#and even then gran requires even more specific situations to actually open up
hjaltemod · 5 years
Name / Alias:  stardust (or wars)
Are you over 18?  Yes  /  No Is your muse over 18?  Yes /  No
When was your blog established? ,,,,,was it jan 2020???? LMAO?? it was wasnt it the fks time
Are you selective about who you write with? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) / Yes (some people) / Highly (few people - mutuals preferred) / Private (mutuals only)
Are you selective about who you follow? No (anyone)  /  Semi (most people) /  Yes (some people)  /  Highly (few people)
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon? Not at all  / A little  / Some  / Mostly / Strictly /  Not Applicable
note: i’m mostly up to date with gbf & a3 stuff, hence the some on the rest
What post lengths do you write? One-Liners  / Single-Para /  Multi-Para  /  Novella / All of the aforementioned
Do you use icons and/or GIFS? No  /  Gifs  /  Icons  /  Yes  /  Sometimes
Do you write on other platforms? No  /  Yes
note: always subject to change. i check out forums every once in a while (i!!! grew up on forum threads with ocs i!! miss that okay!!! elaborate plots!! that stop after a month LMAO), and i do want to get back into swedish stuff too,,,as for stuff more common like disc/twits/chats i dont do chatrp & im selective with group stuff due to general assumption that disc stuff is very fastpaced, but for that & 1on1 im selectively up to it on the notion that i wont be rushed (which has happened the times ive done it so LMAO its why i very rarely suggest it, but its not completely out of the picture, i just need understanding that i write slow and cant dedicate myself to writing an entire afternoon. theres a reason i prefer i forums/tomblr)
What level of plots do you write? Unplotted  /  Open-Ended Plots  /  Semi-Plotted  /  Fully Plotted Epics /  All of the aforementioned
How quickly do you usually respond to threads? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 weeks)  / Average (1-2 weeks)  /  Fast (less than one week)  /  Very Fast (less than three days) /  It depends
What types of themes do you like? Adventure / Romance /  Fluff /  Angst  / Smut  /  Violence /  Tragedy  /  Domestic  /  Family
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? ( Feel free to add! ) High Fantasy /  Supernatural / Science Fiction /  Historical  /  Horror  /  Comedy  / Romantic  /  Drama  / Action / Adventure  /  Espionage  / All of the aforementioned
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog? (Not triggers) No  /  Yes  /  Sometimes (the usual no-go’s)
Do you have any triggers? How do you request it tagged? -
What types of relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to? Romantic  /  Platonic  /  Familial  /  All of the aforementioned
note: i tend to favor romance happening through ic interaction, or/and thorough talking about the charas, because theres always the chance that ill sit down to write and it just. wont work. so ic is reccommended! even if its short asks and not 40 threads ykno. i just need yall to know my muse and me to know ur muse !!
Do you have OTPs? No /  Chemistry Only  /  Yes
Do you have NOTPS? No / Yes
What is your muse’s sexual orientation? Heterosexual  /  Heteroflexible  /  Bisexual  /  Pansexual  /  Homoflexible  /  Homosexual /  Demisexual /  Sapiosexual  /  ( Grey ) Asexual  /  Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation? Heteroromantic  /  Heteroflexible  /  Biromantic  /  Homoflexible  /  Homoromantic   /  Panromantic  /  Demiromantic /  Sapioromantic  / Aromantic / Still trying to figure it out.
Are you comfortable writing smut? No  /  Selectively /  Yes
note: in the form of general outside-rp talk & hcs YA, but i dont do threads. that said, i would do one-shot asks about it (but i tend to write it either heavily implied or emotionfocused LMAO), i just struggle rping it
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically? Autoship  / During plotting  /  After a couple IC interactions  /  Several IC interactions  /  Slow burn  /  Plot dependent  /  Never  
Are you open to toxic ships? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes /  I am not sure
Are you open to problematic ships? No  /  Selectively /  Yes
note: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO ADKBJADBJKAKJDB its like this: would i write a drabble about it? yes. would i rp about it? not sure honestly. because my rp blogs are slightly different from what i do in private stuff, so just because i say “oh i like hero/enemy fking” doesnt mean ill necessarily write it here??? so uh. idk !
Are you open to polyshipping? No  /  Selectively  /  Yes  /  I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper? Never /  Sometimes  /  Yes
note: assuming exclusive mean if i ship with chara x thats the only chara x ill ship with
Does crack shipping ever happen? No   /  Yes
tagged by : @angereve ♥♥♥ tagging : TAKE IT FROM ME
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
DRUCK reactions - s4 ep2
With special thanks to Michi ( @wodrueckts ) for looking over it to make sure I didn’t say anything glaringly wrong. 💛
CLIP 1: It’s hard out there for a hijabi
Here’s one thing I like about this episode: the shot of the tiara spinning in the air. That said, it’s kind of inexplicable. It’s been like a month since the Abiball, so what’s the tiara doing here? Was Amira holding onto it all this time? Did she have this vision of, like, sorting out her shit as she prepares to move out of her parents’ home, and remembering how her gay friend gave the tiara to her because he hated that his boyfriend was so hot he just naturally won all popularity contests? And she was like, “Imma do a solid for future Amira and get rid of this dollar store tiara right now”?
So far, Amira M.’s season has been the only Sana season not to drop during Ramadan. Seems like the Druck team thought they might not even get to Amira, and then they got renewed at the eleventh hour. So they needed to put that shit out quick because the character was set to leave for Australia and anyway it would’ve been really weird to do an Amira season in uni, and then go back to high school with the next gen. So this season is set in summer, and depending on what Wtfock does with Yasmina, it might be the only Sana season to do so.
I think setting this clip lakeside was pretty clever. Plenty of chances to show people in swimming suits or skimpy clothing, as well as people’s reactions to Amira’s burkini. It very quickly sets the stage for the season, same as the bus montage did for Sana in Skam.
I’m not sure how to feel about Sam thinking cunnilingus is boring. Is she sure she’s having it done right? I thought Abdi had a longer than average tongue.
And thanks to Michi, I discovered that this was a reference to Skam, which I didn’t even know because I still had the gdrive subs for s2, where Chris says getting eaten out in Gran Canaria was fun, as opposed to the new subs, where she says it was boring as shit and she fell asleep.
I can’t remember whether Sana’s prayer app ever went off in front of the girl squad. When Skam España did it, the girls immediately freaked the fuck out at the thought of Amira praying right in the middle of a street party. In this case, Kiki looks at Amira for a second. Amira turns the app off though, so we never find out what the girls would’ve done if Amira were to pray right there. Or if it’s happened before. (I’ve been told by Michi this has happened before but the girls didn’t have a reaction then either.)
“Girls, why does it always have to be about boys with you guys?” GO OFF, AMIRA. I remember when I watched the season live, I became exhausted at all the boy talk, so it’ll be interesting to see if I still get this feeling watching the episodes.
In comparison to Vilde, Kiki is also a good sport about Amira wanting this topic to be over. I mean, she laughs a little (perhaps knowingly?), but Kiki is always up for changing the topic to something else about her… Like her and Carlos’ house hunting!
And also, Druck has sent Mia off to Spain to reassure viewers that this Noora won’t take over the season like other Nooras. (Ahem.)
For lack of something to talk about, Amira brings up boxing. Kiki is immediately interested, since she loves working out. Amira is really not into the idea of her brothers getting to know her friends, so she uses Hanna’s reticence to shoot Kiki down.
Her mood has been spoiled all in all, so she stays back to feel alienated as the girls splash around.
She does look cute as hell in her burkini and sunglasses though.
CLIP 2: Am I a bet? Am I a fucking bet?
I really like the blink and you’ll miss it shot of (I think is) the customized snow globe with the Nadia and Amira pic.
Some other stuff in Amira’s room: A polisci book, a list of lodgings in Sydney open on her browser, and what I’m pretty sure is a save the date card from Nadia and her fiancé. This is a very smart way to set up Amira’s character for people who might not have been paying a lot of attention to her so far. It’s always fun to get a peek at a Skams character’s bedroom for the first time.
Amira’s season came after Imane’s, and one thing I immediately liked more about Druck was that they spent time with the prayer scenes. I remember ONE (1) scene where Imane prayed in Skam France, and we only got to see the tail end of it.
I’m pretty sure the game the Mahmoodis play doesn’t actually exist, which probably has to do with having to pay royalties to show a real game. Interestingly(?), when I searched Dr. Whoo and Chopstick on google, it led me to Doctor Who pages, so I wonder if it’s all an elaborate Doctor Who reference on the part of someone in the Druck team.
In Skam, Sana misses the shot because the balloon squad are talking throughout the whole song, but Amira loses because Mohammed literally leans into her line of sight to make eye contact. In general, Mohammed is a lot more suave and savvier than Yousef ever was.
CLIP 3: This apartment is gonna kill somebody
And on a similar note but related to Amira, she is set up as someone the other girls rely on for advice. Kiki needs her help with the renter, while Sam asks her for romantic advice. I think the reason for this might be that while the girls didn’t exactly rely on Sana for advice in Skam, Sana was the one with the ideas since the start. Amira doesn’t necessarily take charge of situations the way Sana did, but there’s this notion that without Amira, the squad would fall apart.
The Berlin housing market = shantycore goals.
I also like the bit of subtle social commentary in Amira’s speech, about middle aged people helping young adults get started with life, so the latter can support the former when it comes to pensions, etc.
CLIP 4: Huh.
So even though Amira didn’t want the girls at the gym earlier, they are here now.
The day before, Amira posted a story on ig reminding the girls about the boxing class, with no indication that she ever tried to get them not to come.
Hanna gives a quick bit of exposition when she mentions Stefan is already working full time (and in a job that presumably requires a uni degree) while she just graduated high school. Which she finds weird.
As in Skam, Essam calls Amira ‘slave,’ which Kiki and Hanna notice. Amira quickly says it has to do with a bet, and the subject gets dropped.
When the season was airing, I thought for sure this wasn’t the end of it, and it would be brought up again, either through Kiki, Hanna, or possibly Stefan via Hanna. But no, this is really the end of that storyline.
My question is, why? What is the point of recreating this storyline from Skam (even going through the trouble of setting up a week during the hiatus between episodes 31 and 32, where Amira wins and Essam has to be the slave) if you’re just going to drop it in the same episode? It’s bad writing because we’re still in the stage of the season where storylines are being set up for later. It’s bad writing because Kiki and/or Hanna literally never bring up this bet/slave business again after devoting several clips and a bunch of social media to it. It’s like the writers didn’t really want to adapt this storyline from Skam, but they also didn’t have a ton of ideas for this week. Or maybe they were going to go somewhere with it, but then they changed their minds because it made some character look bad, but they forgot to take it out.  
Like okay, fine, it wasn’t my favorite storyline in Skam either. It made Vilde look like an idiot at best, or a racist and a traitor at worst. But then why even have Kiki and Hanna overhear Essam? It’s not like they had to do it for adaptation reasons. Skam France didn’t.
It’s frustrating as fuck, and it won’t be the last time this season will pull this on the viewer.
Speaking of which, Sam thinks Mohammed is hot as hell (she ain’t wrong) and invites Essam, Omar and Mohammed to Jonas’ birthday party. This bothers Amira, because she doesn’t want her brothers to hang out with her friends. Even though she apparently just invited the girls to the boxing class that takes place at the gym her brothers attend.
But anyway, Sam is being characterized as someone who is in charge of her sexuality (throughout the whole show, but specifically in this episode). While Amira is pining from a distance, getting flustered just from eye contact, Sam sees a hot guy and immediately creates an opportunity to see him again.
CLIP 5: Barbecue pining
There’s such a summer vibe about always finding reasons to hang out at a specific place because your friend got a summer job there.
I gotta give it to the writers. Essam is such a well-constructed younger sibling character. He’s a brat exactly in the way younger siblings are, and yet… That’s also the reason he’s so endearing.
And, on that note, Omar gives off such dad vibes. Not even older brother vibes. Every time I see Omar I feel like he’s thinking, “ha-ha! These little brats are acting out because they’re going through a lot! We just have to understand them!”
The conversation Amira and Mohammed have around the barbecue is so dumb, but you gotta love how pleased Amira is that she has Mohammed’s attention. Though she’s also unused to liking having a guy’s attention.
David and Matteo are back, and they’re still adorable! Good for them.
The way you could describe this moment as, Amira literally turned around for a moment and Sam was already touching Mohammed’s hair, and have it be accurate, sums up what they’re going for here.
Social media
There was a lot of social media content to keep people fed in the hiatus between episode 31 and 32. David and Matteo backpacked through Europe, Mia left for Spain and Kiki made a video about it, Stefan was invited to a game night with the crew, Kiki and Carlos looked for an apartment, and as I mentioned earlier, Essam lost a bet to Amira and had to be her slave for a week. I think that’s about it!
Abdi suggests that he and Carlos give Jonas supplies to make a protest sign as a birthday present and I almost lost it.
I think the piece of social media that most pissed off Skam purists was a chat where Jonas assures Amira he’s already thought of buying halal meat (as well as vegetarian and vegan options) for his birthday, because apparently Druck wanted to show up Skam or something, but like… It’s not like this storyline went anywhere on Skam either, like at no point do the girls learn to order pizza Sana can eat. So what does it matter if Jonas is already aware that Muslims eat halal meat.
I love that Hanna went to boxing class once, posted a bunch of stories about it and then never attended again. What a mood.
And to close the week, Kiki texts Amira that Essam started following her on insta.
When the season was airing, I found these clips cute enough. But on rewatch, I didn’t care for this episode and the reason is that so much of it ended being irrelevant to the season. What this episode did well was setting up the Kiki/Amira friendship, setting Kiki and Carlos’ apartment and the boxing class as recurring settings for the season and some character details. Essam is a really solid character from the get go, and I like the details in Amira’s room. They could’ve left out just about everything else.
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Why Are Many Senior Citizens Are Requesting CBD Oil?
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Concern worrying negative impacts of narcotics in addition to interest in additional lawful professional options are triggering even more senior citizens checking out cannabis options.
According to the National Study of Drug Use and Health, in between 2011-14 in Washington state, the variety of individuals that have actually used cannabis over the age of 65 boosted from 0.9 percent to 2.4 percent.
Elders are choosing to utilize cannabis for medical problems, like pain, as opposed to prescription medicines. With the raised appeal as well as the decreased stigma of the plant, seniors are additional open than ever before to try cannabis.
A 2018 research study of elders discovered 93.7 percent of clients actually felt renovation from indicators like discomfort after taking marijuana for six months. What's more, 18 percent of individuals gave up or decreased, taking opioids by utilizing marijuana.
The opioid epidemic has struck senior citizens in addition to other age demographics. In 2013, 55 percent of opioid prescriptions more than likely to senior citizens, although they only accounted for 13 percent of the population. Opioids can be extra dangerous for senior citizens as a result of the fact that they increase the hazard of falling, mental complication, and also dependancy, according to the World as well as Mail.
Want to suggest marijuana as a various treatment for your moms and dads or grandparents? Look at our listing of the prominent aspects elders are using marijuana. Even Better CBD Oil
LEADING Factors seniors depend on CBD Oil.
1. Consistent Discomfort
From fibromyalgia to joint swelling as well as likewise nerve pain, consistent discomfort cripples great deals of senior citizens. Nonetheless, cannabis for senior citizens is changing that. Marijuana can help deal with neuropathic discomfort as well as discomfort prompted by joint inflammation in addition to inflammation because of the body's endocannabinoid system. When cannabis is taken in, its compounds, including THC as well as also CBD, impede pro-inflammatory bits in the body and likewise get in touch with different other all-natural pain-killing systems, like the body's endogenous opioid system.
Elders don't require to smoke a joint for pain reduction. If you're not seeking the psychedelic effects of cannabis, you can select a hemp-derived CBD product for all the medical benefits of marijuana without the high. Try providing CBD oil or CBD pills to your grandparent and also see specifically just how they feel. And additionally, hemp-derived CBD items can be delivered to all 50 states.
2. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is the leading root cause of loss of sight for people over 60. Glaucoma is a problem of increased pressure in the eye caused by liquid buildup that harms the nerves. To fight Glaucoma, individuals call for to soothe that stress, which is generally finished with prescription eye lowers. However, this eye goes down can be costly and also need to be utilized sometimes throughout the day.
This is an additional method marijuana for senior citizens is a video game-changer: cannabis naturally reduces that stress as well as likewise the results last for hours. Among the most significant advocates of marijuana for glaucoma is Whoopi Goldberg. She made up a short write-up for the Cannabist called, "My vape pen and I, a love story" where she explains precisely how vaping cannabis help with her glaucoma and the migraine headaches it produces. Keep in mind that you do not need the THC for health and wellness as well as health effects. We recommend HemPiDiol and also it can be delighted in through a vape pen if so wanted.
3. Alzheimer's Illness
Cannabis has actually shown phenomenal capacity for both the therapy as well as also avoidance of Alzheimer's and psychological degeneration.
Added research is seriously required, yet that's the catch in the U.S. As a result of the government's "Prepare I" category of the plant, executing professional studies as well as examinations is essentially difficult. In the meanwhile, nonetheless, several seniors are complying with the slogan: "A decrease a day maintains psychological damage away." So why not call our group of specialists as well as see what our company is doing in this department. We go to the center of HPD oil research along with would certainly enjoy talking to you concerning what would certainly fit your demands or the demands of your suched as one.
4. Parkinson's Health problem
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Stringent muscles that are tough to relocate
Relax troubles
Loss of cognitive functions
Amnesia as well as additionally mental wear and tear
The certain origin of dopamine-producing cells to pass away is still unidentified as well as there is no effective treatment for Parkinson's, just medication to aid lower indicators.
Nonetheless, a research study in Israel on the impacts of cannabis on Parkinson's found indicators like drinks and also stamina was considerably reduced after people smoked cannabis. Evaluation Herb's full protection of marijuana and also Parkinson's health problem right below.
5. Cancer cells
Among the main factors clinical cannabis regulations you're on The golden state in the '90s was the plant's capacity to help cancer cells clients. At first, marijuana plainly assisted adverse impacts cancer cells treatment, like radiation therapy, activated, including pain and additionally queasiness.
But, an additional study has actually likewise shown that marijuana eliminates cancer cells. Plus, the plant's substances have actually been revealed to reduce the expansion of various sort of cancer cells, consisting of bust, prostate, as well as lung cancers cells. What's even more, scientists from Vanderbilt University School of Medication situated cannabis to avoid "metastasis," which is the spreading of cancer cells to healthy and balanced and well-balanced cells.
Although we wouldn't advise replacing your mama or gran's cancer cells treatment totally with marijuana, it can be a beneficial enhancement to their regular. It's simply an added method we would like to recommend HemPidiol a risk-free as well as reliable enhancement to deal with signs and also for senior citizens this non THC alternative is changing healthcare.
6. Rest
Countless senior citizens locate their restless than they did when they were much younger. What's more, the senior handle sleeping problems along with issue remaining asleep. Nevertheless remainder is essential to living a healthy and balanced life and for recuperating from sickness as well as injury. That's where marijuana for seniors plays a part.
Certain type of marijuana, like indica-dominant stress, are identified to sit back the body along with making individuals sleepy. Even "highness" cannabis things, like CBD oil, have sleep-inducing properties. Lots of people are counting on cannabis to help them sleep, young people along with seniors alike.
As a matter of fact, according to one of the most recent Eaze State of Marijuana Record, 95 percent of resting tablet customers surveyed in The gold state have in fact reduced their resting tablet usage by using CBD oil. Unlike resting tablets, cannabis is all-natural in addition to does not leave people feeling dazed in the morning.
8. Crohn's Illness
Essentially 800,000 Americans deal with Crohn's Illness, an inflammatory bowel condition that activates belly pain, bloody diarrhea, along with weight administration. It's a hard problem to handle as well as additionally does not have a cure. Really, it seriously influences victims' quality of life. Yet marijuana assistance for senior citizens and additionally more youthful grownups alike. Cannabis helps to take care of Crohn's disease symptoms and signs and give much-needed alleviation throughout flare-ups.
What's a lot more, there is some preliminary evidence to suggest marijuana can, in fact, aid send Crohn's Health problem right into remission. That's due to the fact that Crohn's is generally a puffy digestive (GI) tract as well as additionally marijuana battles that with its anti-inflammatory household or industrial homes. In fact, there are cannabinoid receptors throughout the GI tract. And likewise, according to a 2014 research study, Crohn's individuals that used marijuana had no negative side effects along with elevated cravings. Marijuana such as CBD oil/ HemPidiol for elders is absolutely worth considering for Crohn's.
9. Clinical depression
Anxiety among elders dominates. According to the Facility for Illness Control (CDC), concerning 7 million Americans over the age of 65 ended up being depressed every year. Regrettably, according to the very same record, senior citizens made up for 16 percent of self-destruction deaths in 2004. However, once again, that's one more use of marijuana for elders. Cannabis is known to boost mood as well as decrease anxiousness.
Cannabis oil is a quicker option for antidepressants. It sets off the endocannabinoid system and increases the development as well as growth of nervous tissue with little to no negative effects. It is dealing with depression with HemPiDiol a natural solution that offers customers assurance.
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
The Long Way Around 19
And so begins the second act of the story. We got Izuku to the hero course but now what? I’m sure you all know but things are gonna get shaken up. Also introducing one of my favorite bnha characters and by far my favorite character to write in this story. Enjoy!
Chapter Nineteen: Bizarre! A Mentor Appears!
Izuku thinks he's finally settling into 1-A. It's now the end of his first week here and, so far, things have been going pretty well.
First off, he's finally learned which classroom to walk in, having accidently walked to 1-C a couple of times on accident. But he's also gotten pretty close with some of the people in his class. He and Uraraka clicked almost immediately, but he's also become friendly with Kirishima, As-Tsuyu, Iida and Todoroki. Since that first day, Kacchan has pretty much ignored him unless he was trying to get Izuku to fight him again.
Izuku misses his friends in 1-C, misses the easy comfort he'd developed with them but he's glad he's fitting in here well. Besides, it's not like he doesn't see them anymore and they still text all the time.
Still, despite the warm welcoming, Izuku can't help but feel like an outsider, not just because he's new but because he's quirkless. While he hasn't had any really bad interactions like in middle school, he knows that some of the others are doubtful of his capabilities. He's held up so far in the training sessions but he still feels like he needs to prove himself somehow.
Izuku knows most of them mean well when they go easy on him during exercises but it still it frustrates him. He didn't get to this spot for being weak and he hates that people still treat him as such. Sometimes it amazes him just how close-minded people can be, as if their way is the only way. During those interactions, he steels himself and makes notes for the future.
When he's a hero, he's going to put a stop to this kind of injustice.
"Midoriya," Izuku turns away from his conversation with Uraraka to look over at Aizawa-sensei. "Come here for a moment, I need to speak with you in the hall." Izuku stands up, convinced all at once that he was going to be thrown out of the class. He's only been here a week, he couldn't have screwed up that badly-
"You're not in trouble but it pertains to your upcoming week." Izuku sighs with relief as he follows his teacher into the hallway. His heart speeds up, as always, when he sees All Might standing there too. The hero looks a bit uncomfortable.
"Is something the matter? Can I help?" Izuku asks before he can shove the words back in his mouth. Idiot. What could he possibly do to help the Number One Hero? All Might chuckles and gives Izuku a quick hair ruffle.
"No Young Midoriya, there's nothing wrong but I appreciate the sentiment. That good heart of yours is the finest quality in any hero," All Might says. If Izuku was killed right now in some sort of freak accident, he could die happy.
"Moving on," Aizawa-sensei says dully. "I'll get right to it, you got a nomination earlier this morning even though you technically weren't eligible." Izuku's mouth drops open, a nomination? For him? "It's last minute but everything is in order. You were supposed to spend your internship week with me bringing you up to the level of your classmates. However, given this development, I thought I'd give you the option."
"I'll do it," Izuku answers quickly the moment his teacher finishes speaking.
"You don't even know who nominated you yet." All Might says with amusement but still that hidden touch of discomfort Izuku can't place his finger on.
"I know but I still want to do it," Izuku pleads. "Even though I'm in the hero course I have to work two, maybe three, times as hard as everyone else just to keep up and I'm already so far behind. The fact that someone bothered to sponsor me at all is incredible and I have to take this opportunity."
"I still need to find time to catch you up," Aizawa-sensei says with a sigh.
"Can't I come after my internship? It's only in the day and I know you work primarily at night," his teachers look at him. "I can forgo sleep for a week, it's not like I haven't done it before." A nearly manic grin spreads on Aizawa-sensei's face and he looks like he's about to say yes when All Might interrupts.
"I think what your teacher is trying to say is that while we admire your dedication, we certainly don't want you to go to such exhausting lengths." All Might says with a grin. "If you truly intend to take this internship then we shall simply have to find another time to train you."
"I do, I mean, intend to take this. I'm sorry if this upsets your plans, Sensei, but I need to start moving forward instead of just catching up."
"I kind of figured you'd say that," Aizawa-sensei nods. "Alright, I'll get it set up. You'll be leaving with the other students Monday morning. I'll be explaining the details in homeroom so pay attention. All Might knows your sponsor so I'll leave it to him, just be back in your seat before the final bell." Sensei says as he shuffles back into classroom.
"So you know who sponsored me?" Izuku asks, turning to look up at his hero.
"A-ah, yes, I do," All Might says, clearing his throat several times. Izuku begins to wonder what kind of person his sponsor could be to make All Might of all people anxious.
"His name is Gran Torino, he's a pro hero from the old days and he's been long since retired. He taught at Yuuei for one year and was, in fact, my homeroom teacher. He's a very good teacher and a skilled hero." Izuku is getting very concerned with how nervous All Might looks, is he actually shaking? "But he's very tough and has no patience for failure; you'll learn a lot I'm sure but you need to be careful around him."
"I-I will, sir!" Izuku squeaks as he imagines a tall, menacing man with a terrifying quirk. "Uh, since you know him, do you know why he picked me of all people?"
"O-oh, well I'm sure he saw your potential and wanted to help foster your growth. Now you best get back inside so you don't miss anything, you've got a big week coming up." Toshinori says, smiling down at his student. "I'm not sure of your normal exercise routine but try not to do anything strenuous over the weekend. This internship will require all your strength and skill."
"Yes, I understand, All Might, I wont let you down," Young Midoriya says with an earnest expression. "I'll tell you know how it goes when I get back!" The boy says with a final wave before disappearing back into his classroom and sliding the door shut. Toshinori lets out a deep breath and quickly makes his way down the hall, hoping to make it back to the teacher's lounge before he reverts back to his true form.
No one had been more surprised than him when Young Midoriya got a last minute nomination and from his old mentor of all people. He'd nearly keeled over right there. The boy has only been in the hero system for about a day which means Torino had been waiting for him to be put up.
None of the other teachers had actually expected the quirkless student to get nominated so it was quite the surprise. It had been the gossip among the staff this morning, who Gran Torino was and what he wanted with Young Midoriya. But Toshinori is the only one who actually knows the man and he's more than certain that Torino had a very specific reason for sponsoring the boy...
Toshinori enters the teacher's lounge, thankfully empty at this time and powers down with a sigh. It's getting tougher to remain in his All Might form. The strain of One For All is starting to be too much for his broken boy. He coughs into his handkerchief and stumbles over to the couch where he can hopefully rest for a little bit before his afternoon class or some world-ending disaster, whatever comes first. Toshinori is just getting comfortable when his phone buzzes in his pocket.
"Goddammit," he mutters, fishing it out. "Hello?" he croaks as another cough hits him.
"You sound like hell," a gravely old voice says and just like that Toshinori is 15 again, getting his lunch beaten out of him. A strangled gasp escapes his throat as he violently sits up before dissolving into another coughing fit. How long has it been since he's heard that voice? Years for certain but Gran Torino sounds just as commanding as he did back in the day. "At least pass on your power before you kick the bucket."
"Why are you-" he hesitates, "wait, this is about Young Midoriya, your sponsorship, right?"
"No, I'm calling about the dry cleaning, of course I'm calling about the boy, you idiot! The internships start next week and I haven't heard diddly squat from the school."
"You just turned in the form this morning." Toshinori says, his annoyance partially outweighing his anxiety. "We just got around to confirming it with the young man not five minutes ago."
"Well that's your problem for not making the kid available until the last second," Torino snaps. "And more to the point, it's your damn fault for making me come out of retirement to do this in the first place!"
"I know you Toshinori. I probably know you better than anyone in that uppity school," Torino barrels on ahead. "I knew the second I saw that boy beating on Endeavor's kid that you'd be considering him as your successor. Hell, I'm surprised you haven't offered it up already." Torino pauses, "you haven't have ya?"
"No, but the situation is complicated," Toshinori says, leaning back and rubbing his temple with one hand. "I will admit I've given it some thought but everyone in Japan knows he doesn't have a quirk now. He can't just develop a power like mine out of nowhere, it'd be too suspicious." He pauses and thinks of Young Midoriya's resolute face when he'd first confessed his quirklessness. "Besides, the young man has come far on his own. He's proud of his accomplishments and I don't know if he would even accept."
"I don't remember you being such a coward back in the day," Torino taunts. "Those are minor details that can be worked around and you know it. You're just too scared to give up your power and admit that your time as the Number One is almost up." The truthful statement hangs heavily in the air. "Look, that's why I nominated the kid. I'll check him out since you keep putting it off and see if the kid has the stones to handle One for All. You two knuckleheads can work out the rest."
"I-I appreciate it," Toshinori replies softly.
"Yeah well you better, always gotta clean up your messes for you." The older man sighs. "So the kid's coming Monday, right?"
"Young Midoriya insisted. We'll have the paperwork in by the end of the day."
"Make sure you do," Torino says while the phone crackles with movement. "Damn, I guess I should clean this place up a bit if a kid's gonna be here. Should probably fix up your old room too so he's got somewhere to crash once I'm through beating on him."
"Don't go too hard on him, you hear?" Toshinori says but there's a light smile on his face as he imagines Young Midoriya collapsing in the same broken down room he'd used a very long time ago.
"Well I'm not going to see if he's good enough by tiptoeing around him," Torino grumbles. "But don't worry, he'll come back to you in one piece."
"That's all I can ask I guess," Toshinori mutters. "Thanks again," he says weakly until he's unable to suppress the urge any longer. "You know, it's not just the fear of losing my power that makes me hesitant. I'm just- this was her power. I need to do this right. I screwed up so many things in my life but I can't screw this up. I'm afraid I'll make the wrong choice and ruin everything she stood for."
"Stop being stupid, Toshinori it doesn't suit you," Torino says dismissively. "This isn't something you can know, like a math equation or something. This is something you gotta feel. You were a mess when Shimura found you but she saw something in you and turned you into a hero. Sometimes you gotta trust your gut and make a leap of faith."
He clears his throat, "look, I gotta go. I'll call you in a few days with my thoughts on the kid."
"Okay and, even if this doesn't work out, it was nice talking to you. It's uh been awhile," Toshinori mutters awkwardly.
"Yeah, because you've been too busy out there killing yourself. Take care, Toshinori." Torino says sharply before abruptly hanging up. Despite the rudeness, Toshinori couldn't help but smile. After all these years and the old goat still hasn't changed. Young Midoriya is certainly in for a rough couple of days. The thought brings him back to the reality of the situation as he lays back down and watches the fan spin lazily overhead.
By complete accident, he's stumbled upon a boy who feels right in a way none of Nighteye's other choices have. Despite his deliberate feet dragging, the more he interacts with the boy, the more certain he is that Young Midoriya has what it takes to be a worthy successor. It seems so sudden for such an important choice to be thrust upon him like this. But then he thinks of his happenstance first meeting with Nana and smiles.
He's run into Young Midoriya several times over the last year before he even noticed him. Toshinori can't help but think that this might be fate smacking him over the head. He can't help but wonder if some things were meant to be.
"You've all got your costumes?" Aizawa-sensei asks in his normal, dry way. "Don't lose them, don't wear them in public without your sponsor and don't embarrass the school. Have a good week, I guess." Tenya look down at the case containing his armor. Since hearing about his brother's injury, all he can feel is a deep emptiness in his chest. He holds the case tightly in his hand. Hopefully he'll be able to fix that this week.
"Iida," he turns to see Uraraka, Midoriya and Todoroki standing there looking sympathetic. The whole class has been treating him delicately ever since the incident. Only Midoriya and Uraraka have been brave enough to try and get him to talk but Tenya always tried to allay their fears. Apparently he hasn't been entirely successful.
"Good luck with your internship," Midoriya says with a shy smile. "I know I sound like a broken record but we're here for you if you need someone to talk to. We are uh kind of..." he trails off and looks awkwardly down at his case. "You-you have my number, if you ever need me during the week." Uraraka nods emphatically while Todoroki just stands there and watches him thoughtfully.
While there have been numerous changes in the class dynamic since Midoriya arrived, Todoroki has by far changed the most. Where previously he was closed off and didn't interact with anyone, he's now more engaged, especially with Midoriya. Considering that Midoriya gave him some pretty significant injuries during the Festival, Todoroki can usually be found hanging around the quirkless boy. Anyone in the class who dares to whisper about Midoriya's ability to be a hero will find themselves on the receiving end of a very cold look from the boy. Uraraka thinks it's a sign of love but Tenya thinks there might be more to it than that.
"I appreciate it, all of you, and I will keep that in mind should I ever need it." Tenya says, faking a friendly smile to soothe their worries. They had their own internships to worry about and, besides, this had nothing to do with them. This is personal. He sees Uraraka and Midoriya wander away with a final wave but Todoroki remains, looking like he's trying to figure something out.
"You're going to Hosu, right?" Todoroki says softly.
"That is correct," Tenya says sharply. Did Todoroki figure out him out? Would he tell Sensei? "And you're working at your father's agency, are you not?"
"I am," the other boy nods. "He's hoping to track down the Hero Killer this week. I might run into you since the villain was last spotted there." Tenya winces but Todoroki isn't done yet. "You should take Midoriya up on his offer to talk; he's very perceptive and kind. I think he can help you."
"I appreciate it but really I am fine," Tenya says tensely. "I must say I'm surprised at your attitude towards Midoriya given his condition. I admire his resolve greatly but I must admit I still have my doubts on his capabilities." Instead of the glare Tenya had expected from his frank assessment, intended to distract Todoroki, he merely looks confused.
"You fought him too, didn't you see it?" Todoroki questions. "He's undoubtedly skilled with his martial arts but there's something about the way Midoriya treats people, the way he fights. I can't describe it other than to say, despite the battle, he made me feel safe for the first time in a long while."
"No, I guess I didn't," Tenya responds slowly, not sure what to make of the strange comment. He looks up at the train schedule. "I'm afraid I really must be going. My train will be arriving momentarily. I wish you luck during your internship." Todoroki stares at him intensely for a moment longer.
"You too Iida, be careful and don't do anything you'll regret." Todoroki says before walking away, his footsteps silent in the noise of the crowd. Todoroki means well but he can't understand what Tenya is feeling right now. He hates to disappoint him, and everyone else, but nothing is going to stop him from avenging his brother.
He turns and walks towards his train, going with open eyes into whatever awaits him in Hosu.
Izuku knocks on the door to the creepy, abandoned looking building where, supposedly, his mentor will be waiting. He'd spent a good portion of his weekend trying to find any information on Gran Torino, the man who taught at Yuuei for just one year and, even years later, still scared the pants off of All Might. He knocks again and it echoes listlessly. Strange.
He tries the door and finds it open. Izuku frowns, there's something not right about this situation. He pulls out his new bō, courtesy of Hatsume, and has it ready by his side as he enters the building. "H-hello? I'm uh, I'm a student from Yuuei's Hero course? You uh nominated me?"
He takes a few steps in and freezes, there's an old man lying in a puddle of what looks to be blood on the floor. His natural urge is to scream but he clamps that down and focuses. Izuku's staff is whipped out to it's full length as he quickly assesses the area for the person who'd done this before racing forward. There's still a chance the man may be alive and Izuku knows some basic first aid, that should be enough until the ambulance arrives-
"I'm alive!" the old man yells, lifting his head up suddenly and this time Izuku does actually scream because what the hell is happening. Izuku had whipped his staff around unconsciously until it's right in the old man's face. He should probably move that. "Who are you?" the old man asks as he shakily gets to his feet, seemingly unconcerned with Izuku and the weapon aimed at him. If this is a joke by his teachers, Izuku is going to be furious.
"I'm Midoriya Izuku," he says, feeling annoyed that he may have just wasted his time and optimism, again. "I'm looking for Gran Torino? He's a hero who sponsored me, I was told to meet him at this address."
"What?" the old man asks, holding his hand to his ear. "You're going to have to speak up, sonny. Are you a friend of Toshinori's?" Izuku takes a deep breath and leans down to the older man's level. No matter what's going on, he can't bring himself to be rude to such a sweet, old man.
"I said-" Izuku finds a small but powerful fist in his face. He's thrown back a bit before he brings his staff up to defend but the old man has already moved, perching on a couch on the far side of the room. Izuku rolls his jaw, that was a good punch from someone who couldn't stand a minute ago. Was that all an act? "Gran Torino, I presume?"
"You're not as dumb as you look and believe me, you looked pretty dumb there for a minute." Gran Torino says in a gravely voice, all traces of earlier confusion gone as his wrinkled face becomes hard. Faster than Izuku can follow, the man is speeding forward and kicks his foot right into Izuku's face, forcing him to ground. "Are you sure Yuuei sent the right boy? I asked for the kid who fought all the way to second place in the Sports Festival."
"And I asked for a mentor who would treat me with respect and not resort to stupid tricks so I guess no one is getting what they want today." Izuku says, wiping the dirt from his face as he sits up because he's annoyed and excited and terrified all at once.
"Oh ho, testy aren't we? Yeah, I yanked your chain a little bit," the old man grins and it reminds Izuku of his master. "So what are you going to do about it, boy? Come at me and show me what you showed those kids you fought." Izuku smiles back as he settles into his stance, his bō ready in front of him. Gran Torino has some sort of speed quirk. Whatever it is, it's not something Izuku will be fast enough to keep up with but he might be able to predict where the man will go.
Gran Torino rushes forward again, Izuku grits his teeth as he tries to aim his staff at the incoming projectile but Torino dodges midair and plants both feet into Izuku's gut before using him to jump off. He stumbles backwards, only staying upright by using his bō to stabilize him.
Izuku watches Torino continue to bounce around the walls like a pinball. There'd been a jet of air when Torino had pushed off him so it seems like a propulsion quirk which gave the man speed, mobility and impressive force. He'd have a hard time defending against such a versatile quirk.
The next time the hero speeds his way, Izuku is able to duck, but his staff doesn't even come close when he tries to strike the hero. This is pathetic, he can't even land a single hit on a man old enough to be his grandfather. Torino lands above his doorway and sneers down at Izuku.
"Not as easy as the Sports Festival, is it kid? That's because all of your opponents, save the kid with the explosions, were going easy on you on account of you being quirkess. You got potential all right but you're not going to get anywhere at Yuuei or in the real world if people keep pulling their punches. Since they weren't taking proper care of you, I figured it was up to me."
Yes, this is exactly what he was looking for. Someone who would look at him and not see someone who needed to be protected but someone who had the opportunity to be powerful in his own way. He'd almost gotten used to being coddled that the blunt approach is like a breath of fresh air. So this is the man who taught All Might.
"Please give me everything you've got, sir." Izuku says seriously, calculating in his head his advantages and how he can use them. "Because I'm certainly going to."
"Oh you'll come to regret those words," Torino says, jumping off the wall with such speed, it cracked. So clearly he's not concerned with collateral damage to his home. Good to know. The man bounces past him in a way meant more to intimate than hurt, Izuku doesn't even bother trying to hit him. He's too busy trying to focus on Gran Torino's movements, the time he needs to cross the room and how to predict his next location when he ricochets off of Izuku's back. Torino lands on the his microwave, smashing it to bits.
"Come on kid, I know you can do better than this. You tore through Endeavor's kid and gave that explosion brat a run for his money. Show me that you're worth my time." The man demands, speeding forward again. Izuku is tired of constantly being on the defensive so he plants his staff on the ground and jumps up to meet Torino in the air with his fist ready to greet him. But the hero has more mobility than he'd anticipated and course corrects midair to slam Izuku hard into the floor before bouncing around some more.
How is he supposed to land a hit when he moves faster than Izuku can think? He frowns, Iida is faster than Izuku, probably faster than Gran Torino too, and Izuku was able to beat him. And he did it not by being strong but by being smart and a bit sneaky. He gets back to his feet while his sponsor continues to whirl around like a blur.
Torino comes around again and it looks like he's tired of using Izuku as a springboard as his hand is outstretched, ready to drive him into the floor again.
Izuku is able to dodge and, now that he's got a better approximation of the other's speed, he brings his staff up to the point where he knows Gran Torino will be and swings. For a second, Izuku dares to think it will connect but instead the man bats the bō out of his way. Izuku grunts in aggravation as he falls back into his stance. He's getting closer though and that's something.
"You're intelligent and you've got a good ability to predict but that will only get you so far." Torino shouts from the other side of the room. He's right, all he's doing is reacting now, he needs to go on the offensive. Izuku spies the couch in the middle of the room and a hesitant plan comes to mind. He dashes under the couch and waits a second or two. "You think a real villain will give you the opportunity to hide and collect your thoughts? Well you're-"
Torino had been in the upper left corner ceiling when Izuku had gotten under his couch, assuming he didn't change his trajectory, Izuku knows exactly where he's going to be. Once he hears the man jump off the wall, Izuku rolls out from under the couch and readied himself. He likes to imagine that's surprise on the old man's face as Izuku swings his staff in his direction.
Everyone always thinks the quirkless kid is trying to hide, why do they never guess he's manipulating their expectations? There's something very satisfying about the way the bō slams into Torino's side, directing him off course. The man still lands fairly gracefully on floor a short distance away.
"Using your opponent's perception of your weakness against them, that's good." Torino says with a dry grin he as he rubs at his side. "All Might sure as hell didn't teach you that trick."
"Well when I'm as strong as All Might then I'll worry about fighting fair," Izuku retorts.
"Ha!" the old man barks. "Alright put that staff down, kid, we're done for now. You're off to a good start but you've got a long way to go if you wanna go pro."
"I know sir, that's why I'm here." Izuku says relaxing only slightly, if Torino come at him again, he'll be ready. "I'm already at a massive disadvantage being quirkless, I need to be twice as skilled just to keep up."
"At least you understand the stakes," Torino nods. "You have a very long day ahead of you, brat. First, I'm going to tell you exactly what you did wrong just now and how to do better next time."
"And after that?" Izuku asks.
"Why, you're going to show me I wasn't wrong in sponsoring Yuuei's first quirkless hero." Gran Torino says with a toothy grin that promises an afternoon of insults and pain. Izuku can't wait.
It's late, very late, by the time Izuku is directed to a dirty, dust covered spare bedroom in Gran Torino's home. He's sore all over and he's pretty sure he's going to look like he got jumped by a gang tomorrow but he feels good. The pain feels like progress after too long of standing still.
He collapses on the bed which smells like dirt and sweat. Doesn't matter, too tired. Gran Torino says tomorrow is going to be twice as hard as today so he needs to be well rested so he's at least halfway prepared. He's on the cusp of unconsciousness when he notices an unread message on his phone.
Glowstick: How's it goin? U r at ur internship right?
Izuku smiles, he's missed them. Their concern even though he's not in their class anymore means a lot
MightyBoy: Yea, I'm so tired
IcyHot: This was the hero no one's ever heard of, right?
MightyBoy: Gran Torino, yeah, he's, Izuku searches for the right word, something else
Vampira: But is he helping?
MightyBoy: He's not going easy on me
MightyBoy: I finally feel like I'm moving forward
MindController: That's good
MightyBoy: Btw Shinsou, I talked to my homeroom teacher
MightyBoy: Since he's not working with me this week he said he might stop by ur class and check u out
MightyBoy: I wore him down with how there's unappreciated talent in 1-C
MindController: You did what now
Izuku snickers to himself as the chat explodes. The pleasant buzzing of his phone beneath him, reminiscent of so many nights spend this past term staying up late and texting with his friends. It's comforting to know that the more things change, the more things stay the same. Izuku is tempted to check in on a few of his friends in 1-A but it's late and they're probably tired from their own internships.
He's still worried about Iida, the other boy hadn't seemed right when they'd said goodbye at the train station but he doesn't feel right texting him out of the blue. They've only been classmates a week and he's not sure it's his place to butt into Iida's personal issues. Eventually, even these thoughts can't keep awake any longer and he drifts off, his phone still buzzing warmly in his hand.
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