#and by that I mean I'm throwing the girl boss arc out the window
asteria-argo · 5 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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mary-is-writing · 3 years
For some reason I remembered how much I hate the ending of Fairy Tail, so much so that i started thinking about what would it take for me to redo the whole series in like an AU or something and call it Fairy Tail 2.0
So here are some of my thoughts so far:
I'll keep everyones backstories but I'll change their respective arcs to make them more compelling, probably Erza's one would stay the same the most
This is thecnically an AU so everyone gets a new look. This means Erza and Lucy get better proportions, Erza gets the muscles she deserves, they get more scars and stuff. Natsu maybe gets a ponytail and Grey facial hair just cause.
Do we need Happy? I've been seriously thinking if we need Happy at all, if there's a role he fulfills besides the mascot. There's that whole arc in Edola or whatev but that's more to explain his origin and the other Jellial's, we could have the same even without him and focus the arc on Jellial n.2 right? I'm saying yes, so I'd either scrap him or make him a normal cat.
Either Natsu gets some black in his hair or Zeref gets some pink in his hair. I hate the fact that these two don't resemble each other at all, like sure not all siblings look the same but with them it feels like a cheap move from the autor to keep the plot twist hidden.
Wendy lives in an orphanage after Jellial 2 leaves her instead of the fake guild, so Oracion 6 attacks the city she lives in or something and the weird artifact thingy that I don't even remember what was for doesn't exist cause it was probably not plot relevant.
ZEREF GETS TO BE THE BADASS FRICKING LAST BOSS HE DESERVED INSTEAD OF ACNOLOGIA. I honestly don't get how you would pick the guy who transforms into a dragon as the final bad guy instead of the greatest dark wizard in the history who ALSO HAPPENS TO BE THE MC'S LOST BLOOD BROTHER like are you kidding me???
Gajeel and that blue hair girl don't end up toghether. I don't care what you say. They will be lucky if they end up as friends by the end. Sue me.
The guild master (Makarov I think?) do dies in an epic battle like he should.
That whole thing with Lucy's sister/doll probably doesn't happen. What was the point of that again?? Same with the filler arc of the spirits being brainwashed. Same with the thing about Makarov's grandson whose name I don't recall. Same with the timeskip (I'll invent another way out of that arc). Same with Erza's mom issue. Same with Zeref being a king. Same with-
Gildarts gets a full plastic surgery so he stops being a cheap copy of Shanks.
Mavis either stays a ghost or turns out she turned into a fairy and we get some weird backstory about fairies cause we can cause this is an AU. Yes I know the point of the "Do fairies have tails?" question was to mean that Fairy Tail is an endless adventure or something cause you can never answer it, but giving it an answer would give closure and send the message that even when the adventure ends, a new one begins.
Stop inventing new magic. Literally I'll just explain "magic can do this and that's it" and throw out the window all the stupid things they came up with just for plot's sake.
This are my takes.
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