#and for the top pic I wouldn't even know who I'd want to cuddle more! they both look so floofy! so friend-shaped!
smolfangirl · 1 year
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Hope your holidays will get better🖤
the pics are from here if you need more: https://www.boredpanda.com/mother-bear-cubs-animal-parenting/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
Oh my god HOW did I miss this for so long?? Baby bears!!!!! Teeny tiny adorable little baby bears!!! I love them, thank you so much ❤️
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nashibirne · 3 years
Painkiller - 5
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Need a painkiller? Here we go! The fifth part of my story about Henry and Ella. Months have passed by since their date, let's see how the "friends" are doing...
Pairing: Henry Cavill x OFC (Ella)
Summary: Ella keeps on pretending and Henry tries to move on
Warnings: Angst, a little smut, 18+, NSFW, sex, mentioning of oral sex (f receiving)
Unbeta'ed! As you know...English is not my mother tongue so be warned...
Credits: Pics for the moodboard are from Pinterest (face claim Pamela Reif, unfortunately I don't know the name of the model I use as face claim for Ella), I know nothing about the real Henry Cavill, this is all fictional.
You can find part 1 - 4 on my Masterlist.
taglist: @hell1129-blog @lunedelorient @inlovewithhisblueeyes @mis-lil-red @willkatfanfromasia @agniavateira @omgkatinka @legendarywizarddetective @summersong69 @taebfada @xxxkatxo
(let me know if you want to be added or removed)
The little bell above the door rang like crazy when Jackson entered the book-cafe with vim.
"Jax!" Ella beamed with joy when she saw him.
"Hey auntie." He embraced her with a grin, hugging her tightly and lifting her off the ground a bit. "Congratulations on your third nephew. He's really cute. I paid Katie a visit before I came here. Paul was there too, almost bursting with pride, changing diapers like a pro. He's going to be a great dad."
"Yeah, absolutely. They're going to be great parents. Hopefully Katie can leave the hospital soon. Henry can't wait to meet little Leonard."
"So you've already told him?"
"Of course. I had to promise him to call as soon as Katie goes into labour. And I kept him updated throughout the day yesterday. He's so happy for them."
"Uncle Henry and Aunt Ella, huh?" Jackson said with a teasing grin.
"Funny." Ella rolled her eyes.
"Not really. I mean come on, Elsie, you know that you and him are in a relationship without sex? Sharing everything but the bed?"
"Yes, I know that. It's called friendship, Jax."
"No, it's not. What you have established over the last 4 months is much more than friendship."
"Nonsense. Henry is a close friend just like you." Ella crossed her arms ready for defense.
"Fuck no. He's not..." Jackson let out an amused snort.  "You talk on the phone every day, no matter how busy you are. You text each other constantly. He comes here whenever he finds a minute. You spend all your spare time together when he's in town, he practically lives at your place on his free weekends, sleeping on the couch. All your neighbours know the attractive guy, who looks so vaguely familiar under his caps and beanies and the beard, and who's always so friendly when he walks his dog with you. You do everything together, like a couple, you just don't fuck and nobody understands why."
"Because it's for the better." Ella turned away from Jackson and began to unpack a parcel that was standing on the counter. She got out some books and put them into a shelf with a stern expression.
"Really? You still claim that?" Jackson started to help Ella, pacing between the counter and the shelf, following her close.
"Yes I do. Because it's still true. We're better off as friends."
"Jesus, Elsie. How can you be so stubborn? The last months have proven that your worlds are not different at all, on the contrary...you love the same things, you laugh about the same silly jokes, you share the same view on life. You perfectly fit in with his life and vice versa."
"Yes. As friends. And I'm not stubborn, I'm realistic."
"And what would be so different if you were lovers and not just friends."
"Everything would be different, Jackson." Ella stopped in her tracks and turned around to him. He could tell by the look on her face and her crimson cheeks that she was not only annoyed but really upset. She cocked her head and poked his chest with her index finger. "What do you think would happen if we were spotted together? Appeared in public as a couple? Holding hands or kissing? If I left Henry's house in the morning? The whole world would know about it. It would be in the press, on the internet. The tabloids would be full of it. Who's Henry Cavill's mysterious girlfriend? Oh, only an ordinary book trader from Uxbridge...there must be more to it. They would start to dig and stalk me and my family, show up here at the store. His fans would go crazy, and I would be their target. They would bitch about me. How the hell did this mousy bag of bones get a man like him. I would be called gold digger, attention whore, slut and worse. I'd have to go to official events with him, meet his VIP friends, we would be chased by paparazzi..."
Ella stopped her rant and took a deep breath. 
"Right. And I know this scares the shit out of you, but don't you think it might be worth it?" Jackson placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a soothing smile. 
"No, I don't. And I don't even know if Henry feels about me that way. If he would still want to date me..." 
Jackson stared at Ella, raising his eyebrows in disbelief.  "Are you kidding me? He's crazy in love with you. And you love him too. Stop lying to yourself, honey."
Ella just shrugged, avoiding Jackson's gaze.
"He won't wait forever, Elsie. One day, he'll get over you and he'll move on and then it might be too late. Mark my words."
That was the moment a customer entered the shop and gave Ella a good reason to end their conversation at this point. 
Later that day, when Ella was cuddled up on her couch, eating ice cream and trying to read a book, Jackson's words still nagged on her. You love him. That much was true. He won't wait forever. Another truth. He'll move on. That was the hardest part because of course he would and it was Henry's goddamn right to do so. And she couldn't help but wonder if he'd already started to. There were those slight changes in his behaviour. It had been harder to get him on the phone in the evenings lately. He said he had an ass full of work but it sounded like an excuse. He got a lot more texts than usual and he never read or answered them when Ella was around. He'd even shaved his full beard. She knew it was wrong and pathetic and completely unjustified but Ella was jealous without any actual reason. The thought that Henry was seeing someone was killing her. 
Then it might be too late. Yes. Jackson was right. If Henry was dating someone, if he was in love with someone, it would be too late indeed.
She couldn't help but think about all the chances she'd wasted to become more than friends with him. There had been quite a few moments in the last four months they had been close to crossing the line, but Ella had been too scared to make a move, for all the reasons she'd mentioned to Jax.
And Henry had respected her boundaries and taken her no for a no and had never tried to leave the friend zone, which was great because it showed her how much he respected her and what a decent man he was, but it also sucked. She had maneuvered herself into a corner and she didn't have the guts to get out of it on her own. She was a coward.
She thought of a day only a few weeks ago, when Henry had tried to teach her some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques. Ella was pretty sporty, she did yoga as part of her daily morning routine, she liked running and played volleyball once a week with some of her friends but she'd never tried martial arts before and it turned out soon it was for the better. She had zero talent.
After an hour of training that included lots of touching, rolling around on the floor together, sweating, panting and laughing, there had been no improvement in her non-existent skills. The only things that had increased had been the tension in the room, the physical attraction and Ella's arousal. Being so close to Henry, his hands all over her body, her hands touching his muscles all the time...it had been pleasure and pain at the same time.
After her umpteenth ineffective try to pin Henry down on the floor, he finally had mercy and let her win. He dropped to the floor laughing, dragging her down with a smirk so that she topped him. They had been so close in this moment, her body on his, their noses almost touching. Henry had wrapped his arms around her waist and he had looked her deep in the eyes.
The moment had been so intense, so intimate, the atmosphere so vibrant with an erotic kind of anticipation, it had sent shivers down her spine and goosebumps all over her body. Her pussy had been throbbing and she'd felt Henry's dick harden in his sweatpants. It wouldn't have taken much. She could have kissed him easily. She'd wanted it and she was pretty sure he'd wanted it just as much. But she hadn't been able to move, to stop her thoughts from running, to turn off reason, to let emotions lead the way and so the moment had passed with the result that they still were nothing more than good friends.
And she just couldn't shake off the feeling that she was going to regret her hesitation soon.
Henry grabbed her by her hips and increased speed. His balls slapped against her butt as he fucked her hard from behind. She moaned loudly and it sounded fake in his ears. He was quite sure the orgasm she had when he'd eaten her pussy a few minutes ago was a real one, but the sounds and noises she was making now were artificial, somehow forced and deliberate, just slipping from her lips to turn him on. But he didn't really care, it worked well and he came with a muffled grunt. He thrust his dick inside her pussy another few times till his orgasm was over and pulled out right after. He stripped off the filled condom and got up to throw it in the bin. 
"Come back to bed, Babe." Kelly stretched out  between the rumpled sheets. He looked at her and smiled. "Gimme just a second." He went to the bathroom and took a deep breath while washing his hands and his cock. 
What am I doing here? He asked himself not for the first time and the answer was always the same. He was having a stupid fling with a beautiful 25 year old bimbo. He had met Kelly four weeks ago and after two weeks of flirting on the phone and a lot of hot texts and pictures he had taken her on a date first and on his kitchen counter afterwards. 
Since then they'd met often to have sex. Casual sex, no strings attached. He had told Kelly this several times and she didn't seem to care. "No problem" had always been her answer. Nothing seemed to be a problem for her. 
"You have to sneak out, so nobody sees you!" - "Sure."
"You can't stay overnight." - "That's alright."
"We have to be very discreet. Don't tell anyone about us." - "Of course not."
"I'm not looking for a relationship." - "That's fine."
"I'm in love with another woman." - "Okay."
Ella. Yes, he had told Kelly about her. That he loved her though she just wanted him as a friend. And again...no problem for Kelly. But it was a problem for him. He thought way too often about Ella when he was with Kelly. He didn't only compare them constantly - always with the same result, Kelly was nothing like Ella, not a tiny bit and that was equally good and bad - but he had to think of Ella whatever they were doing, even when things got steamy. He didn't really imagine being with Ella when he fucked Kelly, but he often thought about her before and afterwards. Fantasizing about how it could be...if this deep friendship they had turned into a relationship. If they turned from friends to lovers. The problem was he was quite sure this was never going to happen.
There had been some moments they had been close to kissing but Ella had never made the one missing step to close the gap between friendship and love.  And he couldn't because he was trapped in the friend zone. Just lately there had been this situation. Both of them lying on the floor after a Jiu-Jiutsu session, Ella on top of him, shaking and obviously turned on, her eyes full of desire. And she must have seen the same sensation in his eyes and even if not, she must have felt his hard-on. But even in this moment she hadn't crossed the line. No kiss, no touch, no words. That had been the moment he'd finally accepted that all he would get from her was friendship.
A soft knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Henry? Is everything okay? The bed's too big and too cold without you."
Their friendship...that was another problem. He had a terrible guilty conscience. Not because of the fact that he had an affair, he was single, Kelly was single, there was no reason to feel bad. But he hadn't told Ella anything about it. Not a single word. He had texted Kelly behind her back, had made up excuses why they couldn't meet or talk on the phone in the evenings. He knew if he told her Ella would start to ask questions about Kelly, about his feelings for her. And what was he supposed to answer? I don't have feelings for Kelly, I just shag her to get you out of my system, because I love you more every minute, every hour, every day we spend together. And it kills me that I know we will never be more than friends.
That was completely out of the question.
"Yeah, sure." He opened the door and gave her his best fake smile. "Just freshened up a little."
"Why don't we get dressed and you take me out for dinner?" Kelly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close for a kiss. "I'm starving."
"I don't know, Kell. I don't want us to be seen...you know that."
"Oh come on, babe." She pouted and kissed him again. "You can wear a cap or a beanie and glasses or something and we go to a simple chippy. No one will recognize you."
Henry thought about it. He was hungry too and she was right, it was unlikely that some paparazzo caught them in a fish and chip shop.
"Fine, let's get ready and go."
Two weeks later Henry still hadn't told Ella about Kelly and when he opened the Daily Mail in the morning he knew he wouldn't have to anymore. She could read and see it herself.
He almost spit out his coffee when he saw the pictures of Kelly and him in front of the little Asian supermarket, they had visited yesterday. They were kissing and hugging each other tightly in one picture and walking away from the shop hand in hand on the other.
Henry Cavill in love again. Has Superman finally found his Supergirl?
The headline made him want to puke.
That was bad. Henry had to talk to Ella before she saw this rubbish. He had to explain it to her. He got dressed in a hurry while he called his agent to cancel their 9 o'clock appointment. When he left the house he had a bad feeling, a very bad feeling.
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iammarylastar · 4 years
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"So, you're leaving without saying goodbye?"
She said, her voice like a ghost.
Cal leaned his hand on the door frame, his forehead followed and he closed his eyes. He could feel Jess trembling behind his back, he could foresee her face soaked in tears, her sobs stuck in her chest.
Leaving her was the hardest thing he had ever done, he doubted he could gather the strength to walk out the door, but now she was awake, crying, he knew it would be impossible.
Yet, he had to.
"Chris?" She begged.
He had planned everything, every little detail, like he already had, to break Oyster out.
He got all his stuff ready: a car fueled up, the maps with all the secondary roads highlighted, 4 different options to cross the Canadian border. His backpack, enough military rations to survive for 2 weeks, in case he'd have to ditch the car and cover the distance by foot. A compass. An extra pair of trekking shoes, just in case. Water. Lighter. Headlamp. Emergency kit. US dollars. Canadian dollars.
No phone. 
No pics, not even one of Jessica. He wouldn't risk to get caught and have her involved. Beside it would be too painful to look at her beautiful face. Dealing with her memory would be hard enough.
But he had no choice. More than 3 years he hadn't see his brother. 3 fucking long years he hadn't heard his voice. Teddy, his little brother, the reason he had kept living after their mom died, the one he had fought for. And kept fighting for.
He'd all planned in his head, playing every scenario again and again at night, all those sleepless nights, Jess cuddled against his chest. Looking blankly at the ceiling, on the hunt for what could happen, what could turn wrong, and come what may: keep walking.
Until he reaches Lac-Sainte-Marie, Quebec, 260 miles from here. Until he meets his brother again.
"Chris!" She yelped, like she was drowning.
For a millisecond, he thought he could just give up: forget his little ass of a brother, forget his oath to his mother, forget his responsibilities, drop on his knees and beg Jess to marry him, give her 3 kids, get a pet and live happily ever after. Why not? He deserved a little of happiness, didn't he?
"What is happening?" she whispered, her voice torn by sobs, like stabs in his back.
What the fuck was happening, good question. He was happening. That fucking deceiving Cal was freaking out and ruining everything again. Like it was meant to be.
Like he was meant to screw up every chance of happiness.
"I have to see him. Jess, he got back in touch with me. Those postcards. There must be a reason." He said under his breath, not daring to glance at her.
"Chris, you're still in probation! A single step out of the State and you're in parole violation! You're going to get caught and thrown into jail again!" She knew this argument wouldn't work with him, but she was a lawyer, well almost, she had to plead for her case.
"I know..." Chris whispered. The next words would be excruciating to pronounce.
"That's why I won't come back..."
"Noooo!" She totally broke down.
As he listened to her heart shattering into pieces, taking his own heart down, he couldn't help thinking about time.
It took her days to tame his fears, weeks to heal him for his trauma, months to forge deep, trustful ties between their hearts.
Ties they both thought were unbreakable.
And as it took a heartbeat to fall in love with her, he'd been quick to break her heart.
Now he was running out of time. With her. For Oyster. Fuck.
"At least wait for your probation period to be over! You'll be a free man and you could go wherever you want!" She begged.
Like he didn't know. Like he hadn't spent the last days counting how many days it would take to be reunited. Like he hadn't thought of it from top to bottom. Like he hadn't been obsessed and torn about that fucking choice he had to make.
"Three more years! Jess, I can't leave him alone for 3 more fucking years! He needs me!" He let his anger flow out of his chest.
"What about me????" She thundered, gripping her nightie where her heart ached, then pointing a furious index finger out.
"He's not a kid anymore! He made his choice! You don't owe him anything anymore! When are you going to start thinking about yourself? About us?"
Cal wavered at her words. The more she spoke, the more his determination weakened. He had no choice but cling to his same old song.
"I'm his legal guardian, I promised mom I'd take care of him. I can't break my oath. Not again..."
It would have been easier if Chris was the selfish type. But he didn't choose Marine corps and law enforcement by mistake. He was a man of principle, loyal, honest, trustful. A man with Semper Fidelis inked in his flesh forever.
"Chris!!" Jess was burning with rage and desperation. She was fed up with his sempiternal lame excuses.
She would have slapped his face full force if she could have moved, again and again until he got it, but violence never fixed anything, she was dead certain of this.
Chris’ childhood to adulthood, his former job in the Marine corps, his time in jail, his whole damn life had been nothing but violence, he deserved better from her.
She breathed in and out slowly to calm her nerves down and regain control of her thoughts.
Give him what he needs, that's the only way...
"You're strong Chris. You're a good man! Why can't you see it?"
Cal shook his head, tears threatening again behind his lids.
"I failed. I failed to keep my mom alive. I failed to protect my brother. To serve my country... To make you happy. I don't deserve you..."
"When are you going to stop punishing yourself for things, you're not responsible for? Jesus, your mom died, who's to blame? Not you! You struggled to provide for your brother though you were barely an adult, Chris, you did your best! Oyster made some bad choices, his choices, he fucked up but it was not your fault!"
Gone his sweetheart of a girlfriend, he was facing a new, fierce, unstoppable soldier ready for anything for her love.
Anything. Maybe, even ready to throw everything away for him.
Cal slowly extended his hand to a trembling Jess. This gesture was a dangerous step back, he had promised himself not to touch her, not to smell her nor to get too close. No way he could leave this place without her if their hands were linked.
Jess nearly jumped forward to take it, intertwined her fingers so tightly with his, their knuckles turned white. She closed her other hand over their clasped ones, then pulled them against her cheek, nuzzling against the slightest piece of his skin she could.
The contact of her skin against his made him jolt. His plea slipped through his lips before his brain realized their impact.
"Come with me. I hate to put that on you but... Jess, come with me. I don't want to lose you..."
His words were like slaps in her face. Her jaw dropped down and the look she threw at him slapped him back.
She thought she had won. She thought he had heard her words. She thought he would stay. Why would he have offered his hand otherwise?
"Wh..? But... Cal, what are you doing?"
"Come with me Jessica. Let's start a new life in Canada. I love you. I love you!"
His turn to wrap his hand around hers and pull her closer, so his gaze pierced hers, his taut body hovering over her. This could fix everything.
Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!!
Jessica froze in shock, her pupils widened. She would have left all she had behind to follow him. The solution was easy: just go with him!
Just go with him, and become an outlaw. Say goodbye to your family, your career, your dreams, your life. On the run forever with the man she loved. With no future but hiding and lying.
"And you saved your first 'I love you' for the day you leave me..." Jess whispered under her breath, defeated. He killed her hope the second before, and kept doing an excellent job to trample on her heart.
Her whole body slumped down; Cal had to tighten his grip on her hands to get her upright.
Her pale complexion and her trembling voice made her look like a ghost.
"No. I can't. You can't... do that. You can't drag me into a runaway and make me a fugitive. I... I'm... My family is here, my career is here, my life is here... with you!
If you really love me, STAY!"
Chris wobbled, his knees weak under him. She was right, he knew it. He was wrong, doing all wrong, as he always had done. Jessica saw her chance in his hesitation, and played her last card. Faithfulness, Chris' obsession.
"That's not what you promised me. Chris, you promised me..." she burst into tears again, clinging onto him like he was a lifeline. Their love was like the Titanic, they thought it beautiful and in submersible, but it was irremediably sinking in the middle of nowhere and will end up broken shipwreck.
Hold on Rose, you have a chance.
Sorry Jack, you're screwed.
He promised her, that day he talked his heart out, in the wee hours of a beautiful day, lying in bed, slowly brushing her delicate face with his fingertips. That day he told her about his plans for the future, their future. Openly daydreaming of his will to marry her, build her a house, have kids with her, three he said, if she agreed. Plus, a dog. One day, he promised, when she would graduate and he would have a better job.
He solemnly promised her to make her happy, happy ever after.
"You deserve to be happy, Chris. We've been so happy together. For fuck sake, why couldn't we just be happy?"
Because happiness is not meant for me.
"Jess, I miss him so much... I have no choice."
"There's always a choice... Let me help!" She begged a last time, squeezing his hands even tightly.
Chris closed his eyes, his sigh shaky through his tight throat. Just do it. Say it.
"No. Not this time... Let me go, Jess, please..." Chris grudgingly untied their fingers but Jess kept gripping at him, his wrists, his arms, his hoodie. He patiently unhooked each of her attempt, gently but firmly holding her wrists together.
It was so hard, Jesus, to see her face, desperate and drowned in tears, to hear a plea, to hurt her so deeply. But it had to be done. Like ripping off a band-aid. Just do it.
"No, no, no, no, Chris, please, nooo!" She begged, she would have given anything, everything to have him think, find another way, change his fucking mind. To have him stay. Choose her.
All her expectations vanished when Cal took her hands in his large palms, bent to kiss them but just leant his forehead on them, shaken by both their sobs and cries. He knew he couldn't leave if his lips touched her skin again. She knew it too.
Slowly, too slowly, he extended his arms until her fists laid on her chest, her fingers writhing in pain, and stepped back. Unable to look a last time in her eyes, Cal turned his heels and grabbed the doorknob.
"What if I'm pregnant?"
He froze, like punched in his guts.
"What?" His world collapsed. He had all the scenarios figured out, even the worst, but not this one.
He had made love to her earlier that night, knowing it'd be the last time. He made it last long, savoring each second with her, kissing each piece of her body, learning each of her curves by heart with his fingertips. He made it sensual, passionate, beautiful. He had given her all, all of him.
He had laid on his back for hours, his love cuddled on his side, her arms around his chest, like to keep him from running away. Like she felt it.
He had stayed like this forever, staring at the ceiling, listening to her deep breathing, feeling her, smelling her, until he was drunk from her.
"I said, what if I'm pregnant." She stated again, interrupting his thoughts.
"Are you?" He blankly asked.
She might be. From tonight.
She could be. They've been careless for a couple of weeks, their desire so strong they skipped to put a condom on. They both silently agreed, since they had a talk about it: they wanted to spend their lives together and grow a family, one day or another...
Jess had tried the pill, but it hadn't fit her. She tried 3 different brands but every time something went wrong. Cal hated seeing her with cramps or moody and IUD was a big no no due to her young age, so he decided to take the responsibility of the birth control, and simply pulled out at the right time.
Which was, according to Jess, like a firework without the final. Several times, half of the time in fact, she trapped Cal between her legs so he came inside of her. She found it so sexy and powerful.
Sexy but likely give rise to a baby.
Their baby. His.
"You won't stay for me. Would you stay for your child?"
Bitch. She knew how push his button, where it hurt the most. Given what he was doing to her, it was fair.
His guts twisted painfully and nausea invaded his throat at the thought. His deepest nightmare resurfaced: a kid with no father to take care of them, ruffle their hair, tickle them until they're breathless from laughing, play football with them, hug them tight when they're scared or sad. A kid with no dad to love them. A kid like he'd been, grown up before his childhood even had started.
A missing father. That was what he would become if he left now. The worst of the worst. A man he promised himself to never be. Fucking never hurt someone like he'd been hurt.
He unsuccessfully was trying to clear his mind from sadness and anger to redo his math and remember when was her last period. Calculate the odds of a pregnancy. Rate his chance to stay.
He sucked. He wasn’t worth anything.
Maybe living was the best he could do to save this child from himself. He was no better father than his own, unable to make a good decision.
Chris dropped his head, his hands tightened in fists, his eyes closed in a frown. He stopped breathing for a long time, until he made his decision.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, grabbing the doorknob.
That was it. She couldn't go, he couldn't stay. I guess that's just the way the story goes.
Such a waste.
Chris pushed the door open, wiped his tears with his sleeve and walked out, without a last glance at her.
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hillnerd · 2 years
For the ship thing: Peter and MJ (whichever version you want since there Marvel has several)
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship! lets do the current Marvel Peter/MJ as they actually made MJ fun and interesting- I AM aware of plot points of the newest movie but haven't gone and seen in yet.I will NOT spoil what happened, but for those who know- this is still with that in mind.
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - depends on the universe but as always I like forever-
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -Took a bit for Peter see MJ in a romantic sense- but I feel like MJ had a bit of of interest/a slight crush on Peter- she was always showing up uninvited to conversations he was in, noticing him, drawing him etc.
How was their first kiss? -We saw it- it was this fleeting shy cute little kiss she leaned in for- then the one immediately after had much more feeling and passion- but they're so young an inexperienced that it took a bit for their kisses to become really really good.
Who proposed? -MJ
Who is the best man/men? -Ned
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -idk women never have friends in these things
Who did the most planning? MJ- I see it being super casual but she totally made her own bouquet out of origami flowers she made and it has a lot of homey touches
Who stressed the most? -Peter bc something is ALWAYS happening to keep him from being on time to things
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -Idk his enemies? I'd like to think we wouldn't have to see Flash there, but...
Who is on top? depends - I see them switching it up a lot
Who is the one to instigate things? -MJ by a slim margin because Peter can be so 'tee hee so, if you like, um we don't have to- but maybe if you want to we could' 'omg yes, stop.'
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? It's either quickies or long romantic evenings - no in between
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -they try so so hard. I can see this being a struggle early on but over time they really nail this and MJ is quite pleased
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? 1
How many children will they adopt? either 0 or the one kid they have is adopted
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? peter bc his life is always filled with attrocious smells and drama
Who is the stricter parent? MJ
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? both
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? MJ like 70% of the time is the one remembering- I see Peter being the one to do the food more often though and being the one to actually pack
Who is the more loved parent? even
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? MJ she has veeery strong feelings about making sure things are anti-racist at her kid's school
Who cried the most at graduation? peter
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -MJ if Peter can't come through with a connection- she will go OFF on them
Who does the most cooking? -Peter
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -MJ
Who does the grocery shopping? -Both
How often do they bake desserts? -not often- they're more a 'we got a ton of toppings and made sundaes' sort
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? somewhere inbetween
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Peter
Who is more likely to suggest going out? -MJ
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? -Peter- it wasn't his fault really, but either through mishaps with spidey suit or villains or just bad luck this could easily happen
Who cleans the room? MJ is a bit better about this- but they are both on the sloppier side- Peter TRIES to-and WANTS to but has no TIME
Who is really against chores? MJ
Who cleans up after the pets? MJ
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Peter
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Peter bc something is ALWAYS going wrong and weird when he tries to do things
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Peter when trying to find some extra cash to buy a coffee
Who takes the longer showers/baths? MJ
Who takes the dog out for a walk? Peter
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? not a lot of decor happens but they do it at the usual times- MJ more does the traditions that Peter likes as he's lost of a lot of family so those things have more meaning to him than they do for her
What are their goals for the relationship? -
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Peter
Who plays the most pranks? MJ
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