#and even when other people talk or joke about soap operas/telenovelas is almost never brazilian ones
laugtherhyena · 1 year
Man this last class i had today really made me think about how devalued brazilian culture is by it's own people, like here at college whenever i talk to my classmates about things they like or what they've been watching is always some western show or asian series, i haven't seen a single person around my age list some Brazilian telenovela/soap opera as something they actively watch or enjoy and that's just really sad to me because i think those are a staple of our culture and nowadays it really feels like it's something only the older generation cares about because it's so hard to find younger people who watch these.
I feel embarrassed saying i watch telenovelas every day to people because they just look at me like "woah, you watch those things?", is it that weird to watch something produced in the country you live in and by the people of our culture instead of something from the other side of the world?? And i shouldn't feel embarrassed to talk about how i love those shows but i just do because this stuff makes me feel like I'm detached from my own age group.
And I'm not saying it's wrong to enjoy things from other nations/cultures, if i did i would be a fucking hypocrite cuz a lot of the things i enjoy come from outside too, it's just that it really saddens me to see how many people here just don't care about the things produced in our own country or see them as lesser than outside ones because of the whole “The grass is greener on the other side” thing a majority of our population has.
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