#and finally finally they were going to get together and homura wouldn’t accept that fate for her
paperglader · 8 months
mmmmm… so, the show about the pink-haired girl with the magic powers is actually about a 14-year-old girl that sacrificed herself for humanity and the girl that loved her the most, who was left behind and never got over it
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
The Holy Quintet in Twisted Wonderland!
While I was having a writer’s block for ‘A Modern Fairytale’, I complained to my friend and we chatted on Discord. I told her about TW and she asked me if TW ever gonna have an anime adaptation since Magia Record:PMMM had an anime after the game is released. We love the Madoka Magica series and since they’re some similarities between the two, I thought why not have the main girls (I haven’t watch Magia Record yet though I’m aware of the existence of Doppels) react to the world of TW? 
For those who don’t know about Puella Magi Madoka Magica, here’s a brief summary: It’s basically an anime about cute magical girls fighting evils where absolutely nothing bad ever happened. Like, ever. 
Anyway, hopefully by the time I’m done with this, I can get my flow back for my previous writings...  
*Since the First-Years are 16, I aged up the Holy Quintet just to match. 
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Homura could’ve unleashed a thousand bombs and grenades onto the wretched white rat the moment she realise that they were no longer in Mitakihara City or even on Earth! 
Her day has been going on so well, too.
Morning arrives with the same monotonous routine. It’s a new day and a new timeline which means a whole new planning she needed to do before the fated day. But that can wait after school.
The teachers and students followed their scripts perfectly. Homura deftly ignore the hallway where the History teacher would request her help carrying the journals for the woman’s next class, spin around before the clumsy girl from the class next door would spill her water bottle onto her and even freezing time to whisper into Hitomi Shizuki’s ear who is lingering outside their shared class; how she had been neglecting her dear friend Sayaka lately in favour of Kyousuke Kamijou, how unfair her treatment of Sayaka has been lately. 
By the time recess roll by, Madoka is alone just like Homura planned. Sayaka is pulled away by Hitomi. It wasn’t hard to wait quietly in her seat before the other girl spotted her and asked if they could have lunch together. 
Homura accepts without hesitation. 
She let the hours went by at their own pace until the moon is high in the sky. There’s a Witch that has been causing quite a ruckus near the shopping district. One that Homura would have no problem killing on her own, but Kyouko found it first and not even a day later, Mami caught wind of it as well. 
As the clock is about to strike midnight, the Holy Quintet are standing in front of the Witch’s Labyrinth; the back door of a luxurious shoe shop. Homura ponder on what was the connection of the shop and the Witch, before Kyouko suddenly declare to kill the Witch herself. 
“Hey, I was the one who found it first! This kill is my right!” The redhead Magical Girl announced with a Pocky stick pointing sternly at them to back off.
“Shouldn’t we work together to stop the Witch? Tomoe-san mentioned that it’s strong...” Madoka softly countered. Kyouko’s loud voice didn’t scare her but since the prize is a Grief Seed, everyone wanted it. Madoka wouldn’t dream of rebuking her friends of it. Not when they dearly need it for their magic. 
“I don’t want to add more to the fire, but if we work together, who’s going to claim the grief Seed?” Sayaka interjects, her hand up in the air as if they were in class. They haven’t transform for battle yet; it’d be a waste of magic to transform only to have half of them returning home later or search out for another Witch all night long if Kyouko won’t budge from this one. 
Madoka, Sayaka and Kyouko all turn to Mami when she remains silent for too long. 
“It can’t be help then.” Mami shrugs. “If Kyouko is adamant to kill this Witch, then we should leave it to her. She was the one to discover it after all.” 
When Kyouko whoop and cheer, Sayaka went ahead to scold her. But their relationship had progress to a stage where they could banter easily with no hard feelings involve, so Madoka is at ease. 
Homura, however, is not as it slightly deter from the script but she wisely keeps it to herself. 
Homura’s day went wrong when Madoka sweetly offer, “I still have some Grief Seeds on me, so I’m more than happy to help Sakura-san out!” 
“Madoka - ” Homura automatically begin, she would rather have Madoka reserve her magic but luckily Kyouko beats her to it. 
“Aww, it’s fine Kaname-san. I’m a big girl, ya know? I can’t handle one Witch.” Kyouko assured her with a bright smile that’s enough to dissipate Madoka’s worries. “Beside, you guys have been working hard these past few nights hunting Witches. You guys deserve a break for once.” 
“I can’t argue with that...” Mami ruefully reply. The girls all decide to leave this Witch to Kyouko’s capable hands and was about to make their way home (with Mami escorting them back even if she didn’t have to) when the door to the Witch’s Labyrinth suddenly flings open. Light, colours, myriad of voices and music flood out from the shop. 
“D-Did the Witch realised we’re here already!?” Sayaka said through gritted teeth. The corrupted Magic that’s spilling from the door is overwhelming, trying to pull the girls inside. 
“That can’t be!” Kyouko retort with her spear already in hand and stab to the ground to anchor her. Her other hand is gripping Sayaka’s to hold her steady in place. “A Witch only have absolute reign in its Labyrinth. Not in the real world!”
The Magic then began to slowly drag their feet towards the door. Madoka, who is the closest to Homura, touch her Soul Gem. Homura didn’t want her to fight, she’d rather deal with the Witch herself. 
“Madoka, wait!” Homura shouted and lunge to grab her. Her Shield is already on her arm despite that she’s still in her school uniform. She just needed to freeze time and then  - 
“Now this is interesting. This doesn’t feel like a Witch’s magic at all.” Perch on top of the many lamp post and unbothered by the overwhelming magic is Kyuubey. The Incubator blink its pink, beady eyes before jumping down and landed beside Homura. 
“You - You’re not needed here!” Homura hissed viciously.
“Look carefully through the door there, Akemi Homura. Doesn’t that look like a mirror?” Kyuubey instruct in a pleasant tone that irked the girl. 
“What are you - ”
“Akemi-san, look! There’s a mirror!” Mami’s urgent voice snapped Homura to attention. 
Indeed. There’s a black mirror inside the shop, floating in air. 
“Is that how the Witch noticed us!?” Kyouko is already brandishing her spear to throw it straight through the mirror.
Before any of the Magical Girls could do anything, the mirror forcefully yank them towards it and swallow them whole. Silence descend on the streets. 
Homura fought to stay awake but the magic lull her to close her eyes and sleep. 
“Did.. did a mirror just appear from the ceiling and spat out... girls?” An unfamiliar, incredulous voice was what stirred Homura up. Something feels off.  
When Homura open her eyes and realise that she and her friends are surrounded by people in strange robes staring at them as if they were aliens, a man wearing a mask and a mirror with a green face floating in it, she immediately went for the offence. 
She withdraws a gun from her Shield and aim straight at the masked man standing beside the mirror, her eyes never waver away from the crowd in robes in front of her. With a quick glance underneath her, Madoka and the rest are still unconscious before focusing on the enigma of this world and something in her whisper that she should hold the masked man accountable. 
“Where are we?” Homura demanded in the calmest voice she could muster, her finger is light as a feather against the trigger. The scripts has gone completely off the rail. “Who are you people?”
“Well now, I think that would be my question!” The masked man rebuked. Homura’s ears picked up the dumbstruck and lividness in his tone. “Really... a mirror suddenly summoned in the middle of the dorm sorting ceremony and you girls interrupted it!” 
A bullet wheeze past by the masked man’s head, only grazing a lock of his hair. Just like that, the crowd is silent. Finally realise the strange and uneasy atmosphere that curtains them, courtesy of one Magical Girl.
“I won’t ask again.” She threatens. Her eyes narrowed when a few of the people in front of her shifted. A short boy with red hair and a bespectacled boy with a beauty mark on his lower lip. She studied them warily and they did the same towards her. The fingers twitch to a small... pen? The red and grey gems will become her targets if they so much as move. 
“Geez... the situation suddenly turn dangerous.” A voice said through a floating tablet. He sounds meek and scared. 
Murmurs follow soon after. She's losing control on the situation. 
“Well?” Homura pressed and this time, she aims the gun right between the masked man’s eyes. Adults in strange coloured clothings that stood behind the mirror with the green face slowly tried to separate Homura from the crowd. Their expressions severe and cautious. 
They don’t feel like familiars. This strange room doesn’t feel like a product of a Witch’s magic. What’s worse, Kyuubey is nowhere in sight. 
“Young Miss, I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here but you’re in the prestigious Night Raven College. Did you and your friends forcefully unlock your coffins?” The masked man asked, with his hands on his hips like a scolding parent yet tentative when addressing Homura after her warning shot. 
“Night Raven... College? Coffins?” Homura repeated, growing confused by the minute. She’s never heard such institution before! 
Her gun lowered slightly when she caught pieces of conversations floating from the crowd. 
“... a mistake? Night Raven College is an all-boys school after all.” 
“We woken up every first year students before coming here. There’s no way we could missed them!”
“So they somehow broke out from the coffins on their own earlier?” 
“...that in her hand? It looks some kind of weapon but I’ve never seen anything like it...” That came from the floating tablet. 
“It happened so fast that headmaster couldn’t even react! Whatever that thing is, it’s dangerous.” The short redhead boy added, his fingers nearly brushing his red gem now. 
“Where is Mitakihara City?” Homura asked instead.
The masked man titled his head at her question. “Mita... what? There’s no such city with a name like that. Did the mirror where you came from malfuction? And what’s with your clothing, Young Lady? Is that supposed to be a school uniform?” 
This is bad. Nothing makes sense. “Students of this college would already be wearing their ceremonial robes the moment they step out of their coffins.” The masked man continued, oblivious to Homura’s concern. The other Magical Girls remain sleeping. It’s up to her to get them out safely or try to figure out what’s going on. 
This couldn’t be the incubator’s game. 
Homura pulls her gun back and relax her shoulders just a little. Enough to show that she’s calm and not going to attack any time soon. “A college you say? My friends and I were forcefully pulled in through a mirror and then I woke up here. Tell me, are we even on Earth?” 
Now the masked man is perplexed. “Earth? I’ve never heard such a word before! Why, this is Twisted Wonderland!”
Homura bit her lower lip to prevent herself from calling the masked man out as a liar. She doesn’t have any prove or any information that the man is joking after all. 
Homura comfort herself by tugging on her magic and grip her gun. Good. She still has her full arsenals and useful items as well as her magic is in its peak form. 
Her mind is racing now. If one wants information, one must offer their piece first, yes? 
“I believe there’s been a... mishap. My friends and I aren’t from here. We came from a place call Mitakihara City. Twisted Wonderland doesn’t exist for us.” Homura begins. That should suffice for now. 
The floating tablet floated near Homura although there is still some distance between them. “A-Are you serious!? A bunch of girls literally isekai’ed into Night Raven College!? I can’t believe this is actually happening! My manga is a reality!” 
Homura is taken aback at the sudden enthusiastic voice. Truly not expecting a 180 from his previous meek tone. 
“Eh? Another world? Did you and your friends came from another world!?” A white haired boy with ruby eyes intervenes. Despite how odd the situation is now that he said it out loud, he’s excited about the notion. 
“It would seem so...” Homura murmus. If this is meant to be a college then the crowd must be students and adults here are their teachers. There’s magic lingering in the air. It’s unfamiliar to Homura but it’s magic nonetheless. 
“The sorting ceremony must continue on.” The mirror with the face boomed. Its voice deep and unsettling. The masked man react accordingly to it. 
“Yes, yes, we musn’t dawdle! Now then Young Miss, if you’d be so kind to help bring your unconscious friends here beside me so that the others students could - ”
“Step forth you who have mastered time and space.” The mirror with the face ordered. 
Another silence descend the room before the white haired boy with red eyes shattered it. 
“So they ARE students! This is so exciting, isn’t it Jamil? We never had students from another world before!” The boy exclaim with a beaming smile. Somehow, his smile reminded Homura of Madoka’s when she’s in a really good mood. 
“We still don’t know what’s really going on, Kalim.” A boy with complex, braided hair chastise him. Though it doesn’t deter his friend’s excitement at all. “After all, she was willing to attack the headmaster.” 
“I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding! Won’t you be confused and scared too if you’re suddenly teleported to a strange land, Jamil?” The white haired boy countered before shooing Homura to the mirror behind her. “Go see what the Mirror of Darkness has to say! Maybe it could help you.” 
The masked man sigh. “I guess it can’t be help. Young Miss, please address the mirror properly.” 
Homura tucked the gun back into her Shield and slowly turn around. The mirror with the face doesn’t strike fear in her like Kyuubey or Walpurgisnacht do, so she slowly padded towards it. 
And thus begin the Holy Quintet role as students in the world of Twisted Wonderland right after each one of the girls has been sorted. 
The next continuation will be dorm sorting! It was a little tough trying to sort 5 of them when there are 7 dorms but I have a idea how to get around this. Hope I did Homura justice and you guys enjoyed this piece. I adore crossovers! 
A big shoutout to @twsted-caramel​ (I hope it’s ok to tag you here) for giving me the big inspiration. Please check out their crossover of KNY and TW pieces! It’s amazing!)              
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angewrites · 6 years
Operation: Playmaker
Title: Operation: Playmaker
Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Words: 3,335 (or somewhere around there lmao) 
Summary: Two months after Takeru and Flame find out the Cyberse has been invaded and desolated, they are approached by a man, not much older than Takeru, who asks for a very peculiar favor, one involving Playmaker.
Notes: SHE LIVES!!! AND SHE HAS A NEW FIC (a one-shot, as usual lmao)!! 
This is my first ever VRAINS fic, so hurray for milestone fics lmao. Honestly, this is just a fanfic version of the “my son Takeru and Ryoken are working together, and Ryoken told Takeru to watch Yusaku b/c Yusaku is a mess” theory I came up with as a result of the “BRING REVOLVER BACK” and anti-Soulburner sentiment on Twitter so lmao there’s that.  
I tried a narration experiment with this, but I don’t know how effective it is, so any thoughts on that is much appreciated. Either way, happy reading, pals, and I hope you enjoy it! :D
Off the Coast of Den City: Kogami Island
Takeru glanced with uncertainty at Flame, who had taken its place inside his Duel disk, as he followed the man who had approached him only hours before. He couldn’t care less what happens to him, but, if Flame was hurt in any way and it caused him to disappear, Takeru wouldn’t forgive himself. It almost happened before. He wouldn’t let it happen again.  
But, Flame could never know he thought that at all.  
Quickly, Takeru’s eyes shifted to the man in front of him. The man didn’t seem to be a threat when they first met, but there’s something . . . something off. His energy’s full of unbelievable tension as if burdened by some grand fate, yet he remained calm on the exterior. It didn’t make any sense, but Takeru wasn’t about to inquire.  
As intimidating as he seemed, white-haired man also gave off a familiar vibe, as if they had crossed paths before. That was weird. They’ve never met before today . . . right?  
“Of course not, Takeru. That’s ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath. He let out a small gasp, realizing he’d been thinking out loud.
The man stopped. Takeru - and his heartbeat - also stopped. Oh god I’ve never prayed to before today, did he hear me? They were in front of what seemingly appeared to be a dead end in the dark cavern.  
“We’re here,” the man said, giving no indication that he heard nor cared about Takeru randomly mumbling to himself. Good news on that end for Takeru, but the fact that they were "here" created a whole new set of problems.  
“Here?” Takeru repeated, his voice trembling a bit. He hadn’t mentioned anything about a final destination or where they were headed before. He tightly clenched a fist to keep his nerves from spiraling tornado-style inside of him.  
The man acted as though he didn’t hear the question and, after inserting a code on a screen, what was a dead end turned into an entry way to a room, brighter than the dark space that they were in. Takeru forced his jaw to remain shut, but it was hard. There was just so many machines he had never seen before, especially not back home. He was no machine guy, but the room was certainly impressive, even if it did make Takeru shiver a bit.  
The man in front of him sighed, placing a hand on his hip. “Spectre, we’re here.”
Takeru blinked. Why is this guy speaking to a ghost? Once Takeru accepted that possibility, he felt his stomach churn. He was not in the mood to deal with the supernatural.
The individual Takeru presumed to be Spectre walked in, even though it really looked like he teleported, from the right. Spectre's light blue eyes felt as though they were piercing Takeru's soul. Takeru felt a shudder slide down his back. Forget whoever guided him here. This guy was especially frightening, almost as frightening as a ghost, a specter, if you will. Didn't help that he was wearing all white. Was this guy even human?
“My apologies, Revolver-sama,” he began. “We were just prepping for you and – ” Spectre peered over the man’s shoulder, making eye contact with Takeru, “ – the honored guest’s arrival.”
The man in front of him emitted a guttural noise, most likely of disapproval. “Spectre!”
But, if he wanted his identity hidden, it was too late. Takeru couldn’t hold in the gasp that escaped from his mouth. This guy . . . was Revolver? The guy who threatened to destroy Link VRAINS? Come to think of it, he never did introduce himself. That. That was why!  
“Hey, hey, hey hey hey,” Takeru broke in, his voice gradually becoming lower pitched with his growing anger. “You didn’t say anything about being that Revolver! You said you needed help with Link VRAINS, even though you’re the one who tried to destroy it?  Give me a break!”
Spectre and the apparent ringleader and Takeru’s personal escort Revolver-sama allowed a moment of silence for this apparent unfortunate turn of events Spectre had created. Revolver glanced at Spectre, shook his head, and turned to face Takeru again. At that moment, Takeru noticed another man walking in, one with suspiciously green hair and a grin that reminded him of an evil goblin.
This Revolver-sama guy sure hung out with a creepy crowd.  
“Revolver, sorry I’m late -” he began but stopped when he saw Takeru. “Oh-ho, pardon my interruption. Is something really important going on here?”
Takeru didn’t break his gaze with Revolver and he let a “tch.” escape through his teeth. He was trying hard to appear tough, but he could feel his legs wobbling a little. Pathetic. Flame would hardcore judge him if he saw him then.  
“That’s enough,” the white-haired young man commanded. “Dr. Genome, wasn’t Dr. Aso with you?”  
“He’ll be here momentarily, Revolver.” The goblin green-haired man pushed up his glasses and made his way toward Takeru, sending a shiver down his spine. “He says to start without him.”
Revolver sighed and made his way over to what appeared to be a circular screen built within the ground, Takeru’s eyes following him.  
“Not going to answer my question, are you? Why should I help you?” Takeru had the courage to say. It tasted awful, coming from him. He hadn’t been this combative since . . . since he confronted that gang back home. But, he needed answers, and this Revolver guy was just dodging the point.
“Show some respect for Revolver-sama, you little -” Spectre started to say, but the white haired-man raised an arm to cut him off.  
“That‘s enough, Spectre.”  
Spectre crossed his right hand over to his heart and bowed ever so slightly to acknowledge the reprimand.  
Takeru could feel beads of sweat forming in the back of his neck.  
“Homura Takeru,” Revolver said, “I understand your concern well. I haven’t exactly displayed myself as someone trustworthy, especially to someone with an Ignis.”
He knew?!?! Takeru dug his nails into his palm and glanced at his Duel Disk. “How did you know -” Takeru started to ask.
“- that you had an Ignis?” Revolver finished. “It’s not a talent I’m particularly fond of, but it can’t be helped. I sense those who were in the Lost Incident and the AI created from them . . . or from their data, I should say.”
Takeru raised an eyebrow. Sensing people specifically from the Lost Incident? That’s seems a little far-fetched. It’s not like the Lost Incident people have a specific smell to them or anything like, so what did he mean? And how does he know about the Lost Incident anyway? Still, if Takeru valued his life, he wasn’t about to ask any of these questions out loud.  
Revolver continued, “But, even though my destiny is to destroy what my father, Dr. Kogami, has created and also tried to destroy, a greater risk has appeared, and it goes beyond the Ignis threat to Link VRAINS.”
Supposed Ignis threat. Takeru added mentally. “Greater risk?” he asked aloud.
Revolver nodded. “Recently, there was a SOL Technology function unveiling the new and improved Link VRAINS before its release to the general public. Ironically, even though I aided in its initial destruction, I was invited to this function. It was there that I met them.”
“Them?” Takeru asked.  
Spectre chimed in almost immediately, “The Harbingers of the New Era, right?”
Quite a name.  
“Exactly. They’re an elite data robbery group that used to work with my father, but they couldn’t come up with an agreement on the creation of the AI. Since SOL Technology came for my father for the Lost Incident, I suppose their opposition is how they got invited.”  
Spectre clapped his hands. “Then the group leader was asked to give a speech since they actually helped to upgrade Link VRAINS. Isn’t that right, Revolver-sama?”
Takeru couldn’t understand why Spectre kept interrupting, so he asked, “Well, were you there too?”
Spectre glared at Takeru for a second before “humph”ing and retorting, “Someone had to manage Revolver-sama's data concealer. He wanted to be at this party without anyone noticing.”
“If you say so,” Takeru returned. Wasn’t he invited though?
Revolver cleared his throat. “They did give a speech. And it was cryptic at best, shady at worst. There was much talk about the future of Link VRAINS but, strangely enough, the future they spoke of, even without any mention of AI, would even make my father concerned. Link VRAINS as being a space for winners, a space where businesses can make a profit. Players being trained to ward off the next imminent attack. That kind of thing. If SOL Technology and this group continue to do business with each other, I’m afraid Link VRAINS will be in greater danger than ever before.”
Takeru shrugged. “Bad news, but what’s that got to do with me?”
“If this group has their way,” Revolver replied, “Link VRAINS and your Ignis will be in grave danger. The technology this group wants to implement in Link VRAINS to create ‘faster and better duels’ . . .  This technology? Equipped with viruses designed to get rid of AIs not registered in a system.”
Takeru gasped, but then shook his head. He had to be careful. What if Revolver was lying to him just to get Flame? Wasn't he just bashing AIs earlier? He couldn’t let his guard down.
“So, how do I know what you’re saying is true? And what’s my role in all of this? How do I know you’re not just saying all this to get my Ignis?” he asked.
“I can’t make you believe me, Homura, but I will tell you that not only Link VRAINS is in danger, but so is your hero.”
Takeru cocked his head to the side, placing his thumb and pointer finger and on his chin. “Which one?”
Revolver stared at him. “It’s Playmaker.”
Oh, duh. Who else would it be? “Playmaker?! But why?!”
“That I haven’t figured out. I just know he’s being targeted,” Revolver continued. “SOL Technology might be after Playmaker’s Ignis, but this group appears to have no interest in that. It’s quite possible Playmaker’s life is in danger. And it could have a drastic impact on Link VRAINS.”
Well, this is weird. Takeru thought. I thought Revolver was his sworn enemy, but he’s concerned about his life? Better just play along, though.  
“So, what am I supposed to do, Revolver-san?” Takeru inquired.
“-sama.” Spectre corrected.  
Revolver closed his eyes and crossed his arms. “Kogami.”
“We’re not in Link VRAINS. It’s Kogami.” The man cut in, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
“O-okay, Kogami, so what’s my role in all of this?” Takeru repeated.  
“Your task is to watch over Playmaker, make sure this group doesn’t get to him,” Kogami explained. “Both in Link VRAINS and outside. I can't take care of the outside arrangements, but I'm sure one of my associates can help you with that."
Takeru raised an eyebrow. "What arrangements are we talkin' here?"
"He's saying you gotta go to school, kid, as much as you probably don't want to" Spectre yawned. "We don't know when these guys will strike, so it's best to guard Playmaker no matter where he is. I'll take care of the whole school thing, I suppose."
Takeru tried to shoot daggers in Spectre direction with his eyes, but Spectre seemed blissfully unaware of the ill intent coming from the fiery teen. Takeru did calm down once he realized that he had to go to school again, though.  
Unfortunately, Spectre was right. That was certainly a tall order. Never mind that this was the guy who tried to destroy Link VRAINS and challenged Playmaker who’s asking Takeru to watch him. An inexperienced Link VRAINS duelist like him? Protecting Playmaker? And he had to go to school to do it?  There’s just no way. But, there was something about Kogami’s expression that sparked a sense of confidence in Takeru. Yeah, Kogami did threaten Link VRAINS, but . . . he also acknowledged Playmaker’s abilities, didn’t he?  
It’s not the same as working alongside his heroes, but working alongside the rivals of one of his heroes was close enough, right?
“You can count on me!” Takeru announced, pointing a thumbs-up to himself. But, he realized he was missing one key piece of information. “Although . . . how am I supposed to know who Playmaker is outside of Link VRAINS?”
Kogami gave a small laugh. “That’s what your Ignis is for, isn’t it?”  
Takeru looked at his Duel disk. “Flame’ll tell me, huh? And how long am I supposed to keep this up for?”
“I have . . . business to tend to in the meantime, so I can’t give a definitive answer. But, this shouldn’t take too long, I hope,” Kogami replied, making his way toward where they first came in.  
“Getting one of our own out of jail, finding more info on this new group, you know. The usual,” Spectre spoke up, shrugging his shoulders and letting an obnoxious smirk show on his face. “Don’t screw this up for Revolver-sama, kid.”
“Kid?” Takeru repeated accusingly.  
“Uh, Spectre, aren’t you the same age as him?” Genome – was it? - broke in and asked.  
“Don’t compare me to him.”
“Enough!” Kogami said. “We don’t have time for this nonsense. Spectre, Genome, be sure to bring our guest back to Den City. And leave his Ignis alone. Got it?”
“Yes, sir!” Spectre and Genome replied in unison, causing Takeru’s eyebrow to twitch a little. What kind of organization was Kogami running here? Could he really be trusted since one of his own is apparently in jail?  
Well, he’s gonna have to fake the trust if he wants to live.  
“That’s it. I’m counting on you . . .” Kogami smirked, closing his eyes, “Soulburner.”  
Takeru stared incredulously at his initial escort. “Wait, I’ve never stepped foot in Link VRAINS before. How did -”
“Come on, kid, let’s go,” Spectre interrupted with a smile that caused Takeru to slightly shiver, grabbing Takeru by the forearm. “Revolver-sama is very busy.”
So why does he get to call him Revolver? This isn’t the Link VRAINS space. Takeru thought. But, he knew better than to question this guy. He wasn't going to let the kid comment slide, though.
“Stop calling me ‘kid,’” Takeru retorted.
“Okay, okay, kids. That’s enough. We’re going to get you back now, Homura,” Genome intruded, pushing Spectre away from Takeru. “This mission is very important, though, so do your best to not make any careless mistakes.”
“Yeah, sure.”  
At least Takeru wouldn’t have to be stuck with Spectre during his mission. Just having Flame make fun of him was enough.  
“So, you really believe him, huh?” Flame inquired as Takeru continued to stare at his deck. Takeru closed his eyes and sighed, leaning back in his chair, letting his bangs fall away from his forehead.
“I don’t know what to believe at this point anymore,” he said, eyes still closed. “But, if it’s part of my path to get over my past, I’ll do it. No use questioning it too much.”
“Funny. You seemed to have a lot of questions when we first met, and I wasn’t even trying to hurt you,” Flame countered.
“You sure?”
“I’m just kidding, Flame. But, taking over every electronic device I looked at? Come on now.”  
Flame crossed his arms. “I needed to get your attention. But, the point is, if you couldn’t trust me, how can you trust this Revolver guy? He caused so much trouble for Link VRAINS and you’re willing to believe him? Just because he mentioned Playmaker?”  
Takeru glanced at Flame and then back at the ceiling. He should probably replace the ceiling soon.  
“Sure, he did all that, but . . . there’s something that bothers me about him in a not-suspicious kind of way.”
“Yeah, ‘cause that makes a lot of sense, Takeru.”
Takeru sat straight up in his chair. “I’m serious! I just don’t see any reason to not believe him. He could just let Link VRAINS and you AI and Playmaker perish for all he cares. But, despite all that, he asked me to help save them. When he’s got other people who could do the job just fine, except,” Takeru contorted his face in disgust, “that Spectre guy, maybe. He creeps me out.”
Flame closed its eyes. “You really are too nice, Takeru.”  
"Too nice, huh?" The teen glanced at the clock. He decided he should probably be getting to bed soon to get used to the whole school thing again. He still had tomorrow to himself, but he needed to mentally prepare, if only for a couple of months. Imagine. Him going to school. Grandpa and Kiku would be super shocked if they knew. Not that he wanted to go, but a mission was a mission.  
But, there was one piece of info he needed before he could hit the hay for the night.  
"Flame, I know you don't sleep."
"Yes, Oh Chosen One, how may I be of service to you at this late hour?"
Takeru sighed. Flame was such a handful. "….That's a bit much, don't you think?"
"I asked you first."
"Revol-I mean, Kogami mentioned you know who Playmaker is. Is that tru-?"
"Fujiki Yusaku."
Takeru took a step back. "Eh?"
"That's who Playmaker is. Around your age, goes to Den City High School, where you'll be," Flame continued.  
"That's . . . That's amazing, Flame!" Takeru exclaimed, barely containing his excitement. Finding out his idols' true identities was not something he expected, but if anything can make going to school tomorrow worth it, it's that.  "Anything else?"
"Well . . . not to douse your fiery passion or anything, but he's also a Lost Incident victim. Like you," the AI continued. It reverted back to its eyeball state in Takeru's Duel disk. "You've seen his Link VRAINS form, but just so you don't go chasing after the wrong guy, here's what he looks like in the human world."  
Takeru looked at the image of Yusaku. It was strange. He had been told there were others – five others, to be exact – who were locked up as well, but he was never told of who they were or what they looked like. For his idol, the one who saved Link VRAINS, to be one of the six, it was surreal.  
But, at least Takeru knew that someone else would understand. The weight he had to carry.  
"Fujiki . . . Yusaku, huh?" The teen sounded. "This should be entertaining, keeping an eye on this guy. Right, Flame?"
The eyeball in Takeru's Duel disk blinked slowly once, as if to acknowledge Takeru's statement. "One more thing. Revolver said nothing about this, but I figure you need to know this."
Takeru raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"
"The one who goes by Blue Angel in Link VRAINS also goes to Den City High School," Flame continued. "She's Zaizen Aoi." The AI projected an image of the girl from the Duel disk. "Not a victim of the Lost Incident, but she hasn't been so lucky in her Link VRAINS endeavors, let's say."
But Takeru wasn't paying much attention to what Flame was saying. Two VRAINS celebrities go to his new school? Just his luck! Finding that out made going back to school almost worth it.  
"What is it?"
"Are you sure you're up to this? You haven't even stepped into Link VRAINS before."
There's definitely a lot at stake with this mission, but Takeru had a feeling it'll work out somehow. It always did.  
"Sure am. I'm not gonna get a chance like this again, so I'm just gonna go for it," Takeru said, turning off the lights. "I'll be fine."
At least, he sure hoped so.  
"Also, how are you going to introduce yourself to this Yusaku anyway -"
"Good night, Flame."  
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twxntrash · 7 years
Who’s ready for some HomuSaya angst????
This was spur of the moment little thing. Triggers for blood and death. Written on mobile so forgive me if the layout ends up weird.
“Homura, damn it, Homura come on! Where are you?” Sayaka yelled out, stumbling through the ruins that was the crumbling remains of Mitakihara City. Buildings and houses were upturned, entire blocks decimated. The grand scale damage and destruction was horrifyingly awe-inspiring.
They, the magical girls of this particular city, had just fought off Walpurgisnacht. They defended the city the best they could, with all their strength, their lives on the line. Just two magical girls against one monster of a witch. Both fighting to protect the city they lived in and to protect Madoka, a dear, treasured friend to them both. They fought, though all the odds pointed in their failure, they fought, though it would have been safer, easier to just run and hide.
To an outsiders perspective it might have been odd that Sayaka was willing to fight beside Homura, considering how most timelines went when the two were involved. It was rare enough that Sayaka survived for the final days, even rarer that she worked with Homura. The distrust, the bloodshed had been diverted this timeline by a different route Homura tried. She intercepted Miki Sayaka early on in the new timeline, befriended her before the girl could plant the seeds of suspicion and distrust. It made it easier to draw her to her own side before any animosity and suspicion could blossom. She told Sayaka the truth after gaining her confidence, rather bluntly, maybe cruelly, but it helped steer the blue haired girl away from despair. When Mami had been killed, Sayaka had understood what had happened rather than pin the blame on Homura. When it came time for her to make her wish, and she did make her wish, she hadn’t been as foolish about it as she usually did because Homura had told her when she confessed her consideration into it what the fate of magical girls were. To become the things they hunt. A monster. Sayaka knew before her wish that if her Soul Gem blackened, she would become what they fought; a witch.
In fact, Homura had told her everything after Mami had died. Including her own wish and reasons. Sayaka had taken it with surprise, but had accepted it. Another result from the alliance she had been able to forge between them, or rather- Homura was reluctant to admit this- the friendship that had formed between them. Sayaka had trouble taking in Homura’s time traveling abilities, let alone the fate she often succumbed to in most timelines. Rarely did she survive long enough to fight Walpurgisnacht, and the cause of her demise had left a bitter taste in her mouth. Yet, it had certainly made her think more carefully over her wish and her reasons. Do it wrong and she could cement her fate to become a witch. Though, in the end she still wished to fix Kyosuke’s hand, but this time knew well enough not to expect her wish to result in him returning her feelings for him. She would settle for hearing him play his violin again. But, by the looks of it, the city destroyed, she wouldn’t hear him play it ever again.
‘Damn it!’ she thought, looking around in frantic worry. She needed to find Homura, they could still fix this. They has to fix this!
With just two magical girls, the fight had gone as well as one would expect it to. They had lost. Mitakihara was all but destroyed, Sayaka doubted there were that many survivors. Even if there was a few survivors, even if Madoka had survived, this timeline had still been a failure. The witch had won, they had lost.
The timeline was going to be reset.
“I need to find her!” she muttered, climbing over debris. Searching desperately for her ally. She needed to find Homura before the girl went back in time to try and redo everything. Find her so she could go with her, so they could try together again to fix it all, “Homura!” she called out again.
There was a weak groan in response, so quiet she barely caught it.
Attention at hyper focus, Sayaka was quick to locate the source of the voice. Scrambling over large chunks of upturned roads and buildings as she tried to reach her. But when she made her way over crumbled chunks of buildings, piled high atop each other, she wished she didn’t come and see. Her stomach turned and blood drained from her face. After searching over the wreckage of the city, she had finally found where Homura was.
At least…. she had found where part of her was.
“Oh…. oh god…” Sayaka whispered, feeling her stomach churn. She wanted to puke at the grotesque image before her.
There the magical girl laid, in a pool of blood, her body battered, tattered and torn. What was worse; her entire lower half gone, crushed beneath some building or torn off by familiars. Sayaka could see bone and entrails peaking out through the torn and frayed edges of her outfit. Bits of steel had pierced through one of her arms, pinning it there. Her other arm, like her lower half, was missing as well. torn right below the shoulder.
“Oh god… oh god…” Sayaka whispered again, and then snapping out of her horror, she quickly slid down the rubble, stumbling over until she was at Homura’s side and dropped to her knees beside the broken girl. Quickly she brought a hand to her blood soaked neck, trying to avoid any cuts as she tried to find a pulse. Next her ear to the chest, listening to a heart beat, any sign that she was still alive. It was there but weak.
She should be dead, it was obvious she was only alive because her Souk Gem had been untouched. The agony she just gave been in, even Homura’s infamous poker face couldn’t hide it.
“Homura! Don’t worry I’m going to- I can- I’ll save you!” Sayaka said, fumbling over her own words as she tried to reach into her own magic reserves. She had burnt out almost all she had fighting Walpurgisnacht. Her own gem was nearly at it’s limit. Black covering the blue like a sheet, with just a small amount peeking out. she needed a grief seed badly or she wouldn’t last. No, she had to focus on Homura. She could heal her, she just had to dig deep.
“Mi…Miki-san,” Homura croaked weakly and gave a pained cough. Some blood came up, hitting Sayaka on the cheek, but she didn’t care. “You have… you have to g-go…” it was a clear battle just to get her words out, a battle she was losing.
“I’m not leaving you like this. We’re in this together, Transfer Student,” Sayaka snapped, focusing hard. She could fix this, she could fix Homura and they would get out of here. They could- she could go back in time with her and they could fix this. She just needed to keep Homura alive.
Homura groaned in response, and Sayaka felt some of her magic reacting, pressing hands to the bloodied body of her friend. “Just stay calm, I have you, I can fix this.”
Homura shook her head, and even such a simple action such as that seemed to invoke so much pain for her. "No…” she whispered, “Just…ta…take my soul gem.. c-come back for my body later…” she instructed, weakly trying to hold her remaining arm out to Sayaka. Her own gem had a considerable amount of darkness clouding it up. The purple so dull, it was in just as bad of shape as Sayakas.
Sayaka’s clothes were stained with blood, white turning dark red. Gloves bloodied considerably, but she didn’t care. "I can fix this, Homura, I can fix this.”
“No… no you c-can’t,” another weak cough. Just talking was using up valuable energy. “We’re… we’re both in b-bad shape. Just t-take my soul gem and g-get to my apartment. I have… I have some g-grief seeds stored there… you d-don’t have the magic right now…” Homura groaned again, what was left of her body shaking from the pain and stress. "Fix y-yourself… cone back fuh…for me.”
Her outfit transformed into her school uniform, her soul gen rested on her shaking palm as she held it out to her, “take it.”
“Homura…” Sayaka whispered, letting the gem be placed in her own hands. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes as she forced herself to stand in trembling knees, her legs threatening to buckle under her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ll, I’ll be back,” she whispered, backing away slowly, afraid to take her eyes off Homura as she held her soul gem in her hands. It felt cold to the touch. She only turned around when she couldn’t see Homura anymore.
Despite her injuries, Sayaka ran through the city ruins as her legs bled and burned. Holding the soul gem, Homura’s soul close to her heart.
She prayed the apartment still stood, that the grief seeds were still there.
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