#and decided to focus on some friendship dynamics we got for this christmas season!!
farklelucas · 1 year
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@ambitionsource secret santa ➜ 4x06: ‘tis the damn season + friendship dynamics for megan
Any tree will be fine, Isa. What matters is that we pick it together.
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yesimwriting · 1 year
 A/n small christmas drabble i talked about earlier,, just a cute little holiday snippet 
Summary: Billy and Stu don’t particularly care about Christmas, but they like being around you.  
His words are sinking in because it’s been long enough and you can’t just stare at Stu forever, but you can’t think of a way to react. After all, one of the most enthusiastic people you’ve ever met just casually admitted to not being super into the holidays. 
The holidays aren’t something people are or aren’t into. They’re a state of mind, a ritual, a time of year to put aside the pretext of angst in order to take joy in the simple things like decorating little cookie people and walking around to look at everyone’s lights.
“You’re ‘not into the holidays’?” Stu blinks, a pinch of humor playing into his expression at your disbelief. “What do you mean you’re ‘not into the holidays’?” 
“What I said, sweetheart,” he hums with a casualness that’s nearly suspicious because you’re still not convinced, “I’m not nine so I’m not super into it.” 
It. “What’s there not to be into?” You feel a bit like a kid with your insistence, but come on--it’s weird that Stu, who’s all energy and pro anything that gets him time off school is indifferent about the holiday season. 
Who’s indifferent about the holiday season? You get why some people might hate this time of year and you don’t expect everyone to be all deck the halls, tinsel coming out of every crevice of their being, or anything--but this much flatness? It’s weird. Especially from him. 
Stu’s eyebrows pull together. He’s clearly enjoying something about your shock. “It was fun when I was a kid, but you grow out of the holly jolly. The decorators come, Leslie pops in, and we get gifts. It’s nothing world changing.” 
The bit of insight only vaguely helps, shifting your total disbelief into something a little more downcast. His apathy seems to stem from his family dynamic at least a little. “Well, what about you?” 
Billy angles his head in your direction, leaning against the island of your family’s kitchen. His pause is cut short by Stu, “Oh, don’t even try with Billy. He’s the real Grinch here.” 
Your head snaps towards Billy. “You hate Christmas?” 
“Hate’s a strong word,” Billy answers, his flatness ruined by the slight amusement at your total shock. When you don’t ease, Billy shrugs, eyes dropping to focus on the granite countertop instead of your face, “Christmas was my mom’s thing.” 
You have to bite your tongue to keep from asking if you heard correctly. Billy mentioning his mom in any capacity is shocking enough, but hearing him talk about her so casually and with such blankness is something else entirely.
“My dad and I just aren’t that into it.” 
Nodding once, you’re not sure there’s a good way to continue. “So no baking cookies? Got it.”
Stu leans forward, nudging you with his elbow. “I didn’t say that, princess, I’ll play house with you.”
It takes a second of reflection, but you guess you can see how Stu found a way to weasel in that angle. You weren’t thinking of it when you brought up the cookie thing, but you should have expected it. Stu has a talent for reading between lines in a way that makes it easy to translate subtext into anything he wants it to be. You don’t think you get why he’d want to perceive it that way, but decide that a dip into psychoanalysis will derail the afternoon.
It’s not too weird, you guess, at least not too weird for Stu. His parents aren’t around much so all those little things need to be found in friendship. It’s the defense you use for a lot of Stu’s tiny comments and actions. It’s a fair excuse, and not the worst way his potential parental issues come out, and--
Okay. This is the exact psychological deep dive you didn’t want to take. If you think too hard on it, you feel bad about it. What kind of friend needs to over observe and read into everything like that? 
“Yeah?” You tap your nails along the granite, “Willing to wear an apron and everything?” 
Stu tilts his head, leaning forward and lifting his hand to your cheek. He pinches the skin of your cheek too quickly for you to protest. “You’re the one with the legs for it.” 
It’s dumb enough that you should be able to think of some kind of retort, but the way he says it, voice all low and eyes too focused, derails your train of thought entirely. “And you’re the one with the legs that can reach the top shelf where the flour is.” 
“I’m doing it right.” It’s little more than a huff and it’s quickly followed by a full, unashamed pout. “You just like being bossy.” 
Glaring at Stu as he squishes the dough between his fingers instead of fully flattening it, you cross your arms across your chest. It’s a bad idea, because flour is coating both of your hands and more powder smudges against your shirt. You’re surprised that you didn’t think to expect such a mess.  “Do not.”
“The power trip’s adorable.” 
“And how cute will you find it when I kick your ass?” 
He does the most offensive thing possible. He grins, full teeth and not even the tiniest bit menaced. “Yeah? You’re gonna kick my ass?” 
His reply is equal parts teasing and something you’ve never been able to name but have always known not to push too far. Winding Stu up is fun until it’s not and the line shifts with little warning. “Maybe,” it feels more like a retreat than you’d like. 
“I wouldn’t try her,” Billy’s voice comes out half disinterested as he continues to mostly do as told, evening out the dough Stu un-smoothed. “She can be mean.” 
You fight a smile, “Not mean--fair.” 
Billy pauses in a consideration so deliberate it almost feels like he’s making fun of you in a lighthearted way. “Tough.” 
Nodding once, you move to press your palm into the dough. “I have to be to keep two specific people I can never shake in line.” 
“Two people you can’t shake.” Billy’s thumb presses into the side of the dough stiffly, flattening the dough too thinly. “Sounds like you have some stalkers.” 
You move your hand to adjust the distribution of the dough, your fingers brushing against the side of Billy’s hand. “Nah,” you hum casually, “They’re nice in their own weird way.”
Billy turns his hand, skin settling against yours in a way that’d feel intentional if it wasn’t for the way he dutifully returned to evening the dough. “Weird?” It’s said softly enough, a touch of lightheartedness etched into the word. 
You’re about to make some joke about how weird is a total understatement when you’re yanked back with no warning. Your body has barely moved a full step, but the sudden, firm grip on your waist and left forearm forces you to bite your tongue to avoid yelping. Flour puffs into a cloud that gets all over you and up your nose.
He laughs, not letting go. “What happened to keeping us in check?” 
The jab makes you feel like you could kill him in order to prove a point. You squirm aimlessly, too offended to manage anything else. Stu’s relentless in his hold as you twist until you’re facing him. His expression leaves something in your stomach on edge. It’s not genuine panic or comfortability either. You can’t decide whether that makes you want to move or stay in place.
Stu angles his head downwards and you slowly raise a hand. He doesn’t question it until it’s too late and you’re opening your palm in order to let out a quick, sharp breath. Flour strikes Stu in a way that seems to genuinely catch him by surprise. It’s enough to make you laugh until his stillness sinks in. His hold on you feels firmer now and you’re not sure if the change is new or if you had been too distracted to notice before. Your lower back presses into the kitchen counter as you instinctually shift back. 
The bubbling of your internal awkwardness combines uneasily with the humor of earlier. It sits and builds with no where to go until you blurt out, “You in check yet?”
He cocks his head to the side. “Don’t get a big head, babydoll.” 
You’re not sure you get the framing of his words and their uncharacteristically stiff undertone. Before you can dwell, Billy sighs. “You two are little kids.” 
Any hint of edge that had just started building up vanishes as Stu turns his head. “Moody.” 
“Yeah,” you echo, feeling like your proving Billy’s point, “We should dump flour on Billy.” 
“An entire bag,” Stu angles his head to face you again, slowly releasing you, “We could wait for him to go to the bathroom and ambush him.” 
“You hide around the corner and I’ll hide behind the couch. No escape.”
Billy rolls his eyes. “You’re conspiring in front of me.” 
“Maybe I’m just trying to lure you into a false sense of security and I’m actually planning something a lot worse.” 
His eyebrows draw together, a desperate attempt at annoyance. “You wouldn’t make a good bad guy.” 
You let out a sound of mock offense. “You have no idea what I’m capable of plotting. I could be a total evil mastermind.” 
With a loud snort, Stu brings attention back to him. “You’re better off sticking to the cookies.” Before you can protest, Stu challenges your irritated expression with a question, “Okay--slasher movie, how do you take out your first victim?”
You’d point out that you weren’t trying to prove you’d be a fantastic killer in a scary movie, but they’d take that as giving up. Especially since you should have known that one of them would go there eventually. “Those things are unrealistic because half the time not getting caught isn’t a priority.” The answer feels a little bit like a cop out, and so you take a second to actually think it through, “But, I guess, off the top of my head I’d take out the first victim way before the others to make the crimes seem disconnected.” 
Billy asks, “Then what?” 
Ugh. You don’t love being put on the spot and this could easily turn into a sore subject with how seriously they take their scary movies. You’re not in the mood to be made into a joke as they pick apart your murder plan without taking into consideration that they gave you no notice. “I don’t know--take out the second victim alone to allow suspense to build and then attack the last of them all at once at some place I’m supposed to be at and then injure myself to make it easier to frame someone close enough to the victims to already have the police’s eye on them.” 
“Boring,” Stu exhales, dragging out the two syllables, “You left out the good, bloody details. Think you’d look cute all stabby--” 
“You want to see me stab happy? Because I guarantee you won’t like the outcome.” 
“Ouch,” Stu drops his head onto your shoulder, feigning a pain to rival an actual wound, “I’d let you live if I was a killer.” Not breaking at what’s clearly a compliment, you cup some more flour into your hand before blowing it into his face again. “You’re mean.” The whine is followed by him burring his head into his shoulder as he pretends to cry, affectively forcing the flour all over your shirt. 
Billy leans forward, grabbing a cloth rag from the other side of the counter before dropping it in front of you. “Clean up before you get it on me.” He catches the look behind your eye before you even realize what you’re doing. “Don’t.” 
His warning isn’t serious to constitute a threat or ruin the mood, but you’re not in the mood to make this painful. He’s already precarious enough when it comes to Christmas as is. “You’re no fun.”
Baking cookies has never taken you this long in your life. You’re sure that you were a better cookie assistant when you were a toddler than Billy and Stu were today, but you don’t mind. 
You had to take a quick shower while the cookies were in the oven because there was no other way to get all of that flour off. Stu did the same once you got out of the bathroom. Though, according to Stu and his never ending jokes and little comments, the truly practical thing would have been to shower together.
But now you’re dry and clean and Stu finally put on the shirt you stuck in the wash back on, you’re all left with a tiny army of gingerbread men. Yours are decorated a little cliche, gum drop buttons and crooked frosting smiles. Stu took creative liberties in the making of his thanks to help from the red food coloring he found in the back of the kitchen cabinet. Billy’s was surprisingly the neatest but was only decorated as an average guy in order to be a victim to Stu’s axe wielding gingerbread man. 
You rolled your eyes, but the amount of background and voices that went into the production of the mini massacre that only spared your cookies was funny.
"So, sugarplum.” The nickname forces your nose to wrinkle and you fight a laugh the same way a parent who doesn’t want to encourage bad behavior in a toddler would. That much affirmation could lead to sugarplum joining the already lengthy lineup of pet names Stu rotates through on a regular basis. “What’s your heart’s Christmas wish?” 
Okay--you’re not made of stone. A laugh that’s a little too loud slips out. “You don’t need to be that cheesy, all I did was get you to bake cookies.”
Stu forces out a mock gasp, eyes flitting towards Billy. “Can you believe her?” 
“I can’t believe you used ‘sugarplum’ and ‘Christmas wish’ in the same sentence.” Billy lifts his head up from the couch long enough for you to catch his slight smile. You laugh again, a little more comfortably. 
“Yeah, yeah, gang up on me,” Stu says this like he has never been this tired or this victimized in his life. He moves to sit on the couch, taking a second to comfortably adjust before patting his thigh. “If I get one of those hats will you sit on my lap and tell me what you want?” 
You roll your eyes, fighting against the burning sensation in your face. “Yeah,” flopping onto the couch at what you consider a safe distance, you continue, “And then if I’m lucky you’ll put me on the nice list.” 
“There’s an easy way to g--” He’s cut off by a pillow hitting the edge of his chin before smacking against his chest and landing on his lap. Stu gasps with an over the top level of offense. “What? I was going to say all you had to do was get me another cookie from the kitchen.” 
It’s blatant bullshit. “Mhm,” you cross your arms, settling on your spot, “I’m sure.” 
“Cross my heart.” He makes a point of tracing the ‘X’ motion over his chest. “I’m easily pleased.” 
Billy gently kicks his foot against Stu’s. “Since when?” 
“Since always.” Stu sits up, turning his full attention back to you. “But seriously, princess, what do you want for Christmas?” 
The question makes you feel awkward despite it’s casualness. “Um...” Every time people ask it, your mind instantly wipes and you can’t think of anything you’ve ever desired or needed. Besides, gift buying is inherently awkward when it’s talked about. “Nothing really, as of right now, I guess.” 
Stu practically whines like your response is a seriously, deeply personal issue. “Don’t pretend, it just makes Christmas shopping harder.” 
“You don’t have to get me anything.” 
“Like I’m not getting my best girl anything.” 
Sitting up a little further, you’re not sure what you to say to that. Sometimes Stu’s joking flirting is a little hard to laugh about when it’s that blatant. “You guys should help me put up some lights in my room. Last year I almost broke the curtain rod so now I’m banned from doing it alone.” 
You stand before any further comment can be made, fully aware of how transparent and flimsy the transition feels, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You’d much rather be playing with colored lights as Stu gets too comfortable climbing up stepping stools and furniture than having whatever that conversation would have been. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 4>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
Part 4 woohoo! I just really love these girls and their friendships with each other. I kind of wanted to spotlight some of their friendships/back story a bit more in this chapter, just to round out the story a bit more. I swear we’re getting to the good stuff. Also, has anybody else noticed that the word count is steadily increasing? Lol you don’t mind, right? Anyways, thanks so so so much for all the love the story has received so far, I was seriously not expecting anybody to even see it haha. So thank you, it means so much! I’ll probably have part 5 up really soon! Enjoy!
By the time morning rolls around, I feel like I’ve been hit by a train. A quick glance at my phone tells me what I need to know: it’s nearly 10:30. I wince at the time, it’s a rare occurrence when I sleep in for this long. However, judging from my jet-lag and my eyes that are still a little red and puffy from my emotional breakdown last night, I’ll let this one slide. Heaven knows I needed some extra rest.
I stretch and put on one of the hoodies I left behind in my closet from last year, glaring at my suitcases that still need to be unpacked. I’ll add that to the to-do list for today.
Brushing my teeth, I inspect myself in the mirror. I already feel lighter, more at ease. It was a good thing to open up last night. All of my worries haven’t been put to rest, but I feel less overwhelmed. Happier, too. Happier than I’ve felt in a while.
As I descend the stairs to the main level I can hear the mixture of voices, Ichika’s voice piercing through the others as she talks about running out of her favorite cereal.
“Wow,” I mumble as I finally enter the kitchen and dining area. “I think this is the first time everybody else is up before me.”
“Did we wake you up?” Seohyun looks guilty, but I shake my head no.
“Just woke up, actually. I can’t believe I slept for so long. Where’s Soon?” I notice that there is one missing.
“In here!” I follow the sound of her voice, leading me to the living room where she sits underneath some blankets on the couch. The TV is on, and I scowl as my heart kicks into high gear.
It must be the boys’ latest interview, I haven’t seen this one yet. I curl up next to Soon silently, and she resumes her focused attention on the TV. While Kyun-soon may not be as outward in her devotion to the boys, Jin in particular, she is always the first to watch the latest interviews and performances. That is, when we don’t watch them together.
“Which one is this?” I whisper, careful to not distract her too much. Her eyes glisten, and I turn to see Jin giggling in the background.
“iHeart radio,” she whispers back.
Eventually everyone wanders in after hearing the boys’ voices drifting in from the living room. Ichika munches loudly on some toast before nearly choking on it when Taehyung comments on something.
“Ugh,” she groans as we laugh at her. Nobody can blame her, it’s happened to the best of us. “That boy is going to be the death of me.”
I try my best to focus on all of the boys, but I can’t help it if my eyes keep drifting back to Namjoon. He sits in the front as per usual, Jimin on his right. He has a pleasant smile on his face, and not for the first time do I wonder what goes on in his head during these interviews. If he thinks that the interviewers questions are as dumb as I do.
A single camera is in the living room. There’s one other in the entire house, in the kitchen. They automatically turn on at certain times of day, the schedule is hanging up on the fridge. I’m rarely in the living room as is, much less when I know the camera is on. A quick glance confirms my suspicions; there’s a little red light on the camera. It’s filming us. Try as I might, I still can’t help but react when Namjoon offers his adorable dimpled smile at the end, thanking the interviewer and ARMY for the interview.
“Thanks for having us!” Namjoon’s voice echoes through the apartment. “We love you ARMY! We can’t wait to see you soon!” He blows a kiss to the camera, then immediately gets embarrassed after.
I get embarrassed too, the red in my cheeks all too noticeable.
“Aw, look at Beth! She’s embarrassed!” Himari pokes my side, and I tug at Soon’s blanket in order to hide my face.
“So cute!” Seohyun giggles from where she stands behind the couch. “You two are just alike. Oh my gosh you’re going to be so awkward around each other, aren’t you.”
I glare up at her, Seohyun chuckling lightly even as her eyes remained glued to the screen. “I’m not embarrassed…”
Aera laughs wickedly. “Not embarrassed? Beth, I’m sorry, but as cool and calm as you try to be, we all know what your weakness is.”
We laugh together, even as the interview ends and something else comes up on the television. It’s mere background noise as I try to deal with the sudden flood of emptiness that overtakes me. No, not today, I tell myself. I feel happy today.
“What’s the plan for today, boss?” Himari asks, taunting me with the nickname I usually use for her.
I yawn, stretching against Soon who doesn’t seem to mind. No doubt her mind is elsewhere at the moment.
“Well, I’ve got an editorial meeting this afternoon for Webtoon,” I sigh, rolling my neck. “Then I’m free for the rest of the day after that. What are you guys going to be up to?”
Everyone goes about talking about their plans. All of us have some form of work, Minsuh and Seohyun are attending university too. I plan on jumping back into school for my master’s soon, but I just can’t decide where to go yet. It would be fun going to school with them, though. It’s hard to decide when I’m constantly traveling, I’ll probably have to settle for online classes.
Minsuh and Seohyun excuse themselves to go to class together, promising to be back before I get back from my meeting. I smile at Seohyun’s backpack, an assortment of pins adorning it. The centerpiece, of course, is a “Trivia: Seesaw” pin.
Kyung-soon yawns, easing herself off the couch. “I’ve got a couple of clients today, so I’ll be out until later. But I bet I’ll be back before you, too. Your meetings last forever.”
I grunt in agreement. They do last forever. Long enough for Soon to show two different clients houses and still finish before me.
“Where are the houses that you’re showing?” Soon is a respected realtor in Seoul, and it’s no secret that she loves her job. She can make any house a home, in my opinion. She certainly has a knack for making people feel at home, myself included. She’s one of the reasons I survived those first few months after I found out about my soulmate.
“Not that far, you know that one night market you got lost in for hours and Himari and I had to come pick you up?” Himari chuckles at the memory even as I wince at the embarrassing moment.
“Yup,” I mumble. “It’s close to there?”
“No,” Soon gives me an evil smile. “I just wanted to embarrass you again.”
I launch myself off the couch after Kyung-soon, caught between yelling and laughing. She’s smart, locking herself in the nearest bathroom where I can’t get to her.
When I return to the living room Aera, Ichika, and Himari are wiping the tears off their faces as they laugh at me.
“That really was embarrassing,” Himari says. “How long were you lost again?”
“Oh, shut up.”
The rest of the morning passes with no further incidents, although I do go about cursing at my luggage as each suitcase seems to have no end in sight. I typically stay for roughly six months at a time here, which is what I’ve planned for. That should put me here over Christmas this year, returning at the tail-end of January. Just in time for tax-season in the states.
It would be a real pity if I missed that, now wouldn’t it? Himari and Ichika sneak into my room to observe the damage, wincing as I tell them that I still have one bag left to go.
“We’ll be back in a bit, but if we aren’t back in time for your meeting, good luck!” Ichika gives me a thumbs up before heading back downstairs. Himari lingers for a moment, assessing the piles of clothes I’m currently trapped between.
“Having fun?”
I give a dry laugh. “You have no idea. Ready for your lesson?” Himari and Ichika work together, tutoring kids in Japanese. They tend to spend the majority of their time here every year, and over the past three years they’ve created quite the reputation. Apparently the two of them are a dynamic duo.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Himari replies. She’s hesitating, that much I can tell. We may have only known each other for three years, but we know each other inside and out. Outlandish circumstances tend to lead to strong bonds.
“What are you wanting to say?”
She laughs at my intuition. “Ah, right. That. It’s just,” she fidgets in my doorway. “Are you doing ok? I saw you and Kyung-soon up on the balcony last night, it looked like you were having quite the conversation.”
I sigh, a little surprised that I didn’t notice when the others came back. I must have been in my own little world last night.
“I’m...better now. I was just overwhelmed, and Soon was able to wring some emotions out of me.”
Himari nods, the concern in her face fading. “Good, I’m glad. You know, Beth, you can talk to me if you need to. I was getting worried over the last little while, it’s been hard not seeing you and having to guess about your emotional state. If you need anything, I’m here.”
I stop folding a shirt, laying it aside as I rise and make my way to Himari. She meets me halfway, enveloping me in a tight hug. Neither one of us talk about our emotions very often, rarely do I feel the need to. But the fact that she’s so willing to listen makes me thank my lucky stars for friends like Himari.
“Thanks, Himi. I’m so lucky to have you, truly.”
“Oh, I know.”
With that Himari leaves me to my unpacking frenzy, leaving me alone in the house with Aera. It doesn’t take long until she’s knocking on my door, her room just down the hall from my own.
“Need any help?”
With the two of us working together we finish much sooner than I had anticipated. Aera makes me laugh, stating that she thought I should have brought more clothes.
“What do you mean more clothes? I’m pretty sure these are all of the clothes I own.”
Aera looks at me in feigned shock. “Are you kidding me? It’s high time I take you shopping. What time is it?”
We check the clock and notice that I only have a couple of hours left before I have to leave for my meeting. Not nearly enough time to go shopping. Especially not in the huge city of Seoul. Instead we settle on my bed, the two of us staring wistfully at my photo of Jeju Island.
“We should go back,” Aera mumbles from beside me. I hum in agreement. “That was such a great weekend.”
“That weekend was the weirdest weekend of my life.” I laugh as Aera smacks my shoulder. “What? It was! Within literally one week I found out I had a soulmate, he was famous and one of my role models in life, and that I had these six other girls in the same situation and I was shipped off to an island for a weekend to ‘bond’ with them. Don’t tell me that’s not weird.”
Aera nods beside me, eyes sparkling as she recalls that weekend. “Yeah, it was weird I guess. I don’t know, I was just so happy that I had six new best friends who would always be linked to me since our soulmates are inextricably linked with each other. I had thought for so long that I would be all alone on this crazy journey. I guess I was just so happy that I wasn’t alone anymore that I didn’t think about the weirdness of it all.”
I forgot about that. Aera was the first soulmate BigHit found. She’s from downtown Seoul, certainly the closest to our boys. Apparently Mr. Bang found her almost six months before he found me. He hadn’t informed her when he found the others, preferring to not get her hopes up until all of us were found and agreed to the terms of agreement he set us.
When I think about those six months Aera went through all alone, not able to tell another soul that she was impossibly linked with Park Jimin, I can’t help but admire her even more for her quiet strength.
“That must have been horrible, not being able to talk to anybody about it.”
Aera only nods, eyes still glued to the photo. “I’m not going to lie, it was. I thought I was going insane most of the time.” She laughs drily at the memory, and I scoot closer to her. “Do you remember what it was like meeting each other? For a second I thought that Mr. Bang had messed up and that we were soulmates!” She shoots me a fond smile.
“You can say that again.”
“Why would I say it again?”
We look at each other blankly before I burst out into laughter. “Oh, sorry! It’s a phrase in English. I guess it doesn’t translate over very well, does it?” We both giggle, the moment seeming so calm. “It’s true, though. What you said. We all just...clicked. It makes me wonder.”
The moment I walked through the doors of the house we were staying at and met my six best friends, the world became a much brighter place. I had arrived later in the day due to meetings, and I had been so nervous. I was cursing myself the whole ride over, calling myself an idiot for agreeing to Mr. Bang’s idea of “bonding” with my soul sisters. It seemed like a ridiculous idea, but the thought of having other people to lean on and talk to was too tempting to pass up.
The second I met the others, I could feel the warmth and love our friendship would bring. It was like, for a split second, I experienced all the emotions we would go through together. The heart-wrenching tears, the nights filled with laughter and silly antics, the worry and adoration for each other. Above all else, I felt the pillar of support that promised to be a constant throughout our friendship.
It was, in a word, overwhelming. Which I’ve noticed has become a common theme over the past few years. Overwhelming, yet exhilarating.
“Wonder about how it will be to meet Namjoon?”
I nod, laughing at how even the mention of my soulmate seems to have me melting. It can be inconvenient at times, especially when I’m in a meeting and somebody brings up the band. It’s pretty hard to play it cool, so instead I’ve learned to just excuse myself to the bathroom whenever that happens. Can’t have anybody thinking that I’ve got a schoolgirl crush on BTS.
“Well, look at it this way.” Aera rolls off of my bed, stretching like a cat. “I’m probably just going to pass out. No questions asked. The second I lock eyes with Park Jimin, I’m going to pass out cold.” I let out a startled laugh as Aera feigns seriousness. “So, as long as you don’t pass out, you should be good. I’ll take up all the embarrassment, there won’t even be enough left for you. Which is good, I think. Because if it was that intense just meeting you guys, and we’re not even directly connected, then I can only imagine how intense it’s going to be with those weirdos.”
With that little speech, Aera flicks a strand of long brown hair over her shoulder and marches out of my room, leaving me dumbstruck.
“Um, Aera?” I call after her, heading toward the bathroom to finally get ready for my meeting.
“I really hope I get that on video.”
“What, me passing out in front of Jimin?”
“Oh-ho, you’ll regret it if you do. Better watch it, little girl.”
It’s been so long since I’ve been in Seoul that I decide to leave nearly an hour early for my meeting, taking the option of the bus over car. Aera didn’t mind, she was leaving anyways. She was off to a high-end boutique she had just pitched some designs to. She was obviously nervous, but I had no doubt the boutique would gladly welcome her ideas. Aera was an up and coming designer, she had even recently designed a dress that was worn overseas at a film premier.
I was on the bus for just shy of an hour as it made its way across Seoul. I didn’t mind one bit, it allowed me some extra time to simply reconnect with the city and map it out in my head. It was something I often did, in order to prevent future mishaps...like getting lost at a certain night market for hours on end.
I was so lost in my mental map-making that I almost didn’t notice the bus’s approach to the Webtoon office building. Scrambling off the bus, I made my way to my first meeting.
Everything went pretty much according to schedule. I was able to review the panels that my illustrators had prepared for the upcoming season of my book-converted-toon “Young Rising”.
It was all too easy to dive into the work that awaited me there, happy to back among my friend and editor. He was the same prestigious editor who had been there that day Mr. Bang came to visit me. I have no idea what Mr. Bang told him, but my editor never asked me any questions about it.
Apparently it was so nice to be back that I didn’t even notice the time until the sun had set. I glared at the clock on the wall in the drawing room, claiming that it was already well after 9 pm. Add a bus ride onto that, and I won’t be home until nearly 11. I pulled out my phone to text the girls only to find a flurry of texts already waiting for me.
7:32 Himari loml: Don’t tell me you’ve decided to go back to the states already, you just barely unpacked.
8:01 Himari loml: Wow, did you miss work that much? More than me?
8:17 Aera 💛: Are you staying late tonight? Let me know.
9:08 Kyung-soon☺️: I swear if you’re lost at another night market, I’m not coming to get you.
9:32 Ichi: Beth I drew you a picture while I was in class, come home so I can give it to you.
9:38 Himari loml: Ok
9:38 Himari loml: We’ve got a situation here
9:39 Himari loml: Seriously, come home ASAP
9:41 Himari loml: Minsuh is on her way to the office rn. Let me know when you get this.
What started out making me roll my eyes suddenly comes to a halt as I keep scrolling through my notifications. It’s only when I return Himari’s text, letting her know that I’m fine, that I notice the missed call from 9:35.
Missed call: Bang PD 😟
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sueboohscorner · 3 years
#Bull - Season 5, Episode 4 “The Ex Factor” Episode Review
Hello and Welcome Longtime followers and Bull Fans; I hope you are well and healthy still during this crazy period, wherever you are located in the world; as this review is going to be the last review for the 2020/2021 tv Season for Bull, I would like to see comments and predictions of what you want to see in 2021 S5 of Bull and so with that let's dive into the final review of 2020 for Bull, Season 5 Ep. 4 of Bull deals and tackles with the “The Ex Factor” – TAC braces for an un-jolly Christmas when Bull and Benny represent Marissa and her estranged husband, Greg (David Furr), in federal court after they’re charged with money laundering and fraud connected to Greg’s restaurant. As Bull and Benny defend the divorcing couple together so the prosecution can’t use them against each other, they search for jurors who will believe Marissa did not know about Greg’s business dealings. Also, as Bull and Izzy prepare to baptize Astrid before the Christmas holiday, they reach an impasse regarding what they want from their renewed relationship (SpolierTv,2020) So let’s dive into the next section of the development of key characters of the episode.
Key Character Development of Episode 4 of Season 5 of Bull This week on Bull, we got to see how they develop the characters overall forward and develop the relationships of certain characters. Let's get into the characters that were a key focus of this episode. 1. Marrisa
So finally, we are getting development in characters that we have not seen since S2 or S3, and this episode highlights what has happened with Marrisa and how she has to fight to get a discovery from her ex-husband and to find out that he has been in a money-laundering scheme with this restaurant, we finally get to see Marrisa in a different light as we are used to having Marisa at TAC watching the screen, it good to see a change in the dynamic of the show
2. Benny
As Bull's Closest friend, we get to see Benny go through the emotions of having him to decide Bull and Issy getting married again and how he was there for Bull, with his truth bombs of wisdom about Issy and his relationship with her before and after the decisive and also get to see more of the context of how Benny and Bull became the close friends that they are today 3. Issy
This week, the Bull writers have finally started to work on Issy. How her feelings are about the divorce and the miscarriage and also what her love for Bull is, and throughout the previous seasons on the show, we get little to no context of information about her character and so this episode for me is one of the best episodes of development for Issy after her introduction episode back in season 1 of the show. I think that she has come a long way from the sort of not relying on Bull to being in a fully committed relationship with him; I will dive into the relationship part further into the review.
4. Bull
In Season 5 of Bull, we have finally got to see MW's soft side, which we have known since the days that he was on NCIS. This episode proves that we need to see more of this side of Bull, as most of his relationships crave this, like with Benny and Issy and his Baby Girl; this episode gives us, bull's side to the story of his feelings was before the divorce, and after the situation happened between the two. I feel that we are going to into a period on the Show of Bull that will be more of a toned-down Bull, that we get to see his emotions, which we will start to seep into the cases that he develops and represents at TAC. The Key Relationship Development That Happen in Episode 4 of S5 of Bull - Bull and Isabella (Issy)
Now with the major cliffhanger of the show, with these two tying the knot again, this episode gave the audience a much-needed glimpse into this relationship as they have been through a lot of ups and downs as a couple. As they are new parents to Baby Bull, we finally get to see some of that love they have for each other again, beginning to rise again. As I have mentioned in my previous reviews of Bull, this relationship needed to be explored more as this couple has been in the past. As through the show's seasons, the writers have eluded to there is more to the story of with these two. P.s. I want to see more of these two together. -Marisa and Her ex-husband
After we get to see the happy couple of the show in Bull and Issy, we show season 5 episode 4 's storyline relationship. We get to see how these two loved each other and placed the trust in each other. Also, we got to see the downfall of the relationship and the lack of communication between them and Marrisa, making sure she has to do everything in her power to make sure that she is protected herself. The resolution of the case was a straightforward point. But I but we see the development of them having Christmas dinner together. To me, which is a little bit of a double edge sword when It comes to their relationship. I hope that the writers start to make sure that Marrisa starts to have more of a relationship with herself and her friends. Bull and Benny
We are back with these two again; in this episode, we get to see Benny dropping the truth bombs of wisdom when it comes to Bull and Issy's relationship as he has been there the whole time from the beginning of the relationship to the breakdown and the reemergence of the relationship, I love FR & MW's scenes together this episode, as it was a bull and Issy focused episode, we finally to get to see the other side of. Benny, as we only get the professional side of Benny in most episodes, and with the changes in Benny's life, I think that we are going to explore more this relationship and Bull, Marrisa, and Benny
This episode was the Christmas episode with a crazy storyline. Still, It had a great development of this relationship and how MW, GC, and FR's performance of this relationship between the characters we are drawn to make sure that they are a brother and sister type of friendship and willing to support her innocence to the end. I hope in S5 part b in 2021, we get to explore these relationships between them, as Benny is getting Ready to move on to a new job soon. Bull and The Tac Team
This episode of Bull gave us a small glimpse of the team in action as the episode was more based on the relationships mentioned above in the review. But I hope in season 5, part B of Bull, and I hope to see more development of the team and the team in action as best it can be achieved in the current world events. The Defence strategy of the case, As this was the last episode of 2020 for S5 of Bull. I was hoping to see a good defense strategy, so we got the following, as the case can be tried as a strong defense with both wife and husband, so there is control of the case's narrative. But I did not see any jury selection for the case. As the team was focused on the case at hand, we got to see a small moment. The best and weird, wacky and worst moments of Season 5 of episode 4 of Bull Best Moments 1. The Production Crew did a great job as always 2. The relationship development of some of the characters that were well needed 3. Benny's Truth Bombs of wisdom 4. The twist at the end of the episode 5. Benny and Bull doing everything to protect Marrisa from the charges
6. GC's performance in the witness box in the courtroom
Weird, Wacky, and Worst Moments of the episode 1. The scene when Benny and Bull are talking about Bull's Christmas present for his sister 2. The scene in the church and Benny is looking awkward 3. The resolution of the court case for the episode 4. I wanted more of TAC in action as we were missing some of the characters as it was a Bull and Issy based episode 5. The scene that I found weird and wacky was the scene before Marrisa testified in court, and they are all in the car together talking Overall thoughts and opinions on Episode 4 of Bull S5 Episode 4 of Bull S5 is a Christmas episode for 2020 as we got to see how the relationship development is going for some of the show's favorite characters. Overall, the episode was full of beautiful and sweet moments and weird, wacky moments that the show is known for. This gave the audience something to be added to the canon of the show, and I like the writers decided to have Issy proposed to Bull as it can be seen as her commitment to the relationship and her love for Bull. I can't wait for S5 part b of Bull to dive into more of these two as I can see them having a long engagement. Also, I loved the juxtaposition of the storylines of relationships on the show, with Marrisa and her ex-husband. It gave the audience some of the struggles that they faced over time. And then eventually the break down of the relationship. Also, in the episode, we got to see Benny dropping his truth bombs of wisdom when it comes to bull and issy, but the one downfall of the episode was that it had limited interaction and the TAC Team's development. I hope that Bull writers in 2021 tackle more of the development there with some of the major characters presented on the show. The Overall Rating for the episode is a 7/10 As this is the last review of 2020 for Bull, as I am writing this review, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy New year of 2021. I will be back in 2021 for more recaps on S5 of Bull episodes, but until then, let me know what you like to see in the rest of S5 of Bull in the comments section below. Again Merry Christmas and Have a Safe and Healthy 2021. From the Woman Who Writes TV Reviews
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