#and daves already got so much equipment that he was like. sure babe. i can get a laptop and put a ton of music on it and invite people over
vriskabot · 5 months
random davris hc GO
UHHHHHHH they host karaoke nights for the sburb/sgrub crew!!!
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justatiredghost · 5 years
Unsolved Academy Ch3
Klaus and Dave have been fairly successful with their ghost hunting videos and all things considered things are going very well. So of course something had to go wrong eventually.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Dave said, staring up at the ceiling looking dazed. “I actually quit my job so I can record silly videos with my boyfriend full time. How is this even happening?”
“Welcome to the future, babe,” Klaus said, huddling closer against his side on the small bed and placing a kiss on his cheek. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
“Oh I know I won’t regret it,” Dave said, rolling over and wrapping him in his arms, chuckling as he squeezed him close. “I guess I’ve still got a little whiplash from how different things are now is all.”
“You doing okay with all that?” Klaus asked, a little concerned. He remembered how hard it had been for himself, just adapting to life without war or the end of the world hanging over them, and here Dave was having to get used to a whole new century too.
“Hey, I’m okay,” he said, raising a hand to brush across his cheek. “We’re getting through, right?”
“Right. So!” Klaus said, pushing Dave onto his back and lying on top of him, leaning down to capture his lips. “Now that we’re actually earning some cash, what kind of a home are you picturing?”
“Something small,” Dave said.
“What, you don’t like living in a mansion?”
“Nah, not really my style,” Dave said. “Doesn’t seem like yours either.”
“Not even a little. So?”
“I wanna live somewhere so small we keep running into each other until we drive each other crazy, until we get sick of each other,” Dave continued. “There’s always been so much space between us. Sleeping in separate cots, even when you were just in the one right next to me, it felt like there was this chasm separating us. I want our next place to be so small that I forget what that was like because all there is is you.”
“You’ll be hating me by the end of the week,” Klaus laughed.
“Quit talkin’ all that static,” Dave said, leaning up to kiss his nose. “That would never happen. We can get something bigger later if we start getting irritable, but I’m certainly not going to get tired of this.”
“Oh, stop it, you,” Klaus said.
Dave took Klaus’ hand in his, interlocking their fingers before bringing it briefly to his lips. Klaus could feel the blush despite himself, burying his face in Dave's neck. He felt warm and happy and content and this all seemed so impossible. He never imagined he’d ever end up like this.
“I have an idea,” Klaus said, making himself comfortable on Dave’s chest as he felt arms wrap more securely around him. “We got a bit of cash from our previous videos, we should go out and do something fun to celebrate.”
“Maybe we should get some better equipment too,” Dave suggested.
“Ugh, that’s less fun,” Klaus said.
“We should also figure out where to film next. Oh!” Dave exclaimed. “If we get popular enough, do you think can we go to some of those famous haunted places like the Winchester Mansion? How cool would it be to get to meet a real live famous dead ghost?”
“Oh my god, you are such a nerd,” Klaus said, laughing into the crook of Dave’s neck.
“Oh wait, maybe we should be careful where we go, I don’t want you getting mobbed by ticked off ghosts,” Dave said.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine so long as we avoid graveyards,” Klaus said. Dave rubbed his arm sympathetically. Then Klaus said, a bit wistfully, “I really got lucky with you, didn’t I?”
“Nah, I’m the lucky one,” he said, kissing his temple. “I still couldn’t believe it when I found out you were keen on me.”
“What are you talking about? I’d been hitting on you for weeks,” Klaus laughed.
“And I am very clueless and very gay,” Dave laughed too.
“You’re adorable. I love you.”
“I love you too. And you’re the adorable one”
“Is this okay?” Vanya asked, holding the camera steady, clearly nervous.
“You’re doing wonderfully, dear,” Klaus assured her.
“Okay, but if it turns out terrible you can’t blame me. I’ve never done this before.”
“Don’t worry, you’re doing great,” Dave said, putting his arm around Vanya’s shoulders. She smiled at him and Klaus couldn’t help but do the same.
She’d been pretty reserved around Dave at first, but everyone always warmed up to him quickly, how could they not? He had this disarming charm, joking easily with everyone. Even Luther was relaxing around him by the end of the first day. And Dave had been so sweet around Vanya, even before he heard about all the end of the world stuff. Dave was just kind of like that, gravitating towards anyone who seemed like they could use a friend, always making sure they felt welcome, wanted.
Getting to see Dave with his family, all of these people he loved dearly, watching them all care about each other and actually getting along for a change; it meant the world to Klaus. He was so happy to be surrounded by all of these people again. Sure they all had their own lives, but it wasn’t like before, they weren’t trying to get away from the past, from their dad. Now they were just together and he was so proud of all of them, and so proud of the way Dave perfectly fit with them, charming all of them the way he’d charmed Klaus the first day they’d met. God, Klaus was so in love. And so happy to have Dave at his side again.
“Why did you ask me to help film anyway?” Vanya asked, pulling him from this thoughts.
“Because I knew you’d be great at it,” Klaus said, before adding quickly as if hoping she wouldn’t pick up on it, “And I knew you’d do it for cheap, but anyway!” He clapped his hands, rubbing them together excitedly. “Let’s get this show going! We gotta film this intro.”
“Wait, what did you say?” Vanya called after him.
“Don’t worry,” Ben assured her. “Thankfully for all of us, Klaus isn’t in charge of the finances.”
It was a hotel they were exploring tonight, long hallways with lots of rooms, seemingly stretching endlessly around them. They’d already gotten lost twice at this point. Klaus skipped down the hallway, Dave close on his heels, not really caring where they went. He turned into a room at random, skidding to a halt, Dave nearly running into him. There, in the middle of the room was a little girl, with pigtails and everything.
“What is it? What do you see?” Dave asked, craning to see around him, Ben and Vanya getting into position with their cameras.
“Were there any stories of a little girl here?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Oh great I was afraid of that,” Klaus said before addressing the girl. “Sorry, do you live here? Or did I summon you? I’ve been getting better at not just calling up every ghost in the area for a chat, but you never know.”
“No, I died here,” she said.
“Great!” That probably wasn’t the best thing to say given the context, but Klaus was excited. “Do you want to play a game with us?”
Thankfully, she didn’t seem upset and nodded instead. Klaus turned excitedly to Dave.
“Spirit box?” Dave asked.
“Spirit box!” Klaus echoed. “Time to play with one of our new toys!”
Dave fished the item out of their bag and after nodding to Klaus started explaining awkwardly to the open air.
“This is called a spirit box,” he began. As he continued, Klaus rotated him slightly to the left so he was actually facing the girl. “It’s going to skip through radio channels really quickly, I guess the idea is that you might be able to manipulate the audio to try to get a few words across so people like me can hear you too.”
“Sound fun?” Klaus asked.
“I don’t get it,” the girl said.
“I don’t either,” Klaus said, leaning forward, hands braced on his knees, so he was closer to her height. “How about this, just concentrate really hard on the box when it starts making noise, then just yell whatever comes to mind as loud as you can, okay?”
She nodded, so Klaus nodded to Dave, who turned it on. They hadn’t actually tested it before and it was so much louder than they were anticipating. Dave flinched and Klaus covered his years.
“Go ahead!” he yelled to be heard above the noise.
“What should I say?”
“Anything you like!”
“I don’t think I like the spirit box,” she said, voice raised.
“That all you got? Come on! Let us really hear it!”
“I don’t like it!” the little girl yelled this time, but at least she seemed to be enjoying herself.
“Again! You can do it! Tell us how you really feel!”
“I hate the spirit box!”
As it flipped through channels, mostly playing static or bits of cut-off words, the word ‘hate’ came through pretty clearly.
“Yeah!” Klaus said, jumping in the air and pumping his fist before holding a hand out for her to high five, looking unphased when her hand just went straight through him. “You did it, good job!”
“But that didn’t sound anything like me,” the girl said, looking excited but bewildered.
“Semantics,” Klaus waved a dismissive hand.
“‘Hate?’” Dave said as he thankfully switched off the spirit box. “I hope it’s not us she hates.”
“Nah, spirit box,” Klaus assured him.
“Oh good. Me too, it’s terrible. Thanks for your help!” he grinned, waving in the direction he hoped the girl was in.
She waved back and simply disappeared. Dave continued to wave.
“Oh, you can put your hand down, she left.”
They’d spent a couple hours wandering up and down hallways, peeking into rooms. Klaus hadn’t seen anything else, but that hardly mattered. They were talking and laughing, getting ready to wind down for the night, reaching the phase where he and Dave would settle in to try to sleep here, letting Vanya and Ben head home, their jobs done. But back on the first floor, as they rounded a corner, Klaus saw it; the ghost of a man, half his face just gone as he scrabbled at the wound and the ground as if trying to put himself together, broken sobs escaping him.
Normally Klaus was used to the dead, but he hadn’t been expecting it, maybe that was why it hit him so hard. This one just came out of nowhere, bloody and screaming, too much fear and death that it overwhelmed him. Maybe it was just the fact that it was a newly made ghost, too fresh to realize it’s life was over, leaving it with just the agony, or maybe it was the way the body had been maimed, the numerous gunshot wounds dragging Klaus back to a different time and place where he’d seen too much of this sort of thing.
Klaus scrambled back, trying to cover his eyes and his ears at the same time but knowing it wouldn’t do any good. He thought he could hear the others calling out to him, and then everything was drowned out, he was deafened by memories of gunfire and explosions, more screams of the dead and the dying than he could count. He couldn’t breathe, choking on ash and gunpowder and spoke.
“Klaus, you’re okay, you’re going to be fine.”
Dave. Dave was here. He wasn’t dead, he was here and he was talking to him. He focused on him, only on him, and what he could feel; the wooden floor beneath his hands, digging into his knees. He breathed with Dave as he coached him through it, until he felt more like himself. Until he could feel the shaking in his arms and know it was himself and not the ground shaking from explosions.
“Get me out of here,” he said, reaching up blindly. He let himself be pulled to his feet and lead away. And then Dave was picking him up and he just clung to him, burying his face in his neck and wishing it would all go away, wishing for once it could be quiet.
Klaus had been doing okay lately. He’d mostly gotten used to seeing ghosts everywhere, to blocking out their relentless screams. He could even push them away sometimes. But seeing one like that, twisted and dead and murdered; it had brought back too much, memories of the dead he’d seen in the war, all that agony and suffering, it brought back the fear in full swing, the terror clinging to him, making it hard to breathe, like he was trapped in the graveyard again, his father’s uncaring eyes staring at him, leaving him there yet again
Fuck, he wanted to get high.
Klaus was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall, tapping his fingers and just generally filled with a terrible restless energy. It’d been so long since the last time he’d done drugs, but moments like these, when the cravings were at an all time high and he desperately wanted to go on some sort of bender, happened more often than he’d like. It was frustrating, it made him feel like he wasn’t making any progress and he longed to give in. But he couldn’t, he didn’t want to lose what he’d built. He didn’t want to disappoint Dave. And he was terrified that there would be no coming back from it if he gave in.
Thankfully everyone else had left, giving him some privacy. Only Dave remained, standing nearby. Somehow Dave always seemed to know when he was spiralling and now seemed to be no different as he suddenly knelt in front of him, placing his hand over Klaus’, stilling his tapping fingers.
“I’m proud of you,” Dave said and those words were enough to bring tears to Klaus’ eyes even as he scoffed. “You’ve been doing such a good job, this must be so hard, you’re the most amazing man I know and I just want you to know that I’m so proud of you.”
Klaus couldn’t help himself, he frantically surged forward, needing more contact. He let the tears fall, crawling into Dave’s lap, wrapping his arms and legs around him and just clinging to him. Dave wrapped his own arms around Klaus, holding him tightly, rubbing one hand soothingly across his back.
“I’m here,” Dave said. “You don’t have to do this alone.”
It’s like Dave could read his mind. He saw every tiny, shaky step Klaus made and made sure to celebrate it with him. And he took every fall, every disappointment in stride, just comforting Klaus and reassuring him. And whenever he got like this, falling apart and so so tired, he’d be there to support him.
It couldn’t have been easy. Dave had lost everything, dragged to a strange world years in the future where the only thing he knew was Klaus, but he never seemed to hold it against him. Instead he treated it as a gift, a fresh start, but klaus couldn’t stop himself from feeling guilty. Five bringing him here may have saved his life, but did it really count when it took him away from his old life, his own friends and family, leaving him with just this? A broken man who couldn’t do anything right?
There were days when Klaus was terrified he’d eventually wise up and leave. Strange foreign world or no, being stuck with him couldn’t have been a picnic, but he never even seemed to regret it.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” Klaus asked, voice breaking because how could he have found someone like this?
“Hey, I think that’s my line,” Dave said with a quiet laugh. “You came crashing into my life, whisking me away like some angel. I didn’t stand a chance.”
“Ah yes, the classic tale of the junkie angel,” Klaus said with a little laugh of his own, as strained as it was. “I love you. And I’m sorry.”
“None of that,” Dave said, pulling away so he could look up into Klaus’ face, run his fingers across his cheek to wipe away the tears. “You’re not allowed to apologize for saving my life.”
“Technically that was Five,” Klaus said.
“Five wasn’t the one who went through hell with me in that war,” Dave said and the admiration and adoration in his eyes wrenched at his heart and the tears began to flow again. “I love you.”
Klaus kisses him, wishing he could convey everything he felt, his love, how grateful he was, and everything else he didn’t even have words for. He still could hardly believe someone cared for him even after all the shit he put Dave through. He was used to being alone, it was easier not to disappoint people that way, but Dave was willing to risk it. And for once Klaus understood what it was to be loved. He wasn’t fixed, that was a long hard road he still had to wrestle with, but maybe, just maybe, he could get through this.
“You shouldn’t be so understanding,” Klaus said. “You shouldn’t have to be.”
“I don’t have to be anything,” Dave agreed. “Want to be.”
“I’m just gonna fuck up again, relapse and ruin everything.”
“And I’ll be there to help you through it, you won’t ruin everything. You don’t seem to get how happy you make me so I’ll just have to keep reminding you.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“Don’t say that. You deserve everything,” Dave said and he just held him tighter.
(Next chapter)
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bratdroid-blog · 6 years
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The love story of the century, in cinemas now. 
> You have the smuggest smug smile to ever smug on your face as you start singing for your boyfriend. 
 "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. 
I'm half crazy all for the love of you. 
It won't be a stylish marriage. 
I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat. 
Of a bicycle built for two."
> You are blushing ear to ear, and though you've got your mouth covered with the heel of your hand, you are grinning widely and earnestly.  You laugh, a bit breathlessly. 
> Aw yeah, that's what you lose to see. You were already feeling extra soft after last night, filled with Anime, sentimental moments and soft touches. A good reminder of why exactly you do love this man despite all his flaws. 
> You quickly pull him into a embrace, and press a sweet little kiss on his face.
"So, what do you say, Daisy?"
> You are, by all counts, a big man.  Not the biggest, no, especially in this city of meaty mobsters and bodybuilders, but you know you're fairly tall and well-built for a regular ass human.  But that doesn't stop you from feeling so small right in this moment, arms wrapped around Hal, just.  Absolutely lit up like a Christmas tree. 
> You're still grinning. 
 "You... are you serious....?"
"I don't sing Daisy Bell for just anyone, dude. Told you: It's always been just you.  I won't ever sing it for anyone else."
> You just wanted to tease him but... The moment seems just a bit too perfect to back out now. This isn't something you had ever expected or calculated but that alone makes it worth it. The unknown is exciting when you get to take the jump with your lover. 
> Weird. Were you always THIS gay?
> You are....for lack of better word, speechless.  Your mouth flaps uselessly and soundlessly for a few moments, floundering for something intelligent and witty to say, and you come up painfully, awkwardly short. 
> But you do find some words, and those words have a strange, exciting shape: "...Fuck it.  Yeah.  Yeah, sure, yes, let's.  I'd love to... I.  Yes, Hal."
> Just watching him struggle to form a sentence is already enough of a reward but the words that do end up leaving his mouth?  Make you wish you had a heart to skip a beat. 
> Once again it's a blessing that you can kiss him deeply and talk at the same time. 
"Then let's do it, Daisy Bell. You're going to be mine forever, and I'll be yours."
> You laugh again against his lips and you throw all of yourself into that kiss.  You feel 17 again--light and excited and hopeful for the future to come. 
"No one else's." 
> Shit, are you crying?  You sniff and lean back to swipe at your eyes.  Fuck, you've been doing this weaksauce shit a lot lately.  Goddamn you, Hal--reminding you that you, in fact, still have a heart.  You take a moment to step away and breathe, fan yourself off a bit, but you're still grinning. 
"Well, fuck, alright, so this is happening.  How's it happening? When? We gonna do a whole ass white wedding or?"
> This is all you ever wanted for him, and if a silly human tradition is what it takes to have him feel that again, you will gladly go along with it. You don't think either of you has ever so much as seriously thought about marriage, let alone considered getting married yourself but damn. If not him, who else? You give him his moment, but the smile on you face doesn't die for a second. Your eyes may be artificial creations but the love in your gaze is as real as it can be.  It's always been all for him. 
"Well...Don't have a ring right or anything for you babe, but I was thinking we should do something more permanent anyways. You're into tattoos yeah?"
You had considered that one for a while at least, if not in the context of god damn marriage. 
"Right now, is what I want to say but I'm afraid my papers aren't official quite yet. That means I have time to get the prettiest damn wedding dress this shit moon has ever seen though, so there's that."
> A tattoo wedding band.  Well, shit goddamn.  If that ain't just the best idea you've ever heard.  He's already given you a nice scar to mark you by.  Why not a tattoo? 
 "Fuck yeah... Fuck yeah, aight, we can do a tattoo.  Maybe engrave your finger or somethin'... get a ring to slow in it later, but just like, something to always have around that can't get lost."
God, what is this feeling?  Is this the human emotion called marriage? Aaaand then there's the papers. 
"Shit, that's right... How long's that supposed to take, anyway?"
"That's exactly what I was going to suggest. Let's do this shit. You got a tattoo shop of choice who will take us on today?" 
> You are literally buzzing with excitement. This joke got real fast but you are not complaining. 
"I'm gonna beg the Queen for this shit, dude. Bitch is a major sucker for this gay shit, I think we have good chances at getting this. About...Sec. About 80%. Messaging her as we speak."
"Might be able to find someone, but if not, y'know... I trusted you with a scalpel, I think I can trusts you with inking me up." 
> You might also literally be buzzing with excitement, and then your jaw drops. 
"You're- seriously? The Queen? Right now?"
"Aw babe... Sure, I can do it if you got the equipment." 
> That's even better actually. You haven't done this before, but with the power of internet tutorials? No biggie. 
"Fuck yeah I am. Look, we're both not great with authority and whatever, but she runs this damn gay ass moon and she adores me. Might as well use that to get my gay on. right?"
"Sure do.  I'll dig it up after the uh, the wedding I guess." 
> You laugh, and you nod, and then you... you exhale deeply, scrubbing your face with your hands as the depth of what's happening slams into you. 
"Holy fuck, we're getting married.  For real.  Tonight."
"Fuck yeah we are. She said yes. Gotta get our asses to the courthouse asap, dude." 
> Yeah, you really are vibrating with excitement. You are running too hot already, but not to the point where you are going to fry your brain for good. Just the good, gay warmth. 
> You couldn't possibly resist pulling him close for another deep kiss. 
"God. I love you so much, you piece of shit. How dare you do this to me." 
> That about sums up your relationship, yeah.
> And now you're back out of your intense spiral with a laugh and a kiss.  You hug him tight and you kiss him again and again until you are utterly breathless. 
"Cuz I fuckin love you with every little ... gay-ass bit of my heart, you motherfucker.  I can't fuckin believe us, goddamn U-haul gays.  'Hey, long time no see, you wanna move in and get hitched, maybe?'"
"You said it yourself, we've already been an old married couple before I got this sweet bod of mine. It's only right to make it official, yeah?" 
> God, you can hardly believe this yourself. Best stupid decision that started as a joke you made in your whole damn life though. 
"Can't wait to start my new life as an official, real ass person by marrying you. Seems fitting. You are stuck with me forever now."
> You lean in and touch your forehead to his, staring deep into those beautiful fuckin robo eyes. 
"There's nobody I'd rather be stuck with."
"That's fucking gay, dude." 
> And you love it, so much. Your hands cup his face, itching to be as  close as possible. 
 "Not gay if it's with a robot, right?"
> You smile somewhat bashfully at Hal and you shrug lightly. 
"...Might still be pretty gay, even with a robot."
> Oh wow. Is that what it takes to make Dirk Strider finally fucking realize he is indeed, fucking gay? Just a little gay marriage, huh? You said you wouldn't push it though, so you don't. 
"Glad I get to be your gay robot exception, dude. Couldn't be happier."
> You're glad he doesn't push it; you're still gonna be struggling with that one for a while, but... But this? This is good.  Great, even. Perfect, actually. 
> You kiss him again, and don't let up for a long time, before murmuring, 
"Gotta get dressed and get going, I guess.  Gonna go pick up Sock along the way.  Is Dave... here? We gonna have to pick him up too?"
> You could spend another few hours kissing him, but you will have plenty of time for that after he becomes your husband. What a weird thought that is. Has you smiling all over again. Seems like your face is stuck like that for now. 
"Shit, I don't have any formal clothes dude. How embarrassing is that?" 
> Not that you really give a flying fuck over getting married in your usual clothes. 
"Yeah, here's hoping he'll be ready in under an hour."
"Haha, I don't think I've got my good shit out and ready... You can, uh... borrow some of mine, if you want, though? I mean, shit, you could just go naked and I'd be happy." 
> You, though, are already stripping off your BIG MILK t-shirt and looking for a clean, half-decent button-up. 
"He better be.  We got twenty minutes before Sock's ready to pick up."
"You think all of Derse is ready for my beautiful bod, though?"
That's really the main reason you even bother with clothes at all when you leave the house. Looking at least a bit more normal. Not that you exactly care for anyone's opinion, just makes shit easier. 
"Sure, that's romantic right? Boyfriend style is in yeah? Or husband in this case."
A shudder runs visible through you and your turn a grin back at Hal. 
"Say that again."
"Nu uh. Not yet, my dude. Gotta earn the H word first."
"Awww, c'mon." 
You laugh and then you rummage through your closet until you find a dark red button up for Hal, with silvery white pinstripes. 
"Just once."
> Aw it's your color. He does care. That earns him a quick peck on the lips. 
"Fine. You are my motherfucking husbando, Dirk. Better than any fucking anime guy, even Android 17."
"Shit goddamn.  Even Android 17, for real?  I must be special." 
> You wink and then toss on an orange shit and a black jacket and slacks, before fishing out a matching pair for Hal. 
"Does that also make you the husbando? Or is one of us the waifu?"
"I mean, i ain't giving up on my figures of him for you, but yeah. I'm choosing you over my anime boyfriend." 
> That's love bitch. 
 > This is actually yet another first for you, first time putting on a suit. That shit's not rocket science though. 
 "A family can be two husbandos and their two baby brothers, who are also dating. Y'know. That sounds exactly like an anime plot actually." 
> Thank god that you are not living in an anime, or this shit would be way weird.
> Jokes on you, life is the ultimate anime. 
> But you laugh and you get yourself sorted out, throwing a white tie around your neck but not quite tying it yet.  You turn to Hal and look to see if he needs any help...but mostly? You're just staring at him, in awe and full of warm, gay, fuzzy-ass dokis. 
"Guess you've got a point there.  Life with the Striders is my favorite fuckin anime this season."
> You have never tied a tie in your life, but you tie his like you've never done anything else in your life. You are a quick learner after all. 
 "Yeah same..Hey babe?" 
> There's never been as good of a moment to get gay. You continue your song from earlier, just for him. 
"We will go tandem as man and husbando
Daisy, Daisy 
Peddling our way down the road of life 
I and my daisy bell 
When the roads dark we can both despise 
Policemen and the lamps as well 
There are bright lights in those dazzling eyes 
Of beautiful daisy bell" 
> Naturally a song from 1892 did not in fact include the word husbando, but sometimes you just gotta get creative.(edited)
> Ohhhhh, Hal, you fucker, you've done it now. 
> There are actual, real tears running down your face, and you're stuck halfway between mopping them up, and just covering your face, and you really can't decide what to do with your hands, so you instead place them on Hal's hips instead of anywhere near the vicinity of you.  You're laughing, and you lean in to kiss him again. 
> If you could, you'd never stop kissing him. 
> Also you can't believe a song from 1892 is your song, but hey you wouldn't have it any other way.  Except maybe a hip-hop cover of the song, down the road. 
"I love you."
"Love you too, Daisy Bell." 
> You gladly kiss him again as you gently wipe some of those tears again. God, look at the two of you, getting all sorts of gay in fucking record time. You both really needed this for a long ass time, didn't you? 
> You are far too happy to ruin this by psychoanalyzing everything about it, not in this very moment at least.
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