#and eren was just as unhinged as a brat as he is now
hosharambles · 1 year
My reaction to Attack on Titan Season 1 Episode 6 is premiering on YouTube! Mini-Eren is a menace, and Mikasa's whole backstory is a bloody rollercoaster... so come ride it with me!
(I think I hate myself a little for having come up with that... oh well. C'est la vie)
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madewithspice · 1 year
Royal Pain In The Arse | eren v levi
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Levi’s life as King’s guard would have been perfect if it hadn’t been for the pesky second hand of the Prince.
Eren and Levi hated each other the minute they locked eyes on each other. Eren hates the authoritive figure of Levi and Levi hates spoilt brats, especially loud ones.
Thus the rivalry began.
Levi looks for any excuse to punish and reprimand Eren.
Eren ate food that was meant for the Prince? Drag him to the dungeons for a night.
Eren always complains to Armin about how unfair it is that Levi only targets him and how he’s an evil, evil man and should not be guarding the King. He’ll say anything to try and get rid of Levi.
On the other side of the castle, the exact same conversation is taking place between Levi and Erwin but with more cussing because we all know Levi cusses like a sailor.
The prince’s guard will often go and mess with Levi’s amour and swing his practice sword around. Until one day he swung it against a post and it broke. Panic set in but luckily for Eren, Mikasa was there to take the fall.
Levi loves his tea and god help anyone who drinks it especially without permission and ESPECIALLY if you are a certain Eren Yeager.
Eren watched the chaos unfold as Hange was berated for using the precious tea leaves for their unhinged concoctions and thus it began. The famous battle of Earl Grey as dubbed by Connie.
Levi left the kitchen, unbeknownst to him, that a brunet rat was waiting anxiously in the shadows for his departure. The second he left, Eren was out and mixing the various tea flavours from their jars and even added some bitter leaves he scavenged from the Royal Gardens in.
Levi’s tea senses must have tingled because he returned just in time to see Eren run off. He scowled and went about making his tea.
Everything was calm in the AOT castle until the Eren’s screams alerted everyone of the battle. Levi chased him and beat the everlasting crap out of the prankster. Not even the king could save him now.
They both have nightmares about that day and somehow hate each other even more, if that’s even possible.
- Kiki.
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fandomvariousness · 4 years
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Pairing: Levi x reader
Warnings: mild angst, violence, swearing, smut: slight dacryphilia, choking, slight masochism, slight dumbification, power play, unprotected sex
Summary: you’re an untruly scout in Levi’s squad and he let’s you know exactly how he feels when he pays you a visit during your punishment task
Word count: 3.6k
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All hell broke loose if it was one of the worse days.
Your hot-headed disposition was a challenge to deal with in the first place, but if you felt a tad annoyed that day… Let’s just say punishments were as natural to you as breathing air.
It took slightest things to piss off Captain Levi – an irritated glance after he scolded you, a quiet remark you’d use to talk back and he, of course, would hear it. Simply put – you were disobedient. Yet even then you were an indispensable soldier – resourceful, intelligent, and absolutely fearless. Much like a wildfire – once you blaze, it’s hard to put you out.
Even so, Captain Levi eventually chose you to be a part of his new squad. Yes, he never encountered such an erratic human being that’s basically impossible to control, the traits that go against his every bullet point in describing a proper soldier, but he knew he would be an absolute fool if he’d go that massive potential of yours go to waste.
Countless times he wanted to kick you off the squad for being an unbearable brat, yet he didn’t. Often, you yourself wondered why.
The squad has been on a minor expedition outside the walls for training purposes, so all of you were headed to the nearest cottage safe house.
After a tiring day of training, when the sun was setting down, you were all sitting outside, enjoying the last remnants of warmth in the air. Captain was sauntering inside the cottage, probably inspecting each crack and crevice after you all spend the first half of the day cleaning it.
It would be such a nice evening if Eren and Mikasa would argue a bit quieter. In fact, Mikasa was calmly saying something to Eren, while the latter, being basically as hot-headed as you, was arguing against her every word.
It pissed you off when they were like that, because it’s obvious Mikasa would do anything for Eren. Either he is so daft and doesn’t get it, or he doesn’t care. You never admitted to yourself that you’re jealous that Eren has someone who cares for him, while you have no one. Not even your family which was once very big – you had lots of cousins, aunts and uncles. Now, only you remain.
“Oi,” you exclaimed. “could you just tone it down a bit?”
Eren’s fiery gaze snapped towards you in a second. “Stay out of this!”
Now, you knew it’s none of your business, but you hated being talked to like that, much less ordered. You stood up in a swift motion from where you were leaning against a bench and turned your body to face Eren.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve no interest in what you’re crying about, Jaeger, but you’re not even listening to Mikasa, that much is obvious.”
Others were starting to pay attention too – they knew that when the two of you started bickering, often it’d turn into something more… interesting.
“You know what else is obvious?” he asked, his voice challenging. “That you act all brave and fearless, but in reality you’re just a restless child acting as if she lost her dummy!”
You felt that familiar tickling feeling of your temper rising, firing you up until you eventually lose yourself and act upon instincts that keep you alive and going.
You chuckled curtly. “Me? You’re calling me a child?”
Tauntingly, you’ve stepped closer to him. Eren knew that it’s not smart to wind you up like that, you’re still friends, good friends – it just so happened that you’re both in a bad mood today.
“At least I can wipe my own ass without Mikasa’s help.” you finished your sentence just before Eren grabbed a fistful of your collar and roughly pulled you flush against him, both of your impulsive auras conflicting with each other.
You growled as you pushed him away in a swift, forceful motion, earning a murderous glare from him.
It took so little to get you angry. Even though you pushed him away, that unruly part of yours stepped close to him again as you dug your forefinger in his chest in a threatening manner.
“Don’t touch me, you, whiny bitch,” you spat out, your voice dripping with venom – you were already blazing, and there was no going back.
Eren slapped your hand away. “Who you’re calling a whiny bitch? I wasn’t the one who cried into the pillow for two weeks after driving Reiner and Bertholdt away!”
Now, you can be reckless, wild, fiery… But Eren can be cruel.
The reason you were so devastated after finding out your two best friends were your mortal enemies was because with them you felt like you’ve had family again – both of them reminded you of your older brothers. You shared your feelings with Eren in confidence, and he just blurted it out in front of everyone.
“Fuck it,” you thought as you launched a punch at his face with a primal scream.
By now the others knew not to interfere in your fights, not even Mikasa. God knows they tried, and it made it even worse.
Eren fell to the ground with a hard thud before you quickly straddled him and lifted up your bent hand to launch another punch at his bloody nose.
The bastard was quick to react nevertheless as he met your fist with his palm and squeezed it, slapping you off of him with his free hand in a swift motion. The second your own body collided with the grass you were already scrambling with your hands and feet to get up.
As you turned to Eren with the intention to ram him to the ground again, he was already on his legs as well. The others were still shouting for you two to break it up, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before Captain Levi shows up.
Not thinking straight, you did exactly what you wanted, you launched yourself at him and picked him like a flower stem, both of you flying to the ground again, followed by a sickening thump.
Your vision was getting blurry from all the rage and adrenaline as you lifted up your fist, charged with savage energy, ready to collide with Eren’s already battered face, yet it never happened. It never happened because someone else was gripping your wrist so hard, almost stopping the blood flow.
You snapped your head back to see murderous look in Captain’s gray eyes.
Still gripping your wrist, he jerked you back like a rag doll, painfully sending you to the ground, away from Eren.
It fell so quiet you could hear the clouds passing.
Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I will kill both of you.”
“Right,” he continued. “when everyone’s going to sleep after this long, tiring day, you brats are going to sweep this house clean again. I don’t care how long it takes you. Eren takes right wing, Y/N takes left.”
He glared daggers at the two of you before going back to the cottage, just like that. It was actually worse when he didn’t say much – means he’s absolutely sick of you.
Still breathing heavily, you stood up, leaning on your knees with your palms for support.
“Shit, guys,” Jean muttered. “Shall we say our goodbyes now, or...?”
“Jean.” Mikasa snapped, shutting him up.
You glared at Eren who glared right back at you, although his eyes were already void of the rage that was previously residing in them.
You looked away without a word and made your way towards the cottage, wanting to wipe all the dirt and soot away.
You stared at your distraught face in the mirror. Distraught by the fight you had with Eren, and by the fact that you got on Captain’s nerves again. How longer can you go on like this before he finally kicks you out?
You wiped your wet face with a towel as you heard someone come into the bathroom. Mikasa’s frame showed up in the mirror.
“Mikasa,” you spoke without hesitation as you turned around. “I’m sorry for what I said.”
Mikasa shook her head sheepishly. “It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not. You’re the most caring person I know and I used that to shame Eren, although there’s no shame in caring for your loved ones.”
Mikasa blushed as she set her eyes to the ground. “Everyone’s going to sleep already – you better hurry.”
“Right,” you sighed, feeling the jitters of anticipation.
You quit the bathroom and made your way to the cleaning cupboard to grab all sorts of supplies. At least the Captain was nowhere to be seen – you couldn’t bear his condemning gaze now. Not when you secretly always yearn for his approval.
You can’t help but stare at him a second longer than you should, or think about him when you shouldn’t. The fact that he hasn’t kicked you off of his squad gives you some material for thinking that maybe he simply doesn’t want to. There’s just something about him that makes you tense everytime you’re around him – not the dread everyone feels, but something else entirely, something that makes your stomach tingle.
You just finished cleaning all the dishes after dinner and was now sweeping the floor that was still clean after your cleaning tasks earlier in the day. That was the point of the punishment, you figured – clean the surroundings that are already clean, only to frustrate you.
You were kind of spacing out, the flashbacks of the fight with Eren coming back, rekindling the violent blaze within you. Everything was suddenly in your head again, pushing you to the edge. You closed your eyes and exhaled through your nose as you stopped momentarily, letting go of the broom and trying to forget how Eren just blurted out about your sorrows, how Captain glared at you, how everyone got to witness you getting unhinged again.
Hot flashes hit your body as you blew the stray ringlet of hair from your forehead, leaning on the dining table with your palms, desperately trying to calm down.
“Who told you to stop?”
Oh no… Really not the time.
You needed a few more seconds to stop the shivers as you opened your eyes and straightened your frame, facing Captain Levi, who was leaning against the counter.
It was precisely those few extra seconds that displeased him.
“Tsk,” he spat out as he straightened his frame. “Not only you’re deranged, but lazy too.”
You faced him with as blank a face as you could possibly muster, yet all your feelings were bubbling up, threatening to spill out with a little more provocation. You never wanted to rip off someone’s head so bad, until now.
You didn’t realize you’d squeezed your eyes shut until they suddenly opened with the sound of hard crash – Levi had purposely smashed a ceramic cup to the ground, shattering it to pieces.
You set your mad eyes on him, disbelief written all over you.
“Clean it.” he ordered. “Or are you going to disobey me again?”
You bit the inside of your cheek so hard you sure it was bleeding, breathing heavily, restraining yourself like never before in order not to pounce on him.
Instead, you repeatedly bit your lower lip as you felt your eyes watering. It’s better to cry yourself stupid before him than to actually hit him – then everything would definitely be over.
He stepped closer to you, your clothes almost brushing together, as he looked down on you with clear disgust, and… satisfaction?
You were so angry. He tried to demean you just now, and you were under immense pressure to actually pick those pieces up. You knew you had to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
You gulped. “You’re abusing your power.”
“No,” he closed in on you, making you step backwards until the back of your thighs hit the table. “I’m establishing my power, since you clearly don’t recognize it.”
He leaned his palms on the table just like you did moments ago, trapping you. Your heart was palpitating against your ribcage, yet for reasons entirely different than rage.
All of those glances and pushes and punishments now made sense – that was the only way he could think of to interact with you with no suspicion from others. He’d often chide you for the stupidest things, just so he’d have the chance to have a conversation with you, no matter how fleeting or unimportant.
Deep down you always knew it, and that’s why you’re continued being such a burden. Just so that he’d look at you and punish you again, scream at you, or kick the shit out of you again.
The atmosphere in the room has changed radically. You felt like walking on a string, about to fall off as his face was hovering just above yours, torturing you with anticipation.
“You wanted to beat the shit out of me just now, didn’t you?” he quizzed while slowly tracing your features with his stony gaze. Instead of answering, you gulped.
He grabbed your face harshly, puckering up your lips in the process. “Speak.”
“Yes.” you admitted before his hand slid down to lightly hang at the base of your neck, igniting whole another fire within you.
“Yes what?” he asked, adding pressure to his hand.
“Yes, Captain.”
At this rate, you’re going to burn out.
He chuckled quietly through his nose and stood up straight. “Go on, then. I’m ordering you to slap me.”
It was as if you just turned into a statue – that’s how shocked you were. “W-What?” you asked sheepishly.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
You stared at him, trying to see him and his intentions through. Obviously, things were finally getting spicy, but your defense mechanism still rang some alarm bells – is he trying to trick you into something? Are you really going to bitch-slap the humanity’s strongest?
You felt your palms starting to tingle as he stared right into your eyes, challenging you to do it.
And you’re gonna do it, alright.
Something just snapped inside you, as it always does before you do something stupid or something you’re going to regret. You charged your palm with strength before sending it flying across his cheek with all your might. You whimpered as your skin came in contact with his, setting your palm on fire from such a harsh stroke.
And then it dawned on you – you really did bitch-slap him. He even stumbled one step backwards, his head ominously turned to the side, crow-black hair shielding his eyes from your vision, what absolutely terrified you.
He straightened his frame as he wiped a droplet of blood from his lip with the tip of his thumb.
You gasped audibly, making him look at you.
That’s it, you thought, he has a perfect reason to kill you now, and you were stupid enough to fall for it. You closed your eyes and awaited whatever’s to come, and it did come.
His lips came crashing on yours, both of you stumbling backwards, moving the table a bit. He immediately yanked you to sit on the wooden surface, positioning himself between your thighs as you held onto him for dear life.
He devoured you with hungry, open-mouthed kisses before you bit his lower lip, drawing blood once more.
One of his hands that were digging into your hips came in contact with your neck, squeezing it hard and pushing you away so he could see your hazy face.
“Savage.” he muttered after a few moments of taking you in, making your mouth stretch out into a lazy smile.
He pushed himself to you further, making your back hit the table as he attached his lips just below your neck, where jaw transitions to neck, coaxing a mewl out of you. He coaxed another when he rutted his hips against yours, making you aware of the growing tent in his pants.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, eyes closed as he sucked and bit little marks all over your neck. Hiding them is going to be a problem.
You took his face in your hands and kissed him deeply, rolling your hips against his in a tantalizing motion, whimpering at how his hardness brushes against where you need him the most, feeling him exhale into your mouth as his mind was equally clouded.
It felt like everything was finally coming to be exactly as it should, like you’d finally be released from your misery, like the intentions behind each of your actions would finally be clear, without any misunderstandings.
You were both impatient. No time for thorough build up, you just wanted to feel him inside you, just as he wanted to fill you up.
He drew back a bit, restrained by your legs snaking his waist as he rested his forehead against yours, panting heavily. “I’d really like to fuck you now.”
The fact that after all the crazy shit you’ve been through today he’d still ask for consent made you give it all to him. “Only if you do it so hard I can’t walk for days.”
You felt his dick twitch. “Easy.”
You yelped as he flipped you around, fumbling with the hem of your pants as he pushed them down to your knees, along with your underwear. You shivered as cool air hit your slick folds, and once again when you heard Levi fumbling with his own belt.
You wiggled your hips against him, impatient, almost crying out – you needed him that bad. His palm came flying against your behind, making you yelp loudly, gripping the edge of the table as you’re all sprawled out on top of it.
You whimpered again as you felt him brush the tip of his dick teasingly against your entrance. “Please, Captain…”
“So impatient,” he muttered silently before ramming into you without any warning.
Your nails dug into the wooden edge as you cried out into the air, holding on for dear life as he slammed you, table legs creaking underneath you rhythmically.
Levi had a perfect view of you as he rutted against you – the way your ass bounced flush against his hip, your arm muscles straining as you gripped the edge of the table harder and harder, the way the strands of your hair flew up and down with each motion, and how helplessly you squealed each time his tip hit your cervix – all of that sent him insane, unable to stop the silent whimpers that came out from his own mouth.
He had to restrain himself from going too fast – that’s how eager he was to finally sprawl you under him, after all this time you drove him out of his mind with your unstable behavior, hatred-driven glances and disobedience.
“Yes, yes, love it,” you wailed incoherently.
“Of course you do,” he huffed just before he grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head backwards, stars spilling out of your head.
The way his dick breached you was literally driving you crazy – it was like a perfect fit, slipping soundly against your walls and hitting all the right spots at exactly the right time. Your cunt clenched around him on its own, making him groan at your artfulness. His fingers dug into the plush of your backside, thrusting into you without any mercy.
The coil in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter, your brain short-circuiting each time you heard Levi groan, the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin ringing against the walls.
“Oh, God,” you cried out as your bliss was rapidly closing in on you.
“No,” Levi countered as he pressed his back flush against yours, brushing his lips against your ear. “just me.”
His head hung down, burying itself in the crook of your neck as he finally spilt his seed inside of you with a low groan that sent you to your own release. You cried out as he panted heavily against your skin, your body slumping on the table completely.
You had to muster up the remaining grain of your strength when Levi stood up and pulled his pants on so you could to the same with your own. Your breathing was still erratic as you fumbled with the pair of strings in the hem of your pants, trying to tie them. Levi approached you and lightly swatted your trembling hands away, tying them for you.
You were lost in his gray eyes by now, not even knowing what to say at first, but this silence that ensued was kind of comforting, both of you assessing the situation.
He chuckled suddenly. “Why did you beat the shit out of Jaeger in the first place?”
You smiled awkwardly as you shook your head curtly, gluing your eyes to the ground. “Doesn’t matter. Stupid thing, really.”
“Alright.” he said, his voice low, as usual. “You can tell me all about it next time.”
His words made you look at him again, eyebrows slightly lifted, eyes full of sudden anticipation.
Next time?
You were kind of scared at the thought of getting together with Captain again, but you felt excited way more.
“Oh, and like I said,” he paused before leaving the room completely. “clean it.”
You remembered the shattered cup and this time failed to refrain a smirk that creeped upon your lips.
“Yes, Captain.”
He left after that, but you swear you saw a ghost of a smile on those harsh lips.
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
I’m an anime only so maybe I need to read the manga to understand better the scouts motives to ally with Marley after what they did to them in the past and what they were going to do again literally three episodes ago. At the moment the plot line is so confusing to me and as much as I understand why they want to stop Eren from committing genocide the way each character is behaving is weird. Connie trying to kill falco and then acting like nothing happened, again Connie laughing after seeing annie for the first time after 4 years, the same annie who betrayed them, killed a lot of innocent people + his comrades. Jean beating the shit out of Reiner was satisfying but I expected a worse reaction. Magath on Sunday was apologizing to the scouts for literally oppressing them and trying to exterminate them but exactly the night before this he was calling them devils, I’m sorry but is this bad writing or am I trippin’? Everything feels so rushed and hypocritical. The only linear character to me at the moment is Levi and seeing him like that is so painful, that man had to suffer for all this time just to see his comrades, now ex comrades, kill each other. Floch was once a brat who didn’t want to die and now he acts like some fascist who wants to save “his country”, I understand his hatred for the outside world but can’t understand his “character development”.
I think what this boils down to the members of the SC not being able to morally justify letting that many people die, and knowing that their only chance to stop it is to ally themselves with former enemies, and put aside their feelings in order to do so. There isn't any time for ideological arguments or pettiness or prejudice when everyone is about to die. It was Hange and Levi who understood this better than anyone, and who put aside their differences in order to approach Magath and Pieck and ask for their help. I wouldn't call it bad writing. I would say the urgency of the situation is calling for everyone to band together, regardless of their differences. There's no time for Jean to hold Reiner's actions against him, there's no time for Connie to be angry at Annie, (as justified as those feelings are), or for Magath to hold onto his prejudices.
Magath too is someone we saw always had an unsteady relationship with those prejudices, his care for the Warrior unit and its members always evident underneath his gruff exterior and treatment. He was born and raised in a place where Eldian's were treated like monsters. He's a military man, who was then put in charge of a unit of Eldian's, so we can assume he's spent a lot of time around them, and seen for himself their humanity and the absurdity of the belief that they're "devils" or somehow subhuman. So his hold on those beliefs was no doubt always tenuous, and in the extremity of their circumstances now, he finally lets those beliefs go completely and admits that he only held onto them in a desperate attempt to justify his and his countries cruelty toward an entire race of people.
Everyone is acting strangely because the situation is so high pressure and horrific. Connie laughing was no doubt because he's feeling unhinged and deeply conflicted about everything. They signed up for the SC because they thought it was the noble, heroic thing to do, and now they've been faced again and again with situations in which they've had to kill people, had to engage in violence with other human beings, had to confront the fact that the rest of the world seemingly hates them for circumstances of birth, for things they never had any control over, etc... Connie's suffering from a deep sense of conflict over his role and the rightness of their actions. They're having to contend with the fact that Eren, who was their friend and ally for the last five years, and for Mikasa and Armin, their whole lives, has essentially lost his mind and is literally trying to wipe out all of humanity. Hange and Levi remind all of them of their pledge as members of the SC, which is to protect and serve humanity, to fight for their salvation, not their destruction, as Eren is attempting. No way were they ever going to just stand by and let that happen, even if it meant allying with the very people who tried to once kill them. SnK is largely about presenting both sides of a situation and not trying to make an absolute judgement on one or the other, and that's what we're seeing in this final arc. Both sides always thought they were doing the right thing, both sides were trying to "save the world". And what Eren's doing now goes completely against all of that, for both sides. SnK is also largely about the consequences of oppression and how creating a situation where you put a group of people's backs against a wall can lead to someone like Eren gaining power and the horror that can ensue from that.
Floch was always quite intelligent and we saw glimpses of him taking a turn toward extremism during the Shiganshina incident, when he wanted to bring Erwin back, saying they needed a "devil" to lead them, to do what was necessary to save them all, etc... He also wanted Erwin to suffer for leading them where they were, which showed us that Floch has a distinct streak of cruelty. When Erwin was taken away as an option, and then Eren revealed his plan to him, he gave his loyalty to Eren because Eren was now that "devil" Floch believed they needed in order to save them from the rest of the world. That sense of persecution warped over the years into a Nationalistic extremism, is all, and he felt justified in wiping everyone else out because they tried to do it to them first. So I would say Floch's development into what we see makes plenty of sense.
Anyway, I hope I was able to help clarify some stuff for you.
The SC joining forces with the Warriors from Marley isn't because they've suddenly forgotten their hurt and anger over what was done to them, but simply a case of them prioritizing humanity over themselves. The Jeagerist's have done the opposite, prioritizing themselves over humanity, and in the process, betraying the ideals of the SC and all the original members. Don't forget, the Jagerist's were more than happy to try and kill both Hange and Levi, and were fine with killing every top member of the military in order to take over the island, killing their own citizens in order to do so, etc... They forced a situation in which the original members of the SC were made into enemies of the "state", and at that point, none of them had any choice but to try and find common ground with their former enemies in Marely. Levi and Hange would have been killed on sight if they'd tried going back to the Capital, for example. I don't think anyone from the 104th would have been okay with that.
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liddolwhynot2000 · 4 years
Summary: Cause Levi can't help falling in love with you.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman X Reader
Levi sat on a log, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together, staring at nothing in particular. The sun was setting, but he hardly cared to watch it, too lost in thought.
When Kenny had taken him under his wing all those years ago, he had taught Levi plenty of things. How to use a knife, how to make ‘friends’. Some lessons he preferred to forget, while others he latched on to as a way of life. There was one lesson in particular that he would spend the rest of his life following, almost religiously.
Violence is always the answer.
Hungry? Threaten someone into giving you food. Being held at gun point? Kick the crap out of them. Not getting the answers you want? Torture. Rip out their nails. Break their back.
That was the guideline for surviving in the underground. Dominate everyone using brute force. Make a reputation so fierce that only senseless morons would challenge you. Admittedly, it had worked well for him. He had become the top dog in that dreary, dark hell. Able to eat three times a day, wear decent clothes. He, Farlan and Isabel had survived well for a good amount of time. That is, until they had their first taste of sunlight.
In hindsight, taking that mission had been a foolish mistake. He had lost his cherished friends, and while he now got along with his cormades, it just wasn’t the same. Other parts of his life, however, continued to remain as before.
The surface may have lacked the unhinged lawlessness of the underground, but Levi still utilized his usual methods of living, albeit more legally.
In his years in the military, he had used his superior physical strength to instill fear and discipline. Cadets, high ranking members of the military, even the Queen often cowered before him in fear. Any other man would enjoy the thrill of it, reducing the most powerful people in his country into meek versions of themselves, unable to properly look him in the eye.
And he did. A part of him would always be smug about it, solely because underground filth like him, who had been expected to waste away his life, had managed to climb to a position at the top that no else held.
But it was tiring now. He had become so.. lonely. Everyone he had let into his heart left him. His sweet mother, crazy Kenny, his siblings in all but blood, Farlan and Isabel. Here he was, surprisingly wealthy and popular, but missing his precious people.
Alas, he would never let someone in like that again. The rest of his life was destined to be spent alone, threatening everyone in hearing range and dying on the battlefield. And, with a sigh, he accepted this miserable fate.
What he didn’t know was that meeting you would lead to him burning down his self established fate to ashes and dust, with his very own hands.
Why you had even thought about approaching him was incredulous, Levi mused to himself. An exhausted soldier sitting in the dark of a room, staring mindlessly at the table. He had showed no expression on his face but still, normal people would have been scared off just at the sight of him. You weren’t, and that’s how the two of you met.
You had made him some nice herbal tea and brought it to him. Giving him some plain biscuits along with the beverage. He had eyed you suspiciously, not willing to entertain you with even a thank you. Your intentions had been unclear to him at the time.
What was a beautiful woman like you, even Levi privately admitted to double taking at the sight of you, doing offering tea to him of all people. Kindness didn’t exist in people, he had never seen it in anyone besides his mother and Isabel. So you probably had a hidden motive. Maybe you needed a favour? Or were trying to integrate yourself in with the higher ups for better pay? Or maybe one of those dumb admirers that thought they could change him?
Once you left, after giving him another smile and telling him you hoped he would enjoy the tea, he decided to dismiss all thoughts of you. He wouldn’t help you with shit.
He did enjoy the tea though.
For the next two months, he began seeing you everyday. Not by choice, he told himself. He had accidentally made it a habit to sit in that room, all by himself, everyday, at the exact same time.
And everyday, without fail, you would bring him tea and biscuits. Sometimes there was a cake slice, or cookies, or even a nice meal, like rice with boiled vegetables.
He learned about you in that time. Your name, for one, which sounded oddly pleasing on his tongue. You were a garrison cook, tasked with making meals for the garrison engineers, whose office had been established right next to the Survey Corps headquarters. It explained why he kept seeing you everyday. A part of him had been strangley thrilled to hear that, as if the idea of seeing you everyday was something he actually wanted.
You never flinched around him or stuck around to talk to him for too long. Bringing him his tea with that sweet smile, asking about his day, wishing him well. You never made a face or took his obvious reluctance to talk to heart. His short answers and grunts, his crass language, they all had no effect on you. It was clear you really wanted nothing from him. No favours, no urge to get close. You were just being… kind.
And as someone who had hardly experienced genuine kindness in his life, he would let you continue. Besides, it was the first time someone was behaving around him without Levi having to force them. It was too refreshing for him to stop.
Levi eyed the tray in front of him warily. There was a cup of steaming tea, some sugar cubes he could add, a few biscuits and two sandwiches. He hadn’t touched it yet, even though he knew it would taste amazing, much like everything else you made. But he was rather preoccupied, unable to make sense of what he was feeling.
You hadn’t showed up today. He had waited, expecting that knock on the door, your light footsteps as you entered the room, your cheery voice to greet him. Instead, it had been another cook. Levi had scowled as the girl had blushed and stuttered around him, putting the tray on the table, not quite able to talk to him, or look him in the eye.
‘C-captain I was told to give this to you-’
His irritation had shot up through the roof and with his usual impatience, he snarled at the girl, asking for your whereabouts. Initially, he got no solid response out of her, because she didn’t know. But in the end, as she made to leave, terrified beyond belief of him, she said something that had his heart inexplicably stopping.
‘Sh-she might be o-on a date. That’s why- why she didn’t bring it today. I think’
Now here he was, eyeing the delicious spread infront of him. Except he didn’t have much of an appetite. His mind was jumbled up, unable to comprehend why he felt so.. Hurt?
Were you actually out on a date right now? Allowing some shitty lowlife to woe you? He felt resentful, unsure of himself. It shouldn’t matter to him. It wouldn’t matter to him. He refused to allow it to.
With a grimace, he put his feelings aside and began eating. He knew better then to waste good food.
The next day, when you came with the tray, you told him you had gone to visit your cousin who had given birth to a baby girl. The relief he had felt, knowing that you hadn’t been making goofing off with some hormonal piece of shit, had stunned him. He continued to suprise himself, by behaving like he had been possessed. As evidenced by how before you could leave, his hand shot out to grab your wrist and the words escaped his mouth before he could stop them.
‘Oi, stay. Let’s…eat together. ’
Your eyes had widened, no doubt shocked that he actually wanted you around. With a tentative smile, you nodded in agreement, taking the seat next to him. You carried the conversation, with him silently listening and interjecting his own opinion. Somehow, he had even managed to make you giggle, causing a warmth to spread in his chest. Before the two of you knew it, the tray had been emptied of its contents, yet neither of you made to leave for at least an hour more.
Later, while sitting in his chair, preparing to sleep, Levi thought back to when he had held your wrist. He marvelled at how soft and delicate you had felt in his grasp, wondering what it would feel like to have those arms hold him. Would you feel just as soft, pressed up against him? He could tell you would be gentle, he knew you possessed no mean or rough bone in your body.
Fantasising about you, and yearning to feel more of you, he drifted off to sleep.
He hated being on sick leave. Abhorred it. He felt useless, couldn’t do shit. Yet here he was, on a one month leave and it was all becuase of his dumbass titan brat.
Eren had been practicing hardening in his titan form, but had positioned himself wrong. He had gotten out of the crystal carcass too soon, and the damn thing had toppled over the entire crowd of soldiers standing near by. Which included him. Most had made a get away with their gear, but Erwin, having only one arm, hadn’t been fast enough. Leading to Levi having to save him in the nick of time. And fracturing his left arm and spraining his right leg.
The doctor had banned him from strenuous activity and had made it clear that he would have to spend at least a month taking it extremely easy. His Ackerman bloodline meant that, unlike other normal people, he would be completely okay within a month.
That hadn’t been enough to stop Levi from grumbing or threatening Erwin or calling the doctor an old hag. Once his fury had partially subsdided, he grudgingly accepted that he needed the rest.
He had thought of going to live at the modest house he owned, which was near headquarters. It had been a gift from the Queen, for his part in taking down Zeke Yeager. The new beast titan shifter had gained all his memories and had been instrumental in them winning the war against Marley. Last he checked, Connie had been appointed to the Northern branch, his power better utilised there in case of attacks from behind.
Erwin hadn’t allowed him to leave, insisting he had no one to take care of him and that he would probably start doing push ups after resting for a day. Which was true. Damn that bastard for knowing him so well.
So here he was, stuck in his room, waiting on the annoying brats to give him food three times a day. There was a knock on the door, probably a soldier with his breakfast, having no idea they were about to be on the recieving end of his ire. And God help Eren if he was dumb enough to be standing out that door. He called them in, only to freeze at the sight.
There you stood, that precious smile on your face, holding a tray of food in one hand and a basket. He couldn’t care less about anything else, all he could focus on was the fact that you were standing infront of him. He felt enchanted, he hadn’t seen you the entire week he had been forced to spend at the hospital.
I missed her, Levi realized.
‘Good Morning Levi!…’
You began chattering, asking for his well being, handing him the tray of food. You had brought him a care package full of goodies, which included lemon cookies, his favorite flavour.
‘Why are you here?’
The question had been asked with his usual bland tone, but there was an emotion behind it only he could identify. There was an excitement welling up in him, as though he knew the answer already.
When you told him you had heard about his injury and had wanted to visit him, he had felt pleased and touched. When you continued on and told him that you had offered Erwin to personally take care of him with your usual duties, so that all the other soldiers wouldn’t have to divide the work between them, Levi was stunned.
’.. Since we’re friends, I figured this way I could help you out and.. ’
Levi took a sip of his broth, which tasted far better then the stale soup the kitchen usually served, watching you move around his room. Anyone else would have been physically hauled and thrown out the window by now, doctors orders be damned. Yet he felt okay with you neatly folding his blanket, straightening out things that he hadn’t been able to because of his injury, comfortably taking charge of his room.
For a brief moment, he saw a vision of you taking care of him like this in his house, as his wife.
As you sat before him, drawing him into conversation, Levi decided that having the month off wasn’t going to be as miserable as thought it would be.
And he was right.
Seeing you three times a day, enjoying meals with you, you fussing over him because you caught him doing pull ups, your bell like laughter that rang in his ears long after you went back to work, it all made him feel more then he could ever define.
Remembering you bandaging his arms everyday, your hands gentle, expression sympathetic as you shyly avoided staring at his bare, muscular chest, Levi decided he would have to acknowledge what he was feeling after all.
He was in love with you.
Levi leaned into his chair, setting down the pen had had been writing with. The realization had struck him suddenly and he needed to process it. He had never felt so alive, so amazed.
It had been a year of knowing you, and without even trying, you had made him fall in love with your very existence.
He cherished any moment of time he could spend with you, and you often haunted his thoughts when he couldn’t see you. You were the one he wanted to see first after getting back from a mission, becuase he knew if anyone gave a fuck about him being alive, it was you.
Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to smile, remembering how you had hugged him that one time. He had seen you straight after a deadly battle, covered in blood and small wounds. You had been so concerned, grabbing him by the hand, dragging him to his room.
He recalled how you had been applying alcohol on the injury at the corner of his mouth, causing him to hiss in pain. Frowning, you had applied it more carefully, then brought your mouth closer and lightly blowed air on the wound to reduce the sting. You had either been too caught up in worrying about him or had pretended not to notice, but his eyes had defintiely darkened at having you in such close proximity. Your lips only inches away from his, a hand resting on his shoulder, it had been an effort to not tug on your wrist and seat you in his lap and starting something he had been craving to. Once you had finished helping him and had decided he was in better condition, you had hugged him, a moment he could never forget.
You were shorter then him, so your head rested on his chest as your arms wrapped wrapped around his back. His arms had a mind of their own, immediately taking the oppurtunity to rest on the small of your waist.
Breathing in your scent, burying his nose in your hair, he had savoured the moment. When you pulled away from him, he had frowned, not liking the tears welling up in your eyes.
‘N-never be so reckless again! I got so worried and..’
You had buried yourself in his arms again, silently crying, berating him for being so careless. Your soft form had been pressed against his rough stature, he had never had someone be so gentle with him, care about him this much.
Back in the underground, doctors often had to be threatened into treating him. He had always used force, but there was no need to use any on you. There never had been. And hopefully, there never would be.
Knock knock
Startled, he snapped out of his day dreaming, chuckling to himself. To think he had gotten so lost in his memories with you..you really had become his everything
Expression neutral, he regained himself and called the soldier in.
Now, if only he could somehow tell you.
A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this! Maybe I should do a part 2? For the confession? Does anyone want that? Constructive criticism is always welcome. My asks are open so pls send requests. Till next time!
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mindninjax · 3 years
Let's go SNK? 😘
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@starstruckkittensweets HI HELLO MY LOVELIES. You both asked this so I’ll just answer here for both of them. 😘
The first character I first fell in love with:
Levi Goddamn Ackerman. Love at first sight baybeee. one of my friends was like "I have a feeling you'll like Levi and I was like "heh ok" and then Levi said "Hey you brats" and I went OH yup that's it.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Armin, I thought he was annoying with all the yelling. But when he did the manipulative thingie with Bertie I was like OH OK NEVERMIND MY LITTLE DEMON BABY I LOVE YOU.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Umm literally none of them. I kinda love all of the characters (yes even Eren)
But uhh I guess one that I don't like seek out but appreciate hotness but just like isn't for me is sweet precious Rei. I love him don't get me wrong! He just never like got me going like the Captain yannow? Then again no one in this show gets me going as much as the captain does but that's expected yeah?
The character I love that everyone else hates:
I don't have one of those everyone loves my faves because I have immaculate taste.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Like I said I love them all but Mikasa moved down my list. No specific reason! Just others moved up the list which pushed her down a bit but I still love her.
The character I would totally smooch:
All of them. ALL.OF. THEM.
The character I’d want to be like:
NONE OF THEM. lol Nah maybe Armin. Intelligent, aware, trustworthy, astoundingly good instincts.
The character I’d slap:
A pairing that I love:
Eruri my beloved 🥰 But also: Mobuhan and Zevi
A pairing that I despise:
Jeankasa and Eremika. yeah I said it. 🤷🏾‍♀️Any pairing with Mikasa with a man honestly. Let my girl have a girlfriend. Her and Annie, Her, Historia, and Ymir in a poly relationship. Her and Sasha. All of it.
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i only got into aot this year so idk if this has been talked about before, but in your opinion, how would you order the variations of eren in terms of: loneliness, friendliness, clinginess (to mikasa), and craziness 🤔
HII!!!! Oh god what a question 🤣 I haven't brushed up on the manga in a hot second now bc I like to live in my world of Fanon and AUs so please forgive me if I mix anything up but lets try it!
okay lets do hobo Eren, manbun Eren, Innocent wholesome youthful Eren who was just excited about killing titans and to be apart of the survey corps, and sort of mullet Eren. I think my boy manbun Eren is the absolute craziest, that kid is totally feral, he's already fucked over all his relationships, so he's pretty much got nothing to lose, he'll do ANYTHING to make sure his loved ones make it, so I feel he'd definitely be the craziest, that child is unhinged.
In terms of clinginess IDK honestly I think its a toss up between surprisingly excited about killing titans (EAKT) Eren and mullet Eren. Mullet Eren obviously knew he was going to have to leave his friends was real sentimental, but I think there's a lot of moments in the anime and the manga where EAKT Eren is caught looking at Mikasa, or he slips up and you realize how low-key obsessed he is with her 😂 like when he caught her doing setups on her broken ribs, I think he defs watches her and is more obsessed over her than we really see a lot of the time. Also never forget him making her cut her hair, that moment lives rent free in my mind 😂😂 possessive little bastard.
Friendliness tho 😂😂 is Eren ever REALLY friendly, the kid is like a feral barn cat okay, u never know what ur going to get with him. He's literally such a brat all the time, maybe mullet Eren, he's a cute boy, very wholesome, but I feel this is only because he's in his feelings.
I think hobo Eren was very lonely tho obvy, followed closely by manbun Eren 😭😭😭. My poor hobo Eren, I love him.
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