#and daichi was the adopted little sibling/child
risesonthecourt · 4 years
Asahi and Noya for ship meme!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Honestly I think these two can go one of two ways. Either they’re endgame, that one couple that people don’t quite understand how they never even fight but they work so well and it just keeps working no matter what. Or, they face a really big issue early on - like wanting to do very different things after graduation - and can’t get through it. If that happens though, they’d both regret not trying harder, and best case get back together later one.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - I don’t think it takes long, it’s almost love at first sight, but it takes them both a while to realise it’s anything other than admiration, and even longer to confess.
How was their first kiss? - Kind of a mess! Noya was probably a bit too enthusiastic, and Asahi was probably too nervous, so it didn’t go very well. But they learned pretty quickly.
Who proposed? - Probably Asahi. I feel like Noya would have been so happy with them dating he kinda...forgot marriage was an option. Like, what they had was so good so he forgot there was another level they could go to. Not that it changes much between them anyway.
Who is the best man/men? - Well, this one’s easy. Noya would have Tanaka. Asahi would have Daichi and/or Suga.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -If they have one at all, it’s Kiyoko. But they might not have one.
Who did the most planning? - Again, probably Asahi. He would have wanted to make at least their suits, if not also the outfits for their groomsmen and possible bridesmaid ...groomsmaid? So he’d have had to make sure they worked with all the decor and everything. Plus, he’s kind of more organised than Noya - but Noya still got his say in pretty much everything.
Who stressed the most? -Asahi. Hands down.
How fancy was the ceremony? - They go elegant, but small. Family and close friends, nothing too crazy. Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Well, they probably wouldn’t have invited many people, but it was less ‘we don’t want you here’ and more ‘we didn’t want more than x number of people and you didn’t make the cut’.
Who is on top? - In the most literal sense, Noya XD Asahi doesn’t want to crush him. In the actual sense, they probably switch, but Asahi’s definitely happier letting Noya take the reigns either way.
Who is the one to instigate things? - They both do, but Noya’s louder about it. Asahi’s got his little signs to let Noya know he’s in the mood, but Noya will just say it, or plop himself in Asahi’s lap for kisses and grinding.
How healthy is their sex life? - They probably do it most days if they aren’t too busy. Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -That depends. They’ve both got tricks to bring the other off faster, and if they’re going slow they drag it out. Early on in their relationship though, neither one lasts very long at all, but they build up.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -Absolutely, unless one of them is specifically spoiling the other.
How rough are they in bed? - It varies, but they’re both strong and have plenty of stamina sooo, Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - None.
How many children will they adopt? - Either none, or about 3. It’s all or nothing with these two and they’d definitely take siblings if they wanted to adopt.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Asahi, at least at first. He’s got lots of practice from helping his parents with his younger siblings. But they’re pretty good at taking turns.
Who is the stricter parent? - Hahahahaha neither one of them is strict. Asahi can’t be mean to his kids and Noya gets caught up in the excitement. They only tell the kids off if they did something wrong on purpose, but punishments don’t really happen often.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Asahi.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Asahi, but Noya probably made them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Noya overall, but the kids adore Asahi too.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - They both do!
Who cried the most at graduation? -Asahi.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -They both would.
Who does the most cooking? - It’s Noya or they get takeout, Asahi’s such a bad cook.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -Neither one is really picky, but Asahi’s not a huge fan of trying new things.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Whichever one has time, but they like going together.
How often do they bake desserts? - Not very often. They’ll try if it’s a special occasion.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -Is this even a question, we’ve seen Noya at a BBQ XD
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Noya, he likes to go for big surprises.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Noya.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? -Asahi.
Who cleans the room? - Asahi.
Who is really against chores? - Noya.
Who cleans up after the pets? - I don’t know if they’d get pets, but both of them - whoever has the time.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - They both do it sometimes, but it’s usually Noya.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Asahi.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Asahi. (he saves found money up to buy treats for Noya though)
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Asahi.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They like to go together, but if they can’t, Noya goes for a run with the dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Noya takes any excuse to put decorations anyway, so every holiday he goes wild - but the biggest decor goes up at Halloween and xmas.
What are their goals for the relationship? - They just want to be happy and look after each other. Also, if they get together while still at highschool, the main goal is to get through their own independant post-graduation goals without splitting up.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Definitely Asahi. Noya’s such an early riser and Asahi is not.
Who plays the most pranks? - Noya.
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vespamultimuse · 4 years
The other night I found some family hcs I typed up forever ago so I guess I should post them here, they’re under the cut.
Mika's Parents -His dad's name is Takahiro and his mom's name is Akari. -His parents are very supportive of his dream, which is why they were okay with him going to Yumenosaki and even moving in with Shu so he wouldn’t have to travel so far everyday. He talks to them everyday through texting, though it’s mostly his mom since his dad can barely use his phone. -He was adopted when he was 8 years old. -Akari and Takahiro had tried for many years to have a child until tests confirmed that Akari was infertile. They were both heartbroken but decided to adopt since they really wanted a kid. -It took Mika a while to call them mom and dad instead of Mrs. and Mr. Kagehira. He also seemed unsure of how to act at his new home and would frequently ask if it was really okay for him to stay there.
Rei and Ritsu's Parents -Their mom's name is Miyo and their dad is Naito -They are very wealthy. They live in a huge, old-styled house. -They aren't the best parents but they aren't the worst either, just a tad bit neglectful. They let Rei stay out late and do as he pleases, which is pretty much every teenagers dream. They never gave Ritsu much attention, especially as he got older. -They had Rei as their heir, but they didn't really want Ritsu. Miyo actually wanted a girl and was disappointed that Ritsu was a boy.
Subaru's Parents -His dad's name is Ren and his mom's name is Yukiko. -When his dad was imprisoned, he and his mom were shunned by everyone, to the point they had to move to try and get away from it all. -Yukiko use to love idols just as much as Subaru did. But after Ren's death, she couldn't feel as excited about them anymore. -Yukiko had a hard time finding a job after Ren's death. Right now she works at convience store close to her house.
Arashi's Family -Arashi's dad is Hiroto, their mom is Tamako and their older brother is Mitsue. -Tamako is way more understanding about Arashi's gender identity than Arashi's father and brother. -Hiroto and Mitsue don't really accept Arashi as genderfluid. But since she accepts he/him pronouns it doesn't bother her too much. -Her mom is a model and the one who got Arashi into the modeling industry. -Tamako is also very supportive of Arashi's idol career and goes to see all of Knights' performances
Mao's Family -His dad's name is Asahi and his mom's name is Hana. His little sister's name is Yui. -His parents don't really care about him, they care more about his sister than him. Mao does his best to not let it bother him. -His little sister is very bratty and always gets what she wants. Despite that, Mao still cares about her, since they are family.
Kaoru's Family -His dad is named Seiichi, Mom is named Chika, brother is named Yukio and his sister is named Hotaru. -Like known in canon, Kaoru's mom is dead and his dad isn't the best. -His dad is a horrible parent to Kaoru. He treats Kaoru much differently than he treats Kaoru's siblings. -He's also very homophobic, which is why Kaoru is so adamant to claim he is straight. -Kaoru has a wonderful relationship with his sister, they get along really well. He and his brother are more on neutral terms.
Akatsuki's Parents -His mom's name is Maki. -Akatsuki (formerly known as Akira) was adopted when he was a young child by the Iride couple after their biological son Akatsuki died due to health complications. -His adoptive dad was supposedly killed in a laboratory accident. The accident left his mom more traumatized and unstable which leads to her sanity breaking down. -Akira's mom becomes unable to distinguish between him and her late son. She even went as far to suggest Akira gets a name change and he surprisingly agreed. -Although his mother is seemingly delusional and mentally unbalanced, Akatsuki loves his mother dearly and does not see her as a nuisance or burden. -Paka is Akatsuki's adoptive father. Akatsuki is unaware of this. (This comes from a theory I found, I really like the idea) *It is also hinted that Akatsuki is Himiko's older brother that was given up for adoption.
Hibiki's Parents -His mom's name is Utano and his dad's is Yuichi -Hibiki's parents were very negligent. They never paid attention to him as a kid and were always away at work. They expected Hibiki to have good grades though, but all the studying caused Hibiki to get bullied. -Daichi's parents were more of parents to him than his actual mom and dad. They would often let Hibiki stay at their house and would even make sure he was eating properly. -Hibiki didn't even care or wonder about his parents during the apocalypse. He was more willing to help Daichi and Io try to get home to see their parents rather than check on his parents.
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tetsuyaku · 5 years
for the random headcanon thing, how about any or all of the captains!!!
i wont do aaaall of them but here’s a few
daichi is really good at braiding because his little sister wont let anyone but him braid her hair
kuroo has reading glasses!! but he rarely uses them tbh
bokuto makes breakfast for his mom almost every sunday!! he’s surprisingly good at cooking
oikawa wants to go into journalism in college!!
ushijima hands, feet and nose are always super cold compared to the rest of him
moniwa has a lot of younger siblings, and he and akaashi are cousins but their mothers (who are sisters,haven’t seen each other in years they still talk though they just dont really see each other anymore)
daishou is a foster child, he got officially adopted by his moms when he was 10 and before that he was bouncing around a lot
Put the name of a character in my inbox and I’ll share a random/obscure headcanon I have about them.
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hq-cuties-pls · 6 years
I KNOW Emma's got family headcanons for her husbandos that she needs to share with us all
BOY HOWDY DO I????? I actually had different ones for Daichi but then THIS HAPPENED!!! Please enjoy my boyos!~Admin Emma
Middle child, two younger siblings, one older
Grew up in a large house in a more rural part of the prefecture
Best big bro in the world. He always makes time for the little sibs
His dad, Sawamura Akira, is a salaryman whose main office is in Sendai, but he travels a lot, so he’s rarely around. After Daichi’s older brother graduated, he took on a lot of responsibilities
Daichi’s Mom: Sawamura Chika
Chika is the most stable and supportive woman you’ll ever meet. She’s sweet, soft and kind and loves and supports all her babies
However, Daichi gets his angry streak from her, so she is not a woman to be crossed or trifled with
Older Brother: Kaiyo
Kaiyo is a police officer in Tokyo. He’s married with twin sons
Younger Brother: Sora
Sora is nine years younger than Daichi. Contrasting with his big bro, he’s smooth, a bit of a shit, and knows he’s cute and uses it to his advantage. But he looks up to his big bro like crazy and wants to be just like him.
Younger Sister: Mei
Mei is 5 years younger than Daichi. Unlike him, she is a bit more reserved, and a bit on the girly side, but like her mom and big bro, she’s got a bit of an angry streak to her, and she’s scary af. She is the only other Sawamura sibling who wants to play volleyball.
The Sawamura family is very tight-knit. They always get together for holidays, birthdays, and festivals. Chika is a bit of a traditionalist, so she makes Mei wear kimono and Daichi and the boys to wear Hakama when she can.
Daichi got his nurturing side from his mother, as well as his mile-wide competitive streak.
Chika adores you or anyone Daichi brings home. She wants nothing but happiness for her boy.
Asahi’s dad was a Hafu. His gaijin family is from New Zealand. He has three cousins, two aunts, an uncle, and a full set of grandparents he never sees and barely talks to, but they always send him birthday, Christmas, and New Years gifts every year.
Asahi’s Dad: Azumane Jun
Jun was a sweet, caring and loving man and extremely devoted father, but he passed away from fairly aggressive cancer when Asahi was four.
Asahi has a picture of his dad in the hospital holding him on the day he was born. It’s in Asahi’s little treasure box that he keeps stashed in his closet, along with love letters from you, awards, mementos, letters from his grandparents, and Hitsuji-san (a stuffed lamb he loved as a baby).
Asahi’s mom: Azumane Atsuko
Atsuko is a firecracker of a woman; she’s about 5 foot nothing and maybe 115 pounds soaking wet, but she’ll fight a wild boar for anyone she loves.
She’s also an obstetrics nurse, and she’s very proud of her work. She actually came from not-insignificant money, as her family was a large silk distributor since before World War II, but her very traditional parents weren’t really big fans of Jun and are cool towards Asahi. They still have a huge and fairly valuable pre-war kimono collection that is mostly kept in storage.
Asahi and his mom live in a small apartment together with Atsuko’s shiba inu, Bob-kun.
Asahi doesn’t want to go to college for a few reasons, but the big two are the expense and the fact that he desperately wants to help his mother out when he graduates, and he thinks that’s a priority. Atsuko thinks he’s being foolish, but she also knows her boy is stubborn, like her.
Atsuko absolutely adores you, but she does tease you a lot, much to Asahi’s chagrin. She is hyper protective of her little boy (and he will always be her little boy, no matter how big he gets), and she just wants him to be happy. Doesn’t mean she isn’t a bit of a meme.
Atsuko and Chika are known to secretly get together once in a while with Suga’s mom and gossip. The boys tend to stay far away from Daichi’s house when this happens.
Only child to a very influential and wealthy family
Lives in a traditional house with his mother and her mother. His father lives overseas and his grandfather died before he was born.
He has incredibly high expectations put on him; either succeed in volleyball (his passion) or else.
Ushijima’s Mother: Ushijima Kaede
Ushijima’s Grandmother: Ushijima Masuyo
Masuyo still manages the family business, and Kaede is the heir apparent. Masuyo didn’t approve of Utsui, and thus Ushijima still has a lot to prove to her before she’ll recognize him as an heir.
It doesn’t much matter that he doesn’t really want to be an heir; what his grandmother says goes.
Kaede is a strict woman with little regard for sentiment. She recognizes merit and merit only, hence why she hasn’t celebrated Ushijima’s birthday since Utsui left. A birthday is something you have, not something you accomplish.
As part of Kaede’s repertoire of acceptable activities, she bred and showed dogs, so Ushijima grew up around purebred dogs he wasn’t allowed to play with. As a result, when he gets his own place, he adopts a sweet mutt that he lets sleep in his bed with him.
Ushijima spends a weekend every couple months with his father. At first it was a bit awkward, but since they’ve settled into a pattern that’s comfortable for both of them
While Utsui likes that Ushijima likes volleyball, he makes it clear he doesn’t want his son to feel pressured to like it, and there’s no pressure to be successful at it. Ushijima became a top high school ace, and Utsui couldn’t be more proud.
Kaede and Masuyo are very cool towards you. Masuyo thinks your relationship is an absolute waste of time, along with Ushijima’s hobbies (she’s referring to volleyball) while Kaede just treats you with passive-aggressive indifference. Utsui, on the other hand, adores you, and is so glad you make his son happy.
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haikyuu-plus · 7 years
this might sound a weird ask maybe.. but i really love kids and often i find myself surrounded by some of them everywhere i go? like ive had neighbors kids ask me if i could play with them and honestly i feel like tearing up bcs im a single child and for me its like they're my adopted little siblings. i was wondering if we could have kuroo, nishinoya, daichi and iwaizumi with a crush who's like that (like they find out about it)? very motherly but also playful and who loves kids? thank you!
[I have a friend who’s EXACTLY like that, children just flock to her and she knows exactly how to deal with them. I admire you, seriously, children can be so precious and cute and LITTLE PUNKS]Kuroo: Kuroo would happily oblige to his crush’s request to visit them and the children they sometimes spent their time with. He would admire their gentle and soft voice and the fact that it was so incredibly easy for them to connect to those small humans. Kuroo would probably give them a playful nickname, just like he did with Hinata; although it’s very possible that the children would feel slightly intimidated by the guy with the messy black hair and the crooked grin on his face.
Nishinoya: Nishinoya would probably be a little jealous of all the attention his crush would give to the other children. Perhaps he would even start an argument with one particular kid that taunted him with the attention he wasn’t getting. He would feel slightly embarrassed if his crush called him out on acting just as childish as the other kids were, admitting under his breath that he would prefer to have them all to himself. At the end of the day he would truly appreciate the fact that his crush was able to connect to children that well, wishing he would be allowed the pleasure of being treated that way relatively soon.
Daichi: Daichi would feel a sense of pride for his crush. It wouldn’t surprise him at all that they were able to get along with children that easily. Feeling an aura of warmth and comfort around them the longer they played with the children, he would naturally feel inclined to join in on the fun and it probably wouldn’t take long for the children to point out that the two of them were acting just like real parents. Daichi would blush profusely, unable to reply to a statement like that. He would probably try to put it off by saying that their relationship wasn’t like that (only noticing WHAT he had said a second too late).
Iwaizumi: Iwaizumi would certainly appreciate the way his crush was treating children, since it would be relatively easy for him to connect to them as well. He would gladly participate in any activities his crush had planned, enjoying the fact that he could watch his crush being so warm and motherly towards the kids. He would especially cherish the fact that they’d be able to calm the children down in case they started crying or if they hurt themselves very lightly, since he’d freeze up a little, not knowing how to react during the very first seconds.
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uzuma-take · 5 years
Oc.1 Daisy Uzumaki
Because my ocs 'don't exist in canon some events don't occur either at all or they have changed significantly.
I'm also gonna bullet point my characters life.
Daisy :
1.Born Nao Iki Uzumaki . She was born with both a working female genitalia and a non working male genitalia . Nao later chose to be considered female and to lost her male genitalia. She was also born a twin . Her twin was named Damon. Daisy has four older siblings.
Daru & Dake 5 years older (twins)
Dana & Dayu 3 years older (twins)
2. Age 0 --- 4 Nao was born half human half demon to a demon father ,Fuwa and a human mother Heiwa. Nao until she was four was extremely Ill.
2. Age 4 this where the 1st major change in the Naruverse occurs. Nao was playing with a four year old Hatake Kakashi (there birth dates are only five days apart with Nao) Kakashi tripped sticking a stick in his neck.
3. Teachers believing Nao was the only culprit banished her from the ninja academy .Having moved back to ghenna with her parents . They helped her study (She went to a demon school and met two of her closest friends. Gool and Sqeeuib ((nicknamed Squib after Harry potter)). She did remain best of friends with a human named kurenai. Whom shed hang out with alot.. During the six years of training and studying. Her parents adopted a boy whose name nobody knew of. There parents therefore giving him the name Dane Kenji Uzumaki.
4. Age 10 The third Hokage let's Dane (Now known as Edwin ) Nao and Damon become ninjas.
5.Age 11 --- 12 Nao got fed up with her name and asked her parents to change it to be a bit more femine. Nao's parents chose the English Name Daisy after researching foreign names.
6.Age 12 Daisy makes her first Deadly Blunder and Dies for the first time. Daisy awakes with little frekle like scars on her right side.
7.As she's recovering in the hospital she finds out that Edwin who has just been discovered to be related to Satan has burnt himself to death.
8. On the day she arrives home her Father gets a mysterious phone call . He ignores the lady on the other end of the phone thinking it's just silly prank. He however hears Edwins little voice shaking over the phone. And imedatly goes gets him . A couple of seconds later he and Edwin come back. With both Daisy and Edwin Still recovering. There mum thinks is best they sleep on the couch beds .
9 .Age 13 --- 14 Damon is killed . Daisy loses her marbles . She is also diagnosed with autism and HDHD. However with the 'Death' of her brother, Daisy is very vunrable and chose to go to a Konoha party . She has sex for the First time. Out side waiting for her dad with Squib and Gool Daisy Starts smoking and trying drugs. Her dad sees them and takes them all to A demon Juvenile detention centre. She spends a year there before it's raided by exorcist. She's taken to Demon lab but soon breaks out after hearing that the exorcist have destroyed her family and her two friends.
10. Age 15 --- 16 On the run she runs into Kakashi Hatake. They have a one night stand Daisy then hears the door go and hears Edwin coming up. She quickly jumps in to the attic . She learns Kakashi is Bisexaul and was engaged to Edwin .
11.Daisy feeling guilty about sleeping with Kakashi decides to leave without Kakashi knowing.
12. Seeing Edwin alive and well she decides to see if her parents are ok. When she goes home they pull her into the biggest hug ever. She then tells them what happened with Kakashi and Edwin. A couple of weeks later she finds out she was pregnant. Reluctantly she goes back to Kakashi . Daisy gives birth to twins Sakumo and Daiji
13. Age 18 She fights her step mum to keep custody of her children. Daisy wins .
14. Age 19 Daisy becomes pregnant with twins again. A girl named Yukki and a boy Named Daichi. Every seems to be going well . The normal naruto canon events happen .
15. Skip to Naruto Shippuden Daisy has had another child . A Girl call Rei . Kakashi visits Daisy and the children when he isn't on a mission . He however doesn't live with them until Daisy is frozen from falling into a lake and introduces herself to her cousin Naruto.
16. the children head off on a world tour with Sakumo and Daiji Now being sixteen they are responsible enough to look after their siblings
17.Age 32 Daisy lives a year of hell . Her head injury. A Dog attack. (Daisy has a Golden Labrador called Sunny and a Samoyed called Snowey They defended her from a Pitball and Dutch Hound )
((Here's where canon changes again. When Daisy and Kakashi had their first kids . Kurenai Hooked up with asuma . They had a Boy Named Jay and a year later had a daughter named Mirai. (Yes Mirai is alot older in this version he's good pals with team asuma and kurenai . The same with Mirai.))
18. Asuma becomes severely sick. He is told he has rapid cancer growth on his lungs . It looks to be in early stages but it's growing extremely fast. Daisy talks to someone who suggest that her powers can heal Asuma if she can posses him. Daisy suggest it to kurenai who imedatly encourages daisy to do it.
Daisy posses him and heals him. However if he where to have died that would have been it for her to.
19. Daisy's kids come home they explain that theyhave been staying in a camping refuge for a while and there where to adults that where fasinatied with Kakashi. They want to move in with there son Banabi . The two adults where Obito and Rin who had survied and ran away .
That's all I have so far for Daisy the rest of the uzumaki siblings are coming in the Next couple of days . Also some context into her parents and her children. And who Edwins Real Parents are.
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novocaine-sea · 7 years
They just keep growing and developing so for myself and others who enjoy it, I decided to make a masterpost! These are all love children of ships, most of which exist in one universe! There are a couple of other stragglers as well. I’ll add at the end who ends up together!
Baker/Banker universe (AKA the SemiSuga verse)
Itsumi - the oldest of three. She’s mostly like Semi, very stubborn and she has his pout down to a T. She doesn’t get along well with her younger siblings and believes they’re taking their parents away from her. She grows up to work in the bakery that Suga owns.
Emiko - the middle child. She’s the sweetest bean, always smiling and trying to have a good time. She just wants Itsumi to love her. She has very severe asthma and allergies that get slightly less severe as the years go on. She’s had a couple of scares with these. She grows up to be a professional artist/cosplayer
Kohaku - the youngest child. He’s the only boy child and he’s pretty much Semi’s clone except he has brown hair. He’s also very sweet and doesn’t understand why Itsumi hates him. He follows Emiko around like a little duck and clings to Suga every chance he gets. I haven’t given him a job yet
Itsumi is older than Emiko by two years and older than Kohaku by six. 
Daisuke - the older twin. He and his twin both look like Akaashi except they have golden eyes like Bokuto. He’s loud and easily excitable and he’s friendly with everybody. Sometimes he doesn’t think when he speaks which often gets him into trouble with his brother and leads to a fight. He grows up to play volleyball professionally.
Haruto - the younger twin. His story is kind of angsty, in that when he was eight months old Bokuto accidentally threw him into a ceiling fan and he had to go to the hospital. Haruto is the quieter of the two and shy, mostly due to his stutter. His stutter appears on Ts, S’s, Fs, Ks, and hard Cs. He is also on the autism spectrum, but it is very mild. He grows up to be a director and screenwriter, starting off on Youtube but making big, award winning films.
Haruto, Daisuke, and Itsumi are all the same age! They are also best friends, although Emiko and Haruto end up closer at the end.
Junichi - the oldest of the triplets. He has long, wavy shoulder length hair much like Asahi’s. He is a lot like Asahi, but a little less anxious (he doesn’t have a glass heart). He is very humble and he always tries to do the right thing. He becomes a speech therapist when he’s older
Rie - the middle triplet. This gal is spunky af, much like Noya. Good thing she looks just like him. She spends a lot of time teasing her brothers and their friends. She is very much a tease, innocently and sexually. Rie is probably the coolest one out of them all. Noya is her favorite parent.
Atsushi - the youngest triplet, and boy does he hate it. He’s definitely not a runt but he spends a lot of time being teased by both his siblings for being born last. Not much is to be sad about him except that he’s the straightest out of the entire family, and he isn’t even that straight at all.
These three are one year older than Daisuke, Haruto, and Itsumi. Rie considers Emiko a younger sister when they grow closer as they’re older.
Shouta - the oldest child. He looks a lot like Kuroo, but he doesn’t have the same fanon “bad boy” attitude. He is very kind and soft and sweet and he really loves Kenma. As a child his favorite thing to do is curl up with Kenma and watch him play video games. He ends up going into the video game development business when he’s older.
Terumi - the youngest child. She is very much a Papa’s girl, always clinging to Kuroo, so much so that she barely lets him use the restroom without crying. This is mostly because Kuroo is a professional volleyball player and he often leaves for long periods of time. 
Shouta is the same age as the AsaNoya triplets and is good friends with them, while Terumi is the same age as Emiko. They are inseparable.
Yasushi - the oldest child. He takes after Daichi in that he is very calm and levelheaded at all times. He takes his role as big brother very seriously and is in charge, most times, of calming his brother down. When he’s older he follows in Daichi’s footsteps and becomes a lawyer
Takeshi - the youngest child. He is wild. Very loud and excitable, much like Terushima was but this is magnified. He just wants to jump everywhere and is always laughing. He can only be calmed when his older brother lays next to him.
Takeshi and Yasushi are two years apart in age.
Usagi - Their only child. She takes after Yamaguchi mostly, but she is very much attached to Tsukishima. She’s very soft spoken but she’s not that shy. She loves the arts and when she grows up she becomes a videogame developer.
She is the youngest out of all the OCs! 
Noboku - their only child. He is adopted but he has a striking resemblance to Tendou, with bright red hair and freckles. He is mostly quiet like Ushijima but he usually cries when he’s unhappy. 
He is the same age as Kohaku!
Isao - their only son for now. He’s there but there’s not much to say about him besides the fact that he’s very quiet and Kyoutani loves him a lot.
He is the same age as Kohaku and Noboku
Fumiko - the oldest daughter. She is very bubbly and has long, silver hair just like Lev and big green eyes. She can be kind of air-headed at times but she is also very serious when it comes to her family. She’s bullied a lot because she is one of the tallest in her class but she never lets it get to her head. She grows up to be a primary school teacher.
Ania - the middle daughter. She is much like Yaku with reddish brown hair but she has those big green eyes just like Lev. She has a Russian name because Lev wanted some of his heritage in his daughters as well. She has quite an attitude and they all know where she gets it from. She’s the shortest of her sisters but she is still a good four inches taller than Yaku.
Sayuri - the youngest daughter. She is feisty but kind. She’s got a good mix between brown and silver hair, landing in a darkish blonde color. She and Ania get into a lot of fights because their personalities clash. She is the second tallest.
Fumiko is the same as Kohaku and Noboku. Ania is three years younger than Fumiko and Sayuri is a year younger than Ania.
Mitsuru - oldest of two. He is cool, calm, and collected. He takes after Kawanishi in personality and hair style (Kawanishi would be damned if he gave his son a bowl cut). He’s got light, sandy colored hair much like Shirabu does.
Yasu - youngest of two. She gets all of Shirabu’s sassiness and bitter attitude. She has red hair like Kawanishi that she always pulls into a ponytail and never cuts. She has the meanest glares that could scare even Ushijima.
These two are five years apart in age.
Ume - She is the only child of these two idiots and she’s very soft spoken. She loves animals and she loves spending time with her parents. She considers Iwaizumi her third father and his son her brother. When she is older she becomes a psychiatric nurse
Iwaizumi is the single father of a little boy named Kino. Iwaizumi had been in a relationship with Oikawa but after finding out Oikawa couldn’t get pregnant, Oikawa couldn’t handle it and left Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi is close with MatsuHana and adopted Kino after spending a lot of time with Ume
Kino - he is a happy little boy who has some health complications (Type 1 Diabetes) but that never stops him. He had been alone at the orphanage he lived at until Iwaizumi saw him and took an immediate liking.
Itsumi & Daisuke - these two have been in love since they were six, Daisuke constantly pining after her. They get married right after college at twenty-one and they divorce at twenty-three because of Itsumi hiding two abortions from him. She had the first when she was eighteen and another when she was twenty-three. She never wanted kids and didn’t know how to have a real conversation about it. They get remarried at twenty-seven and decide to finally talk it out. They end up having two children, Ryouta and Ren. They are three years apart!
Junichi & Haruto - these two meet in high school when Junichi is a third year and Haruto is a second year. Haruto is kind of wary of Junichi at first because Junichi just decided one day to sit with him at lunch (Haruto usually sits alone) and start a conversation. Junichi becomes the person that Haruto trusts the most and they get married right before Itsumi and Daisuke separate. They own a dog and have one child, Yuzuki. Haruto experiences postpartum after she is born and this leads them to deciding not to have any more kids. 
Emiko & Hachi - Hachi isn’t a love child, he’s completely separate. He’s a nurse and the two meet while Emiko is hospitalized for her asthma (x). Emiko flirts with him and slips him her number and eventually they go on a date. He’s three years older than her, making him the same age as Junichi. He supports her career and she supports him, even if they fight a lot about his long hours. But he gives up his dream of being a doctor in order to be with her more. They have a daughter Moriko and possibly some other kids.
Usagi & Shouta - These two have a seven year age difference and meet when Usagi is eighteen and interning under him at the video game company that he and Kenma work at. She thinks she’s subtle in her advances towards him but she is not and he thinks it’s adorable. She is the one that gives her his number and even if it’s against company policy Kenma turns a blind eye so his son can be happy.
Iwaizumi & Yamaguchi - Yamaguchi ends up divorcing from Tsukishima because of irreconcilable differences when it came to their daughter’s relationship with an older man. These two meet at the gym at Iwaizumi works at/owns after Yamaguchi falls on the treadmill. Kino was slightly behind setting them up as he pushed Iwaizumi to go help him up.
Yasushi & Ume - These two met after Yasushi attempted suicide and thankfully failed. Ume was one of the nurses in charge of nursing him back to health and they ultimately fell for each other despite that being against the rules. They start dating once Yasushi is fully better and have three dogs and four children together!
Takeshi & Kousei - Takeshi and Kousei meet in college where they were madly in love but Takeshi broke up once with Kousei because the latter was too clingy. However, they realize that they miss each other too much. As a child Kousei had leukemia which comes back when they’re graduated and he’s pregnant with their first child. He hadn’t told Takeshi about his past battle with cancer until he woke up with a bloody nose and knew immediately. They have three children.
Fumiko & Noboku - These two were childhood friends (along with Kohaku) and got together in high school. It was tough getting together because neither wanted to admit their feelings for the other but ultimately they end up happy and with a whopping five children!
Kohaku & Osamu (not Miya) - Kohaku ends up as a manga artist which is a lot of stressful nights trying to meet deadlines. Osamu is his editor/publisher and helps him work through it. Eventually, they start having feelings for each other and theyre married within a year of their relationship. Kohaku has a lot of complications with his first pregnancy as he tries to work on his manga through it and has a lot of trouble getting pregnant a second time. But they have two kids in the end
Atsushi & Miranda - Atsushi moves overseas as an architect once he graduates college and meets Miranda there. She’s his partner while working together and they hook up a couple of times before she ends up pregnant with twins! They break up a little after the twins are born but they coparent pretty well. They end up relocating to Japan and end up together in the end
Terumi & Asami - These two were also high school sweethearts after Emiko pushed them together. Asami is a really fun, outgoing girl who likes cosplay and idolizes Emiko, which sucks for Terumi because now she has to deal with her best friend and girlfriend being loud. 
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ezzydean · 7 years
R we allowed to ask abt ur ocs? Like who they r and stuff? Bc I've been wondering abt Akira for a while (I was wondering if it was Kunimi but it didn't make any sense that you would even call him Akira instead of Kunimi but now that I kno that Akira is an oc im curious)
oh yeah that’s fine
@matsukawa---issei and I love our OCs and @notsuchasecret has adopted them as her own children as well :D  (also when I named Akira I knew it was familiar but I honestly forgot that it was Kunimi’s given name until like 2 months later)
Kiyo and Shiro came about first, when Ry needed extra characters for her Hold Your Breath au.  they are our first children (Kiyo more hers and Shiro more mine).  (you can find Kiyo here, the second one on the top row)  they are incredibly devoted to each other, best friends no matter the au they appear in (and you can find them in a handful of other aus and fics that Ry and I have written as random background characters).  Shiro is the taller of the two, athletic and muscular, and Kiyo is shorter and thinner, not as heavily muscled and he likes to cling and drape himself on Shiro like a cat and whine for attention, which Shiro willingly gives.  (Kiyo’s thing is to dramatically launch himself into Shiro’s arms for hugs and greetings.)  Shiro has bright blue eyes and kind of messy almost curly hair.  Kiyo is paler with fluffy brown hair and greenish brown eyes and freckles.  Kiyo is playful but can be kind of shy at first and Shiro is generally a teasing and playful person (unless he needs to be serious.)
then we have Kiyo’s little sister Karin (who is my creation).  Who looks a lot like Kiyo but with short hair, 0 chill, and sass levels over 1000.  She has none of her brother’s shyness.  at all.  she gets along exceptionally well with Shiro which sometimes scares her brother because he really does not NEED two sassy people who aren’t afraid to share their thoughts with him.  Karin can and will kick Shiro’s ass if need be though.
Akira is Ry’s sunshine child who was SUPPOSED to be the bad guy in her NaNo project but we gave him too good of a backstory and made ourselves like him too much to keep him the bad guy.  he has fluffy blond hair and brown eyes, nice hands, average height.  super awkward at first even when he’s trying to flirt his way into getting someone’s number (but confident enough to try in the first place.)  Akira is very sweet and sometimes a little gullible and easily swayed by family.
And speaking of family last, but not least, we have Akira’s cousin, my child Hibiki.  The asshole bad guy that Akira was supposed to be but couldn’t.  He looks a lot like Akira, like the “they could be siblings” look alike, but is slightly taller and lankier with spikier brown/blond hair and slightly softer lines to his face (cheekbones/chin/etc).  he is not a nice person though he can be charming if he needs to be.  he has 0 remorse, is 100% an asshole, and does not care at all.  (he’s not even a lovable asshole.  he’s just... a giant asshole)
so there they are.  our children.  I get to name them because I have all of Daichi’s naming skills which is another running theme with our fics/writing. :D
thank you for asking about them!
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pokemonruby · 6 years
1. What OC has the biggest family? How do they get along?
so far, it’s saroyan who has the largest family... being the eldest of four siblings and has a doting father named markus. unfortunately he lost his mother several years ago... and since has upheld a majority of her responsibilities, so markus isn’t the only one to shoulder the burden. 
2. What OC has/is a mentor?
several of mine do! but in particular, zhen is like a mentor/father figure to xavier. before he brought xavier into his care, they were an unruly troublemaker that started street brawls and indulged in other poor habits. however, zhen has since helped them develop as a person, to appreciate the little things and not allow their resentment towards this world, albeit cruel, fester beyond salvation. zhen, having lost his own child, is extremely attached to xavier and wants only the best for them. 
3. What OC has a huge group of friends?
despite xavier’s “bad” reputation, they’re surprisingly popular... after all, they’re incredibly easy to get along with & their humor is priceless. in particular, yuri, lawrence, yun-ho, mila, lanfen, wren, and several others make up their main friend group. wren is the newest addition, having even befriended the kingdom’s prince. 
4. What OC has a small, close group of friends?
on the other hand, apollo, being the exact opposite of their s/o... doesn’t have many friends himself. regardless of his popularity as a renowned detective, he doesn’t fully know how to express himself. therefore, he’s very reserved and only puts on a polite smile for the audience. however, xavier is undoubtedly his sincerest friend (and also, his lover)... and he’s close with a few of his colleagues too, like daichi and ji-tae. oh, and there’s also gwendolyn, who he’s known since their school days. his uh... first love, too. 
5. What OC has, like, one friend?
emmett’s only friend is garin, who is also his boyfriend... honestly... mood. but at least he has someone, right? he just isn’t very well-liked for a variety of reasons. poor guy. 
6. What OC is the Mom Friend?
gwendolyn... she’ll willingly adopt anyone, anytime, anywhere. she’s so loving and kindhearted, people believe she’s actually an angel in disguise. mila can also be a mom friend at times, but she’s more like the rebellious wine mom who will sometimes speak up on xavier’s recklessness. most of the time, she’ll get wound up in their shenanigans, though. 
7. What OC really needs the Mom Friend around?
xavier, since they’re a troublemaker... but unfortunately their mom friend doesn’t do her job half the time. mila wholeheartedly worries for them, but she’s also a rebel at heart and can’t help but seek enjoyment from their shenanigans. 
8. Which OCs are an old married couple (literally or figuratively)?
faust and valentin... they argue like an old married couple, anyways. but their love is geninue as it comes, just... with a few, minor differences. major differences. opposites attract to the max. 
9. What is your favorite platonic relationship between your OCs?
at the moment, it’s xavier and emmett’s relationship because emmett does not want friends, at all, but regardless they’re trying to get him out of his shell. even if emmett acts annoyed with it, he’s secretly grateful that xavier hasn’t given up on him. it’s very precious. 
10. What is your favorite familial relationship between your OCs?
honestly? the love xavier’s group all feel toward one another is just... so beautiful. they would, without hesitation, lay down their lives for each other. they’re just... the embodiment of the “found family” troupe and i adore it. i adore all of them.
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