#and being a girlqueen
a-drama-addict · 1 year
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convixen · 3 months
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My girlqueen from 2020, Dark Icing Cookie. Long lore under the cut (This girl is on my Artfight!)
Dark Icing Cookie is a Beast tier cookie I created from the time where Beasts weren't a thing yet. Stay with me now.
The Past:
Dark Icing Cookie was created alongside her siblings, the other Beasts. She was explicitly created by the Witches to enact the Witches' will upon the Cookie world should anything require their direct attention, as the Witches themselves had a code about interfering directly with the affairs of their creations.
When her siblings fell to the dark parts of their souls, consumed by greed and wrath, it was Dark Icing Cookie who was then blessed by the Witches with power to stop them. Using the vast majority of her power, she was able to create the Silver Tree, which she sealed her own siblings within. Fearful that she alone may not be strong enough to keep it in place, she blessed the Cookies of Beast-Yeast with her power (known simply in-game as 'Silver'), creating the faerie cookies that live surrounding the Silver Tree. For her most devoted and determined companion, Elder Faerie Cookie, she granted the power necessary to guard and protect the Silver Tree, to ensure her siblings would never escape into the world again.
Unable to live in the land once occupied by her siblings she loved, haunted by her own guilt for doing what had to be done, Dark Icing Cookie left Beast-Yeast for the new continent of Crispia, where she lives out the rest of her immortal life. She has lived many lives under many names, held many occupations.
The Present:
Eventually, this leads her into being falsely accused by one Detective Almond Cookie for alleged involvement with a dangerous cultist organization within the kingdom. In order to prove her innocence, she agrees to work with him and his aspiring detective daughter Walnut Cookie to take down the group once and for all. Along the way, they enlist the help of Roguefort Cookie, Latte Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie, and Strawberry Crepe Cookie in their continued endeavors to save the world from the evils the cult seeks to summon.
Throughout their journey, Dark Icing Cookie shares her wisdom with Almond Cookie, helping him work through the lingering pain surrounding his previous divorce, while he shows her glimpses of a mortal life worth living. By the time the cult is taken down, let's just say Walnut Cookie has a very powerful immortal stepmother. What can I say, she likes a guy with determination AND she has a soft spot for kids.
Yes, I know oc x canon is considered cringe sometimes. However, consider: I'm a sucker for "immortal powerful supernatural being" x "literally a normal guy" and it's my mission to give every overworked tired guy a girlboss wife.
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brokestrapmountain · 1 year
mando s3 spoilers
what was the point of building up din being the mand’alor just to start shifting over to bo-katan as the True Uniter. as much as I love girlqueen bo taking the throne with her lesbian lover armorer I just don’t fucking get it
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colliecan · 2 years
tumblr is now just for being ramblingly crazy and for having something to laugh at while high n alone #girlqueen
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gonbeeyamada · 2 years
i wish there was more evil girlboss safalin content. the fact that there isnt sucks. let her be evil!!! while being an important part of her character due to the fact that shes helping the participants and so knowing that she is evil at times means that she can double cross them at any point its also just fucking hot!!! let the girlqueen be hotter than she already is folks!!!
safalin is my favorite floor master i have a lot of thoughts about her. like she deserved to be worse 🥰
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fertbutt · 2 years
some misc FoH thoughts (spoilers obs):
- luna being an artist was so cute, it was mentioned in TLC but very prominent here
- I love how Sky was almost as big as luna on the cover but ended up not doing anything <3 go girlqueen give us nothing
- speaking of i know it wouldve been bad to have peril come to pantala but i hope sky and peril meet very soon
- tsunami has blue blood. this has never been a thing before
- I loved axolotl but the way they introduced then was unintentionally very funny. sky's first question being "girl or boy???" and wren telling him "they use they and them pronouns <3" like ty tui but ple.as e ig it makes sense since it's for kids technically
- i wish willow was there :(
- i loved bullfrof but why was he there and why not umber
- y'all r gonna hate me for this but the name freedom..... certainly a choice
- also from book 10 the name Hope is similarly bad
- i hate the name cottonmouth it's so plain it's just a venomous snake
- also liked how tui set up this whole thing with raven and mole in the proluge then they showed up near the end then that was it /s i hope they get a winglet or smth cause I actually liked them
- how did moon talk with pineapple? I thought the mind reading thing was one-way
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carnivorarium · 2 years
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The essence of being a girl is biting your completely-platonic-no-subtext-friend in a tastefully (as in they taste very yummy) homoerotic manner that makes blood squirt all over both your faces #girlqueen empire
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catboybatman · 3 years
i remember watching emily in paris with my mom, not important but i love her so deal with it, when she was like "your language is sexist!!" and i literally groaned out on a non verbal day because i know it supposed to be a joke but not only was it so bad and cheap but its also very much giving faux feminist. like yes girlqueen! an ancient language that is notorious for being weird works weird <3 absolute shocker!! so progressive of you to notice that!! continue on being racist and xenophobic bestie!! its okay bc you're not like others girls <3!!! #quirky #feminism #sexism #paris
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charcter thing Babs or Kory (we stan 2 girlqueens)
Girlbosses <3 I'm choosing Kori bc I can't remember my first impression of Babs for the life of me.
First impression: If we're counting cartoon!Starfire, I really liked her right from the start. I find bubbly characters with little understanding of social norms who are just genuinely nice very charming, and I liked her devotion to her friends. She's what made me read comics, so. If we're talking comics!Starfire, the first thing I read was her Starfire solo so uh. The same as the cartoon tbh.
Impression now: Just. Love her so much. She's my fave comic book character I ADORE her. She's such a complex and unique character, building on the concept of an alien understanding of emotions quite well. I love the dichotomy between her fierce love and hatred, and how they both flow from the same source and are intrinsically intertwined. Every day I'm mad that nothing but NTT managed to do that part of her character justice.
Favorite moment: oh GOD you want me to choose?? I love so many of them! Hmmm... okay it's shallow but Kori riding a kanga lives rent free in my head asdghkljgds it's just such a good image!
Idea for a story: I have a few, so I'll give one I'm very unlikely to ever write, as free fic fodder for others: AU role reversal between her and Komand'r, where Kori is the firstborn passed over because she was ill and couldn't absorb solar energy, and Kom was the secondborn who was chosen instead. I dislike the ableist implications of the original plotline, even if obvs Kom doesn't have a real life disability, and I think this would be a good opportunity to examine and adress them. Plus, it opens up the way for very interesting character studies. Does Kom still work with the Citadel? If so, why? Does Kori still get traded to the Citadel for peace, or would that be Kom or Ryand'r instead? If so, how does Kori cope with that? How different would she be without the trauma, raised entirely on Tamaran? It's interesting.
Unpopular opinion: Being Dick's love interest was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to her, yes I'm including the cartoon and Red Hood and the Outlaws in that statement.
Favorite relationship: Her and Donna! I just really love how mutually supportive and communicative they are, and I think there was lost potential in exploring the similarities and differences between them, with Donna being from Themyscira, which has a culture not too unlike Tamaran's. I also really like her relationship with Kom for how complex it is, and I think their mutual hatred has a lot of comedy potential that people don't use enough lmao.
Favorite headcanon: I like playing around with what her powers can do; I headcanon that she can summon her starbolt fire in more ways than just the bolts, and that she's capable of deciding whether it hurts people by concentrating. I also headcanon that they're heavily tied to her emotions, so if she's angry, they will hurt, but if she isn't and doesn't want to hurt, they might be pleasantly warm instead.
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theasylumchild · 2 years
Luz being a girlboss and defeating everything that comes her way 💪
slay girlqueen pussyboss
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