#and fates was written by monkeys but is a blast to play
*remains hyped for Engage despite all the negativity*
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galaxa-13 · 6 years
Underdark campaign is progressing nicely.
The group decided to start heading towards the deep gnome city to look for clues on the missing people. Sia was able to convince the group to head in that direction with her knowledge that deep gnomes are nice people and her ability to speak both Gnomish and Undercommon. On the way, though, they came across a wall that was not part of the map Hachi had made them.
There was a stone door in the wall that had a demon’s face on it. Sia tried knocking, but nothing happened. As Sorrow and Amon approached the door they heard (and saw) the door speak to them, welcoming those of infernal heritage and commanding they make a blood sacrifice of the child of Lolith (Lolith being the main god of the drows). Sorrow was able to shake off the compulsion. Amon wasn’t so lucky, but he was lucky enough to feel the warm embrace of something and words spoken in a language he did not understand before the compulsion left hi as well. Sorrow explained to the group that they needed Sia’s blood to proceed.
Sia refused to be a part of any blood-letting. She wanted to study any magic the door had and Amon wanted to search for a mechanical way to open the door. Neither seemed to be very successful and Sorrow decided not to wait around, instead drawing a blade and making a tiny cut on Sia’s arm. The single drop of blood was enough for the demon to open its mouth, thus opening the door. Despite not being grievously injured Sia will not forget this transgression.
Walking down the revealed hallway the group came to a room full of dead bodies and gore. In the center was a bit filled to the brim with bones. Three tieflings stood around it with a beat up drow tied-up between them. The tieflings seemed surprised, but not unhappy to see Sorrow and Amon, even calling out to them in Infernal. Sorrow asked what was going on and they admitted to doing a sacrifice to their god. Amon demanded that they stop at once and the triplets were no longer happy. A battle took place. One tried to blast Sia with fire, but she did a cool Matrix dodge and only got singed (though it still hurt a lot!). When the first tiefling died one of the remaining two decided to finish what they started, but fumbled his sword while trying to kill the drow (who was sobbing and begging for rescue in Undercommon). Gregor started to drag the drow out of the fray and he tiefling who had dropped his sword in a panic tried to punch the drow as he was dragged off, but he missed.
When all three were dead and Gregor had cut the bonds of the drow Sia went to investigate him. The necklace that was a gift from a other she had never known turned out to be a grand holy sybol of Lolith and upon seeing it around her neck the drow threw himself at her feet and thanked her for bothering to save him. He also introduced himself as Erol. He did not understand Common so only Sia, Sorrow, and Tafari were able to communicated with him.
They found out that he had been part of a party of 6, but they had all been captured by these tieflings. He was the only one left after their ritualistic sacrifices. He guessed he had been held captive by them for a few days at this point. He asked Sia if it was alright if he retrieved his things that the tieflings had taken from him. When she agreed they explored further into the decay filled dwelling until they found a grand library full of fine things. Everyone found an interesting bauble as they poked around, Sia’s was a dwarven music box that played Happy Birthday on someone’s birthday. 
Sia asked Erol if he knew of Master Orlereini and he was surprised to hear the name, saying that he was a grand wizard of much renown. Though his noble house was small no one dared attack it with him around. No one had seen him or his family in centuries, though. Sia excitedly explained that she was actually his apprentice! He was shocked he was still alive. While he may not know of where he was currently, Sia was happy to know that there was a possibility she could find something about her Master down here.
Sorrow, while poking around the books, found a ledger belonging to some drow family. Upon further investigation she discovered many of the books in the library were about this family. Upon asking Erol about them he shared that said family had been driven out of drow society when the matriarch had turned to making deals with the infernal to gain ore power, leading to all future offspring being tieflings. Those three they had just killed were probably the last of the family line.
Also looking through the books Amon managed to find a spell book, one with a name of ownership written on the cover. The very name of Tafari’s missing daughter. Tafari snatched the book away from Amon and began reading through it. Mostly it was just a standard spell book (a gift he himself had purchased for her), but near the back he found what looked like journal entries written in the margins. Apparently his daughter had simply woken up in the Underdark and began to wander around in confusion. She injured her foot at one point and started crying, but a drow found her and took her for a ride on his giant lizard. Her fate was still unkown, obviously the teiflings had come into possession of her book and put it with the rest of their loot.
Amon (relayed through Sia) asked Erol if he knew how to reach the gnome city. Erol did not. Their search of the library done with it was decided to rest. A bedroom of sorts had been discovered lower down. The beds were shabby. Sia opted to sleep on some of the nicer library furniture with blankets pilfered from the cleaner beds. Sorrow, Amon, and Erol were going to take shifts keeping watch.
While Amon slept he had the most curious dream. He was in a lavishly decorated room full of delicious food and cute winged monkeys. The monkeys lead him down a hall into another room that held a small pool full of fish. There were more fine fabrics, food, and monkeys in this room, but there was also a large, blue lady. She had a locked collar around her throat and drank from a goblet from her pile of pillows before saying it was nice to finally meet Amon.
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justbeingbrookee · 8 years
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7]  [Part 8]
Can also read on AO3
Word count: 7,611 
[Flashback to when you were in high school as a teenager]
“See you, ___ and don’t forget the English book?” Your best friend warns as you hug before parting ways at the end of the school day.
You live the furthest away from school and there is always a good 20 or 15 minutes left to walk alone after parting from her.
You place your headphones in your head and start playing Chris Brown – Kiss Kiss.
♫ She Wanna Lovey Dovy, Kiss Kiss ♫
An echo of someone shouting interrupts you.
You remove your headphones and turn towards their direction.
“Oi, are you deaf, pass the ball,” a tall boy with a Mohawk speaks.
You look over to the left and see a football on the ground. A good two feet away from you.
“Me,” you point at yourself.
“Yes you, does it look like anyone else is here, hurry up,” he crosses his arms.
You squint your eyes.
“Hmm, well you’re fucking rude aren’t you, get it yourself,” you cross your arms.
“You what?” He scrunches his face.
“Did I stutter, don’t you have two perfectly good legs?”
“Fuck you, Namjoon,” and you storm off annoyed that you even entertained him. Even though you hardly ever speak to Namjoon at school, everyone knew who he was. He was one of the smartest guys in the school but he was also as some would say a bad boy, but you would say a self-entitled rude prick.
The next day after school as you separate from your friend and turn the corner you spot Namjoon sitting on some benches with his group of friends.
You quickly take a glimpse of him, his shirt’s tucked out and his tie is wrapped around his hand. You pause when he looks up and notices you.
A smile forms on his face and he winks. Shock overwhelmed with uncertainty you pause and look down. Your heart beat accelerates and you begin to blush. You turn around and walk the other way.
“Shit, wrong way,” embarrassed now you fumble and turn around.
You hear a laughter now, loud and seeking an audience and blush even further as you hurriedly turn the corner.  
The following day you are prepared. You put your hoody up and blast music as loud as possible through the headphones. “Look straight, no eye contact,” you tell yourself.
A shadow appears in front of you.
“Excuse me,” and you move to the left. The shadow follows you. You look up then to find none other than Namjoon. *Sigh*
“I said excuse me, are you deaf now?” You repeat.
“Sassy Sassy,” he mocks with a big grin on his face.
You make a face and remove your headphones.
“What do you want?” you place a hand on your hip.
“You!” He reveals.
Your knees almost buckle.
But you roll your eyes instead.
“I think you are the prettiest girl in our school,” he says taking a step towards you.
Suddenly, he looks taller, manlier.
“Is that why you called me a bitch?” you manage to say, still bewildered by his confession.
“I’m sorry, I guess I acted like a stupid teenage boy.”
“Hm, that is true, you do act like a stupid teenage boy,” you sass.
“Ha, you make it sound so bad when you say it like that, do you forgive me?”
“Erm, I guess, I did say some unkind things as well.”
“Can I walk you home?” he asks, as sincerely as possible.
You nod.
And he walks you home.
In fact he walks you home every school day for the following week and every day you feel yourself opening up more to him. Walking a bit closer than before. How is this happening to me? You ask yourself a thousand times every time you walk with him. You smile when you turn the corner and see him standing there waiting for you. You can’t even imagine walking this stretch of the walk alone now.
But Friday is different. Friday is special. Friday you experience a first. A first you didn’t think you would experience so early in your life.
“Let’s take a detour for a moment, I want to show you something,” he grabs your hand and leads you in the opposite direction.
“Hm, I’m not sure, my sister has been asking why I have been coming home late,” you contemplate but still follow.
“It will just be a few moment,” he reassures you.
After a few minutes and some turns and corners you find yourself in an abandoned skate park.
“Wow,” you mouth astonished. There’s graffiti everywhere, pink, yellow, black filling every space on the walls. The first artwork you spot is a monkey in yellow paint and then you try to read the numerous letters and numbers written everywhere.
“Look here,” Namjoon speaks, leading you to the far left of the skate park.
“Here,” he points near the bottom.
You have my heart ___ You read.
“Did you do this, Namjoon?” you say overwhelmed by the sweet gesture.
“I find myself always thinking about you, do you know I got an A in maths today?”
“Oh, well done.”
He shakes his head. “I usually get an A plus in maths, do you know my teacher almost called my parents,” he pouts.
“Oh, okay, I will leave you alone then,” you huff and pretend to walk away.
He rushes behind you and wraps his arms around you.
“I would get an F for you any day,” he whispers in your ear with his voice suddenly deeper than usual.
“This feels nice,” you say.
“Yeah, it does.” And he holds you tighter in his embrace.
“You have my heart ___,” he declares.
“You have my heart too,” you reply whilst smiling with your soul.
He moves in front of you then and holds both your hands tenderly.
“Have you ever been kissed before ___?” He politely asks.
You shake your head. Suddenly shy.
“Can I?” He places one hand on your left cheek. “May I?” And he places the other hand on your right cheek.
You nod in between his soft long hands. And your heart thuds loudly inside your chest.
He leans in and you close your eyes and pucker your lips in anticipation just as you have seen in movies a million times before.
You feel his lips on yours for the very first time. They are soft and moist. So this is what kissing is like? Hm. Your lips remain still. Then you start to feel Namjoon’s lips move up and down. You copy his lips. At first it is unrhythmic and out of sync but he carries on kissing you.
You realise then that you can still breathe with your nose whilst kissing.
Then his hands leave your face and cascade down the middle of your back as he brings you closer, nearer to his body. And you just dissolve into his arms, lips, mouth, you stop thinking and become one. Your mouths move in sync with each other, his tongue enters your mouth for the first time and you French kiss like pro. He does things to your mouth that leave you blushing hours after you part ways.
“Fucking hell, so that’s what kissing is all about,” you blush into your pillow later on that night.
A few weeks go by and Namjoon carries on walking you home. The walk always starts the same, you pretending not to know Namjoon exists plus some sass on your part and him knowing exactly what to say to make you submit. And somehow you always ends up making out in an alleyway or corner somewhere before saying for what feels like the 100th time that you have to leave or your sister will tell on you.
She never does and the make out sessions in darkened corners carry on.
Well, it is until one fateful Wednesday at lunch in the cafeteria.
“Hey, ___ are you awake?” you best friend snaps her fingers in front of you.
“Hm, what? Sorry!”
“What were you day dreaming about?”
“erm, nothing.”
“No, you…just…said Namjoon. Spill the tea.” Your friend waits with her hands clasped around her face.
“I think I am going out with Namjoon.” You spill.
“Shut up, nooo, Namjoon, the Namjoon, the smart one?”
“Yes, that Namjoon,” you nod and you both start squealing.
Just then, as if called Namjoon walks by with his group of friends.
“Hi,” he mouths silently.
“Hi,” you mouth back. With a big grin on your face.
“Ew, what are you looking at?” Tiffany says to you. Let’s just say without mincing any words that Tiffany is a bitch.
“Namjoon were you actually acknowledging her,” venom seeps out of her.
You are both stunned. Namjoon just blinks.
“Shut up, Tiffany, their going out,” your friend says.
“Haha, this is a joke right, Namjoon and her,” she laughs pointing at you in disgust and then turning to him.
“Yes, so if you don’t mind, carry on walking no one wants you here,” your friend defends you.
“Is this true Namjoon?” she pokes his shoulder.
You are about to step in and say it’s not true, honestly, he hasn’t asked you out yet, you are just making out but…
A loud bellowing laugh escapes Namjoon and he smacks one of his boys in the shoulders.
“Fuck out of here Tiffany, why would I even, who is she? You know you’re the prettiest girl in school,” and he places his arm around her shoulder and she giggles.
The world instantly swallows you whole and you start hearing sirens.
“So what she is saying…” Tiffany responds in the most annoying girly voice you have ever heard.
“Lies, why would I even look at someone like that when I have you and Charlotte,” they start walking away.
Your friend gasps and looks at you with pitiful eyes.
Air starts seeping out of your lungs as you watch them waltz away.
“Charlotte,” Tiffany pokes him in the stomach and twirls her finger between her long hair.
Your chest starts to feel tight and compressed. You get up ignoring your friends querying eyes in a rush to get to the bathroom. You bite your arm hard. You don’t want to cry, shout but to feel pain. To feel a pain worse than having a broken heart. You bite deep into your skin until the pain is no more and when the first tear escapes your eyes you let go and just allow yourself to cry this once.
So for the first time you cry into your school jumper. You cry so hard that your throat starts to hurt and your eyes go red. But after all that crying and all your tears are dry you come to a definite resolution. A resolution that you will never ever in your life cry over a guy again. Men suck and immature teenage boys suck even more. You wipe your face and walk out of the bathroom as if nothing had even happened.
On the way home, you spot Namjoon standing at his usual spot. You look him up and down in repulsion before walking past him.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
You don’t respond.
“Please, forgive me, I’m sorry.” He grabs your arms from behind and you stop moving.
“Why are you sorry, huh?” you sigh.
“For everything I said, I didn’t mean it.”
“Then why did you say it?” you ask coldly.
“I’m just not ready for everyone to find out yet,” he answers loosening his grip on you.
“So you would rather we keep it a secret and carry on meeting like this or in alleyways along the way.”
“Yes, yes, I have a rep to maintain,” he replies not noticing the hurt in your voice.
“I was right when I first said Fuck you, Namjoon,” you shake him off you and start walking.
He rushes to you.
“Stop, please, I’m sorry.”
You look at him, hurt and fuming now. “You are a piece of shit, you know that, don’t ever talk to me, look at me or even think about me. I gave you my very first kiss. I can never take that back and to you I am just the girl you hide in a corner with. The girl you can embarrass in front of the whole school and expect to say sorry to and everything will be fine. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU,” you yell before storming off.
And that is how you experience your first ever heart break. You experience the usual symptoms of anger before depression takes over you. Even your grades suffer for a while but then as time goes by and with every day that passes you stop thinking about Namjoon and you slowly get back to your normal self. The crazy thing about heartbreak is it made you more focused, it made you want to achieve something for yourself and finally get out of this small town you live in and see everything the world has to offer.
[Present time, back at the art gallery]
You brush Jungkook’s hair to the side of his forehead and he smiles. “Do it again?”
“What, this?” you playfully ask and brush his hair to the other side making a part in the middle.
“Yes, like that,” he makes a pleasurable sound. You giggle and roll your eyes. “You’re still as cheesy as ever,” you speak before sporadically kissing him on the lips.
“hmm, yes, you can do that as many times as you like.”
A big grin forms on your face and he lifts you up further in his arms as his arms press tightly under you.
You press your hand on his firmly sculptured chest and place your forehead on his. His breathing shallows and you rest there for what feels like an eternity absorbing in the innocence and purity of this action.
“Are you getting tired?” you whisper.
“No,” he replies calmly.
So you stay like that….feeling his heartbeat slow down and return to normal.  
“JUNGKOOK,” you suddenly hear echoing through the wall. You are both startled. Jungkook more so than you. But soon you realise why.
“Shit,” he mouths and you can swiftly feel his biceps tense. It takes you a few seconds to realise which female voice might have called his name.
“Jungkook, are you here?” the echoes of a female voice transcend through the walls. You intensely watch Jungkook as his eyes bulge out and his smile disappears.
“Shh,” he says.
“I didn…” you try to speak but he quickly hikes you up his waist and grips you tighter. “Please,” he pleads. Before hurriedly walking down the corridor where it is pitch black and into an unknown vacated corner.
You don’t say anything but you remain as still as possible. Hoping she will walk past. But unexpectedly you feel something graze your hair. Light and thin it sweeps past three times before you attempt to brush it away with your fingers.
“Eek,” you try to scream but Jungkook covers your mouth. You are unsure what it is but you know for certain that it has something to do with a spider.
The air moves past you and you feel it graze your ear this time and you lose it. You shove his hand away from your mouth. Extend your legs downwards and manoeuvre your way out of his arms. When your feet touch the ground, Jungkook grabs your wrist and pushes you back into the corner.
He makes a sound “shh.”
Suddenly, you start to feel suffocated and your chest begins to tighten. You rub it with your hand and take deep breathes. “Don’t remember, don’t remember,” you chant in your head. But it’s no use. Visions of Namjoon seep back from the deepest part of your unconsciousness and hit you like a bus full of weightlifters.
I have a rep to maintain…..corners…..why would I even, who is she….darkness….lies……men suck….I will never let a guy make me cry again….corners…
“I’m leaving,” you speak in a barely audible sound. In an attempt to block the thoughts you try to manoeuvre around him and get out of this corner.
“Wait, please,” he says as he places his hands around your body.
“Why? Why am I hiding here as if I’m some kind of a side hoe?” You speak.
“You are not, it’s just…..she’s,” his voice trails off and you feel tears building up. De Javu.
“She’s what Jungkook?” You ask before shrugging his hands off your body. Revolted by his touch now. You can’t go through this again. You shake your head. No……no.
You wait.
“I can’t say,” he finally whispers.
“Jungkook, JUNGKOOK,” the female voice gets louder.
“___ please listen.”
You start marching directly towards the voice, unable to hold back your tears anymore. He grabs your wrist this time and you try to shake it off.
“You have a date here as well,” he says and you freeze. You turn around then. Thoughts of Jimin flood back into your consciousness. Would what you were doing with Jungkook be classified as cheating?
“That doesn’t mean I should be hiding in a corner?” you spit.
“I’m sorry about that but if it was the other way round would you have been happy to stay in the place we were, with you in my arms.”
Conflicted with his reasoning your brain shuts down. You want to understand were he is coming from but right now, full of emotions and tears you just want to leave. To leave this stupid place, leave Jungkook and to hopefully never see him again.
“I don’t care, let go off me,” you try to yank your wrist away but he only grips your tighter.
“See, you can’t even respond to me,” he questions.
“So, you’re happy to make me feel like shit, hiding in some dusty corner so your runway model….girlfriend” you choke.  “Won’t find out about us,” you finish feeling your chest constrict.
“It’s not like that, she’s actually a….” in that instant the light flashes on and you are momentarily blinded by the bright lights and you feel the hold on your wrist disappear at the speed of lightning, even before your eyes can fully adjust to the brightness.
Your heart sinks. It sinks so deep that if you were in an ocean you would be floating right next to the titanic right now.
“Jungkooook,” she skips, gleaming with joy down the corridor before leaping into his arms. Which he wraps around her tiny waist. You watch the scene that looks as though it is out of a high budget Hollywood movie were the handsome strong hero rescues everyone and is finally reunited with his beautiful A star female actress. The sight makes you sick. “I guess Tiffany comes in many forms,” you speak as you turn your head away and walk down the corridor. Head held high and heels clicking away you graceful walk away from Jungkook to never see him again.
Each step that you take away from Jungkook and his girlfriend you regain your breath and composure again. You start chanting to yourself as you walk back through the rooms and corridors “Breathe in, breathe out, he doesn’t matter, breathe in, breat.…”
You halt!
A deep rage of jealousy suddenly overcomes you.
You watch a scene of three beautiful girls, one with long blond hair and a short mini skirt, so short that if she were to bend down, everyone including Jimin would be able to see her under garments. The second seems to fit the artsy role very well, she has a sleeve tattoo *GASP*
Jimin just touched her fuckin sleeve tattoo….she has just said something….Jimin is laughing, head back, hands clapping…..she giggles back at him. You squint your eyes then the third girl rotates her face towards him. She has to be the worst with her massive fake boobs, lips, ass, gosh at this rate it would be quicker to say what is real.
Breathe –
This isn’t me you finally catch yourself, you are not this mean nasty judgemental person. “I’m sorry,” you look up and ask for forgiveness. You decide that it’s better to catch a taxi than take a ride with Jimin. At least now he will be able to fully enjoy himself.
You sigh, defeated as you make your way through the room. You look left and then right searching for the exit. You finally find it and make your way down the corridor to the receptionist. You wave at her and make your way outside, it’s chilly now.
“____,” you hear someone shout your name.
You don’t even turn around as you already know who it is. Instead you reach into your bag and grab your phone.
“___,” his voice gets louder.
You start dialling the taxi number. 55566….
“What are you doing?” Jimin asks you.
“Give me back my phone, Jimin.” You reply not playing games.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were ready to leave.”
“I didn’t want to disturb what seemed like an entertaining and stimulating conversation between you and those three girls.”
He starts laughing.
“Is that why you are out here freezing.” He tries to touch you but you move away. Furious.
“Is someone jealous?” He playfully mocks and embraces you with both arms. You place both your hands on his chest and try to push him away but he doesn’t budge. Instead he moves closer. You slap him on his chest. Again and again and again.
“I won’t let you go…ever,” he just says through it all.
“Why didn’t you look for me?” You hit him again. “Why didn’t…” you choke mid sentence. Tears are streaming down your face now. You hit him again as the guilt of everything takes a hold of you.
“I did, I spent most of the time looking for you, but I got lost in one of the secret rooms and couldn’t find my way out. If that place wasn’t so freaking beautiful I swear I would have hit Nicholas, don’t cry please?”
You sink into his chest then and cry into this nice and warming guy’s suit.
“I don’t deserve you, Jimin,” you mouth into his suit.
“Huh,” he moves back and gently places his hands on your shoulders. You can feel him staring. You sniff. He slowly and delicately wipes your tears away with his palm.
More guilt.
Shame consumes you now.
You don’t deserve this beautiful and kind guy, seeing him today laughing with his hearts content and smiling with those girls made you realise that you are not worth it, you can’t offer him what they can. Plus, men suck. They just make you cry and get jealous and emotional for no reason. You are not ready for this, you are not ready to get your heart broken again. You need to let him no both of them go. At least Jungkook has someone already and you can’t ruin that for him. She is clearly someone very dear to him.  
You wipe the remaining tears and look Jimin straight in his eyes.
“Let’s end this,” you say clear as day.
“I don’t want to date, talk, make-out or whatever we are doing,” you finish.
Jimin lets go off you then and steps back. Confused.
“Di…Did I do something wrong?” he questions in a sad low voice.
Your heart instantly breaks into a thousand pieces.
“No, you didn’t do anything, I’m just not ready for this,” you shake your head reaching for your phone. He just lets it slide out of his hand and you finally dial the taxi number.
“I can still give you a lift,” he offers quietly.
“No, it’s fine, I have called already, you should probably get going.”
He doesn’t move. You turn around and face the street, unable to think of anything else to say.
Five minutes later he places his hands in his pockets.
A further three minutes pass and the taxi arrives.
“I’m going to go in, now,” you say and look at him, unsure if it’s a question or a narrative.
He just nods his head, hands still in his pockets. Pain clearly visible through his eyes.
You reluctantly get in the taxi and instruct the driver of your address.
You don’t look back and just aimlessly look out of the window. You pay the driver, enter your building and turn the key into your apartment before opening the fridge and bringing out the half empty wine bottle. You down it in 2 minutes. When it finishes you wipe your mouth with your sleeve and begin searching for the 50 year old gin bottle you received as a present.
“It has to be here somewhere,” you mutter opening and closing doors like a mad woman.
“Yes,” you shout after finding it.
You grab a clean glass and sit on the kitchen counter.
“hmm,” you groan checking your phone to see who is calling.
Sis flashes on the screen.
“Hello!” You answer in a dull voice.
“Why do you sound so dead?” she practically shouts over the phone. You can hear the children screaming in the background.
“Hold on a minute.”
And the other line goes quiet and you contemplate opening the gin bottle now.
“I’m back, if you are thinking of having any children, don’t.”
“Lucky for you I am probably far from it,” you sigh thinking how drunk this gin could make you if you drank it quickly.
“Still a virgin I see,” she laughs.
You are about to say something but she cuts you off.
“Hm, no, this doesn’t sound like your usual virgin complains, what happened?”
You seriously consider lying to her or pretending like everything is fine but she knows you too well and the last time you tried lying to her she ended up dragging herself, her husband and all her children here. So with that in mind you decide to tell her everything that occurred with Jimin and Jungkook including the first time you met, the first dates, first kisses and all the emotional crap that followed. And your sister just listens only adding an “Yup”  “Oh” “Really” now and again so that you know that someone is still on the other line.
“And that’s it, I just left him on the pavement with his hands in his pockets and got in the taxi,” you finally say.
The line goes silent.
“What do you think?” You ask, needing to hear someone else’s opinion of everything that transpired.
“Well, fucking hell, lil sis, so you are telling me you had two perfectly good guys with jobs who care about you and you threw them both away in one night, as a matter of fact.”
“Erm, but,” you try to find the words.
“Look ___ I’m going to be straight with you now, you are so beautiful and smart and driven and I am not just saying this because I’m your sister but you need to forget what happened with that little punk back in high school,”
“Who?” You interject.
“You know very well who I am talking about, you cried for weeks, didn’t even eat, mum and dad even got called in to school because they were worried, that’s who. And I get it, heart break sucks, especially if it’s your first love but you have to let it go and open yourself up again to love, to meeting gorgeous sexy ass guys.”
You let out a laugh.
“If only your husband heard you right now,” you say.
“Oh, Yoongi, my sexy beast,” she responds.
“Ah, my ear, you don’t need to shout,” you complain.
“Well maybe that will get into your thick head.”
“So I’m smart and thick.”
“Shut up!”
“Oh, I love you sis,” you let out.
And you both start laughing.
“But seriously, do you like any of them?”
“Hmm, honestly…. I like them both equally, is that bad, I’m a bad person ain’t I?”
“Yes, you selfish so n so. I’m joking. You are young and in your 20’s, you missed out on all the experimental and stupid fun that goes on at college and university. I never went to college but I can tell you now that that is the time you are meant to be dipping it and doing it.”
You say nothing and just lean your head back on the kitchen counter.
“So you’re basically telling me to hoe myself out?”
“Of course, but safety first and always use protection.”
“You’re terrible.”
“I’m telling you to loosen up, have fun and date whilst you are still young.”
“But I can’t choose one.”
“Then date both, test the waters, eat the fish.”
“What?” You giggle.
“You know what I mean, even though I married Yoongi at 19 years old don’t think I didn’t date around.”
“You did?” You asked surprised, you had always thought Yoongi had been her first everything.
“Of course I did, I was just smart about it,” she laughs to herself.
“But I don’t think I deserve them, if you saw how beautiful they both are..ahh, I don’t even compete.”
“One tip, if a guy likes you he will let you know. And from what you have told me, they both clearly like you. Also, from my experience guys don’t usually waste time on girls they don’t like and we both know you’re not loaded with millions somewhere so they’re not using you for the money.”
“True.” You say finally hearing sense.
“Have fun, I am not saying sleep with them but you still promised to tell me straight after you lose it.”
“Just,” and a quiet giggle peeps through the phone.
“It doesn’t hurt does it?”
She laughs then “Just tell me.”
“Okay, Okay, I will tell you.”
“Mum, Mum Yoongi Junior just spilt his food on me,” you suddenly hear in the background.
“You see what I have to deal with on a daily basis, I have to go ___, don’t think so much, okay,”
“Okay, Love you,” you reply.
“Love you too, bye,” she says.
“Bye,” and you hang up the phone.  
Suddenly, exhausted by everything.
“I’m so tired,” you yawn and slide off the kitchen counter. You drag yourself into the bathroom and do your nightly preparations and then you get into bed. It takes you a long time to fall asleep that night.
When you wake up the next morning the first thing you do is check your phone for any messages or missed calls.
There are 0.
You stretch your hands and begin to…..
“Ah, Park Hyung Sik,” you moan as you reach your peak. You stretch your body and jump out of the bed ready to have a productive Saturday. You hop in the shower and brush your teeth and even do your hair in a nice bun.
10.37 your phone time reads.
0 notifications. You slump down onto the bed.
Hmm, I suddenly don’t feel like doing anything. You remove the hairband and put on your unworn Nike sweat pants and head to the kitchen to make yourself a nice fatty greasy breakfast. You don’t care about calories today.
When the cooking is done you sit down on the sofa and check your phone again.
0 calls. You bite into the bacon.
You decide to binge watch Shopping King Louie. Two hours pass, you go and grab some snacks in the kitchen.
Still zero messages.
Four hours pass.
“Louie, I need a man like Louie,” you shout to the TV. Swooning.
You jump, kick the chocolate bar onto the floor in a haste to grab the phone.
“Hello,” you say too excited. You catch yourself.
“Hello,” you repeat in a fake calm voice.
“__, where have you been all day, you didn’t even reply to my DM’s,” you look at your phone screen then and check your Instagram to find a long group conversation filled with memes, laughing and heart emoji’s and text, something about an all-white party.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you manage to say.
“Are you okay __?”
“No, I’m not, none of them called me or even messaged me, not even Jungkook the shitty one with the runway stupid model who…who…has a beautiful,” and you start making crying sounds “Facee,” but no tears come out.
“And the other one?” She asks.
“I kind of ended it, I was jealous and in my feelings, I thought he would knock on my door or something but nothing, does that make sense, fuck, fuck, I want Louie,” you say very quickly over the phone.
“Woah, slow down, breathe and who’s Louie?”
“The sweetest guy ever, Jimin was sweet guy, so was Jungkook.” *Sigh*
“You really need get out of the house. Right, you me and the girls we are going out to the all-white party at club “Avenue” no excuses. You need to meet some more men and get over these two guys who are making you sad like this. You have 3 hours to get ready until we knock on your door.”
“Okay and don’t forget the alcohol,” you accept.
“Oh babe, alcohol is my speciality.”
“I’m excited now,” you smile already distracted.
“Good, now that sounds more like my friend, okay, I’m hanging up now and start getting ready.”
“Bye,” and the line goes dead.
You must be really out of your mind to agree to go to a club but at this moment you just want a distraction. Anything that will make you forget about the two guys who have melted your cold hardened heart.
You wipe off the crumbs on your top and begin to clean the living room. Since their coming to your house everything has to be clean, you clean the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom.
You have an hour and a half left until their supposed to arrive, you hop into the shower again and then after you search your closet and find the perfect white dress. You put on your strapless bra and the dress on. It has a super high split exposing part of your left thigh and the top half of the dress is done up with a sexy cross that leaves your shoulders and arms out. Today I will freeze, you conclude. But it will be so worth it.
You end up matching the white dress with some black high heels and a cute silver chain bracelet. You decide to straighten your hair back and let it flow. Big sis did say I need to loosen up. And finish it all off with a full face of make-up with fake eye-lashes from the packet you have had for months now.
Bang Bang Bang
“Coming,” you shout heading towards the door.
What follows next is a lot of screaming, squalling, the complementing of each others outfits, dance music being blasted from your expensive high definition speakers and lots of shots.
You drink Cîroc
Jack Daniels
And after that you don’t remember, you are on top of the table dancing to a song you don’t know but you are laughing and giggling.
“Let’s go __, where are your shoes?” Your friend asks at midnight.
Everything after that is a blur from the taxi ride to entering the club, your head starts spinning. Or wait you are on the dance floor now, flashing lights are everywhere and your friend hands you another drink. You don’t drink it.
“It’s from the guy over there, he says he likes you,” she whispers through the loud music.
You squint and look over to the direction shes pointing at and find two guys who look like they are in their 30’s smiling at you, you smile back. They start moving towards you and you pretend to take a sip.
“I’m B….” you hear as one of them tries to speak to you. You just nod your head and sway to the music whilst pretending to take another sip. Then you feel a body press upon you, a hand brushes your bottom. At first your brain doesn’t register what is going on, your too buzzed but when the hand squeezes your bottom. Strong alarm bells start to go off. You turn around and shove the guy away.
“Come on babe,” his sleazy voice speaks into your ear.
You suddenly feel more sober, alert.
You almost heave when you finally look at his face. “Don’t touch me,” you shove the drink back at him.
“So, after you are half way through my drink, you act like this.”
You reach for your purse and grab £5 and throw in his face. The music stops.
“So just because you bought me a £5 drink, you think you own me for the night, take it and shove it up your ass, prick.”
Everyone is starring at you and then the music starts again.
You turn around and walk towards the bathroom. You find a long line leading to the ladies bathroom. You sigh looking for a place to hide. You turn and walk some more until you find some stairs leading to the cloak room. The music isn’t as loud here and you sit down not even caring who sees or if your white dress gets dirty.
You take your phone out and begin to dial.
The phone rings and rings. Then goes to voicemail.
I miss you [sent]
“Excuse me,” someone from behind speaks, caught unaware to jump up and then let them pass. However, without your knowledge you send another text this time it contains the details of your current location.
“Thank you,” the person says passing and you sit back down and try the next number.
The phone rings and it rings….and rings some more. You are about to give up when a
“Hello,” tired voice answers.
“Jimin,” your heart stops beating, you had missed his voice.
“__, Why are you calling me this late?”
“Why didn’t you call me today?”
“I asked you first?”
“I have alcohol in my system and I’m in a club,” you hear the sentence and you both start laughing.
“A club club or a no club,” Jimin jokes.
“I thought we agreed there is no such thing as a no club, I miss you,” you interject that at the end, unable to control yourself anymore.
Silence from the other line.
“Jimin, I’m a…” you start.
“I miss you too.”
Your eyes well up instantly and take a deep breath in.
“Why didn’t you call me?” You question.
“Why didn’t message me, knock on my door, shout at me, fight for me, anything, huh, if you missed me why didn’t you do anything, Jimin,” you speak fast again as your throat tightens and emotions overtake you.
“I don’t want to speak like this, where are you?”
“I said no, I shouldn’t have called, goodnight Jimin.” And you hang up and switch off your phone.
“FUCK!” you shout.
Before grabbing your bag and exiting the club.
You switch on your phone to call for a cab and find an onslaught of messages being received from Jimin and Jungkook.
“Hello,” you answer with a smile.
“Where are you, wait, I think I see you, stay there,” and the phone goes dead. Wait, that didn’t sound like Jimin’s voice. You crane your head to the left and squint your eyes. You see a figure waving.
No, you laugh, no, it can’t be.
You turn the opposite way and start walking fast.
“____” he shouts.
“No,” you shake your head turning the corner into a quieter street.
Someone grabs your shoulders. “__, stop please,” you listen.
“How did you know I was here?” You ask coldly.
“You text me your location, see look,” he brings his phone to your face.
“The text didn’t ask you to come.”
“I wanted to, I was worried about you.”
“Hmm, okay, see I’m fine.”
“Let me at least take you home.”
You think of your options here. Either wait in the cold for a taxi or get in Jungkook’s warm car.
“Fine,” you decide.
“Cool, I parked over there,” he keeps his distance now and you walk to his car in silence. A very awkward, when will this be over kind of silence.
His car is a black Audi R8 Spyder. You get into the passenger’s seat and do your seatbelt. But the car doesn’t start. Jungkook just holds the steering wheel with both his hands tight.
“She was one of my biggest investor’s daughter,” he speaks through his gritted teeth.
“She asked me to go to this opening months ago and she was so excited to see this guys work, she is an art major and I had agreed before we even met.”
You just stare at the changing street lights ahead of you.
“Everything happened so fast, I got scared okay,” he turns to look at you.
“I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t expect you to be there, I didn’t expect us too, well you know. And then she was there and I panicked, I’m sorry.”
You listen to his explanation and start to feel stupid, crazy and highly emotional.
“I’m…” you begin to apologise.
“But, the way we act, the way you push me away so easily, I don’t know it’s like you are looking for any excuse to get rid of me before you get close,” he adds.
And that hits the nail, each and every word out of mouth hits home. You have been pushing him away from you, even Jimin. What did Jimin do wrong? Just talk to some girls and you basically dumped him. Do you not speak to men at work, do you not laugh at men’s jokes during the lunch breaks. But does that mean you want to bone them? No!
“I’m crazy ain’t I?”
“Yup,” he quickly answers.
“Hey,” you smile for the first time together that night.
You play with your fingers. “You’re right, I did push you away.”
You take a deep breath and continue playing with your fingers.
“I want to have these perfect relationships, I want to get married and have a lot of babies and celebrate a diamond anniversary but….but it’s hard for me to trust someone, to depend on someone else. I have always been independent. I got myself out of the small town, I got myself a college scholarship, I got myself a job at one of the biggest accounting firms, I got myself this apartment, I fix my own light bulbs. I depend on me because I will never myself down,” you finish as a tear escapes.
You can feel him looking at you.
“I don’t know how to open my heart, to be that kind of person who doesn’t run away. But I want to try, I want to be vulnerable and open with you so you can see all my scars,” you turn and look at him from under your lashes.
He reaches for your face with his smooth hand and gently wipes away your tear. “Are you sure?” He whispers sadly.
You nod your head suddenly lost for words, you want this man, you crave this mans touch on your skin and velvety voice to your ears. Even if you wanted to, you know it is too late to let him go.
You grab hold of his hand on your cheek and you move him closer to your body and accept his embrace. You wrap your arms around his neck and feel his arms land on your back. You embrace each other for a long time, smelling his beautiful aroma.
“Let’s go home,” you finally say.
He lets you go and just holds your hand.
You have a peaceful and relaxed ride home.
“I will call you tomorrow, I think we need to re-do our first date,” he says when you reach your apartment.
“I think so to,” you smile and open the door.
“Wait,” he reaches for your hand and pulls you in for a kiss. Your lips meet and the fireworks are still there.
“Night,” he grins almost back to normal.
“Night,” you reply still in awe from the kiss.
You wave him away and then make your way up the stairs, feeling tired now but blissful.
You open the door to the second floor to find Jimin sitting in front of your door.
“Jimin, what are you doing?” You mouth approaching him.
You startle him and he gets up.
“Why are you here?” You ask.
“No, you don’t get to ask me questions right now, not after what you did and said yesterday because of absolutely nothing, what? Because you saw me speak to those three girls. I don’t care if you are jealous we talk things out, Okay?” He crosses his arms and stops moving.
He has never looked manlier and sexier than now. “Okay,” you nod.
“That’s not all,” he steps closer. “I leave you alone for less than 24 hours to calm yourself down and this is what happens. So, I am going to ask you this once, do you want to give this a go, me and you. Yes or no?” His voice gets deeper, more serious and your panties get wetter. Why does he look so fucking hot when his serious. Ah!
You lick your lips. “Yes, I want you Jimin, I…” and he pounce’s on you like a lion in hunting season. Your back slams onto the wall and his lips press hard on yours. He grabs both your wrists and kisses you harder. Your mind goes numb. Fucking hell!
End comment -  Thank you for reading this far. Firstly, I just want to say I really love Namjoon as well. Also, this chapter turned out more angsty than I thought. I hope you liked it still and the next chapter will be quite interesting ;).  [Next Chapter]
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musicdish · 6 years
Gar Francis Releases A New Album Titled: Gar Francis Songbook Volume One By Various Artists Doing Versions Of Songwriter Gar Francis Songs
Gar Francis Songbook Volume One by Various Artists Album Presale: 3.9.18 Official Release Date: 3.16.18 Featuring the following Songs and Artists: 01. Baby Let's Go - Tom Vicario 2:42 02. Come On Come On - The Easy Outs 3:10 03. I Won't Cry Anymore - Genya Ravan 4:35 (Ten Wheel Drive) 04. Satisfied - Tyce Green 4:17 05. Born Dainty - Kelly Caruso 3:44 (American Idol) 06. Meet Me - Ricky Persaud Jr 4:12 07. Sweet Sunshine - The Satisfactors 3:38 08. Rush On You - Mark Lindsay 2:40 (former Lead Singer of Paul Revere & the Raiders) 09. A Spy For Love - Mia Moravis 2:32 10. A Special Girl - Jim McCarty 4:45 (The Yardbirds) 11. Ballerina Of The Bowery - Jana Peri 4:10 12. Break It Down - Anthony Krizan 4:29 (The Spin Doctors) 13. Fool For Your Love - Crab Bubbles Band 2:47 14. Make Up Your Mind - Inches From Sin 3:24 15. Shine Your Love - Kathryn Shipley 3:53 16. The Hand Of Fate We Hold - The Corridors 3:30 Album Review by The Grouch | In The Rockies Hej America! Today is a bit of a special day here in Grouchland. Why you ask? Well, today’s review is of an album of songs, most of which were composed solely by one of my favorite musicians, Gar Francis. For those who do not know, Gar is a wizard of musical creativity. Over the years I have heard many songs from Gar’s colossal body of work and I can honestly say I have not heard anything by Gar that I disliked. This is an album of songs composed either solely by Gar or in collaboration with other talented musicians. This album. at least in my opinion, further solidifies Gar’s position among other behind-the-scene greats such as Bob Ezrin and Mutt Lang. Track 1 - Baby Let's Go - Tom Vicario 2:42 - This is classic Country Gar and Tom delivers a great rendition. I am a sucker for that twangy guitar. Tom’s voice fits well with this style of music. When the solo kicks in the listener is reminded that Rock and Roll is basically a fusion of African inspired soul and Country. This track reminds me of old Roy Orbison or anyone one of the first-generation rockers. All in all, this is a good song that is played flawlessly by Tom Vicario. Track 2 - Come On Come On - The Easy Outs 3:10 - The raunchy 60s sound is alive and well in this track performed by the Easy Outs. The music grinds and the old-school licks blister as the organ adds some groove around the edges. This is a dancer’s track for sure. The vocals are spot on as the old time Rock and Roll vibe fills the air. What’s not to love, with wicked guitar licks, a funky bass, a rock-solid drummer and lyrics that state “You make a monkey crazy! Come on come on!” I really like this band! Track 3 - I Won't Cry Anymore - Genya Ravan (of Ten Wheel Drive) - 4:35 - This is a massive blues jam that I can’t get enough of. Listen to this song and tell me you can’t feel the soul. Genya has a great voice and the backup singers just add to the magic. There is a massive amount of Motown goodness in this track. I want to give a special nod to Genya’s drummer, Bobby Chen. Amazingly, he stands out despite being behind a truly wicked guitar player and some of the most soulful vocals I have ever heard. This is without a doubt a great song. Track 4 - Satisfied - Tyce Green 4:17 - This track is from the 80s influenced Pop-Metal Gar. The track is performed by Tyce Green and reminds me of the stuff that was popular back in the day. I am thinking of April Wine or even Billy Squire. There is enough rock here for guys to dig it and enough sensitivity in the vocals for their girlfriends to get them to come to the show. In short, this is a good song reminiscent of 1982 which, at least for me, was a very good year. This song is well executed, radio-friendly hard-pop. Track 5 - Born Dainty - Kelly Caruso (of American Idol) - 3:44 - First things first, I dig the music. It's got an old Charlie Daniels - Skynyrd feel. As an old drummer, I have to say I really like what Keith Reil is doing. I also dig the leads Gar pulls out at the tail end of the song, and some people say Country doesn't jam! When done right, it jams indeed. Kelly has a strong voice that gets better on the chorus. She can sing and seems to have the kind of gutsy attitude that I dig. Think of a kind of Country Gore Gore Girls and you are on the right track. This is a good song from a young woman with a strong voice and some really good players. Track 6 - Meet Me - Ricky Persaud Jr 4:12 - It really doesn’t get much better than this. Gar is a fantastic songwriter and there are not many people who can jam as much as Ricky Persaud Jr. I have been a big fan of Ricky’s since I first heard him quite a while back. Simply put the man can do wonders on any instrument he chooses to use, including his voice. The Reggae vibe is strong, and I am brought back to a conversation I had a long time ago with a cat I knew who was playing drums in a Reggae band. He said to me “Once you go Reggae there is no going back.” Listen to this song. When I do I have to admit I have percussion envy. Track 7 - Sweet Sunshine - The Satisfactors 3:38 - I first heard about the Satisfactors a few years ago. I dig what they do! This is a band made up of a bunch of guys who are bursting with in-your-face soul. The singer sings well. The rhythm section is rock solid, and the guitars are on fire. I dare anyone to listen to this track and not be in a better mood by the end of the song. A long time ago, when the Walkman first came out, I had a friend who would say "Here, have a little Alice. You'll feel better." Then he would give you the headphones and Billion Dollar Babies would blast through your brain. Well, here, have a little Satisfactors. You'll feel better. Track 8 - Rush On You - Mark Lindsay (former lead singer of Paul Revere & the Raiders) - 2:40 - One word: JAM! This reminds me of something our band instructor back in Jr. High school would say. If we had managed to make some particularly soulful noise Mr. Case would look at us, grin and say in his cigarette damaged voice: Sometimes you cats can wail. Well folks, this track wails! Track 9 - A Spy For Love - Mia Moravis 2:32 - I had no idea they were making a new James Bond film. They must be because this track is absolutely meant to be the theme song for a James Bond flick. The camp factor is over the top as Mia sultrily sings that she is a Spy For Love. The thing is that despite the intentional campiness and the omnipresent musical kitsch, the music on this track is really well played. Mia has a very good voice and the band actually makes the song groove. (I do have to wonder how many times they had to do a retake because the band was cracking up?) Track 10 - A Special Girl - Jim McCarty (of the Yardbirds) - 4:45 - The first thing the listener notices is the melodic groove that could easily fit in the background of a cocktail party or with a bunch of young neo-hippies hanging in the park. I actually mean that as a compliment. The music does have some Adult Contemporary overtones that would make a dentist smile, but if you really listen to the track you will hear a subtle, yet smoking guitar. That guitar behind the easy-on-the-ears voice really works together to create something special that just may take a couple of listens to fully appreciate. When all is said and done, I find myself speechless and thinking “now that is one cool way to rock and roll.” Track 11 - Ballerina Of The Bowery - Jana Peri 4:10 - I dig this song. The Bo Diddley vibe is just too cool. Man, the drummer, Kurt Reil, is laying it down! When you combine those drums with the ultra-raunchy guitar (Gar Francis) the song is mind-bending. Add in the vocals and the track goes from mind-bending to absolutely mind-blowing. This song has anthem written all over it. I dare anyone to listen to this track and not start to groove along. Track 12 - Break It Down - Anthony Krizan (of the Spin Doctors) - 4:29 - WICKED! Good God I love well-used feedback! The blues simply does not get any raunchier or grittier than this. The cool thing about this track is that while the music is head-splitting level loud and confrontation the vocals are, believe it or not, melodic. The background vocals only add to the contrast of the out of control, fire-breathing dragon on lead guitar. Out of all of the truly fine tracks on this album, this could very well be my favorite. Track 13 - Fool For Your Love - Crab Bubbles Band 2:47 - The heavy groove continues. There is no doubt that the Crab Bubbles Band can make some noise. The melodic verse is almost a relief from the intensity of the chorus. (Who am I kidding? It can never be too intense!) This song is so good I find myself wishing I was in this band. Excellent work! Track 14 - Make Up Your Mind - Inches From Sin 3:24 - This song is interesting. On the one hand, it sounds so cheery, but there is a menacing machine-like sound grinding just underneath the pleasant keyboards. I am really curious, given the name of the band, is this a simple love song or do the singers have some darker nefarious purpose in mind for the person they are en-couraged to make up their mind? Track 15 - Shine Your Love - Kathryn Shipley 3:53 - Kathryn starts out with some really nice soulful keys. I really am feeling a Band groove here. Then the vocals come in. Man, she has a great voice! The background singers definitely add to the soulful vibe. Then it dawns on me this is the stuff all the great Motown singers grew up singing. This song could be from a church service, albeit not the kind I attended as a kid. This song would fit into a church service where the people rock out. You have to listen to the piano (Eric Barfield) runs in this track. The pi-ano, with the organ in the background, the wicked guitar on the edge, the backup singers all provide an outstanding platform for Kathryn to absolutely wail! I dig it. Track 16 - The Hand Of Fate We Hold - The Corridors 3:30 - The Corridors are a band I quite like. The prowess of their keyboard player is not to be denied. Just when the listener feels immersed in a sea of keyboard produced sound the guitar opens up with a tsunami of laser-guided precession sonic blasts that leaves the listener, well at least this listener, speechless. Over the top of this massively intense yet oddly melodic jam is a voice that is simply awe-inspiring. The man (Adi Mosko) can sing! This is a fantastic track that deserves to be listened to, frequently. I should mention, as the name of the album is The Gar Francis Songbook Volume One by Various Artists that all of the songs with the exceptions listed below, were written by Gar Francis. Sweet Sunshine by Gar Francis, Bruce Ferguson & Kurt Reil A Special Girl by Gar Francis & Jim McCarty Bread It Down by Gar Francis & Anthony Krizan Make Up Your Mind by Gar Francis, Robert Brewer & Karen Holloway Brewer The Hand of Fate We Hold by Gar Francis & Richard X Heyman The bottom line is this is a fantastic album that I am sure will be enjoyable to listen to for years to come. - The Grouch | in the Rockies Made possible by all artists presented and Bongo Boy Records. Produced by Gar Francis and Monique Grimme for Bongo Boy Records. Album Design and Photography: Monique Grimme http://bongoboyrecords.com/garfrancissongbookseries/ http://www.mi2n.com/press.php3?press_nb=202408
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