#and even keep dark blue / beige color scheme but to FLIP IT so he's in a cream suit godddddddd I WANNA EAT THIS UP
hideyseek · 8 months
jesus christ zhu yilong is doing SO MUCH as ye zun. his speaking intonation is different. the way he moves is different. he's got a different way of ADJUSTING HIS GLASSES and a second completely different way of SMILING WITHOUT HAVING IT REACH HIS EYES than he does as shen wei
like damn the heavy-handed indications of "this is not shen wei" in the text are COMPLETELY. UNECESSARY (and even like. kind of annoying next to what's being done by the actor and costuming) like holy fuckkkkkkk this is kind of incredible to watch
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trashmenofmarvel · 3 years
Always Will Be - Ch 2
Pairing: Loki x TVA Agent!Reader
Series Warnings (18+ Only): Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Violence, Time Shenanigans, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Chapter Summary: You interview Laufeyson for his crimes against the Sacred Timeline. 
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The journey from the elevator was uneventful as you led the variant down the long hallway. Other employees of the TVA also walked the hall, alone or in pairs, and they paid attention to the two of you only to make sure you weren’t in their path.
You kept Laufeyson firmly in your periphery, more to keep him from wandering than a belief that he would attempt to escape. You didn’t doubt that would come at some point, but it was a little too early for him to play that hand.
“Where are we going?”
The casual candor of his voice didn’t fool you, not when the sharpness of his gaze was heating the side of your face.
“If it’s to my execution, I would rather know ahead of time,” he added with false friendliness. “It’s just polite.”
“We don’t kill people, Mister Laufeyson.”
“I can’t suffer a liar.”
You stopped before a heavy double door, two Minutemen standing guard on either side of it, and turned to the variant.
“I don’t lie. That’s your department.”
His eyes darkened and genuine anger flashed in their depths, but then it was gone so fast you would have questioned it was there in the first place if you hadn’t known better.
But you did.
Both Minutemen opened the doors, and you led the prisoner into Time Theater 25. It was the same beige color as the rest of the wing, and the only pieces of furniture were a small, round glass table, two metal weave chairs, and a control monitor.
You indicated the seat to the left and said, “Please, make yourself comfortable.”
“I would be more comfortable with this collar removed.”
Out of the corner of your eye he moved, quickly and without warning. You slipped the remote out of your sleeve and thumbed the pad. In the blink of an eye, he vanished and reappeared where he’d been two seconds previously, as if he hadn’t moved at all.
“You’ll find time works differently here at the TVA,” you informed him. “Please, sit.”
He said nothing, the animosity wafting off of him in waves. You ignored him, setting the files of paperwork down onto the table before taking your own chair. He took his own, albeit more cautiously, his eyes narrowed in dislike.
“Let the record show this is the entirety of Loki Laufeyson’s life recording,” you began. “Formerly of Jotunheim, formerly of Asgard—“
“—and formerly of Midgard.”
His smile was sharp.
“I did spend quite some time there. Both in my youth, and well, more recently.”
“I’m well aware.”
“Just wanted to be sure you’re thorough in your interview. That is what this is, isn’t it? My intake interview?”
You ignored the curious tilt of his head, as well as his question, and turned to the control monitor. It was rather small, round and orange, almost reminiscence of the gumball candies invented on Earth.
You flipped a switch and the room dimmed just as a rippling image of light appeared on the wall, powered by the holoprojector.
“We will be very thorough, Mister Laufeyson, and we shall start from the beginning. This is your home world. And that is you.”
The image focused on something small, blue, and wailing. The prisoner as a child, dying and abandoned.
You had seen the reel hundreds of times, had scoured most of this variant’s life. So while the film played, you watched him out of the corner of your eye. It was curious that Laufeyson didn’t flinch at the sight of his infant self being left to die. His face was carefully blank, unreadable, and his eyes barely moved.
But there was a shift when the King of Asgard entered the scene. When Odin lifted the lost babe into his arms, his nose slightly crinkled at the corners.
It was the only obvious tell he gave for quite a while. Laufeyson was closed off, appearing almost bored as his adolescence played out on the wall. The two royal brothers had rowdy, adventure-filled childhoods, though Laufeyson often acted as his brother’s second shadow. He only excelled when given magical lessons by his adoptive mother.
He gave an eye roll or two during Thor’s coronation, and he actually yawned during the fight on Jotunheim. But his boredom fell away when blue stretched across his skin for the first time, inflicted by the touch of a Jotun. And he replaced the carefully constructed mask over the confrontation with his adoptive father, and the truth was revealed that his very identity had been a fabrication.
When the scene was finally over and the King had fallen into Odinsleep, an inexperienced and uneducated person might have believed Laufeyson was unaffected. That all of the events of his childhood were little more than entertainment for his amusement.
But it wasn’t. Having to relive those moments would linger in his mind, and that was the point.
He smirked whenever the scene changed to him displaying power over Thor and his companions while holding the temporary throne. He seemed to enjoy his adoptive brother’s exile to Earth, and there was no shame given for these childish displays. That’s what they were, the product of a child throwing a tantrum.
His mask started to slip again, but not at the timestamp you expected. Laufeyson flinched at the point of violent contact between the Destroyer and Thor, knocking him back and nearly killing him in the process. Would have, if not for Thor’s returned power.
You wondered if Laufeyson had wanted to murder his brother intentionally, or if he had underestimated the Destroyer’s strength.
You picked up a notepad and scribbled down the question. Unfortunately, the chronological record could only display events as they happened, not the motivation or intention of the actors involved. It was a relevant question to ponder later.
“What are you doing?”
You lifted your head to find the variant staring at you. You clicked your pen closed and put it on the table, keeping the notepad firmly in your lap.
“You needn’t concern yourself. Please, pay attention to the screen.”
His gaze narrowed but said nothing. It was a look you were familiar with, though not one aimed at you. It meant Laufeyson would also ponder the question for later, though with an agenda bent toward scheming and manipulation.
You would need to be careful, but not as careful as he needed to be. After all, he was the Time Criminal.
The battle between Laufeyson and Odinson drew a few chuckles and smiles from the variant, as if he were recalling fond memories. His expression flattened into boredom when the King arrived to prevent Loki from falling, and his face remained blank as he let go, falling into the wormhole the unstable Bifrost had created.
It was a show, all for your benefit. Proof that he didn’t care about those he had harmed, that he was above all of his past decisions.
Because of his put-upon apathy, you let the record continue to run. You knew what came next. He did too.
Laufeyson watched his past-self float amongst the stares, frozen and immobilized in the vacuum of space. He didn’t perish, Jotuns and Asgardians were too tough for that, but it wasn’t pleasant. The subzero temperatures, the negative pressure, the absence of air and light, all contributed to his silent suffering.
It was a pleasure compared to what happened after.
A massive, dark ship appeared on the horizon, pulling him onboard. Laufeyson barely had time to defrost (even Jotuns had a freezing limit) before he was fixed with an electric collar and thrown into a cell.
Laufeyson was left in the dark for days with no food or water. He was brought out only to be strung up by his wrists, asked questions he refused to answer, and then he was electrocuted until he was barely conscious.
He was returned to his cell, given nothing for warmth or sustenance, and the process began again several days later.
The present-day Laufeyson didn’t blink. Didn’t seem to breathe as he watched. His eyes were glazed over, skin pale under the harsh lighting.
Another round of torture, but this one was different. It was inflicted not by electricity, but by a blue stone. Not the stone he would use to splinter the timeline. This stone was actually yellow, and it commanded minds rather than physical space, but Laufeyson didn’t know that at the time.
All he knew was agony, delivered by the hands of the owner of the ship. A warlord from Titan that would not stop until Laufeyson begged to be allowed to serve.
And beg he would. It had already happened, was recorded with perfect clarity, and it would happen within just a few short hours of being exposed to the Mind Stone.
Laufeyson made a small noise, quiet compared to the distant screaming of his former self.
“What was that?” you asked at normal.
“I said stop.”
When you craned your head in his direction, he refused to meet your eye.
“I don’t want to see this.”
You put your pen down on the table and fully faced him, folding your fingers in front of you.
“Do you verbally acknowledge that you wish to skip the contents of your time with Thanos the Mad Titan?”
“Isn’t that what I just said?”
“A yes or no response is required.”
He drew out the word in a growl.
“Do you verbally acknowledge that the Time Variance Authority is under no legal responsibility for memory gaps or incorrect memory recall for the time skipped during this interview process—“
“Do you verbally acknowledge the contents that lie herein are accurate and complete—“
He jerked his head toward you, his eyes reflective and bloodshot, teeth bared in a quiet snarl.
“It’s accurate, as you bloody well know, so unless you derive sick pleasure from the tortured screams of others, would you be so kind as to fucking skip it!”
His chest heaved, skin dotted with sweat, and he was half out of his seat with fingers clawing into the table hard enough for hairline cracks to splinter down the glass.
You had witnessed the variant become aggressive and hostile before, mostly against his adopted brother. Having the force of that fury directed at your direction was a much different experience.
You dropped your eyes and smoothed your tie, giving him a moment to collect himself. When you heard the shuffle of him retaking his chair, you lifted your head but kept your eyes on the monitor. With a few knobs turned and a switch flipped, the image on the wall, currently depicting Laufeyson kneeling before Thanos, supplicating him with promises of whatever he wished.
What Thanos wished was now being shown on the screen: the variant arriving on Earth to steal the Tesseract and prepare for Thanos’ full force to arrive.
Replaying the events of Earth Incident 327-A (colloquially known as the Battle of New York by Earth residents) garnered less of a response from the variant. He watched impassioned as his past-self led the Chitauri against the Avengers, and subsequently lost that battle.
“I really don’t see what all the fuss is about,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the screen as it displayed all of the Avengers seemingly threatening the audience. “A few humans perished. It’s what they do. Nothing to get excited over.”
You ignored the comment. He wasn’t, after all, under scrutiny for the lives he’d taken while under Thanos’ control.
No. The reason for his current incarceration came next.
The holoprojector displayed Alexander Pierce stopping Thor Odinson and Tony Stark, demanding Laufeyson and the Tesseract be remanded to his custody. The argument was interrupted as Stark went into a mild cardiac dysrhythmia due to Scott Lang sabotaging his Arc Reactor.
Lang then kicked the case containing the Space Stone towards another variant of Stark.
The only occupant of the room to notice was Laufeyson. Bruce Banner (as his Hulk persona) created the chaos needed for the Tesseract to be freed from its case, tapping lightly against Laufeyson’s boot.
You fully turned to the variant just as his past-self picks up the Tesseract, disappearing into a spacial rift and vanishing off the screen.
“On May 4th, 2012 at 11:39AM local time, a nexus event occurred.”
The variant rolled his eyes. You continued.
“Loki Variant L1130—“
His eyes narrowed.
“—by using the Tesseract to escape the Avenger’s custody, you created an unsanctioned timeline, and therefore have been deemed a Time Criminal. This timeline has been course-corrected by the Time Variance Authority, and it is my duty as your handler to determine whether you are to be assigned to a Time Cell or pruned.”
“Pruned?” He wrinkled his nose. “I believe the term you’re looking for is killed. I arrived at the same time as another man, and he refused to cooperate. Those goons melted him without hesitation.”
You slightly leaned forward, speaking concisely so there would be no misunderstanding.
“That ‘man’ was a variant, as are you. A being whose existence should never have come to be, and therefore, your life is null. Forfeit. It is by our grace that you even draw breath, and it’s my job to ensure you continue breathing from behind the walls of a cell.”
You leaned back and shuffled your papers in front of you.
“As I said before, we don’t kill people, Mister Laufeyson. Variants are not people.”
Something flashed within his eyes. You only caught a glimpse of it before it was gone, and then his expression was back to one of hostility.
“I deny the charges.”
You blinked.
“You cannot deny them.”
“I just did.”
“It is an irrefutable fact that you stole the Tesseract—“
“My apologies, but,” Laufeyson interrupted, not sorry at all, “did we not watch the same act of the play? Because I distinctly remember seeing a very tiny man stealing the Tesseract first, handing it off to what appears to be a second Tony Stark, who then tried to make off with it before a certain green monster deprived him of his ill-gotten gains.”
Laufeyson spread his hands, giving a toothy smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“You may as well charge the Hulk with spoiling the timeline—it certainly wouldn’t have happened without his helpful input. In fact, bring in all the Avengers for crimes against the ‘Sacred Timeline.’ They’re just as guilty as I am, unless that goateed chap I saw happened to be Stark’s long lost twin brother.”
Laufeyson sat up straighter, staring you down.
“You speak of Time Criminals? It’s they you should be after.”
Then just as quickly, he crossed his arms and leveled you with an amused tilt of his head.
“Perhaps you could provide me with a taskforce and resources, and I could return and eliminate them for you. No? Nothing? Cat got your tongue again, darling?”
You rose to your feet, bracing the palms of your hands against the table as you looked him in the eye.
“You picked up the Space Stone and stole it, breaking the timeline. You did that. No one else. It was your actions that brought you here.”
It was not this Loki variant those words had been spoken to, but the smile was wiped from his face just as quickly. Deep down, he may have sensed an echo of those words. A phenomenon known as déjà vu to the common layman, when in reality it was something variants experienced from the Sacred Timeline they were no longer a part of.
Laufeyson also rose to his feet, leaning against the table to meet you in a staring match. He had height on you, and he took advantage of it to lean uncomfortably close.
“You speak of my actions as if you can possibly understand them. You think you know me by watching from a safe, comfortable distance?”
His eyes looked between yours, boring into them with an intensity that was unsettling. And when he spoke, his voice was low and deceptively soothing.
“I know what this place is. Your organization is shrouded in mystery, more of a legend than fact according to Asgardian historians. But Frigga, she should sense your constant manipulations, echoing across time. She forewarned me of what should happen if I come across your ilk. She thought you one of the greatest threats of the universe, but I? I see an amusing sideshow. The Time-Keepers have built quite the circus.”
He leaned in so close you could barely keep him in focus, his warm breath puffing across your face.
“And I see the clowns are playing their parts to perfection.”
You didn’t budge, refusing to cede ground and give him the satisfaction he sought.
“And in this metaphor of yours, where do you see yourself?”
His lips spread into a sharp grin, and he hovered closer.
“In the center of the ring, of course.”
For a moment, you thought he would close the rest of the distance. The sudden aversion of what he might do was so strong that you looked away first, backing off and sitting back down under the pretense of organizing your files.
“It sounds as if you cast yourself as the ringleader,” you commented, still shuffling papers. “The smartest of us all.”
“I am smart.”
“I know.”
He went silent as he slowly sat down, his expression open with surprise. The only one who had ever acknowledged his intelligence without it being an insult was his adoptive mother. Those who knew Laufeyson personally knew how intelligent he was and saw it as a threat to their ego.
You had no such concern, nor did you have an ego to protect. Laufeyson was smart, smarter than you by all accounts, but he wasn’t in control. You were. And that was something he still needed to learn, for his own sake.
“I believe we’ve discussed all that is required,” you said. “This interview is over.”
You stood from your chair and closed your folders, picking them up and tucking them into your arms.
Laufeyson mirrored your movement, rising to his feet, the movement quicker to catch up to you.
“Now, hang on just a minute,” he protested. “We’re not through here, not by a long shot. I demand to speak to someone with actual authority around here, because this is a mistake. I don’t belong here, and you don’t have the power to—”
Pulling out your remote, you rubbed your thumb across the dial, and an internal TVA portal appeared underneath Laufeyson’s feet. He disappeared into it with a cry before the beige portal vanished.
You adjusted your files, straightened your tie, and left the time theater. You had just enough time to grab a bite to eat before the next stage of Laufeyson’s intake procedure.
Next Chapter
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argentdandelion · 5 years
Review of Kaitogirl’s Underfell
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Plot & Other Details
Like many works that trace Frisk’s journey through the Underground, the plot is pretty simple and linear. Frisk rewinding time when killed slightly complicates the timeline, but Frisk has only died three times so far.
As Underfell works go, the work is mild. As expected, there's sometimes blood (though rarely in large amounts), and plenty of swearing. Despite the setting, characters are often mean, cynical, and aggressive rather than outright evil or murderous, and are easily pacified. Situations are also rarely very frightening or violent. Along with its simple, rounded, relatively well-lit style, it's much milder than HorrorTale or the famous Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach.
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Given the situation, Frisk is rather bold, though still friendly and pacifistic. At first, they think they’re dreaming, explaining their unworried approach. However, when Toriel kills them in an escape attempt, they realize they’re not dreaming and break down, sobbing. Yet they quickly recover after dreadful realizations, fights and even death, becoming a happy camper once more. Literally: it's like Frisk is just an experienced camper lost in a bear-filled forest, rather than a strange land of monsters trying to kill them. They even feel safe enough for Flowey to read books and history plaques to them, despite Flowey’s reminder they’re in a hurry. (This might be explained by Frisk being too young to understand the danger they’re in, or realize their power makes them unkillable)
While friendly and forgiving, sometimes Frisk is insistent, such as yanking Flowey out of the ground to put him in a boot and thus carry him into Toriel’s house.
In many Underfell works, monsters' morality is basically flipped: good characters are now 'evil'. Thus, the murderous, sociopathic Flowey is now a helpful companion, often carried by Frisk. Though that's true here, Flowey is not sweet or innocent. He is prone to anger, frustration, and indignant outbursts, and sometimes intimidates weaker monsters with a scary face. He says he "can't console people", and smacks Frisk to make them stop sobbing. Flowey knows "in this world, it's kill or be killed", but is sad and resigned about it. Overall, he might be as Flowey once was before choosing murder runs.
In this work, Asriel was once a jerk: he took Chara to his parents while eagerly asking about killing them. Thus, it's likely Flowey is only 'good' because Asriel was once bad. Notably, Flowey mentally calls himself 'Asriel', apparently only coming up with 'Flowey' when Frisk asked for his name.
As expected, Toriel is meaner and more violent than in canon. Indeed, Flowey is afraid she'll kill him and Frisk if she spots the two of them, and is surprised when she doesn't. It's likely she outright kills monsters in the Ruins: Flowey notices one hallway is "dustier than usual", and afterward her clothes have dust stains. She’s more disdainful of Flowey than in canon, calling him a 'weed', threatening him, and initially refusing to let him into her house.
Her sadness and long isolation apparently damaged her social skills, or even sanity. Her pie is very burnt, and has so much cinnamon it makes Frisk cough. Having run out of butterscotch, she put in monster dust instead, which isn't at all reasonable. Though she would surely know how bad the pie was, she aggressively insists Frisk eat it and not even think of throwing up afterward. When Frisk tricks her to escape, she calls them ungrateful and burns them alive at the exit.
Yet, she can still be kind: she sheltered Frisk, gave them food, tucked them in and gave them a plushie as they slept. (Though she glares at Flowey for noticing the latter two) Frisk points out her kindness in the fight: they say they don't really want to leave, and that's she's not evil, just lonely and sad. Toriel is stunned. She breaks down, sobs, and says: "Why are you being...so nice to me?” However, she is so deranged she soon "realizes" Frisk's kindness is a trick, a prelude to greater horrors, and she chases them out of the Ruins.
Papyrus & Sans
Sans hasn’t actually changed much. He has a taste for meaner, darker jokes. Compared to other characters, he is uncommitted: he’s neither especially helpful nor harmful to Frisk, though a few of his actions could have gotten Frisk hurt or killed anyway. While he does kill Frisk with an electric shock from a joy buzzer, when Frisk reloads and refuses to shake his hand, he guesses that the buzzer would have probably killed them anyway.
Here, Sans definitely knows about Flowey. Though he knows Alphys had been looking for Flowey, he didn't report him: he found it more entertaining to keep seeing Alphys throw a fit. (Notably, he asks Frisk's name, unlike in canon.)
Papyrus is even more confident and egotistic than before, as shown by the even more muscular snow sculpture of himself. While canon Papyrus never dismissed others for his self-enhancement, this Papyrus does just that, calling Frisk a "pathetic weakling". He is still a skeleton with high standards: while more vicious, he insists on fair puzzles and fights. (despite talking about how much he'll benefit from capturing Frisk)
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Left: The first page. Right: A re-do of the first page, showing improvements in shading and lighting.
Though not as polished and precise as other comics, the art improves over time. Indeed, there's a big jump in quality on the last page of the Snowdin arc and later in Waterfall, too. The lineart is crisper, the shading better, and the colors richer. (if very purple) While the hand-lettering has tight and irregular spacing at first, it improves a lot midway through the Snowdin arc.
As appropriate for an "edgy" setting, characters are toothier and spikier, to the point even Moldsmal and Papyrus's house (using icicles) are spiky. As expected for Underfell, characters look scarier, with duller, darker colors. Red and black (unsurprisingly) dominate the work: not only are many characters’ clothes red and black, but even attacks are often red. (Except fire, oddly enough: that's blue instead.) Colors are changed to darker, duller, and redder shades overall.
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The right image illustrates about half the colors in Snowdin.
Often, this results in shades one could broadly call "purple", especially reddish purple. For example, the walls of the Ruins are reddish-purple, and sometimes Snowdin's snow is purplish-taupe. The purple-ification is especially obvious with the Echo Flowers (once cyan, now phlox), Waterfall (once dark blue/indigo, now dark bluish purple) and the gratuitous purple Moldsmals. Indeed, it's so purple one could easily call this work "that purple Underfell".
Yet, one could also call this "that low-green Underfell". Other than Flowey's (often dull) green stem, there is practically no green in the Ruins. Things get greener in Snowdin, though the trees are a fairly dull shade. (Oddly so: the trees were actually blue in-game). In Waterfall, green becomes rare once again.
Yellow and orange are rare, too, if less so. Frisk's skin is not mango-yellow, but an only slightly yellowish beige. Monster Kid is mostly a washed-out orange (who gets even less yellow by Waterfall), and wears red-and-black clothes. Even monsters' outfits have less yellow, such as Papyrus, Shopkeeper Temmie and especially the Nice Cream Man. In some cases, though, the work adds yellow: Napstablook and Toriel have yellow eyes, Sans has a yellow tooth, and Undyne's armor has yellow accents.
One can get used to the limited color scheme over its hundreds of pages. But the bright, green-and-yellow palette of Flowey’s dream sequence in Page 126 and Waterfall’s yellow history-plaque flashbacks remind the reader of the limited colors.Even the comic itself lampshades its dark, limited palette: Papyrus's color tile puzzle is various shades of grey, black, and white.
For those who want something a little scarier and unhappier than canon Undertale, but aren't quite ready for darkfic or standard Underfell approaches, Kaitogirl's Underfell is a perfect middle ground.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
43 Storage Ottomans To Declutter and Organize Your Home
Whether there always seems to be toys sprawled across your floor or magazines littering the coffee table, it is far too easy for our home to fall victim to visual clutter. Luckily, there are multifunctional pieces of furniture that can help keep your interior decor at its best. Cue storage ottomans. Not only are storage ottomans great at stashing away odd and ends, but they can also provide extra table space, more seating, and tons of additional style. Need an ottoman that doubles as a coffee table? Our collection has that. Or maybe a fun animal ottoman? We have those, too! We’ve scoped out the best ottomans for every style and budget.
$89BUY IT End Of Bed Chevron Patterned Fabric Storage Ottoman: If you’re never sure what to with those extra throw pillows when you crawl into bed, then a storage ottoman is a great solution. This chevron patterned one features a fresh white and grey color combo that will easily incorporate into many color schemes.
$116BUY IT Modern Rectangular Fabric Tufted Storage Ottoman Bench: This ottoman has a large storage capacity and makes an elegant addition to a bedroom, living room, or entrance. If Grey isn’t for you, this design is also available in Black or Brown.
$140BUY IT Small Storage Ottoman With Trays: Dinner has been served! Romantic dinners for two on the couch have never been so easy and so stylish. Not only does this ottoman feature storage, but it also comes equipped with two removable and reversible wood trays. Available in Black or Dark Espresso (shown).
$158BUY IT Tufted Ottoman Coffee Table With Storage: The tufted top of this storage ottoman gives it a boost of comfort and a plush aesthetic. Use in the living room to stash away extra cords, remotes, controllers, and other occasional use items.
$53BUY IT Black Storage Ottoman Bench: If you are looking for a storage ottoman with a sleek look and a low price tag, then this one is for you! This affordable black beauty offers ample storage and has an easy wipe surface that is especially ideal for homes with children. Also available in Beige, Brown, or White.
$39BUY IT White Rectangular Storage Ottoman Bench: This bright and white ottoman bench with its fresh feel and 80L storage capacity is an amazing option. Especially when you consider that its price comes in at under $50! Also available in Brown or Black.
$150BUY IT Wide 3-Tray Contemporary Storage Ottoman: One minute its a bench and the next it is a table with removable trays. This contemporary storage ottoman is the piece that every multifunctional room needs. Available in 7 colors.
$135BUY IT Multifunction Ottoman Coffee Table With Storage & Serving Tray: Because small spaces deserve big style, too! This ottoman not only serves as extra storage space, but it also boasts to be a comfortable bench and a small table.
$239BUY IT Microfiber Storage Ottoman With Casters: This square ottoman does it a little differently with casters for easy mobility and 4 cushions that flip over into trays. Ideal for large living rooms that want both a coffee table and tons of storage.
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$292BUY IT Large Square Faux Leather Storage Ottoman With Lift Top: If you love the idea of a lift top integrated into your ottoman, but need a surface that easily cleanable, then this option is for you. Great for those that are worried about sticky finger prints, stains, spills—or lets be honest, all of the above. Plus, with 9 colors available, you should have no problem finding a shade that matches your decor!
$96BUY IT Square Black Storage Ottoman: Small, yet mighty, this black storage ottoman is a stylish way to throw up your feet after a long day or stash a few throw blankets. Crafted from beechwood and bi-cast leather that is available in 6 color options.
$199BUY IT Mid Century Modern Square Storage Ottoman in Distressed Faux Leather: A storage ottoman that is brimming with Mid-Century Modern charm. With its distressed faux leather this piece will only get better with age! Also available in Black or Grey Taupe.
$70BUY IT Pastel Pink Velvet Storage Ottoman: Undoubtedly one of the more unusual storage ottomans on our list. With the glam look of its pink velvet suitcase and rose gold accents, we feel like this belongs in a fun bachelorette pad or a bedroom that craves a feminine vibe.
$48BUY IT Teal Storage Ottoman With Tray: Bright and bold is what this storage ottoman does best with its eye-catching blue hue. Blue not for you? No problem! It is available in tons of other colors as well.
$244BUY IT Beautiful Yellow Storage Ottoman: If you want sunshine on a cloudy day, you need to checkout this yellow storage ottoman. With its soft, yellow upholstery, it will help your decor retain a positive and sunny vibe—even on the cloudiest of days.
$66BUY IT Faux Marble Textured Collapsible Storage Ottoman: Glam style on a tight budget is possible, and this ottoman is living proof. Not only will this option add distinct style to any room with its black and white patterning, but it is also collapsible for easy storage.
$35BUY IT Cube Storage Ottoman With Side Pockets: Footstool, side table, coffee table. No matter what you decide to use these cube ottomans for, they will always be stylish and functional with their grey coloring, inner storage, and side pockets. Not to mention they also fold flat, so they make great occasional seating!
$277BUY IT Shoe Storage Ottoman: You can never have too many shoes, but you can run out of storage space. Fit your dressing room or entrance with this storage ottoman for an easy solution to store your favorite kicks. It even comes fitted with 18 individual slots, so digging for a matching shoe is never again a problem.
$53BUY IT Round Tufted Fabric Storage Ottoman: This round ottoman will add comfort and style to your living room. Its neutral grey tone and tufted top make it an ideal choice for a variety of decor styles.
$115BUY IT Red Tufted Storage Ottoman: Go bold, or go home! This fiery red ottoman is just what you need to add a pop of color your living room, while its light cherry wood legs give it a dash of elegance. Overall, a 10/10 combo!
$154BUY IT 2 Piece Storage Ottoman Set: What is better than one ottoman? Two! This stylish ottoman with its tufted top also nests another, smaller version inside. A dynamic duo that make for wonderful footstools or storage for smaller items like games, controllers, remotes, or magazines. Available in Dove, Grass, Indigo, Maize, or Capri (shown).
$50BUY IT White Round Storage Ottoman: If you are looking for a sleek and affordable ottoman with a versatile style, then this one should definitely be on your short list. It is available in 9 colors, including vibrant shades like hot pink and fire engine red.
$110BUY IT Rattan Wicker Storage Ottoman With Cushion: This wicker storage ottoman will meld well with a variety of decor styles, but it will look extra stunning when paired with Moroccan or Bohemian styled homes. It is available in 3 shades (as shown above) and comes with a removable cushion.
$105BUY IT Rustic Storage Ottoman/Coffee Table: A rustic storage solution that you don’t want to miss! Handmade and crafted from rattan, this ottoman doubles as a table that is sure to add a fresh look to any room. It is available in Natural or Grey (shown).
$148BUY IT Printed Design Storage Ottoman: If you appreciate the finer details then take a look at this beauty. This basic shaped ottoman is taken up a notch with scripted fabric, a gold nailhead trim, and wooden legs. Also available with other fabric patterns.
$65BUY IT Flora Print Storage Ottoman: Some bright flowers for your home that will never wilt. The flora print storage ottoman is a must if you are looking to add vintage charm and flair to a room.
$99BUY IT Industrial Style Storage Ottoman: Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about you Industrial decor lovers! This design drums up quite a lot of style with its metal body and wood top. It comes in a set of 2 and is available in White or Rustic (shown).
$25BUY IT Tree Trunk Shaped Storage Ottoman: The comfiest tree stump that you will ever sit on! This unique ottoman is compact and affordable—perfect for smaller rooms on a budget.
$25BUY IT Tree Stump (Without Bark) Storage Ottoman: Because we love the fun look and affordable price of these tree trunk ottomans, here is another option that is bark free.
$50BUY IT Cute Grey Elephant Storage Ottoman: You don’t need to go to the zoo to see an elephant anymore. Plus, this one allows you to use him as a foot stool.
$66BUY IT Elephant Shaped Suede Leather Storage Ottoman: Another elephant ottoman, but this time with a more rustic look thanks to its suede upholstery. With multiple animals available, you can buy the lot and have a full ottoman safari.
$50BUY IT Cute Bear Shaped Storage Ottoman: We can hardly bear how cute this ottoman is. Whether used as a stool, storage, foot rest, or all of the above, this little bear will always look adorable in your kids bedroom or playroom.
$50BUY IT Hippo Shaped Storage Ottoman: Welcome to the most stylish hippo to ever grace your home. This quirky guy is fun enough for a kids room, but his beautiful upholstery would also makes him suitable for less juvenile spaces.
$65BUY IT Spotted Cow Storage Ottoman:This cow won’t give you milk, but he does provide storage and quirky style. A fun and youthful storage ottoman for cow lovers and farm decor enthusiasts.
$110BUY IT Cute Dinosaur Ottoman Stool With Storage: The ottoman that every dinosaur lover needs in their life. This triceratops will add a combo of fun and elegance to any space.
$47BUY IT Cute Pink Sheep Storage Ottoman: Not picking up this fluffy cutie would be a BAH-d choice. This sheep offers extra seating, storage, and a pouty face that is hard to resist.
$190BUY IT Deer Storage Ottoman: If you are looking to create a woodland themed bedroom with flair, look no further. These adorable deer are available in multiple colors and with or without storage.
$57BUY IT Husky Dog Storage Ottoman: The perfect surprise for that little dog lover in your life. Kids will love this husky shaped ottoman since it is big enough to sit on and parents will love the extra storage it provides.
$39BUY IT Ottoman Pet House: Alright, this option is less about organization, but who could resist? This grey ottoman may not be the place to stash your odds and ends, but your fur baby will appreciate his new sleep cave. Fido gives it two paws up!
$18BUY IT Kids’ Bus Storage Ottoman: If you have a little one that needs extra storage and loves vehicles, then this bright ottoman is a must! A cheap storage solution for bedrooms or playrooms.
$60BUY IT Round Outdoor Storage Table/Ottoman: Whether your patio could benefit from an extra table or perhaps a boost of storage, this outdoor ottoman is an affordable pick. It features a 37 gallon interior storage capacity, a versatile wooden look, and lightweight construction with built-in handles for easy mobility.
$220BUY IT Outdoor Storage Ottoman Bench:The perfect option to store your extra patio cushions, gardening tools, or pool toys. This wicker storage ottoman is water resistant and UV resistant, plus it can also be used as additional seating for get-togethers! No more pulling out those folding lawn chairs when you have this stylish bench.
Recommended Reading:  51 Fabulous Floor Poufs 30 Beautiful Ottoman Coffee Tables
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41 Nesting Coffee Tables That Save Space And Add Style
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30 Beautiful Ottoman Coffee Tables To Maximise Your Lounge Space
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50 Unique Coffee Tables That Help You Declutter and Stylise Your Lounge
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drewebowden66 · 5 years
43 Storage Ottomans To Declutter and Organize Your Home
Whether there always seems to be toys sprawled across your floor or magazines littering the coffee table, it is far too easy for our home to fall victim to visual clutter. Luckily, there are multifunctional pieces of furniture that can help keep your interior decor at its best. Cue storage ottomans. Not only are storage ottomans great at stashing away odd and ends, but they can also provide extra table space, more seating, and tons of additional style. Need an ottoman that doubles as a coffee table? Our collection has that. Or maybe a fun animal ottoman? We have those, too! We’ve scoped out the best ottomans for every style and budget.
$89BUY IT End Of Bed Chevron Patterned Fabric Storage Ottoman: If you’re never sure what to with those extra throw pillows when you crawl into bed, then a storage ottoman is a great solution. This chevron patterned one features a fresh white and grey color combo that will easily incorporate into many color schemes.
$116BUY IT Modern Rectangular Fabric Tufted Storage Ottoman Bench: This ottoman has a large storage capacity and makes an elegant addition to a bedroom, living room, or entrance. If Grey isn’t for you, this design is also available in Black or Brown.
$140BUY IT Small Storage Ottoman With Trays: Dinner has been served! Romantic dinners for two on the couch have never been so easy and so stylish. Not only does this ottoman feature storage, but it also comes equipped with two removable and reversible wood trays. Available in Black or Dark Espresso (shown).
$158BUY IT Tufted Ottoman Coffee Table With Storage: The tufted top of this storage ottoman gives it a boost of comfort and a plush aesthetic. Use in the living room to stash away extra cords, remotes, controllers, and other occasional use items.
$53BUY IT Black Storage Ottoman Bench: If you are looking for a storage ottoman with a sleek look and a low price tag, then this one is for you! This affordable black beauty offers ample storage and has an easy wipe surface that is especially ideal for homes with children. Also available in Beige, Brown, or White.
$39BUY IT White Rectangular Storage Ottoman Bench: This bright and white ottoman bench with its fresh feel and 80L storage capacity is an amazing option. Especially when you consider that its price comes in at under $50! Also available in Brown or Black.
$150BUY IT Wide 3-Tray Contemporary Storage Ottoman: One minute its a bench and the next it is a table with removable trays. This contemporary storage ottoman is the piece that every multifunctional room needs. Available in 7 colors.
$135BUY IT Multifunction Ottoman Coffee Table With Storage & Serving Tray: Because small spaces deserve big style, too! This ottoman not only serves as extra storage space, but it also boasts to be a comfortable bench and a small table.
$239BUY IT Microfiber Storage Ottoman With Casters: This square ottoman does it a little differently with casters for easy mobility and 4 cushions that flip over into trays. Ideal for large living rooms that want both a coffee table and tons of storage.
$300BUY IT Oversized Fabric Top Storage Ottoman: The cozy look of an ottoman AND the convenience of a lift top? We will take 5! Maybe you don’t need quite that many, but this option can infuse your living room or den with function, convenience, and an extra boost of storage. Available in Dove Grey, Slate Grey, Fawn Brown, And Dark Grey (shown).
$292BUY IT Large Square Faux Leather Storage Ottoman With Lift Top: If you love the idea of a lift top integrated into your ottoman, but need a surface that easily cleanable, then this option is for you. Great for those that are worried about sticky finger prints, stains, spills—or lets be honest, all of the above. Plus, with 9 colors available, you should have no problem finding a shade that matches your decor!
$96BUY IT Square Black Storage Ottoman: Small, yet mighty, this black storage ottoman is a stylish way to throw up your feet after a long day or stash a few throw blankets. Crafted from beechwood and bi-cast leather that is available in 6 color options.
$199BUY IT Mid Century Modern Square Storage Ottoman in Distressed Faux Leather: A storage ottoman that is brimming with Mid-Century Modern charm. With its distressed faux leather this piece will only get better with age! Also available in Black or Grey Taupe.
$70BUY IT Pastel Pink Velvet Storage Ottoman: Undoubtedly one of the more unusual storage ottomans on our list. With the glam look of its pink velvet suitcase and rose gold accents, we feel like this belongs in a fun bachelorette pad or a bedroom that craves a feminine vibe.
$48BUY IT Teal Storage Ottoman With Tray: Bright and bold is what this storage ottoman does best with its eye-catching blue hue. Blue not for you? No problem! It is available in tons of other colors as well.
$244BUY IT Beautiful Yellow Storage Ottoman: If you want sunshine on a cloudy day, you need to checkout this yellow storage ottoman. With its soft, yellow upholstery, it will help your decor retain a positive and sunny vibe—even on the cloudiest of days.
$66BUY IT Faux Marble Textured Collapsible Storage Ottoman: Glam style on a tight budget is possible, and this ottoman is living proof. Not only will this option add distinct style to any room with its black and white patterning, but it is also collapsible for easy storage.
$35BUY IT Cube Storage Ottoman With Side Pockets: Footstool, side table, coffee table. No matter what you decide to use these cube ottomans for, they will always be stylish and functional with their grey coloring, inner storage, and side pockets. Not to mention they also fold flat, so they make great occasional seating!
$277BUY IT Shoe Storage Ottoman: You can never have too many shoes, but you can run out of storage space. Fit your dressing room or entrance with this storage ottoman for an easy solution to store your favorite kicks. It even comes fitted with 18 individual slots, so digging for a matching shoe is never again a problem.
$53BUY IT Round Tufted Fabric Storage Ottoman: This round ottoman will add comfort and style to your living room. Its neutral grey tone and tufted top make it an ideal choice for a variety of decor styles.
$115BUY IT Red Tufted Storage Ottoman: Go bold, or go home! This fiery red ottoman is just what you need to add a pop of color your living room, while its light cherry wood legs give it a dash of elegance. Overall, a 10/10 combo!
$154BUY IT 2 Piece Storage Ottoman Set: What is better than one ottoman? Two! This stylish ottoman with its tufted top also nests another, smaller version inside. A dynamic duo that make for wonderful footstools or storage for smaller items like games, controllers, remotes, or magazines. Available in Dove, Grass, Indigo, Maize, or Capri (shown).
$50BUY IT White Round Storage Ottoman: If you are looking for a sleek and affordable ottoman with a versatile style, then this one should definitely be on your short list. It is available in 9 colors, including vibrant shades like hot pink and fire engine red.
$110BUY IT Rattan Wicker Storage Ottoman With Cushion: This wicker storage ottoman will meld well with a variety of decor styles, but it will look extra stunning when paired with Moroccan or Bohemian styled homes. It is available in 3 shades (as shown above) and comes with a removable cushion.
$105BUY IT Rustic Storage Ottoman/Coffee Table: A rustic storage solution that you don’t want to miss! Handmade and crafted from rattan, this ottoman doubles as a table that is sure to add a fresh look to any room. It is available in Natural or Grey (shown).
$148BUY IT Printed Design Storage Ottoman: If you appreciate the finer details then take a look at this beauty. This basic shaped ottoman is taken up a notch with scripted fabric, a gold nailhead trim, and wooden legs. Also available with other fabric patterns.
$65BUY IT Flora Print Storage Ottoman: Some bright flowers for your home that will never wilt. The flora print storage ottoman is a must if you are looking to add vintage charm and flair to a room.
$99BUY IT Industrial Style Storage Ottoman: Don’t worry, we didn’t forget about you Industrial decor lovers! This design drums up quite a lot of style with its metal body and wood top. It comes in a set of 2 and is available in White or Rustic (shown).
$25BUY IT Tree Trunk Shaped Storage Ottoman: The comfiest tree stump that you will ever sit on! This unique ottoman is compact and affordable—perfect for smaller rooms on a budget.
$25BUY IT Tree Stump (Without Bark) Storage Ottoman: Because we love the fun look and affordable price of these tree trunk ottomans, here is another option that is bark free.
$50BUY IT Cute Grey Elephant Storage Ottoman: You don’t need to go to the zoo to see an elephant anymore. Plus, this one allows you to use him as a foot stool.
$66BUY IT Elephant Shaped Suede Leather Storage Ottoman: Another elephant ottoman, but this time with a more rustic look thanks to its suede upholstery. With multiple animals available, you can buy the lot and have a full ottoman safari.
$50BUY IT Cute Bear Shaped Storage Ottoman: We can hardly bear how cute this ottoman is. Whether used as a stool, storage, foot rest, or all of the above, this little bear will always look adorable in your kids bedroom or playroom.
$50BUY IT Hippo Shaped Storage Ottoman: Welcome to the most stylish hippo to ever grace your home. This quirky guy is fun enough for a kids room, but his beautiful upholstery would also makes him suitable for less juvenile spaces.
$65BUY IT Spotted Cow Storage Ottoman:This cow won’t give you milk, but he does provide storage and quirky style. A fun and youthful storage ottoman for cow lovers and farm decor enthusiasts.
$110BUY IT Cute Dinosaur Ottoman Stool With Storage: The ottoman that every dinosaur lover needs in their life. This triceratops will add a combo of fun and elegance to any space.
$47BUY IT Cute Pink Sheep Storage Ottoman: Not picking up this fluffy cutie would be a BAH-d choice. This sheep offers extra seating, storage, and a pouty face that is hard to resist.
$190BUY IT Deer Storage Ottoman: If you are looking to create a woodland themed bedroom with flair, look no further. These adorable deer are available in multiple colors and with or without storage.
$57BUY IT Husky Dog Storage Ottoman: The perfect surprise for that little dog lover in your life. Kids will love this husky shaped ottoman since it is big enough to sit on and parents will love the extra storage it provides.
$39BUY IT Ottoman Pet House: Alright, this option is less about organization, but who could resist? This grey ottoman may not be the place to stash your odds and ends, but your fur baby will appreciate his new sleep cave. Fido gives it two paws up!
$18BUY IT Kids’ Bus Storage Ottoman: If you have a little one that needs extra storage and loves vehicles, then this bright ottoman is a must! A cheap storage solution for bedrooms or playrooms.
$60BUY IT Round Outdoor Storage Table/Ottoman: Whether your patio could benefit from an extra table or perhaps a boost of storage, this outdoor ottoman is an affordable pick. It features a 37 gallon interior storage capacity, a versatile wooden look, and lightweight construction with built-in handles for easy mobility.
$220BUY IT Outdoor Storage Ottoman Bench:The perfect option to store your extra patio cushions, gardening tools, or pool toys. This wicker storage ottoman is water resistant and UV resistant, plus it can also be used as additional seating for get-togethers! No more pulling out those folding lawn chairs when you have this stylish bench.
Recommended Reading:  51 Fabulous Floor Poufs 30 Beautiful Ottoman Coffee Tables
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41 Nesting Coffee Tables That Save Space And Add Style
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