#and turning it into a REAL fish out of water story like they tried and failed to do
asteria-argo · 5 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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kobb4ni2 · 5 months
I just read you sea serpent reader and I have been having thought on how everyone who meet reader!
*Were on day fishing and somehow the hook got onto readers tail or hair and was force to surface to see where the hook is from*
Reader who surface and is staring at the Strawhats: Hi
Luffy/Sanji/Chopper/Usopp/Nami: FOOD/LADY/MONSTER
Red-haired Pirates
*crashes on an island that reader was chilling*
Shanks: want a drink?
Crew: IDIOT!
Beast Pirates
*Appeared at Wano bc Kaido tried to kill himself for the millionth time and ended up in Readers territory.
Yamato see reader for the first time: READER! WILL YOU MARRY ME!
Everyone: Young Master!!!!
Marines HQ
*Got in trouble because she sunk a Celestial Dragon ship*
Akainu: You can't keep sinking every ship that you see because you don't like them
Reader pounting and acting guilty: Sowwwy
Akainu: We will let this slide (for the thousandths time)
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The Strawhats would have heard of you from stories of Jimbie or Robin explaining the poneglyph that consisted of your name, which could be traced back from Skypiea and ect.
This is just a rundown of how some strawhats knew about your existence :3
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Luffy would have definitely heard many stories about you from his grandpa or the Red hair pirate, Shanks saying that one day you will be his bride and all.
Franky would have also heard stories of you from Tom and from Kokoro, he might have read your name in the Pluton sheet (I forgot what it’s called 😭)
Nami would have overheard from Arlong and the other fishmen because Sea Serpent! Reader is basically their Goddess.
AND ROBIN OOH LOORRDD, Robin would actually have an obsession on you before you ever even met the Strawhats, the old books of Ohara would have so many information out of you, and since you were close to Joyboy she would always somehow read your name in one of the poneglyphs which made her incredibly hooked on you.
Sanji from Zeff and you being related to the ocean, you must know about the all blue them!!
But ya know just one day the crew were just fishing, everyone is doing their own thing, Franky made a huge fishing net to capture more fishes, which works perfectly fine (more food for Luffy yippiee) and just yoink. They just yoinked Sea Serpent! Reader out of the water while she was just sleeping…. Means the Strawhats woke her up from her nap dawg😞
Sea Serpent! Reader: Umm…Hi? You woke me up from my nap.
Luffy would be starry eyed while Sanji is turned into stone when he saw your beauty, Zoro would be on guard, Chopper,Ussop and Nami would be freighted, but Nami would have this sense of familiar towards you, while Jimbie, Robin, Brook and Franky (aka the oldest) are amazed that YOU ARE ACTUALLY REAL!! (World government hid you from the world basically) I mean they knew you were real but ya know the world government and stuff…
The Red Hair Pirates Shanks specifically KNEW YOU ALREADY, but only stories from Roger and Reighley, Shanks knew that you were real but was only being hold as a dangerous being to the World Government so they have to somehow keep you in a leash, but that didn’t really stop you from exploring island to island and that where you saw the Red Hair Pirates, drunk or not Shanks would start flirting with you the minute you agree to join their party ;3
You saved Kaido from drowning after his “I have lost count” attempt, you the dragged his ass back to Wano, but before you can leave you were SOMEHOW detained and kept in a fancy room, that’s when Yamato met you, he heard that King ordered you to be held captive for a while, and the closer Yamato saw you the more you reminded him of the stories of Oden in his logbook about a Sea Serpent who had travelled with the Roger Pirates for only a few months, and when his suspicion was confirmed he immediately jumped out of his hiding spot and went to hug your tail, you were shocked but the boy Yamato kept on ranting about you, about opening up Wano and Oden and stuff, Yamato even said that after Wano is open he will marry you!!! (King is fuming rn)
The power you hold when it comes to the Marines is insane, the Gorosei will always send at least one Admiral to check up on you or if you’re going somewhere. It’s no secret you despise the Celestial Dragons, how could you not! Those are the people that brings extreme slavery and injustice not just towards your people but to everyone alike. You swear to Akainu that you didn’t even hit the celestial dragons boat, you just accidentally nudge it!! No you didn’t sent waves towards a boat that contains a bunch of Celestial Dragon, you were just swimming and your tail made too much force!! You have to forgive Sea Serpent! Reader!!
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miguel-ohara-lover · 8 months
Kinktober Day 12 - Siren!Miguel
Prompt list
CW: Nsfw, siren Mig, M!Reader, marking
Note: I’m having a really hard time doing anything today so it might not be that great. I am somewhat proud of it tho and it is very fitting for today since I’m so close to 500 followers :3
Mythical creatures like vampires and werewolves never scared you, even as a child when your older sibling would tell you ghost stories. Perhaps you just grew used to the eerie feeling that the tales gave off.
In turn this made you into quite the brave young man. Nothing seemed to frighten you too much, with the occasional exception of actual real world consequences. You’d just laugh and shake your head at the stories, they couldn’t be real.
So when you found yourself heading to a cave in a remote part of the beach, it wasn’t unusual. There’s nothing scary other than the fact that you walked so far from people. That was until you heard it.
A smooth voice glided through the air and into your ears, entrancing you and willing you forward. That was indeed freaky, it felt like you had lost control of your body, like you were being pulled to the cave.
You had heard tales of sirens previously, but they were just that, tales. Stories made up by men bored on their boats. One in your area was pretty popular though, of a male siren by the name of Miguel. You never believed it before, and part of you desperately didn’t want to start now.
You soon found yourself deep in the darkness of the rocky walls, the only light left being form the entrance far behind you. You could hear the water moving around you, now waist deep, unable to see.
Something almost scaly feeling brushed against your leg. You pulled back, expecting some snake or other reptile. When you looked down you could make out the vague silhouette of something coming out of the water. You squinted, trying to see what it was.
As your eyes adjusted to the dark you could finally see it was a man. A very handsome man… Blush spread across your cheeks, your mind forgetting about how weird this all is for a few moments. Before you could do or say anything he retreated back into the water.
You tried to follow him with your eyes, but couldn’t see into the water with how dark it is. You then felt two hands grab your waist and pull you down. They didn’t pull you under the water, just enough so you were on your knees, your once dry shirt now wet.
“It’s been awhile since anyone so handsome came by~” A smooth voice whispered in your ear, making you blush more. You could feel something large and hard pressed against your clothed ass, knowing what it is almost immediately.
The mysterious stranger moved his hands down, one making its way to your crotch and groping at the bulge in your trunks. You let him slide his hand into the fabric, letting out a small moan as he stroked your cock slowly. He seemed very pleased with that and removed his hand.
You felt him yank your trunks down, your skin now exposed to the water, his cock now against your bare ass. Your own hand brushed against his hip, and that’s when you felt the same scales you felt before. You initially freaked out, thinking you once again touched a reptile of some sort or a fish, but then you felt the scales transition into skin. You slowly realized the reality of this, he was a siren, and most likely the “Miguel” people would talk about.
Your thoughts were cut short when you felt the tip prod at your entrances, replaced quickly by those previous thoughts of how hot this all was. Hey you didn’t mind a random hookup with a stranger, and the mystery of all this was exciting. You let out a low moan as he started to push into you, his hands gently holding your hips as he guided himself.
Miguel was slow at first, letting you adjust to his size once completely inside you. Your cock was hard under the surface, spilling precum into the water already. He kissed along your neck and jawline, being gentle as he started leaving little marks on your skin. He then started to move his hips, thrusting into you at a steady pace.
You covered your mouth with your hand, a desperate attempt to muffle your moans. It felt so good, and he’s so much bigger than any man you had previously been with. His hands moved from your hips and up your torso, feeling your soft skin as his pace quickened slightly. He trances every curve of your body with his fingers, admiring every detail.
His touch drove you crazy, leaving a warm feeling where ever his skin had met yours. He started to thrust harder, slamming into you and encouraging you closer to release. You let out gasps and moans as he did so, feeling a familiar knot form in your gut.
Miguel bit at your neck, as if he were marking you as his. That sent you over the edge, the pain of his teeth mixing with pleasure was too much. He felt you tighten slightly around his cock as you spilled cum into the water, you panting and whimpering as you did so. He loved those sounds, you sounded so desperate to him, so beautiful.
It wasn’t long before he came inside you, feeling your ass with his seed. His thrusts didn’t slow as he fucked his cum deeper into you. You moaned and whined a little in protest, feeling slightly overstimulated from so much pleasure.
He finally pulled out and holds you onto some flat rocks above the water near the entrance. You could see his face better, damn he’s hot. Well, you already knew that but still. Seeing his face in the light was almost enough to get you hard again.
With the added light you could see his tail under the water. It was beautiful, shimmering in the sunlight. How could anyone be afraid of this? He’s gorgeous, and you you definitely be returning to this beach often.
Idk if anyone wants to be tagged since it’s an M!Reader but here you go anyway haha
@6thhokageswife @zaunsin @famouscattale @m4dyy @thedevax @migueloharastruelove @queerponcho @lynnxnnyl
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clouds-by-me · 4 months
𝓞𝓬𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓼 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓮𝔃𝓮
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Characters ;; Kazuha X gn!mer!reader Warnings ;; being caught in a net, PDA(kinda) Word count ;; 1.4k An |not this being in my wips for a long time and just now getting it done. And I’m probably gonna go back and edit this
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As a creature of the sea, you were naturally beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to see a creature of your kind? Across Teyvat, your kind was told in many ways, but every single time your kind was depicted as beautiful with an angelic voice.
Their voice carried feelings, and emotion. However had gone extinct long ago, mers, mermaids, and mermen had became only stories. Tales of fantasy and beauty all across teyvat. Though native to Fontaine, only some merfolk traveled outside of there homeland.
The sound of the wind and waves crashing onto a ship mix into a beautiful song to Kazuha’s ears. A wonderful symphony of sounds mixing and colliding to create a sound that only he can understand. Made just for him. Though people laugh, and sing in the background, the only thing he can hear is the soothing sound of the wind.
His guide, and friend. The loose fabric of his clothes flows in the wind along with his white hair with his streak of red. Carefully his red, amber eyes watched the water, he noticed the waves crash against the boat, and shift at the movement of fish in the water. The way that the water reflected the sun’s rays looked majestic.
Kazuha felt himself be guided into a trance like state. No thoughts entered or exited his mind, he felt peace. For a while he watched the waves, unblinking, until he saw something splash out of the corner of his eye. Quickly, he turned his head to see what’s he had saw, but there was nothing.
Leaning forward, he tried to look closer, keeping a hold onto the boat so he wont fall. After about a minute or so of seeing nothing, he turned away from the water, leaving his own world and returning to the real one.
His crew mates still chatted, and yelled. Laughter filled the breeze. Kazuha softly smiled at the sight, it was nice to see everyone enjoying themselves.
His thoughts went back to water, did he see something? Had he been hallucinating? He doesn’t know. The sound of someone yelling caught his attention.
“Hey, Cap! Something big just got caught in the net!” The sound on the ship lowered, as everyone looked to one person. She stood tall, long brown hair flowed down her back, some of it put up into a bun, with her bangs covering her left eye. She dressed in reds, and browns, with gold italics. Thigh high boots, and an electro vision on her hip. She held a relaxed expression, but somehow still looked serious.
“Bring it on board! Let’s see what it is.” Her voice sprung people into action, and the crew scattered to pull a giant net onto the ship. The struggle to get the net onto the ship, wasn’t expected to say the least.
Once in the middle of the ship, Caption Beidou, and Kazuha along with everyone else on the ship surrounded the net. Something large moved around inside, yet was hard to see due to the light that reflected off of its scales, and the seaweed that was tangled in the net as well.
As Beidou stepped closer, most poeple were quick to assume that the newest catch would be their next meal. Kazuha watched the caption closely as she inspected it.
When she pulled out a small knife, thats when whatever was inside started to trash, and squirm violently. The sudden commotion caused everyone else on the ship to draw closer.
From a short distance, Kazuha watched the scene unfold. From his perspective, everyone else was overreacting, yet he had expected this. A gust of wind blew towards the group, causing the white haired male to continue to stare, this time much more intensely. Then he heard a sound, one that sounded almost like a cry, or gasp.
A hushed sound that swam through the wind. At the sight of skin under the thick green kelp, Kazuha’s eyes widen. He didn’t know what he was doing, but the next thing he knew, was him immediately being close to the net. The male ushered his crew mates, and caption away from the net, and after a few seconds they moved away.
“Kazuha? What are you doing?” The voice of Beidou didn’t seem to have processed in his brain, because he didn’t respond, nor did he move away from the now slightly damp net.
Carefully his hands grazed over the kelp, to which the already moved thing inside continued to violently thrash. The mocking. Voices of the people around didn’t males it to Kazuha’s consciousness. His red eyes scanned the kelp as his hands worked to remove the long green strips. When his eyes meet met another, he froze. Whatever was within the net stopped as well.
Time seemed to have slowed to an abrupt stop. Curious eyes, met scared ones, and they seemed to have connected by some invisible string. When the scared eyes blinked, all the weird and uncomfortable kelp was off of their body. As the sun beamed onto them, they struggled to keep their eyes open, had been under thick layers of the oceans grass.
Kazuha stared in awe, at what had been in front of him.
A being with the upper body of a human, a fin with shining scales replaced their legs. Scales came in clusters around the human part of their body. Their nails were sharp, and they had webbed fingers.
As soon as the net had been removed from their body, they had brought a hand over their eyes. A feeling of longing washed over Kazuha at the sight of them shielding their eyes. Just as his hands twitched to reach out to the person before him, the sound of his caption stopped him.
“Alright crew! Everyone listen up! We’re going to set them free, everyone set about to their normal business!” A rumble of groans echoed throughout the crux, yet everyone did as told and event about their own business. Kazuha, however didn’t, still crouched down before the beautiful creature.
“I trust that you’ll be able to care for them?” He looked up to find Beidou looking down at him, something like a smirk was on her face. “Just be sure to be careful.” He wordlessly nodded, not really understanding what she meant, as she walked away.
When he looked back in fro at of him, he was greeted by a pair of curious eyes. In shock, he flinched back, falling onto his but. Water dripped onto him from the mer still being wet, seeing as the creature had gotten really close to him. Their eyes flickered from his, then to his hair. Wordlessly, they slowly moved their hand to his head. Kazuha watched their hand, and stayed still as if frozen in place.
He felt them grab a peace of his hair and pull it closer towards them. Kazuha leaned closer, now understand what they were reaching for. In their hand, was his strand of red hair. They played with it intently, as if it was the most interesting thing they’ve ever seen.
“I need to get you back into the ocean…” With a heated face, his voice trailed off, something about the lack of distance, and the look of innocence in their eyes made Kazuha slightly flustered. It wasn’t like they were in some secluded area either, which didn’t help him any.
At his words they looked at him, disgusted almost.
“I….don’t wanna go back.” They mumbled under their breath. If it weren’t for Kazuha’s incredible hearing, he would’ve missed their angelic voice. Their voice was like air to his lungs, it felt wonderful o hear them speak. For a shor t while, he was beginning the wonder if they could talk. The male didn’t understand the imploring sound in their voice, but his heart sunk at their words. He tilted his head slightly, and they avoided his gaze, opting to look at the sea instead.
He wanted to ask why they didn’t want to return to the water, but figured that it would be best to leave it be. Instead he began looking around.
“Well, doubt you need to get back into water? Before your fins dry out?” They didn't say anything, only nodded as a response. Them not using their words to express themselves was disappointing to say the least. the male sighed, as he stared at the being before him, the wind blew.
His hair blew in the wind, and as he sat there with the majestic creature he made up his mind. His friend, the wind, didn’t guide him to this decision. Looking at the being who refused to look ay him, he had made up his mind.
“I’m gonna take care of you. I’m going to protect you, and keep you safe.”
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
Ok my friend Imma gonna hit you up for some more 😜 Fic Roulette!!!
1. 6 and 16
2. 10 and 39!
Hehehe, I'm almost afraid to ask but yes, Hunter 😂
You did marvelous on the last ones! Can't wait to see what you'll do with these!!!
Ohhhh sweet @dragonrider9905 You thought you could stump me huh? Well you almost did. LOL. Just kidding.
I hope you enjoy both stories. This is 6 and 16.
Love oo,
Not Your Fault
Warnings: Feelings of guilt, mentions of death, fluff, grief, sadness, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Omega laughed as you tried to do a fishtail braid, “Sorry,  hun, I’m doing my best here, but it’s coming out a little …” you scrunch your face as you look at your handiwork, “Let’s just say if this was a real fish’s tail, this fish would be dead. Do you mind if I start over?”
“No. Go ahead.” She answered with patience and love, just happy to spend time with you.
So you set to remake the fishtail, yet, no matter how hard you tried, the tails didn’t look even or how Omega wanted them, and she couldn’t stop laughing, “Omega,” you laughed unable to hold back, “I’m trying to fix your hair, so hold still.”
It was about another hour when you had finally managed to get the tails to look like tails and to make them even enough they wouldn’t embarrass her, make her look odd or like a crazy person. She ran around telling her brothers about her fishtails and showing them off. 
You chuckled to yourself, slowly following her footsteps. However, you stopped midstep, your eyes focusing on Hunter sitting in his patio chair looking out over the water. There was a near blank expression on his face, yet his eyes held all his emotions. It broke your heart seeing him so … lost? Guilt-ridden? Maybe it was just overwhelming grief.  
After all, it hadn’t been long since Omega and Crosshair came back. Frankly, you were happy to have them back, especially after losing Tech. Everyone on Pabu felt his loss, and getting to know Crosshair had been challenging at first, yet Hunter somehow took on the responsibility of making sure Crosshair got along with everyone.
As each day progressed, the emotions in Hunter’s eyes were slowly becoming more and more overwhelming. It wasn’t hard to see he was still learning how to move on without Tech. How to live his life without his brother. 
You’ve suffered more than your fair share of losses, and you knew how difficult it was to just start living again. To start putting yourself back together without having that support you relied on so heavily. If anything, Hunter needed a friend first and foremost right now. 
Not wanting to disrupt his peace too much, you did what you could as you quietly walked over and sat beside him. 
Hunter didn’t flinch or react as you took your seat, he knew you were there, but he’d rather focus on the horizon, at the moment.
It was almost half an hour later, when you finally spoke up, “You okay? Caught you staring off into space again.”
His face turned to look at you, doing his best to give you a smile, even if it was half hearted. 
“I’m fine.”
It had been his go-to response lately. Everything was either ‘I’m fine,’ ‘I’m okay,’ or ‘I’m just tired.’ Honestly, you had to keep reminding yourself not to get upset with him, he and his family had been through a lot. More than most families and it didn’t help if all you were going to do was nag him. 
So you did what needed to be done. Find a way to get him talking. Whether you two would still remain friends after this conversation, was yet to be seen. But he needed this, whether he admitted it or not. 
“It’s not your fault you know,” you rested your clasped hands on the table as you looked at him.
“What’s not?”
“Losing Tech, Omega getting captured or even Crosshair choosing to stay with Empire for as long as he did before leaving them.”
He let out a vexed noise, “It is.”
“It’s not.” You told him emphatically. 
“You weren’t there.” 
His eyes narrowed as you talked about the unspoken topic that was never to be mentioned between the two of you. He knew you cared, it was evident by how you took care of them. Ever since they moved into the house beside yours, you were quick to offer any assistance. Helping Omega, cooking dinner, even giving a listening ear to whoever needed it and keeping what you had learned to yourself. 
However, he didn’t want you to be tainted with his failures. He wanted you to remain separate. 
“You’re right.” You nodded, as your eyes focused on the sunset, “I wasn’t there, but you know who was?” I turned to look at him and smiled, “Wrecker, Omega, Echo and Tech. I’ve spoken with Wrecker, Omega and Echo, and each one of them said Tech made a choice. It was a difficult situation and it was either he delayed the inevitable and you all got captured or killed, or … he’d make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his family survived.” 
You reached over and took Hunter’s hand in yours, “Considering who Tech … was, do you think he would’ve been happy knowing you would’ve been captured because of him?”
He shook his head, as he let out a choked laugh, “No. No, he would’ve made us go over the scenario a thousand times to make sure we never let that happen again, and then he would’ve come up with a plan to enforce that.”
“And would he have blamed you for going to the outpost you went just to find information on Crosshair?”
“No. He … he was the first one to suggest it.”
You nodded, tightening your hold on his hand, “Then would it be right to say it was your fault? I mean Tech made the ultimate sacrifice for his family, that’s commendible and honourable. Don’t cheapen his sacrifice with your guilt.”
Hunter let out a long sigh as his free hand ran down his face, “If only it were that easy.”
“I know, it’s easy for someone like me … an outsider … to look in and tell you what you need to do; but as the person who lived it,” you smiled as you looked at him, “… you can just tell me to shut up and just hold your hand.” 
A small smile of understanding appeared on your face as you offered it to Hunter. 
“I’d never tell you to shut up.”
“Maybe I haven’t irritated you enough, yet.” You looked into his eyes letting him know you were there, as you squeezed his hand, “Hunter, nothing that happened was your fault. Omega getting captured was as Echo put it ‘an overwhelming amount of force.’ Crosshair choosing to join the Empire was no more your fault, than him choosing to leave the Empire.” You reached over brushing his hair back and tucking it behind his ear, as you cupped his cheek. “You can’t take on people’s choices or circumstances beyond your control, simply because you’re a Sergeant, or were a Sergeant. Life gives you no karking choice but to play the cards you’re dealt, and I for one, am glad you guys found your way into my life.”
He leaned into your hand holding it against his cheek, “Your friendship means more to me than you know.”
You smiled as you looked into his eyes, “I know. Your friendship means a lot too. Just … promise me, you’ll talk to me when you’re letting your emotions overwhelm you. If not me, at least someone. Please?”
“Alright, mesh’la. I promise.”
Hunter’s smile grew as he kept looking at you, even as you pulled your hand away. He’d been holding off on telling you how he felt for so long. However, he couldn’t hold back anymore, he was going to tell you.
“You know, one of these days, you’re going to have to tell me what mesh-a-la means.”
“I will,” he leaned forward, keeping your hand in his, “I promise.”
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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ageingfangirl2 · 9 months
A Reason To Come Back! Shanks (OPLA) Part 1
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Reader is a mermaid who washed up close to death in Luffy's village and made a home for themselves. Shanks comes back and tries to convince y/n to join his crew. Shanks x Female Reader.
Part 2
It had been six months since you found yourself washed up on the shores of Foosha Village, bloody and close to death after watching your family die at the hands of pirates and making a dangerous escape. At first the village was stunned that a girl washed up beaten and bloody, then it turned into shock when they saw your shimmering tail and realised mermaids were real and not myth. Luckily when on shore you grew legs so you managed to blend in.
After being nursed back to health you decided to stay in the village because everyone was so nice to you. Being a mermaid meant you had a knack for fishing so were able to provide a lot of fish to eat and sell, and if Makino needed help you helped in the tavern. This is where you meet a young boy called Luffy who dreams of being a pirate.
Luffy took an immediate shine to you, following you around and asking lots of questions about the sea. You weren't a fan of pirate questions and after a talking to from Makino he didn't mention pirates around you often. Luffy was like a little brother, he had an adorable if not energetic personality which meant you had to keep an eye on him. He loved to watch you swim in the cove near your house, gushing over your tail and how cool it was he knew a mermaid.
He told you tales of a pirate called Shanks and his crew and how they were amazing pirates. It was hard to believe a pirate crew could exist that didn't always use violence to get what they wanted. Luffy missed Shanks and promised to introduce you to him when he eventually came back.
'Hey captain, where's Luffy? Usually, he'd be the first to greet us,' Yasopp calls out.
I walked across the deck and to my surprise Luffy was nowhere in sight. had something happened to him? I'd have to ask Makino because this was very odd.
After ordering the crew to unload I head towards the tavern, genuinely concerned for Luffy, yes he could be a little annoying but his enthusiasm more than made up for that.
Makino smiles as I enter the empty tavern, 'ah you're back Shanks. What's wrong?'
'Have you seen Luffy? He wasn't at the dock.'
Makino stops sweeping and chuckles, 'Now that's a first. He's probably at the cove with y/n. How she puts up with him I'll never know.'
y/n, that name wasn't familiar, maybe they were new in town, 'who is she?'
Makino hums, 'washed up on the beach six months ago beaten nearly to death, but that's not all, turns out mermaids are real. Luffy is obsessed with her.'
I'd been sailing the sea for years and had heard stories and rumours about mermaids but never thought they were real. I guess I'd go find Luffy and this mermaid y/n.
'She has a past with pirates so be careful, though I'm pretty sure Luffy has her convinced your crew are good pirates.'
I nod and head back out of the tavern, curious why y/n had a past with pirates if mermaids hardly showed themselves.
The cove wasn't a long walk, and I could already hear Luffy talking away at a mile a minute, while a girl laughed, I had to stop for a second because the laugh was a little hypnotizing. The stories said it was sirens with voices to lure ships to their demise, but maybe that also applied to mermaids.
I lean against the rock wall and take in the sight in front of me. In the water was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, and I wasn't being biased because we had the same hair colour. Her facial expression was soft and there was a twinkle behind her eyes as she laughed along with Luffy. I was also a man and despite her long wet hair covering her shell-covered breasts, she had a body. Her tail was also the same shade of red as her hair but shimmered when the sun hit it in the water
'HEY SHANKS!' Luffy shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts.
'Didn't see you at the dock so I came to find you,' I direct at Luffy before turning my full attention to the girl who was watching me with curious eyes, 'and you must be y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you.'
y/n smiles, 'You're the infamous Shanks, I've heard a lot about you from this one.'
I rub my head, 'why am I afraid to ask?'
y/n laughs, and again I find myself enthralled, she had to have some kind of power, 'he has a big imagination.'
Luffy puffs out his chest, 'When I get my own ship and crew y/n is going to join my crew, aren't you y/n?'
y/n's smile falters for a split second but she quickly composed herself, 'Maybe I'm not ready to head out to sea yet Luffy. Now shouldn't you be going to help Makino?'
Luffy jumps up from where he was perched, 'See you later y/n, you coming to Shanks?'
I put my hand up, 'I'll follow after you. Go ahead Luffy.'
The boy nods and runs past me. y/n swims up to the rocks and rests her hands on the rocks before resting her chin on them and staring at me, 'first time seeing a mermaid?' she asks.
I nod and crouch down, 'yeah, bit odd and I've seen some things while travelling. Makino told me you washed up on the beach, is that why you hate pirates?'
y/n bites her lip and nods, 'a pirate crew found the cove my family were resting in. Mermaids can live on the land, and we grow legs, but we prefer the water. They skinned the scales off my parents and siblings' tails like you do to a fish, I remember hearing them screaming because to mermaids our scales are like skin so imagine you're skin being peeled off while you're still alive Shanks.'
That was a lot to digest, 'I'm sorry, that must have been hard for you.'
y/n nods and uses her hands to push herself out of the water, and like magic her tail turns into human legs, but she isn't naked like the stories said, instead she was wearing a wet dress that clung to her body in all the right places.
'I told myself I wouldn't go back into the sea until those pirates were gone, so I guess I'm stuck here. But I have Luffy and the other villagers to keep me company.'
An idea forms in my head, 'what if my crew made those pirates go away. Would you return to the sea?'
y/n tilts her head to the side as she approaches me, 'Maybe. I don't have anywhere to go though. I'd be all alone.'
'Then join my crew,' I say without a second thought.
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Bard x Mermaid!Reader
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Bard could sense there was something else in the water besides the fish he intended to catch. Peering over he tried to see if he could get a look. Going from one side of his boat to the other, yet the being still was not there.
You know you shouldn’t be this close to a fisherman’s boat but you couldn’t help it. The human world always interested you so and this human was particularly handsome. Besides you were a fast swimmer, he wouldn’t see you unless you wanted him to.
“I know you’re down there.” He called smoothly; maybe just a little peek couldn’t hurt.
As he looked out into the water he saw your head peek out. Slowly your whole face came into view and once your eyes met you just stared at each other for a while. There was no way around it, he definitely was handsome.
Quickly going under water to swim away he called for you to come back, but before he could finish his sentence you were right at his boat, peering up at him with beautiful sweet eyes. His eyes scanned yours in return and seemed to widen with wonder as your tail came into view.
“Hello.” He simply breathed out, a sense of astonishment and joy in his voice.
“Hello.” You replied in return with a giggle.
“I’d heard stories of human like beings who lived in the water, told tales of them to my daughters, but I never believed they were real.” He told you, now kneeling down to be face to face with you.
“I’d heard stories of handsome fisherman who were brave enough to speak with my people and kind enough not to catch them. I’d hope such tales were real and now I see they are.” You reply with a smile, pushing yourself up a little further as your hand rises to lay on his cheek.
To Bards surprise he closes his eyes and leans into your touch, his hand coming to lay upon yours. Seeing the handsome man in such a state of relaxed joy, you brave leaning up a little further and lay a sweet kiss on his lips.
As quickly as you and your kiss came, you were gone. Bards eyes fluttered open, but to his disappointment, you had vanished into a flurry of rippling water.
“Da, look! A mermaid! Like from your stories.” Called Tilda.
Whipping his head around, Bard tried to search for you in the water. Once again you were too fast for him, but he did manage to see the shine of your tail before you ventured further into the depths. Taking a deep breath, Bards sweet eyes turned to his young daughter.
“Tilda, they’re just stories, there are no mermaids.” He told the young girl, hating lying to her.
Bard once again knowing you were near his boat, sat down and waited for you to appear.
“You miss me?” You smile up at him with mischief in your eye as he snaps his head up to look at you.
Instead of the awe and beauty that was in them before, there was hurt and a bit of anger.
“You should not have come so close to town, someone could have spotted you and you could have been hurt.” He tells you, worry laced in his voice as his eyes now fill with sadness.
Surprising himself, his hand lays lovingly on the side of your face.
Instead of apologising or feeling bad however, you continue to be cheeky and perhaps a little flirty.
“So you care for me then.” You smile at him as you kiss his palm that rests on your face.
Hearing your playful comment he can’t help but laugh and blush, taking your other cheek in his hand.
“Well it’s not every day a beautiful being of legend comes to my boat and kisses me.” He confesses, smiling down at you as he begins to lean in.
Feeling as though it was taking too long, you grab a hold of his shirt and pull him down into a hard and passionate kiss. One of Bards strong hands come down to your hip and gasps as he touches your scales. With his mouth open you slip your tongue in, turning the kiss into something less innocent.
His other hand now reaches into your hair as your tail begins to beat against the water with joy. Opening his eyes, Bard smiles at the excited sound your tail creates splashing against the water.
“If I promise to stay away from the town will you promise to kiss me like that again?” You ask breathlessly with a wide smile.
“You have my word.” Bard answers sweetly, closing his eyes and rubbing his nose against yours.
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sunandflame · 9 months
Shards of Glass, Chapter 4
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Summary: Kyojuro Rengoku, History Teacher on the Kimetsu Academy, is constantly having strange dreams about a Slayer who looks exactly like him. He thinks nothing of it until he recognizes a very specific person from these dreams and feels a very unique connection to her.
Pairing: History Teacher Kyojuro x Teacher Fem!Reader
Trope: Reincarnation / Sequel to Flame and Water (can be stand-alone)
Word Count: 1664
Warning: slightly suggestive
Pinterest Board of Shards of Glass
Crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Shards of Glass
He fished out the flower that was floating at the edge of the pond and placed it in her hair. "You are as beautiful and pure as this water lily..." His lips were close to her ears when he whispered his words, kissing her ear that brought up a soft giggle from her. She turned to him and his heart clenched at the beautiful sight of her. God, he loved her so much…
This time the awakening was gentler, the image before his eyes clearer. The beauty of Y/N was burned into his mind and he couldn't calm the pounding of his heart the more he thought about her. He was confused and didn't know what these dreams were trying to tell him. In the first week she started as an English teacher, all he saw in his dreams was her terrified face, which gave him no peace at night. He could not bear the thought that he might have hurt her. Seeing it over and over again made him avoid sleeping, letting him rely on coffee, which didn't really help. 
It also didn't help that he barely saw her. He wanted to meet the woman who haunted his dreams or memories or whatever it was. The guilty conscience that he hadn't done it on the first day still plagued him, but yesterday everything had changed.
After the neverending week he had finally spoken to her and it went better than he thought it would. It was surprising how easy it was to talk to her and he liked her more than a normal amount. The connection he felt with her had been driving him crazy the whole time and the previous dream explained a lot too. “We were lovers…” He whispered to himself. He held his blushing face in his hands. The feeling of butterflies raging in his stomach from his dream were still very present. He wasn't sure if the feelings he felt were his own or those of his inherited memory. Were they even inherited memories? If so, then he was missing some big important parts of this story because nothing he saw actually made sense.
He sighed and was already on his way to the kitchen to get some breakfast since he was hungry, but that didn’t stop his thoughts. Was this perhaps a case of reincarnation? When he was writing his thesis, back in his student era, there was one time he had come across this topic but hadn’t paid much attention to it since it was not part of the work. Maybe he should have done that. He sighed. He would have to investigate the matter more thoroughly. There should be records of his ancestors at his parents’ place. Next time he visited, he would take a look at the Rengoku archives.
~ ~ ~
The blonde man tried to focus but had trouble because his eyes kept wandering over to Y/N. It didn't make it any easier that she was sitting right across from him and was therefore directly in his field of vision. Everything she did seemed incredibly familiar. The way she frowned slightly in concentration, or the way she pushed her hair behind her ear even though there wasn't a loose strand hanging. Things he had not yet seen in his dreams, but still seemed infinitely familiar to him. He tried hard to not let the feelings he had in his dreams take over in his real life. He didn't want to be influenced by something that happened in the past or in a dream, but how would that work? It was simply impossible not to surrender to her shy yet charming nature. Or the way she treated everyone around her with such kindness. Kyojuro had to admit to himself that he had fallen head over heels for the English teacher.
Suddenly a ball of paper hit him in the head and made him snap out of his thoughts. He looked for the one who was responsible for it and found him. Confused, over Shinazugawa's angry face he tried to interpret why he was angry again. He couldn't find an explanation and simply dismissed it. He was not looking at him anymore anyway. Kyojuro’s gaze moved back up to Y/N and then to Kocho who was sitting right next to her and then across to the math teacher who also seemed to be constantly staring in the same direction. Wait- Was he staring at Y/N too? Hot jealousy burned within him that he had never felt before in his life. An unexpected aggressiveness spread through his thoughts and he imagined himself hitting Shinazugawa. He was shocked immediately after the moment he realized what he was actually thinking. What was wrong with him?! Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, since he was not the jealous type. He had had relationships in the past, but he had never felt this way before.
He took a deep breath to calm himself down and stared at his papers so as not to let the traitorous feelings out.
"Finally done..." Y/N  had just finished checking the exams of the students and stretched her arms. A relieved sigh escaped her, she finally had the whole weekend for herself and she was so looking forward to her bathtub where she would put on a clay mask, laze around and actually read a book and not the illegible notes of her students. She was excited to treat herself like this and cuddle afterwards with her cat Shimizu.
But she couldn't fully immerse herself in her dreams when suddenly two fuchsia colored eyes appeared in front of her. "Hey, pretty new colleague! We have a monthly drinking party with all the teachers today. You should come with us, since you are one of us now, and this way we can all get to know each other better!" 
She blinked at him several times and was wondering if he just flirted with her but then she remembered how he usually was which relaxed her immediately. Her gaze wandered around to see if the others were also so enthusiastic about this idea. Obanai and Sanemi were caught up in a conversation. 
Kanae gave her a friendly smile and nodded encouragingly. "Y/N, you should come. Our drinking parties are always very fun and that way we can all be friends." Friends... Yes, that was something she definitely needed.
 "Yes, Y/N, come with us! The more the merrier!" Kyojuro's loud exclamation had thrown her off track and she looked back and forth between them before nodding finally in agreement.
~ ~ ~
It didn't take long for the orders to be placed. Y/N sat a little shyly between the big, but kindhearted Gyomei, and Giyuu. She knew that Giyuu wasn't the talkative type and you were surprised that he even had come along with them. But what Giyuu lacked in communication, Tengen provided in an amazing way. He talked about a lot of things and introduced all his colleagues to her again. They also seemed a little more relaxed now when they weren't fenced in by the school walls. The food came and everyone started to grab it when she suddenly noticed something. She looked at the blonde history teacher who was happily eating one plate after another. He seemed to have a religious experience with his soup filled with sweet potato, saying umai to himself as he sipped it.
Y/N was fascinated by it and forgot to touch her own plate while she watched him. He didn't let his mood be spoiled when some of his colleagues rolled their eyes in a bit of annoyance. No, he continued to eat and looked so happy as he mumbled with his mouth full how tasty it was. Y/N could see how some of the colleagues were face palming or smiling in a slight embarrassment. But her? She was so charmed by his cute behavior that she could do nothing other than testing her head on her hands and watched the whole situation with a delighted smile. 
After dinner the sake was brought and she had to politely decline because she had come by car and driving drunk was out of the question for her. She noticed that Kyojuro wasn't drinking either.
“But how am I supposed to ask you embarrassing secrets when you don’t drink at all?” Tengen looked at her reproachfully, but she just laughed and poured him another cup.
She was having way too much fun here at the table and Giyuu next to her also seemed to be having fun as a smile was reflected on his lips. Maybe it was also because of the salmon with daikon he was eating messily, bits of the food stuck to his cheeks. “Well, for every bowl of sake you drink, you can ask me something embarrassing.” He already had several cups and was sure that he can’t drink much more so she should be safe.
“Bad idea. Uzui is able to hold one’s drink.” 
She turned her head to Giyuu who was looking at her and knew that she would lose this competition. She wanted to step back, but the art teacher had already ordered more sake for the table and she knew that embarrassing questions were about to rain down on her. 
She didn’t think Tengen could handle a bowl the size of a regular water glass, nevermind several of them, but he proved her wrong. He drank three whole bowls.
“Are you a virgin?”
“No,” Y/N blushed, choking on a bit of her food while forcing the answer as quick as she could out of her throat.
“Are you a dom, a sub, or a switch?” he asked shamelessly with a grin.
She covered her face, giving Tengen the opportunity to wink at Kyojuro. “I am not gonna answer that!”
“That’s okay, your reaction gave it away. Next question: Do you have a boyfriend?” he smirked mischievously.
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A/N: Oh, what have I done? *laughs maliciously* Also I hope some of you noticed the little reference to Flame and Water I put there. If you did, let me know in the replies ❤️
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Twisted Wonderland Marine Biologist AU Snippet
Hey everyone! I'm still okay, just been dealing with real life stuff and discovered I may have accidentally put myself through a burnout even when I was trying to avoid it. =w=
I've been working through it by focusing on more personal projects and other fandoms, and I've also been focusing more on my physical and mental health lately. I'm getting better every day though, and I'm feeling good about stuff!
Anyway, I know I haven't posted anything in a while since my last update, so I wanted to tide everyone over with a snippet I had written back in May for the Marine Biologist AU. I was saving this for when I finally reached that part of the story and got it off the ground, buuuuut...honestly, it's too adorable for me NOT to share!!!
Reminder that in this and the mermaid AU, there is a communication barrier where humans and mermaids cannot speak the same language. In the Marine Biologist AU though, the boys can understand some if not most words, so they have nothing but time to try and listen to the researchers talk and learn how to speak the language.
So...what happens when our little researcher Yuu just so happens to drop an apple in the tank holding a certain Guppy and gorgeous Betta Fish?
"Whoa, geez!” Yuu squawked, their hand just barely touching the apple as it bounced off the grating before falling into the water with a ‘plop’. Sighing, Yuu said, “Well, there goes part of my lunch.”
One moment the apple was bobbing along in the waves, the next…a hand reached out and grabbed it, a familiar adorable face emerging from the water to examine his catch. “Oh, hi, Guppy!” Yuu called out, happy to see the smaller mermaid. Violet floated nearby, though it was clear that he was watching them both with that intense gaze of his. “Sorry, that’s not a fish. It’s an apple.”
At that he perked up so fast that Yuu almost thought he’d gotten whiplash, adorable doe eyes looking shocked and amazed as he squeaked at them.
“D…do you know what an apple is?” Yuu asked, earning another insistent chirp from him before they pointed at the fruit clutched in his hands. “Apple. Ahp…pull…”
He looked between them and the fruit, looking so confused for a moment. Then, he held it out and—pointing at it and himself—he spoke and said, “Ahp…ull…Eah…pul…Eahpul!”
Yuu was floored as they stared, not sure if they’re feeling amazement or pure disbelief or both as Guppy continued his game of charades. It was as if he was trying to tell them…
“Is…Ehpul…Eh…pel…Epel…your name?” Yuu asked.
“Yeeee!” ‘Epel’ squealed, practically squirming in place and looking absolutely elated as he nodded enthusiastically. “Epel! Epel!”
Even as he continued chattering in the strange language while still repeating his new ‘name’, Yuu found themselves hardly able to move as they tried to process this new development. Had…they been able to understand Yuu this whole time and just…didn’t know how to communicate back? Or is this a new development brought on by their continuous interactions with the mermaids?
Once he had calmed down, Epel had turned his attention back to the apple and curiously sniffed it. Then—before they could think to try and get it back—he had taken a bite out of it and chewed. A moment later his eyes grew wide, the ear fins wiggling as a wide (chubby cheeked) smile bloomed on his face and he let out a high-pitched warble.
“Huh…? Do…you guys actually eat fruit?” Yuu uttered in amazement as Epel chomped away at the fruit faster than they could blink, practically swallowing the core whole before licking the juice off his fingers. A moment later he lunged up onto the deck, peeking over the edge as he sniffed around like a cat on the hunt. “Whoa! Slow down there! I don’t have any more apples if that’s what you’re looking for.”
Once he seemed to realize this, he looked up at Yuu and-
'Oh no...those are the cutest puppy eyes I've ever seen!!' Yuu thought. 'How does a mermaid know how to do the puppy eyes?!'
"Ahpul...app...le," Epel chirped. "Apple..? Apple!"
"O-okay, okay! I'll go and get more apples for you!"
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thezombieprostitute · 19 days
Mace + 38?
...because they're running out of time.
Ask is based on this post.
A/N: My brain went a little weird on this one. I've never written this kind of fantasy setting before. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Word Count: < 1k
Warnings: Mild violence. Please let me know if I missed any!
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Mace was always a bit of an oddball in his village. While his people were naturally afraid of the rough seas and violent tides, he found them calming. When others had the sense of mind to stay away from the shores and piers, he was walking along them, breathing deep and enjoying sounds, smells, feel of the wind and sea creating their chaos.
He couldn't explain why enjoyed it so he never bothered to try. Some people would whisper that there was selkie blood in his family history. That his great-grandfather had caught himself a selkie and Mace had inherited some of her wild nature. Mace never cared for those rumors. Every selkie story he'd ever heard involved a poor soul being trapped by a human and never allowed freedom. His memories of his great-grandparents were scarce but by all accounts they had a happy marriage.
So he refused to give them credence, refused to let the rumors get to him, and just let himself enjoy the things he enjoyed. No need to overthink it or let others affect the calm he felt during these times.
One evening Mace went walking further than usual. He'd gotten into an argument with the town elders, trying to convince them of the need to incorporate greenhouses to keep a steady food supply for their growing village. They kept arguing that current preparation and reliance on fishing was enough. When they refused to listen to the data he'd collected he lost his temper and ended up punching one of them.
Thankfully the walk and the waves were helping. And then he heard the giggling, laughing screams. Mace knew there were no other villages nearby and no one else in his own village would be out here. Curious, he walked carefully towards the sounds.
That's how he found the three women, naked, swimming in the rough waters and laughing. As his shock fades, he finds himself smiling, mesmerized by the women and their laughter. It takes a while for him to realize his presence might scare them so he turns to walk away but trips over something.
He looks at his feet and is dumbfounded to see three sealskins. Certain that it couldn't be what he thought, Mace ran and hid. He needed to make sure. He watched and waited for the women to leave, to not grab the sealskins. So as not to be caught, he hid himself behind the trees so he would only be able to hear them. Occasionally peeking out to see confirm they were still swimming.
As the sun was reaching the horizon, he heard footsteps approaching. Carefully peering out from behind the tree he saw Harvey, another man from his village who was a strong candidate for leadership in the village. Thinking he was looking for him, Mace headed towards Harvey but stopped short when he saw Harvey pick up one of the sealskins and grin.
“Harvey? What are you doing?”
The other man turned in surprise and tried to run but Mace was too fast. He caught him and pulled him into a hold.
“Again, what are you doing, Harvey?”
“They're selkies,” Harvey confessed. “My grandfather told me about this beach. Said it's how he got himself a wife. Figured I'd do the same.”
“You can't be serious,” Mace scoffed.
“It's true! I know it sounds crazy but they're actually selkies!”
“No,” Mace scolded. “You can't seriously expect me to believe this is how you want to get yourself a wife!”
“What? It's not like they're real people,” Harvey scoffed. “Are you upset because you're one of them? Well guess what, I'm descended from them, too! It's okay!”
Mace adjusts his hold so that he's choking Harvey. “Drop the sealskin. Go home. And never come to this beach again.”
“You don't have the right! I've got the pull of the entire village. If I tell them you've threatened me, you'll be kicked out.”
“At least I won't be a monster,” Mace growled. He tightened his grip until Harvey finally dropped the skin. When he did, Mace practically threw the man in the direction of the village. “I'll be watching you,” he vowed, his voice tight with menace. Harvey gave him a sneer but ran back to the village.
Behind him he hears, “well that was very brave of you.” He turns around and sees one of the women he'd been watching. As a show of good faith he steps away from the sealskin. She quickly grabs it up, “I only have a minute to get this on before the sun goes down.” Grabbing the front of Mace's shirt she pulls him towards her and gives him a deep kiss. “Next time we'll talk.”
She turns and runs back to the water, joining the other two and quickly putting on her sealskin. The three seals swim away from the beach as the sun sets and Mace knows his life has changed forever.
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Tagging @alicedopey; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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ktsaysthings · 11 months
never an absolution
“Don’t come any closer,” she shouts, so he doesn’t. “Here, just—just give me your hand,” he tries. “I’ll pull you back over.” She glances at him again, the force of a hurricane behind her gaze. “I said stay back.” Titanic AU. jiara week day 5 - based on a book/movie/show
Read on ao3.
JJ doesn’t believe in luck. Never has.
He’s sure it’s a real thing that exists somewhere. Just not for him.
Instead, he makes his own.
Luck is the bottle of Jack left on the table to keep his dad’s hands from curling into fists. Luck is the stolen coins that keep him alive when he finally makes it to London. Luck is the ace of hearts hidden up his sleeve when he goes all in for a ticket on Titanic.
JJ doesn’t believe in fate any more than he believes in luck. He can’t, because fate would have him follow in his father’s footsteps—a deadbeat drunk with nothing to live for besides a good fight and his next drink.
Fate is the curse of his name, the scourge passed to him by his father and his father before that. Fate is what he picked up and ran from the moment his father’s body was in the ground.
He ran north from his little fishing town in North Carolina, working his way up the coast, surviving only by odd jobs and manual labor. Boston was fun, at first, until he ran out of money and every day was just backbreaking work and drugs and booze. Until he looked in the mirror and saw the empty eyes and split knuckles of his father.
Paris turned him into a thief, forcing his hand when he couldn’t seem to hold a job or find a place to sleep. Every penny felt like a piece of his past, the shame burning a hole in his pocket until he had just enough for a hot meal and a bed.
When thievery became too heavy, he ran to London, only picking pockets when he couldn’t sell the words in his own, handwritten poems and stories from his childhood, scribbled down under a bridge or on a park bench late at night.
On occasion, someone would actually read the little papers he shoved in their faces, and he’d be struck with confidence, like maybe he could escape his destiny, like maybe his words meant something, like maybe he meant something. But then he’d wake under the stiff sheets of a bed that wasn’t his, next to a woman he didn’t love, and he’d be reminded—JJ Maybank can never amount to anything.
No matter how far he runs, the dark, looming cloud of his future is always trailing behind him. As hard as he tries to be different, he is his father’s son. He lies and he cheats and he steals and he fights his way through life.
In his more optimistic moments, JJ thinks about his mother, who she could have been, or if she left any part of herself for him. He was barely a kid when she left, but he remembers she had kind eyes. Bright and blue, just like his.
His knuckles are still bruised from a barfight in London and the three-day-old split in his lip hasn’t quite faded, but when he looks in the tiny mirror of this third-class cabin, his mother’s eyes stare back at him, and that gives him hope.
The cabin is small, barely enough room to maneuver around the other three men he’s bunking with, so he lingers on the well deck late into the night, sprawled across a bench while he watches the stars peek through puffs of his vaporous breath.
It’s cold, so he fishes his last cigarette out of his pocket, igniting it with an expert flick of his lighter. He only takes one drag before a blur of red flies by in his periphery.
When he sits up, he sees it’s a girl, holding up the skirts of her red gown as she sprints across the deck. She stops short at the stern, leaning over the railing, staring at the water below.
He’s about to turn away—it’s not his business what first class women do on this ship—but she steps onto the railing, slow and shaky, climbing up and over until she’s hanging onto the other side. His feet are moving before he even realizes what’s happening.
“Um, excuse me, miss,” he says, hands held high in surrender, daring a step towards her.
She whips her head around at the sound of his voice. Her dark curls blow wild in the wind, some rogue wisps sticking to the tear tracks on her cheeks. Her grip on the railing turns her knuckles white.
“Don’t come any closer,” she shouts, so he doesn’t.
“Here, just—just give me your hand,” he tries. “I’ll pull you back over.”
She glances at him again, the force of a hurricane behind her gaze. “I said stay back.”
Read the rest on ao3!
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sharkrocket · 10 months
Shark… Burda but one of them is a mermaid… Mermaid AU…
OKAY me and my partner have been tossing around some ideas, and here are some of the thoughts we came up with (we are running on fairy tale logic)
Scenario where Artemy is merfolk and Daniil is a human:
Started thinking about a merfolk society that would hold the megalodon with the same reverence as the aurochs -> Shark Artemy
I know there's folklore and stories about how consuming the flesh of merfolk can either grant immortality, extend human longevity or have extraordinary healing abilities
Perhaps a certain researcher by the name of Daniil D. Dankovsky, whose goal is defeating death, is interested in these claims and goes to visit a remote fishing village that's rumored to have merfolk sightings
Do they really exist? Is it just stories? Some people claim to have seen them, some people think THOSE people have never seen a big fish before - Everyone has their own opinions about it
Has Simon eaten merfolk flesh? Is he the reason why Daniil knows about this?
A couple different things can happen at this point
One possibility: Artemy has the ability to walk on land and turn back to merfolk in contact with water but needs to return to the water after a certain amount of time before he becomes severely ill
(Maybe he's half merfolk, half human? Haven't established the details on how this would work but there's a couple of good scenarios here)
Would integrate into town society and mingle among the land people while taking note of which people posed a threat to the merfolk
He could simply warn the other merfolk of the danger, OR find the threat and eat him (thinking about this made me laugh, but it might not be the most practical or reasonable thing to do)
So when a stranger comes into town asking about merfolk and immortality, Artemy takes a VESTED interest
Introduces himself to this researcher and tries to get a feel for his intentions, and maybe fuck with him a little
"Oh yeah, I've seen merfolk before, real ugly creatures. They've got huge bug eyes, long limbs like a spider with pincers at the end and they only speak in a series of clicks and whistles interspersed in an interpretive dance" and Daniil is furiously writing all this down
But who is this handsome guy that was so adamant on introducing himself to Daniil? His skin glistens with water, his hair is dusted with flecks of dried salt, and he seems awfully knowledgeable about the sea.....
Maybe he follows Artemy around to see what his deal is, because there's something not quite right about him....
But for some reason, right when he's tails Artemy he turns a corner and the man disappears, save for a tiny ripple in the nearest body of water....
We haven't quite banged out the specifics of their relationship but there was a particularly good mental image of Daniil catching Artemy in half shark form face deep in a creature, eating its innards with blood dripping down his face and chest and Daniil just being very normal about it
This post is STUPIDLY long, more under the cut
Another possibility:
Artemy befriends this new stranger and they get closer, exchanging knowledge about their respective expertise
Eventually, after much discussion and trust built between the two, Artemy divulges details about himself, revealing he is a merfolk
Daniil's true objective isn't revealed until after Artemy has made himself known
Betrayal of some sort ensues, and trust between them is destroyed
Daniil has a difficult decision to make
Some of the potential outcomes for these scenarios:
Daniil becomes merfolk and joins Artemy to experience its wonders (not 100 percent sure how this would work, but I enjoy the possibility)
Daniil locks away Artemy and steals him away, while the ruling families ruin everything
Artemy offers flesh from his tail/fin out of love or spite and Daniil can choose to take it and leave, or stop him and tend to his injury
Daniil and Artemy fend off the ruling families, regain trust in each other and Daniil chooses to stay to continue his research
Scenario where Daniil is merfolk and Artemy is a human (sorry this one is much shorter, the details for this one were much harder to bang out 😔):
Eel Daniil.... Eelniil..... The snake imagery was too tempting, maybe one day we'll be more creative with this (oarfish was very funny to think about)
Most likely born as a merfolk in this scenario
Motivating factors: Perhaps he wants to explore the surface and the world of man and see what discoveries are to be had outside of the water (he no longer wants to dive below into the dark, he yearns to go up towards the light)
Perhaps some greater power in the sea wants Daniil dead and his best bet was to go somewhere where they couldn't follow....
Either way, his curiosity gets the better of him and he ends up getting captured (whether intentional or not)
He gets trapped in a tank either for display or waiting to be sold to the highest bidder
Artemy's work puts him in close contact with Daniil (the nature of the work is unclear, I had trouble thinking of something fitting)
In either case, the relationship between them starts off antagonistic, Artemy goes to feed Eelniil and he bites his hand and swims out of reach with a smug smirk on his face
Eventually, Daniil starts asking a lot of questions about life on land and Artemy has some questions of his own so they strike up a form of comradery
Maybe they realize they're both trapped and they start planning a way to break out and escape....
Just some loose musings we managed to come up with, hopefully you enjoyed these thinky thoughts
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emarttt · 1 year
*Ominis×MC Headcanon*
"You can never totally let your past behind"
I saw the movie Little Women with Florence Pugh and Timothy challamet a looong time ago but this scene when Laurie's is trying to "confess" his love to Amy's always here in my mind so, here we are (for one, MC ("you") is the ass in the story and ominis is the fool one hehe)
This is my first big writing and English is not my first language so be indulgent please <3
Warning : Well just fluff and a bit of angst I guess? Enjoy! ^^
*Few years passed and you've never seen Sebastian again after he miraculously left the castle and all your story behind. You've tried for months, even years to find him after your graduation but he was nowhere to be found. You've finally decided to stop pursuing your past, understanding there was nothing more to do than accept this empty part of your being. However, someone was still there to bring light to your deepest darkness. Ominis never left you, at least not really. He helped you looking for his best friend for a time but stopped one day, a letter on your desk*
This is not how I want to spend the rest of my life. Chasing the one who left us without a word... I'm about to start a new life, have a sweet little place and grow older with or without him, as hard as it is to be said. He won't come back, and you know it. Life is giving us a chance and perhaps you'll take this chance by my side till the end.
Ominis G."
*You took a pretty long time thinking about this offer, acting ignorant by refuting the real meaning of Ominis's words. What he actually meant was that he wanted to start something with you, and you’ve quite always unconsciously known he felt things for you. You’d be a fool by saying you’ve never felt that way about him but… Sebastian had your heart from the beginning, you got mesmerised by this connection you two had, even if it was rude and chaotic sometimes, that’s what you loved about it. But this bond has created a hole between the descendant of Salazar Slytherin and you and you couldn’t put yourself to stop searching for the one you’ve always loved. Letting your old friend start his new life on his own*
*Two years had passed, and you were sitting on a bench in front of a magnificent fountain in a quiet Scottish village by the end of a cold winter night. You’ve always liked this place, it felt like home, nobody was around and you were there, feeling at peace with yourself for the first time after so many years wasted looking for Sallow. You’ve finally made up your mind, guessing he’d never come back to you, this revelation giving you quite the time to think. Suddenly, some footsteps resonated on the old cobblestone of the village asleep*
- Hi Y/N..
*You knew whose voice this was. You turned around, facing a tall and young blond man, a wand in his hand. Without saying a word, you jumped into his arms, feeling some tears in your warm eyes. He was handsome, these 2 years had helped him become a real man despite the fact you both were still young after all. His hand on your hip, you’ve slowly backed off, a slight smile on your face, hearing the fountain’s water runoff behind your back.*
- Ominis… it’s so good to see you
- It’s good to see you too. I was surprised when I received your letter. You wanted to talk to me ?
*You were the one who’d reached out him to, because you felt this emptiness growing inside you the more you were facing the world alone, finally understanding that he was the piece you missed in your life. You asked him to meet you at this exact place and time, and you’ve waited all afternoon, going to a pub and tiny shops before sitting on this same bench. But now that he asked you the real reason for this meeting, you felt your brain explode*
- Yes… I’ve decided to stop looking for Sebastian. You were right, he will never come back.
*You saw him showing a sad smile, but still full of understanding, as he always did*
- I’m happy you’ve finally made your call about that. I know how much it is hard but, it’s for the best. Some things have to stay behind us.
- I must admit, I’ve missed these well said words of yours… did you finally started the new adventure you were talking about?
*You felt a bit of guilt talking about that specific letter he wrote you 2 years ago, offering you a life you actually wanted but couldn’t accept because of your stubbornness. He took a moment before answering, you could see something going on his expression, not knowing what it was about*
- I… yeah. I found a peaceful place to live for the next few years and my life’s never been better. What about you? Any plans ?
*You knew Ominis was hiding something from you by the way he touched his hands quite nervously, he was always doing that when he feels uncomfortable*
- Actually, I’ve been thinking a lot, Ominis. That’s why I asked you to come here tonight. I… I want to start a new path with… with you. You know as you said in your letter. I mean, we could… raise mooncalfs in a little cottage, you remember how they were adorable ! And maybe we…
*Suddenly, you saw him turning his back on you, one of his hand passing on his face.*
- Please Y/N… Stop.
*You looked at your old friend before approaching slowly, visibly feeling something was wrong by the perception of his cold tone. You put a hand on his arm and he didn’t move, he just stayed there*
- What is it..? Did I… say something?
- I… I’m engaged.
*He didn’t turn around, he couldn't have seen the devastating look on your face anyway, but you felt he could sense it. Have you heard right ? Engaged? Without preventing it, you’ve felt your heart breaking into hundreds of pieces. Yes, you loved him, you always did. As much as Sebastian, but he left you and now, the only one you wanted by your side was about to leave you too… were you supposed to live these years alone? Is that what your future was about?*
- You’re… what?
- I’ve met a beautiful lady on my way to London few months ago and I asked her to marry me.
- Few months ago but… why ?
- Listen I just… felt it was the right person at the right time ! *His voice broke down a bit as he was now looking at you through his light blue eyes, arms crossed on his chest*
- That is not something you say when you truly love someone, Ominis.
- Don’t start, you know nothing about love. Otherwise… things would have been different.
* Even if he could never actually sees you, now you felt his eyes looking away, ashamed of what he’d just said to you. The two of you stood still, time passing while you were thinking about what you could say to him.*
- You shouldn’t marry her. *You’ve said, feeling quite sure of your words*
- What ?
- You heard what I said.
- This is non-sens, why would you say that in the first place ?
- You know why…
*He took a long moment to process what you’ve just admitted in front of him. What he’s always wanted to hear you saying. He couldn’t believe all these years of feelings for you would just explode now, now that he’s finally happy, and had accepted you would never abandon your love for his best friend, even if he’d stay hidden forever*
- You’re not… saying what I think you’re saying ?
- Please Ominis just listen to me…
- Listen to you? After all these years ? No… no I can’t.
- I don’t know why I am feeling this right now but… I just can’t imagine you with another woman… getting married…
- Stop… please. I have been second to Sebastian all this time when he was still here. I couldn’t help but falling for you and you… you never stopped loving him, even when he was gone. I gave you a chance two years ago and you didn’t take it… end of discussion.
*You saw him walking away from you. He was completely lost, feeling too many things at the same time for someone who swore to never be disturbed by you again. Guilt, anger, sadness but also… something else. Something he hasn’t felt in years. Something burning in his stomach but he didn’t want to feel that, why couldn’t you stay out of his mind? You couldn’t stay there just watching him leave you as everyone else already did before, so you run to catch him, gently putting your hand on his, feeling electricity all over your body because of this little touch. He felt that too and more than you could think. His blindness has always given him the ability to sense his environment and people more than everyone else. He had missed the sensation of your hand. That’s why he stopped. He couldn’t resist your touch.*
*He finally faced you, feeling your hot breath on his neck as he was taller than you. You were close, too close. Even if he couldn’t see you, he could feel the warmth of your body getting closer and closer to him.*
- Y/N…
- Ominis… please, listen to me…
*You’ve whispered. Your face and his were only a few inches away, and feeling now happy he wasn’t able to see your red cheeks. Your hand was still touching his and you thought he would break the distance between you two to lock up your mouth with his.*
- Merlin… I’m… I’m sorry… I have to go…
*But he didn’t. He left the place before you could say anything, disappearing like he was never there.*
Maybe I'll do a part 2? Tell me what you think
It’s quite short but I love this headcanon so much I couldn’t just abandoned it ! Ominis is always so sweet I can’t-
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paperzombiie · 4 months
I'd love to hear about nohrehs brother please !!
this answer was so long overdue, i apologise! i wanted to have a few drawings ready for it but i'll make do with what i have
let me introduce this mf to you... this is Rufino Meza aka "Rulsias" (his artistic name)
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Nohreh's older brother by four years and former leader of the band they formed together, called Abysscerate
he's weird... and a bit crazy. but there's a certain charm in his weirdness that makes him an engaging and entertaining frontman and performer
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Rulsias started off as a protective and caring older brother. he and Nohreh were really close to the point where he took Nohreh to live with him when they were done with their family bullshit as soon as he could afford to pay rent on his own, and supported him through his transition as much as he could both financially and emotionally
they both swore to get to the bottom of their grandpa's disappearance and started saving to move together to Rhodo Island.
so... what happened to end in such bad terms with Nohreh, forcing him to travel completely alone to the island?
his problem was being easy to seduce by fame. and drugs. mostly drugs.
during the time they were saving money to travel they also started having gigs with the band. between their artistic prowess and the natural charm of their mostly supressed mermaid selves they gained a lot of popularity in a short time, starting to make a living from their music.
long story short, he got hooked on drugs and started to forget the real reason behind their hard work... he grew more and more frustrated at Nohreh's insistence on not forgetting about grandpa, getting too attached to the fame and the life they had now with the band's success
they had a couple of arguments about it but never anything too serious... until he touched the savings destined to Rhodo Island to buy more drugs and secure some venues for their band to play since they were now having some trouble scoring gigs bc of his declining behavior
when Nohreh found out he was livid. his own brother lied and betrayed his trust...
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betrayal is the worst thing someone can do to Nohreh.
after confronting him and almost beating him into a pulp when Rulsias answered with "grow up, forget about grandpa, he's gone", Nohreh took what was left of the savings and travelled alone to the island leaving behind the band and all he knew as a home until then
Rulsias tried to play it off as something trivial but the rest of the band soon followed up being fed up with his nasty attitude (they also cared about Nohreh a lot). Abysscerate disbanded...
Rulsias started to question himself and what he had done but didn't have his wake up call until he almost drowned at the sea after getting piss drunk... and coming out of it with a fish tail instead
at that same moment, the events of this comic had just happened a few days prior to that
he didn't have a damn clue on why he was turning into a fish- a mermaid?? every time he had contact with sea water and it took him several days of insisting his former friends and bandmates to agree to talk to him and help him
the funny thing is, he discovers his bandmates were also mythical creatures in disguise. Morvyd the drummer (real name: Renato Villalba) is a bat person and Grivoin the guitarist (real name: Giordano Rivas) is a naga. they confess they approached the brothers first bc they sensed they were just like them in some way but later discovered Rulsias and Nohreh weren't aware of this fact so they stayed silent
he's been since staying clean and trying to contact Nohreh in any way to tell him grandpa's stories were true, that he was correct about the existence of mermaids but Nohreh refuses to answer
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he will soon realize the best way to make him listen is to tell him in person...
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ae-neon · 1 year
Hades and Persephone
Disclaimer: this rant is not about fanfic - fandom is a free space and what the next person does is none of my business.
This is more YA and how certain works may influence and harm young, impressionable readers.
It's also about misogyny in shallow "feminist" retellings
I have work to do so of course I'm going to procrastinate in a very random way: Hating on the modernised, girlboss but actually misogynist version of the myth and turning the camera back to who the story is actually about: the bereaved milf Demeter.
Obviously, as a whole the Greek gods are not meant to be pillars of modern or even ancient moral values. And there's nothing wrong with imagining Hades as more than creepy uncle.
But reimagining this exact myth in a way that demonises the loving and concerned mother Demeter is misogynistic.
Won't get into how reimagining it as Persephone being not just wiling but the mastermind puts the "blame" of kidnapping and sa on the little girl and sounds eerily similar to how predators speak
The Hymn is a song of praise for Demeter, the story is not "told from her perspective" the story is about her.
And I often think it's done by people who are mostly unaware of any real knowledge of the myth outside of pop culture. That's not a dig, not everyone has the time, resources or even the want to read up on it.
But, maybe, if you're gonna write about something - even if you don't plan to stick to the original - a little research would help.
So here's most of the original story
(Translation by H.G. Evelyn-White)
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter
[Hades kidnaps Persephone while she in a field of flowers]
He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father, (...)
[Persephone screams for help so loudly her voice carries over the Earth and reaches even Olympus but her father (Zeus) doesn't help because he agreed to it already]
So [Hades], that son of Cronos, of many names, who is Ruler of Many and Host of Many, was bearing her away by leave of Zeus on his immortal chariot – his own brother’s child and all unwilling.
[In her 'final' moments, Persephone takes in the Earth - her natural domain - and yearns for it, her mother and Olympus]
And so long as [Persephone], the goddess, yet beheld earth and starry heaven and the strong flowing sea where fishes shoal, and the rays of the sun, and still hoped to see her dear mother and the tribes of the eternal gods, so long hope calmed her great heart for all her trouble...
[Demeter hears Persephone screaming, rushes to her and looks for her - completely distraught and wrecked by grief]
Bitter pain seized her heart, and she rent the covering upon her divine hair with her dear hands: her dark cloak she cast down from both her shoulders and sped, like a wild-bird, over the firm land and yielding sea, seeking her child.
But no one would tell her the truth, neither god nor mortal man; and of the birds of omen none came with true news for her. Then for nine days queenly Deo wandered over the earth with flaming torches in her hands, so grieved that she never tasted ambrosia and the sweet draught of nectar, nor sprinkled her body with water
[On the 10th day Hecate takes Demeter to Helios, who witnessed the kidnapping, and Demeter pleads to him:]
"(...) Through the fruitless air I heard the thrilling cry of my daughter whom I bare, sweet scion of my body and lovely in form, as of one seized violently; though with my eyes I saw nothing. But you – for with your beams you look down from the bright upper air over all the earth and sea – tell me truly of my dear child, if you have seen her anywhere, what god or mortal man has violently seized her against her will and mine, and so made off .”
[Helios ultimately tries to comfort her saying Hades isn't a bad match in status but before that says:]
And the Son of Hyperion answered her: “Queen Demeter, daughter of rich-haired Rhea, I will tell you the truth; for I greatly reverence and pity you in your grief for your trim-ankled daughter. None other of the deathless gods is to blame, but only cloud-gathering Zeus who gave her to Hades, her father’s brother, to be called his buxom wife. And Hades seized her and took her loudly crying in his chariot down to his realm of mist and gloom.
[Demeter is further saddened and enraged by the added betrayal]
But grief yet more terrible and savage came into the heart of Demeter, and thereafter she was so angered with the dark-clouded Son of Cronos that she avoided the gathering of the gods and high Olympos.
[Demeter disguises herself as a mortal and takes on the form of a weathered, 'elderly' (more likely middle aged) woman. She then goes to the city of Eleusis.]
Vexed in her dear heart, she sat near the wayside by the Maiden Well, from which the women of the place were used to draw water, in a shady place over which grew an olive shrub. And she was like an ancient woman who is cut off from childbearing and the gifts of garland loving Aphrodite, like the nurses of kings’ children who deal justice, or like the housekeepers in their echoing halls.
She meets 4 daughters of King Celeus (Callithoe, Demo, Callidice and Cleisidice) who are probably around the same age as Persephone and described as "like goddesses in the flower of their girlhood".
The girls don't know her - not just as the goddess but as a person - but nonetheless they worry about her and tell her to come into the town to be with other women, older and younger, who would "welcome [her] by both by word and by deed."
Demeter tells them her name is Doso, from Crete, and that she was captured by pirates and brought over but managed to escape. She asks the girls if there's any work in the household for a woman her age - including housekeeping, teaching younger women or nursing and rearing a newborn child.
[Callidice tells 'Doso' about good households that might be in need of help but says that in their own house, their 'elderly' mother - Metaneira - has just had a son]
She has an only son, late-born, who is being nursed in our well-built house, a child of many prayers and welcome: if you could bring him up until he reached the full measure of youth, any one of womankind who should see you would straightway envy you, such gifts would our mother give for his upbringing.”
[Demeter arrives at the house and Metaneira, who feels her prescence right away, gives up her chair despite being a nursing mother with her baby in her hands and the wife of the king.]
But the goddess walked to the threshold: and her head reached the roof and she filled the doorway with a heavenly radiance. Then awe and reverence and pale fear took hold of Metaneira, and she rose up from her couch before Demeter, and bade her be seated.
But Demeter, bringer of seasons and giver of perfect gifts, would not sit upon the bright couch, but stayed silent with lovely eyes cast down until careful Iambe placed a jointed seat for her and threw over it a silvery fleece. Then she sat down and held her veil in her hands before her face.
A long time she sat upon the stool without speaking because of her sorrow, and greeted no one by word or by sign, but rested, never smiling, and tasting neither food nor drink, because she pined with longing for her deep-bosomed daughter, until careful Iambe – who pleased her moods in aftertime also – moved the holy lady with many a quip and jest to smile and laugh and cheer her heart.
*[Iambe is the slave of king Celeus but also daughter of the god, Pan and the nymph, Echo. She is the only one who made Demeter feel better.]
[Demeter accepts the offer to nurse and raise the Queen's son, Demophoon, and promises to protect him. However, still unaware that Doso is the goddess, Demeter, Metaneira is distraught when she finds out how Doso holds the baby (above or in) fire every night]
And the child grew like some immortal being, not fed with food nor nourished at the breast: for by day rich-crowned Demeter would anoint him with ambrosia as if he were the offspring of a god and breathe sweetly upon him as she held him in her bosom.
But at night she would hide him like a brand in the heart of the fi re, unknown to his dear parents. And it wrought great wonder in these that he grew beyond his age; for he was like the gods face to face.
And she would have made him deathless and unageing, had not well-girded Metaneira in her heedlessness kept watch by night from her sweet-smelling chamber and spied.
But she wailed and smote her two hips, because she feared for her son and was greatly distraught in her heart; so she lamented and uttered winged words: “Demophoon, my son, the strange woman buries you deep in fire and works grief and bitter sorrow for me.”
[Demeter literally drops/throws the baby (he's fine) and yells at Metaneira, the forces the town to become the site of the annual Eleusinian Mysteries which were performed in worship of Demeter and Persephone]
“Witless are you mortals and dull to foresee your lot, whether of good or evil, that comes upon you. For now in your heedlessness you have wrought folly past healing; for – be witness the oath of the gods, the relentless water of Styx – I would have made your dear son deathless and unaging all his days and would have bestowed on him everlasting honor, but now he can in no way escape death and the fates.
Yet shall unfailing honor always rest upon him, because he lay upon my knees and slept in my arms.
But, as the years move round and when he is in his prime, the sons of the Eleusinians shall ever wage war and dread strife with one another continually. Lo! I am that Demeter who has share of honor and is the greatest help and cause of joy to the undying gods and mortal men.
But now, let all the people build me a great temple and an altar below it and beneath the city and its sheer wall upon a rising hillock above Callichorus. And I myself will teach my rites, that hereafter you may reverently perform them and so win the favour of my heart.”
[Demeter throws off her disguise and leaves]
When she had so said, the goddess changed her stature and her looks, thrusting old age away from her: beauty spread round about her and a lovely fragrance was wafted from her sweet-smelling robes, and from the divine body of the goddess a light shone afar, while golden tresses spread down over her shoulders, so that the strong house was filled with brightness as with lightning. And so she went out from the palace.
Demeter is a MILF, a hottie, stop portraying her otherwise
[The temple is built but it doesn't cure Demeter of her sorrow and her depression causes a year without crops of harvest]
But golden-haired Demeter sat there apart from all the blessed gods and stayed, wasting with yearning for her deep-bosomed daughter.
So she would have destroyed the whole race of man with cruel famine and have robbed them who dwell on Olympos of their glorious right of gifts and sacrifices, had not Zeus perceived and marked this in his heart.
First he sent golden-winged Iris to call rich-haired Demeter, lovely in form. So he commanded. And she obeyed the dark-clouded Son of Cronos, and sped with swift feet across the space between.
She came to the stronghold of fragrant Eleusis, and there finding dark-cloaked Demeter in her temple, spake to her and uttered winged words: “Demeter, father Zeus, whose wisdom is everlasting, calls you to come join the tribes of the eternal gods: come therefore, and let not the message I bring from Zeus pass unobeyed.” Thus said Iris imploring her.
But Demeter’s heart was not moved.
Then again the father sent forth all the blessed and eternal gods besides: and they came, one after the other, and kept calling her and offering many very beautiful gifts and whatever rights she might be pleased to choose among the deathless gods.
Yet no one was able to persuade her mind and will, so wroth was she in her heart; but she stubbornly rejected all their words: for she vowed that she would never set foot on fragrant Olympos nor let fruit spring out of the ground, until she beheld with her eyes her own fair-faced daughter.
[Zeus sends Hermes to persuade Hades to let Persephone out to see her mother so Demeter will calm down, Hades basically has no choice and agrees but...]
And [Hermes] found the lord Hades in his house seated upon a couch, and his shy mate with him, much reluctant, because she yearned for her mother. But she was afar off, brooding on her fell design because of the deeds of the blessed gods.
And Aidoneus, ruler over the dead, smiled grimly and obeyed the behest of Zeus the king. For he straightway urged wise Persephone, saying: “Go now, Persephone, to your dark-robed mother, go, and feel kindly in your heart towards me: be not so exceedingly cast down; for I shall be no unfitting husband for you among the deathless gods, that am own brother to father Zeus. And while you are here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest rights among the deathless gods: those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts, shall be punished for evermore.”
When he said this, wise Persephone was filled with joy and hastily sprang up for gladness. But he on his part secretly gave her sweet pomegranate seed to eat, taking care for himself that she might not remain continually with grave, dark-robed Demeter.
[Hermes and Persephone go to Demeter]
And when Demeter saw them, she rushed forth as does a Maenad down some thick-wooded mountain, while Persephone on the other side, when she saw her mother’s sweet eyes, left the chariot and horses, and leaped down to run to her, and falling upon her neck, embraced her.
But while Demeter was still holding her dear child in her arms, her heart suddenly misgave her for some snare, so that she feared greatly and ceased fondling her daughter and asked of her at once: “My child, tell me, surely you have not tasted any food while you were below? Speak out and hide nothing, but let us both know.
For if you have not, you shall come back from loathly Hades and live with me and your father, the dark-clouded Son of Cronos and be honored by all the deathless gods; but if you have tasted food, you must go back again beneath the secret places of the earth, there to dwell a third part of the seasons every year: yet for the two parts you shall be with me and the other deathless gods.
But when the earth shall bloom with the fragrant flowers of spring in every kind, then from the realm of darkness and gloom thou shalt come up once more to be a wonder for gods and mortal men. And now tell me how he rapt you away to the realm of darkness and gloom, and by what trick did the strong Host of Many beguile you?”
Persephone then tells her mother "(...) he secretly put in my mouth sweet food, a pomegranate seed, and forced me to taste against my will." and recounts her kidnapping "(...) in his golden chariot he bore me away, all unwilling, beneath the earth: then I cried with a shrill cry. All this is true, sore though it grieves me to tell the tale.”
Still they're happy to be reunited
So did they then, with hearts at one, greatly cheer each the other’s soul and spirit with many an embrace: their hearts had relief from their griefs while each took and gave back joyousness.
[Zeus calls on Demeter and promises her, Persephone will stay with her for 2/3rds of the year and in Hades 1/3rd. Rhea, their mother also comforts Demeter and urges her to accept the peace offering and she does. She then goes to teach certain Kings and cities the Mysteries.]
The End.
anyways >>>>>>> over the same old child bride mary sue Persephone falling in love with old emo Hades who empowers her.
Like all myths there are other versions, I'm sure, but the version of Persephone said to be a frightening Queen of the Underworld actually predate Hades so how about adapting and writing that instead of some creep edge lord and his child bride flower crown princess
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themojaveexpress · 2 years
I was thinking about how New Vegas firmly grounds your character in the world, the courier is part of F:NV's narrative and you can't separate them from it. They are not a visitor to the world like the player is, they belong there, in that moment. No matter how outlandish the player character is, they're never truly out of step with the rest of the cast.
Which got me thinking about that connection being missing from Fallout 4. Which is ironic to say the least, given that bethesda did all that build up and back story for the intro - only for it to kinda mean nothing. I mean, it's almost the perfect set up - that extended, unskippable intro sequence that screams THIS IS HOME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Why start in that place only to never circle back to it?
The whole schtick with the sole survivor is that they're "a person out of time", but it's not explored or discussed beyond initial "Whoa that's weird! Sucks to be you... aaaanywayyy..." conversations. It's kind of touched on in Far Harbor, when Dima suggests you could be a synth. But I'm really not sure if that was intentional or not. It's not a key theme, unless you imagine it to be of course. I guess I was hoping they'd use the "fish out of water" scenario to build upon themes of being displaced, being keenly aware of the fact that You Do Not Belong Here.
In particular I remember looking forward to them twisting the knife, so to speak, with your only real pre-war connection being your son, who is now further away from you, physically at first, he's literally out of reach. And then you find him, and he's not only aged beyond what your character could ever have possibly imagined, but now he's also emotionally and mentally distant.
For what it's worth, I like to think they tried to compensate for this with the companions and the settlement building, literally letting the player build a community around them. And if this worked for you, then I'm glad! Because I wish that had been enough for me. But outside of headcanon, and whatever I imagined was happening, it felt empty. And the frustrating thing is that bethesda could have capitalised on that! They had it right there, in their hands.
It's like if I stop adventuring and having fun for a few minutes the isolation creeps in and I realise the companion I'm with hasn't said anything for a while now, and I turn around to find that they're gone. Dogmeat is there though and he stares at me, head tilted to the side. He pulls a teddy bear out of thin air and starts shaking it. A pre-war car behind us explodes for no reason. I look down at shaking hands and wonder how I got here, and what was it I was supposed to be doing again? The ground starts shaking and I look up, Paladin Danse is racing towards me in power armour like his life depends on it. He stops in front of me and immediately relaxes, like he's the one who has been waiting for me. No one ever asks how I'm feeling.
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