writing the story WITH the fans - like how early Homestuck used to be.
On an actual storyline basis, I really do love the concept of Meat and Candy; that there’s one timeline that goes off the rails and one that is very rigidly stuck to a track. I wouldn’t want to change that concept entirely, but I would want to make it more palpatable for people to read. 
This would mean, for me, absolutely getting rid of anything to do with Yiffany. I’d completely replace that with Dave and Jade having a child together via ectobiology; how Jade has to raise their child in Dave’s absence after he goes missing, how that affects her, who she turns to for comfort and help. 
I’d want to focus Candy more on that feeling of helplessness and dissociation. On John feeling adrift in a world that doesn’t quite connect with him, that doesn’t entirely feel real; how that would affect his relationships, his friends, his family. In this timeline, all of the rebellion stuff would be completely background to the interpersonal connections everyone has (the things that supposedly don’t matter, as is the point of Candy), with much more emphasis on how useless and frivolous the whole war is. It’d get to a point where nobody actually knows why they’re fighting anymore except for the fact that they are, and that even Jane, who started it out of a genuine fear for the human race, is getting tired of it, is losing resources, is starting to realise that she’s drifting away from her own child. 
A truce would be garnered, started by Jane who just very much wants to reconnect with her son, with Karkat taking on the role as troll emissiary. It features long talks in a large, empty room, pouring over papers, where Jane admits that she doesn’t actually know what anyone is up to these days, how long it’s been since she’s seen her husband, since she’s seen John, and Karkat quietly confesses that it’s been several years since he’s seen Dave or Jade, and that he misses them both. 
After that, a lot of the content of Candy would focus on healing. They would get back to their happily ever after, even though some things would never be the same, and there would still be inconsequentialities. It would also correspond with John coming to the slow realisation that he really doesn’t need a plot to be happy at all; that just because it doesn’t matter to the overarching story doesn’t mean it can’t matter to him. 
The Candy timeline, therefore, would close early; it would fade from our view just as Dirk feared, but it would be happy and content, and free from any further meddling. I’d essentially want to enforce this idea that, yes, we can still have happy endings - even if they aren’t “full of meaning”. They can still be satisfying.
The Meat timeline, on the other hand, would have a significant focus on Dirk and his attempts to continue the plot. I think it would be fun, admittedly, if nothing went the way he thought it would. That after all of his villany and his acceptance of destruction in order to facilitate something he thought would be better, he actually just lost complete and utter control. 
The plot isn’t something that he alone can continue. It’s created with character conflict, with motivations and rises and falls and losses and gains; trying to recreate SBURB, to try and restart the cycle, isn’t what a plot needs to be. It isn’t what he thinks it will do. 
I’m unsure if you’ve seen this recently, but there’s been a lot of fanwork around the Lord!Jake English idea that went around several years back (when people saw the Caliborn sona). Now, this I’d want to put into it. 
Jake, fed up with being stepped on, walked over, hurt, suffering from the trauma of being completely and utterly ruined by Dirk, absolutely flips shit. He chases after Dirk to seek revenge, to cut short whatever bullshit he’s trying to do, and therefore much of the comic becomes this constant back and forth with an increasing fear for Dirk the closer Jake gets as he traverses Paradox Space.
It’s very much clear that when Jake arrives, Dirk will lose. There’s no question about it. Nobody suggests that anything else will happen. There’s several arguments on Meat’s Earth C over whether or not they should try to stop Jake, or let him stop Dirk - and whether or not Jake will calm down afterwards or continue his rampage. 
In the end, Dirk fails. Jake catches up to him, and just before he hits the killing blow, the entire thing goes dark. Our narrator dead, the plot abandoned; there is nothing more to see. This I would want to use to enforce the idea that, yes, plot can still be satisfying as hell and still have integral moments and be heavy and harsh - but it can also end in a way that leaves open questions because that shows that it isn’t the best ending you can get. 
And then we jump back to Terezi, using her Seer powers. Both timelines have been her trying to use her powers to See what’s in store, where she should go, what she should do. She’s still floating through Paradox Space, looking for Vriska, and as such she’s met with this... sort of internal dilemma. 
She knows, now, that the chances of her dying out here are high. She also knows that even if she does survive, she’s pretty much never going to see Vriska again anyway. She knows there’s a chance at a happier relationship with John, and that the only way she can get that is if she somehow manages to make a timeline where Meat and Candy merge together at once. 
So, she flies back. She manages to arrive on Earth C the day of John’s big decision, and interrupts him before he can go to the picnic. Through their dialogue, John gets it stuck in his head that, hey, there’s something BIGGER out here that you need to do, but you need to do that amazing thing again where you make a third Choice.
When John arrives at the picnic, he decides to eat some of the pumpkin instead - to which you might be thinking, what pumpkin? The one he put there, of course, using his retcon powers.
So we start on the Pumpkin timeline, written entirely in the 1st person narrative from John’s POV. It’s a completely biased interpretation of what’s going on, but it’s honest to John’s own thoughts and feelings, too, allowing everyone to act the way they usually would do without any influence, but still having a narrative touch. 
It shows John actively fighting to free the timeline from Dirk’s and Alternate Calliope’s narrative controls, those little hooks they’ve planted in it since time began, with a lot of back-and-forth as the two talk to John through the narration (which, he hears their voices as thoughts in his head). 
John attempts to free them both from their own biases and chains, encouraging Alternate!Calliope to leave the space she’s isolated herself in and join Earth C while convincing Dirk to undo the bullshit villain schtick he’s on (and that plot or no plot, there’s still a reason worth living for). 
It’d be a timeline filled with references back to original Homestuck (and funny quips from both Alternate!Calliope and Dirk along the way), a lot of morality discussion, plenty of theorising on narrative control and arcs and the placement of plot and fluff in a satisfying story, and have plenty of representation and romance and hints towards kids, too (such as nonbinary RoxyJaneCallie, DaveJadeKat, aromantic Jake, JohnDirk [because I couldn’t stop myself, honestly, with how their Classpects work so well hand in hand], and definitely RoseMary being the first to adopt a child that they absolutely do not call Vriska). 
It’d fill plotholes the fandom wants to be filled, and it’d have drama, of course, in the form of figuring out a way to destroy Lord English that doesn’t inherently lead to the Candy timeline. But it’d go back and forth between the heavy, plot-filled moments and the slower, relationship-based moments, with more humanising and development of Dirk and Alternate!Calliope and John as rounded characters.
That’s the best my tired mind can come up with right now. It’s something I’ve daydreamed about a lot, actually; how I’d rewrite Homestuck^2, or what my own ending to Homestuck would be using it as a foundation. I hope it makes sense! It’s a fun little thought experiment, honestly.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
Tumblr media
I’m doing a Fansession with trolls based off social media,this one is YouTube,hope you like it!!!! (SA Here! How many of these are you planning on? There’s a lot of social media out there!)
Name:Videre Zolyna Videre means “see” on Latin,Zolyna is modified Solina which means “tube/pipe” on Greek (Not a lot of comments about the name, as it scans and sounds about right for a Troll name. But, I quickscanned this troll as soon as it came in and I instantly knew where this troll’s weakness came from, and it starts here: Overcommitment to a theme. You’re halfway to making this character The Beholding from The Magnus Archives, you’re so fixated on this eye-idea (eyedea?). We’re going to have to cut open this one’s stomach and add more stuffing so he stands upright.) (Actually... You know what? We’re gonna make this character a monster. Buckle up, we’re about to have some fun.) (This is where a quick “concept blurb” would do me wonders: All seeing, all knowing, all watching: Videre Zolyna, the mysterious and underground famous creator of TrollTube, a video hosting platform that has completely turned this cycle on its head. Known for his internet persona of an easygoing, laid-back Rustblood who just so happens to have random, incredible things happen to him whenever he’s recording, Videre is a master technopath, and uses his newfound platform to spy on the lives of anyone who’s recording to his network...)
6 sweeps old (13 human years)
Strife Specibus:Mic kind,he speaks on his mic to cause damage,also you can use it as a sword!!!! (Wait. Hold up. Right here. “You can use it as a sword”?? Sir, what kind of microphones have you buying at Troll Target? This is the singular place where you deviate from the Eyes motif, and ordinarily, I’d be all for it. But if you’re going to center a troll on one sense, keeping it to Vision would make more sense, not less.) (I’m actually gonna recommend something with a visual component. You know how old-timey cameras had that whole explosion for flash photography? Weaponizing that has SO many fun applications!)
Fetch Modus:unboxing modus,he needs to record him unboxing his items (I actually like this a lot. This expands on your gimmick, instead of being a slave to it. Content generation!)
Blood color:since the colors need to go with the media,he needs to be Red/Rust
Symbol: play symbol from YouTube
Trolltag: I’m making my own tag rule, it’s the MEDIA rule, I’m stuck with his tag,I only have Espectating but can’t find the other part…. (I... am not sure what word you were aiming at here. “Expecting”? “Spectating”? If we’re going with the Eye Motif, I’d lean for Spectating. Always watching!)
Quirk:pll>y >nd stop,double L and > instead of A
Special Abilities:none but the normally found on Rust bloods ones….
(That would be Necromancy and Telekinesis, for reference.)
(For the angle I’m going with this review, having him expand his telekinetic powers to fake things on camera and do all the recording work hands-free sounds useful to me!)
Lusus:I have no lusus for now…. (Rust lusii tend to be herbivores! Though, if you wanted to be edgy, you could write in that his lusus died- maybe that was part of what got him into making videos, and being someone new on screen! That bending of perception to distract from his own issues.)
Personality:he is kind of charming and relaxed,the kind of person you would like to watch on trolltube,but Don’t expect this if you engage in a discussion with him! (What does this mean exactly? Yes he’s not who he is on screen, but then, like, who is he? I’m gonna suggest making him kind of neurotic, obsessed with details. Someone who really doesn’t like conversing with people who aren’t actively giving him that sweet ad revenue.)
Interests:challenges(think of jelly bean or ice cube,he does everything his followers tell him to do),watching stuff that might be interesting or click baited,having fun =) (Here’s another place where I talk about overcommitment to gimmick. Nobody’s entire life and hobbies are their job, even at the age of 13. I actually think I had more hobbies at 13 than I do now as an adult with a career, not less. “Having fun” is not a hobby, you have fun by doing hobbies.) (Some of these are obvious- filmography! He likes to record things. Where does this come from? My high concept take is to make it an extension of greed and an extension of a desire for control. I think an interest in special effects, and possibly film theory is in order. Maybe he likes building models? Or organizing? Things that started off as just things (to feel control, but also because they feel good) he did that we monetized for ~his brand~ if you wanna portray his youtube career as (as it often happens) destroying and taking over his sense of self?)
Title: I’m not sure about this, he likes to see stuff,so maybe he might be a SEEr???? (Wrong approach. Classpect isn’t about things you like. It’s about things you are and could become. John was never, like “gee I sure love wind and the thing that it does!” It was a thing that was his destiny, his (admittedly static) development as a person. Classpect is a crucible, it shapes. You have to ask yourself: What purpose does this character serve to his team in Sburb? Where does he start and end?) (This is kind of a classic Mind player. I wrote a Mind Celebrity up at one point, and so I’m taking a few points from CD’s lovely analysis on how Mind works for this: Youtubers are Personalities before anything else, and their concerns are the perceptions and thoughts of the people watching them. Mind players deal in choices and who we become because of those choices (and so inverts to Heart, the Self, the Soul).)
(I’m giving this character Witch, to reinforce my idea that this character is a meddler, a fixer, a controller. Someone who makes contrivances happen and who bends the truth of who he is by the curvature of his camera’s lens. Someone who uses his powers to turn cameras on and off at will, who summons ghosts to fake hauntings, who couldn’t bear for anyone to find out that the person he is on the internet isn’t who he really is.)
Land:hmmmm (Shade and Dominoes. No lighting effects will save you from the all encroaching darkness of this wooded glade of a planet. Crows caw ominously in the distance, ruining every take without fail. Endless trails of dominoes just wait, covered in moss and dust, to be knocked over. But what happens when they fall? What lies at the end of the path? And can Videre bear the chaos that will be wrought once he has to knock down the final rock of stillness that surrounds him?)
Dream planet:prospit (Based on what you wrote about being a different person off camera, this character is likely a Dersite. Prospite characters are to their core sincere, and have difficulty keeping themselves under wraps. This character is explicitly dichromatic- classic Dersite behavior.)
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uracilcherubs · 6 years
> Be the Hivecrasher Limeblood
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Yeah, done. Though, does it really count as hivecrashing just because you don’t pay rent? 
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Your name is CALLIOPE. You are a lime blood cherub of … well, if you’re honest, you aren’t quite sure how old you are. You’ve tossed around ages in the past, but – as you have also mentioned in the past – time has never really been your strong suit. The whole mess is hardly helped by the multiple sets of memories you have, each one from a different instance of yourself, each one living out longer or shorter lives. Things got…weird…in the Medium, and you try not to think on it for too long.
Suffice it to say, you are OLDER THAN HUMAN THIRTEEN YEARS OLD, and that WORKS ENOUGH FOR YOU. Better to roll with the punches and let the time players sort it out; though the age scale on Umbrage is even more fraught with complications, time travel, extended alternate universes and heaps of sloppy writing.
“i hope that wasn’t sUbtly laid bait for a compliment, “ you say to the open air. “i’m afraid yoU won’t find me an Unbiased critic – or a favoUrable one.”
Kind and sweet and lovable as you are (you chuckle softly at that), you can’t say you have much in the way of fond regard for the life you’ve led , or the unlife for that matter. No, looking back on things, you spent quite a lot of time moping around: moping on your meteor, moping in your session, moping in the dream bubbles, almost 15 times over. So much of your life has been spent moping, moping, moping,  playing the sad, second fiddle to your brother, who hogged more spotlight than any thief of light could hope for.
“we can’t help where oUr mUse takes Us – or oUr lord, as it were!”
You pull a hefty book from the shelf. It’s a new book, of sorts; a reprint of a tome you already own, polished and made new for a brand new audience in a brand new hardcover.  You flip through the pages, delighting at familiar passages. It’s a story you have mixed feelings for, and you can’t say you agree with every direction it took, but in the end it’s a story you devoted years to, and you are content with the fun you had along the way.  You snap the book shut, a look of realization sweeping over your face.
“oh ho,” you start. “perhaps…yes!”
You place the book back on its shelf and rush over to your desk. From a heavy drawer your pull out another book, one heftier and, you admit, a little more worn than some of your others, but one you’ve no less fondness for. You take no care pulling it open (leaving the mystery of its condition apparent to all), making a mad scramble toward its middle. 
You stop not at a fresh page, but one covered in notes and illustrations. A drawing of a large imposing adult cherub dominates the page, his false eye matching his false leg matching his false arm. You don’t particularly care for this chapter of your book—here is where the ties of your shared story really start to tangle and knot – but you can’t help yourself when a previously unconsidered angle dawns on you.
You begin to scribble in what little free space you have on the page, reading your work aloud to the room.
“perhaps, beyond a simple black infatUation, he collected so many serkets for their classpect!”
You scribble in a small sun – the symbol of light players everywhere – into the margin, replacing the center circle with an eight-ball.
“it would certainly sUit Umbrage’s ego, having so many light thieves in one spot…his ship would have made for a veritable narrative magnet!”
You smile at your work and close your unabridged journal, returning it to its place in the desk. You don’t really buy the theory for a second, and you’ve maintained a healthy skepticism of post-canonical word of god, but themes are fun to bring out, even if they’re happy coincidences and even if you just made them up just now.
“bUt i think that’s qUite enoUgh reflecting on the past,” you say, to yourself this time. “we woUldn’t want to get too self indUlgent.”
You stand from your desk and stretch, extending your wings out as you look around your room, which contains a great many deal of your INTERESTS, almost all of them revolving around a WEBCOMIC YOU CANNOT DISCUSS WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Lovely posters line the wall, looking down on figures and plushes you might have abused your powers just a little bit to secure. But  not everything in your room treads into the realm of metatextUal discourse; the walls beam a bright blue, with painted white clouds lazily drifting here and there, all above a carefully (carefUlish!) tiled floor of your design.
It was a thrill, getting to build your own room.  For a brief and chaotic moment, you were able to imagine yourself a troll, out on her own and building her very own hive. And what a hive Callie Ohpeee would live in! With all the books she could ever dream of reading, and divided into hallways of shining gold and striking purple, with free balcony access so she could see the stars and admire the constellations,  and maybe, perhaps, feel a bond with the long-forgotten ancestor she would never know, and-
All that to say, though you didn’t quite follow the design documents of your…fictions… it was a joy being able to put your own direct spin on your living space, just like you were a real troll girl. Though, you recognize, if you were a real real troll girl, you likely wouldn’t live long enough to build your hive palace – barring, of course, all the unculled spinoff au’s where Callie lives long enough to incite a rebellion and lead the lowbloods and forgotten castes into uprising and…okay, look.
You know how this sounds. You do! It is not just for their clumsily written narratives that you look back on your Callie Ohpeee adventures with a grimace. A limeblood messiah rising up and swaying the oppressed into freedom is just less problematic when you’re a naïve cherub who has yet to meet any of the several dear friends who actually lived on Alternian soil, and would take some exception to your…generous interpretation of its actual, real world social dynamics.  It’s just something you had to grow out of!
You’re just grateful it’s an idealism you managed to put a clamp on before you were ever able to enter on a loving treatise about how romantic it would have been to be born on Alternia proper, with an actual lusus and getting to actually navigate the quadrants and…ugh. Okay, that’s enough of that. 
You see what’s happening? All your old fan fictions are coming back to haunt you, and all you wanted to do was think about your cool skaia-inspired room. And it is a very cool room indeed, IN YOUR HUMBLE OPINION.
But despite your best efforts, you fail your attempt at an elegant segue, and your embarrassing trollsona just keeps haunting your think pan brain. You close your eyes and frown as you look back on the life and times of miss Ohpeee. You were so absorbed in your own fantasy version of Alternia, where you were a hero, and didn’t have a hateful brother ruining your life, and you weren’t chained in a small room, and you weren’t ug
You give your head a shake and politely but firmly ask those thoughts to leave. You have, as previously mentioned, spent entirely too much of your life moping, and you are very well not going to let some long-standing insecurities intrude upon your narration anymore!
“and besides,” you say, a smile creeping on your face, “what part of that is fiction anymore? i am very mUch a hero, my brother is qUite dealt with, this room is notably chain-free – and, dear brain, yoU seem to have not caUght onto the fact that we are wonderfully fashionable these days!”
You breathe out the negative feelings with a sigh and give your body another stretch. You take a few more breaths, but the last one slips out as a grumble. Even with the old thoughts shown the door, you find it harder to shake off the discomfort crawling up you, from clawed foot to horned skull. You cannot ignore how aware you are, in this instant, of your own body – the sharpness of your claws, the toughness of your skin, the broadness of your shoulders; the way your cheeks curve out in almost, but by no means exactly, the way the rest of you doesn’t.
You let out another sigh, and while the discomfort doesn’t leave you, you successfully shoo out the heated comments from your brain – commentary you pointedly decide not to dignify with narration. Your smile is somewhat labored, but still sincrere.
It’s been a process, getting to where you are now, and you think you’ve got a long way to go before you can say you’re done. And, perhaps, maybe you’ll never be done – but you know that you aren’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
“i’m sUre i’ll be alright,” you say, and you very much mean it.
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the-waste-of-time · 7 years
I guess I better tell you about Classpect now
So, you’ve started playing the game. Yep. Told you it was going to happen. It was never not happening, honestly. The time-loop started well before you even knew it existed and once it’s in place, you’re stuck with it. But that’s all in the future/past. In the present, that is the time passing as you read this for the first time, I need to talk to you about two topics your Sprite will inform you about. Unless your sprite was not prototyped, in which case bad luck, you’re all doomed. I’ve heard some refer to the combo of Class and Aspect as ‘Classpect’, lumping both together like a pile of mashed potato and peas. There’s a reason for that, but you can’t hope to understand this stuff until you figure them out on their own first.
‘Class’ and ‘Aspect’ are pretty overpowered.
At least, most of the time. Personally, I would never want to be a Hero of Blood. You can only do so much with ‘the Bloody Thing’ and it makes a lot of mess. Basically, all the magical stuff you can do? Yeah, that’s from Classpect, save for a couple of loopholes. But those are mostly bad. Use your Aspect wisely. If you stuff up, it’s your own damn fault. Most of the time.
‘Class’ is less important than ‘Aspect’.
There, I said it. Feel free to disagree. We have this discussion sometimes and it’s rather healthy, for the most part. There are a few ‘grey areas’ in The Game, but we can agree on one metaphor.
Imagine you’re in a story.
That’s what The Game is, really. A game. A really, really big game that tells a story about you and the other players. For once, everything really does revolve around you.
That’s a bad thing.
Because it means that all your problems and all your failures are important and you will experience all the consequences. Welcome to growing up. It sucks.
Anyway, back to ‘Classpect’.
So, you’re a character in a story. Not the only one, mind you. There are others stuck in there with you and you better take bloody good care of them. Now, like most stories, there’s a bit of a plot running behind the scenes with a beginning, a middle and an end. Stuff is going to happen, basically.
‘Aspect’ is the events of your story.
Think of how a story tends to unfold. The events of that story determine what kind of story it becomes. You know, like genre and such. You can’t escape them; they just happen. By events, I mean that you will be given a series of challenges, quests and objectives related to your Aspect. The Game assigns its ‘Aspects’ based on your personal strengths and weaknesses. Nobody can tell HOW it does that. You’d need to be a godlike programmer to even try and scratch the surface of the code around that shit. I’m not going to do it, because firstly; programming isn’t a thing I do and second, I have almost all the time in the world on my hands and even I don’t have the time to mess around with it.
You have a job. Do it.
If you’re a Space player, you’re in charge of those silly frogs. It’s a thing that you do and nobody else can, really. Other players might help, but that’s more or less it. If you’re a Time player, you’re the team’s temporal babysitter and if something goes wrong, it’s up to you to go back and fix it. No, you will not forget the team’s failures, they will linger in your mind like a scar, a tear that just refuses to heal, no matter how much they might fade over the years. It’s there, you can see it and you never not see it, even if you can hide them from others.
But I Digress…
Space and Time are serious business, but not the only ‘Aspects’ that matter. If you’re not one of those two players, you still have jobs. They’re not as crazy important but you better help those two out. It’s only fair. Some roles are pretty innocuous and some are only a big deal depending on how big the team is. Doesn’t matter. You still do them.
‘Class’ is how you react to that story.
Every time something happens in a narrative, the characters must decide how they’ll respond. Think of what a Hero usually does when the villain or whatever screws something up. They figure out how to fix things up and then they do it. That’s what ‘Class’ is. It gives you the tools you need to influence events and do whatever you need to do to ‘win’. Or at least make it to the end of your story. No guarantees, but odds are that if you made it this far, you’ll at least be able to ensure your own creation through some crazy time shenanigans I’ll leave for later. I can’t tell you because trying to mess with it on purpose can really mess things up. You may as well ask your Guardian though. Assuming they’re helpful.
You are better at some things, but you can help in other ways too.
So, even if you are a Thief or a Rogue, you should try and find ways to use your aspect that don’t involve theft, though if someone needs to get thieving, it should probably be you. All that Class tells you is what you excel at - and maybe a little bit of what you don’t as well. Focusing on it is a good idea, but don’t be afraid to explore outside it or think of other ways to interpret your ‘Class’ and ‘Aspect’ duties. Every time people play, it seems to be different and as far as I can tell, you as a player determine those limits, moreso than The Game.
 TL;DR - Things happen and you respond. That’s ‘Classpect’.
It sounds simple, but you wouldn’t believe how much bullshit people wrap around both of those things. I could also go into all this nonsense about how every story has the same sorts of things happen and how everyone has similar arcs and whatnot but that doesn’t really help. It took me a long time to work all of this, believe me. But even if I knew everything I do now, I don’t really know if it all helps in the end. Far as I can tell, the more you’re prepared for The Game, the more it seems to go out if its way to make everything harder for you, specifically. Are you a powergamer? Congrats, you just booked yourself a date with the biggest, most ill-tempered monster it can offer. If you’re a Page of Heart, then you can breathe a little easier but just because you’re useless doesn’t mean you can relax. You still got enemies to deal with and more importantly, teammates to help out.
It is also a bit like ‘Classes’ in Roleplaying Games, but those are for silly nerds.
I should know.
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brynprocrastinates · 7 years
Compliment of Questionnaire Tag Games
Since I have three of these stored up from the past two or three weeks, I’m just going to stick them all here. 
Tagged by @writerkaitlinm...
1. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose?
Probably 27. At this point, I’m still getting people who think I just graduated high school, so I think I need a few more years before I look like a legit adult.
2. If you were running for political office, what would your campaign slogan be?
“Please don’t elect me, I hate politics”...?
3. What is your favorite “bad” movie?
Oh man, that’s tough. I haven’t seen The Room yet, which is rather disgraceful, but you can’t go won’t with Neil Breen movies. 
4. What Hogwarts house would you be most surprised to be sorted into?
I used to think slytherin, but now I’m pretty sure I’ve transitioned into ravenclaw. So if I was actually going to hogwarts I would’ve been a slytherin student, because that’s were I aligned in middle and high school, but I probably would have had a lot of ravenclaw friends and went into a very ravenclaw field of work.
5. You’re supposedly the last person on earth, and someone knocks on your door. Who would you be most horrified to find out is the only other person alive?
Trump. There’s probably someone I would be more horrified over but I can’t decide at the moment. 
6. What book has had the biggest impact on your life?
There is one particular book series which motivated me to deal with some of my mental health problems, to read for fun after not getting through an entire book since high school, and to start writing again after not having put a single word down on anything for over two years, but as it’s consider “too problematic” on tumblr I won’t release the name of it quiet.
7. How do you get rid of stress?
Exercising really helps, but usually I just sit away and cry instead. 
8. Asking questions or answering questions?
Both, depending on the subject. 
9. What’s your favorite Olympic sport?
Ice skating!
10. What app is a must have?
Discord, because it’s where I talk to all my international friends.
11. What would you rate 10/10?
It’s hard to say I would rate anything 10/10, except maybe something vague, like the Isle of Skye.
Tagged by @scribble-dee-vee...
1. Do you prefer books with an emphasis on character building, world building, or plot development?
All three, preferably! If I absolutely have to choose one, good characters will pull me through an otherwise bad book, but I don’t think you can have a genuinely good book without all three being well focused on and thought through.
2. Do you watch a lot of television? If so, what are some of your favorite shows?
I only watch tv on netflix on occasion. Some of the shows I’ve enjoyed, off the top of my head, include Parks and Rec, Leverage, Stranger Things, Voltron, and Blacklist. And my all time favorite show in all existence, Avatar; the Last Airbender. 
Currently I’m watching iZombie, which is pretty enjoyable in it’s own quirky way.
3. What’s the most acceptable book-to-screen adaptation in your opinion?
The first three Harry Potter movies and the LoTR movies (not including the Hobbit series.)
4. What’s the least acceptable book-to-screen adaptation in your opinion?
AtLA and Percy Jackson totally never ever had movies made after them, so probably have to say Eragon, though the book itself wasn’t spectacular. 
5. How do you feel about the last book you read?
Good Omens. Absolutely fantastic. 
6. Which of your favorite fictional characters would you most want to meet?
Probably Dejean. I just love him so much, and also I have faith that he both wouldn’t kill me and wouldn’t do something totally innocent which accidentally results in death.
7. Which of your favorite fictional characters would you least want to meet?
Most of them would kill me...
8. Cake or ice-cream? Discuss.
Eh. Ice cream if it has fruit in it, but cake if it’s moist with the perfect amount of sugar in the frosting.
9. Tell me about your favorite oc or character from a current WIP! You know the one :D (if you don’t have any, feel free to gush about a favorite from a book or movie instead)
Kleos. But I can’t actually say anything about them because it’s major spoilers.
10. What’s your favorite outfit?
I’m a comfort over fashion type person, so my workout clothes are legitimately my favorite. 
I really want a giant cloak tho...
11. What’s your classification in your favorite series? (ex, Hogwarts house, Homestuck classpect, godly parent, Voltron lion, etc.)
I dunno to be honest. I was really into that through high school and most of university, and then I just stopped caring for the last couple years, so I’m not sure I would even be in most of them.
Tagged by @roselinproductions...
1. If you could learn all the careers you ever wanted to be in a single year, what would you study?
Pretty much everything but history. Computer programming, organic chemistry, medicine, theoretical math, quantum physics, animation, literature, acting, anthropology, and a whole lot more immunology. 
2. Tomorrow’s the last day of the universe. You have 24 hours to do anything you want, no limits. What will you be doing in the last seconds of our universe’s existence?
Hiking to some crazy ancient ruins in the jungle. OR skydiving down to them. And then swimming by a waterfall.
3. First ever film you remember watching in a movie theater?
I honestly don’t remember. 
4. Have you ever met a celebrity/role model/king or queen and who was it?
5. What do you do when you’re bored?
Turn on music and clean, while singing. 
6. What type of food would you sell if you opened a restaurant?
Putting aside the fact that I can’t cook and I’m pasty white, I would probably open some sort of Mongolian stir fry, because that’s what my favorite restaurant is, and I would kill to be able to eat it whenever I wanted.  
7. What year has been the best of your life and why?
The year I lived in Scotland for the fall. 
8. How do you react when you see an animal pass by while walking down the street?
... Usually I’m oblivious, so I don’t do anything. 
9. How would you survive the Hunger Games?
Do an awful lot of hiding and sneaking around, but try to pick people off quietly and quickly so I wouldn’t have to worry about growing weak from lack of food or water. Probably climb a lot of trees and rocks and attack from the air or behind.
10. Would you rather live up to age 20 having lived the success of all your wildest dreams or live up to age 90 having lived simply a beautiful ordinary life?
I don’t have any desire to live to be 90 anyways, so the first option sounds ideal. 
11. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never have because of fear?
For a while now I’ve wanted to tell certain members of my family (including my parents) about my sexuality, but I’m deathly afraid of their reaction. I would also love to drop everything and travel the world, but I’m (rightly) afraid that I’d run out of money before getting on the first plane.
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