#and don't fucking get at me about the 'it was fine before Monty died' because these cunts were insulting it then too
sir-adamus · 10 months
the internet has made being a rwby fan fucking unbearable
fans can't even post fanart without shitheads coming in to insult them (and then the show)
fuck, Ein Lee (who did a lot of concept art and posters for the show) did some designs for a game that came out recently and i just saw some clown whining that "rwby artists ruin everything cos it's Bad"
can't go on youtube, there's an obsessive community of pathetic losers who have dedicated obscene amounts of time to tearing down the show (and even a lot of the commentary youtubers for the show who aren't hating on it have still turned out to be enormous assholes). and on the occasion you do find something positive that someone put a lot of work into, you'll always find these same assholes in the comments regurgitating the same bad faith arguments towards a show they've never given a fair chance
there's nowhere you can fucking go on the internet to block out these shrill, wheedling voices that are desperate for attention who need to prove how much of a big boy they are by regurgitating a bullshit opinion from someone who clearly wasn't paying attention and/or fucking lying
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nerdsideofthemedia · 2 years
Your rwby confession seemed like interesting if not controversial thinkpiece until I finished it and it hit me that you said bumblby was v3. As soon as you realized Monty probably didn't plan for the ship you said "fuck his craft, his technique, his passion, his ideas, fuck the trailers, fuck the songs, fuck everything before v3. He, the dead creator of rwby was simply burdening the writers with his ideas on rwby and fight animation is not a way to tell a story in this animation based story loved for it's fighting. When Monty only won people over with his insane passion for animation. I just have to remember that none of you shippers are of a sound mind.
"it hit me that you said bumblby was v3. As soon as you realized Monty probably didn't plan for the ship you said "fuck his craft, his technique, his passion, his ideas, fuck the trailers, fuck the songs, fuck everything before v3."
No, I didn't. I do not know if bmblb was part of Monty's plans or not, but:
1) the idea that Monty was anti-bmblb requires proof. The thing I said was that he was opened to it and decided to test the water in V2. Unless you’re saying he was dead before V2. Weird, I thought he was even involved in a lot of stuff even in V3.
2) Monty was open about being in favor of LGBTQ+ and when asked a question if there were LGBTQ+ characters in the show, he answered "maybe they're already there"
3) there is literally a part before V1 where Arryn asks if she can reveal her character is bi and they respond “not yet”
I didn’t say bumbleby was against Monty’s vision (just that it was not fully decided relationship wise when it started), nor did I say fuck his craft, technique, passion, ideas, trailer, songs, etc. If you read what I wrote, then you clearly did not understand it, so I’ll make it clear: I’ve always defended bumbleby was plan from the get go and used to use the trailers (especially the songs) to show it. Now, I don’t think the show had all decided from the get go, at least, not the relationships. A tweet from Monty said that Ruby was out of characters in the red trailer, which indicates they were still figuring the characters out. This is not an attack in Monty or even a flaw. It’s fine if a story doesn’t have all aspects of it figured out since its beginning. It’s natural even. And I don’t believe you would see having stuff to figure out as bad if it didn’t give you a reason to attack me.
Me acknowledging one of Monty’s flaws as a storyteller is not me disrespecting him. Too many ideas is bad storytelling. Yes, part of the task of a writer is sometimes to know when to dial it down. And that flaw was acknowledged in the context of me giving my thoughts on hbomberguy's video on it, which spends a lot of the time trashing RWBY and I said that I mostly agreed with it. He took the easy way: put the blame entirely on the 2 writers alive, while deifying the one who died, but I don't do that. That's not fair. They were a team and criticism directed at the show should go to everyone responsible for it. There are flaws that are clearly Miles and Kerry, there are others that were Monty’s.
“y'all just feel the need to defend a ship that's drowned in RTs crap”
I didn’t feel the need to defend anything. I was made more aware of their writing process, drew conclusions and wrote a post about them.
“And you know what? I hope y'all get it. I hope in v69 they kiss so you all have actual proof that it "wasn't queerbating its a slow burn!" Cause by that time there will be PLENTY of well established queer representation of multiple designs throughout media and y'all can be left to stew in this webseries bullshit”
I guess it’s not just the shippers who are not of a sound mind. Being this upset because I said bumbleby was probably thought of in V2 and set in stone in V3 is ridiculous. Oh, I’m sorry I also acknowledged Monty’s flaws.
It’s also funny that if you no longer like the show, why the hell are you engaging with fandom? I am perfectly aware that RWBY is flawed. I am perfectly aware there are way better shows and do representation better (by the way, I didn’t even bring representation up, you did), I watch a lot of them. So what? I’ve met people who still like Bleach. I know people who still like MHA. If people can like shows that are deeply flawed, then so can I and I am ok with that.
“no one was telling them they couldn't just write the gay in the first episode”
Argument never made. I didn’t put Monty as an anti-bmblb, you did. Me thinking that stories evolve is not trashing Monty. It’s not trashing anyone. It’s just something that happens, especially when it’s a long-term series and one didn't have relationships set in stone from the beginning (hell, sometimes when they have. Community changed direction completely in terms of pairings). Also, no, LGBTQ+ characters don't have to revealed in the very first episode. What a ridiculous idea.
Thanks for reminding me why I don’t allow anons. And if you make a tumblr just to send me another message, I’ll delete it and block you immediately.
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nebulastarss · 2 years
Things I'm realizing while playing FNAF SB on the PS4
All the people who die before the daycare are literally so impatient. It's... Not hard to avoid Chica there.
There's a sun plushy in the fountain!!! I love it and I'm going to get moon's.
The daycare is soft lock hell. I kept distracting sun to go exploring, and you know that circle of blocks shaped like a castle off to the left? Don't fall in there. You can not get out.
Also, I never got to see the crying animation! If sun couldn't find me, he wouldn't even look around. He'd just stand near the blocks and sway. Then, the second I step into a spot he can reach, he runs straight towards me. But if I take a single step back into it, he turns around and goes back.
Moon man. He was... Fine?? I mean. I only saw him once. After I got 3 generators and he went inside, I saw him a level below me in the play structure. Then I got the other 2 like immediately. His section was so short for me.
Leaving was kinda funny. Sun just doesn't appear until you click the button, so you can explore then too. Then I got into Freddy and the second I got to that turnstile, I got kicked out of him and died my first death. I don't count it because that was bullshit.
Couldn't find salads and slides, but I looked and the mission said "below the first floor" so I went down. All I saw was pizza until I noticed ice cream and kept walking that way.
Chica is supposed to interrupt you on the way to salads and slides? I dunno, I heard her voice. Was in the newly charged Freddy tho
I got past mini music man (fuck those vents btw, dark as shit and for why? My brightness is 100% you fucker) and then... There was a FNAF 2 poster? Why? Speaking of bad merchandise, why is there an ennard cut out and plushtrap things. That's so distasteful in universe.
These I was in that boiler room place or whatever, where chica is in there. I got past her (dying twice which I count as my first deaths) and she chased me into pizza bot mini game? Isn't that... Not when you're supposed to do that? I swear that comes later.
I do that shit (barely survived) and go into the kitchen but like... Aren't you supposed to use a party pass before you get there for the first time? Not to mention, the person I watched killed Chica but I swear he never went into the bathrooms. Sadly, I didn't have security level 3, and had to.
This leads into why I dislike Chica the most. She doesn't fucking shut up. If you have a character that shows up as much as Chica and says as much shit as Chica does, you have to give them a fuckton of dialogue to pick from. But now. She recycls the same 5-6 line a billion times and I will feel no goddamn remorse when I finally get to remove her voice box. Seriously, no wonder Gregory goes out of his way to push her in there. She's annoying as fuck /lh.
I don't even hate chica, she's always been interesting to me (a female character who's personality is all about eating and entertainment? Fuck yeah). She's just my least favorite in this game because she's always there and always talking. Followed by Roxy, who shows up less but says like 3 lines. Seriously. Give them more lines. Monty shows up the least and whenever he is there, you hardly even notice him because he's useless (ex: spotlight Monty during showtime. What does he do? Stands.) Monty also has a lot of voice lines, or he shows up so little that the same ones don't get beamed into my brain.
Anyway, I'm still trying to escape the kitchen area with Chica through the bathrooms so. Bye
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