#and forget that i fight scara not because i need his drops
carrotcouple · 5 months
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@rest-in-bees and I have a weekly ritual where we fight Scara's weekly boss even though we don't need his drops (because he's my favorite little meow meow)
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madam-kumo · 1 year
Back and Here to Stay
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(Probably should've put this sooner but major spoiler warnings)
Kunikazushi x Mother Reader (platonic)
PT.2 of Don't Leave Me Too!
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Scara shouts as he looks up from your chest. So many emotions were clear in his eyes. Anger, sadness, grief, but there was a spark of relief and pure happiness in his irises. Tears continue to run down his face in globs as he looks upon your illuminated form. He sniffs while rubbing his face with his hands.
"Why did you leave me?!" He yells in anger, though, his arms betray him and his arms grow tighter around you. "I know you're angry with me Kuni. But we need to get you out of here and taken care of". He was to tired and injured to retort and just collapsed in your arms; he was still awake- but barely.
You turn around to look the archon in the eye. "Thank you for helping him, Lesser Lord Kusanali" You praise the girl. A sweet smile appears on her face and she carefully steps over to you and Kuni. "We need to get him out of here. If I may ask, please pick him up". You nod and gently pick up the small boy. He hides him head in your chest, no longer wanting to see the outside world, wishing more to fall asleep in your arms and stay with his mother, and only his mother.
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"A letter from the Dendro Archon" An attendant held out the letter to Ei. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why would Kusanali be reaching out to her. They barely interacted as their nations were too far apart to do so.
Ei hesitantly accepted the letter from the attendant before sending him away. Why was she so scared to open the letter? She had a weird feeling that this letter was something she didn't wish to see.
She ripped the green seal off of the envelope and left it to fall on the ground. Ei slowly red the note. Nahida had taken her son, no, her creation into her care and told her in case she had any words to say to him.
Her heart dropped to her stomach as she red the note over and over again. She completely forgot Kabukimono was even one of her creations. Ei had given him away so long ago. Just hearing his name makes her want to forget all over again but he was useless to eternity. She shouldn't care... right? So, why does she?
Would Makoto want her to let him go or to bring him back? If she brought the puppet back, he would fight her. And she didn't want to harm one of her own creations. She can't hurt her own creations.
"You seem quite conflicted don't you, Ei?" Yae Miko teased behind her. "What do you want Yae" Ei said harshly. "Oh, so angry! I was just stating a simple thing" Yae giggles at the angry goddess. Her chuckling dies down once she realizes the gravity of the situation. The shrine maidens face turns serious.
"You know better than anyone that you were the one to let him go and abandon him.". That word: Abandon. It played in her mind like a broken radio. His broken and betrayed eyes still haunted her like a ghost.
"So what the hell do you want me to do...." Ei mutters to herself begrudgingly. "Give up on this dumb guilt of yours and let him move on, you did that to Makoto after all- so why can't you do it now".
She wanted to smack that grin off of the fox's face but held back and reluctantly agreed.
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After a few days, Kuni had woken up, and like before- refused to leave your side and was attached to you at the hip. He had brought you to Irminsul to help Nahida gather data on a topic that he had not informed you of. Because it was you he wasn't telling it to, it was probably for a good reason.
And there you stood, behind Kuni and next to Traveler and his floating companion. You and the other ladies had been having a conversation in your mind. "How did he turn out this way in the first place?" Paimon asked, scratching her head in confusion. You sighed but answered "Revenge is a blinding goal, it changes people for the worst". "How come every conversation is good when I'm not in it" Kuni interrupted your conversation.
A glowing branch suddenly appeared in front of the boy. "Anonymous date?" Kuni muttered, looking cautiously at the packet of information. "Hey! Remember to share it with us!" Paimon squealed while throwing her fists in the air. "Shush!" Kuni says harshly. Visions of Tatarasuna flash in past his eyes like a projector, allowing you and the traveler to see it as well.
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The story of Niwa betraying your son never sit right with you. Niwa just never seemed like that kind of person; he was always so sweet and kind to you and your son- welcoming Kuni with open arms. Kuni had also buried something in your backyard but when you asked- Kuni never answered. At that point, you probably didn't want to know.
Once Nahida had finished her summary of what had happened, Kuni balled his fists and gritted his teeth, cursing the fatui member under his breath. "Kuni..." You mutter his name, but before you could touch his shoulder, Nahida told you to give him a moment.
Moments had past before Kuni pushed you away from him and grabbed the travelers hand, creating a shield. You only saw them hold hands for a few minutes before the shield dispersed. "I only thanked him for helping me" He said to Paimon. Kuni turned around and made an opening into the Irminsul tree. "Kuni, what are you doing?" You asked, panic increasing in your voice.
He hesitated before coming over and wrapping his arms around you. "Don't wait for me" He whispered in your ear and soon launched himself from his place and into the opening of the tree. "W-where did he go!" Paimon shouted while you looked around frantically.
"I don't know how he did that with so little power, but what I do know is that you three have to get out of here now" Nahida commanded, and you knew better than to question here.
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You had been pacing in the inn for hours at this point desperately trying to find an answer for where your son had run off to. You had already cried and begged Nahida and the traveler to find your son, but they had no answers. As a response, you had isolated yourself in your room.
You two had already been separated for hundreds of years. Being separated again was the last thing you wanted!
You had no reason for sleep or food as ,ever since you came back, you felt no fatigue when it came to normal human needs; It was strange to get used to but you delt with it none the less.
The archon and traveler were very concerned about your wellbeing but they knew better than to bother you. After all, now they have a wanderer to take care of.
A knock broke you out of your deranged state, Nahida had only checked on you once and hadn't bothered you since, so why now? You sigh but open the door anyway, knowing it was probably important. You hesitantly open the door. Your eyes widen and you throw the door open wider to throw your arms around the smaller boy.
You yell into his shoulder as you hold him. You wanted to slap him for leaving you without answers but that could wait. You felt him wrap his arms around you. He sighed into you and relaxed in your arms.
"Where have you been!?" You ask between sobs.
"That will be told later, but know that I'm back and here to stay, mother"
Tag list: @swivy123
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moni-harmonia · 2 years
Sumeru Act V
Many, many things to talk about here!
First of all: I LOVED it. I love Dainsleif quests because they’re really interesting, but this has probably been my favourite story quest until now.
They really made an effort with this plot: everything was well connected, everything made sense and everyone we met was present and had their own role.
I liked the first part because we saw how the plan was created instead of coming out of nowhere. Each character had their own views on what they were doing but everyone was trying their best.
I like that we get to see more of Dottore, it was intense and interesting when he was trying to get Haypasia. Especially because Scara didn’t like that.
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(Also I took this photo when we were following the Fatui lmao)
The cutscene where we talk to Scara privately was great! We need to have these kind of dialogues with the antagonists in order to get to know them and create a more personal relationship. His attitude here was interesting, as well as his display of power.
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I absolutely liked how everyone helped us, even Tighnari who we hadn’t seen since the beginning was here helping. I really like when the whole cast gets to do something instead of leaving everything to the main character. Even the little boy we helped was useful in the plan! And we played as him and Nilou in one part of the quest! It felt great.
Also, I really like how we’re seeing more points of view. I mean cutscenes where the Traveler isn’t present. We get to see what the other characters are doing and thinking. They really made me care a lot for them, it’s the first time since Mondstadt that I really felt that I appreciated everyone involved because we were a group fighting for one purpose: saving Nahida.
The plan was risky but amazing. That part where Alhaitham “betrayed” us was very intense, I knew it was part of the plan but their great acting skills almost fooled me lol
I love Nahida, that little part where the Traveler directly talked to her made me emotional! And I loved that she left her inferiority complex and expressed how angry she was. Finally!
And then the climax... The battle with Scara. It was amazing, the build up was great and the battle had a neat twist. It was epic too, and I liked that Nahida helped us during it as well. 
That final moment when Nahida takes the Electro Gnosis was... heartbreaking. The way Scara reached out to it, pleading her not to take it, because it was “his”, that really hurt. I’m very interested in seeing what will happen to him, how he will become the Wanderer. Apparently, we will have an Interlude in 3.3 and it will focus on him just like they did with Shenhe, I’m very excited for that.
But that battle wasn’t the finale.
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We come full circle from the beginning and end up here. The goodbye really hurt, especially knowing that they will forget her. It’s very interesting that the Traveler is the only one who remembers because they’re not from Teyvat (more on that later).
I really like that we had a final goodbye with everyone, literally everyone! And a small party too! Also we get to meet Kaveh. And he was funny as hell lol I loved that cutscene with Alhaitham, they have a great dynamic, I was laughing all the way. Can’t wait to see him more later.
And then a big lore drop at the end with Nahida. Dottore ended up taking the two Gnosis, but left us quite the info. So apparently the Traveler is not the first one NOT from Teyvat to “descent” here. They’re the fourth one, but the most shocking revelation is that their sibling is... not from outside? They’re from Teyvat? Like WHAT. What does that even mean!? I’m sure it will make sense eventually, but I wasn’t expecting that and it’s very interesting. I wonder if we will tackle that when we next meet with Dainsleif.
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All in all, this was amazing. Very well written, very emotional scenes and a great conclusion. Sumeru has had the best storyline and I really hope they can continue like this in the future. I like how we connected with things that happened before (like Scara and him having the Electro Gnosis) as well as things from the main story (the lore drop of the sibling and the Descenders at the end). That’s how you do it!
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