#and for once i'm not writing sheith lmao
v-tired-queer · 9 months
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Doodling for an AU I'm working on for VLD and this is the first baby that I've drawn that actually turned out how I envisioned 🤣 Practice does pay off 🩷
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johaerys-writes · 2 years
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Thank you for this ask!!! Okay so considering that this year I wrote Sheith for THE FIRST TIME I'm super proud of myself just for that because I'd been silently loving them for months but was super shy to actually write them lol but once I finally took the plunge I never looked back. I wrote some of my fave stuff ever with those two this year. I poured my whole heart in A Place To Be and cried a whole lot lmao, and I'm also really proud of Three's a Crowd which is the HORNIEST and kinkiest thing I've ever posted on main 😂 I was so nervous while posting it and was expecting people to just mass unfollow me for how horny this was but I was pleasantly surpised by the love and encouragement I received for it. I'm just glad to have contributed to the kurosheith agenda 😌
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Okay my dude, I keep meaning to ask and then forgetting, so I'm finally doing it! How on earth do you manage to write up to three different stories at once! And I say up to bc I'm pretty sure you had 2 from vld and 2 that were jaytim? Idk if one of them has finished yet? How do you know get confused about what's happening, who's talking to whom, how do you maintain the integrity?? Bc is it a bromance is so solid and I'm gonna assume the others are as well! How do you keep up the consistency??
Lmao it’s cute that you think I’m only working on three or four stories at once. Anyone who’s ever held conversations about writing with me or been in a discord chat with me can confirm that my brain never stops when it comes to fanfic and stories in general.
I currently have 2 sheith stories going on right now, 1 jaytim, and 1 birdlfash with a side of jaytim. But I also have my birdflash write 365 series that’s happening right now. And then there were the five stories I was working on for jaytimweek that’s starting next week and I’m also currently working on NaNoWriMo which is going to be a bunch of fic this year so that’s at least one or two more stories from that. And all of that doesn’t even begin to take into account the multiple ideas for fics that are sitting in my notebooks waiting to be written.
For the most part, whenever I sit down to write a fic, I have a rough outline (sometimes not so rough and more detailed) of what’s going to happen over the course of a fic. Other times I have a single idea and just kind of wing it and that could get me anywhere from 3-4k to 50k depending on the content. So I start with an idea basically lmao.
And then I focus on one fic each week (if there isn’t an event going on that I’m writing boatloads for) and before I sit down to write the next chapter, I reread the previous one. And then I make an outline for the chapter I’m getting ready to write so I know what’s going to happen over the course of hte chapter. And once that’s done, I get to make the magic happen and actually write the chapter which will go through a reread and round of edits before I post it the next week.
So yeah. That’s basically my schedule minus the unhealthy writing habits that we don’t need to talk about because unhealthy writing habits whom? Unrealistic. Blocked.
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
I'm saying this from the perspective of a shipper I guess but looking at all these Sheith moments got me thinking.. Would it be possible that the creators themselves are actually planning for them to be canon at some point? But because of some complications..(not gonna name it) they decided to scrap it off? Do you think this is possible? Although Keith telling Shiro he is like a brother to him kinda made me sad? lol I have got so many questions so I can't wait to see more of this amazing series!
Hi anon! The thing is, writing and animation for shows like this are done way in advance. When season 1 came out, I imagine the plot up until seasons 3 or 4 was already set in stone. And Voltron, like most shows, works off a “TV Bible” that had all the major plot points outlined right when the series was first pitched so,, once you plan things out like that I think it’s difficult to make big changes to characters’ relationships.   
I think the writers have also made it clear that they are going to go ahead with their narrative rather than catering to popular fannon, particularly when they’ve told certain fans they don’t agree with their mentality at all. Even with things like how they mentioned Allura was a teenager like all the other paladins, a lot of people didn’t headcannon that, but the writers stood by it. It’s their own story after all, and I don’t see why they should change it. As for sheith, we know the writers have outright told people that harassing shippers isn’t okay and they’re completely against it. 
There are also plenty of writers, animators, and VAs who have liked clearly romantic sheith fanart, cosplay, or pro-sheith posts (and gotten backlash for it). So we know they’re certainly not opposed to shipping it. And I mean, whether it’s romantic or not, we know that the cast certainly seems invested in their dynamic. The fact that their relationship and character development is by far the most fleshed out is certainly apparent. Here’s also some stuff staff has drawn that shows they at least like Shiro and Keith’s bond: 
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So anyway, despite how the fandom can be, I don’t think it would necessarily deter the writers or dissuade them from following through with major writing decisions. And given how supportive the staff has been of sheith, I don’t think they would suddenly just abandon whatever plans they had for their character development together. Under the hypothetical that they did make sheith canon, I think they would just maybe adjust how they went about it so that the fandom could kind of like, ease into it, and hopefully not be too mad about it. Though I have no doubt people would still harass the staff if sheith happened, which just…makes me feel really bad to be honest…
On the BOM line though anon, I don’t think it goes against sheith at all and here’s why:
in all honesty, everyone is kinda “brother zoned” in Team Voltron lmao. Found family is a common theme, and I don’t understand when people pull apart that one line when they conveniently forget other brotherly moments, like:
any combination of shipping Hunk, Keith, and Lance
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or shipping any paladin and Allura
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I know there are fans who will point at Keith’s line and claim that it discounts sheith. But people ignoring the other scenes mentioned above while latching onto the BOM line seems extremely transparent (and defensive) to me.
By the logic that Keith and Shiro can’t be shipped due to one out of context line, it also discounts ships like k/lance, h/ance, h/eith, sh/allura, k/allura, ect. I mean, Keith says “we’re all related” about everyone in the universe at one point so like,, it’s not meant to be taken at face value.
With BOM in particular it’s especially bizarre to me, because I’ve seen plenty of people replace Shiro with Lance and make the scene romantic. So, whatever someone’s opinions on Shiro and Keith, clearly the scenario itself–dying on the floor and wishing for someone to come back for you, to never abandon you, someone who is the very embodiment of your greatest hopes and dreams, the person you most desperately want to see–obviously, people can easily read that as romantic.
Key word here is also “desperate.” That does not sound like something brotherly to me, it kinda has this unrequited love vibe. But again, that could be just me. It’s fine to interpret Shiro and Keith’s relationship however you like, though it’s obvious that, platonic or romantic, Shiro is obviously the most important person right now in Keith’s life. Which makes sense, considering how Keith already said Shiro changed his life, not to mention Shiro being the only one to check in with Keith while he was worrying himself sick over being galra. He’s also the only one that can hug Keith without the poor guy instantly freezing up; there’s an unspoken intimacy to their interactions that’s obvious to any viewer at a glance.
For your consideration though, studio mir also made avatar. Katara once thought of Aang as a little brother, but that didn’t stop them from getting married. Character development happens, and people change. Also, you can lie and say something in the moment because you’re scared of expressing your true feelings. This is especially applicable to Keith because of how he reacts to strong feelings
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More importantly, in the Blade of Marmora, Shiro actually mentions family first.
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“We’re all the family you need.” This line alone proves Keith sees all of Team Voltron as a family–his family. By that logic, all the paladins are his siblings. What’s really interesting though here, is that Keith could agree. He could’ve said, Ya, you’re all my family and you’re all important to me. But no, he says “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me,” which means he effectively moves on from the whole team and puts all the focus on Shiro. That literally shows that, even though he holds a familial, platonic love for everyone on Team Voltron, his connection with Shiro still runs deeper than everyone else, and he sees his relationship with Shiro as being on a whole other level above the rest of the team.
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As for Shiro and Keith and the portrayal of their relationship, we’ve already seen that plenty of people on the Voltron staff are supportive of Sheith in a romantic context. There’s plenty of evidence for staff liking sheith fanart and sheith posts. Also, as I’ve said before, it’s obvious they’re fond of Shiro and Keith’s dynamic. So I mean, even the creators are capable of reading their relationship in a romantic context–and support it. Doesn’t sound like you can only interpret their relationship as brotherly to me.
So honestly anon, I don’t think you need to worry. There’s nothing about the line that strikes me as detrimental to sheith. If anything, I think it just proves that, out of all the paladins, Shiro is the one Keith is closest to. 
And again, Keith’s fake Shiro refers to everyone as Keith’s family–so he sees them all as found family. The brother line doesn’t discount Sheith anymore than it does any other Team Voltron ship with Keith. 
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