#and even after being publicly exposed as the fucking liar she is SHE STILL WANTS US TO BOYCOTT THE GAME
eliseliedl · 2 years
my disappointment is immeasureable
#this is about h*llena taylor#THIS WOMAN... the audacity she has is fucking incredible#the way she lied so shamelessly knowing damn well nothing she was saying was true#and encouraged the fans who have been waiting for YEARS to boycott the game#because PG couldn't pay her the ridiculous amount of money the greedy bitch wanted#PEOPLE CANCELLED THEIR PREORDERS OVER THIS#because she played the victim so well and tried to guilt trip ppl by saying you aren't true Bayonetta fans if u don't support ME#who the fuck does she think she is holy shit#i hate that i tried to defend her all this time#i wasn't about to cancel my preorder just cause she said so but i did try to take her side#and even after being publicly exposed as the fucking liar she is SHE STILL WANTS US TO BOYCOTT THE GAME#GIRL FUCK YOU like full offense you are a terrible person the Bayonetta franchise gave you everything?????#it's quite literally her only role and she was so ready to throw the games under the bus out of spite#she's so childish and immature i'm genuinely still so shocked#i mean how were we supposed to know she was lying she broke her contract ALL to make the game flop#imagine going to such lengths. you literally ruined your career for such petty thing#i hate her so much rn. the last thing this franchise needed is another fucking controversy#all my support to jennifer hale who had to even deal with h*llena talking shit about her bc she took 'her' role#i mean bitch what did you expect!! PG tried to keep you in the role all they could but nope. you had to ask for more#A LOT MORE#ugh. anyway glad the truth is out#i did think the timing was too perfect and the way she spoke about jennifer was despicable but man......... she really lied about everything#what a snob#delete later
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aside from the fact that I lose my goddamn mind every time I think of the “save it/you’re my person” scene and that I do, in fact, love shl with all my wretched goblin heart despite its flaws and the last five episodes or so... what if.
what if, instead of a Romeo&Juliet situation, we had an Achilles&Patroclus situation??
(I’m obviously pretending that scenario is not another tragedy in itself too, bc science)
let me elaborate:
ZZS knows WKX and his every little quirk, habit and move;
ZZS happens to be a master of disguise, as we know;
ZZS takes WKS’s place at the siege (which can be a somewhat satisfying outcome for the foreshadowing of ep.13);
WKX was forced to sleep through it all thanks to a slow but inevitable drug concocted by Wu Xi’s and that ZZS gave WKX before his departure for ghost valley (ZZS also asked GX and CWN to follow WKX secretly to keep him safe while unconscious, but didn’t explain anything else to them, not wanting them to meddle or impulsively participate in the siege and risk their lives);
(WKX had already planned with ZCL for the kid to fake-kill him on the cliff, but ZZS doesn’t know this bc it happened when he was too busy being sexy and bloody while he was captured in Jin);
(WKX had already obtained YBY’s permission to stage the whole thing at the cliff, but ZZS doesn’t know this either for the reasons stated above);
(WKX agrees to help WX while they talk in ghost valley, but soon after his talk with auntie LFM he falls asleep);
YBY knows he is not fighting against WKX but understands why ZZS is doing this and keeps going to keep the pretense up;
ZCL doesn’t understand the person in front of him is ZZS (only bc ZZS imitates WKX so well) and fake-kills him anyway;
ZZS (as WKX) falls down the cliff;
WKX wakes up and discovers he is officially considered to be dead;
WKX is technically free to leave with ZZS if he so wishes, but ZZS is nowhere to be found and he panics;
ZZS had planned to give WKX a way out from jianghu without any more vengeance nor bloodshed and was even willing to die for him by falling down the cliff if that were the case, but he had discovered ZCL’s dart was a fake one and he takes some time recuperating after the fall and hides somewhere;
while everyone is looking for the body and the key, WKX and GX (along with CWN and ZCL) look for ZZS in a race against time;
XW thinks WKX has bolted and didn’t keep his word, so he gives up on the whole plan to see his adoptive father rise just to get him to lose everything in the end, BUT he has already found the witness DK and keeps him around just in case (???);
ZJ gets impatient and somewhat reveals his true colors while they search for a body + XW finally sees through his adoptive father’s bullshit when ZJ publicly denies their affiliation and walks away** from him after revealing he has seen the poisoned weapon used against RX + he brings out the witness DK and reveals he was the one drugging him to become a puppet to frame GC;
YBY confronts ZJ and upholds justice (especially for RX’s death) as he should and captures him in ghost valley;
YBY closes ghost valley himself and orders hot lady LFM to keep an eye on the remaining ghosts to make them atone;
LFM has a chance to be the one keeping ZJ captive and make him pay for what he had done to her and her family (and maybe she cuts his silver tongue out and sends it to XW and maybe he is nice enough to cure her illness for the trouble);
ZCL and WKX (and best girl GXL!) can see themselves vindicated by the knowledge ZJ will rot in the ghost valley with no possibility of ever hoard enough power for himself with those weakened martial arts of his;
WKX finds a bloody ZZS and y’all can have all the hurt/comfort you can possibly want while these two idiots comes to term with the fact that they are two while ass fucking liars who deserve each other for the rest of their mortal lives;
GX can marry her CWN + his master will not interfere bc YBY saw through his greed for power and put him in his fucking place;
**since LQQ doesn’t need to expose ZJ’s true colors for scorpion boy XW, she is not gifted with the recipe for mengpo tea, she leaves YQF to serve XW (or to die, depends on if XW will feel the need to keep him around and feed him the antidote) to either live what little time she (allegedly) has with LFM or she tags along WKX and finds herself in the new Four Seasons Manor and somehow Wu Xi saves her life before she can go back to ghost valley and live a very long and fulfilling life with LFM as sapphics should;
the author of this post is a huge idiot and is well aware this is full of plot holes like a piece of Swiss cheese but damn it if it ain’t a delicious cheese.
no immortality (despite how much I love the ending of shl, I know many were hoping for a tyk type of ending so, here’s my solution);
we have a wedding with no bloodshed;
we have sapphics (and a potential new pairing for WX if he keeps insisting on being on his “older men agenda”);
we still have angst with the race-against-time to find ZZS;
the viewer/reader would still be none the wiser if the siege is seen through (what we believe to be) WKX’s pov... but there’s no ZZS in sight either and we then see fake!WKX fall down the cliff only to see real!WKX wake up in ghost valley soon afterwards (and we would still be left bamboozled and in the dark until we understand what ZZS has actually done to give WKX a second chance at life as a normal person).
no immortality;
NO “SAVE IT/YOU ARE MY PERSON” SCENE (just to save which I debated against making this very post, just so you know);
NO BELLY HUG SCENE WITH SOFT LAOPO (I deserve to be chased by dogs for this);
no eating ice and snow scene (skin me alive ;^;);
no white-haired WKX;
no sexy dual cultivation;
no armory no mountain no party;
no post-coital, afterglow, flirting, sparring scene with tender gazing on the mountain;
no sweet child NianXiang (kill me for this ;-;)
They discuss like actual soulmates and come up with the plan to fake WKX and ZZS’s death so they can fuck off into the sunset together with their children and live somewhere nice with no jianghu to worry about bc YBY does his best to save them and put ZJ in his place.
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onisiondrama · 3 years
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Onision: IRL EP: 1 - Onision’s Response videos summary Part 8 (Final part for episode 1)
“Shiloh Exposed For MASSIVE Lies About Onision on Discovery Plus Documentary” (19 of 21)
Clip from the doc. They show the video “Garden Hugs” (re-upload) where it starts off with Shiloh trying to record a video. James interrupts her by yelling, “SHUT UP!” Randy asks how is this going to end and what’s the final chapter. James says they showed the clip out of context. He skips ahead to when he and Shiloh hug at the end of the video. He sarcastically says, “what an abuser.” In the clip, James makes faces while hugging Shiloh and noises while he kisses her. As he’s watching, he comments that he’s “funny as fuck.” He says that is obvious slander. 
He’s playing the end of that clip out of context. What he didn’t show was Shiloh getting upset after he yelled at her. In the clip he even points out her eyes were getting teary. She tried continuing to record her video, but then it cuts to him cheering her up with a hug.
Clip continues, Randy says there’s no way this is going to end well. James says Randy sounded like Shane Dawson and that's why he’s so haunted by Shane. James says they played the clip of himself and Shiloh as if it were doom and gloom, but it was a literal make-out session. Doc plays again, Shiloh says he would shoot her and kill her in a lot of their videos. James sarcastically says if you ever pretend to shoot someone in a comedy sketch, you are now a predator. He plays a clip of Cyr pretending to accidentally shoot him in a sketch. He says he guesses Cyr abused him according to Shiloh and Discovery + logic.
The doc plays a clip from Shiloh and James’ fake prank video where he and his friends shave the side of her head while she pretends to sleep. Shiloh says she was an entertainer- he stops the clip. James shows a tweet from Shiloh to prove she was in on the prank. The clip continues and she says she was degraded for comedy. They play more of the fake prank clip. James says the documentary is framing that like it is real and people are going to think he shaved half of her head without her consent.
I think it’s obvious it was fake? She’s literally talking about how she was degraded for comedy and how she was an entertainer while they show the clip.
He says he doesn’t know how it’s possible to shave someone’s head during sex. He says you move too much.
She never said he shaved her head while they were having sex. She claimed during sex he told her he wanted to shave her head, then brought her to the bathroom and shaved it. 
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He shows a snippet of an old blog post from Shiloh to prove she chose to have her head fully shaved. He points out she said she “made a stupid decision.”
That could be in reference to her allowing him to shave her head. It doesn’t disprove her claim.
He plays the clip where he licks her bald head and sarcastically says she’s clearly a person who didn’t want to be in that situation and points out her smile and says she has joy in her face. He goes through the “Greg Abuses Me” clips again, but I already summarized his points in a previous summary.
“Shiloh Scammed, Lied About and Cheated On Onision (PROOF) Discovery Plus Documentary SHAM” (20 of 21)
Doc again, Shiloh says it [Onision comedy sketch videos] was the only creative outlet that she had. James says that’s a lie and again uses the clip of her in a professional studio (at the very beginning of their relationship) to prove she recorded music during their relationship. They play the candy corn clip from “Greg Abuses Me.” He, again, proves it was from a sketch. He says they shows it out of context because they wanted to fit the definition of slander.
Again, I already talked about the studio clip and summarized his candy corn points all in this post.
Clip continues. Shiloh says because of her career and status, she think he used her. James pauses it to point out she slit his throat in the sketch the documentary played while she was speaking. Shiloh says she believes he was making $30,000 a month while they were shooting videos. James says that’s wrong and laughs. He says he was way more successful with his husband than when he was with Shiloh. He shows Google Trends for Onision to show his relevance go up during his current marriage. He says Shiloh was not a significant blip on the relevance radar. He shows it was almost nothing until Banana Song. He says Shiloh is a crazy ego maniac. He says UhOhBro was his most profitable channel and he didn’t start that until after Shiloh.
She didn’t claim he was at his most successful during their relationship. I’m curious about how much he actually made while they lived together. Surprised he didn’t drop any receipts on that. 🤔 Especially since he started publicly threatening suicide over his $1k monthly alimony payments shortly after his relationship with Shiloh ended.
Shiloh says she never saw any of the money James made off of Youtube. James laughs and shows their emails from when he sent her money when she was in Canada. He says he also paid for flights and hotels while she worked in studios. He says he paid for her rent and food while she was in Canada. He says he paid for all the restaurants they went to while she was recording in the studio. He says she’s a fucking liar. He also shows the emails where she said she would pay him back and gave him fake money transfer info. He says she never paid him back. He says she did make that profit.
When I watched the doc, I got the impression she was saying she wasn’t paid. Like, she never got a cut of the monthly paychecks from their sketches. Not that he never gave her money or paid for anything. Also, the emails he shows where he sent her money were from the very end of their relationship, when she went to Canada to receive medical treatment. That’s a yikes if the only time he gave her money was at the end of the two years they were together. Especially since she made so many videos with him.
Shiloh says you’re essentially his property, his slave. He shows the “I’m Sorry” apology blog post Shiloh made after she was caught cheating on him. He points out she apologized and said she wants him to be happy. He says that doesn’t sound like a victim. He says it sounds like someone who cheated and got pregnant with someone else’s baby, completely lied and betrayed someone. He reads another portion of the blog post where she says she still thinks about him and when she looks at his pictures she cries. She said she calls his phone just to hear his voice. She said she was jealous when he moved on. She said she loves him and she deserves what is to come.
So because she’s apologizing for her wrongdoings and still has feelings for him right after their relationship ended means he never could have done anything wrong to her?
He says she is out of her god damn mind. He points out she admitted to emotionally cheating in her blog post, but says she had a baby 9 months later. He shows a picture of her and her baby, the baby is blacked out, which he says he did. He says here she is with her baby who died of SIDs, “according to her.” He says as he proved, you can’t trust her. He puts the baby’s birthday in a date calculator. He shows an email where someone talks to him about Shiloh cheating. He points out the email was from February 8th, so he says the cheating happened on or before that date. He uses the calculator to say it was 283 days between. He shows the average pregnancy lasts about 280 days. He says her boyfriend also bragged about having sex with her, which is why he broke up with her.
I hate when he insinuates Shiloh lied about her baby passing away. It’s so fucked up. How could someone as infamous online as Shiloh get away with lying about a child’s death for 8 years? Does he think she is hiding an 8 year old child somewhere? Believe me, if she lied, we would have known by now. She made a lot of enemies online over the years that would have loved to expose her for another lie.
I’ve explained this before, but I’ll explain it again. Back in the day Shiloh was HATED by almost everyone who followed her relationship with James, not just his fans. There were many “anti-o’s” who continued to shit on Shiloh way after their relationship was over. By the time her child passed, the baby’s father was not on good terms with her. A prominent anti-o reached out to the father to find out if she was lying. He confirmed the baby passed.
“Shiloh Embarasses Herself and Destroys Documentary on Onision With More Lies (Discovery + Exposed)” (21 of 21)
Shiloh says James convinced her that wearing makeup was something that sluts do. James says that’s easy to disprove. He shows Shiloh wearing make-up in the video where they announce she is back with James after a 2 month break-up. He points out she shoots himself and Cyr. The clip continues, Shiloh says she had no way to contact the outside world and she wasn’t allowed to leave the house. James randomly shows this on screen with no context:
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It’s not relevant at all to what he’s speaking about. Also that’s not a message. It’s a public tweet. This was during the time when she was being civil toward James and refused to speak negatively about him.
He asks if she wasn’t allowed to contact the outside world, why did she have her own blog? He shows her Draculoh blog and says he clearly had no control over it because she would post when they were not dating. He says none of her statements are making sense. They show the “Greg Abuses Me” clip where he says everything she wants to put online goes through him first. James again, points out he was pretending to be the Joker and they were making a comedy sketch. He says in the blooper video, she was pretending to be sad and she was pretending to cry.
On screen, the doc says “after almost a year together, Shiloh and Greg’s relationship implodes.” He says it imploded far sooner than a year. He says he dumped her numerous times. He says he dumped her in Toronto and back in the States. He shows “The Truth” clips where she threatens to destroy him because he destroyed her. He says that’s pretty scary. He says the police showed up because she threatened to kill herself and make it look like he did it. He shows the clip of him speaking to the police. He tells the police she threatened to kill herself. He asks Shiloh what she said, that she was going to “make it look really bad.” A police officer interrupts James and asks Shiloh if she said she would kill herself. Shiloh says she did. Text on screen says, “there you go, she admitted I was telling the truth about her.” He said she was hauled away by the police.
The video does not prove James’ claim that she threatened to kill herself and make it look like she did it. She was asked by the police if she said she was going to kill herself and she says she did. That is not an admission to what James said.
While Shiloh speaks, they play the fake prank James and Shiloh recorded while he records her in the shower. Text on screen from James says Discovery + is a slanderous, corrupt company framing the clip like it is not a comedy sketch.
Again, they put this warning at the beginning of the episode. They don’t have to clarify which clips are comedic and which ones are serious. Fir the most part, it’s kind of obvious which clips are from sketches imo.
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Shiloh says she tried to leave a couple of times, but he would find a way to stop her. James laughs and says that’s literally not true. He plays more of the police clip where he says Shiloh refuses to leave his house. He high fives himself and says he love receipts.
In that particular video, one of the things Shiloh says while she was crying was that she had nowhere to go. It seems like he was trying to kick her out. She was in a foreign country with no friends or family. She didn’t have a relationship with her parents at that point. Like he said earlier, they had a lot of break-ups. This does not disprove her claim.
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livin-in-mementos · 5 years
After Some Time (...and a break or two)
Ugh... okay, its here. The big one. Let me preface this by saying I wont be doing a count by count story of what happened, it’s too many hour and headaches that I don’t need to be fair. But I said I’d get to it... and boy howdy has it been swirling in my head since.
The Slazo Situation Revisited
 So small backstory for those who haven’t boarded this crazy train of bullshit and migraines, this story is about a fairly large commentary youtuber by the name of Slazo (Or Micheal) who was caught in a controversy when his ‘Ex-Girlfriend’ exposed him in a Twitlonger for being a manipulative, sexual harasser. DM’s and screenshots of chat logs were shown and it made Slazo look pretty scummy. A few days later Slazo releases his defence video outlining the parts that were true and a lot of points that were fabricated to make him look evil in the eyes of the internet, with added proof and conveniently missing parts of his exes proof that would have exonerated him on the spot in the eyes of the internet courtroom. For opinions sake, yes I do think Slazo is innocent of the more damning accusations that were put against him, no I do not think he was 100% innocent. Of what he was guilty of? maybe being a pretty shitty boyfriend.... though at the age of 15-16... its slap on the back of the head material... not cancellation worthy.
Slazo was pretty much cleared of it all and everybody went on with their day... heck it shouldn’t even be called the Slazo situation, because while his name was brought up a lot, he wasn’t really all that key to what happened next... 
Commentary youtubers from all corners of the internet had an opinion on what Slazo had done and how guilty he was (again, I will not be doing a play by play of every accusation) which boiled down to two camps
1. “Slazo is guilty and here is why... Oh and have a bunch of off-cuff situations I witnessed where Slazo was really creepy that I only just now remember and want to bring up.”
2. “Lotta commentary youtubers being liars, snakes or hypocrites up in here.”
Which in turn brought two youtubers under the microscope themselves, ImAlexx and Hyojin.
Alex first as it’s easier and is the least weird of the two. Alex jumped on the Slazo hate bandwagon pretty quickly and started accusing Slazo of a bunch of things that couldn’t easily be proven, while also completely backing up the story that Chey (the ex) has given in her Twitlonger, despite the fact it had been blown open with so many holes that not even a brain dead goldfish could find logic in it. Alex would later admit he had a part in writing the Twitlonger, as did many other prominent commentary youtubers and friends,outing the Twitlonger as more of a team effort rather than just Chey writing it herself.
After this Alex was accused of a bunch of stuff himself including being a social climber to get more popular since he was a pretty good friend to Slazo before all of this happened, as well as a snake since he supported Chey and the Twitlonger until it was criticised as untrue.... and Alex said the same to cover for himself.
To this day there hasn’t been a clear end point to this, Alex has tried to brush away from it all and has taken the bumps of being called controversial, hoping for it to all die down eventually. (While writing this Alex appeared on the Happy Hour Podcast to give a rundown of the situation to the hosts who admitted they knew nothing of the situation. What’s worse Alex seems to have glazed over many of his own wrongdoings that only escalated the drama further.) Opinion? To be honest, I don’t know... Alex obviously tried to ride the controversy to boost himself, that much is sure, yet when it came back to bite him he tried to hide and wait for it to blow over. It’s sad, It IS snakeworthy and since a proper apology hasn’t been issued... it’s not a good look for him at all.
Hyojin to me was the worst of the two to me. While she didn’t say as much publicly, it was was was happening behind the scenes that just frustrated me.
(Be aware, if you like Hyojin and think she can do no wrong, DO NOT READ PAST THIS POINT. A lot of hot-takes will be thrown out there and a lot of criticism will be put out there too. I WILL be talking about the aftermath at length which is where the support poured in for Hyojin. I will being ripping that apart just as much, if not more for the bullshit that it was.)
Hyojin sucks, and I mean she really sucks. A lot of what was thrown out about Slazo in the Twitlonger allegedly was orchestrated and was the idea of Hyojin herself, taking what Chey was saying and embellishing it with the rest of their friend group. It’s alleged however and won’t be part of the criticism thrown at her.
While the incident was being investigated, Hyojin was too, including her colourful hot takes on Slazo and how creepy he was. Hyojin would never publicly call out Slazo since at the time, anybody who did was getting rinsed by the internet very quickly. So instead she hid on her discord and talked in DM’s about destroying Slazo’s career so he would never recover and deleting messages that challenged how Chey publicly omitted any evidence that made Slazo look like less of a monster. Shady.
During the internet investigations, it was discovered that Hyojin had an old art Twitter where her fictional character was drawn fucking her friends in several positions. The problem was, several of these friends were underage and despite her defence that none of these friends minded.... it was still there for public viewing as was still wrong. One instance even had another youtuber by the name of Kavos in one of these pictures even though he was never asked, nor gave his permission. The irony of all this being that much of what Hyojin criticised Slazo for, she was guilty of herself. Creepy.
Here’s where it gets controversial... probably more for me. Dog dropping rumours aside. (trust me, it was stupid)
Hyojin was getting major flak for everything that was found out about her and it seemed to get too much for her, which is understandable. Her response to all of this was a tweet telling everyone she was going to kill herself. The public response actually became something that confused me, because in the blink of an eye everyone retracted their criticisms and gave out well wishes instead. To make the trend even more sympathetic the youtubers involved in writing the Twitlonger started urging people to give her space and lay off on the nasty comments.
I for one, did not care. Heartless of me? Maybe. But it was all backed up by reasoning. Here was a girl ready to throw the life of a person under the bus for being a slightly shitty boyfriend and lying to make it sound worse. Helping to write up a statement that grossly exaggerated things to such a degree that Slazo was the most hated person on the internet and was blasted by everyone left, right and centre. After he proved to everyone he wasn’t like that, the attention turned on Chey and the friends that helped her and when their dirty laundry was put out there and they were being criticised.... now it was unacceptable? Now it was too much?
YOU TRIED TO OUT A GUY FOR BEING A SEX PEST! Shit that will follow him for life. But people calling out racist remarks you made? the underage porn you had drawn? The toxic behaviour you exhibited to anyone who questioned you?
....yeah that was too much and the line had to be drawn right?
But hey, it’s okay, you can just back to twitter the second the drama blows over and everything is all good now right?
Now this is where I direct it to the people who think that Hyojin is infallible, that she can do no wrong. She messed up bad, real bad. If anything she’s the true villain behind all of this and it’s shocking the lengths people were going to just to defend her. If every racist, abuser or sex pest threatened their life to be let off, this world would be screwed, but the second a darling Tumblr artist with links to popular youtubers does it, it’s a crime to list the irony that she attempted to cancel a guy with far worse repercussions that would lead to life long damage.
The worst part of all of this was that an apology would have cleared all of this. They knew they were wrong but an apology was impossible for them, so instead it’s made bigger, uglier and dirty laundry is shown. If anything, I’m happy it got to where it did since it showed the ugly side of Hyojin for everyone to see. So my opinion of Hyojin?
Fuck Hyojin.
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princess--catherine · 4 years
Maybe y’all will hate me for this, I’m all for women’s rights and the Me Too movement but has it maybe taken a turn it shouldn’t have? I can already feel the hatred
Just in the past couple weeks I’ve seen at least 3 “predators/rapists exposed”, and after looking into it I saw no predatory behavior to expose that was given. And people are losing their shit over this “cancelation?” The evidence for this one? “Had a minor backstage”...you think that didn’t and doesn’t currently happen with idk, every Disney star EVER and boy band on the radio? I’m sure a portion of Billie Eilish fans who’s parents buy backstage passes are REAL young, is she cancelled too? Since when does having a minor in your presence = any type of sexual behavior? This allegation causally mentions “backstage minor” and quickly moves to “predator” with no cohesion there. Since when does an adult simply being around a minor automatically make you guilty of doing sick shit? The “evidence” shown was pretty pathetic: cropped and blocked out texts with no name as to who it’s from, no name but said star predator, no time stamp or date, no pics, no voice memos, no emails, no proof of any kind that there was any truth to the claims, no detail, no real allegation actually even made from what I saw. Unless the “so and so did this” part was in invisible ink. I could literally google the date of a ‘insert famous person here’ concert or general tour dates, and do the same with a texting app or with someone else’s phone. This is an Accusation on someone of a serious sex crime on the sole basis maybe 5 texts, some of which are hidden, and ALL of which are anonymous, detail no criminal activity, are never worth ending or attempting to make sure someone’s career over.
Another one I saw was an explanation that another social media person made a somewhat crude comment/gusture towards a woman he knew but wasn’t super familiar with. One time, no actual touching. He was later told by a friend “not cool, other lady friend did not like”, he did as he should have and apologized, and it didn’t happen again- admittedly on both sides. The two girls told him everything was cool and okay, no harm no foul, don’t worry about it. It didn’t happen again and the friendship continued. Days later, “evidence” comes out from one of them citing him as a sexual predator for this situation. This incident. Yeah, it’s not cool to get in peoples space or compliment them in certain ways if your friendship is not on that level and it hasn’t been established. That I agree with, that it simply wasn’t very polite, but a) no one was actually touched physically in anyway and b) the “crude” comment from my understanding was about an outfit fitting her well or being firm fitting. Yeah, that might make ya feel a lil icky, but there was no sexual suggestion or threat. There’s a huge difference between unwanted attention and sexual harassment. Someone else later gets involved but says she’s “not comfortable/willing to discuss” but still insists he’s a predator but doesn’t show a single shred of any involvement or information. If I was these people being falsely accused, getting death treats and doxxed, and ultimately, “cancelled”/therefore loss of income possibly long term , with basically no evidence or someone saying shit like “yes, that’s a predator. Nobody gets to know why I’m saying that though. I don’t want to relive it, my bad. You horrible people need to stop supporting this sex offender!” I’d be sueing the shit out of someone and everyone for slander. Like this is unreal to me. It really blows my mind.
Before you message me hateful shit, hear me out. I’m not saying these guys are stand up, amazing, perfectly well behaved dudes. I’m not saying they’ve never done anything predatory or wrong before in their lives or careers. Lord knows narcissistic and higher than thou types run entertainment. I’m sure they all got their attitude and behavioral problems. I’m just saying the info I just read and described is almost nothing being real generous, no rational person sees that and labels someone a sex offender. You’re accusing someone of a very serious crime, in a lot of cases a fat ole felony, being a RSO list sometimes for a lifetime. Bill Cosby? Deserve it. Weinstien? Deserve it. Epstein? Deserved to be under the jail. I understand there’s not always physical evidence, or maybe there’s not enough to build a case/a case is unwanted by victim. Some say they want people to know and be warned. If that’s what you truly want, you truly truly are trying to protect others, go in 150%. Everything you got. But when this person publicly and openly calling someone out by name for being a “rapist/sexual predator”, absolutely dragging them thru the mud, and the reasoning, the justification for this is that he was dating other women? nah sis. That’s not how this works, getting played, while scummy, is NOT RAPE/SEXUAL ASSAULT/etc. (*this is excluding things that don’t apply to this particular story like recanting consent or knowingly passing on an STI) So sure, he’s a probably a POS, clearly unloyal, he���s maybe learned the art of sweet talkin his way into this one way monogamous relationship, and I frankly wouldnt feel bad if one of those girls who got played popped 3 of his tires, bought a fuck ton of spiders and sneak them into his bedroom or something. But not jail or prison. What he did (unless other info comes out) isn’t something to be uplifted or encouraged, it’s poor, unfair behavior. But what he did is not CRIMINAL. It’s just shitty and inconsiderate. And I know y’all are reading this thinkin “fuck this bitch”, making assumptions before you read a fraction of what I’m saying.
So let me explain a situation I was accidentally involved in a few years ago with someone who was “famous” around those parts and had lots of fans and groupies. Let’s call him “Lee”. Long story short, a friend and I were with him and different other people basically from like 8-9 pm to around 4 am. He was alone (out of my sight) only 3 times: once to use the bathroom at my friends before leaving, once in the men’s bathroom at a club, and for maybe 5 minutes when I had to change at my friends place before going back over. They lived in the same complex and stuff so it was basically throwing on some sweats and taking an elevator down. We hangout, drink, smoke, talk. Lowkey, chill.
I wake up the next day, someone texted me this link about “Lee” raping a girl. I’m thinking “holy shit, that’s scary and insane, we were just with him last night drinking and shit.” Keep reading...it says it was the night before. Same date we were with him. And the time the assault supposedly took place was when we had come back to his place, where other people were already there, we were sitting there forever talking/whatever, this girl who pointed the finger was not even in the room and left before we did. She poked her head in once and asked where Lee’s roommate was. He told her cookout, it’s late so it’ll be a minute. Asked her if she wanted to hang out with us. She declined. So I figured maybe this info was wrong somehow and at the time I wasn’t making the connection between that girl and this story. I was like, no way a girl would lie about that of all things and especially knowing it’d likely get picked up by the local media, or at least local gossip. Her life here would be over. My friend and I decided to go talk to the police even though I avoid the damn police at all costs. The first thing I asked this officer was: “are you POSITIVE this is the date, place, and time, and are you POSITIVE “Lee” is who she is accusing?” And I asked that mostly because I was not about to defend or vouch for someone about a situation I wasn’t present for. Also, I wasn’t the biggest fan of “Lee”, so I sure as shit I wasn’t getting myself involved and going to bat for him without knowing it’s right. The Officer was very adamant that all that info was correct, victim was very sure. I explained to him everything I explained above, but I’m sure in better detail and included texts, pics, videos all with times, plus receipts showing how this isn’t adding up. He wasn’t alone the entire night and early morning. Officer ask me if she (the victim) was visiting a roommate of Lee’s, if they were sleeping together during her visit, I told him the truth which was that I didn’t really know for sure but it was a possibility. He told me somebody else had claimed she was no longer welcome for unknown reasons and believed this to be be related. I explain to the officer that I won’t speak on her time with the roommate because I saw her only long enough for her to ask a question and respond to another. Before she peeped out the door, I had no clue anyone was in there. I said I think she told me her name but I’m awful with names even sober so. He started getting kinda hostile and cutting me short. I repeated exactly what I told him the first time: I’m only speaking on what I witnessed and what I know to be true. So, if you and she are correctly reciting the time, place, person being accused, this accusation is untrue. He first makes a bitchy threat like “you know these girls who lie for these athlete boys can really get in trouble? They all end up broke after the NFL anyway if they even make it. Lying for a friend is illegal, that’s breaking the law and will get YOU in jail.” I lost all my fear of speaking to a police officer at this point because they KNOW this man did not just call me a liar to my face despite my 1:2 of the evidence already fucking up this accusation. I told him that I honestly wasn’t a fan either professionally or personally of “Lee” and I would lie for no one regardless of friendship or status about this, I’d turn in my own flesh and bloood brother and sing like a bird if I caught him doing any sex offender shit. So again, I told this slow man with 2 braincelle this was the reason I asked about how sure he was and he believed the victim was, on the time, place, person, etc. Officer says something along the lines of “well, something happened to this girl and this boy’s gonna be hurtin for it. Someone’s getting charged here.” Which I dunno bout y’all, maybe I’m reading it wrong. But What I gathered from that is: “I’ve decided to be judge and jury in this situation and moreorless declare this young man guilty despite evidence in front of my own eyeballs that shows that there is a good chance the accused is innocent.
I have no idea why this happened. But after we spoke to that dickhead cop it was dropped relatively quickly. I don’t remember now if she pulled the charges herself or the state denied to prosecute. And even still, this followed him. The internet is forever. When his great grandkids google his college career, that will show up. Please keep in mind this was a black athlete, playing ball for a big college in the south, with a white girl accuser, all the cops I saw at that station were white in the short time I was there and at least the one I spoke to had his mind made up. He was loud and clear about that. He said basically the same to my friend who was interviewed separately, that he was determined to convict him, he was “the one”. This city I’m speaking of has been sued for police brutality against BPOC and I’ve heard my friends/classmates getting called the N word (hard ER) in the broad, open day light. So yeah add that info in with the rest and come to your own conclusion.
Before anyone comes for my throat again: idk exactly what DID happen but I know what DID NOT. Which to be clear, is pretty specifically: this rape with this person, did not happen here and at this time. So I’m not saying something didn’t happen but under different circumstances. I know trauma can mess with memories and if something did happen under different circumstances, I am so sorry that happened to her, I wouldn’t wish sexual assault on my worst enemy. I’m also not saying she necessarily had ill intentions or knew it would proceed and go viral as it did. The point is I just don’t know, no clue. Not throwing any blame or shade her way, all blame and shade on that cop though. ACABs, no excuse for his ass.
Anyway, y’all don’t gotta believe this since it’s been a few years and I highly doubt that stuff is anywhere in my phone like 4 iPhones and two laptops later. No reason to front, I don’t gain anything by lying but a guilty conscience. But this scenario that I btw, very much did not wish to be a part of, showed me another side of things. Can we agree to yes of course, trust and support women but also trust evidence and testimony? While, yes, stats show few women lie about this, can we at the same time understand questioning and thoroughly investigating such a heinous crime? Can we also recognize the system is literally built to “serve & protect” some by severely and systematically oppressing others? There are people, too many damn people, who have lost absolutely everything, served major time in big boy maximum security 23-1s, and have been put to death, based on biases and little to no evidence.
Next time you see an accusation, regardless of what it is, please do a little research. Make your own conclusion. Put yourself in their shoes, would you want to be “convicted” (either legally or through SM bullshit) on a snip it of convo with almost no information/context? Called a rapist cause you led someone on? No. You wouldn’t. Actually for any crime for that matter. You would reasonably ask and expect for it to be fair, two sided, and with as much evidence or info as possible. So let’s treat musicians, athletes, influencers, celebs the same way. Let’s not condemn before gathering as much information as possible. If not, I am so afraid we will drive an innocent person to suicide. We would all feel so guilty if someone was driven to suicide over false or misleading statements. Let’s avoid this, please.
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buzzdixonwriter · 5 years
Bill Clinton: The Agonizing Reappraisal
Friends, Americans, countrymen!   Lend me your ears!  
I come not to merely bury William Jefferson Clinton but to drive a stake through his craven heart, chop off his diseased head, fill his lying mouth with garlic, and bury the pieces in separate crossroads.
And if you think this is coming from a traditional anti-Clinton angle, guess again, Trump chump.
I’m progressive by default, conservative by nature.  I didn’t move, the thrice-cursed GOP moved, and what they now refer to as the radical left or progressive liberalism is what used to be called “Eisenhower Republicans” back when conservatives held an iota of integrity, a shred of dignity, an ounce of compassion, a hint of civic duty.
So you fuckwits on the right can shuffle off and die for all I care.  
This message is for my friends and allies in the progressive camp, of which a number are Democrats.
Folks, the time has come to publicly, formally, and officially dump Bill Clinton on the ash heap of history.
Alas, but extension this means assigning Hillary to Coventry as well; so be it.  Lay down with pigs, get up smelling like pig shit.
Hillary Clinton is indeed blameless of the multitude of crimes, sins, and shortcomings the far right attempted to hang on her -- investigated and exonerated numerous times by her political enemies -- but if she wanted a public career she should have walked away from Bill Clinton decades ago.
She’s got the stink ingrained on her now, and not just the stink but toxic radioactive mold as well.
She can still be a help backstage, mentoring young candidates, offering valuable insight and advice but her public career is over, her time is done.
Period. Full stop.
If that pisses you off, direct your ire at the appropriate target:  William Jefferson Clinton.
This fuckwit screwed the country over by not keeping his dick in his pants when he knew his political enemies were actively gunning for him.
Consider how badly screwed up that is: Imagine driving down the highway a mile or two over the speed limit when you see a police cruiser pull up behind you.
Do you: (1) Drop down to the speed limit, or (2) go faster and start zigzagging in and out of lanes without signaling?
It’s painfully clear William Jefferson Clinton suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder on par with Deplorable Donnie; the difference is Slick Willie could hide it better.
(This is doubtlessly due to their different class backgrounds:  Clinton grew up lower middle class and hence acutely aware of his precarious social status; Donnie grew up with a silver service set shoved in his mouth and an I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude of entitlement coupled with a complete lack of empathy and introspection.)
Clinton possessed enough political savvy to know that if he wanted to benefit from public office he needed to -- in a paraphrase from Full Metal Jacket --  “afford the voters with the common courtesy of a reacharound.”
When he kept this in mind, he and Hilary managed to do some appreciable good for the country and their party.
But “:doing good” does no good if you throw away your political capital by giving opponents the opportunity to undo what you did.
Knowing his enemies were gunning for him, knowing what was at stake for himself, his family, his friends and allies, his party, his state, and eventually the country as a whole, William Jefferson Clinton recklessly engaged in conduct that exposed him and others to needless risk and opposition even if such conduct was consensual.
No apologies, no sweet talking, no circumlocutions, no mansplaining:  A profoundly disturbed personality.
…and one we as a nation and as progressive must walk away from forever.
Painful Truth #1: William Jefferson Clinton committed perjury and Congress would have been negligent to not impeach him.
Period. Full stop.
He should have resigned long before that.
The Democratic Party should have made him step down.
It would have ended the feverish anti-Clinton sentiment and made Al Gore the seated president in 2000 against GWBush – and doubtlessly given him the edge politically and morally in that contest.
Imagine for a moment how different the world would be on September 12, 2001 if American made a more proportional international law enforcement response to Al-Q’aeda as the criminal gang they were rather than elevate to Nazi-level quasi-statehood in order to launch the GOP’s long lusted after “war forevermore” that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about.
Imaging achieving the same real, practical goals without destroying three nations -- Iraq, Afghanistan, and the United States -- in the process.
Imagine blocking far right efforts to deregulate banks, industry, and commerce in order to mercilessly prey on consumers, possibly preventing the housing collapse and stock market crash of 2008, or slowing the rapid out of control spiral of pollution and climate change.
We lost all that in no small part because William Jefferson Clinton, for God knows what perverse reason, refused to say he didn’t have sexual relations with Paula Jones.
Remember, what kicked off the Clinton fiasco was Jones being listed in a published article among women William Jefferson Clinton had sexual relations with, or whom he had “approached” (groped) for sexual relations.
Jones said said she went up to Clinton’s room, he dropped his trousers and asked for sex, and she fled.
In her lawsuit against those who published the article, Jones wanted Clinton to testify he had not had sex with her.
Now, a smart politician would never have gotten in such a position to begin with, but even a politician dumb enough to get caught with his pants literally down could still escape the situation by saying:  “My recollection of meeting Ms Jones is markedly different from hers, but I will confirm 100% that I did not have sexual relations with her, that anybody who says we did is a liar, and I hope she wins her lawsuit against those who defamed her.”
And boom! -- it’s over, there’s nowhere to go with that story.
But instead Clinton denied meeting her and refused to sign an affidavit much less testify.  Jones expanded her suit to include him.
The Supreme Court ruled he could be sued in a civil case while serving as president.  Again, a savvy politician would simply refuse to answer the suit, claiming legal principle.  The maximum default judgment at that time capped at $85,000 – a drop in the bucket compared to his subsequent legal bills --  and the matter would be closed.
Instead, Clinton fought.
Evidence of other affairs -- most notably Monica Lewinsky’s infamous stained dress -- came to light. He was questioned by Jones’ lawyers on this, he lied under oath, he got others to lie under oath, it was proven he did so.
Perjury:  Case closed.
(Sidebar A:  The end should have been “It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is”.  Holy shit, that’s as despicably sleazy a move as anything Deplorable Donnie has pulled, and the Democrats should have kicked Slick Willie to the curb then and there. Fortunately, they seem to have learned from this mistake.  Al Franken was a capable senator with a bright [and possibly even presidential] future ahead of him, but when he was caught inappropriately clowning around with a fellow performer, he resigned and the Democratic Party endorsed this as the appropriate response.  The result?  That avenue of inquiry has been forever blocked off, there’s nowhere for the GOP to go with it.  Franken continues to aid and advise the Democratic party behind the scenes, but he’s removed as a lightning rod.)
(Sidebar B: Further proof of Clinton’s profoundly disturbed personality is that (1) after publicly confessing in 1992 to an affair while governor and (2) promising never to do it again, and (3) knowing his enemies would go over everything he did with a fine tooth comb, he nonetheless (4) didn’t instinctively think “This is a honey trap” and press the emergency secret service button when an intern snapped her thong at him in the Oval Office.  That’s either brutal asswipe stupidity of the lowest order or a perverse thrill in dangerous behavior at the expense of others that might as well be brutal asswipe stupidity of the lowest order.)
Painful Truth #2: While the Democratic Party recognized the actual Lewinsky affair, however embarrassing, was trivial, their failure to take Clinton’s lies seriously proved fatal to their 2000-2008 goals.
“Put on our presidential kneepads” soured a lot of swing voters (and more than a few Democrats) from supporting Democratic candidates and fired up the GOP base. 
It was a minor tactical skirmish that ended in an even-draw that led to a catastrophic strategic defeat, all in defense of a man undeserving of defense, a man worthy only of shame, ridicule, approbation, and condemnation followed by lifelong banishment.
Painful Truth #3:  There is a very real possibility that William Jefferson Clinton is a child rapist.
The Epstein case will kick over a lot of rocks, exposing a lot of scummy vermin squirming underneath.
We know Epstein is a pimp who traffics in underage victims.
We know Clinton (and Deplorable Donnie as well; don’t worry, I’m not letting that turd monger off the hook) was a regular and enthusiastic habitué of Epstein’s parties.
We know Clinton to be an untrustworthy liar, a convicted perjurer stripped of his law license for his own perjury and suborning perjury in others.
We cannot believe any claims on innocence on his part.
Not only can we not believe any claims of innocence, we must presume guilt by association.
If you catch a previously convicted mobster associating with other mobsters as they commit crimes, you must assume their guilt as well.  “I was in the room but didn’t participate” just doesn’t fly (harken back to Clinton’s own “I didn’t inhale”).
And by “guilt” I’m not referring to the strict legal definition -- it may indeed prove impossible to link him to a specific crime -- but the fact he willingly and eagerly associated with a known pimp at events where underage victims were sexually assaulted and raped requires us, demands us as Democrats, as progressives, as Americans to hold him culpable for the good of the party, the good of the movement, and the good of the country.
We need a symbol end to an era of bad faith politics, a door closed on a period of win-at-any-cost politics.
That generation has to pass away, replaced by a newer, better rank of public servants.
(I’m no pie-eyed idealist; I know sooner or later they will produce members who will disappoint.  But right now they’re a breath of clean, fresh, disinfecting air and we desperately need them.)
Publicly passing final judgment on Clinton seals off that branch of the contagion.  It demonstrates a willingness to confront the mess in our own house, and in dealing with that, the moral authority to deal with the mess Donnie is making.
Like Bill Cosby -- another infamous William -- Clinton must be forever shunned from the public sphere. He inflicted enough damage on the nation and the world through his perversely selfish and reckless antics.
And should there be evidence enough to convict, then throw that lying child rapist behind bars for the rest of his blighted life.
He can share a cell with Donnie.
 © Buzz Dixon
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gentlemenonduty · 6 years
I got some anons during the last week asking me about an honest opinion about that mess. First i didn’t want to comment on that because it seems ridiculous to me even after Byron Bay. I’ve said that in don’t believe David’s banging her and i stick to that. David has changed and i seriously do not know how many times i wrote that lately. He repeatedly said that he’s an old man, way too old to go out with young people and – attention: assumption from myself – therefore also way too old to bang a 24 year old girl. So why doesn’t he react and what’s that for? Some of you already told me it’s impossible that he uses any of this for promotion and i have to agree. Neither the X Files nor his musical career need such a young girl acting the way she does.
Let’s assume that David‘s aware of what she’s posting. Usually his lawyers did a great job keeping his private life out of the limelight. And now all of a sudden he’s perfectly fine that a teenager is exposing his life to everyone? Well technically just to a few blogs she chose to accept and not delete on instagram, but she chose carefully at least. I really don’t buy that and that’s exactly what makes me believe that MP is also hired as a smokescreen. I’ve had heard many times that some fans did go way too far to find proof for Gillovny especially in 2015. So he’d have had a reason to initiate that step. Maybe the comprehensible thought was it to take a girl who’s quit of attachment. Alright, but what definetely went wrong is that somewhere someone once thought it’s a good idea to take someone that young. Because that’s the main reason everybody cringes. Many argue now that it was a bad move with all the articles written about that topic. True but on the other hand it wasn’t picked up by the bigger medias. The only reports are from gossip sites. So that could actually work if he’s good with the BS that’s written about him. What strikes me is that he allows it that it involves his kids as well regarding to some answers below West’s posts on instagram. I don’t know how far this will go but i guess we’ll have to deal with her a little longer even though i tend to believe that we’re on a good way to have them both (David and Gillian) officially single again. And that’s the goal this strategy probably wants to pursue.
Tu sum it all up:
You’re always free to believe whatever you want! But if you’re one of those who think that David Duchovny is dating/fucking her, just make sure you’ve considered all the facts:
Why do some of us believe he’s with her:
- he’s flying her in whenever it suits him
- we’ve seen them several times out together (though most of the time with some other people around them)
- she’s been with him in Australia
- she pretends to be someone important to him according to her social media
If those things encourage you to look at them as a couple, you also have to agree on these points:
- he’s one great liar
- he pretends to be mature and grown-up but he’s not
- he didn’t process his past
- he’s banging a teenager that he knows since she was a little child
- he doesn’t care about MP being dragged in social media
- he also doesn’t care about his kids being involved
- his girlfriend created a fan account of them
- he‘s out there partying with her and her friends in Byron Bay (probably after taking a refreshing nap)
- and yet he doesn’t publicly stand by her
Decide on your own!
In some way it’s working. The only ones still talking about it are the fans, it’s no big deal for the media. They once wrote about it and that was it. So they already managed to keep the crazy stalkers away (most of them)..
And finally i would like to say that i don’t tolerate this mess. It’s disgusting and i won’t ever understand why they chose her, a 24 year old! I also don’t feel sorry for him when he gets called out on twitter etc, it was up to him to go there and now he’s to deal with the consequences.
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go-redgirl · 4 years
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Nolte: Rose McGowan Rips DNC, Clintons — ‘I Believe Joe Biden Is a Rapist’
Actress-activist Rose McGowan ripped into the Clintons and Joe Biden Friday night with an anguished tweet about their “evil.”
“I was raped by a TOP Democratic donor. Hillary Clinton shut down NBC’s exposé of HW [Harvey Weinstein] with one call from her spokesperson. I strongly believe Joe Biden is a rapist. [The] DNC  [Democrat National Convention] had Bill Clinton, serial abuser of young women (Epstein & others) speak,” McGowan tweeted, adding: “You want me to be pro-Dem? I know more than you will ever know about their evil. You can hide behind your convenient morality. I won’t”
McGowan has publicly accused disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein of raping her in 1997. The far-left New York Times confirmed Weinstein paid her a $100,000 settlement, which she alleges was hush money.
What McGowan is referring to is the fact that Weinstein was much more than a mogul and Oscar-winning producer. For decades, he was not only a major Democrat donor but an entrée into even more left-wing Hollywood money through his vast connections. Weinstein was also a close personal friend of both the Clintons and Obamas. Former first lady Michelle Obama described Weinstein as a “wonderful human being” and “good friend” in 2013. Weinstein had not yet been charged or convicted of rape. That would come a few years later. But at the time he had a notorious reputation as a toxic bully.
But his checks cleared.
When McGowan says Hillary killed NBC’s exposé, she’s referring to Ronan Farrow’s Pulitzer-winning reporting. Farrow’s reporting not only brought down Weinstein and helped launch the #MeToo movement. Farrow credibly claims he had the Weinstein story locked down for NBC News (including police audio of Weinstein admitting he groped a model) and NBC still showed him the door, but only after Hillary Clinton leaned on himand NBC through her powerful publicist.
McGown, like a lot of people – at least anyone with an open mind who’s looked at the evidence – says she believes Tara Reade when she writes “I believe Joe Biden is a rapist.” Reade has credibly claimed Biden assaulted her in 1993. The evidence backing up that claim is mind-blowing.
As far as Bill Clinton the “serial abuser,” the DNC still allowed Clinton to speak, even as his sleazy connections to Jeffrey Epstein come more and more to light every day. To the surprise of no one, Hillary also appears to be part of this.
So imagine you are Rose McGowan. You’re the Ground Zero of the #MeToo movement and nothing’s changed, not a goddamned thing.
McGowan is the one who risked all the horrors that come with violating Harvey Weinstein’s non-disclosure agreement, and did so when he was still Harvey Fucking Weinstein, not an old rapist clunking around on a walker. She’s the tip of the spear, she’s the one who lost her career, she’s the one who burned all the bridges — and now — thanks in no small part to sellout (and McGowan’s former charmed co-star) Alyssa Milano, it was all for nothing. Everything keeps right on keeping on.
Oh, sure, McGowan was a real hero when “problematic” men were being taken down, men who could easily be replaced, men whose time had passed, men like Brett Kavanaugh who are ideologically unacceptable. Go Rose!
But Joe Biden? Whoa, whoa, whoa… Let’s not go crazy here. We need him to stop Trump and we need Bill Clinton to make the case for him and Hillary is part of that package deal, so Crazy Rose needs to go away now…
The same media, the same celebrities, the same Alyssa Milano that rode the #MeToo movement to ratings and prestige have now totally sold out. Of course they have. It was never about right and wrong or enough is enough, or rape — it was only about power, it was only about Alyssa Milano’s comeback…
Tara Reade, Rose McGowan… They’re liars now, crazies, attention-whores… Just like all women who dare to accuse or speak out against any man needed to further the left-wing cause.
Entertainment Politics Social Justice Joe Biden John Nolte Rose McGowan
OPINION:  Joe Biden day of reckoning is upon him and he can’t hide anymore.  The Democrats love power and this is what they do with all that power.  Some of them rape innocent women, some of them still from the American Citizens, some of them are just rotten to the core.  
The swamp is deeper, and dirty to the core and deep down in ‘Satan’ evil world. 
Stay focus Christians around the world because we are truly in those last days before we go into PEACE TIME.  Its going to get even rockier that you can imagine.
Keep praying we all will get there at the right time.  There is more to be exposed than anyone could have ever thought.  The swamp is being cleansed because its necessary so that we can go into a CLEAN, SAFE, BEAUTIFUL PLACE.  
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ffdoors · 5 years
Commentary Chpts 1-5
Spoilers ahoy!
Please read the entirety of Doors before clicking the Read More below.
My best friend’s friend started reblogging pictures and .gifs from My Hero Academia a while ago and it caught my interest. I have a Crunchyroll account so I ended up watching all that was available at the time. What a good show! I look forward to the updates on Saturdays! My original favorite was Tokoyami. Then I had a dream involving All Might and I fell in love. I knew then I wanted to do a fanfic involving him but I had trouble thinking up a good self-insert character. He keeps most people at a distance and would never be involved with a fan. Ironically, I have one now actually based on me – she works with and is dating Naomasa. Her, him, All Might, and Mode go on double dates sometimes and it’s so cute! Anyway, I remembered support companies being mentioned in the show and thought a designer would be a good choice instead. Thus, Mode was born.
Her name comes from another famous hero costume designer – Edna Mode from The Incredibles. Maybe they are distant relatives? Also, I just like the name Mode; it rolls off the tongue well. She didn’t have a first name for the longest time since Yagi nor anyone in the beginning of the story were close enough to her to be told her first name by her. I like to think that all three sisters go by the name Mode. De, Pe, and Che – from oldest to youngest, named after the band that I like. Silence got her name from their song ‘Enjoy the Silence.’ Maybe I’ll make characters named 'The Mode’ and 'Enjoy Mode’ sometime. If you looked on Pe’s birth certificate, however, her actual name is Petrichor but no one calls her that. Maybe just her parents if they’re mad and yelling at her.
Chapter 1
She originally observed that he was wearing the All Might official line of shirts and asked, "Are you a fan of All Might?" That’s why he looked up at her, surprised, but I changed it, not sure if he would wear his own line of clothes.
Mode liked him a lot initially because he was honest – and she really likes blond men.
Yagi obviously wasn’t too involved with the Mode family then – he had even forgotten the name of his own support company. Silence kept it very superficial over the years. He could recognize her and De, since they collaborated the most on his stuff, but Pe and Che were either not seen or forgettable to him. I have no doubt Che would have insulted him before and Pe would have snuck glances at him as often as possible in the past. Toshinori was one of Pe’s eye candies long before they met each other.
Chapter 2
I think All Might thought she was pretty when he first met her but he had soon forgotten about their interaction, like most people he meets, before given the shirt from the barrista. Since her quirk is always on, I think that influenced him a little to actually contact her. People are naturally drawn to her, whether she likes it or not. And she can fake being a good conversationalist with confident body language. Mode’s more shy and awkward when she’s alone with someone because that’s how she actually is. I can’t imagine being home-schooled or how she is treated by her mother and sisters help this. Pe’s an introvert that acts extroverted to fit the moment, either when she’s representing the Mode company publicly or if she feels the people around her or her clients respond better to that. She thinks people only like her because of her quirk so she greatly fears rejection.
Chapter 3
Yagi definitely starts to notice her more when he sees her again, due to her quirk – I like the visual of him checking out her chest. The more her quirk is influencing someone, the more interested they get in her features. Touching someone exemplifies this – that’s why he was overly concerned after she touched his hand. She’s also a very affectionate person with people she likes AKA her clients so they like her more than random people. But All Might also cared about her well being after the villain was subdued because he’s a caring person.
I got the dilated eyes idea from Eraser Head’s quirk being shown via his eyes and because dilated eyes are a sign of arousal. Also, it’s subtle – your eyes can dilate for many reasons. All Might might have concluded that she was scared or the room was dark when he saw her eyes do it, but the villain changing his tune told him otherwise.
Mode felt bad about breaking those cups – she has more than enough money to throw around. Again, I mention the rejection notion. She wants to keep visiting her favorite coffee shop so she felt she had to pay to replace them.
She really was spooked after the whole robber incident and, since they had interacted already, she felt it was maybe safe to invite him over so she wouldn’t be alone. I think Mode is often alone, although she’d rather not be alone with her thoughts and is constantly lonely; she loves being in the company of Yagi or her clients even if she feels guilty for taking up their time and constantly exposing them to her quirk. I wanted to establish up front that both All Might and Mode are liars and unreliable narrators. The story was originally written from his point of view only and that stuck for most of the drafts of Doors, but I felt it didn’t leave much room for me to develop Pe’s feelings. He’s constantly drawing wrong conclusions because he’s not close to a lot of people nor has had any serious relationships with a woman. I think his high school dating life was very casual, though he did enjoy all the girls he dated then. He enjoys fluffy cute romances and spoiling his SO. Also, since her quirk is sexual, he often mistakes her appearing vulnerable as sexual advances instead. All Might gets better at figuring out what she wants and what her body language actually means as he gets to know her better. He lies to protect himself, though he’s also very honest, her quirk influencing him and naturally. Toshinori tells her some truths, but not all; he defends his reputation, keeps his secrets, or lies out of kindness. They both open up as the story goes on but it takes a lot of work and trust to get to that point.
Pe is constantly drawing false assumptions when it comes to him, too. She hasn’t had any serious relationships either and assumes that people only want her for sexual reasons, since she has a sex-based quirk. Mode also doesn’t think she amounts to anything beyond her quirk so she feels the only way she can relate to people is by using her sexuality. It’s worked in her favor for many people in her past and present and it’s her default when interacting with others. Although she may not realize it, her close clients and Yagi see her as a person, not just a body. If you go back and reread everything Mode says to him, she is constantly lying in regards to her quirk, letting him just assume things about it and about her due to her low self-esteem. She’s honest, for the most part, about her family and about how much she really likes her clients and making uniforms and support items for them. I included her thoughts on scenes when appropriate when she wasn’t speaking. Pe does most of the talking when they’re together, him being muted due to the warmth of her quirk, him liking her voice, and he feels he doesn’t have to put on an act around her. Toshinori is an keen observer and that continues when he’s with her.
Mode is a pig – All Might is constantly cleaning up after her and does all the housework, cleaning, and cooking. Before him, she just straightened up her place enough in case anyone was coming over; thankfully, she always cleans up her trash. She has more than enough money to go out every meal so she never bothered to learn to cook. At the main household, the Mode family has a professional chef cook all their meals. Yagi enjoys teaching her how to cook, but prefers making food for her while wearing an apron, packing cute bento, and making her tea as often as possible. Any excuse to spoil her or to be by her, he’ll take.
Poor guy is so frazzled when she uses her quirk on him – she probably used too strong of a blast the first time she used it. Oops!
Their sex gets more passionate as time goes on but they both sure liked their first time together. Mode appreciated his enthusiasm and All Might enjoyed the visuals and feelings of having sex with a woman after so many years of abstinence. I don’t think he’s the type to just sleep around for the sake of getting some and I don’t think that would look good as the wholesome hero he’s portrayed as in public so he probably hasn’t fucked since high school. I like the visual of his jizz seeping down her legs. The main reason the condom broke was so I would have an excuse for him to see her again. I don’t think he would have pursued her or seen her again otherwise.
Chapter 4
De Mode was briefly introduced in this chapter. I already knew she was gonna be like her mom with the whole 'it’s only about heroes thing.’ She also knows Pe sees blond men behind their mother’s back so she pinned down All Might as one of her sister's ‘friends’ the moment she saw him.
Silence is very disappointed that Pe’s quirk is what it is. If quirks could be determined in the womb, she would have aborted this one and tried for another with a different man. She also doesn’t want Pe’s quirk to be public knowledge – it is better to be publicly quirkless than to have a shameful sex-based quirk in her eyes. She loves and glorifies De’s and Che’s quirks and their usefulness to her company’s image but doesn’t really pay much attention to her middle daughter. Silence finds Mode a burden but tries to use her and her quirk anytime it’s in her advantage to do so.
I laugh every time I think about the 'NICE FACE!’ scene. The visual I get of his face makes me happy. I hope I can draw it sometime.
I agree with the head cannon that All Might gets flustered and blushes easily but I muted it down in the final drafts. He’s a grown man; he’s mature enough to still function, even when she’s making him uncomfortable with her words. Later on, he secretly loves when she teases him. He also appreciates that she tells him exactly what she wants sexually. It makes it easier for him to please her since he’s inexperienced in regards to what to do to to hit all the right spots on a female body. When I read that All Might likes movies, I threw this scene in. I was watching the Persona 5 anime at the time so there’s lots of references to that. I also think Toshinori doesn’t have a lot of friends to chat with casually about his interests so he appreciates that he can do this with her now and in the future. He considers her a friend.
Body language is one of the most important things I look at when studying a character. What are their ticks? One of Yagi’s common ones is rubbing the back of his neck and scratching his cheek (actually drew that one from fan art.) He often looks away if he’s feeling anxiety in a moment. I tried to describe what his body was doing often to show how he feels internally.
Mode puts her hair behind her ears – like Naomi Hunter from Metal Gear Solid who was a big influence on her both as a character and her look. They both act different depending upon who they are with to get what they want. Her eyes are also full of emotion and beautiful like Naomi’s. Mode has darker skin, too – this is actually due to tanning because both her parents are very pale and very white. I don’t remember where I got the idea for her long wavy hair but it’s a very dark shade of brown, like Dr. Hunter’s. Pe looks like a combination of something and Japanese – thus why All Might asks her about her lineage at some point, but he also had a suspicion that she wasn’t fully Japanese since she shaves her pubes. To account for the huge height difference between them (All Might is 7’ 2 1/2" canonically in both his forms), I made her 5’ 10". That would place her eyes right below his nipples. She always appreciates the view! Also, at that height, she could still grab his shoulders and hair; if he bends forward, she can grab the rest.
Mode is a scatter brain when it comes to time. I imagine she’s always running around everywhere because she’s constantly running late. She needs a watch. At least it keeps her slim.
All Might is a HUGE tease when he’s in his muscle form, but I think he also enjoys teasing her in his true form as they become closer. She is flustered by it but secretly loves it.
Chapter 5
In the anime, it’s mentioned that a support company has the exclusive contract with UA to do the hero uniforms so why not the PE uniforms, too? Her and Nezu talked about it but didn’t ever do the redesign.
Nezu is not immune to Pe’s quirk – he really likes her. She designs his specialty clothes, him being a little animal and all.
As revealed later, Mode finds muscle-form All Might a huge turn on so she is always flustered every scene he’s in his hero form. She probably would have gone home and masturbated furiously after meeting him if she hadn’t recognized his shirt as the one she made for Blondie. She also meant her comment about being flattered – the Symbol of Peace had never acknowledged her before.
He really likes holding her hands in either form. Toshinori wears the shirt she gave him because it’s comfortable; I imagine she probably customized all his existing casual clothing to fit his needs and body better and makes all of his future clothing from that point on.
  ---> Commentary for Chapters 6-10
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