#the only client we know Keeley had was Richmond
asteria-argo · 8 months
if y'all catch me totally changing Keeley's entire plot in TATBP with no elaboration mind your own business.
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joetavis · 1 year
I'm so torn apart, because I loved (and I mean LOVED) Ted Lasso. I watched the first two seasons in two days, barely slept and was obsessed with it. I urged people to watch it, I literally talked about nothing else for weeks.
And then the third season came, and to say it with Roy's words: it's fine (and partly it was shit), but we didn't deserve just fine. We deserved better, the characters deserved better and especially Ted deserved better.
This absolute shitshow of season three paired with a mediocre conclusion to the characters just pisses me off. I don't fucking know what changed with the writers but almost every decision they made in season three was horrible and leaves me super bitter about the final episode that could have been way better.
I like the ending of the team as a sports team, I like Colin's ending, I like that they didn't make Ted and Rebecca end up together (because I like that sometimes people are just friends), u like the Roy and Jamie storyline (even the immature fight I didn't mind), but the even the season told these stories badly.
And I hated so much about the season. I hated that downright immoral THERAPIST/CLIENT relationship. What was that? You would loose your fucking licence for that, how could neither Ted, nor anyone else say something about that, Michelle's new partner should have been anyone else, really. I hated Jack, she was a complete unimportant character, she added nothing except making Keeley's (already wonky) storyline worse. It was a bad relationship. I don't like that they broke up Roy and Keeley for no reason. They should have stayed together. Especially if the Witter's don't even have the guts to show the break up on screen.
Keeley's whole story was horrible. She was a bad CEO (or whatever her position was) the story should have ended with her actually losing her PR-firm. (Because the end with Barbara was a good and heartfelt moment) and maybe let her figure out something better suited for her.
I liked Zava, but I would have preferred if him leaving the team was more of an on-screen moment.
Nate's whole story line is fucked. He shouldn't be with Jade, I don't really understand why she would like him. His dad 'apology' was clearly a lie and did not fit with what we've seen from Nate's Dad before (like I know I told you that you're worthless, but I only wanted you to be happy, what?). Nate was the villain (!) In season two, just like Rebecca in 3, but where she had to apologize to the people she hurt, Nate just came back, and we, the audience, never sees how and why this decision was made.
I was ready to forgive him, I really was, but he doesn't apologize to Colin, only to Ted. And that doesn't sit right with me. Nate's problem was, that he had so little self-worth, that he seeked it through abusing power. He should have apologizes to his Team at West Ham, to Ted, but he should have grown and start to love himself, instead we don't see any of that on screen.
In general I was so disappointed that all big moment were cut from our view and happened 'off-screen'. Like this is a TV-series, this is your purpose. Why would you stop showing us the moments that matter to the story you're telling.
(I know that this CAN be a stylistic device, but if ALL moments happen off screen, it's just lazy and leaves us nothing to watch.)
And lastly: The Lasso Way. That should have been the title of the book, and everyone knows it, especially Trent. And while it is on character for Ted to insist otherwise, The Richmond Way is a shit title, because the Team has always existed, and it was Ted that moved them, that changed them. That's why the series is called Ted Lasso and not AFC Richmond.
It is his story, and like many things season three got wrong, season three forgets about that.
Where were the coaching moments? Where was the inspiration, the kindness, the believe?
A private investigator? Really? Ted Lasso would never? And I still love him, and he had his moments, but there were just overall too little.
The big farewell was too little, too late. Ted Lasso deserved the world, he deserves personal, meaningful goodbye with each of the characters, even with the unimportant side characters, because to Ted, there are no unimportant people. I should have wept, I should be devastated, because yes, of course he has to leave, this is about his son, the most important thing in the world, but the team loves Ted too much for one goodbye dance. We, the audience, love Ted Lasso too much to get this bleak ending.
I loved Ted Lasso. Season one and two changed me as a person, they rewired my brain and I swear, I breathed and bled its essence. Until season three. Season three is so horrible, that I lost all love for the series, and I don't think I can revisit it ever, because I know that season three will come, with only three fine episodes.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Hmmm I agree that Roy and Keeley’s getting back together arc has been pushed back way too far for my taste (and I don’t love how drawn out both of their individual arcs were), but I think there’s still time for them to get back together in a fulfilling way. We have three episodes left- that’s plenty of time for them to have that long awaited heart-to-heart where Roy finally explains why he broke up with her, then time for them to rekindle their friendship, and eventually tentatively start things up again. There probably isn’t time left for them to work their way back to exactly where they were before, but I could totally see them agreeing to try again in the finale. And since it’s probably the last season, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a flash forward a few years later and they’re engaged or smth.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t cared much for Keeley’s arc this season either. I don’t care about the KJPR storyline – it’s boring since its all new characters, and Keeley doesn’t seem like she knows or cares about what she’s doing. It feels like they’re aiming for an arc where Keeley realizes that progress isn’t always about moving forward. It’s obvious that she does not fit into the corporate world, nor does she want to, and that she’d be much happier coming back to Richmond. And I bet that’s how Roy will tie into it: just bc you can move on, doesn’t mean it’ll make you happier. And I do really feel that the best ending for Roy’s arc about learning to let himself be happy is by actually letting himself be happy with Keeley again. Anyway I have faith that the writers love Roy and Keeley as much as the fans do, and that whatever way they decide to end will be the perfect ending.
Ohh I really love your take on Keeley's arc and what they're trying to show with it and I really hope you're right. Even if it's not solely coming back to Richmond, but coming back while continuing to take on a couple additional clients freelance, or branching off with Barb to start something smaller, just generally taking it slow instead of leaping in to being CEO of a whole PR firm like she's done this season. Building her confidence surrounded by people who love and support her and whom she actually has time to see because she's no longer making work her entire life.
Roy's arc I think has been building up to him allowing happiness into his life in more ways than just Keeley. I think it will be a number of things for him: finally having a reckoning with her over the breakup, but also gathering up with the Diamond Dogs as an actual member, admitting he cares about Jamie Tartt, taking on a larger role as coach (perhaps by doing more of the pressers, we saw how good he was at it tonight, especially if Ted goes back to Kansas)... going to therapy (**hoping, kicking, screeching, praying**)....
You may yet be right about Roy/Keeley! Before the season began, I had zero doubts in my mind they were endgame. Also, I forget sometimes that between a lot of these episodes, we're meant to believe like...actual months have gone by, so it's more spread out than I'm thinking it is. However, it's also that the show has a lot they need to wrap up in three episodes if this is the end of the end, & Roy and Keeley are only one part of it.
I think, ultimately, I care way more about their individual arcs ending well in a way that is both satisfying and sensical than I do about them getting back together in the canon timeline. I absolutely do need them to end on good terms though, preferably at least as close friends.
What I want more than anything and still believe is in the realm of possibility is for them + Jamie to sit down and admit they are all caught up in each other irreversibly at this point and won't be shaken away easily. That they care deeply about one another and will most likely care forever (terms & conditions undefined).
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zendyval · 3 years
Ted Lasso Season 2 Trailer Thoughts (Spoilery I guess between what is actually in trailer and what I think?)
Thoughts under the cut for those that care.
Today has been a day so in an attempt to focus on dumb shit, my thoughts:
- I doubt the trailer really touches on most of the actual storylines this season. The show is too secretive to give away bigger plot points in the trailer plus they have only filmed about half the season as yet. If you watched the S1 trailer you would have had very little sense of the actual plot lines from S1.
- Jamie is definitely coming back to Richmond at some point. That is his army man Ted gave him on the bar and you can see his name in the locker room in the shot where Rebecca is in the locker room and Sam and the players come running through the door. I could see Rebecca going out of her way to buy him back (is that the right language?) after feeling guilty about her role last season. 
- Roy is clearly done but will he be a coach or taking some time away to figure out what’s next? Plus is he now a father figure to Phoebe?
- I’m fairly convinced Ted is heading towards a big anxiety ridden breakdown and I also think he has an alcohol problem that will be addressed. It’s not alluded to in the trailer but it is in S1.
- Seems like Sam (and probably Dani?) have way more to do this season? Lots of Sam in the trailer but like as an actual focal point. Love that for me. Give him all the storylines.
- I want the Christmas episode now! Everything about that looks amazing. I was sold on it before I saw Rebecca with a microphone plus the previous spoilers we have.
- Keeley has a more official PR role and she looks very professional and chick in all the business scenes.
- Big one. I know there is a lot of back and forth on the whole Ted/Rebecca thing and those that ship and those that think it’s a cop out. Which whatever to the latter but I’m not sure the trailer tells us much either way. Ted very likely won’t be in the headspace for a serious relationship this season (if the above breakdown happens) and Rebecca is still working her way through her own trauma. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that Rebecca is out there dating because it would be very unlikely anyway that the first guy she dates post Rupert, when she’s still working out her own baggage, is her forever person. She hasn't dated in a long time and has to newly figure out what works for her as she re-finds herself. But it also shows her growth from last season that she can even start to go there. I also don’t see it as a problem if she and Ted are comfortable talking “girl talk” with each other.
- Also funny to me that people on twitter are already trying to dreamcast Rebecca’s new beau. One, who know if she dates him long enough for us to even meet him because again, see above. Literally first man she has got on dates with in well over a decade. Also even if we do see him I don’t see the show stunt casting big names.
- The new Sarah Niles character. I already love her but I’m curious if she will only be working with the team or if she will also provide counsel for Ted. He needs it but also just in the sense that her character can’t really be friends friends with the people that she is seeing as clients so just if she’s providing counsel to most of the regulars, how does she fit in on the show socially?
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asteria-argo · 8 months
fuck it I'm elaborating on that last post actually. My preface is that I don't work in or study marketing, but I had to do extensive unit on it for my actual course which means while I'm not an expert I do know enough that the arc annoys the shit out of me! This is a disorganized rant on my part, no one read too much into it.
a lot of the work we see Keeley do in season one and two isn't actually PR, it's brand coordination. That's a separate department to Public Relations. They both fall under the marketing department umbrella, and there is an overlap in responsibilities depending on the size of the corporate entity but they aren't the same thing!
This doesn't actually matter that much, and sometimes it varies from company to company how marketing teams are structured anyway but it bothers me that it's called PR when she's doing Brand Coordination! They aren't the same thing!
jumping off from point A.1 into the actual rant, the show likes to treat Keeley as an all-rounder, which I'm sure is just for convenience sake so they don't have to write in or hire actors to actually be Richmond's marketing department, but I think that's stupid! Most corporate marketing and communications roles in real life require at least a bachelors degree, she wouldn't have the necessary knowledge or experience to fulfill multiple of these roles at once.
Which leads me to my actual point, which is that Keeley is supposed to be a self made character but they consistently just hand her things.
Rebecca just hands her a job she isn't qualified for, very similarly to what she does to Ted, only with Keeley her motivations are to provide Keeley with a new avenue* in life rather than Keeley actively seeking these opportunities for herself! It's not self made if Keeley isn't trying to make it happen for herself.
I will admit it's been a while since I properly watched season one, so I might be wrong about that above statement, but it doesn't change the fact Keeley, much like Ted and probably even moreso than Ted who is at least qualified to coach to some degree, is not qualified for the job that Rebecca just hands her in any formal capacity.
(*side note; I can't remember if Rebecca was being genuine or trying to sabotage the club some more when she offered Keeley the job, but if she was doing the latter that is an entirely separate rant)
Then, they just hand her her own company she is equally underqualified for! She has maybe a year of formal marketing experience at the time, she has no formal training and she is a free lancer with one known client. They never show us Keeley working for anyone but Richmond! in fact, she works within Richmond, so it's safe to say they are literally her only client!
look, I'm not saying it's impossible for her to have gotten a free lance PR job at Richmond, that isn't actually my main concern with Keeley's arc, it's a good starting point, but it's important that it's acknowledged that Keeley isn't as prepared for the role as she could be. It's a conflict and conflict is what makes stories interesting.
My main problem is that they ignore the fact she isn't qualified, make her seem perfect and on top of everything, give her multiple legs up via friendship nepotism and dumb luck, and then when she is finally shown to be struggling, the rug is swept out from under her due to external, bullshit factors that have nothing to do with her actual professional struggles. And then she gets bailed out, via more friendship nepotism. It's BORING! You had a perfect plot sitting right there and you stepped over it!
But Asteria, I hear you asking, why do you keep calling Keeley a free lancer? Because, dear reader, if she actually worked for Richmonds Marketing department, she would be in their marketing department!
There are mutliple interconnecting roles in a marketing department, data analysts, social media teams, media coordinators! They typically work together in an office building, similar to Keeley's PR company! There are a lot of different roles and a lot of different employees involved! think cubicles and break rooms, not a private office in the dungeon of a stadium.
So, Keeley from what the show tells and shows, is a free lance PR consultant not for the stadium itself, but for members of the team and later the greyhounds as an entity. This is where I would veer off course!
Instead of ending season two with a bullshit out of the blue here's your own company girl boss arc, I'd have Rebecca offer Keeley some kind of formal training avenue to get some more experience, build up her portfolio, and make progress in her career via some kind of internship or traineeship with Nelson Roads marketing team.
Why does this cause conflict? Because Keeley sucks at it! Keeley, for as friendly and sociable as she is, is not a corporate team player. She canonically doesn't understand corporate etiquette, she doesn't respect a lot of corporate practices, and to the people who have actually spent years of their lives studying and working for their positions, she doesn't deserve to be there!
She's there because she's a rich model whose friends with their millionaire boss. She's not self made to them, she hasn't come from nothing, she owns a mansion and wears designer almost exclusively. She has weekly lunch with the owner of their company, she was dating their star player and now she's dating the assistant coach, she got hired with no experience or education because she has friends in high places, if I was some poor marketing employee with student debt who worked my ass off to be there? I'd be pissed off, I wouldn't like her!
and Keeley is a very make her own way person, she isn't prepared for the rules and parameters that working in a corporate environment has! She also isn't used to not being liked! The team all love her, she makes friends really easy! It isn't an environment that she is comfortable in or used too, and she struggles with it!
Her arc would be about deciding if it's worth it! Where to compromise and where to hold to fast! Proving that she does deserve to be there to herself and to others! Realizing that she has had a lot of things handed to her, and that she is not as self made and independent as she previously claimed to be! Deciding how to proceed with that realization! Working on herself to understand the perspective of others!
You can give her a crisis of confidence and self doubt with that! You can make her actively trying to learn more and better herself! Give her the Elle Woods Arc She Deserved! She doesn't have to be The Boss, she just has to be an active character in her own story!
Splitting Keeley from the main cast was dumb! It was just a bad choice! It's an ensemble show, ensemble shows never work when you split up the ensemble. That's part of why season three felt so weird to watch!
I love Keeley, I really do, but her story was not substantial enough to stand on its own! She needs to be connected to Nelson Road and Richmond one way or another, or she might of well have been written off because the KJPR story line doesn't serve the over all plot or Keeley's character development. She starts and ends the season in the exact same spot, and she contributes almost nothing to the main story line.
This point of mine is more of technical perspective on writing but if something doesn't serve a purpose in a story, especially a story that is actively trying to be concise like the third season of ted lasso allegedly was, you need to either change it so that it does serve a purpose or cut it. Characters aren't people, they are tools used within a narrative to tell a story. Keeley wasn't used effectively as a tool to the narrative in any capacity.
Also I just think it would've been a lot more interesting to explore Roy and Keeley's relationship breaking down in real time. Them breaking up off screen and then ignoring each other for most of the season was, once again, boring!
In Conclusion
I hate the KJPR story line because it was so easy to fix and it could've elevated the narrative in so many ways but nooooooo we had to have THAT shit show. You could even keep Barbara in my version. Like,, she can still be there and it would work better. They fumbled so bad, Keeley deserved better.
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