#and because throwing humans and synthetics around and biting and ripping into them already seems to be a pretty efficient tactic so far
dirusflor · 1 year
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Should not be giving a man-eating mutated plant formed by nanites a firearm of any sort but here we are
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bloodyfangedtiger · 6 years
This Clock Of Our Lives
Set before Bad Timing, in the early stages from discovery to being kidnapped.*
Gavin hated Alexio, hated him because he was too fucking perfect. Too perfect and always up showing Gavin. He was debating on either leaving or taking the tin can down a few pegs, after seeing how the city was doing with Alexio behind the desk and solving cases one after the other. The decision was made for him.
He found a new apartment, far away from the precinct and in a little pricey rich area where crime hardly happens so that the chances of seeing the plastic prick were slim to none. He packed up his desk and started typing up his resignation when Alexio walked in. "Detective, hard at work it seems." The Android didn't even try to hide his amusement and shock.
Gavin paid him no mind and kept typing.
"What is this box for? Have you been assigned a new partner?"
Still he didn't answer till a hand turned him around "Detective Reed, talk to me."
The male snarled in his face "I'm leaving, dip shit. You proved your fucking point that I'm shit compared to you. Only took six months but congratu-fucking-lations, you got me to leave." He stood up after hearing the printer operate and picked up the box "Don't fucking bother trying to stop me or find me."
He shoved past the Android, their shoulders bumping against each other roughly.
All the while, Alexio's LED blinked yellow as he tried to process what just happened.
Gavin is leaving.
He's leaving?
He ran after Reed "Gavin, wait!" But the detective was already driving away.
They meet again in a bar, Gavin nursing a whiskey with a smile while looking down at the hardwood counter top.
Alexio watches him from the front, a suspect handcuffed hanging off his arm unconscious. "Gavin." He says his first name softly in a accusatory way, pissed at him for leaving without an explanation.
He throws the suspect into the arms of the officer next to him "Take him, I have something to do."
He felt his Thirum Pump working over time in his body, the bio component threatening to split him open while a warning for imminent shut down has popped up behind his eyes. He couldn't even bat at an eye, not when he's got target locked.
His hand shoots out and grabs Gavin by his arm and then pins him to the wall "Who do you think you are Reed?! Think you can walk away from me?! Just walk out the door with nothing but a fucking letter?!" He slammed the human against the wall, his other hand cradling the male's head. "Fuck you, Reed! Go straight to hell you selfish bastard!" He screamed at the former detective, cleaning fluid flowing from his eyes in angry tears.
"I may be an Android but I know that what you did was cold as a damn machine. Only a shitty machine would leave like that." He said quietly, feeling a forced shut down be initiated and feeling the count down begin. He grabbed Gavin by the front of his shirt, having tuned out the yelling detective and smashed their lips together. Worming his tongue into Gavin's mouth and tasting the brash human.
Gavin stopped moving, stopped struggling and simply stood there before moving his lips experimentally against Alex's, feeling how soft the texture is and feeling comfort that part of him feels human. Organic he means.
Alex pulled away first, resting their foreheads together "You're coming back with me and I'm not taking a no for an answer."
With that he hefted Gavin over his shoulder and carried him out. "I'll never let you go, Gavin. Never again."
Teeth bite lips, nails dig into flesh, hands bruise hips and an abused throat. Synthetic meets organic in a slapping echo as grunt and moans fill the air.
Blue flutters closed while muscular thighs thrust up into a thinner body made of flesh that moans and whines with each twitch. A tanned body arches back into the pale body behind him, hitting a spot that makes him see stars.
Green eyes close while a whine rips through a hoarse throat and the organic carbon is filled with synthetic.
Blue holds green, locked deep inside the other. A whisper of love leaves his lips as Green slips away into dreams.
They meet up like this repeatedly, doing it in places that would make even the most exotic exhibitionist blush.
Sometimes they're gentle, other times they're violent as rutting animals. Smashing against each other against a wall or pinning Gavin on all fours with his arms pulled back while Alex buries himself deep into that warm heat. Loving that his human is living with him but wishes they have something more permanent. More meaningful instead of partners on the streets and fuckers in the sheets.
If only Gavin felt like he did, maybe he does? He never initiates their sessions, not the sex, not their kisses, nothing.
Maybe...it's all one sided.
"You son of a bitch!" Gavin exclaimed before tackling the Android in the office from the table he was laying on.
Alex only stared at the ceiling, his LED blinking a rapid yellow while his bio component pumps loudly in his body.
Gavin is crying.
The doctor is smiling.
There is something on the screen.
Something in Gavin.
"I didn't think you could-shit" Gavin covered his eyes. "Damn hormones."
He was suddenly pulled down by the now non shocked Android "It'll be okay, Gavin. We'll be okay." His hand on the slightly plump middle of the thirty year old. "All three of us, we'll get through this." He sniffled like Gavin.
That night, they went home and Alex pampered the hell out of Gavin. Rubbing his swollen ankles, giving him a head massage, back massage and then cuddling him like no tomorrow. "I'm not fragile, just pre- you know." He can't even say it.
He settled into his bed at the Omega Care Facility, nine months pregnant and so done with this pregnancy. Sighing in relief as his tired body sinks into the soft bed. "Shit, can't believe it's almost over. Can't wait to pop this brat out."
Alex smirked and pressed a kiss to the man's cheek "I can't wait to meet them, see what beautiful creature we make." He nuzzled Gavin much to his displeasure but the mother can't push him away. "God you're such a sap."
"Only for you."
Glass shatters, wind howls making their way into his room, a rag on his face and then darkness.
He wakes up kneeling on a dirty warehouse flour, his wrists bound behind his back as he finds himself surrounded by others in the same position. "Where the fuck are we?" He grumbled.
A female Omega whimpered "A Breeding Farm, they kidnap pregnant Omegas and induce labor. They sell their kids then have the Omegas breed immediately after. Oh god I thought I had put this place behind me."
This was not good, for them because Gavin is fine and these fuckers have no idea who they just kidnapped. He gets to his feet, breaks his plastic cuffs and frees everyone before busting the lights and hiding in the darkness.
The drugs taking affect soon after.
He can hear sirens in the distance, he prays they got away safe.
Continued in Bad Timing.
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