#by having her join Richmonds corporate marketing team
asteria-argo · 8 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 4 years
Fifty Shades of Mikaelson
Shade 1
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Authors Note: So here is the first installment of a mulit chapter series, I posted a teaser chapter last year and after a lot of work and editing here is the first chapter. This will be a slow burn series but I hope you will stick with it. Word Count: 2953 Pairing: ???Mikaelson x Reader Insert (Slow Burn) Warnings: Implied sexual humor. Richmond Virginia is the home to Mikaelson Enterprises, one of the largest companies in the US to date, with countless connections across the country and the world. After receiving the company from the untimely death of their parents and younger brother Henrik the six remaining siblings all took a share and equal role within the company. 
The loss of their parents and younger brother was hard on the remaining family and became so tough on Freya and Finn that they ultimately took a step back from public eye of the company and became silent partners, this allowed Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah to have a free rein on the company so to speak.What made Mikaelson Enterprises different to all the others was the fact that it didn’t have one sole purpose. 
The company originally thrived at investing low market sales. Rather than take the risk and invest in the higher term stock markets each sibling took to different sectors and reaped the rewards of their own doing which allowed them endeavour into other opportunities.Each sibling was different, Rebekah stuck to fashion. Her aim was that she wanted people to look great whilst not breaking the bank and so she worked with a large team of designers to manufacture a line of clothing that was stylish while being at affordable prices. Kol and Niklaus went into business together to create the bourbon of bourbons, wanting to create a new brand and enjoying the odd glass or two led them to a likely partnership. Elijah was different compared to his other siblings rather than go out into the world and create a new product he used his studies and degree and built a highly respectable law firm. And each separate business venture was all under the same roof in the tallest building in the city.
Springtime in Richmond was often cold and or wet, and as I watched from my large bedroom window the weekend hustle and bustle of those wanting to get to work on time hurried in large packs and then would disperse quickly into different buildings. I padded barefoot through my large apartment, still half asleep, yawning and stretching relying on my auto-poilet function to get me to my kitchen so I could sort myself out with a cup of coffee and some much needed breakfast. Scratching my scalp with my nails I waited for the kettle to boil when I heard my laptop ping with an email. Groaning that I had emails to read on my day off, I ignored them whilst I carried on waiting for the water to boil but then the glorious chime of the skype ringtone filled my ears and I begrudgingly went over to my desk and answered the call.
“You’ve got some explaining to do love.” Klaus said, as I clicked on accept.
“I'll take your late night business meeting went well.” I teased back wiggling my eyebrows, carrying my laptop to my kitchen island. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Caroline was the representative for the Salvatore’s?” 
“I didn’t want you to have...performance issues.” I replied with a higher tone of voice whilst also swinging my hips as my back was to the camera while I continued to fix up my daily dose of caffeine. 
“You can do better…” Klaus deadpanned sounding un-amused. 
“Is that what Caroline said, aww champ.” I said as I turned back around to the camera with a mug in hand sipping away at the hot liquid. 
“I need you in the office today.” He said changing the subject. 
“You know I don’t work Saturday’s.” I replied, leaning back against the kitchen cupboards taking another sip of coffee. 
“Kol needs a new assistant…”
“And that is my problem how?” I sassed back.
“Unless you want the extra workload? I suggest you find somebody.” Klaus said smugly as he raised his eyebrow. 
I leaned towards the camera slightly. “I mean the extra money would be nice but it doesn’t quite fit in with my schedule, but who in their right mind is going to put up with your brother? Come on how am I meant to pitch this? By the way the guy you're going to be working for is arrogant and so self absorbed not to mention he thinks he’s the hottest and smartest guy in the room.” I ranted sarcastically. 
“I’ll see you within the hour Y/N.” He said bluntly and he ended the call. 
Letting out a huff I closed the laptop lid in a swift motion and lent back on the kitchen cabinets and took my time drinking my coffee. I glanced up at the clock, I saw I had about forty five minutes to get into work, which meant an hour give or take. Putting my now quarter empty coffee cup in the sink I headed over to my bedroom and picked out some clothes to wear. Selecting a form hugging, white knee length dress with a thin black belt, I then moved into my on-suite bathroom and jumped in the shower.  
As I entered the building to my workplace I did my usual rounds of saying my good mornings and made my way to the elevator. Standing patiently I waited for the metal doors to open and it made me think back to my very first day at the offices working for Niklaus or Klaus as he liked to be called. I was fresh out of college and had my tuition debt looming over my head and as I read through the job adverts in the daily paper I saw that there was a position at the esteemed Mikaelson Enterprises, hearing that it was good money I applied for it and I had been working happily here for the past two and a half years.  
Strolling through into Klaus’ office he looked un-amused just like he was in the video call earlier.
“You're late…” He scolded.
“I told you I don’t work Saturday’s.” I sassed back. 
“Do you want to find yourself unemployed?” He threatened. 
“Oh please you couldn’t even last a day without me, I know you better than you know yourself. Tell me again who is it that sends out Christmas cards to the shareholders? Or handles organizing all of your meetings?” I replied, rolling my eyes at his lame threat. 
“Organizing meetings are a part of your job Y/N.”
“Ahhh Y/N there you are darling, here is the list of candidates you asked for.” Kol interrupted, walking into Klaus’ office interrupting mine and his bickering and the younger Mikaelson hands me a stack of files.
Taken aback by the weight of the files, I gave him a sarcastic smile. “I did?” I asked, gritting my teeth sending my boss daggers with my eyes. 
“Brother would you like to join me for a drink? The distillery has a new batch they would like us to try.” Kol asked. 
“Would love to, I’ll catch up in a few moments just have a few things to sort out here before we leave.” Klaus replies and with that Kol says his goodbyes and leaves the office. 
“Really? You're calling me into work so you can play hooky?” I questioned, gesturing with my free hand.
“Duty calls. If it makes you feel better you can work here.” Klaus says with a smile and gets up from his desk and grabs his leather jacket and heads for the door.
“Would you also schedule a meeting with Marcel?” He asked as he turned slightly facing me. 
“Sure, how does the 10th of kiss my ass sound?” I deadpanned, rolling my eyes.
“Perfect love, I’ll see you later.” 
Klaus left his office and I let out another huff, so much for spending my Saturday at home binge watching TV whilst having a face mask on and eating a tub of ice cream, hanging up my woolen coat on the coat stand I placed the files on his desk. Slumping back against the leather office chair I reached out for the phone and slotted it under my ear and shoulder as I dialed the number for Marcel’s office while I looked at the first résumé. 
“Hello Gerard Corporation, Davina speaking.” 
“Hey Davina, it's Y/N.” I replied whilst scanning down the document. 
“Hi, Y/N! What can I do for you?” Davina asked in a chirpy tone.
“Can I book Klaus in to see Marcel next week? I did say it’ll be the 10th of kiss my ass but if that doesn’t work how does the 6th?” I asked her, spinning in the chair. 
I heard a chuckle down the line. “I have no idea how you can get away with talking to your boss like that!” 
“Takes practice, don't worry though in a year or two you’ll be speaking to Marcel exactly the same way.” 
“I doubt it, but you're in luck Marcel is free on the 10th. I’ll email you a confirmation this afternoon. But why are you working today? I didn’t think you worked on a Saturday?”
“Yeah so did I. Klaus called this morning saying that Kol needs a new assistant and that unless I want the extra workload to find someone suitable.” I replied with a grumble. 
“Oh dear. Have you found anyone yet?” She asked.
“Well so far I’m on the first one but listen to this.”
“I’m hardworking, loyal to a fault and will complete any task given to me to the best of my ability.” I said in a completely different accent and all I could hear from the other line was Davina laughing.
“Kol is...a difficult person anybody sweet and nice would just crumble under him.” 
“Tell me about it, well here's to hoping I can find someone in this stack who can stick it to him. I best get back to work but fancy going for a drink on Friday night?”   
“Sure thing, let me know how it goes. Speak to you later Y/N.”
“Bye D.” I said as I put the phone down and got back to looking at the applicants. 
Taking another of the résumés I left the office and headed to the break-room to fix myself another hot drink. As I was leaning over the counter waiting for the coffee maker I heard a clearing of the throat. 
“Nice to see your putting in the extra hours Y/N. Niklaus seems to have taken the hint about getting you to work one weekend a month.” Elijah says. 
Slapping the document on the counter I span around. “Do you really have to make me sound so cheap Elijah?” I teased feigning that he hurt my feelings. 
“Deepest apologies Y/N, you are looking lovely today might I add.” Elijah says.
“Why thank you, what brings you to this floor?” I asked him, fluttering my eyelashes.
“I was hoping to see Niklaus, is he available?” 
“Wasted your time I’m afraid, he’s playing hooky with your brother down at the distillery. No idea what time he will be back. But I can call you once he gets back into the office?” I suggested, picking up the cup and slid the résumé under my arm.    
“That would be rather helpful, thank you. I couldn’t help but also notice that some of my brothers' employees were looking a little frazzled. Perhaps you could aid them?” Elijah said back. 
“I’m a secretary Elijah, I’m not running a day-care when your brother goes out.” I replied pulling a face, rolling my eyes and walked past him leaving him alone. 
As I walked through the office back to Klaus’ office one of his employees called Joshua collared me. “Miss Y/N the fax machine isn’t working.” He uttered stumbling over his words. 
“Joshua darling, did they not teach anything at college? Here hold this.” I started, handing him my coffee cup and file and went to the fax machine to which was surrounded by a few other members of staff.  
“Listen up children.” I called out. 
“Bessie has done her service over the years you just need to know how to deal with her.” I added as I lifted up a flip, kicked the bottom drawer and pulled out the paper that had jammed. 
“Thank you.” I said quickly taking my cup and file and made a rather sharp getaway and back into the safety of Klaus’ office. 
I spent the remaining part of the afternoon going through the remanding résumés and to be honest out of the thirty I had read none of them stood out to me, the majority of the applicants were female and seemed ‘too nice’ and I didn’t think they would stand a chance, what male applicants were there also didn’t seem to be packing much in the spunk department. Looking at the clock on the wall I noticed that it was three-thirty and I was seriously hoping that Klaus and Kol would be making their way back to the office soon so I could go home. When I had an idea. Picking up the receiver on the phone I dialed a number to which I hoped would be the savior I needed. 
“Cami? Hey It’s Y/NN how are you? Just a quick one, are you still looking for another job?” I asked, twirling the wire around my forefinger.
“Y/NN, I’m good thanks and yeah I am. Why do you know of somewhere?” She asked me back.
“How do you feel working at the same building I work at? My boss's brother Kol, he’s looking for a new assistant. I will warm you though, he may be hot but he can be an ass.” I told her with a chuckle.
“Honestly I’ll take what I can get, the hours at the bar are getting fewer and fewer.” 
“Pop down to the office on Monday. I’ll schedule an appointment so you can meet him and get a feel for the place.”
“Alright I’ll do just that, thank you so much Y/NN.” 
“No worries Cami glad I could help.”
Ending the call and putting the phone back, the door to the office swung open and Kol and Klaus stumbled in, while Klaus propped himself up by holding onto the back of the sofa, Kol crash landed onto it. 
Raising an eyebrow. “I take it the tasting at the distillery went well?”
“That it did love.” Klaus slurred back.
“Did you find me a new assistant? Y/N” Kol asked me, shifting his position on the sofa.
“I did, I’ve set up an appointment on Monday so you can meet her. If she is too your liking she can start as soon as.” I replied back to him, moving to another part of the room that had a jug of water, pouring it into two glasses. I handed one to each of the boys. 
Klaus and Kol looked at me and then at the glass of water in their hand, letting out a sigh I made a drink up motion with my hands. 
“Elijah was also looking for you earlier, I did tell him I would contact him when you got back to office however I don’t think now is a good time. And that is also me done for the day thank you very much.” I added and collected my things and left the office. 
Walking into my apartment I was exhausted, dumping my handbag and coat on the sofa I stripped off and turned the shower on. Standing underneath the water flow I enjoyed having the hot water fall onto and down my body as I felt the day drain away from me. 
Monday came and I was back in the office like normal and already typing away at my desk which was located just outside Klaus’ office. I was in the process of sorting through some of the stray bits of paperwork that was scattered on my desk when the familiar notification came through. Glancing at the screen I let out a scoff, Klaus wanted to see me in his office. Pulling out the USB drive that was in my computer and strutted into the room. 
“His lordship wishes to see me.” I teased, mocking a curtsy. 
“Did you type up the transcript from the Salvatore meeting?” He asked bluntly. 
“Yes it’s all on here but you also have paper copies in the bottom drawer in your desk, you have a meeting in twenty minutes with Marcel and I also made a reservation at that fancy restaurant for you and Caroline at eight.” I replied, motioning to the USB stick in my hand when I mentioned it. 
“What would I do without you love?” 
“Probably you wouldn’t survive at all, but is it really a good idea to be seeing Caroline outside of business negotiations?” I asked him. 
“You see love that when people have too much to drink they let details slip. All you have to do is ask questions. But would you be a sweetheart and pick up my suit from the dry cleaners?” Klaus replies smugly. 
“If you say so, but in my opinion playing Caroline like the way your aiming is just a dick move. And what did your last slave die of?” I told him bluntly. 
“Love I’m not playing your friend. I’m playing the odds so I can win the bothersome game between us and Salvatore’s just remember who you get your paychecks from, and we ‘evil villains’ have minions such as yourself to go and pick up dry cleaning. Now if you don’t mind.” 
“Yeah, yeah I get it. Just if you do you know find yourself in a compromising position later tonight make sure you wrap it before you tap it.” I sassed, winking at him and left the office. 
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soccernetghana · 4 years
FEATURE: Oliver Arthur, ArthurLegacy and the talent-export model in Ghana football
[caption id="attachment_615029" align="aligncenter" width="720"] Arthur Legacy CEO Oliver Arthur.[/caption] The untold story of the rise of Oliver Arthur and his leading ArthurLegacy sports business franchise is remarkable. The company has an enviable pedigree thriving beyond Ghana football. In anticipation, Arthur could rise to the level of modern football’s ''super-agents'' in Jorge Mendes, Mino Raiola and Pini Zahavi. Arthur enshrines a model of player development into a needs-driven football business scenario that has become an important reference of Ghana football. In the ArthurLegacy talent-export model, self-development is principal – Arthur does not go looking for players others developed. The vision is built on developing players from their formative years and having lifetime relationships with them, stretching beyond their playing careers. [caption id="attachment_113193" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Mumuni Abubakar (left) and agent Oliver Arthur (middle) during his trial at Liverpool[/caption] Aside an association with a Nigerian quartet –  Orji Okwonkow (Bologna), Umar Sadiq (Partizan), Kingsley Michael Dogo (Bologna), and Abdullahi Nura (ex-AS Roma) – Arthur manages more Ghanaian players in Italy than everyone else. Today, counting mainly from Italian football, ArthurLegacy’s fleet includes an impressive list of plus-33 current players and many former clients. [caption id="attachment_732521" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] Oliver Arthur’s client Orji Okwonkwo named Montreal Impact MVP for the season[/caption] The newer generation of youngsters coming through the system are led by Philip Yebaoh Ankrah (Hellas Verona), Salim Abubakar (Sassuolo), Carl Davordzie (Parma), Kwaku Osei Bonsu (Caracas FC), Ahmed Awuah Ankrah (Parma), Justin Kumi (Sassuolo), Ibrahim Mustapha (RS Belgrade), Kingsley Ofori Asante (Cremona), Edmund Addo (FK Senica) and Brian Odei (Sassuolo). The company’s strategy also focuses on the Under-16s. Isaac Annan (Parma), Mike Aidoo (Chievo Verona) and Enoch Owusu (Inter Milan) are such examples. [caption id="attachment_308673" align="aligncenter" width="615"] Oliver Arthur and Godfred Donsah[/caption] The other generation of players, current and former, includes Richmond Boakye-Yiadom (RS Belgrade), Godfred Donsah (Cercle Brugge), Bright Addae (ex-Parma), Hans Nunoo Sarpei (VfB Stuttgart), Derrick Appiah (ex-AS Monaco), Patrick Asmah (ex-Atalanta), Augustine Okrah (ex-BK Häcken), Evans Osei (ex-Torino), Salifu Alimeyaw (ex-Hellas Verona), and Afriyie Acquah (Yeni Malatyaspor). The story began in Accra on 23 March 1974 when Oliver Kwame Afful Arthur was born to the late Yaw Arthur and madam Beatrice Tawiah. [caption id="attachment_303572" align="aligncenter" width="429"] Oliver Arthur (right) and his father Jospeh.[/caption] A Fante speaker, his hometown is Enyan Abaasa (Central Region). His education was at Suhum Secondary (1987-92) and Accra Academy (1992-94), which propelled him to the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (1998-2000) and a later career as a travel agent at 2020 Travel and Tours, Alitalia and Air Maroc respectively. The destiny of ArthurLegacy did not start right away after his career at Dansoman United FC where he played Colts football for the U-17 team and was a promising winger until parental pressure forced him to quit to focus on his schooling. [caption id="attachment_229323" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Richmond Boakye-Yiadom and his agent Oliver Arthur[/caption]   Arthur began full-time life in football as a Chief Executive Officer of the then lower-tier Bechem United FC, in the mid 2000s. He would later resign from this Bechem role to pursue a new philosophy –  doing transfer deals and managing players on a full self-funding model. He would also adopt to a principally Italian transfer market and be perpetually heard praising a certain Mauro Barnebei for his agency career. He met Italian football agent Barnebei while working at Alitalia and he helped him develop a concept to setup an agency. Barnebei had a registered company in Morocco called Atlas Sports and was also a match agent. [caption id="attachment_261110" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Oliver Arthur (left) and Ralph Gyambrah (now Bono & Ahafo Regional FA chairman).[/caption] Arthur brought his brother  Roy Arthur and friends Kojo Frempong, Ralph Gyambrah and Percy Allotey to form Atlas Sports in 2006. Bechem United owner Owusu-Achau joined the company, using his club as a development partner. He had served as part-time manager of the Under-17 team of Liberty Professionals between 2003 and late 2004. Despite leaving, he occasionally returned to Liberty to process their visas, famously he did the visas for the first travels of Kwadwo Asamoah and Rabiu Mohammed. [caption id="attachment_342821" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Oliver Arthur[/caption] He credits Barnebei, the Liberty Professionals duo of Alhaji Sly Tetteh and Felix Ansong and  Bechem United Chairman, Kingsley Owusu-Achau for his rise in football. Atlas Sports managed both D.C. United and Bechem United officially, helping the clubs to travel abroad for scouting events like the Trofeo "Nereo Rocco", Trofeo Karol Wojtyla and Citta di Gradisca-Trofeo Nereo Rocco U-16/17 tournaments in Italy. Atlas succeeded in securing transfer deals for a number of players, including Isaac Cofie, Yusif Raman Chibsah, and Alfred Duncan with the help of partner agent Leonardo Guisti. Arthur’s role in the development of a number of other players is also we documented –  Hotter Este Edmund, Nii Nortey Ashong, Massahudu Alhassan, Maxwell Boadu Acosty, Godfred Adofo, Kofi Adjei, Eric Warden, and Azian Tano Innocent. [caption id="attachment_736206" align="aligncenter" width="765"] Afriyie Acquah and his agent Oliver Arthur[/caption] In 2010, Atlas was dissolved due to irreconcilable differences within partners and Arthur went solo, just like everyone else. The relationship with Guisti later collapsed, leading to Arthur losing eight of the nine players their partnership co-managed. Only Richmond Boakye-Yiadom went with Arthur. Guisti went with the rest of the players including Duncan, Chibsah, Salifu Amidu and Cofie. This redefined Arthur’s career and ushered in the ArthurLegacy era. The incorporation of ArthurLegacy came in 2012 to usher in a golden generation. ArthurLegacy would become a huge success, with the help of ace Italian agent Paolo Busardo. [caption id="attachment_273558" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Augustine Okrah (left) and his agent Oliver Arthur.[/caption] The strategy of ArthurLegacy always focused on maintaining a significant presence in  Italian football with a crop of highly enterprising youngsters throughout the system. Arthur is stronger there and in the 70-plus deals he has brokered in his career, just a few were outside Italy – for a example: Appiah in France (AS Monaco), Okrah in Sweden and Sudan (BK Häcken and Al-Merrikh), Boakye in Serbia and Netherlands (Red Star Belgrade and Roda), Acquah in Germany and Turkey (Hoffenheim and Yeni Malatyaspor), Cofie in Spain and Turkey (Sporting de Gijón). ArthurLegacy built two flagship events into the new vision – the ArthurLegacy Invitational Scouting Tournament and CTB (Calcio Trade Ball).    The invitational tournaments are staged specifically for top European clubs, agents and scouts. Held under the auspices of the Embassy of Italy in Ghana on a biennial basis, CTB celebrates the contribution of Italy to the development of Ghana football and promotes Ghana-Italy cultural relations. [caption id="attachment_537396" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Maxwell Mensah and ArthurLegacy Sports CEO Oliver Arthur at the Stadio Renato Dell’Ara.[/caption] ArthurLegacy has invested in high-calibre management – in a network of people with talent and unique qualities, in Ghana and beyond. Former Accra Hearts of Oak defender Maxwell Mensah joined ArthurLegacy in retirement and is now the company’s management and scouting team. Shiraj Ahmed,  a practicing economist with two master’s degrees, is a long-serving employee. His sister, Kathleen Arthur, brings in a wealth of corporate-level experience into her General Manager role whilst Sintim-Pako Antwi, Stephen Domfeh and James Annan are specialist scouts and managers with vast experience in player development in Europe. Gideon Attoh, renowned for his local scouting pedigree, is the company's Chief Scout. [caption id="attachment_397802" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Afriyie Acquah and family of agent Oliver Arthur having lunch.[/caption] Bertha is Arthur's wife with whom he has three sons – Jason Jojo Jaidoo Arthur (2007), Kevin Kobina Fosu Arthur (2010) and Andrew Ekow Afful Arthur (2017). She is a highly educated interior decorator who runs a successful company called Signature By Bertha and has been a key decision maker in transfers from the beginning. Many credits her astute business mind for the rise of ArthurLegacy. Arthur does not like the headlines; his philanthropic works are also publicity shy. Arthur donates clothes and food once a year and supports students with fees in Macarthy Kope-a village in Ada, Greater Accra Region. He has also donated to the SOS village in the past and does much more charity work without publicity. Arthur is described by most of his players as a 'humanist' due to his player welfare care and that is manifested in the fact that he still maintains tight relationships with all his former players. [caption id="attachment_409559" align="aligncenter" width="1280"] Yaw Ackah (left), super agent Oliver Arthur and Razak Abdul Rahim.[/caption] All the signs are that Oliver Arthur is on his way to producing a Lionel Messi or a Cristiano Ronaldo or a Thierry Henry or a Zinedine Zidane or all of them combined. Hopefully, that becomes a reality for the benefit of Ghana football. source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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randybenedict · 6 years
Google taps ex-Geisinger CEO Feinberg to lead consolidated Google Health biz | Personnel Moves – November 14, 2018
Google (NSDQ:GOOG) has picked up former Geisinger Health CEO David Feinberg to lead its fragmented health divisions under the Google Health moniker, according to a recent CNBC report.
The tech giant had been searching for a head for several months, with artificial intelligence head Jeff Dean heavily involved in the process, according to the report. Other candidates include execs from health consulting, hospital management and insurance.
In his new position, Feinberg will work closely with CEO Sundar Pichai, according to CNBC, which references individuals familiar with the search process.
Feinberg will oversee multiple groups at Google interested in healthcare including its core search team, cloud business and Google Brain AI team, according to the report.
The formerly independent Alphabet DeepMind health and AI company will also merge back into Google under the newly formed Google health team, according to a separate CNBC report.
Feinberg will be looking to organize the healthcare efforts at the tech giant, including building a health team within Google’s Nest automated home division, which was also merged back into the Google Home team this year, that could help monitor seniors living independently, according to the report.
No information has emerged as to whether Feinberg will work hand-in-hand with other Alphabet healthcare plays, including Verily.
Google has not yet officially commented on the hiring.
 Owens & Minor names Sledd as interim prez & CEO, begins search for perm replacement
Owens & Minor (NYSE:OMI) said last week that it named board member Robert Sledd as its new board chair and interim prez & CEO, succeeding P. Phipps.
The Richmond, Va.-based company said that it has formed a search committee, which will be assisted by an executive search firm, as it looks for a permanent replacement for the departed Phipps.
Sledd has served as a board member since 2007 and previously spent more than 20 years as chairman and CEO of food distro company Performance Food Group, which he co-founded in 1987. He also recently served as managing partner at Pinnacle Ventures and Sledd Properties, and prior to that served as a Senior Economic Advisor to the former Governor of Virginia.
“The board believes the business will benefit from a change in leadership. We thank Cody for his contributions to Owens & Minor and appreciate Bob Sledd’s willingness to step in on an interim basis as we conduct a search for our next CEO. Bob has a long and successful track record operating a large distribution company. We will benefit from his wealth of management experience as well as his knowledge of our business from his board tenure. Under Bob’s leadership, we will continue to execute on our strategic plan to strengthen and diversify our business as we also focus on operational excellence,” lead director Anne Whittemore said in a prepared statement.
“Owens & Minor is a highly respected company that is well positioned to address the critical supply chain needs of providers and manufacturers across the continuum of care. I look forward to working with our dedicated teammates to provide our customers with services and products that improve healthcare delivery,” Sledd said.
In addition to Sledd taking over as interim CEO, the company said that its current interim CFO Robert Snead will continue in his position.
“Robert is an outstanding teammate and I look forward to working closely with him,” Sledd said.
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 EOS Imaging taps NA prez Lobinsky as CEO
EOS Imaging (EPA:EOSI) said last week that it has picked NA prez Mike Lobinsky as its new CEO, taking over for Marie Meynadier who will step away from the position at the beginning of the new year, but will retain a board seat.
The move comes as the Paris, France-based company looks to strengthen its presence in the US and to expand its shareholder base, EOS Imaging said.
Lobinsky’s election was unanimously decided by the company’s board of directors, EOS Imaging said. He has held leadership positions with Smith & Nephew (NYSE:SNN), Brainlab, Blue Belt Technologies  and Stryker (NYSE:SYK), the company added.
EOS Imaging said that it also added Valérie Worrall as its new CFO. Worrall has previously served as CFO of medical device company Balt.
“I have enjoyed working with Mike for over a year. His leadership and knowledge of the industry, combined with his fine understanding of corporate culture, are excellent assets for EOS imaging and I have complete confidence in his ability to continue and accelerate the development of the company. Our North American market is considerable, and Mike will be able to develop it without denying our European roots, relying on the talented management team present in Paris, particularly Eric Maulavé, chief operating officer, to continue to drive global growth. It was an honor and a great pleasure to serve the company and to develop it since its foundation. I am most grateful to the men and women within our staff, to our directors, shareholders and clinical partners, who contributed to this development over these last years. Our teams can be proud of the work accomplished, and I have full confidence that they will continue to build our success under Mike’s leadership,” Meynadier said in a press release.
“Marie’s vision, her energy and her remarkable managerial talent have brought EOS imaging to a stage of excellence and a unique international reputation. Marie has given the company access today to an acceleration opportunity in the United States, which is a new step. She has managed to attract a management team capable of taking up this new challenge and ensure a successful succession. It is rare to be able to apprehend the future in such optimism,” board chair Gérard Hascoet said in a prepared statement.
“I am very grateful to Marie and the board members for their trust and pleased to accept the CEO position. Few companies have accomplished what EOS has and these achievements have established a strong foundation for further development. The potential of our entire solution is outstanding, and I am confident in our ability to translate this into growth and value in the short, medium, and long terms,” Lobinsky said in a prepared release.
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 Bovie Medical CFO Ewers to retire
Bovie Medical (NYSE:BVX) said this week that its chief financial officer, treasurer and secretary Jay Ewers intends to retire.
The Clearwater, Fla.-based company said that it has launched a search for a replacement and that Ewers will stay with the company until a successor is found, after which he will aid in the transition process.
“I would like to thank Jay, on behalf of the board and the entire team at Bovie Medical, for his significant contributions since joining the company in 2014. We appreciate his continued commitment to the company and its shareholders as we identify a successor and wish him the very best in his future endeavors,” prez & CEO Charlie Goodwin said in a prepared statement.
“It has been a great pleasure to serve on the executive leadership team at Bovie Medical and I’m proud of our many accomplishments during my tenure. With the proceeds from the recent strategic transaction, Bovie Medical is in a strong financial position to pursue its future growth objectives, and I believe this was the right time to begin my transition to retirement,” Ewers said in a press release.
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 Procept BioRobotics appoints Waters as CFO
Procept BioRobotics said last week it appointed former Accuray (NSDQ:ARAY)  chief financial officer Kevin Waters as its new CFO.
Prior to joining Accuray, Waters held financial leadership positions with a number of medical device companies including Conceptus, Laserscope and Visx. He has also held positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Redwood Shores, Calif.-based company said.
“Kevin’s deep industry knowledge and leadership experience in commercial stage organizations make him a valuable addition to the Procept team, as we drive towards making Aquablation therapy with the Aquabeam robotic system the standard of care for treating BPH. His appointment rounds out the executive team at Procept, well-positioning the company for strong growth ahead,” founder & CEO Nikolai Aljuri said in a press release.
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Profound Medical co-founder Chipperton to head Mperia Therapeutics
Integra LifeSciences taps Schwartz as GC, corp VP & secretary
Intuitive Surgical names Kim as Korean VP & GM
Getinge lifts Le Roy to biz area surgical workflows prez
Hancock Jaffe appoints Sarner as QA, regulatory affairs VP
Intact Vascular taps MacKinnon as sales VP
BioCardia adds Scwhartz as clinical affairs VP
Clearside Biomedical science chief Noronha to resign
The post Google taps ex-Geisinger CEO Feinberg to lead consolidated Google Health biz | Personnel Moves – November 14, 2018 appeared first on MassDevice.
from MassDevice https://ift.tt/2qNJAyK
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colkoz64 · 6 years
Memory Care Residents to Paint Wall Mural as Part of Art Therapy Program
Updated August 9, 2018: Check out the news coverage from 6abc Action News. https://solvereseniorliving.com/memory-care-residents-paint-wall-mural-part-art-therapy-program/
Hamilton Township, NJ, July 29, 2018:  To celebrate their home and a nearby attraction, Homestead at Hamilton memory care residents on August 4th through August 7th will be putting brush to wall in a colorful creation of Sayen Gardens. Helping promote the enjoyment and cognitive benefits of art for people with dementia, residents will be joined by their families, staff and an art instructor, as well as the community’s assisted living and independent living residents. The mural will be painted in Homestead’s memory care Valeo™ Neighborhood on the first floor. The media is invited, with Monday, August 6th, providing the best feature/photo opportunity.
Completed in late 2017, the $59.1 million Homestead at Hamilton has 96 independent living apartments, 75 assisted living apartments and 24 memory care apartments. The community is managed by Solvere Senior Living, with offices in Princeton, New Jersey, Richmond, Virginia, and St. Petersburg, Florida. The mural painting project is part of Solvere’s signature proprietary wellness philosophy program Valeo and its Create and Compose tenet. Latin for “to thrive,” Valeo focuses specifically on wellness initiatives for those with memory impairments and incorporates components that examine residents’ social, intellectual, spiritual and physical well-being. The program supports residents and families in achieving successful aging goals. Create and Compose capitalizes on the therapeutic benefits that art and music offer.
“Art is a motivational and enjoyable experience that draws participants’ focus away from daily concerns and takes them on a journey of self-expression,” said Homestead’s General Manager Andy Fritz. “The mural will help them to relive fond memories and foster their own creative processes. Sayen Gardens were purposefully chosen to be something representative of the area since most of the residents are from this region. We look forward to four days of fun and artistic engagement. We also have art studios on-site to let residents continue their artistic interests anytime they wish.”
The media is invited to attend the mural painting project, which will be held Saturday, August 4th, through Tuesday, August 7th, from 9:30 – 11:30 am and from 1:30 – 3:30 pm, with Monday, August 6th, offering the best feature/photo opportunity. Homestead at Hamilton is located at 2560 Kuser Road, Hamilton Township, NJ 08691. The media should contact Scott McCaskey at Goldman & Associates Public Relations: [email protected] or 757-625-2518, ext. 3 to attend the event. The on-site contact is Homestead General Manager Andy Fritz at 609-438-9900 or on his cell at 856-448-5133.
A professional art instructor will be on-site to facilitate the mural. Colleen Koziara is CEO of Beyond Bingo, Inc., and the mural painting is a continuing part of her work as the Corporate Programming Consultant for Solvere Senior Living and its Valeo program. Murals To Remember™ belongs to Beyond Bingo, Inc., and is specifically designed, facilitated and created by and for seniors with the support and assistance of their families and community staff. The program aids in reminiscence, social engagement and the overall health and well-being of seniors challenged with advanced dementia related diseases, specifically for those living in the Valeo Neighborhood.
“Older adults, particularly those with cognitive and memory impairments, receive many personal and rewarding health and quality of life benefits from participating in art, music and other creative avenues,” Fritz said. “It is another way we acknowledge and honor the legacy of each of the residents by assisting them to create something reminiscent of who they are and what is familiar to them.”
The state-of-the-art, four-story Homestead at Hamilton is located on a 24-acre site in historic Hamilton Township and designed for maximum living space and natural light. Amenities and services include multiple casual and fine dining venues, two art studios, performing arts center, theater, libraries, fitness gym and studio, salon, concierge, transportation and sundry shop. Since opening, the community has created nearly 450 direct and indirect area jobs with an annual payroll in excess of $3 million.
Through its team of professionals in nursing and wellness, finance, operations and marketing, Solvere Senior Living currently manages 14 communities with three under development in eight states, including Florida, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Maryland, Virginia, Michigan and Oklahoma.
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nancygduarteus · 6 years
The City With the Most Expensive ACA Insurance in the U.S.
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.—When Garnett and Dave Mellen sent their 19-year-old daughter, Gita, off to college an hour away at Virginia Commonwealth University last fall, they didn’t expect to follow her.
But in November, the family received notice that their monthly health-insurance premium in Charlottesville would triple for 2018, from $1,200 to an unaffordable $3,600. So, the Mellens, both longtime local business owners, packed their bags and spent time with Gita in her off-campus apartment in Richmond.
“My whole life has been rearranged around trying to get health insurance,” Garnett Mellen, 56, said, as she explained that claiming residency with her daughter in the new zip code had cut their premiums by more than half.
Charlottesville now claims the dubious distinction of having the highest individual-market health-insurance costs in the country—prompting families like the Mellens to look for extreme solutions.
An exodus of carriers, which was blamed on losses caused by the instability of the Obamacare marketplace, created a coverage vacuum, leaving locals and insurance regulators scrambling.
Only one carrier—the Virginia Beach–based Optima Health—decided to continue to participate in the individual market, but it did so with monthly premium increases that were, on average, in the high double digits and for some consumers as much as 300 percent, according to people interviewed for this story.
It’s a problem that’s likely to be replicated elsewhere, says Timothy Jost, an emeritus professor of law at Washington and Lee University in Virginia and an expert on the health law. “In many states, it’s going to be hard to maintain a functional individual market,” he says. “Charlottesville is sort of ahead of everybody else in this ... but this is the direction things are heading.”
Insurers nationwide that intend to participate in the individual market face spring deadlines to file forms for 2019 plans and rate proposals. In Virginia, these dates are April 20 and May 4, respectively.
The situation in Charlottesville has left many residents at their wits’ end about how to pay for their health insurance, prompting the evolution of an angry and rebellious civic movement and thrusting the costs of coverage into the center of local politics.
Charlottesville for Reasonable Health Insurance, a grassroots organization with a Facebook group of more than 700 people, has already claimed small victories in the state legislature, such as propelling the passage of a bill that will alleviate the cost burden for some of its members. But its highest priority has been pressing state regulators to explain and possibly reconsider the decision that allowed for the stunning premium increase.
In the midst of various bureaucratic fits and starts, the state Bureau of Insurance (BOI) responded to the group April 11 by reiterating that Optima’s rates were “actuarially justified.” Ian Dixon, one of the group’s organizers, says they plan to appeal this finding to the State Corporation Commission. “We’re not going away, that’s for sure,” Dixon says. “They’re hoping they can wait us out ... They would drag this out for a year if they could.”
At the same time, the group has expanded its focus to other issues on health-care costs, such as price transparency and regulatory reform.
The trouble started in summer 2017, when the state’s major insurance carriers announced they would be leaving the individual market in Virginia, saying the market was “shrinking and deteriorating”—pointing to the instability of Obamacare under the Trump administration. Their departures left Albemarle County, home to Charlottesville, bare—meaning residents had no insurance options.
When Optima opted to continue to offer plans in and around Charlottesville, state insurance regulators breathed a collective sigh of relief. But Optima’s decision came with updated rate-increase proposals, which gained the okay of the under-the-gun BOI, led by Commissioner Scott White.
“I think the [regulators] decided they were willing to accept almost anything to get someone to cover Albemarle County and Charlottesville,” Jost says.
About 15 miles north of Charlottesville on U.S. 29, there’s a billboard that some residents now view with bitter irony. It features a smiling man with the message: “I chose Optima.”
On the one hand, Optima did fill a void and offer health plans where no other insurer would. Still, many residents found their only choice came with a 300 percent boost in premium costs. They felt that state regulators had fallen short of their consumer-protection responsibilities.
“Any assumption that I had ... that I thought [the Bureau of Insurance would be] protecting the people ... was completely naive,” says Sarah Stovall, 40, who works for a small software company, lives in Charlottesville with her husband and two sons, and has struggled to find affordable coverage.
But Ken Schrad, the director of the Division of Information Resources for the State Corporation Commission, said the bureau is still questioning Optima, checking its math and evaluating its actuarial decisions. He couldn’t answer specific questions about a matter he said is pending.
Schrad said the bureau reached out to carriers and worked with them last summer when it was clear that much of the commonwealth wouldn’t be covered. “It wasn’t a question of what the premiums would be,” Schrad said. “It was whether there would be any coverage.”
“[Filings] must be based on actuarially sound decisions, and that’s all the bureau can review. The market is the market.”
Stovall, 40, teamed up with Dixon, 38, a web-app developer, to manage the emerging Facebook group, which was originally set up as a support system for people in search of new insurance options in a short window of time. Soon, Karl Quist, 46, who had been actively calling the BOI to lodge complaints, joined the effort.
“The three of us did not know each other before November,” Dixon says. “We feel like we’re relatives now.”
Others quickly piled on, including the Mellens and Gail Williamson, 64, a part-time secretary at a private school who needed insurance for herself and her husband, who owns a business restoring antiques. Like many of the people in the group, the Williamsons made too much money to qualify for federal subsidies, but too little to be able to afford the $3,725 monthly premium that Optima would have charged them.
Sharing their knowledge, many Charlottesville for Reasonable Health Insurance members have resorted to imperfect jury-rigged policies that do not come with many of the coverage guarantees that protect patients from unexpected costs under the Affordable Care Act. Instead of paying $2,920 a month for Optima’s least generous family health plan, Quist is saving $2,300 a month by purchasing two non-ACA-compliant plans, one for sickness and one for accidents. Williamson has settled on a “silly little” three-month policy for $1,400 per month, plus an extra $35 a month in supplemental accident insurance for her husband.
“If I won the lottery, the first thing I’d do before giving my kids any money would be to buy health insurance for everyone in that group,” Williamson says.
Washington and Lee’s Jost says he worries about the impact of such cobbled-together coverage. He says having these plans could damage the ACA market further by skimming the healthier people away from the more comprehensive coverage, leaving behind those who are ill or have chronic conditions.
“It makes the situation worse because the only people who are going to pay premiums that high are people who are desperate,” Jost says.
Over the past months, the community-based effort has evolved beyond being an ad-hoc information clearinghouse into a powerful organizing tool. For instance, it has raised almost $20,000 to hire Jay Angoff, a lawyer and former federal and state insurance official, to appeal to Optima and state regulators about the Charlottesville-area rates. Dixon, Stovall, and Quist also regularly pile into Stovall’s minivan, drive to Richmond, and become lobbyists for their cause.
“The insurance companies pay people very good money to lobby for them on a regular basis,” Stovall says. “Meanwhile, I have to take off work, Ian [Dixon] has to leave his business for a day.”
“On some level, I have faith that if we keep pushing, I don’t know what the eventual outcome will be, but we’ll find some type of justice,” Dixon adds.
Their greatest victory came with the passage of S.B. 672. This law redefined what a “small employer” is so that self-employed people can buy insurance in the small-group market. The group sought this change because many people, including Dixon, found that the cost of adding an employee to a company of one allowed them to save money by obtaining insurance as a small group, though it still added significant overhead costs to these businesses.
Many in the group see this success as only a Band-Aid fix. Though it allows some people to obtain cheaper insurance, it doesn’t address the root of the problem: Optima’s rate increases.
For Garnett Mellen, though, the issue seems resolved, at least for now. She found a job with health benefits in Charlottesville, which enabled her and her husband to move back there. It’s a big relief—both for her and for Gita, her college-aged daughter.
“She [was] not entirely happy with us being there,” Mellen said.
This post appears courtesy of Kaiser Health News.
from Health News And Updates https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2018/04/the-city-with-the-most-expensive-aca-insurance-in-the-united-states/558605/?utm_source=feed
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