#and double sorry if ur like someone i reblogged who is just insane abt what. my tags mean. Heart
cameragore · 4 months
What is rotting rabbits…
hello nonnie ...ERM!!!!! I'm assuming yr someone who I reblogged with my blorbos sso I apologize for the autism I'm about 2 spew at you. and I hope that this iss something u think is cool ❤️.... Ok. so first u need to know everymanhybrid which is a cool slenderverse series and I think if you like horror or general cool films go watch emh explained by night mind. Ok.
rotting rabbits - the pairing name for EVERY omen & habit pairing, IT IS ALSO the singular name for rr!omen and rr!habit also known as the canon emh roleplay. omen is my self insert oc for emh because I'm a system and my bff is a habit fixtive and so I do what I do w everything I like (roleeplay w it)...... every rotting rabbits is habit and omen HOWEVER. rr!omen and rr!habit aren't anything else, it's a square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square. habit in every rp has rabbit motifs and omen has dog ones . This is also the reason for most of the pairing names .... rotting rabbits is also our big special interest currently. everyy rotting rabbits in every form is some sort of yuri... Btw
THERE'S ACTUALLY!!! multiple omens annd mutliple habits and their own aus, all of these r roleplays and if u look at my pinned most of my posts r tagged in some way. ( 📷 - rotting rabbits / emh au omen . 🔦 - haunted hares / ghost hunter au . 📹 - cursed canines / swap au !! hollowed hybrids omen still doesn't have a erm emoji but that's. Pretty ok)
haunted hares - the ghost hunter + ghost au!!! omen is a famous ghost hunter who takes fame and ego in return for feeding habit who is a whole ass house people!!!! yep!!!! habit is literally aa house that's starved for human flesh and hes managed to live on through folktales of the house on the hill that he lives in / lives as . omen is a ghost hunter that """gets rid of habit""" and is made. Extremelyyyy famous for it ,,, this ends really dependent but they're buddy buddy . surprisingly the most normal feeling au of every one of these.
cursed canines - swap au it's. A dog based one bc omens taking the place of habit I felt extremely smart when thinking of this and honestly it is onee of my prouder moments. this is also our current system wide hyperfixtion lol ..... it was originally made out of spite because people were arguing about shipping habit being proship and I was annoyed with it so I made OMEEN worse than habit and me and my bff play with them like barbie dolls. omen kills people on stream, her and habit mutually stalk each other, omen actually kidnaps him.......... YEAHH. this is mentally ill and it's very awesome and it's what most of my posting has been recently
hollow hybrids - our animal HYRBID au!!!!! habit is a parasitic bug that crawls over and infects the hosts body + only goal is to create a hivemind, Evan and tehcinlally habit by default are a spider . Omen is a English lop, who is extremely paranoid and is forced to help habit after habit took over her house LOL!!! this is da newest one and so I don't got a lot to say with it, but I really like it.
erm.... For asking about it even if it wasn't in an "infodump pls" ask and more like "what da fuck are u saying" ask...... have some doodles of the guys.
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in order... cursed canines omen, haunted hares one and two, and a hollow hybrids omen. my pfp has rotting rabbits omen.
tl;Dr ; rotting rabbits is my everymanhybrid self ship pairing with roleplays that I do with my best friend .
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