#and basically told he was a dumb loser who either comes back rich or not at all
Now that I think about it Stan Pines' backstory was actually kinda effed up and really angsty
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mlbpotter · 3 years
Sole Crusher and why I hated it.
Ahh, one of the most prodigious episode for Zoe-fans.
You see, we see Zoe in a car touring Paris as she came from New York. She entered a bakery to get something for her family (A.K.A Audrey) Marinette entered, and slipped on the floor, but Zoe being who she is, clever perfectionist, nimble, quick blah blah blah, whatever the directors want to show us, caught Marinette in a blink of an eye.
In irl, I think if somebody did slip, in front of me, I’d be too shocked to react in seconds. I’d be gaping, mouth open, too shocked to catch anyone.
Ahh, well, Marinette then talked to her a little, learnt how she only had one friend, made some of us feel pity for her (eh, Thomas). So, NOW THE NEXT PART REALLY GETS ME! Marinette didn’t know who this unknown Zoe girl was (could be a thief, murderer, kidnapper idk) yet she gave away her phone number, free pastries, and invited her to HER FRIEND’S CONCERT! OMG you dumass, you don’t just give away these things to unknown people!
Well, still, moving on, zoe went back to the car, and to the bourgeois hotel. She gave away the pastries to the driver saying her family preferred sour from sweet, meaning they were not exactly caring. Just showing what a bad mother Audrey is, Zoe, like Chloe tried to act all snobbish and mean to get her mother’s attention.
To keep it short, Zoe met Chloe and they had a very meaningful conversation. But the thing that bugged me the most was that what Chloe said. 'Your father exists only to do whatever you want, whenever you want.'
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Huh? Forgot this, in origins pt.2? This shows that chloe actually loves her father.
Also, Chloe was shown locking Sabrina in a locker, and forcing her to do her homework.
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So how do u explain this?☝️
Chloe cares about Sabrina. Thomas really ruined Chloe's character her smh, in sole crusher.
Anyways, Chloe took Zoe to the school in a limousine, with Sabrina running behind them!
BrUh, thomas? R u serious? This is a kids show, no? You are supposed to show how to be considerate, not treating ur friend as slaves!
After some more uneccessary chloe-being-cruel moment, Chloe introduces everyone to Zoe.
She says, that Zoe needs a guy to pamper, who is preferably rich....wow, Thomas you already destroyed Adrien's friendship with Chloe, what more do u want?
When Zoe pretended to hate Marinette's macaroons, Sabrina started idiolizing her immediately. SABRINA ALSO NEEDS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!
Obviously, Chloe 'tried' to teach Zoe some mean habits, and Marinette was confused about the way she acted so differently at school.
Being Marinette, she texted Zoe about the the confusion, and obviously blamed Chloe. When Chloe found out that her sister was texting her arch-enemy Marinette, she became furious.
Zoe lied and said that she was planning to humiliate Marinette. One of the worst things about Zoe is that she tries to change her nature just to meet up the needs for others. Chloe only does that to impress her mother.
Zoe went up the blacony, and was met by Andre, Chloe's father, who tried to console her, by telling her his own dream. Ok, listen up, how come Andre is only nice to his step-daughter, in a fatherly way??? And treats Chloe like a spoilt queen?? What kind of a father u r, even though u know that's wrong? Ugh
Anyways, the part where Andre wanted to be a film director was pretty cool. Again, we get some background history about the character. And yes, he listened to Audrey, about being rich, not a film director, blah blah blah, showing again how bad of a wife Audrey is.
Then, we discovered that Zoe wanted to be an actress for no good reason, and yest, admittedly she is pretty good a hiding her emotions and 'acting'.
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This is how Andre tried to cheer up Zoe, but obviously made the situation worse, as she only thought about the way Chloe, treated her, and not her mother. So yeah, She only has a grudge against Chloe, again showing how horrible and cruel Chloe could be, right?
Just because Chloe said, 'You either step on other people, or I step on you!' This is so out-of-character for, Chloe. She would never say that, I reckon this much.
And there we go, Zoe reluctantly wears the diamond shoes, and becomes akumatized by shadow moth.
So, her power was touching other people with her shoes, and she became bigger.
Sole crusher, found Chloe in her room taking selfies of herself, to shoe how vain she was and how much she admired herself. Ummm..when did Chloe have an obsession with taking her photos? Except maybe in the episode where Marc was akumatized.
Chloe caught a glimpse of Sole Crusher, on her mobile's photo.
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She said, 'How come you are using my image without my authorization?' Old Chloe loved to be idolized, so out-of-character.
So, when Chole discovered that it was Zoe, she began running like she was in a marathon, which was again out of character, as she wouldn't run, it'd be too much of work for her.
I think the running was just to show how bad of a character Chloe was, as she pushed Marinette's parents and Marinette herself towards Zoe, to show how cruel, evil and selfish she really is.
Another thing, I think that the kwamis shouldn't be allowed outside the box very long, as someone might catch them, like Chloe almost did.
So, the reason Sole crusher didn't step on Marinette, was because Marinette is the main character of the show, and she just can't be in a dangerous situation (Thomas logic). It'd made a great plot if Marinette was crushed by sole crusher. It would keep the viewers on their toes.
Eh, well, To make look Chloe worse, they made her run further, and order Zoe to literally step on the 'losers'. AKA rest of Marinette's classmates. (Do students really meet each other like this irl?)
So Marinette discovered that Zoe was Sole crusher, and gave some advice.
Marinette: That's not true, you don't need to crush on anyone. The 'winner' and 'loser' thing doesn't exist. It's just people, each one with your differences and unique features. (after Chat Noir interrupted) Zoe, no one will judge you here. You can be yourself! You can trip, you can fall, there's always going to be someone to help you stand up. I will always support you!
Shadow moth manipulated Zoe again, So Chat Noir tripped sole crusher giving Marinette the chance to run away and transform in a place that no one can see (totally). Since Tikki followed Marinette, and Kaalki alerted Adrien about the akuma, they both were able to transform.
Since I am no good at writing battle scenes, I'll tell the main points. Ladybug used her lucky charm, and got a shoe horn. So basically, Chat Noir and ladybug both destroyed the heels of Zoe's shoes, but the akuma didn't come out. Chloe insulted sole crusher, and got crushed.
Chloe : Look at how you're treating ur very expensive shoes! Go back to wearing you hideous and plain sneakers.
So ladybug figured out that the Akuma must be in those sneakers Chloe mentioned.
So the team tried to find out those sneakers in Chloe's house. Ladybug saw Sabrina in the closet, yet asked her about the sneakers, and ignored her. Wow, shoe some empathy ladybug, or even Chat Noir!
They saw Andre, and he told them where the Akuma went. So basically Andre showed them the box, and was so scared of Audrey, that her had hid those directories a secret from her. Since that box was not opening, ladybug used her shoehorn to open that box thingy. Long story short, ladybug repaired everything, and gave Zoe the lucky charm, and left.
Skip to the noon, where Zoe went to the concert she was invited in, and Chloe still believed Zoe's lame story about humiliating Marinette, and was super pissed off when Zoe ate the macaroons.
So yeah, Zoe apologized about her akumatizatidon, and told her 'tragic' backstory. She didn't want to disappoint her family's expectation, so she pretended to be mean.
In her boarding school, she was being bullied, and pretended to be someone she was not.
And since er...the miraculous fandom characters are so 'different' and tried to be nice to her, which was pretty cool of them....
Chloe demanded that Zoe leave for New York, but Andre was pretty cool about it, and made a lame yet nice excuse for her, to be enrolled in anther boarding school. So she had a different room. Obviously, the creators showed how err..awesome Zoe is as she said to Andre, 'Promise me that you are not going to give up on your dreams for too long.' But Andre's dream was very irrelevant, as nothing of that sort was mentioned after that.
Zoe's new found friends helped her become a better person, and there were some ending pics of her.
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Zoe's message to Marinette was pretty cheesy ngl. But if only Zoe was introduced as a character who didn't out smart her sister, I would honestly love her so much!
(If my dumb shit post doesn't get famous, I will quit. I literally worked so hard for this post, and also had to rewrite it multiple times)
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sourwolfstories · 4 years
Hey! Do you have long fic recommendations? Can you involve some soulmate fics but AU are welcome too Long like 50k, 100k+ but really ill read anything
Soulmate fics (at least 50K)
When the Universe Comes Knocking (It’s Polite to Open the Door) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
It was like a door he’d nailed shut in his brain suddenly exploded open, all of his past confusion and anger and hurt and adoration flooding out at once. Stiles? Was it actually Stiles?!
Stiles, the guy he’d had a crush on for fucking years growing up. The guy who’d been an absolute dick to him their whole last year of high school.
The guy who’d told him he loved him in a dirty men’s bathroom on prom night while drunk and upset because he thought Kira was Derek’s girlfriend.
That Stiles? But it couldn’t be!
Marks and Mics by DLanaDHZ
Hale siblings Derek and Laura have been hired to run security for Stiles Stilinski's music tour. Business as usual, except someone is trying really hard to prove they're incapable and hurt Stiles. Derek finds himself curious about Stiles' bitter attitude and a strange illness that plagues the singer. And on top of that, Derek's soulmate remains elusive.
Written Can’t Be Denied by lookslikenico, winglesswarrior
Since time immemorial the story of ‘soulmates’ has persisted. In short, the idea that somewhere out there is your perfect match, the one person who can complete you and with whom you can find total happiness.
The story goes that, the first time you meet your ‘soulmate’, the universe will give you a sign in what should be the most obvious way - somewhere in your immediate vicinity the word ‘soulmate’ will appear. If reports of ‘soulmates’ are to be believed, rather than being written of as hopeful delusions, then this ‘obvious’ signal is anything but, fleeting as it is. The word seemingly only appears for a matter of moments and only when two people first meet. There is no guarantee that they will be looking in the correct direction to see it, nor that they will have any idea who their supposed ‘soulmate’ actually is.
A fact that causes havoc the day that up and coming actor, Stiles Stilinski holds up a bottle emblazoned with the word 'soulmate' in the middle of a press conference where Derek Hale is working as a photographer, in the middle of the worst day of his life...
Connected by readridinghood
After the death of his wife, Stiles finds himself left alone with their three children, struggling to keep from being sucked into a void of grief and despair that her death left him with. Knowing his children are safe in the pack's arms under Derek's watchful eyes, he struggles to regain his footing. What do you do when the world keeps tumbling over you and what you've thought of as fact no longer holds true? As the world comes back into focus, so does the love for Derek he thought he'd long since conquered and now with his eyes open, what he thought was the end of him, is only a new beginning. A decade after he fell in love with Stiles, countless days of keeping himself restrained while building a friendship with him, Derek finds out with absolute certainty that Stiles is his mate. You only mate once in your life, so how is it that Stiles was mated to Sophia, his wife and mother of his three children, the woman he is grieving the loss of at the same moment that Derek makes his discovery.
Three Marks by sanam
"And then there was pain again, but this time it was in only three places—his arm, below his clavicle, and next to his heart, all on the left side. It felt like the skin was being sliced apart, ripped open, flayed off— And suddenly it was done. Derek looked across the room and saw the boy on the floor, looking about as bad as Derek felt."
Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
Other fics (at least 50K)
Rich Man, Poor Man by TyReed
During a first date gone horribly wrong, Stiles Stilinksi realizes that the snarky guy he's been asked out by is actually Derek Hale, an heir to Hale Industries, one of the most profitable companies in the entire world. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in the son of a teacher and a cop, a loser who spends all weekend watching movies in his pajamas, and who is also possibly one of the biggest dorks on the Internet.
At the same time, after screwing up their first date horribly, Derek Hale realizes that the funny guy he's asked out is Stiles Stilinksi, the warmest and kindest individual he's ever met in his life, with a family just a loving and caring. Who is, for whatever reason, interested in a guy who screws up everything he does, lacks any semblance of a backbone, and who is possibly one of the biggest history dorks in all of the United States.
These rich and poor men will come to experience a taste of each other's lives, and learn where the real blessings in the world can be found.
Feel it like a fever, burning through the night by LunaCanisLupus_22
“That was my favourite fern,” Deaton declares and Stiles glances at Scott for clarification that such a ridiculous statement just came out of his boss’ mouth.
“You could have just told me not to touch it,” Stiles points out sensibly, squirming inside with something he refuses to believe might be guilt.
Not about the dumb plant, but the instant devastation he’s currently overwhelmingly and inescapably capable of. He can destroy with one touch now.
This is going to complicate things so much.
Or the one where Stiles tries to do the noble self-sacrificing thing: gains a new power, a spectral skin colour and basically ruins his own life. 0/10 would not recommend.
It’s (Not) a Cult by lhr111
“Well Stiles, you told me a few weeks ago that you thought Derek was leading a cult.”
At that Derek whipped his head toward Stiles in shock. “You thought I was a cult leader?”
Stiles will not be shamed. “Well, either you or Peter. Peter made more sense, but since he deferred to you that one time I was a little unsure. I mean, what else could I think with all the weird shit going on. You, hanging out with random high school seniors, doing secret things, ordering them around like you are their parent, them actually doing what you tell them. It’s really weird, okay?”
“Are you familiar with Harry Potter?” Derek asks.
Talk about a non sequitur. “What? What does that have to do with anything? And, of course I know Harry Potter!”
“Well to quote Sirius Black, ‘Once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion.’"
The Sheriff starts snickering, and Stiles is both insulted and also a little in love.
Call Me (Cliché) by SomewheresSword
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
There’s No Escape for the Potato Man by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Who is this? Where’s Erica?”
“Wrong number, asshole!”
“Stop calling me an asshole,” the man on the other end snapped aggressively.
Stiles could understand. He’d be pretty aggressive too if he’d murdered someone and texted a wrong number to ask for help burying the body. This guy obviously failed How To Be a Serial Killer 101.
“What kind of idiot thinks I murdered someone?”
“The kind of idiot who got your text messages, you fucking dumbass!” he retorted hotly. “Maybe double check your contacts before sending a random stranger details on your nefarious plans to dispose of a freshly cut up body!”
“What?!” the guy on the other end demanded, crossed between horrendously confused and livid.
If you want more soulmate fics you can check that tag here
you can also find more long fics here and here
Happy Reading :)
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smallest-clown · 5 years
Fuck it, I love you
Reddie fanfiction
2903 words
Summary:  Accepting your feelings for someone is hard, especially when everyone knows you love them.
Quick glances, quicker heartbeat, his mouth moves faster than his brain, he insults Eddie’s mom. Quick glances, shortened breath, wheezing, inhaler pump, Richie asking if he’s ok in a teasing voice, but both of them hearing the concern behind it. Staying up all night thinking of him, tiredly playing street fighter the next day, carrying a first aid kit in his bag, hand sanitizer bottles hidden everywhere. Thinking of him in class, he hides a notebook doodled with his name from his mom, he keeps comic books for him, keeps a glasses repair kit in both of his fanny packs. Constant teasing, constant jokes at each other’s expense.
The cycle repeats.
The other losers noticed quickly. This little game these two played wasn’t fooling anyone. But none of them said anything, wanting to keep their friends secret. 
Beverly was the first to find out. She noticed it when they were in the clubhouse one day. Instead of arguing and yelling at each other, the boys were calm. Eddie even was as quiet as a church mouse as he slipped into the hammock with Richie. That’s when the first thought of it came to her. She kept it to herself.
Next was Mike. He went over to Eddie’s once to talk about their science homework. Eddie’s mom wasn’t home that day. He came in to find Richie and Eddie practically on top of each other, watching some dumb movie. Neither of the boys reacted when he walked in, just asking if he wanted to join. Mike clued in then, but like Bev, kept it to himself.
Third and fourths were Ben and Stan. They caught on when Eddie got his cast taken off. The week leading up to it, Richie kept calling him lover. He said that it was him teasing him for the “stupid name on his dumb ass cast”, but the boys didn’t believe him. One night, while the two were talking, Ben mentioned it. Stan agreed that the two were getting oddly closer. The animosity between them had fizzled out. It wasn’t just them mindlessly teasing each other anymore. There was something else behind it. As if their words were a desperate attempt to keep the lid of the chest closed. Each insult, each joke, a nail keeping it shut tightly. But the losers could see the nails were getting smaller, and holding very little shut.
Next was Bill. He had found out when the losers held a meeting in the clubhouse without the boys in question. The matter at hand? How to get Richie and Eddie to realize they’re in love with each other. Bill was taken aback. In love? Rich and Ed? Impossible! Totally out of the question! Completely….true. The dots aligned perfectly. Everything made sense. Eddie would put himself in the most disgusting situation he could manage if it meant he could spend some time with Richie, and Richie would give up his afternoons playing street fighter to spend time with Eddie. Both boys would never do that for anyone else, ever. The meeting had inconclusive results, the losers just deciding that the boys will tell each other when they’re ready.
Richie was the last to find out, and he had found out in what could quite possibly be the most Richie way possible. He was home one day, practicing another accent, thinking about how much Eddie will hate it. But then his mind shifted. He didn’t want Eddie to hate it. He wanted to make Eddie laugh. He wanted to see that wide-open smile on his face. He wanted to hear his cute little wheezy laugh, with little snickers and him trying to catch his breath. He wanted to see his little nose scrunch up and his wide smile. He wanted to see his eyes with tears of joy in them, somehow looking even prettier than before. He wanted to see Eddie happy, cause whenever he was happy Richie was happy. He loved seeing Eddie happy. He loved Eddie. And god damn if that thought didn’t hit Richie like a baseball bat to the head, nothing would’ve. Richie collapsed to his bathroom floor and started panicking. No. Oh god no. He couldn’t like guys. He couldn’t be gay. No, no that’s impossible. He’s not some fag. No, he’s not some fairy. No guy could ever make him not straight. That’s impossible. Nothing made sense anymore. 
That night, he threw everything that made him think of Eddie in a box and hid it under his bed. Anything the boy had given him, anything that he got with the boy, anything he kept to keep Eddie comfortable, locked away and hidden. He stayed in the arcade for a full week, not talking to any of the losers. He just told himself he needed to take time for himself. The only time that the group saw him is when they went to the arcade to find him, but they just saw him run out the door. None of them chased him. They let him go. They agreed amongst themselves that Richie needed some time to clear himself. Eddie had to hide the sick feeling in his chest, the ball in his throat that wouldn’t go away. He just took his inhaler and put on more hand sanitizer, claiming it was just the dirt outside that was getting to him. 
Eddie was hurt. He didn’t know what he did wrong. Richie had just stopped being nice to him, and he thought he was at fault. He was so mad at himself for getting too close. Richie probably thought that he was being weird and didn’t like it, so he pushed him away. Eddie was crushed, his best friend was gone. He knew that he had feelings for Richie a while ago, but never said anything in fear of everyone leaving. If anyone found out he’d get beaten to a pulp at school. Worst, if his mother found out, he’d be sent to a “pray your gay away” camp before you could say Leviticus 20. He went home, putting his stupid notebook in the bottom of one of his drawers under all his clothes so no one could find it and pilling all the comics on a shelf he couldn’t reach without a step stool, and therefore out of his eyesight. 
Two weeks after Richie had abandoned the losers, Beverly caught Eddie crying in the clubhouse. He was sitting in the hammock, bawling to himself. He felt so cold sitting there alone.
“What’s up, Ed’s?”
She asked, lighting a cigarette. Eddie jumped, scared that someone had found him. He quickly wiped away his tears.
“N-nothing, just my allergies.”
He said shakily. Bev’s heart hurt watching this boy. She knew what was wrong. 
“Do you mind if I get in the hammock with you?”
She asked in the softest tone Eddie had ever heard her use. He nodded. She quickly put out her cigarette. Beverly climbed into the hammock and pulled the boy into a hug. Eddie’s vision was blurring again as more tears fell. He didn’t stop them. Beverly held him as he cried, rubbing his back lovingly to keep him calm. The last thing they needed right now was him having an asthma attack.
“I’m sorry.”
He whispered into her neck. Bev chuckled softly.
“You have no reason to say that Ed, it’s ok to be upset.”
She paused, taking in a slight breath.
“Have you heard from him at all?”
Eddie asked, his voice so quiet Bev almost didn’t hear him. She shook her head. Eddie pushed himself farther into the girl.
“I-i don’t know what I did wrong. He just left. It-it’s all my fault, Bev! He hates me.”
Eddie said shakily. Beverly quickly shushed him.
“Dude, don’t think like that. Richie is just being a dick because he thinks we’ll judge him. He’s trying to drown his feelings in street fighter.”
She cupped Eddie’s cheek.
“You did nothing wrong. If you did, you know he would’ve yelled at you until you either started crying or just left. Richie probably doesn't want to hurt you or any of us so he's distancing himself.”
She explained. Eddie sighed the slightest smile on his face.
“Alright, thanks, Bev.”
Beverly smiled back, giving Eddie two quick slaps to his cheek.
“No problem Eds.”
Eddie laughed. The two jumped out of the hammock.
“Let’s get out of here. It’s supposed to rain soon and god knows how musty it’s going to get in here. Oh and Eddie?”
The boy turned to face her after picking up his bag.
“I won’t tell anyone about this, it’ll be our secret.”
Eddie was walking home from the chat with Bev when he finally got to see Richie again, but it wasn’t the way he was hoping for. As Eddie passed the arcade and made his way down his street, he saw a barely standing body limping its way on the sidewalk. He didn’t think much of it, just another junkie probably, but when he noticed the curly black hair and that stupid Hawaiian shirt that was stained with blood, panic filled him.
“Richie! Oh my god! Holy fuck!”
He yelled as he ran up to the boy. Richie barely had the energy to turn around to face Eddie. Once he did finally see who it was, panic set it. He wanted to do nothing but run away full speed, but he was sadly physically incapable of doing so.
“Richie stop walking right now! You need help!”
Richie finally stopped moving, and immediately fell onto the lawn next to him. Eddie got there as quickly as he fell, helping him back up onto his feet. 
“Oh god, Richie! What happened?! You know what doesn’t matter right now. You’re coming home with me.”
Eddie exclaimed frantically, basically carrying Richie. His feet were barely touching the ground as he was dragged to his friend’s house. Richie’s heart was beating as fast as it could without exploding. He didn’t want to go home with Eddie. He didn’t want to spend time with him. But, it was probably the only way to get himself fixed up.
The boys made it to Eddie’s house. Ed carried Richie to the backyard, not willing to bring any blood that could possibly stain something in his house.
“My mom won’t be home for another 2 hours, you can stay with me until then.”
Richie nodded, not making eye contact at all. Eddie quickly ran up the steps and into his room, grabbing the first aid kit he kept under his bed. He came back outside, it clutched in his arms.
“Um, ok can you take that shirt off? Please. I need to be able to see every part of you to make sure I don’t miss anything.”
Richie just nodded. No joking comment, no gay slur. He just nodded and took his shirt off. Eddie had to stop his gasp when he saw the bruising. Richie took his bloodied shirt and threw it onto the ground in front of them. Eddie was quick to work, using the gauze pads to wipe away the blood coming from the boy’s nose and mouth, getting him to rinse it out with water so he could make sure all his teeth were still in place. Then he sanitized all the scrapes, placing band-aids on them.
“You want to tell me what happened?”
Eddie asked as if a parent about to scold their child. Silence. Eddie sighed and stopped what he was doing.
“Richie, please talk to me. I’m sorry for whatever I did, but I need you to be my friend again. Rich, please.”
Richie didn’t make eye contact, but he didn’t need it to know Eddie was upset.
“They beat me up, Ed.”
He barely mumbled. Eddie didn’t say anything, just finished putting on the last bandage.
“Bowers and his fucking group of assholes beat me up. They thought I was flirting with his cousin. I wasn’t. But they fucking beat me up.”
He explained angrily. Eddie kept his mouth shut.
“I was trying so hard! I thought I was doing great with hiding it. But then that asshole just went and lied to Bowers saying that I was trying to fuck him! They practically tried to kill me Eds.”
Richie’s eyes filled with tears. 
Eddie still kept quiet. He didn’t want to say anything and make Richie feel worse than he already did. Richie didn’t say anything else though, he just started crying. 
Eddie gently outstretched his arms, an invitation for Richie to take if he wanted to. He did, throwing himself into his hold and sobbing into his chest. Each inhales stuttered, almost as if he was gasping for air. Eddie just kept holding him, even though he was crying on him, even though there was a possibility that he was still bleeding somewhere, even though this was the easiest way to pass along germs. The more thoughts that Eddie had, the more he just replaced them with the thought of Richie. The thought of Richie smiling, the thought of Richie showing him comic books, the thought of Richie calming him down whenever his mom became too much. Richie was worth more than protecting himself from sickness. Richie was worth more than his fear. And when Richie finally looked up at him, eyes full of tears, lips quivering, his nose and cheeks a blotchy red, Eddie knew that Richie was worth more to him than life itself.
So Eddie finally showed him how much he meant. He cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. Both of their hearts were beating out of their chests. This was it, the moment the both of them had been craving forever. Chest to chest, lips pressed together, eyes closed, just breathing each other's air. Eddie was waiting for Richie to push him away, but Richie was waiting for Eddie to do the same. Neither did. So Richie wrapped his arms around Eddie, letting one hand tangled in the hair at the back of his head. He deepened the kiss, wanting to bring Eddie closer to him even though it was physically impossible for them to do that.
Eddie kept his hands on Richie’s cheeks, scared of him pulling away. His left thumb gently tracing back and forth on his cheek, causing Richie to smile into the kiss. Everything about what was happening was soft, a new feeling to Richie. He liked it, a lot. Eddie wasn’t rough with him, acting as if he was made of glass. It felt nice to be cherished this way. He felt needed. Richie could hear Eddie breathing harshly through his nose and knew that the boy was struggling to breathe. He debated continuing this until the boy had an asthma attack, but he knew better.
When they finally pulled away, a string of saliva was connected between their mouths. Richie watched as Eddie’s eyes opened and noticed it. Panic took over him. He apologized quickly but ran away. Richie could hear him run up the stairs from the open back door. His heart fell in his chest. He looked at his still stained shirt and just left it there, getting up and chasing Eddie, ready to explain himself and apologize for moving too quickly. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Eddie gargling mouthwash in the upstairs bathroom.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! God, I must seem like a dick! It’s just that like mono is going around and I really don’t want to risk catching it! It’s nothing against you, cause like, you’re really good at kissing and I’m sure you don't have it, but I still want to protect myself and-”
“Eddie, take a breath.”
Richie interrupted a fuzzy feeling in him watching the boy panic. A slight smile came onto Richie’s face watching Eddie take a deep gasping breath. He looked down awkwardly and realized he was still shirtless.
“Do you think I could borrow a shirt?”
Richie asked after a moment. Eddie nodded vigorously, speed walking to his room.
Richie, who was following close behind, walked into the room to be hit in the face with an oversized knit sweater. Eddie giggled. 
He said through his laugh. Richie just smiled, pulling the sweater on and being surrounded by the smell of Eddie. When he looked up, he saw Eddie looking at him with a worried expression. Richie opened his arms, offering Eddie a hug as he had earlier. Eddie quickly accepted, bounding across the room and throwing himself into Richie’s arms. The boys stood there, just hugging each other.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.”
Eddie whispered. Richie smiled, rubbing his back.
“I’ve spent too many nights crying over you.”
Eddie said.
“Eds, that’s gay.”
Richie said, trying to break this uncomfortable feeling in his chest. Eddie just smiled, chuckling softly.
“Yeah, you can say I’m pretty gay.”
He replied, looking up at Richie. Rich leaned down and quickly kissed Eddie.
“Bro I just brush my teeth!”
“You’re not going to get mono.”
“I might! It’s possible trash mouth!”
“Shut up, Eddie Spaghetti”
“I hate you”
“No, you don’t”
"You're right….I don’t....I love you"
Richie paused, taken aback. He held his breath for a moment, debating if he should say it or not. He was risking it all.....Fuck it!
"I love you too."
Note: I’m a bit rusty with my writing so please me nice :)
153 notes · View notes
leoasters-blog · 5 years
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henlo my peaches !! i’m zy (she/her/hers), i’m an unrepentant aquarius, i’m actually moving back to dtla in like a month lol, and i’m super excited to be here !! i’ll be playing my bby boy leo, who’s kind of a loser a sweet summer child. pls treat him kindly !! or not LMAO. i’ve included a bit about him below the jump to help ur muse decide which they’d prefer. that said, my inbox/d*scord is always open, and if u drop a lil ol’ like on this i’ll hop in urs !!
* ☆ ·˚ 「 ryan potter. cismale. he/him. 」 — oh, you mean leo aster, the twenty two year-old translator? they’ve been around the fold for seven months. i know they’re a sagittarius and when i see them, i can’t help but think of scuffed converse tapping on concrete, clacking joysticks, & a steaming drink in a chipped mug. but you’ll get to make your own judgement soon! 
hailing from tokyo, japan, leo was born to a prominent businessman and the manager of an international hotel chain. he lived an incredibly privileged life, but with that privilege came a stringent set of expectations that covered basically every aspect of leo’s life, from his future to his hobbies to his friends. leo’s life was planned to follow a tidy trajectory: he’d succeed academically, attend a prestigious university, then return to take over his father’s business. 
leo was an incredibly fortunate kid, for innumerable reasons. he never wanted for anything (physically, at least), and was given the best of the best - with the expectation that he would reflect his means, of course. but he also never really had a childhood. his parents treated him more like a successor than a son, to put it generously. there was no love in leo’s childhood home; his mother spent most of her time traveling to the various resort properties she managed, and his father, in his loneliness, found refuge in another woman. they were, for all intents and purposes, a farce of a family. but that was all leo knew.
but it isn’t until college that the plot begins to thicken. leo attended the university of southern california, and man. america was an eye opener for him.
for the first time, he was able to explore life beyond his parents’ domineering control. he could try out new interests - like the video games his freshman year roommate was really into - and speak to new people - like people who pursued higher-risk occupations for the love, not the money. leo fell in love with writing poetry, and had the opportunity to do the stupid things that his parents disapproved of - like writing dumb raps, for one. he kissed people. he found something like a family. this really strained his relationship with his parents, a complication exacerbated by certain developments back home: namely, increased pressure caused by the rollout of an ambitious expansion plan for the company. 
leo graduated college with one conviction: fuck the trajectory. leo’s life in america was the first thing he actually built for himself (kinda, mostly, if u ignore the fact that his family bankrolled his education LMAO) and he wasn’t ready to give it up. he’d been given a taste of freedom, and he wasn’t gonna let it go.
leo’s been,, making it work, surprisingly. his parents have threatened to cut him off if he doesn’t return to japan at the end of the year, but joke’s on them - his current job, translating japanese video games into english for a fairly prolific studio, sponsors his visa and pays him well enough to survive in los angeles, albeit much more frugally than he’s used to. he knows that he’s being humored, that they’re waiting for him to live out his rebellious phase and go home. but he knows for a fact that he’d rather exist in a perpetual cycle of existential doubt than return to the misery that’s his life in japan. 
seriously, his entire post-grad life has been dedicated to “finding himself,” usually through increasingly ridiculous hobbies. some highlights have included photography (not terrible), glassblowing (absolutely disastrous), dj-ing (the less said, the better), yoga (surprisingly successful), and pottery (consistently lopsided, but not altogether hideous). the one thing he always comes back to, though, is spoken word and rap - the latter of which he releases online to a small but actually existent following. 
his deposit for his room in the fold was the first purchase he made on his own!! he appreciates the social nature of co-living. it’s interesting, because leo is one of the most outgoing residents of the complex, but also one of the most notoriously private. he’s made it a point to share very little about his personal life and history, deflecting any genuine attempts to get to know him with some well-timed hijinks. 
leo’s birth name is uotani ryousei. leo is the americanized pronunciation of his childhood nickname, ryou, and aster is his mother’s maiden name. he started going by leo when he moved to the states for college, and started using aster when he decided to pursue full financial independence.
leo’s rap name is leo astra, bc he thinks he’s witty. i hc his vc as rich brian,, so,, yea lmao.
his mbti is entp and his alignment is chaotic good! 
he is somewhat allergic to cats but loves them regardless.
he’s decidedly a night owl. his favorite place to think is the roof at night.
canonically has ryan potter’s long hair. it’s an attempt to look his age. does it work?? u be the judge !! lmfao
wc / potential plots
a confidant - someone who leo’s told his story to. maybe they’re a good friend, but maybe it’s someone who stumbled on leo smoking on the roof at ass o’ clock in the morning, more pensive than they’ve ever seen him, and who wrangled the full story out of him. 
kitchen confidential - the unfortunate soul who’s run into leo attempting to set the building on fire cook. maybe they’re a good cook doing their civic duty and teaching the poor boy to not burn down the complex, or maybe they’re equally inept and figure that two heads will be better than one. either way, they’re gonna cook together !!!!
eternal rival - someone to assist leo in commandeering the second floor tv to play smash for hours with.
other ppl in the music scene?? particularly in the rnb/hip hop sphere, extra brownie points if they regularly go to events like brownies and lemonade or 143!!
lovers?? ex-lovers??? honestly if u’ve hooked up with leo i guarantee there’s a 99.99998% he still has a lil bit of a puppy crush on u.
co-commuters?? leo works in santa monica but lives in dtla like a Fewl so if ur muse also takes the expo line every day they probably Suffer Together
college friends!! - these people are leo’s rock, and the first family he’s ever truly known. bffls they 100% have matching engraved flasks.
dfs;adkfjg;sh coming up with wcs is Difficult let’s just plot collaboratively !!!
das it ily sorry this was A Lot ty for reading this far lol
13 notes · View notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easy Money Blackjack System - #1 No Card Counting Gambling Strategy!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easy-money-blackjack-system-1-no-card-counting-gambling-strategy/
Easy Money Blackjack System - #1 No Card Counting Gambling Strategy!
 Buy Now    
WARNING: “Casinos Actually Promote Sucker Blackjack Systems Like Card Counting!”
That’s right, because they know that most people can’t memorize cards or keep counts under pressure, and the few who can are blacklisted in no time. So why does the industry promote it and is there an alternative?
Dear Blackjack Player, My name is Bill, I was a school teacher and was once like you. I bought into the theory that the game could be beaten by counting cards. And BELIEVE ME, I ate, drank and slept blackjack for over five years.
You name it, I mastered it: Hi-Lo, Hi-Opt I & II, K-O, Zen Count, Canfield Expert, and more. I spent hours on card counting forums and blackjack discussion groups, and I found that people only bragged about winnings, but never mentioned their losses.
Why couldn’t I win? I was so frustrated, as I couldn’t understand how all the popular literature and so many websites were dedicated to the subject of card counting, but no one I knew could win consistently using these strategies.
Sure, I had some big winning days when I celebrated and took my friends out for a night on the town, but my losers always ate away at my profits and eventually put me back under water.
I used to spend hours at a table amassing a pretty good stack of chips only to be WIPED OUT by a few bad hands. 
I was even BANNED from more than one casino after simply being told that they didn’t like my “STYLE OF PLAY” and was no longer welcome.
I went from one card counting strategy to another, learning to camouflage my betting pattern and changing tables often, but at the end of the year, I was always at a NET LOSS. The pain was so deep, I often felt like the unluckiest guy in the world.
Yes, it’s THAT painful – so I definitely know how you feel if you’ve been counting cards.
You see, what the industry won’t tell you is Vegas’s dirty little secret that casino operators love and even spread the myth that the average Joe can win consistently by counting cards.
Hollywood movies like “21” and “The Hangover” and novels like Bringing Down the House draw public interest in blackjack and card counting.
The media entice us to flock to the casinos to emulate our silver screen heroes.
Most of us experience some early success (usually pure luck), but later we give it all back and then some.
And then we end up withdrawing more cash from the ATM machine to chase our losses.
Do you think casinos are upset when the Travel Channel shows an endless cycle of stories about card-counting blackjack teams who took on Vegas and WON?
Not at all. In fact, they love that kind of free publicity. See, for every professional blackjack team grinding out tiny advantages, there are thousands of amateurs counting cards and doing it poorly; LOSING, while trying to prove to the world how smart they are. 
And the pros, who are doing it right, have been blacklisted and can’t even play!
So, what’s so bad about counting anyway?
Well, let’s start with the math. The authors of these systems expect you, not only to memorize a value given to each card (the index number), but to keep a running count and convert that number to a true count of the sum of the cards being dealt, to be able to estimate and divide that index number by the remaining cards or decks in the shoe, and to know when and how to play a deviation from basic strategy.
Also, you’re required to play at a certain position at the table and to camouflage your betting spread so as to avoid the heat (unwanted attention from the pit bosses).
Oh yeah, and if you lose track of JUST ONE CARD on the table, the entire system may COLLAPSE and you may RISK LOSING your entire bankroll by staying in the game.
Add adrenaline, alcohol and the noise of bells, laughter and shouting and you have a recipe for concentration breakdown and DISASTROUS losses.
You get the idea. You pretty much have to be a rocket scientist or math whiz to be able to use these strategies and maintain your sanity.
All those mental gymnastics under intense pressure for a mere 2% advantage over the house at most! Ask yourself, is it worth it?
And then there’s all that waiting around. Besides the math, you could spend hours WAITING for a deck to turn rich in high value cards (that may or may not happen) because the casinos are taking countermeasures to STOP you.
Not only are they limiting the penetration of the deck by controlling the reshuffle point with the cut card, now they’re restricting betting spreads, multiple hands, mid-game entries, and using continuous shuffle machines to stop card counters.
The pit bosses and the people watching the surveillance cameras are there to track your betting patterns. 
And WHY are you doing all of this? To obtain a maximum advantage of 2%, not to mention that…
… it’s considered cheating by all casinos and it could get you banned for life!
Escorted out for counting
Think you can play undetected? THINK AGAIN! Transceivers in the playing chips now allow them to monitor your betting spreads, and facial recognition technology keeps undesirables in their databases from entering the casino, with or without a disguise.
Most professional card counters can’t show their face in Las Vegas or in any other major casino in the world. Yet no one talks about this…
Besides, do you really want to play undercover like agent 007 just to be able to play a decent game of blackjack? 
Don’t try this guys.
So you see, you really can’t count on counting as a viable strategy in the modern casino environment.
People often say to me…
“I’ve seen other simpler blackjack systems that use basic strategy instead of counting. Aren’t these any better?”
Unfortunately, no. See, most of these basic strategy progression systems differ only in their money management technique, that is, how you vary your bets. They all rely on the same basic strategy chart and this is their first flaw.
There’s NO such thing as a single universal basic strategy chart for all blackjack games. Basic strategy (the statistically best way to play a hand) varies from game to game depending on the number of decks and the rules offered.
But they tell you to memorize the chart for the most common 6 deck game. If you apply their basic strategy to any variation of the rules or the number of decks, it’s wrong, and you’ll lose in the long run.
The other problem with these systems is that they treat each hand as an independent event and simply try to maximize your odds for that particular hand. They DO NOT account for streaks of winning hands, the key to catapulting your bankroll.
Even strategies that claim to take advantage of winning streaks are NOT OPTIMIZED to maximize this profit and do NOTHING to curb your losses when the dealer is experiencing a lucky streak of his own.
Essentially, these dumb systems involve nothing more than an oversimplified faulty basic strategy and a money management technique that leave the player with LESS THAN a 50% chance of winning.
If that were all we wanted from a blackjack system we might as well flat bet on a coin toss. We could sit there all day and make or lose a few bucks. As a school teacher, I had very little patience when it comes to systems like these. I was looking for that edge that would put the odds in my favor, and the MONEY in my pocket.
What if I told you there was an easier way to beat the dealer?
One that didn’t involve heavy math or memorizing cards? In fact, a method so easy that a child could learn it? I know it sounds too good to be true, and I didn’t believe it at first either, but after using it over and over to make BIG WINNINGS in casinos on land and online, I can’t deny it simply WORKS!
Let me share a secret that casinos don’t want you to know…
Studies show that about 80% of the time, blackjack games are choppy. This means the dealer and the player alternate winning and losing hands. This assumes you use correct basic strategy (you know, the chart that tells you when to hit, stand, double-down, or split). 
By using optimal moves and playing in games with the best rules, you can turn the casino edge against you from 7 to 8 percent down to LESS THAN 1 percent.
But in the long run, even if you play with correct basic strategy in the most favorable games, the house STILL WINS with an advantage of about one percent because the player ALWAYS RISKS BUSTING before the dealer.
That’s a big advantage for the dealer and there’s NOTHING we can really do about that, except try to PREDICT when he has a higher chance of BUSTING. 
And even though card counting systems can raise the odds in your favor by as much as 2 percent, that usually happens under heavy deck penetration, when most of the cards have been dealt (they usually reshuffle before this). Counting remains a big WASTE OF TIME against most blackjack games because the “rich deck” (when you’re supposed to raise your betting spread) RARELY materializes.
In a game that can be played with very close to 50-50 odds, like blackjack, the real way to WIN is by catching streaks, which occur in EVERY GAME!
If you flip a coin several times you’ll find that heads comes up about 50% and tails comes up about 50%.
But notice, if you flip a coin long enough, you’ll come across a streak: heads or tails will turn up several times in a row.
Although the number of times one side will come up in the long run is 50%, it won’t always come up in even intervals (heads, tails, heads, tails, etc).
Streaks are phenomena that occur in almost EVERY aspect of our lives, yet they remain mostly unexplained.
When you play a perfect basic strategy, it’s almost like flipping a coin. You and the dealer take turns winning and losing hands against each other. But sooner or later you’ll win several hands in a row. Streaks happen in blackjack just like in tossing a coin. So, how do you maximize your profit during these situations, you ask?
One night, I was lying in bed practicing my basic strategy and card counting, when it came to me… I found a way to EXPLOIT these STREAKS when they occur to MAXIMIZE returns.
I saw the solution to blackjack, and at its core was the radical approach of altering both the bet amount and the basic strategy during streaks.
The secret is not only in the betting sequence, but in the little known modifications to the basic strategy that casinos are POWERLESS against. These modifications change slightly depending on the rules and the type of streak the player is encountering.
You see, just like the player can experience a streak of winning hands, so can the dealer. So my system also uses an innovative money management technique which allows you to OPTIMIZE RETURNS for dealers’ streaks as well, as you COMPOUND your winnings.
I quickly jotted down some notes and got to work on calculating the odds of winning in different scenarios. I tested an early prototype and it worked great at exploiting streaks of several winning or losing hands in a row. This was confirmed after running it on a blackjack simulator.
I initially made a few thousand playing in the casinos. I was so excited that I shared it with my closest friends who also made easy money in Vegas, Asia and in the Caribbean. But after playing for many months, it became clear that these streaks were NOT always present.
Just like in card-counting, I wasted a lot of time and money waiting for an event to unfold. The system won consistently during streaks, but that was NOT enough…
And that’s when I had another revelation…
I needed to beat the game during choppy sessions, when the dealer and the player go back and forth winning and losing every other hand.
That’s the time most card counters are sitting it out or flat betting the table minimum with little or NO RETURNS.
I teamed up with an old mathematician friend of mine, and together we went to work on solving the puzzle of how to profit during a choppy game.
After many months of experimenting with combining the strengths of various blackjack systems and adding some completely revolutionary techniques, we eventually tweaked out all of the kinks and MAXIMIZE the PROFIT POTENTIAL in every game.
We could beat the dealer during streaks and choppy games too!
It became clear that we had cracked the code to winning consistently at blackjack!
I could barely contain myself when we tested it on the top blackjack software and it WON OVER AND OVER again! Then we took it to the casinos and really cleaned up!
On one trip, a close friend of mine played in the casinos for one week straight, stopping ONLY to eat and sleep. He netted over 150k! Then we went online and made sure to play at only reputable sites and continued to rake in HUGE PROFITS. Sure, we lost some hands, but we came out ahead consistently, making huge profits, and that was the key.
And we did it all WITHOUT counting cards or a team of MIT students.
My brainchild, The Easy Money Blackjack System™, is the most CONSISTENTLY PROFITABLE system I’ve seen hands down! I know you’re probably skeptical of systems; I was too.
That’s why I had my strategy tested on computer simulations, in online casinos, and in actual casino play.
I have spent YEARS developing and perfecting this unique approach to winning consistently at twenty one. I’ve used it OVER AND OVER again to amass huge returns.
I did NOT stumble upon this solution by chance. I meticulously searched for a PRACTICAL, PROVEN, and APPLICABLE solution that would end my overwhelming losses once and for all.
After years of searching, implementing, and testing, I now have in my hands a PROVEN formula that is guaranteed to beat the dealer consistently.
I poured all my knowledge about how to beat the game into a blueprint that I call…
The Easy Money Blackjack System™
Note: This is NOT some inferior product with a simple hot streak progression. It is a genuine 80 page digital manual with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to beat the game of blackjack. This unique system is NOT found in stores.
If you’ve ever played blackjack before, you’ve probably managed to make temporary winnings that later dwindled and left you going into your own pocket in search of more funds.
I know; years ago, I was there. But NO LONGER. I’ve learned how to play with their money early on or I leave the table. You can learn this strategy as well in less than a couple of hours!
The other day, I was coaching an apprentice at a $10 table. We watched as the others at the table lost their bankrolls as soon as the dealer experienced a lucky streak of winning hands.
My student was able to ride out the dealer’s streak using my system, and actually PROFITED by the end of it. Then he experienced a streak of his own, WINNING 8 hands in a row!
There was no suspicion of card counting, since all of the cards were being dealt face down. People around him were amazed and even the dealer commented on how LUCKY he was.
Little did they know, he was employing the two-fold Easy Money Blackjack strategy the house was POWERLESS against. He walked away with several thousand dollars that session! Suffice to say, he made a few friends that night.
What’s so much better about the Easy Money Blackjack System™?
Simply put…it offers you the most bang for your buck! The advantages over others can be summarized as follows:
To beat the game of blackjack you must…
Practice and hone your skills, much like an athlete.
Set a win goal and loss limit for your bankroll.
Play uninfluenced by emotions of fear or excitement.
Know when to keep raising your bets and when to cut losses and leave.
You’ll know all these essentials using a simple training program before you go near a dealer. And once mastered, The Easy Money Blackjack System™ will make you an UNSTOPPABLE force at the table!
I will show you how to spot the HOT tables and how to avoid the COLD ones! 
You’ll be able to track several tables and identify the one where the streak is most likely to occur in your favor. That way you’ll have the ADVANTAGE before you even sit down to play!
Among many techniques, you’ll also discover how to lock up guaranteed profits using a unique and highly effective money management system that will allow you to walk away from those tables a consistent WINNER. This powerful part of the system can be mastered in UNDER 30 minutes!
“You would be crazy to play this game without reading this step-by-step guide to winning at 21!”
This is no ordinary blackjack strategy. It’s the FASTEST, consistently PROFITABLE system ever invented and it’s taking casinos by storm. Once you learn to PROFIT from streaks that occur in almost every game, you’ll wonder how you could have ever played any other way.
It’s such a radically new approach, that they can’t figure out who’s using it or how to devise countermeasures against it!
The potential PROFITS at your first table alone may pay for this valuable information MANY TIMES OVER! But you don’t have to take my word for it. Test out the system on the various blackjack simulation programs available before you take on the casinos. Practice at home with your own deck of cards or on our free online blackjack game.
It’s now PERFECT. I have spent years developing and perfecting this unique approach to WINNING consistently at 21 by combining and adapting other systems, analyzing players in play, and comparing methods for hourly winnings and losses. My obsession has finally PAID OFF in a big way!
In addition to the Easy Money Blackjack System™, this manual is JAM-PACKED with useful information that you should know before ever stepping foot in a casino. It includes information on everything from how to avoid casino “heat” (generated when your winnings draw unwarranted attention), to when to RUN for the door when the dealer gets HOT himself.
Among other crucial information I’ll also show you how to:
protect your bankroll and lock up GUARANTEED profit.
stack as many odds as possible in your favor and take full ADVANTAGE of liberal rules.
go for the dealer’s throat when he is weak.
recognize and avoid secretly devised CASINO PLOYS to part you from your money.
What Casinos Don’t Want You to Know. Insidious Tricks and Traps Exposed!
Did you know that some casinos pump oxygen into the air to keep you playing longer?
Also, intoxicated players lose three times as often as sober players (Are those drinks really free?).
Ever notice there never seems to be a clock or a window to the outside in the casino? They want you to lose track of time so you’ll play past your optimal attention span and make small mistakes that will eat away at your bankroll.
Believe me when I say they have studied every aspect of the playing field and have made sure to take every legal advantage of you. 
You’ll discover how to counter their tactics, TURN THE TABLES, and put the odds back in your favor!
When to cash out?
When should I take insurance?
Do dealers cheat?
What’s a good table to buy into?
How much money should I bring to a given table?
When is the best time to cash out my winnings and leave the table?
What is surrender, and how can I use it?
How are online casinos different than land based ones?
All of these questions and many more are answered in this comprehensive guide to beating the dealer. Armed with this knowledge, you will be ONE STEP AHEAD of the game and you will know exactly how to adjust your strategy for many adverse playing conditions.
Picture this: While the rest of those so-called card counters are waiting for that deck to turn rich, trying to disguise their betting spread and not get caught, you’ll be playing CAREFREE and having FUN WINNING!
Have you ever regretted not betting more on a hot streak? It seems like you can’t stop winning, but you only bet the table minimum because you thought your lucky streak was going to end any second. The Easy Money Blackjack System™ shows you how to adjust your bets to CATAPULT your PROFIT during these streaks!
Here’s the best part: A unique aspect of the Easy Money Blackjack System™ is that…
…you DON’T have to wait for a rich deck or even a streak of good hands to see profits!
That’s right, it makes steady returns at choppy tables too... when you and the dealer take turns winning and losing hands. Other types of systems like positive progressions, up and pull, and counting systems do NOT profit under these conditions.
This means that the Easy Money Blackjack System™ MAKES YOU MONEY whether you are on a streak or not. It’s like a chip making machine!
Charts and tables make learning the system EASY.
Using a structured methodology, you are less likely to deviate based on emotion or hunches.
I show you how to POCKET WINNINGS and start playing with the house money as soon as you meet your win goal.
Video tutorials help reinforce the important concepts for visual learners.
Once mastered, my unique strategy will let your bets and PROFITS INCREASE while curtailing your losses.
I don’t believe that a blackjack strategy should be complex or expensive to work. Easy Money Blackjack™ is quite the opposite; SIMPLE to learn and play, yet POWERFUL in its returns!
You don’t have to spend a single red cent to see if our blackjack strategy works for you. We have NO doubt that it will, as it has for so many others! That’s how sure I am that you’ll love our rock solid system and that’s why we offer our 60 DAY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.
NO more EXCUSES. With an offer like this, you can’t afford NOT to win. Remember, this is the first time that this breakthrough system is being offered, and it’s turning the blackjack world UPSIDE DOWN. Most casinos DON’T even have a clue that it exists!
Sure there are other cheaper, dumbed down systems and imitations out there, but none that allow you to PROFIT under so many conditions with such a HIGH rate of success. In the end, there’s only one Easy Money Blackjack™.
Let’s face it. If you play blackjack and you’re NOT winning consistently, something’s NOT right.
This is not the way it has to be. You can continue to lose playing by intuition, flawed strategies, gut feelings etc., or you can start reaping profits the easy way. You owe it to yourself to make the change. You’ll be winning hands in no time!
The choice is yours…
So why am I sharing my secret with you?
Like many, you’re probably asking yourself, “If you have found the secret to extracting fortunes from blackjack, why would you want to share it with anyone (especially for such a low price)?“
The simple answer is REVENGE! I have seen people make the dumbest plays and the big casinos thrive by giving you unfair odds while allowing you to play in the name of “entertainment.” There is NOTHING fun or entertaining about LOSING money to the house in a rigged game.
Recently, many casinos have started paying only 6 to 5 for player blackjacks and some folks I talked to actually believed that it was a better payout than the old 3 to 2!
These shady house tactics to increase profits, especially during times of economic recession, really anger me. I see it as nothing less than legal robbery.
I have already profited greatly and helped everyone I know, but the truth is that most people play so POORLY, that they might as well write a donation to the casinos every time they go to places like Las Vegas or Macau. I believe that an educated public will only patronize casinos that give players a fair chance and the demand for a clean game will help keep them honest.
It’s a win-win for both of us.
I give you a GREAT DEAL on the Easy Money Blackjack System™, and in return, you help dissuade casinos from offering unfair rules by only playing in the most advantageous games. The simple laws of supply and demand will force casinos to offer more liberal rules that benefit both you and I.
Sure you’ll be able to extract much of the profits from other less fortunate players. But the house will always benefit from the majority of people who use hunches, emotion or inconsistent strategies like counting.
Also, when I help you WIN your battle with the dealer, you’re going to tell your family and friends about me and my product. When that happens, of course I enjoy viral word-of-mouth marketing – which means I sell more of my product.
All I ask is that when you start winning like so many other happy customers, PLEASE drop us a testimonial and help pass the word along to a friend.
Luckily, you don’t have to be a math whiz or a master of memorization to WIN BIG bucks using the Easy Money Blackjack System™.
The fact is, you CAN beat the dealer, and I will show you how to do it EASILY!
When I show you how to WIN consistently using an UNBEATABLE formula, what will you do with all of your winnings?
STOP relying on hunches, luck, or complex counting and learn the revolutionary way to WIN like a PRO. Do yourself a favor and realize your potential today.
You won’t believe how EASY WINNING BIG at blackjack can be!
Here’s what you’ll get…
The Easy Money Blackjack System™
Discover the winning secret
$ 99
A strategy that requires minimal concentration.
A simple method to track favorable tables before you play.
A system that profits fast, even at cold and neutral tables.
Money management that locks up profits & limits losses.
Tutorial videos to help you better retain concepts.
A proven, easy chip stacking machine!
Bonuses Below + 60 Day Money Back Guarantee
The Easy Money Blackjack System
80 Page E-Book
Inside Easy Money Blackjack, you’ll discover PROVEN methods that work (I know because I’ve tried and tested them, remember).
I’ve done all of the hard work for you so you won’t have to start from scratch, the way I did.
All you have to do is follow a few simple steps in my bullet proof strategy and you can reap the rewards too.
Visit the testimonials page to read about what just some of the players have experienced using Easy Money Blackjack. They can’t thank me enough for changing their game. 
Your Purchase Is 100% Protected
You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. I’m so confident that The Easy Money Blackjack System™ will change your game that I’m offering a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee.
All I ask is you try out The Easy Money Blackjack System™ for 60 days and if you haven’t made MANY TIMES the cost of the product in that time, then I DON’T want your money. Simply contact me using our contact link and I’ll happily refund your purchase in full.
And Then There’s More…
So to encourage you to take action and purchase The Easy Money Blackjack System™ NOW, I’m going to include some nice related BONUSES that I’ve created myself (NOT from those junk PLR resources) that compliment The Easy Money Blackjack System™ so that you can start winning FASTER.
Most others charge hefty fees to access this kind of information, but you will get it FREE.
Basic Strategy Cards
2″x3.5″ cards that you can use to practice or take with you into the casinos (most people don’t even know that you can do this). That way you can refer to them in case you forget you basic strategy.
The statistically correct best play for any given hand.
Charts for all the most common 21 games world wide.
Color coded to make finding the correct move QUICK and EASY.
We link you to the files so you can print them out as often as you wish.
Blackjack Casino Rules & Conditions
Lifetime access to listings of blackjack rules being offered in all of the casinos in Las Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City, Lake Tahoe, Macau, China, and more.
Log in to a current list of blackjack conditions for 2020.
The truth is that not all blackjack games are created equal and if you’re not doing your homework and play in the wrong games, you can LOSE YOUR SHIRT no matter what strategy you’re using.
Our listings are constantly updated by our user base. They allow you to easily find the best games with the most liberal rules to give you the edge and avoid casinos that offer lower blackjack payouts and restrictive betting rules. This means MORE WINNINGS and smaller losses for you.
Tables may be viewed online or pasted and printed for offline use.
Other sites charge $130 subscription fee per year for this service.
The Bonuses
Amazing Value
With Your Order
Printable Pocket Basic Strategy Cards for Use With EMBJ.
Blackjack Casino Rules & Conditions w/ Lifetime Access
Blackjack House Edge Online Calculator for Any Game
Las Vegas Coupons and Online Casino Bonus Offers
Plus we’ll give you access to online casino reviews, travel and gambling coupons, online blackjack games and more!
The value I’m offering you today for my Easy Money Blackjack System™ package along with all the bonuses is really a NO-BRAINER. They could easily cost $1000. But if you purchase today, you ONLY need to come up with less than one-tenth of that price – which I’m sure you’d agree is a STEAL.
So go ahead and Click the ORDER NOW button below to start learning how to win easy money the same day:
“I just received (and devoured) your Easy Money Blackjack system…
I absolutely love it and it’ll be the only way I play blackjack from now on.”
…additional testimonials here
PS. I truly want you to win so I’m offering it to you right now at this amazing price, and remember, all the risk is on me, and all the benefits are on you. I’m sure you’ll love it as so many have already.
But if it turns out that you don’t like Easy Money Blackjack, tell me you’ve honestly read and tried the strategy and it didn’t profit, tell me it was too complicated, tell me it wouldn’t work in your casino, tell me you couldn’t understand how easy it is to play.
Simply contact me on my contact page within 60 days and I’ll promptly refund you in full.
You pay ONLY if you absolutely love it; I DON’T want any unhappy customers.
HURRY, demand has been massive and with our planned affiliate programs, the price of our breakthrough system can increase significantly at any time.
PPS. Which one is more valuable to you? $99 (heck, you’ve probably thrown that away on a single bad hand) or WINNING many times that within 60 days? I’m sure the answer is the latter…
Get Easy Money in your game by Clicking the ORDER NOW button below to get started immediately:
After that, come back and click here to learn how I went from school teacher to blackjack pro.
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