#and even-more-scheming-than-canon-jurdan in the other idea
belabellissima · 4 months
OKAY this list is driving me crazy already, can you tell me about the Jurdan childhood fic?
jurdan my beloved 😭😭😭 imagine how different things would have been if jude had come to Faerie when she was four instead of seven. Imagine her meeting Cardan before Dain tricks him. Before he moves into Hollow Hall with Balekin.
Imagine them as childhood friends to lovers to rulers and cry with me.
and a snippet:
Now, little brother, you must choose a future.”
Cardan stares at Margaret, with her blank eyes and chapped lips, the slump of her shoulders. He’s never seen a glamoured mortal up close before - Jude always wore protection, even in her home, not trusting that Madoc’s guards wouldn’t attempt something. Cardan imagines Jude in Margaret’s place and is left with an uncomfortable feeling, like that of bugs crawling beneath his skin. Jude would never be ensorcelled. She was too strong for that, would have any who dared attempt it killed by Madoc for the offense. She was just as cunning as the Folk, just as witty and sometimes cruel.
She could never be inferior, as Balekin claims mortals to be. It just doesn't make sense.
And Jude, for all that she would never be inferior, would also never hurt him. She’s his friend, his only friend, just as he is her only friend outside of her sisters.
He makes his choice.
“Alright, brother,” Cardan says, and turns his back to Balekin. “I’ll leave then.”
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