#and even being a good student and conforming to their expectations wont save you from that
returnofahsoka · 3 years
uhh anyone else grew up doing well at school but struggles in higher education because you are afraid of asking questions if you didn't get something for the first time and feeling like somehow you instinctively have to know everything or else you'll be seen as dumb???
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inkerii · 6 years
So I actually liked vld season 7
Some of it anyway. I still have some beef with it. Normally I don’t really post my thoughts but I wanna get it out of my chest c: gonna stick just to the Good Things on this post since it got out of hand!
Warning: LONG POST and since I’m on mobile idk how to put it under a read more!
*** [Good Things]
So many good things honestly.
• FIRST OF ALL: THE MUSIC! THE ANIMATION! THE BACKGROUNDS! THE CHOREOGRAPHY!! More than any plot these workers deserve so much credit <333
• Everything about episode 1. From learning of the beginning of Keith’s and Shiro’s friendship to the shenanigans with the yelmore. As a med student though, I wish they would explain a bit more about this mysterious disease he had and why is it apparently “gone” now.
• Cosmo. Everything about this space pupper. I love that he’s being included far more than the other pets because it was always pretty clear to me he’s very protective of keith and doesn’t appear to like leaving his owner’s side. ALSO I LOVE HOW BIG HE IS. HE’S BIGGER THAN PIDGE IN SOME SHOTS.
• I’m digging the Generals’ new outfits. Noice.
• LANCE DEFENDING PIDGE. Yes yes yes. I love how much he cares for her. I really wish she had become his love interest instead of Allura. Still! They had quite a few sweet moments c:
• Space mice are back to helping the team too heck yes
• “The Feud” is both kinda endearing but also my least favorite episode of the series. Since this part is about the good things: Everything about Lotor. Zarkon calling Lotor names. It was so DOTU I loved it so much
• THE DRUID IS BACK!! I loved that the druid was back. I really really wish they had expanded on WHY the druids are like that and HOW do they get their powers. They appear Galra. Are they a breed Haggar experimented on? They seem to almost idolize her. Gimme more info on the quiznaking Druids season 8 plEASE
• KEITHS WEIRD QUINTESSENCE POWERS VOLTRON PLEASE -PLEASE- EXPLAIN - as a side note I 110% believe the purple quintessence coming from Keith’s hands in when he unlocks Black’s wings in season 6 is that very power of his, not Shiro’s spirit or whatever
• Keith’s and Krolia’s goodbye. It was so emotional. I love that Keith has the maturity to understand that she has to leave- not because of a “mission” but because so many Blades she was shown to CARE FOR were gone. For all the “greater good” the Blades were about, they did seem to care. I love how gentle Krolia was with Kolivan too. I wonder if Kolivan is the Shiro to Krolia’s Keith.
• I originally had mixed feelings about the Floating In Space episode because both Keith and Allura felt OOC at first. But y'know what? I’ve come to like it. Keith had been acting like the Perfect Leader™ since he came back, as if his issues had all faded away when he and Black really became a team. But truth is, they weren’t. Keith was responsible for his team now, and they were floating in space, nearly dying, and the paladins were talking about QUITTING. Keith didn’t do his job well enough. Keith failed, failed them and FAILED as a leader, or so he felt: he let them down JUST LIKE IN SEASON 4 and now they’d all die. He was tired and not thinking properly so OF COURSE his basic instinct flared up: “leave them so they wont kick me out first”. As someone who likes the idea of keith and allura together, I really didn’t get Keith’s sudden outburst against Alfor, but… He might have done it to push Allura’s buttons. He KNOWS her, he KNOWS she’s the one who would argue the most (like in s4), so he instinctively tries to get her off him already- and because he knows her so well he goes for something that he knows is a low blow. Thing is, that made Allura’s own hurt feelings flare up (and the rest of the team’s). Allura might have understood where he was coming from in s4, but she was clearly sad that he still chose the Marmora over them. Even if she GETS it, it still HURTS. The whole team HURT. And now Keith was trying to push them away AGAIN. They were PISSED. They had trusted him 100% even though he abandoned them and now he was leaving again?!
BUT THEN!! DEVELOPMENT!! This time team Voltron WILL NOT let Keith go. Will NOT kick him out no matter how hard Keith tries to make them do it (thanks Hunk!!). And that helps Keith to FINALLY admit how much he cares and allows him to put them right up there with Shiro and Krolia when it comes to people HE wont give up on, people he now KNOWS wont give up on him. He may have called them “friends” but.. Keith isn’t that good with expressing how much he cares. He’s always a little hesitant when it comes to sharing his feelings (you’re LIKE a brother to me vs you’re MY BROTHER). He does mean family. He’s just being Keith :)
• I actually genuinely liked the Earth two-parter. I never thought Sam could carry an episode like that but damn. U go babe. I loved Colleen too. AND VERONICA YEA GIRL
• Kincaid and Griffin OWN MY HEART I SWEAR-
• Bless non-evil-Galra-Prince AJ LoCascio. Even though I got whiplash in some scenes like “wait he sounds like Lotor wtq” most of the times I didn’t even notice. So glad they decided to keep him around! He has a superb voice.
• Katie reuniting with her family!! LANCE reuniting with his family!! “uncle lance” yes pls ;w;
• Hunk’s flashbacks ;-; I feel so bad for the baby I’m so glad his family is safe now. I loved seeing how cooking isn’t really just for food when it comes to Hunk, I love that his mom and aunt (i’m assuming??) actually let us viewers understand that every time hunk cooks he’s more interested in sharing company and spending time together. Just. Yes <3
• Iverson apologizing to Keith + petting Cosmo heck yea. Griffin and Keith ignoring their differences, nice.
• KEITH COMFORTING HUNK. He might not be as comfortable saying emotional words like “love” or “family” to the team as he is around Shiro and Krolia (understandably), but you can see he cares just as much. Also YES let him be hugged more. He clearly loves it.
• All those conformations of paladins!! Keith/Pidge/Allura -> Pidge and Keith. Yes!! Keith and Hunk! Lance and Hunk!! A+ hell yea
• All the shoutouts to previous seasons!! The reflective shields from S6ep1. Keith understanding sign language this time!! Pidge distracting the guards by being silly (but in a very Pidge way) while Keith goes around like in season 1!!!
• Really nice touch of having Allura give up the crystal in her tiara to save Shiro. Their friendship is so precious <3 Also bonus points since this was likely what allowed Shiro to sense Atlas’ quintessence- the new arm still DOES have a connection to his brain so, like, so does the crystal :’D
• Speaking of Atlas, I’m neutral on it? So long as it doesn’t keep showing up as a robot I’m good. I just don’t get why it gets defense upgrade when it turns into a robot? Regardless though, it seems wayyy too big and clumsy. So hopefully it’ll remain just a ship in most eps.
• I did love the smaller earth fighters tho! Blonde + Freckles Whose Name I Can’t Spell Sorry grew on me. Also, ships’ designs are awesome. Honestly so long as Earth Team doesn’t end up in the LIONS I’d be happy. I feel like they might though. Oh well.
• LANCE. JUST HOW MUCH LANCE MATURED. THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS ABOUT THIS SEASON. He barely joked around this time!! He really showed how he supports the team. I LOVE to see Keith depending on and trusting Lance to be his second in command. THAT’S what I always wanted for the two of them. - Bonus: I loved how Keith fell back for a second on his old habits by going all “don’t miss the shot” or whatever cause really that’s exactly what their rivalry was about. Early Series Lance would get back at him without batting an eye. But he remained focused and alert! Lance’s development is more subtle but this is EXACTLY the same point Keith was when Kuron started calling him worthless. Keith had GROWN, and those things didn’t bother him anymore. Likewise, Lance has GROWN. He’s an adult who takes things seriously now and doesn’t waste time with silly bickering. Just. Yes. While lowkey, this is just as satisfying to me because unlike Keith we actually SAW all the stages of Lance’s growth. (We didn’t see all the conversations Keith and Krolia had on the space whale). Just. Lance. Bless him.
• I still prefer Sendak’s season 1 design. That said, he was a marvelous villain- more than any other he really represented all that was evil in the Galra Empire so I enjoyed him. Zarkon was into the lions for personal reasons, Haggar is more about the Altean thing, Lotor didn’t really care for Voltron since he built Sincline. So yea. I didn’t expect him to be the main villain but I don’t mind.
• Speaking of which, loved the Sendak/Shiro fight! It really felt like all that encompassed the Paladins vs all that encompassed the Galra. And even though I actually didn’t like that Keith was the one to deal the final blow, Keith IS a mix of Galra/Paladin who has good intentions. So… like Lance said early in the season. He’s the future.
• not so sure what to think of the final EP and that weird robot but eh. Assuming it’s from Honerva, I DID like how it showed that Honerva IS different than Haggar… And more dangerous. This was literally a Haggar Robeast but upgraded, because YEA Honerva is much better than her quintessence-cursed counterpart.
• THE FAMILIES!! Shay!! Y'know I’m not usually a multishipper - actually I’ve never done it before - but I love both hunay and hunelle. I’m totally ok with hunelle in an AU and hunay in voltron canon (Hunk clearly cares for her so much that even though I prefer Romelle I can’t go against that precious bean teary smile when Shay showed up.). Besides!! Platonic hunelle is really precious too. ALSO ALSO KOLIVAN AND KROLIA and Krolia is wearing a Leader's version of the BoM suit?? NICE
• Matt is back and looks more handsome than ever! I love the ponytail. I love his design. And his colors. And his new girlfriend?? If I remember correctly from the Naxzela episode the helmeted alien sounded like a girl. ALSO ARE THOSE PUPS BESIDES OLIA HER KIDS?? PRECIOUS PUPPERS
• ROMELLE. we need more of her gdi-
• Lastly, another of my favorite bits: Piloting the Lions through their bond. It just goes so well with my headcanon that the quintessence of the pilot actually MERGES with the quintessence of the pilot, so much that when they’re connected like that even if the body dies the mind still goes on. The difference for me between this season and what Shiro went through is that the paladins still have their bodies to ground them and help them keep control, while Shiro was just… Lost in the astral plane, barely able to separate his consciousness from the Lion’s (so much that this only happened twice when the paladins were purposely trying to connect with his quintessence/spirit in the astral plane). It’s not as “romantic” as the whole ‘black SAVED SHIRO’ but I really think his time in the Black Lion was really unsettling: not being Shiro and not being Black, but some weird mix of the two (his sarcastic confusion towards lance early in the season also supports this: he wasn’t HIMSELF anymore. Thinking like a normal person and not like a robot is WEIRD for him). It’s a headcanon though but it’s mine and I will fight you on this (actually no pls don’t fight me).
*** Overall!! While not my favorite season (that’s 2 and 6), season 7 wasn’t BAD. Maybe I just had lower expectations since I spoiled myself out of anxiety. It wont be like s2 and s6 where I’ll binge watch the eps over and over again, but it’s pretty comfortable with s1 and s3 in “eh it was fine, ok, I like it”.
[That said, there WERE quite a few things that pissed me off about this season, but everyone is so negative rn and quite a few people already covered part of those reasons, so I wanted to post about good things!! I’ll probably do another post on the Bad Things of this season.]
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cryptonewsupdates · 5 years
Why John McAfee Backed Docademic's ICO? "It Could Possibly Be One of the Best ICOs of All Time."
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This is a submitted sponsored story. CCN urges readers to conduct their own research with due diligence into the company, product or service mentioned in the content below.
John McAfee, as we all know, is a polemicist who maintains an irrefutable sway on the crypto community. His tweets are powerful and can garner a lot of attention. Recently he’s been promoting ICOs ranging from home repair to gambling projects: But when he started promoting Docademic, a healthcare ICO that claimed it was offering free basic healthcare for the world and saving lives, verification was necessary. Not only did the company and what it does pleasantly surprise expectations, but also its token economics were staggeringly better than most ICOs seen in the last year.
Docademic is a company founded in Mexico by former Med Students who created a method of offering Free Basic Medical Health Services to the public.  This may seem simple to grasp but it’s quite complicated and it is why their company is now on a path to change the world of medicine as we know it.  Get to know a little bit more about the company: https://www.docademic.com/
By downloading the Docademic app, registering and pressing a button, a patient can talk to a doctor, 24/7, face to face for Free.  All this while maintaining a quality of service that is standardized and conforms to government mandated legal and regulatory protocols.
Docademic CEO, Charles Nader, explained the dynamics powering the company in a public telegram group chat where he personally responds to questions from participants: “Docademic has clients in government and private healthcare industry. We provide government entities real time data and analytics products where they can monitor their population in real time and send targeted messages to certain patients. This service enables the governments to react faster to public health emergencies and improve their public health strategy. Likewise, for private healthcare industry we provide data analytics products that enable companies to see what prescription medications are being prescribed or what pathologies are happening in certain regions. This helps them with their sales strategies. This is how we sustain our amazing free basic healthcare service”
This information, which is a vital tool that is required for continuous research and development and infection control, is highly sought after by governments and the private sector.  Some of Docademic’s clients currently include: Grunenthal Laboratories, Abbott Laboratories, the state of Hidalgo, Mexico and others. Docademic has users in 20 primarily Spanish speaking countries, with plans to expand into North America and Europe in the immediate future.  
Docademic CEO, Charles Nader, studied at Stanford a methodology called “Technology enabled Blitzscaling”. This was an accepted only exclusive course and was given by none other than LinkedIn Co-Founder Reid Hoffman, Former Mozilla CEO John Lilly, and Author and Venture Capitalist Chris Yeh: all which are considered Silicon Valley Luminaries. These men created a course to specifically teach young entrepreneurs how to create, launch, and scale technology companies worldwide. They created the term “Blitzscaling” to represent their philosophy.  Mr. Nader not only has these luminaries as his advisors, he also learned the ins and outs of scaling an innovative technology that he is already putting into practice as he continues to grow the company.
Mr. Nader also decided to break from the traditional VC route to raise funds for Docademic and to take advantage of their growing service by placing their data on a blockchain. “THE” Healthcare blockchain.”
Docademic currently has thousands of users; with new users from multiple countries, signing up daily to use the service. He stated, “We believe the future of all data will be on blockchains. We think it’s best for humanity to benefit from having data on blockchains since it makes data access more transparent and secure. In the future, AI will consult these blockchains and people won’t have to worry about getting their data hacked. Smart contracts will take care of the input and output of data to the blockchain. “
Docademic plans to continue expanding its services to more countries globally in the near future. The data generated will be available on the blockchain for anyone to access under a specified set of rules. This includes the patients themselves.  By Docademic creating this blockchain they are also the first to benefit from it by developing products and services that access that data and using its native cryptocurrency needed to interact with the data, they call it MTC or Medical Token Currency. The more health related data imputed by the patients, the more MTC they will generate.  This will cause a positive impact in two ways. The patients will be able to save all their medical records in one specific area to be accessed, whenever needed, through the blockchain anywhere in the world. The data will also help to increase the anonymous data pool that will be able to be accessed for ongoing research.
Docademic launched its ICO to expand their services to the US and Europe, the most valuable healthcare data markets. They know that if they can expand to those areas, their expansion to other regions of the planet will come soon after.  Their ICO hard cap is based on the money they actually need to expand; which is less than 12 million USD. This is less than half of what many other ICOs hard caps are striving to raise that are based only on a white paper and don’t even have products or services let alone paying clients.
Docademic is a company with a working service and thousands of users already present across two continents and has a firm belief that everyone should benefit from this service, so its token supply was set at 1 billion. This means that people who buy the ICO now get a significant number of tokens for every dollar they spend from a company that already has clients in both private industry and government.
For these reasons, based on analysis of comparable ICOs and tokens currently on exchanges, its believed that the Docademic ICO will most likely be one of the highest value ROI ICOs and blockchain projects ever. Not only that, it may even be one of the most significant technological innovations of our times. Good choice Mr. McAfee, it’s nice to see you are putting your power for the benefit of humanity.
If you are interested in being part of this ICO, you have until Sunday, April 15th to purchase your MTC’s here: https://ico.docademic.com/
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