#and even though billys complex hes not hard to understand... unless one chooses not to
every-dayiwakeup · 2 years
Not liking a character because you don't want to or you simply can't understand them is really something lmfao
Antis always making sure to reiterate that they "certainly don't like ___ at all"... why do y'all feel the need?
Unless y'all need to convince yourselves you don't like ___?? Are you not sure about your own opinions or something 🤭
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seenashwrite · 7 years
The Nail: August 2017
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The Nail isn’t about perfection. It isn’t about award-level contenders. It’s about seeing focus and effort and hard work radiate off of the screen.
And The Nail’s purpose isn’t to highlight genres of fics or specific ships or pieces written during a certain time frame - the sole focus is quality.
Character dimension. Writing with clever readers in mind. Solid world-building. Tension through boundaries. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion.
And though yours truly - nice to meet you, new folks, I’m Nash! - is editor of the list, the goal is for YOU to curate the content.
Read more about how all this came to be, find past editions, see what factors are considered when constructing the list, and how to get your recommendations in/be a curator HERE.
Hey, ramblers? Let’s get ramblin’.
For your reblogging convenience, here’s The Nail Master Post of Editions!
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Quickie Nash Note:
As this project evolves, I'm still determining the best way to present it for easiest reader use.
And so, faithful followers of The Nail, you'll notice a touch of a categorization change-up. The lengths are still the m.o. vs. type ["angst", "fluff", etc.], but are now listed in order of word count, low to high. The rest of the categories remain the same, plus a new one that may or may not appear on every edition [you'll see why!].
I've also put a new page on my blog, mainly for authors, with explanation for things they may question regarding this format - things I’ve mentioned prior, but it takes up too much space. Some of the current FAQs are....
- Why did someone make up a summary/why didn't you use my summary? - Why did someone make up a title for my story/poem? - What are those Q comments? - Is Nash actually reading all of this?
One last thing: The Nail is meant to go out the first full week of each month, and was mostly ready this weekend, however I just wasn't in a jovial, woo-hoo mood, I made a brief post why, I've no doubt each and every one of you understand, but you have my apologies nonetheless as poor time allocation on my part meant this wasn't out at some point during the past week.
XO - Nash.
- SUPERNATURAL SUPERSTARS - Organized by length.
THE BOY KING'S DEMONS  -   @rex-daemoniorum / @vengeuse WORD COUNT - 279
Sam understands that there are exceptions to even his own rules. 
Q: Nice detail, pertinents given painted the picture effectively/no belaboring; through-line present of Sam's ability to relate without spelling it out/written for intelligent readers; complexity of situation related in short amount of space
[Nash Note: Additional shout-out to @azazelsocks, who provided a high-quality prompt, as - if your humble editor may be blunt - most fic prompts are beyond lame. Well done, 'Socks.]
--> I cannot tag these folks, if someone could kindly let them know or give it a go in your reblog
CIRCUMSTANCES -  @jessmoorechesters WORD COUNT - 347 words As years pass, the Moores have often found their thoughts turning to Sam.
Q: While perhaps started as headcanon, reads third-person omniscient; emotional, rambling, almost panicked cadence/style/lack of caps/punctuation absolutely works for this subject matter; nice full-stop short sentence toward end; inclusion of poignant details/no unneeded detail
[Nash Note: I already had this on the list, had a couple informal suggestions to check it out, spotted it more than once in my feed - overall, this resonated with many of you, and rightfully so.]
DESIGNATED DUTIES  -  @fanforfanatic  WORD COUNT - 412
A tale about the seemingly ordinary things we do for one another.
Q: Moves at a crisp clip; heartfelt without bending sappy; several great lines/points of humor, prevents getting too heavy given the short length/action in question; nice cap-off/prompts reader to use imagination while not ending on a proverbial cliffhanger
HELLO, DARLING  -  @whispersandwhiskerburn  WORD COUNT - 789
Crowley and Billie have a little chat.
Q: Excellent use of vocab in descriptions; quick, crisp dialogue; spot-on characterization; kept story moving/pacing well done; didn't waste time on explaining things/rehashing things readers already know from watching the show/written for clever readers
SHAPE OF YOU  -  @winchester-family-business WORD COUNT - 1K [minus song lyrics]
In which Dean walks into a bar, has a drink, meets a woman, and whether it's for now or forever, it's definitely meaningful.
Q: A get-in-and-get-out in the opener, setting the scene with just enough information and moving on to the actual story/no wasting time with a long set-up; excellent use of a "gimmick", re: initial communication; nicely fleshed-out protag who has her own thing going on, which he respects, which is in line with the character we know; took a commonly used set-up and took it to a thoughtful but not belabored/shmoopy place
GOOD NIGHT, LITTLE KING  -  @moonlightcas WORD COUNT - 1.6K
At the age of six, Sam is visited by Lucifer.
Q: in medias res; excellent pacing; perfectly plausible in canon; slightly chilling and pressing and foreboding without being suffocating; timing of the name reveal is Absolutely. Spot. On.
ONE, TWO, THREE  -  @kathaswings  WORD COUNT - 3.4K
A trip to a bookstore turns out to be more than you - or Sam - could have imagined.
Q:  in medias res; structure that would please any screenwriter; meet-cute without being immature/shmoopy/saccharine, specifically - protag didn't turn into a pile of weepies or gigglies/displayed strength; nice choice to include action; solid ending/author knew when to step away from the keyboard
[Nash Note: author's inspiration is revealed post-story, however they kept a light hand/did not merely re-hash source material bit-by-bit & just throw SPN atop it, instead made it their own - points and gold stars for this, always]
SUNDOWN, SUNDOWN  -  @thayerkerbasy  WORD COUNT - 6.2K 
"Crowley was done. After hundreds of years and one last sacrifice, he was done. Except, somehow, he wasn't."
Q: in medias res; spot-on characterization; tackled character departure in unique manner that could have easily gone shmoopy/author demonstrated restraint in walking the emotional line/kept that slightly off-kilter tone; moved at quick clip/efficient structure/fluid; touched on things/events seen in show but did not belabor/used as tool vs. crutch; phenomenal end dialogue/last line
- POEMS & POETICAL PROSE - Mostly quick reads, these are actual poems of any structure & short [< 2K] stories that have a poetic feel to the narrative with appropriate use of poetic verbiage given the subject matter and / or setting; pieces in the less-than-300 words neighborhood are considered quality in their entirety, therefore no "Q" notations; organized by length.
SECOND FALLING  -  @vintagesam  WORD COUNT - 135
"Despite the silence in the church, the earth is deafening."
INTOXICATION  -  @copbydayfangirlbynight  WORD COUNT - 199
"Out of nowhere, these two guys you’ve never seen show up and slip onto the bar stools next to you."
THE LEGEND  -  @quailpower  WORD COUNT - approx. 300 words
Exploring the costs of immortality, and what one angel chooses to do with his time.
JULIET  -  @roxy-davenport  WORD COUNT - 1.7K [minus song lyrics]
A night in the life of Crowley's beloved hellhound.
Q:  HERE [Nash Note: Short version? Knowing when it is appropriate to inject "flowery" verbiage into a narrative. Hint: fits the time period and/or character, is kept crisp, to-the-point, and used sparingly, regardless]  
- MULTI-PARTERS - Stories with a minimum of 2 parts, max of 3-to-4, with modestly sized [1-to-2K] chapters; completed as of this list; organized alphabetically by title. 
None this time! [but I’ve got a couple bookmarked whose wrap-ups appear to be en route]
- SERIES SPOTLIGHT : SUPERNATURAL & SPN CROSS-OVERS - Works that are completed series, as well as ongoing / in progress series, with at least 3 parts published as of/prior to the edition of The Nail in question; unfinished series must have been updated within roughly 6 months of this post;  these are lengthier than multi-parters, getting into a 5K+ range per chapter; organized alphabetically by title.
MISE EN PLACE  -  @sp-oops  
A look inside the ways you  - and the rest of the family - help Dean deal with the effects of the Mark of Cain.
Q: in medias res; quick, crisp dialogue & pace; no heavy-handed/laborious descriptors of setting/emotions, whether internal or verbal; nice character development/casual, easy feel to character interactions; sex fit into plot organically/didn't feel forced; plausible reactions by Dean/Sam/protag regarding the complexities of the residual impacts of the mark; witty humor throughout; nice cap-off/author knew when to step away from the keyboard  
Curated by @smi727 , who said: "Stumbled upon this little beauty of a series recently. I was seriously blown away by the plot, the writing, the reader’s personality, everything! Please Nash, share this wonderful writer with the world!"
- RANDOM FANDOMS -   All types, all lengths, all the things that aren’t SPN but are still pretty damn super; organized alphabetically by title.
AGENT 15  [series in progress]  -  @bellamysgirl
"Agent 15 was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top agents - that all changed when a mission went terribly wrong... but Coulson found a way to drag her back."
Q: in medias res; moves at a quick clip/no time wasted on extraneous detail; well-done characterization of both known/O.C.; reads as if watching episodes/movie; nice format/use of time flip vs. heavy exposition telling another character about those events; keeps intensity while splashing in moments of camaraderie
VERY MUCH FAEBLOODED [drabble]  -  @mickeyrowan
"She knows she’s different. She’s always been different... No place lets her forget this."
Q: Introspective without taking the reader on a deep, angst-filled dive; even-handed character portrayal; tone consistent; nice choice of event highlighting vs. a traditional narrative; well done on complementary kick-off/wrap-up
WHO YOU ARE [one-shot]  -  @blackcaptainrogers
Bucky knows showing love takes on a variety of forms.
[Nash Note: Short version? Your audience consists of such variety, it’ll take your breath away. And, well...]
On that piece of white paper, Sam wrote, "Write about me sometime." And I typed something back to her, standing right there in her bedroom. I just typed, "I will.”  ― Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower  
- ORIGINAL WORKS - Anything from haiku to novella; pieces in the less-than-300 words neighborhood are considered quality in their entirety, therefore no "Q" notations; organized by length.
"The architecture of your bones was built by conquerors."
MYSTERY GIRL  -  @inkskinned WORD COUNT - 111
"[A] girl who convinces you of magic, who flickers just a little on the edge of reality..."
I HAVEN'T LOOKED AT THE STARS IN A MONTH  - @poemsforpersephone  WORD COUNT - 125
"It’s an easy thing, to open a window, to step outside."
A TRADITION  -   @wakor-rising / @wakor  &  @sonatagreen   WORD COUNT - 189
"In peacetime, the ruler grows their hair long. In war, they cut it short."
--> I cannot tag these folks, if someone could kindly let them know or give it a go in your reblog
NEW YORK CITY TO RICHMOND  -  @haleyincarnate  WORD COUNT - 269
"I wonder if he knows that I can see the trying part of him..."
THE HOUSE OF GRUMLY  -  @erinnightwalker  WORD COUNT - 553
"Everyone knew that the Widow Grumly’s granddaughter was a werewolf."
Q: Sharp start with a phenomenal choice of an opening sentence; took a "historical fact", ran with it, and created a captivating world / plot in an incredibly short span of time; formatting, flow, verbiage crisp; nice & layered/written with a clever audience in mind
THE ADVENTURES OF ROXY AND JUJU   - @wheresthekillswitch  WORD COUNT - 2.4K  [part one/series in progress]
"JuJu finally relents and hands over the car keys to Roxy. It couldn’t possibly go more wrong than it did the last time Roxy drove…. right?"
Q: in medias res; crisp dialogue; absolutely engaging, witty characters developed in a short amount of space; vivid descriptors without being heavy-handed; leans into a vignette [character study] feel vs. hashing out a distinct plot; nice intro/kick-off for a series, though if author opts not to proceed, works just fine as stand-a-lone...
[...which is why I broke my own damn series criteria rule, so sue me. -N.]
- STUFF SO CREATIVE & UNIQUE, IT JUST CAN'T BE CATEGORIZED - What it says, organized alphabetically by title.
ENTRIES  - @cardinaleyes
An inside look into the journals of Team Free Will:
Q: an ongoing pseudo-series with a creative concept; keeps distinct style for each; bonus points regarding convenience for the reader by having a "home" for each character vs. all together in one blog
In which Team Free Will plays a game.
It began with a piece of fanart by @lastlabyrinth  ....
....which got some dialogue by @phantomrose96  ....
.... which got a follow-up by @casonly, and a nice wrap-up from  @guntheramvs 
Q: Written with sharp, quick-witted audience in mind; spit-take worthy humor; great characterization, spot-on in fact regarding our host for the evening; crisp, fun dialogue; excellent collaboration by all involved
[h/t  @waywardafbabygirl ]
JOURNAL OF A MAN OF LETTERS  -  @petite-madame
From the creator: "[This is] a diary in first-person narrative written from Sam's point of view. Once a week, I post an art and a ficlet inspired by an episode or a scene. I'm following the show timeline as close as I can but I'm taking liberty with canon here and there."
Q: Extraordinary, above-and-beyond, clearly evident care, devotion, countless hours put into this project, and it has paid off many times over - there is some of the most beautiful art you'll ever see, there are stories [have a sample] that will hit you right in the feels, there are moments ranging from light-hearted to introspection, and you even have an option of platform - go HERE for the LiveJournal headquarters. Phenomenal, top-to-bottom. I am not over-selling this.
TWO AGENTS MISSING, PRESUMED DEAD - @bohoartist & @piecesofscully
Two agents are missing - follow the twists and turns as clues are examined, leads are followed, and information is exchanged.
Q: The planning and execution throughout was nothing short of excellent; written/developed with smart audience in mind; methodology of storytelling unique and, more importantly, appropriate for how the authors chose to unfold the plot; format/use of images was spot-on; clear through-line and tone; mystery that was engaging, teasing but not frustrating  
[h/t @itssteaksauce ]
*~* Shameless Self-Promotion *~*
Happy Reading!  XO - Nash.
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* Authors, I encourage you to express your appreciation to your curator(s). Readers, if you enjoy curator selections & found them to be of quality, I encourage you to not only give the authors feedback, but also thank the curator(s) for bringing the story/series to your attention. I suspect they’ll dig it. *
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monstersofsilence · 7 years
Life of a demon
Days in hell. Talk about eternal suffering. At least to Crystal. Her whole family being the spawns from the devil himself, her duty is simple, but tiring after a while. "Yo, Rei, got any food in the fridge?" She screamed out across the room in the room she's sharing in with a mortal human being. Well, mortal is putting it likely. "No, Crystal. Unless you want toast with butter on it again." Rei responded.
During her days on the mortal realm, she spent days taking souls away from living beings to fuel herself and to help grow the devil's strength. Though after a while, she got sick of it, became a rebel and decided to live through the mortal realm, albeit difficult since Crystal has to get used to the complex ways of living that the humans go through on a daily basis. They don't eat souls, which is something she has to get used to not doing anymore... maybe a couple of souls or two here and there, but still.
One day, she paid visit to Rei's home, scaring her, as she usually does, and eventually scaring her more by taking her soul and everything until confessing that she was pretending. How a demoness like her was able to convince Rei to let her stay was beyond her.
Crystal groans from the mention of toast. She's tired of eating that stuff. "Ah, come on! Not even a burger or anything that looks good?!"
"No... sorry, Crystal." Rei apologized. "I promsie to get us something to eat when I get out of work tomorrow. I do get paid, but it won't be much since I have to pay the rent and electric bill."
"How about I just change those people's minds with a little convincing~"
"Crystal. No. No hypnotizing... or... seducing them... You promised."
"You say that, but even you can't keep yourself together... literally."
Rei was ready to lift a finger and lecture her, but as soon as she was about to move her right arm, it fell off. Looking down, she blushed and quickly grabbed it and hid behind her. "Just don't do that, okay? You need to learn how to actually live like a regular human being and struggling is one of the most important things of being human. If you just use your demon powers to get whatever you want, then you're not learning anything."
Crystal groaned in annoyance from hearing this again. She felt like a child again living with her mother and father back in Hell. "Fine... but I don't like it." She said as she floats over to the living room where Rei is.
Rei Takayane is the human she decided to stay with. Rei is a human, but different in a very odd way. Possibly why she's living with her. Rei is a human though a terrible accident happened to her and underwent some odd experimenting from her father desperately trying to bring her back. After days of work, she was back to life but not the same way as she was before. She is a zombie. An intelligent one considering she's able to speak and move normally. Only drawback to this is that her limbs were not stitched properly and therefore fall off every so often. Embarrassing for her considering she uses her limbs for a lot of tasks and having them fall off is frustrating, to say the least. No matter how many times she stitched her limbs back together, they're bound to fall off again. And again. And again.
"I know you don't like it... but that's how it is." Rei said. "But think of it this way, many important people that are known never started out where they are now. They didn't have fame and fortune handed to them when they were born! Like Albert Einstein! He wasn't smart, but somehow fooled everyone with his mathematics that changed the world on how they saw math. Or singers like Corey Taylor, Chester Bennington, or Billy Joe Armstrong!"
"I... don't know what the hell you're talking about."
"The point is, in my world, some people just have a difficult time getting where they want to be. We have to work hard to get there and make a few sacrifices along the way."
"That sounds boring."
"You'll understand when you're older."
"Rei... I'm a thousand years old. I'm a daughter to demons and I am a succubus."
Blushing, Rei forgot about all that. She's been used to seeing Rei in her human form for so long that the whole part about demons and Hell was blocked in the back of her mind. "Oh... right. Sorry."
"It's cool. Anyway, I guess I'll head out and leave you be." Crystal got off the couch and began to walk towards the door.
"Wait! Where are you going to go? Um... can I... come with?"
The demoness smiled, looking back and gestured to her to follow. "Sure. I'm heading to the club. Though you don't want to go in because you don't got any money, but I have a certain 'VIP' pass to get us in."
Sitting where she is, Rei thought for a moment. She really can't control her every whim or tell her what she can and can't do all the time. Plus, it would be fun considering she never been to a club. Hearing the sounds of music would be nice. "Ah, what the hell. Let's go. And I'll only let you do this because I want to go, too."
"That's the spirit!" Crystal said with a grin as Rei walked right beside her. "Now... what do you think which outfit I should change into? Practical? Or slutty?"
"Please don't choose slutty. I'm still tryin to forget that day..."
"What?! Come on! We did get you that guitar you've been drooling over all the damn time."
"... I guess."
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