#did i go take charlotte into the boss fight to take a picture of this?
carrotcouple · 5 months
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@rest-in-bees and I have a weekly ritual where we fight Scara's weekly boss even though we don't need his drops (because he's my favorite little meow meow)
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Episode 40: The Fate of Danger Part 1
Season 5 Masterlist
*I don't want this series to end. like I'm ready, but at the same time, I'm not. it feels like forever since I started and but it's too soon to say goodbye. but let's go out with a bang. 
here's to the second to last episode of Henry Danger as we prepare to give our sweet girl in the Man Cave a fond farewell <3*
This was it. The showdown. The finale. The greatest fight of their lives. 
Or, at least, it would be if they could get on with it. 
Charlotte and (y/n) sighed impatiently as they awkwardly hovered around the main room with the Hart siblings. What the girls had in mind was risky and mad but the best they had, so they were itching to share everything with Team Danger - as they called themselves. 
Time was running out to meet Drex and stop him before he forced Schwoz to mount the Memory-Wiper on a plane and cleanse the city of every trace of Captain Man's god name. God, they had a lot to get through, ending his evil schemes, bringing Ray home from the past and saving the genius and Bose to boot. It was a tall order, made even more challenging by Jasper running off in a fit of adrenaline-fuelled excitement. 
"Jasper, get back here! Charlotte and (y/n) haven't told us their plan yet!" Henry called out to his best friend, still holding his aching ribs after Drex gave them a bootful - literally kicking him when he was down. They couldn't start without him - and (y/n) was practically pawing the ground in anticipation of reuniting with doofus - so where had he gone?
"Sorry...got too excited," his best friend replied, shyly peeking through the secret door after losing his cool momentarily. He leapt back to the side, jumping in next to (y/n) and Charlotte as they rubbed their hands together, ready to divulge. 
"Okay, the most important thing we have to do is stop Drex--"
"Find Ray," they said simultaneously, making the girls look at each other because, apparently, despite all their psychic links as two Smarties, they had different priorities. For once, (y/n) couldn't look at the bigger picture as Charlotte did, her vision tunnelling on what was vital for her, not Swellview. Everyone gave her a sympathetic look since she looked so serious. She genuinely thought she'd rather let the world burn than live in it without Ray. 
But would he want he to do that? Of course not. He wouldn't want his sweet girl worrying her silly little head over a doofus like him, not for the sake of her good heart. 
"Don't worry, (y/n/n). We'll...get to that," Charlotte told her, a warm hand on the small of her back to reinforce her kind smile, even though she wasn't entirely convinced they could guarantee that part of the plan. She didn't know if her boss was still out there or if they'd find him again, but she'd never take her hope away. It was the only thing (y/n) had left to keep her going. 
"But the most important thing we have to do is stop Drex."
"Can't be done. Next!" Another doubter. Henry was as nervous as she was, utterly pessimistic after Drex hauled his ass in the air and beat him to a pulp. He could show her the bruises if she wanted, proof that the man was a monster--and annoyingly indestructible. They couldn't touch him, even if they wanted to. 
"Technically, although I don't like it, it can be done," (y/n) explained, folding her arms and wrinkling her nose at the thought of facing Drex without her doofus. Still, the girl was right, and Henry was wrong; they could take that bastard down, even if it was perilous. 
"Uh, just fought him. Lost. Bad. Remember, (y/n/n)? You were there, so...next."
"If we can take away his indestructibility," Charlotte added, knowing the same thing (y/n) was thinking. Like Captain Man, Drex's indestructibility protected him from harm, making him invulnerable. But Schwoz made no secret that he'd built something that could strip someone of that superpower, pissing the heroine off and making Ray ansty about the thing's existence. They'd never expected it to be helpful. 
"Well, how are we supposed to do that, Charlotte?"
"Yeah, Charlotte?!" Jasper and Henry asked sharply, doubting her wisdom, even though she'd never been wrong about something like this before, not to mention that (y/n) was also responsible for their ridiculous plan. She glared at her friends, unappreciative of their tone. Still, she'd have the last laugh, especially when she explained her genius. 
"Well, I was gonna say that we can use the Omeg--"
"We use the Omega Weapon!" Piper gasped, saying the best part before her friend could finish. She didn't mean to, but Piper stepped on Charlotte's point, stealing the glory for herself as the boys broke into huge grins because that was crazy. Impressive but crazy, so why not use what Captain Man's enemies built against his nemesis? 
"Yes! Which will temporarily take away his powers. Great idea, Piper!" Henry beamed, making his sister blush and say thanks as (y/n) and Charlotte exchanged a dry expression. Talk about being tortured geniuses...
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, the Omega Weapon's not finished yet, though," Jasper interjected, wondering how they would get it to work with Schwoz kidnapped. After all, it's not like they had another bald, fuzzy coconut-like guy to follow the blueprints...
"Uh, yeah, hi. I'm (y/n), a Swellview Tech engineering graduate. Nice to meet you," the woman said sarcastically, offering her hand out to her beloved Curly as though they'd never met. Part of her was offended, seeing how her adopted children failed to remember that she could build things just as quickly as Schwoz. Maybe she wasn't a brilliant inventor like him, nor did she understand every aspect of science. Still, she was pretty damn good, especially when she had an assistant. 
"And I learned a lot from Schwoz and (y/n/n) over the years, so I think we can finish--"
"Charlotte and (y/n) can finish building it!" Piper exclaimed, cutting off her friend again before she could finish--like it wasn't annoying. The Smarties growled lowly as the limelight avoided them, instead aiming for Piper since she apparently knew better than them. Well, she could build it if she was so bright...
"Yes! You are on fire today!"
"I'm feeling it!" 
"Okay, okay, okay..." (y/n) said, shimmying away from the pumped-up girl when she aimed her blaster toward her again, eager to shoot any bad guy that came her way. She could deal with being overlooked - Lord knows that was the story of her life, but there was one thing pressing on her mind--or rather, her heart. 
"We're sorted on Drex, but what about my doofus? He's stuck a hundred and one million years in the past, and that bastard broke the time-ray. I'm starting to get weepy again..." she sniffed, suddenly overcome with emotion as she reminded herself of the impossibility of seeing him again in this life, except maybe as recycled atoms or stardust. 
"Don't panic, (y/n/n). I thought of that and--"
"Charlotte builds a new time-ray!" Piper guessed, pointing her finger at the girl, who rapidly grew tired of the constant interruptions. She frowned at the thought, thinking she could follow a set of notes under (y/n)'s careful guidance, but neither had that skill level. (y/n)'s talent lay in chemistry and mechanical physics, not astrophysics and quantum mechanics. Even she paled at the thought of straying into Schwoz's area of expertise. 
"No, no--"
"Yes! Then, we use that time-ray to send Henry and (y/n) back in time to kill Drex while he's still a baby!" Jasper gasped, twisting his hands as if he imagined doing something unspeakable to Baby Drex. His friends gave him some mortified expression, believing his plan too dark and cruel for their style since it sounded more like something Drex himself would plan, not Captain Man's sidekicks. 
"What are you talking about?"
"Why don't you sit this one out?"
"Honestly, I'm not entirely against that..." (y/n) mumbled awkwardly, staring at her hands where her engagement ring hid underneath her gloves. She'd slipped it on whilst Jasper had his little run-around, wanting to have some connection to her lover, even though he wasn't there. 
Perhaps this was another (y/n) villain era, but a deep, dark chunk of her couldn't help but imagine squishing Baby Drex like a bug and blotting out his existence. It would save her a lot of pain later in life but also made her picture what her life would be like if she'd never learnt from that heartbreak. Would she have fallen for her doofus so wholly if he wasn't there to patch her broken wings?
"The only problem with that plan besides the baby murder," Charlotte argued, giving her friends the side-eye for plotting something so out-of-character. They were better than that, "--is that me and (y/n) don't know how to build a time-ray."
"That's disappointing, Charlotte!" The teens grumbled, pinning the blame on the poor girl because this was their boss they were talking about, the guy who was a pain in the ass but (y/n)'s soulmate at the end of the day. They couldn't abandon him like she hinted, knowing their sweet girl would never recover from his loss - what was she thinking?
"So, we're just gonna leave Ray in the past?!" Henry asked incredulously, causing the woman next to him to sap her head in his direction. An alarmed expression was painted on her face, eyes wide and fearful at such a terrifying notion as she grabbed his arm and squeezed. That wasn't an option; she'd go mad. 
"No, no, no, no--not my doofus! I have to find him! We--we're supposed to get married! He--he promised! I--I--" she gasped, tears swelling in the corners of her eyes at the prospect of having all her dreams unrealised. Seeing her so upset made Piper and Jasper extra protective of her, wrapping their arms around her trembling form and cooing that it would be all right--all while glaring at Charlotte. 
"That's a terrible plan, Charlotte!"
"Yeah, Charlotte!" They snapped, stroking (y/n)'s head as she dabbed her eyes. She had to stop doing that, knowing they'd never get anywhere if she kept crying, and Charlotte wasn't about to let her down. She loved the woman too, yet they thought she wasn't trying everything to reunite the soulmates. 
"Listen to me! Drex didn't use a Time Machine to get back to our time. He just froze himself in ice and waited," she explained, her hopeful tone making (y/n)'s heart flutter as she began thinking and pacing.
"Maybe...after a decade or two of being angry and punching things back in time...Ray will get the same idea."
"That big doofus? Yeah, right. More like he slipped and fell into a lake and got himself frozen," the woman scoffed, shaking her head mirthfully as her eyes fondly thought of her fiancé. 
He'd never had a smart idea, even if it was someone else's, but she could see him grumbling to himself and not watching where he was going. And yet...for all his stupidity, her heart couldn't help but throb at the thought of him being all alone for months on end, not knowing what to do or where to go until one day he fell asleep, waiting to be reunited with his precious girl. 
"I bet he's at his Punchin' Stump!" Henry exclaimed, nudging her elbow as she gasped in realisation. How had she not thought of that? It made perfect sense, especially if Ray had no one to rant to, just a burning need to burn off his rage. 
"Hmm?" Jasper hummed, looking at his best friend with an arched eyebrow when the words fell so quickly from his mouth.
"I bet he's at his Punchin' Stump!"
"His what?" Piper asked, wondering what the hell they were going on about, even though how (y/n)'s eyes sparkled made her heart feel lighter. It was good to see her friend happy again; however, she'd worked for Ray for a long time but had never heard of something so absurd. Why did that give the heroine hope?
"His Punchin' Stump! It's this old, petrified tree stump that's up on Mount Swellview," (y/n) explained, giggling like a schoolgirl as she recalled all the times she'd had to stand and watch her doofus brutally assaulting the ancient wood because his panties were in a bunch. He was so silly, especially whenever they disagreed over the most minor things. 
"Yeah, when he gets mad, he goes up there and punches it until he feels better. This one time, (y/n) told him to wait until she'd finished some laundry before he could kiss her, and he threw a massive hissy fit. Went up there for three hours..." Henry chuckled, flicking through his PearPhone to try and find a specific video tucked away where Ray could never delete it. 
"Does that work?" Piper asked the man's fiancée sceptically, although she could see him getting all moody if she refused him a kiss. 
"Surprisingly, yeah. He always comes back in a better mood, but that could be because I've finished whatever I was doing by then, and he gets his kisses..." The woman shrugged, acting cool despite the smile tugging at her lips. Kisses - she remembered those. 
"I snuck up there and took a video of him one time. Look..." Henry smirked at his friend and sister, knowing the lack of affection made his ex-boss much angrier than she knew. It was sad but hilarious, so he held out his phone as they gathered around, eager to see what Ray got up to when he climbed the mountain to his stump. 
"Stupid daylight savings time!" Ray grunted on the tiny screen as the camera pushed through some bushes to see what he was doing. (y/n) swore her heart skipped a beat as they watched the hero kick and punch an old, knarled tree stump like it was responsible for all his problems, including some of the silliest things in the world. 
"Nobody takes an hour away from Captain Man! My time is my own, especially since that's one less hour of me kissing my sweet girl!" The group laughed as Ray growled each word in time with a punch, ignoring how his repeated assault made his knuckles ache like hell. 
God, he was such a simp, getting grumpy because nature took away one hour from him when trying to make up for lost time with his fiancée. But that wasn't the best part. Henry skipped the rest of the video, knowing watching him punch the same bark repeatedly quickly got old. He slid the time until it was near the end, jumping forward to show Ray now on his knees and hugging his beloved stump like it was a sweet girl substitute. 
"Oh, Punchin' Stump... Sometimes I wish I could just crawl inside you and live for a hundred and one million years. Maybe (y/n) will have finished all the stupid laundry by then..." Ray wailed, rubbing his cheek against the crusty wood since he'd been sent away from the Man Cave after getting underneath the girl's feet. 
It wasn't his fault he was addicted to her honeyed taste. Still, Henry had to get closer to the funny exchange for a better view, creeping up to the man, who was so engrossed in his hug that he didn't notice how his sidekick had followed him. 
"Are you two gonna kiss?" He teased, shoving the camera in Ray's face as his eyes flew open to see the boy standing over the embarrassing scene. It wasn't what it looked like...
"Where'd you come from?!"
"Should (y/n) be worried that she has a tree stump for competition?" Onscreen, Henry giggled, loving how a deep red blush covered his boss's cheeks at the mention of Miss Danger, who he was sure would love to know all about how Ray lamented having clean clothes to wear. This was the perfect blackmail, especially since Ray was still too pouty to properly grasp the phone from his hands. 
"No! And don't you dare tell her!" Ray snapped, swatting the air to try and delete the video, but the kid was too fast. Terror twisted in his gut at the thought of (y/n) seeing him snuggle with the petrified stump, wondering if she'd laugh at him or genuinely be offended. 
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
"This stump and I are just friends! My sweet girl is a much better kisser!" (y/n)'s eyebrow cocked at that, glad her lips tasted and felt better than millennia-old petrified wood. However, she'd admit that seeing her doofus so flustered was hilarious, thinking she'd tease him about it once she was in his arms as Ray began whacking the stump again. 
"It's his favourite spot in Swellview. Well, his favourite spot whenever he annoys his sweet girl..." Henry exclaimed, tucking his phone away once the clip ended. Heat rose in (y/n)'s cheeks at such a heartwarming thought, knowing she felt the same about him and that she'd do anything to have him back again. 
"Okay, so us four will look around Ray's Punchin' Stump. If that big doofus buried himself there in the past, all we gotta do is look for something different or out of place," (y/n) said, determinedly looking at Henry, Jasper and Piper once she'd fanned her warm face. 
"Don't you need to work on the Omega Weapon?" Piper asked, hating to seem so difficult, but building shit was her thing. They could look for her lover and bring him back to the Man Cave, although as she thought that, she could see why (y/n) rejected it. Sitting around and waiting to see him wasn't her style. 
"Yes, but that's why I have my handy assistant here," the heroine replied, placing a hand on Charlotte's shoulder as the girl kindly looked up, nervous but ready to help. 
"Most of the work is done already, and I can show Charlotte how to follow the blueprints. I have every confidence that she'll do brilliantly 'cause there's no way I'm just gonna sit here if Ray's out there. I've got to see him..."
"Okay, sounds like a plan..." Piper nodded, respecting her decision, despite not knowing the emotion fuelling it. She'd never known love like (y/n) had, and maybe she'd never feel so fiercely for one person, but her friend was adamant she was going with them. Anything to hold Ray and tell him everything she never got to say, do all the things they hadn't quite achieved yet - all those unrealised dreams they shared. 
"Let's goooooo!" Jasper shouted, bobbing his head and charging toward the elevator like it was finally time to go and kick some ass. And he nearly made it until...
"Wait, wait, wait!"
"Come on!" He groaned, feet stopping dead as Henry said something was wrong, reading a text on his phone that spelt bad news. 
"It's a text from my mom..."
"Oh, fabulous. Tell us all about it..." (y/n) said with a sickly sweet smile, having heard enough about Mrs Hart for one lifetime, especially after the day she'd had. She wasn't going anywhere near that woman's house, no matter the emergency, not when her doofus was possibly dormant up Mount Swellview. 
"She said she and my dad can't hold off the cavemen any longer."
"What?" Piper frowned, swearing that her brother said their parents were fighting cavemen--or that they were losing the battle. Her life was so simple before she stumbled into this place, but she wouldn't change it for the world, no matter the panic in her tummy. 
"They're being attacked by cavemen," Henry replied, thinking that he probably should've said that at the start. He'd left them with blasters and instructions to defend their home after telling them he was Kid Danger and Captain Man and Miss Danger needed his help. Finding out what was happening in the Man Cave was more pressing, although now he wasn't sure if leaving Mr Hart with a weapon was such a good idea. 
"They also know I'm Kid Danger."
"What?!" Everyone gasped, his friends gawping at him for spilling such a huge secret. And the strangest thing was that (y/n) didn't seem shocked, more like mildly annoyed, as she rolled her eyes and folded her arms at the thought of Kris knowing her secret too. They couldn't believe he'd tell his parents after all these years; God, Piper wished she was a fly on the wall during that conversation. 
"Yeah, it's been a big day--what are we gonna do about the cavemen and my parents?!" He snapped, feeling like they focused on old news, not the imminent attack. 
"I'll go!" Jasper volunteered, thinking the moment to prove himself had finally come, even though his friends were sceptical of his abilities, "I'm almost done with that audiobook that's teaching me how to fight while I sleep, and also Spanish."
"Curly, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you'll get pulverised. Carne muerta, ¿entiendes?" (y/n) said awkwardly, refusing to send the kid into battle against several vicious Neanderthals with nothing more than hope and a dream. She was eighty-seven per cent certain that the audiobook was a load of shit, meaning poor Jasper wouldn't stand a chance. 
"I'll go with him," Piper stated, firmly gripping her massive, cannon-like blaster as she looked at her friends. The boy scowled at her in offence, wondering why he needed to be babysat, but Henry, Charlotte, and (y/n) felt a lot better knowing she was with him. 
Despite her size and age, the girl had a natural viciousness, a talent for shooting people, and some training from Miss Danger on correctly firing a gun. He stood a chance with her, but time was of the essence, meaning the boy was anxious to get going, albeit tentatively. 
"So...let's goooooooo?" 
"Go," Henry confirmed, wanting them to leave immediately before his parents were overwhelmed. It was like music to Jasper's ears as a huge grin spread on his face now that he finally had permission to run like the wind. 
"Let's goooooo!" They screamed, whistling as they bolted to the elevator--although it was a bit anticlimactic when they had to stop and wait for the door to open, clearing their throats awkwardly. However, when they could finally get in, it was go-go-go, shouting their heads off as they headed up to Junk-N-Stuff. 
"Okay, okay, let's grab some tools, get up to Ray's Punchin' Stump, and start digging for my doof!" (y/n) said eagerly, practically bouncing up and down and dragging Henry across the room once the other two disappeared. She was restless and wouldn't stop until they searched every inch of that mountain, even if it took all night. 
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. (y/n/n), calm down," the boy exclaimed, almost tripping over when she roughly pulled his arm, aiming for the tubes without any preparation or foresight. "Are we doing this by ourselves? That'll take way too long."
"Well, if you want help, we've got about seven hundred and fifty offers on voicemail," Charlotte offered, biting back a smile as her friend struggled to reign in the energetic woman clawing at his back. 
"Seven hundred and fifty people offered to help us?" The boy asked as he fought to keep (y/n)'s hands and whines at bay, baffled at how quickly the news had spread and where so many people came from. Either way, he was ecstatic to have a small army behind them, ready to help them scour Mount Swellview until they found Captain Man. It would be impossible with just two people. 
"I didn't say that," the girl said awkwardly while (y/n) stopped annoying Henry, folding her arms as her leg shook impatiently. Instead, Charlotte tapped a button on the supercomputer, showing them her true meaning since they didn't have an army, not even an itty-bitty one. Just one very enthusiastic and perseverant girl and her chillaxed brother. 
"Hi, it's Mika again from the escape room. Just a reminder that I'm here if you need me," Mika's chirpy voice came through the speaker, reminding the sidekicks about the kindhearted, if slightly irritating, siblings they'd rescued a while back. She did say she'd do anything to help, over and over, filling their voicemail with pledges of devotion, so surely, she wouldn't say no to a little manual labour. 
"Here if you need me. Here if you need me. Here if you need me. Here if--here if you need me."
"Something tells me she's here if we need her," Henry chuckled, laughing at his sarcasm, even though it was hard to ignore the antsy woman beside him. Her eyes constantly flickered toward the tubes, waiting for them to finish up here before they could leave, despite the sun quickly setting and leaving the moon in its place. She didn't like the thought of hiking in the dark, but she'd do it--anything for her doof. That is, if they ever actually left. 
"Okay, right, great. Let's just pick up those kids and go to the mountain before I explode. Come on, people!" (y/n) yelled, already walking backwards by the time Henry knew what was happening. 
It was strange to see how she acted without Ray, becoming a frazzled, panicky, impetuous, slightly mean-spirited mess since he wasn't there to soothe her spiky edges. The man was dumb, but he made her knowledge and nerves likeable since she could count on his presence to soothe her--to always be there. If it wasn't, she didn't know how to be, just a sad, melancholic girl haunting the same-old space. 
"And something tells me she's gonna dig all night if she has to. (y/n/n), wait up!"
"You better hurry. If you can't find Ray, we won't even need the Omega Weapon. I'm pretty sure she'll find a way to rip Drex apart with her bare hands," Charlotte wistfully called after Henry as the boy dashed after the woman, hoping to catch a tube before she flew upstairs. 
She really hoped they found him. Honestly, for all the grief he'd given her over the years, the girl couldn't say it warranted Drex's intended fate for him. He deserved a happy ending with his sweet girl, and she earned one, too, living for the hope of it all as they blasted off. 
Charlotte just prayed they weren't one hundred and one million years too late.
~Mount Swellview~
To say Mika was excited when Kid Danger and Miss Danger turned up on her doorstep was an understatement. 
Miles practically had to peel her off the floor after she fainted, overjoyed that the sidekicks had personally come to her to take up her offer of help. Her brother clearly had all the chill of the family, calmly accepting their desperate plea, even though he didn't like the sound of traipsing up the mountain in the middle of the night. 
Mika, however, insisted that they do anything to help Captain Man and his heroic mission. And when they learned that it was the man himself they were saving - you could've knocked her down with a feather. 
So, off they went, the girl nattering in Henry and (y/n)'s ears non-stop as they began the arduous hike, darting between bushes and trees to avoid unwanted attention. It had been a while since they were so close to the massive, illuminated Swellview signed, looking over the city, making Henry recall when he was still a child, canoodling with a mischievous yet pretty Wall Dog under the white glow. 
The constant talking on Mika's behalf was grating, especially since it practically stretched the walk into a marathon when the girl narrated her entire life story and how she was focusing on expanding her skills for any future superhero errands. (y/n) liked her, enjoying her chattiness and friendliness, how she balanced out Miles' zen--but dear God, did she ever take a breath?
"--And I'm taking karate lessons. I'm also learning how to ride horseback. How often would you say you ride horses while fighting crime?" She asked the sidekicks as they reached the peak, aching and sweaty but encouraged by their need to find Ray. 
"Um, literally never," Henry replied, knowing they'd never interacted with horses in their entire crimefighting careers. So, it wasn't a skill he'd ever bothered learning amongst marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat, and working out. 
"Right, right, but if you did have to?" Mika pressed, eager to be helpful as she shadowed them, bolstered by the fact that Miles had fallen behind a few minutes before after the steep hill got the better of him. He wasn't there to tame her incessant questions amongst the critical work they had to do. 
"We'd...call you?" (y/n) said slowly, knowing it was what the girl was angling for after laying all her skills on the table, even the ones that a hero would never need. She didn't see Mika ever being in such a situation, preferring to keep as many children away from their dangerous work as possible. Still, at least she could make her happy by saying yes. 
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down and hugging the heroine's arm as Henry examined the clearing on the mountaintop. Meanwhile, as (y/n) laughed at Mika's antics, Miles stumbled through the shrubbery, panting hard and almost tripping over as he finally caught up with the others. 
"Oh my god... I'm not walking up this mountain anymore. My path ends here!" He gasped, dumping a large brown sack that he'd hauled over his shoulder on the ground. He wasn't built for cross-country rambling; his skills lay elsewhere, especially when they made him carry all their supplies like a pack mule. 
"Well, your path ended right at Captain Man's Punchin' Stump, so...good timing!" Miss Danger said dryly, watching as the boy fell to his knees and faceplanted the dirt from exhaustion. Luckily, he didn't have to walk anymore, choosing his seat in front of the stone stump in the middle of the clearing. 
"Okay, now what?" Mika asked as her brother regained his breath as the sidekicks glanced at their surroundings, seemingly searching for something, not that he could tell. His vision was slightly blurred, but even so, he saw dirt, mountains, trees, shrubs, and the weird stump. 
"Now, we just look around, I guess, and see if anything looks different," Henry replied, following Charlotte's advice to find something that looked weird--like something Ray would've left millions of years ago as one final fuck you to the world that separated him from his sweet girl. 
"Perfect! Different from what?" 
"Yeah, we've never been here before," Miles agreed with his twin, thinking they'd be little help if they didn't know what to search for. 
"Okay, good point, good point, check out the video!" Henry thought momentarily before breaking out into a huge grin, fishing for the PearPhone on his belt. As (y/n) shook her head and sighed, he happily swiped up and showed the children the screen, where the video of Ray smooching his precious stump began to play. 
"Oh, Punchin' Stump... Sometimes I wish I could just crawl inside you and live for a hundred and one million years. Maybe (y/n) will have finished all the stupid laundry by then..." The same clip played, showing Ray hugging the petrified wood and smushing his cheek against it as he mumbled sweet nothings, and Henry giggled in the background. 
It was still hilarious, making the boys laugh as they bantered about how stupid the hero looked, but it got the girls thinking. What Ray said sounded almost like fate, oddly specific and cryptic as their brains worked overtime to come to a hopeful conclusion. 
"Did you hear that?" Mika asked, hearing more of the video than the boys did as Henry grinned again. 
"Yeah, that's me laughing. Wait until I tell him to kiss it and tease him about Miss Danger!"
"No...no...shut up for a second," (y/n) said, punching the kid's arm to stop his giggling because her mind was alive, all of its synapses were working, and she had a brainwave. As did Mika, who she quickly felt a connection to, like she did with Charlotte - they were fellow Smarties, after all. 
"He said he wanted to crawl inside that stump and live there for a hundred and one million years," the girl explained, getting (y/n)'s hopes up as she eagerly pointed to the ancient, crusty tree. He couldn't be, could he? It seemed impossible, but (y/n)'s tummy never lied, telling her that something was inside and wouldn't stop bothering her until she knew what. 
"Yeah, so?" Henry shrugged, thinking it was just another one of Ray's ramblings. He said all sorts of crap when snuggling with that damn stump, so he didn't expect much after knowing the man for so long. He wasn't smart like that, but it was their best - enough to give the heroine hope. And they didn't have much of that. 
"So...maybe he's inside his Punchin' Stump!" Miles gasped, picking up what his sister was hinting at, and (y/n) swore she had an embolism. She hated how her heart raced, bracing herself for disappointment because it was only a theory. But just the thought of seeing him again... She couldn't help but tear up and smile. 
"Sweet cheese, yes..."
"Sorry, (y/n/n), but there's no way someone could be inside that stump," Henry argued, hating how the kids made his friend perk up in excitement when they could be wrong. The stump was so small, and after hearing him brag for so many years, the boy knew Ray was a big guy. It didn't make sense, and as cruel as it seemed, he wanted to prove that the great Captain Man wouldn't land himself in such a pathetic place. 
So, he took out his laser control and aimed it at the stump, making the heroine jump back with a child under each arm as a powerful orange beam fired at the stone wood. He didn't want to wreck it, knowing once they found Ray, he'd want to keep his precious stump, so he only fried a small section. 
A tiny window into the trunk appeared, showing it wasn't hollow as expected, but not empty either; instead, the middle was filled with a golden, solidified resin and amongst the radiant amber...a tiny peeking sliver of a deep blue mask. 
"Holy shit..." (y/n) breathed out, feeling like someone had kicked her in the chest because she'd recognised that mask anywhere, even if it was only half of it. She raced forward, fearless and unrestrained, as she kneeled before the stump and placed her hands against it, knowing she was an inch away from her doofus. 
Her beloved doofus, sleeping soundly as the world evolved around him, seasons passing and the city growing, all without his knowledge since he'd lived through many millennia inside his Punchin' Stump. It saddened her, thinking about how he'd been alone on the mountain for so long, but not anymore. She was here, next to him, with tears streaming down her, just as she'd sworn to always be. 
"Oh god, it's him! Henry, it's him! We found him! Oh my god! He's in here--oh, my doofus..."
"I know, (y/n/n)!" The kid laughed, just as baffled as she was, as he choked up at the sight of his dormant former boss, so he didn't mind her small slip when she said his name. "He's in there! I was right!"
"I said he was in there!" Miles argued when Kid Danger tried to take all the credit. Still, Mika was too happy for the heroine on her knees, loving the sappiness and romance of two lovers reuniting, to notice her brother's pouting. 
"Oh, who cares who said what?! Come on, open it up! I want to see him!" (y/n) snapped, thumping her fists against the stump like she could break through the ancient rock and resin with her bare knuckles. She desperately clawed at the stump, itching to hold her doofus in her arms and tell him over and over how much she missed and loved him--how she was never letting him go again. 
"Okay, okay--let's get him out of there. Grab a laser!" Henry nodded, telling the kids to grab the spares they'd brought as the heroine shuffled out of the way.
Taking the laser from her belt, she stood in line with the others and got zapping, starting near the small hole Henry made. The stump was more challenging than it looked, taking a few minutes to match the boy's progress as they slowly chipped away at the stone layer, and that was before they moved onto the amber. 
Eventually, they created a larger, oval-shaped window around the hero's face, making (y/n)'s heart lurch at how peaceful yet troubled he looked. Sleep always made his features relax, smoothing the creases he earned from years of smiling and frowning. But curled up in the stump, he'd fallen asleep with his eyebrows knitted together, making her wonder what his last thoughts were before the world stopped. 
Well, it wasn't exactly a team effort. Mika diligently helped the feverish heroine, who grew antsy with how long it took them just to uncover that small section, and it didn't help how distracted the boys were. They laughed and joked at the video Henry insisted on watching, snickering when Captain Man pressed his lips against the stump's stone-like wood. 
It got so bad that the girls had to hold their hands and point their laser beams at the stump, guiding the carving light after a close shave when Henry lost focus. (y/n) nearly chewed his ear off, growling that if she caught him watching that damn video again, she'd petrify him for millions of years too. 
"Oh, he actually kissed it!"
"I know!"
"He and that stump are not just friends!"
"I will not tell you both again! Put that damn phone down and help us, or I swear to God..." the heroine growled, glaring at the boys as Mika kneeled below them, steadying their lasers as she fired two at a time. She wanted as much firepower hitting the tree as possible, desperate to reach Ray after what felt like a lifetime apart--even though it had only been a few hours for her. 
"Yeah...I should probably end the video there before Miss Danger kills us," Henry gulped, hurriedly tucking his PearPhone away as (y/n) momentarily gave them one of her infamous glares. If looks could kill...
"Captain Man must have known the amber inside the stump would preserve him perfectly for a hundred and one million years!" Mika grinned as they expanded the circle, uncovering more of the hero's body and how he'd curled up into a fetal position with his arms tucked closely by his sides. 
She assumed he was a genius, discovering a way to live for so long like Drex did with the glacier. However, (y/n) and Henry knew better. They shared a look, knowing the man didn't come anywhere close to thinking of something so brilliant, not without someone like his sweet girl to hold his hand. He didn't know about science and stuff and how to survive alone for so long, almost making (y/n) laugh at how everyone presumed he was a mastermind. 
"I guarantee he didn't!" Henry argued, sharing the same thought as (y/n) - he never saw it coming, and his preservation was a mere accident. Thank God. 
"But he could have just stumbled into the perfect solution by accident..."
"Um, Mika, sweetheart... I love Captain Man with all my heart, but he's not a...thinker. I just know he tripped and fell into the stump. It's probably why he looks so angry. You should come on more missions with us and see what he's like," (y/n) chuckled, shaking her head at how silly her doofus was, not that she'd changed him for the world. 
It was almost predictable that he would get in trouble, but she was so glad he did, feeling her heart flutter at his face. She'd never know he fell into the resin with his thoughts full of her, his last fleeting thoughts rumpling his face at the heartbreaking notion of never seeing her again. Sleep numbed the pain of being so lonely and loveless, waiting for the day he saw her again, even if it took a hundred and one million years...
"Can I?!" The girl asked excitedly, instantly taking the heroine up on her offer, even if she only said it jokingly. 
"NO!" However, a sudden shout disagreed. Mika scrambled to get on her feet, a disgusted look on her face, ready to fight anyone stopping her from hanging with the heroes. Still, she never expected to see a furious girl stomping toward her. A very familiar girl as she threw her bag to the ground and rushed past the baffled sidekicks. 
"You're destroying my Kicking Stump!" The girl snapped, standing before the stump, so they had to stop shooting it. That attitude, firey personality, short, brown, cropped hair...those chubby cheeks. Could it be?
"Chapa?" (y/n) gasped, stunned to see the girl again father what happened when they met. The last time they heard, she committed to finding whoever stole her cell phone, wandering wherever the road took her after Captain Man and co failed to help her. That was a good month ago, so what was she doing back in Swellview?
"You can't own a stump. Nature is for everyone," The Macklin twins blinked, slightly startled as to who this girl was and where she'd come from. Apparently, she knew Miss Danger and Kid Danger, especially the heroine, given how friendly they seemed. But, then again, she was nice to everyone...
"And this is a Punchin' Stump."
"No, it's my Kicking Stump!" Chapa argued, glaring at them for ruining the perfectly rough bark with their lasers--and she didn't care if she could see the blurred lump of a person in the centre. She claimed it before they did. 
"I come up here, I think about the boy who stole my phone, and I kick it!" She shouted, lashing out and thudding her shoe against the stump in a perfect outlet for all her pent-up fury. "And I scream, what did you steal my phone for?!"
"You're phoneless? Phonelessness is a big problem in Swellview..." Mika said sympathetically as the girl kept kicking- every young person in the city seemed to know the same-old rhetoric. (y/n) was too old to care, remembering a time when phones only had one function, and she was growing impatient the longer she could look but not touch her doofus. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, do your part, whatever. Let's keep lasering and get Captain Man out of this amber before I go insane!" She said, feeling the kiss-withdrawal symptoms creeping up on her. 
"This is taking too long..." However, Miles had another idea. He didn't want to wait all night as they slowly melted the ancient stone. So, he fished around Kid Danger's hefty sack of supplies until he found what he was looking for - something to smash the stump to pieces. 
"It's hammer time!" He exclaimed, holding a large, super-powered hammer over his shoulder that had Henry and (y/n) gulping. That thing was dangerous...
"What? No, no, no, no, no! Be careful with that!" 
"Watch out!" They tried to stop him, fearing his recklessness would end with someone getting hurt, but the boy didn't listen. 
All (y/n) could do was shield the children as he leapt forward with the hammer held above his head, bringing it down on the petrified tree in one swoop. An almighty bang erupted as the weapon hit the stump, destroying it like a fragile vase in a flash of light, revealing the hero inside. 
It was like the world burst into colour around him as Ray took his first gasp of air in decades, hitting the ground while trying to make sense of what had happened. His body ached from being trapped for so long, and all his senses were out-of-whack as he tasted the new-era air, smacked his lips, and stretched his stiff muscles. Swellview's hero was free...but at what price? How long had he been asleep?
"I'm free!" He panted, clenching his fists and rediscovering their power.
The last thing he remembered was angrily stomping around a desolate wasteland after a few months of loneliness, mourning his sweet girl and the life Drex banished him from - how he'd never see her again, let alone marry and spend the rest of his days with her. Then, darkness and a sticky warmth surrounded him, freezing his limbs until everything faded...until now. 
"How long was I in there?" He grunted, looking up at the people staring at him with wonderstruck faces. Some looked vaguely familiar, one more than the others, but the prettiest one, the one taking a few tentative steps toward him...it couldn't be. He swore she looked like his precious girl, as young and beautiful as the day he lost her, but it couldn't be her. He'd resigned himself to never seeing her again long ago. 
"A hundred and one million years..." The pretty woman said softly, practically walking on eggshells as she approached the stunned hero, who was more interested in his new surroundings than studying the people around him. 
(y/n) could scarcely believe it, thinking his throaty voice was the best thing she'd heard in years, but she stopped herself from jumping into his arms. Ray was overwhelmed and disoriented after being trapped for so many years, so she tried to be gentle, giving him an angelic smile as he dusted himself off. 
"I can't believe you're still alive!" Henry exclaimed, a hair behind the heroine as he gawked at his boss, standing there in the flesh precisely like he'd done in the Man Cave hours before. He hadn't aged a day, which was good for his ego and (y/n)'s heart. 
Ray looked up and studied their faces, disregarding the younger children ogling him in favour of the two closest to him. He still refused to acknowledge the pretty lady wearing the achingly recognisable uniform, not wanting to believe it was true in case his heart was broken again. 
But the boy... He knew him. How could he forget Henry Hart? He was still smarting after their little dispute, and the kid was about to learn how long Captain Man could hold a grudge. 
"Hey..." he said, finding his voice after so many years as he awkwardly stared at Henry, thinking (y/n) to be a cruel mirage - a figment of his imagination. "Listen, I've had a long time to think about our argument..."
"No, you know what, dude? It's over, okay? Don't worry about it," Henry said, not caring about some stupid argument now that they'd found him. Of course, he still stood by his point, but after all the worry and sadness, the anger had melted into just the love and friendship he still felt for the man. 
"No, no, let me just say this..." Ray stopped him, growing all doe-eyed and soft as his sidekick came close, stepping past (y/n) as she waited for her turn. Honestly, she'd thought Ray would've thrown his arms around her, swept her into his embrace, and kissed her senselessly to bring their isolation to an end. But no...he just stood there like she was invisible, scarcely looking her way. 
"I was one hundred per cent right." 
"Oh, my god..." And that was Ray all over. One hundred and one million years, and he hadn't changed a bit. He couldn't be humble, gracious or forgiving, believing he was almost godly--God forbid if he did anything wrong. Henry was astounded, looking back at (y/n) to gauge her reaction. However, she was starstruck, still disbelieving that her doofus was okay. 
"And I will accept your apology in the form of a handwritten letter or a tasteful wedding gift..."
"Stop!" Henry gasped, suddenly remembering why he quit in the first place--because the man was so damn difficult to get along with. (y/n) didn't care, though, internally screaming at the mention of their wedding. There couldn't be another, and she was overjoyed to know he hadn't forgotten...maybe it meant he still loved her like she did with him, even after all this time. 
"Whoa..." Ray moved on, not liking the boy's frown, so instead, he looked past him to the startled children rubbing elbows with his sweet girl. Dear God, his sweet girl... She was so beautiful, looking at him with those eyes and her typical kind smile. He still didn't deserve its shining light after all those years, and after being alone for so long, he was a little confused. 
"You got kids now?"
"What? No!" Henry gasped, wondering if he'd left his brain in the stump because he was still young and not old enough to have three tween children. But the alternative was heartbreaking for Ray... He couldn't face it. 
"Just so you know, your father is a quitter!"
"He's not a quitter, you big doofus! And these aren't his children!" (y/n) finally spoke, pushing past Henry so she could look her lover in the eye. The hero shrank away from her, terrified about the life she'd led without him around, not that he'd blame her for moving on. He was stuck in the past, and as painful as it was to imagine, it was only proper that she'd forgotten him. 
"Are so...they're your children?" He asked timidly, unlike what Mika, Miles, and Chapa were used to. Captain Man was usually so confident and commanding. Still, he almost cried after thinking his sweet girl had forgotten him and all their plans to marry, killing the last flicker of hope in his soul. 
Of course, she found someone new - who was he kidding?
"Do you honestly think I could move on from you?" (y/n) said quietly, stepping close until their hands almost touched. She longed to reach out, her heart breaking as she wondered how long he'd been alone, tortured by all his questions, not knowing what happened back home. As if she could ever love someone else, let alone have children with them. There'd only ever been him...and he'd only been gone a few hours on her part. 
"I don't know..."
"This is Mika and Miles...from the escape room, remember? You know them," she pointed to the kids as she lightly held his arm - his fucking gorgeous, beefy arm. Ray gasped at her touch, starved after his loneliness, but he quickly became addicted again, wanting so much more now that he realised she hadn't moved on... How long had it been for her?
"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah...And Tammy, right? You ever find that hamster?" He asked, glancing at Chapa, who still wasn't impressed by that ridiculous nickname, and she didn't care if he was trying to think about things from millions of years ago. 
"It's Chapa, and you know I've been looking for my phone--and you know what? Give me your laser!" She hissed, her fury rising when the hero turned his back and pretended to be doing something else. He was rude, and she knew he remembered her, no matter how much he played dumb. 
"No, no, no! We've got bigger problems!" Henry told her, holding the girl back before her grabby hands could reach his utility belt. 
"Like what?" Ray frowned, suddenly feeling like he was about to become busy again. Three minutes back, he was already roped into the world's problems, reminding him why the ancient world had its pros--but so many cons. 
"Like how Drex is gonna use an aeroplane and the Memory-Wiper to erase the whole town's memory of you! I only just got you back, doofus. I'm not gonna lose you again!" (y/n) exclaimed, latching onto his arm again and refusing to let go. A few hours were enough to tell her she never wanted to be apart from him, longing for his silliness, stupid comments, and problematic behaviour. 
"Is that still going on?"
"It just happened today!" Henry told him, letting him know that what was a billion lifetimes for him was an afternoon for them. That was all well and good, but did they know the struggles he'd been through? Absolute isolation almost drove him mad, so it was understandable that he was so...leaky. 
"Man, feels like forever ago..."
"Maybe, but we have to stop him! We still have time, and now you're back, everything's fine! Come on, doof!" (y/n) exclaimed, tugging on his hand to try and make him follow, but the hero couldn't move. He just stared at her, feeling weird knowing he'd lived for so long while she stayed the same. Even if he couldn't remember it all, it was still strange after thinking he'd never get his old life back. 
"I waited for so long, sweet girl..." he muttered, suddenly slapping a hand over the one tucked into the crook of his arm. His voice croaked at the pet name, having sworn he'd never repeat it since it was too painful, but now he had her fingers touching his. And it was like time had stopped, reminding him of the moment he realised how far away he was. 
"I waited and waited, but nothing came."
"Drex broke the time-ray. We couldn't go back to get you, doofus," (y/n) explained, wishing things had been different because she couldn't imagine being alone for so long, existing rather than living since his world was void of love and companionship. 
"I thought...I thought..." the man choked, turning to tenderly grasp her waist to stop his hands from shaking as a sob clogged his throat, "I thought you'd forgotten about me."
"I'm here now, aren't I? I missed you so much, doofus. I knew we had to find you--I'd go insane if we didn't," the woman smiled with a sniffle, delicately placing her hands on his chest like the indestructible man would break. A shudder passed through his body at her touch, eyes fluttering closed when her perfume tickled his nose. Just like he remembered...so soft and flowery. 
"I missed you too, sweet girl," he murmured, dying to bury his face in her neck and relive every sweetness he fell in love with, but his cheeks were drenched with tears. After so long apart, he feared intimacy with her, having slept through many nightmares where she rejected his affections and cast him aside. 
"I thought I'd never see you again..."
"Oh, god. Please, tell me you didn't marry a cavewoman or something," (y/n) said in horror, her face suddenly falling at the thought. He was the one who'd been alone, and if he found a nice prehistoric woman in his solitude, she'd understand that. It would destroy her internally, shredding her fragile heart, but she'd understand. 
"No, sweetheart. I was alone... And besides, there's only one girl for me." But her doofus quickly quelled her fears, instantly reaching out to stroke her cheek when the pretty smile left her face. He hated seeing her frown, especially over someone as silly as him--as if he'd ever fall for someone else. 
"You didn't marry someone else?"
"There's only one lovable idiot for me, and he looks pretty good for a hundred and one million years old..." (y/n) giggled, leaning into his touch and affectionately rubbing her nose against his wrist. Ray keened at her reaction, encouraged by it, so he inched closer until their navels touched, falling into the loving embrace they were used to. 
"God, I've missed you..." He sighed, allowing himself to fall into her when he realised she wasn't running and screaming bloody murder. His head fell to her shoulder, nudging her hair and neck, where her perfume was strongest. She was so perfect--everything he'd dreamed of in exile, but one question lingered in his mind more than anything...
"Do you...still wanna marry me?" He asked, pulling away to gaze into her eyes, his heart thumping in his ears because he'd had much time to think. He couldn't help but wonder...
"I never stopped, doofus," (y/n) quickly dispelled his fears, whispering in his ears as his arms tightened around her waist and a tear rolled down his cheek. The relief...
She brushed it away with her thumb before tugging the glove off that hand, shaking her head mirthfully when he grumbled at the loss of her touch on his chest. But it was worth it when he saw the sparkling ring hidden beneath, still holding its diamonds, love, and meaning like the day he gave it to her. 
"It nearly kills me to know that I almost lost you and never got a chance to tell you again."
"Say it," he insisted, knowing the heartache in her because he'd felt it too. But no more. No matter Drex's evil plans, they were together again, and he'd long waited to hear her say...
"I love you, Ray," (y/n) whispered, meaning it with all her heart as she held him in her arms and cupped his cheeks, engagement ring against his skin. 
The man's eyes closed as he heard the almost silent words, looking almost pained as they crawled inside his soul and chased the darkness away. His nightmares liked to think they could plague her love and make him believe it wasn't real, but she was there with him. He'd thought he'd never hear that precious phrase again, and it was like music to his ears - he couldn't get enough. 
"I love you. I love you. I love you," the heroine chanted, saying it as many times as he needed, and she'd never get tired. He leaned closer, lapping every syllable as they rested their foreheads against one another before she whispered into his ear - a well-known secret just for them...
"I'm in love with you, Ray Manchester."
"I love you, my darling, darling girl," he gasped, feeling joyful for the first time in centuries, and he couldn't restrain himself any longer. In the blink of an eye, he pressed his lips against hers, tasting her honey to sate his addiction. His soul ached all the time they were apart, starved cold turkey until now, and now, he could drown in it. 
She whimpered into the kiss, melting into his arms and tangling her fingers in his hair as he towered over her. Ray was eager and clumsy, trying to explore every inch of her mouth to remap what he knew so well, but (y/n) didn't care. It was perfect and soul-consuming - everything they needed to know the wait was over. 
"I always have, and no matter what, I always will..." Ray swore as they broke apart, panting with swollen lips but utterly in love. If one hundred and one million years couldn't stop them, nothing could...except maybe an impatient, sceptical teenage boy who'd seen it all before. 
"Uh...guys?" Henry coughed, making their heads snap in his direction, where the boy stood with Miles, Mika, and Chapa - the entire house. They gulped and felt their faces heat up, forgetting they had an audience throughout their reunion. 
The kids stood with various emotions, with the boys mainly looking passive, if a little disgusted. Chapa couldn't care less, more focused on her missing phone, and Mika looked besotted. She loved all that romantic crap, cooing at the adorable couple and how Miss Danger turned Captain Man into a gushing, lovey-dovey mess. 
"You know what? Let's just get back to the Man Cave."
"We're going to the Man Cave?!" Mika gasped excitedly, loving the thought of joining the heroes in their secret lair. After all, they'd helped them this far, so why couldn't they tag along?
"What? No, Mika, honey..." (y/n) said awkwardly, clearing her throat and licking her lips to catch the faintest hint of Ray's mint and bubblegum flavour after being caught in a passionate clasp with her doofus. He draped himself over her like a blanket, rediscovering his clinginess in a new light, pressing against his sweet girl with his chin on top of her head. 
"You want us to join you at Swellview Airport?" But the girl pressed on, ignoring everything the heroes said to dissuade her. 
"Drex is probably trying to rent something from Planes-A-Plenty," Miles suggested, using his wise insight to encourage his sister's enthusiasm since he was keen on hanging out with superheroes. 
"They're probably right..." Ray mumbled huskily in his sweet girl's ear, hugging her tightly from behind as his lips brushed against her earlobe and neck. (y/n) shivered at the sensation and tried to shake him off, but he was like an octopus, clinging to her body for dear life after having his arms empty for too long. 
"Let's go!" Mika cheered, clapping her hands as Chapa decided to join their ranks. It sounded pretty cool, and her phone could wait for a bit--maybe she'd find something useful for her search in the Man Cave. 
"No!" Kid Danger, however, disagreed. 
"What is your problem?"
"He's a quitter..." Ray told them sneakily, lifting his head from where he'd disgustingly smushed his lips against (y/n)'s throat. He was drunk on love and feeling mischievous for the first time in forever, enough to taunt his young sidekick for leaving him in the lurch. 
"My problem is that Captain Man, Miss Danger, and I need to get back to the Man Cave to get the Omega Weapon to defeat Drex," Henry explained in a strained voice, wanting to strangle the man for being so obtuse. And he would - if (y/n) wouldn't kill him for hurting her fiancé. 
"And you three need to go home. Just go home, okay?"
"Mmmm, family argument. We're gonna head out--me and my pretty girl need to talk about...grown-up things," Ray smirked, lacing his fingers with (y/n)'s as he tried to pull her away to go home or even a dark, shady corner--anywhere they could be alone. 
They need it after so long apart, not that Henry would let them. That was disgusting, and they didn't have the time... Honestly, it was only a hundred million years...
"They're not my kids! Dude, where are you going with her? Stop putting your hands there! Guys!... We're in public!"
~The Man Cave~
Ugh, Henry could down himself. In the bath. With a toaster. 
After leaving Miles, Mika, and Chapa on Mount Swellview, he and the happy couple rushed back to the Man Van, eager to return to the Man Cave as soon as possible. 
To say Ray and (y/n) were handsy was an understatement. The man practically had his sweet girl on his lap during the journey, almost making the heroine share his seatbelt until (y/n) put her foot down. It was nauseating for Henry to watch, slumping on the back seat until they made it to Junk-N-Stuff. 
They slunk inside, hurrying inside, not caring about anyone seeing Captain Man frequenting such an establishment. The kid would like to say they tripped over their feet because they raced to get downstairs, although it was mainly due to Ray thinking he could kiss and walk simultaneously. But they made it, climbing into the elevator and waiting in agony for it to drop. 
And when it did, chaos reigned supreme. 
"I'm back! Where's Drex--" 
The door rolled open to a scene of carnage, shocking the heroes at what they saw. Their friends, including Charlotte, Piper, and to (y/n)'s horror, Kris fucking Hart, cowered around the room, terrified by a hoarder of cavemen threatening to kill them. 
"Shhhhh!" But whatever Ray said, Mrs Hart shushed him, leaving the hero silent because that wasn't the most shocking thing - surprisingly. They didn't want to miss the action, loving that Jasper Dunlop, of all people, was kicking the cavemen's ass like he'd trained under Captain Man himself. When they came close, he kicked, punched, slapped, spat, jabbed--anything--to send them back, holding his own, despite the vast rabble. 
"Jasper's fighting while he sleeps!" Piper hissed, telling them to be quiet since the boy was their only protection while Charlotte finished the Omega Weapon. It was incredible to watch, especially since he had his headphones and eyemask on as he pushed two of Drex's minions together, sending them to the floor unconscious. 
"While he sleeps," Ray and Henry nodded and smiled, suddenly realising the true meaning of the audiobook he'd been using. He didn't learn while he slept; he slept, fought, and spoke Spanish, meaning he could defend his friends during his naps--just not when he and Piper went to the Hart House to save her parents. 
"La canción de mi puño hace que mis enemigos tiemblen de miedo," Jasper growled at the heroes, making Ray look at (y/n) with a rare glimpse of pride for the boy, especially when an enemy snuck up on him, only to receive a punch to the face without the boy even turning around. His Spanish was pretty good, but his deep, grumbling voice was strange for a chirpy kid. 
"Muy impresionante, chamaco," (y/n) breathed out, hearing something about a song, fist, and his enemies trembling in fear. That was it; with all the cavemen defeated, Jasper returned to the couch, stumbling so badly that Piper and her mom had to quickly shuffle out of the way before he faceplanted the bench. 
"¡Buenas noches, mis amigos!" He growled before finally collapsing, exhausted from so much fighting, and he was just an inexperienced kid. 
With the peace restored momentarily, (y/n) took a minute to breathe and review the situation, her eyes scouring everyone. Okay, good; Charlotte and Piper were safe, thanks to Jasper, and luckily, the Omega Weapon looked almost complete. 
However, there was an elephant in the room. A gorgeous, blonde bombshell of an elephant, making the heroine's blood boil. It had been a very stressful day, and she was reaching the end of her tether. 
Wasn't it enough that they had to save her? Kris had some nerve coming here, invading her home like this, smiling at her and Ray like they were friends. It felt wrong that she knew her secret identity, but having her in the Man Cave was much worse. Was nothing sacred? Couldn't she escape that woman's man-grabbing clutches and sour smile?
"Okay, I've got some questions. First--" Ray cleared his throat, seemingly bothered by the new faces in his Man Cave too. But the minute he stepped toward Mrs Hart, (y/n) felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her tummy twisted, making her feel sick with jealousy. 
"Hey, how are you doing? How's it going? I didn't know you'd be here!" His frown turned upside down, evolving into a bright, beaming smile like he was looking at an old friend as he approached Kris. He actually opened his arms for her like he expected a hug, and the nerve of that woman - she did the same. 
(y/n) growled at the sight, feeling her fury explode as the handsome man and beautiful woman met in the middle. Since when did Ray want to hug her? Lord knows what diseases he'd catch, but seriously, since when were they friends? She couldn't think of when they'd had time to bond, so her brain figured that her doofus wanted to hold a pretty lady who couldn't say no. 
That was it. She couldn't take it. Maybe on a day when she hadn't faced her greatest enemy or watched the love of her life almost disappear forever, she'd be stronger and could hold her tongue. But not today. The universe wanted to test her, and she couldn't hold back anymore, not after so many years of being the polite girl, the nice girl, the girl who sat back and watched all the flirting and whispering like it never happened. 
Today, she'd tell that hussy where to go. 
"Stop right there, Raymond," she growled, curling an iron grip around his fist and yanking him back so she could push between them. Ray looked almost hurt by her rough touch, unused to his sweet girl acting so mean, and Kris was visibly shocked. She knew (y/n), Henry's other boss, as such a kind girl, and everyone loved Miss Danger. Why so rude?
"I'll be the one asking the questions here..." She said boldly, defiantly standing in front of her doofus with her hands on her hips as she narrowly glared at Mrs Hart. 
"What the hell are you doing in my home?"
"Excuse me?" Kris gasped, shocked at the heroine's sharp tone--more so her friends. Piper, Charlotte, Henry, and Ray stared at her, making (y/n) instinctively want to shrink away from the negative attention, but her anger wouldn't let her. This was a long time coming...
"(y/n)..." they said warningly, Henry reaching out to take her arm as if he read her mind. They didn't have time for an argument, and he didn't fancy watching his surrogate mother going toe-to-toe with his actual one. 
"Oh, you heard me, missy. Come on, let's have it. Why are you here?" (y/n) didn't care. She shook off the boy and pushed him away, shunning anyone's intervention because she had a lot to say--years of hatred--to get off her chest, and Mrs Hart had finally caught her on a bad day. 
"The cavemen attacked us at our home, so Piper and Jasper brought us here. You keep a lovely Man Cave, (y/n)--I mean, Miss Danger..." The mother explained politely, giving her a typical, perfect smile with all her pristine pearly whites showing. It made (y/n) sick; here she was, trying to be rude and abrasive, and the woman still refused to break her fa��ade. 
"Oh, did they now?" The heroine said, momentarily glaring at Piper, who cowered away from her fury. She didn't like seeing her friend mad and not over something she couldn't help. What were they supposed to do? Let the cavemen tear her parents apart? It wasn't like her to not see reason, but she was tired of being a goddamn doormat - why could (y/n) (y/l/n) be angry for once?
"Yeah, well, I've got something to say to you. You're not welcome here."
"Sweet girl!" Came all the shocked cries, her friends outraged at the heroine's viciousness. They never thought they'd see the day Miss Danger turned away those needing help and shelter, but apparently, she drew the line with women she saw as a threat. 
Talk about tempting fate; putting Mrs Hart with Ray was just asking for something to go wrong, so (y/n) didn't see anything wrong with her actions. Kris could defend herself, or maybe that useless fop of a husband could do it. She wanted to be selfish for once and preserve the love she cherished so dearly, even though her conscience said it was wrong to hurt the blonde just because she didn't like her. 
"Sweet girl, what? No, all right?! I'm putting my foot down 'cause I'm tired, annoyed, and I've had it up to here today," she growled, tapping her fingers against her forehead to show them how much shit she'd been through that day. 
"I'm pissed off, and I finally think I can come home, and what do I see? Kris fucking Hart making herself at home on my couch!"
"I think there's been a misunderstanding..." Kris said slowly in a soothing voice, approaching the woman like she would with a wild animal. 
'She has some fucking nerve.' (y/n) thought to herself, wondering why everyone treated her like a problem that needed to be handled when she got mad. That stupid voice - that bitch was just pretending to be nice and luring her into a false sense of security, so she let her guard down. 
She wouldn't do that after they tried to smooth over her fury and quiet her protests. This was her fiancé--the love of her life--she'd fight for it if she wanted to. 
"Oh, OH? Has there? Well, it's pretty clear to me," (y/n) snapped, thinking the only misunderstanding between them was that Kris fucking Hart thought every man should bow down at her feet. 
"Do you know how much misery you've put me through all these years? Huh? Do you know how much I hate going to your house?"
"I don't understand."
"Sweetheart..." Kris and Ray breathed, wondering where all her rage came from. She'd shown timidity and sadness before, but not like this.
The hero cursed himself for not seeing it sooner, wishing he'd revealed his feelings sooner so she didn't doubt his word. But she did, and he'd hurt her by toeing blurred boundaries, meaning Kris now looked like a deer in headlights. Hate was a strong word, and she'd had no idea the poor girl felt like that...
"You two! I've seen you together--you don't have to hide it! All the whispers and giggles, sneaking off to chat in corners, giving each other fucking...bedroom eyes!" (y/n) choked, emotion tightening her throat as she recalled all the times when Ray left her side to flirt with the ever-lovely Mrs Hart. 
The kids gagged at such a notion, knowing the man didn't give his "grown-up look" to anyone else, but she didn't understand. All (y/n) knew was that any time they saw Kris, Ray found his way to her side, eagerly talking about something to the point of grinning at her mere presence. Now, they were on a first-name basis, exchanged hugs, and clearly discussed more than they told her. What had she missed?
"And I get it... He's gorgeous, funny, kind, and so stupid you wouldn't believe it, but I know he can't help it. I love a man who loves to flirt, and I know he can't help himself. But you can..."
"(y/n), please..." Kris said quietly, tears gathering in her eyes as she observed the girl descending increasingly into self-doubt and fear. She was young and in love, not like her - a married woman. It didn't feel right that she was so scared over something entirely innocent. 
If only they'd seen it sooner...it would've never gotten so out-of-hand. Miss Danger couldn't help herself, rambling until she didn't know how to stop, even when she started making cheap shots. That wasn't like her, but she needed to get it off her chest. She felt like a tiny, insignificant insect as she ripped her enemy apart. 
"So, why can't you just...go away? Why do you have to be so much better than me? You have beautiful hair, skin, teeth, makeup, and clothes--you're a mom! Would it kill you to have a day off once in a while? Be ugly for once!" She cried, hugging herself tightly as tears rolled down her cheeks like they often did recently. 
It was one blow after another, but now the world knew. She felt jealousy, doubt, and bitterness like everyone else. She had bad days amongst the many good. As much as she smiled, made jokes, and stood perfectly still like a dependable, reliable rock in everyone's lives, she was just as despicable as the next person. 
She was human, and she wanted to save what was hers. 
"I thought I could deal with it before we got together, but now... Knowing that no matter what I do, I'll always be second best because he can't have you... It kills me..." Ray stared at the back of her head as she sobbed, wondering where they went wrong--where he went wrong and made her feel so worthless. 
Second best? Captain Man would never settle for something so low, not that he had. Didn't she know how his world revolved around her? Apparently not; (y/n) swore her family hated her as their eyes fixed on her shaking body, setting her reputation alight in one jealous fit. 
That was the worst thing. Not Drex. Or Henry leaving. Or losing Ray. It was knowing that she did this to herself over something insignificant.
Because, really, what had Kris done? Genuinely, had she ever slept with her doofus? No. Had she kissed him? Nope. Had she gone on a date with him? Never. All she had was a gut feeling and some small glimpses she found every few months to tell her of their infidelity. It was hardly criminal, unlike her terrible judgement. 
"I hate you, and the worst thing is, it's not even justified. I have no valid reason--no proof, but I do. And that makes me a bad person...and I hate that too."
As she finished, the Man Cave became eerily quiet, biting her lip to keep the sobs in. The tension was palpable, born from the exposed knowledge that two women, who hardly knew each other, caught the attention of one man in one way or another. It was even more awkward for Henry, who, even though standing to the side, felt like he was in the middle, torn from an impossible choice. 
He knew this day would come. (y/n) couldn't pretend to like his mom forever, and he knew more than anyone else the crap the heroine went through when Ray misguidedly flirted elsewhere. Perhaps the man regretted it and his past flings on reflection, but it was too late. 
If Henry wanted the ground to swallow him whole, he didn't want to know what the poor girl felt.
Especially when his mom opened her mouth - like she had a death wish. 
"You love the spring cherry blossoms..."
"What?" (y/n) frowned, looking up and breaking Kris' heart at the sight of her tear-stained cheeks, but she swore she misheard her, bracing herself for a furious backlash. But it never came.
"You like to sleep on the left side of the bed. You talk to plants like they'll talk back. Your tongue sticks out when you're counting..." Her eyebrows knitted together as the blonde carried on, appearing almost kind as she whispered little secrets she shouldn't have known. They were precious--some of them (y/n) didn't even realise until she thought about them.
"How do you..."
"You treat Colin like he's your baby, even though he's just a rabbit. You ask for extra sweetness in your iced coffee. You say you're not ticklish, but you are... You definitely are..."
"Okay, what witchcraft is this? I always suspected it, but where's your broomstick?" She asked firmly, trying to be defensive even as the woman bared all her vulnerabilities and quirks like it was a yard sale. Let's all come and hear what weird things (y/n) likes to do because she's fucked in the head--more of a bitch than anyone else because she's never happy with what she's got. 
"I'm so sorry, (y/n), if I misled you. It wasn't my intention, and I can't apologise enough," Kris said gently, standing before the startled woman, who knew she was dreaming. She had to be. Why else would Mrs Hart, her sworn enemy and Ray's ideal type, be apologising to her? After all those mean things, too...
"I beg your pardon?"
"Do you remember when Captain Man once stayed at our house for a week?" The question came out of nowhere, but (y/n) didn't need to hear it twice. 
Of course, she remembered the week from hell. From Monday to Sunday, Ray slept in the Harts' House, acting like they were his family on the pretence it was his job. Then, he went home and told (y/n) all about it, leading her to believe he'd found his dream woman in someone else's wife. 
"Don't remind me..."
"He thought he could be my husband..." Kris laughed, making Ray crack a shy smile to defuse the tension - although, in hindsight, it was a mistake. (y/n)'s face fell instantly, not liking what she was insinuating, and her defences went back up, glaring at the woman for reminding her that she stole her doofus' heart first. 
"Are you winding me up?"
"He's probably never told you because I agree--he is stupid," the blonde quickly calmed her nerves, realising she'd approached it the wrong way. 
What a mistake that week was, and Ray still shuddered to think he had tried to replace his sweet girl. Kris was right; he was as dumb as his fiancée had always said he was, believing he could steal someone else's family when he already had one in the Man Cave - with his perfect girl in the centre. 
"He spent the whole week daydreaming about you, and whenever Henry mentioned your name, he got so sad."
"It's true, darlin'..."
"Oh..." (y/n) hummed, finding it slightly suspicious that she was only learning this now, but it chipped a speck of anger away. Like Ray, she was a mess that week--for an entirely different reason. He seemed so happy as Kris' husband that she was reduced to tears, sobbing every night he slept under their roof. If only she'd known he didn't find what he was looking for...
"I told him to tell the girl he loved how he felt, and he'd get the family he wanted. What did I say to you, Mr Manchester?" Mrs Hart asked the hero, looking almost wistful for reasons (y/n) didn't understand. 
"If it's true love, she'll never leave..." 
The older woman's words shook the heroine to her core because her archenemy claimed that she gave her doofus advice on how to date her. She pushed him into (y/n)'s arms rather than keeping her for himself, and it was groundbreaking, rewriting everything she'd ever assumed about the blonde beauty. So much so that she didn't want to believe it, not after her spite and envy. 
"Wait... You said that? But--but--but you and him! I saw you!" She gabbled, trying to find any words to call her out and find a fact. Just something that meant she could be hurtful again - to give her the right to say something cruel without being wrong. 
"Believe me, (y/n), I've never seen a man more in love than this one. I can't tell you how proud I was when he finally got down on one knee..." But Kris was so lovely; it was almost sickly sweet. Suddenly, she turned the world on its head, making (y/n) scramble to reinforce her ancient prejudices because she was supposed to be evil and conniving. 
No one could tell her all those years of flirting meant nothing. But Kris did. She looked at her with kindness and sympathy, like she understood her discomfort and distrust, not that (y/n) wanted that. She wanted a fight because that's what enemies do, right? Mrs Hart was supposed to be her enemy...so why was she being nice? 
Pride had nothing to do with it. Pride made her think of a mother figure cheering on a young couple madly in love, and that didn't fit her profile. Pride brought down her defences--as did Ray when he inched closer. 
"I, uh...asked her for advice on the ring...and the wedding...and an embarrassing amount of other things too," he said quietly, picking up his fiancée's hand to kiss her left finger - the one that was mythically connected to her heart. 
Was that all their shared whispers? All those instances in secluded corners with their backs turned? The friendliness that came out of nowhere? It all came down to a man out of his depth going to a woman who'd done it all before, leaving him utterly loyal and her annoyingly innocent. 
It made sense when (y/n) put it like that, organising everything in her head like she would with a math problem so it was all neat and tidy in her brain. She had to rationalise it; otherwise, she'd go insane trying to see that Kris wasn't the she-devil she'd imagined, and that's when it happened. 
"We're friends... Nothing more," Mrs Hart's soft voice promised, turning light and mirthful at the end when she noticed how the tip of (y/n)'s tongue poked out between her lips as she crunched the facts. She was pretty cute when she did that, except for her scowl when she realised her subconscious action. 
"...Why do you know about all the weird things I do?" The heroine asked cautiously as she zipped her tongue back into her mouth, showing no signs of aggression, thank God, but she was still wary. 
"Ray loves them. He never shuts up about you whenever we see each other. All I hear is (y/n), (y/n), (y/n), all day long. I think it's because he's a little bit in love with you..."
Well, that was new. A blazing heat suddenly stewed on (y/n)'s face, making her uncomfortable and awkward as everyone stared at her. Hearing Kris acknowledge and encourage Ray's devotion to her melted any anger away. It replaced it with...well, she didn't know how to feel. 
On the one hand, she was pretty smug, wanting to rub it in the world's face that she had the most handsome, hottest, bravest man as her lover, and no one could take him away. Yesterday, she would've gladly flaunted it in the woman's face, but now she wasn't so sure. 
On the other hand, she could hardly call this a victory, not when she'd smeared a good woman's name who wanted nothing but the best for her. It sucked because (y/n) wanted to hate her, but Mrs Hart was quite nice. Quite annoying and cryptic, possibly very misguided in how she handled the situation, but her intentions were good. Hers, however, weren't. 
And that made (y/n) beastly and icky. A horrible person for jumping to conclusions based on emotion, not fact. At least in her mind. 
"...Suddenly, I feel very stupid," she said, looking up with an almost robotic expression, her mouth pulled taut, and her facial muscles relaxed. But her eyes gave her away, seeming so serious and mortified at what she'd done. Now she knew why she never ran her mouth like that, even if the outcome was cathartic. 
"And mean...really mean. I don't like being mean--I'm sorry." An apology felt a little weak, especially when she shamefully offered it to Kris and her doofus with a fleeting glance, preferring to stare at her boots. Now she knew how Henry felt, knowing it was silly to start shouting and saying stupid things out of anger, although she shared his sentiment. 
She wasn't sorry for what she said, just how she said it. The difference between them was that she was an adult and could deal with problems as such. Not her finest moment. 
"Don't be. I think we both had misunderstandings--and it certainly doesn't make you a bad person when you're angry," Kris told her kindly, tentatively placing a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder as if giving an old friend some advice. She stared at it, wondering if this was real or a dream. 
"I don't hate you. At least, I don't think I do now..." she said after a while, finding the right words to explain her whirlwind of emotions.
They'd never be friends - at least not properly- but she felt a shift that felt like acceptance--like they could share a mutual respect as women who loved idiotic men and adorable children. 
"I'm just...jealous 'cause I don't want anyone to take him away. Especially not someone prettier than me."
"I think Captain Man has a different opinion," the blonde laughed, pointing to where Ray was impatiently waiting behind (y/n)'s back, wringing his hands together because he wanted to sweep his sweet girl off her feet. Of course, she jumped into his arms, holding him close as he squeezed her back, proving that everything Mrs Hart had ever said was right. 
It was true love, and (y/n) would never leave, not even when he befriended hot moms. 
"Why don't we start over? From the beginning, and put all this mess behind us..." Kris suggested, hoping to start afresh with the woman since they'd never gotten off on the right foot. It was impossible when her son worked in such a mysterious place, and secretly, she'd always loved Miss Danger--admired her almost as much as she did with (y/n) (y/l/n). 
Honestly, anyone who wanted to take on a superhero for a husband deserved a medal. She didn't want that life - not a chance. 
"Okay," the girl said with a small smile, pulling away from Ray before he could sneak in a few kisses. There'd be time for that later, but now, she wanted to end this. They were too old to fight like children, and her battered heart didn't deserve to hurt anymore, not when he'd wanted a hundred and one million years to find her again. 
Nothing was if that wasn't devotion, so (y/n) faced Kris with a blank yet polite stare as if she were meeting a stranger, who offered her hand like she should've done the moment they met. 
"Hi, I'm Kris. Nice to meet you..."
"Miss Danger, but you can call me (y/n)," the heroine said softly, shaking her hand as a new era and wave of calm washed over her. The Man Cave was silent, but she was okay with that. 
It wasn't love; it wasn't hate - it was just acceptance. Peace. A calm existence that made everyone brief a sigh of relief like war was over. They didn't have to be friends, but they didn't have to be enemies. Just two women who both adored Henry Hart. And that was good enough for (y/n). 
"Your son is an excellent employee..." she joked, sharing a genuine laugh with Henry's mom like she enjoyed her company because she enjoyed being in her presence for the first time in six years. Her perfume smelled sweet, she had a pretty smile, and she firmly held her hand for a few seconds longer than necessary. 
It felt good and weirdly nice. This would take some getting used to, retraining her brain to keep her claws in whenever they came together. 
"You know, when he was little, he pretended to be a superhero! He played with my best dresses and makeup--"
"Okay! Okay, okay, cool, cool, cool. You don't hate my mom anymore. You've put years of trauma behind you--let's all hold hands and sing John Lennon...and forget that," Henry exclaimed, clamping a hand over his mom's hand because, like usual, she said too much. 
Except for the brief moment when she said just enough. That was okay. He couldn't be more grateful because she did what he couldn't. 
She brought the Great Mom Fiasco of the Man Cave to an end in one conversation, leaving the couple more disgustingly in love than ever. And he didn't think that was possible. 
So ended the Great War, leaving (y/n) and Kris Hart chatting like old acquaintances, cautiously monitored by Piper as focused on other things. One problem finished, and another began: their progress on stopping the most significant threat the heroic trio had ever faced in their careers. 
"How's the Omega Weapon coming?" Henry asked Charlotte as he turned away from the chuckling adults. Ray happily got all kissy-kissy with his sweet girl, shamelessly bragging about her to Mrs Hart, heating the heroine's cheeks. 
Another thing for him to gag about, especially since she didn't seem worried about his mom anymore. She even relished having a proper grown-up to talk to, gossiping about wedding things as Charlotte tinkered with a few switches and buttons. 
"Almost done, just waiting for your dad to come back with the Shellgon crystals," she told him, fiddling with some doohickey that Henry didn't understand. But he heard one thing and hoped it was another misunderstanding because he swore she just mentioned Mr Hart - the world's most unreliable delivery boy. 
"My dad?!"
"Yeah, I know..." Charlotte said slowly, taking her eyes off the powerful weapon for a second to give him a slight wince. He wasn't her first option, but. With everyone else occupied or essential, Jake was the only person she could send down into the Man Cave depths to retrieve the energy-giving crystals. 
"You sent my dad to get Shellgon crystals?!"
"Yeah, it's been a big day!" She replied defensively, not liking her friend's tone. What else was she meant to do when he and (y/n) were off finding Ray? Sure, they were highly dangerous, and removing them from the Man Cave's depths hardwiring was very complicated, but what choice did she have?
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait--" (y/n) paused, stepping in when she heard a very troubling detail amongst the kisses and snuggles Ray smothered her in. "The Shellgon crystals?! The ones under the right tube pad? Right next to the iridium crystals under the left tube pad?!"
"Yes!" Charlotte replied, looking at the woman like it was obvious and wishing she'd return to her doofus. Of course, she knew all the technical details but didn't have to say it like she was stupid. There was only one set of crystals for all ten Man Caves, but two different types; the Omega Weapon needed the Shellgon ones, but knowing Mr Hart, he'd take the iridium crystals, which were highly dangerous and volatile when touched. 
"But Schwoz always told us..." (y/n) muttered, looking pensive as Ray came up behind her to wrap his arms around her body. Smooching her cheek, a strange look washed over his face before he tensed up and spoke in an even stranger voice. His Schwoz voice...
"The iridium crystals regulate the power source for the tube system that runs through all the Man Caves. If they get removed--"
"It could be bad?" (y/n) suggested, an amused smile gracing her features at her doofus' silliness. He sounded scarily accurate, yet she knew Schwoz wouldn't appreciate his mockery if he ever heard them. Not that he could after Drex kidnapped them - that's why they had to ensure Mr Hart hadn't caused another disaster, so they could save him, Bose, and Swellview. 
"Real bad, schweetheart--Real bad, sweetheart," he coughed, switching back to his true voice when he couldn't stop. Wrinkling his nose, the hero busied himself with kissing (y/n)'s cheek again, avoiding the slight awkwardness of getting too into doing Schwoz's voice. She happily wriggled in his arms, making Mrs Hart bite her lips to stop staring at them - too cute. 
"Like, how bad?" Piper asked, hoping (y/n) could hear her through the giggles and kisses. God, they'd only been separated a few hours. Still, the hero was relentless, mumbling in her ear even when his precious girl tried to pay attention. 
"Like it could cause a chain reaction that could blow up every single Man Cave," she explained in a serious tone that didn't quite fit how Ray kept rubbing his cheek against the top of her head like a cat. 
"And you sent my dad?!" Henry reiterated, giving Charlotte an exasperated look because she still chose Mr Hart for the perilous yet vital mission despite all that stuff about explosions and doom. Was she insane?
"It's been a big day!" She snapped back, thinking they should've more faith in her and Henry's dad. But even Mrs Hart looked nervous, anxiously clutching her forehead at the thought of whatever mischief and chaos her husband was embroiled in - he wasn't the most intelligent man she could've married. 
"You could have probably sent anybody else!" Ray barked, starting a mad argument between the group as he and Charlotte spat venom with Henry and (y/n) trying to play referee. Still, even they were struggling to remain calm. Piper tried to soothe her mom, saying her dad couldn't be that bad, but it seemed so bleak when everyone shouted so much. 
That is until the elevator pinged. The chirpy ding cut through their bickering, revealing an exhausted and disoriented Mr Hart. He staggered into the main room with rumpled clothes, sticky skin, and messy curls. He'd returned from his mission, thankfully alive, but the real question was whether he'd been successful. 
"Here he is--here he is--here he is," Henry exclaimed, silencing his friends and family as his dad approached, looking as barmy as usual but also weirdly smug - as if he had something to be proud of. They waited with bated breath, wondering what the news was. 
"Anyone order some...crystals?" Mr Hart asked coyly, thinking he'd done precisely what Charlotte asked. He presented her with a small cluster of aquamarine-coloured, luminescent crystals. There weren't many sparkling sprigs in his hands, but no one was certain if they were the right ones - the Shellgon crystals. He could've picked the wrong ones for all they knew since neither (y/n), nor Charlotte knew what to look for. 
"Um, where did you get those?" The girl asked, her heart in her mouth as she prayed that the man had followed her instructions. 
"These 'lil guys?" Mr Hart asked, holding the gleaming crystals casually in his usual bohemian manner. "From the right tube pad. 
"Thank you! That's great!"
"It's okay! Disaster averted!" They breathed a massive sigh of relief, practically falling to their knees, for whoever's mercy gave Jake a momentary glimmer of intelligence. By the grace of God, he'd picked the Shellgon crystals, meaning his family and his son's coworkers clasped each other close and grinned, congratulating the man on a job well done. 
Until he ruined it. After passing the green crystals to Charlotte, he reached around his back and revealed another batch, glowing a brilliant blue against his pleased grin - like a child looking for an adult's praise. 
"But I also took these lil' girls from the left tube pad just to be safe!" And that's when the world began to crash down around them. The second (y/n)'s smile fell, alarms started blaring, signalling a catastrophe was unfolding in her home that had even Ray shirking himself from her body. Red lights flashed around them, turning everyone's bones to jelly when the supercomputer's monitors said run. 
Nothing else. Just run. What else could they do when the ground beneath them was burning?
"Should we run?" Mrs Hart asked her son in a terrified voice as if it wasn't evident from the computer's simple instruction. Well, if she wanted to live...
"Yeah!" Henry replied tightly, not knowing what to do as his family bolted for the elevator. His parents disappeared upstairs, leaving the crystals and whatever would happen with Captain Man and his sidekicks for them to sort out because they didn't want to die. However, Henry knew his duty was with Ray, swearing to stick with him, (y/n), and his friends until the end--until they defeated Drex.
"Oh, sweet cheese, this is bad..." (y/n) gulped as she hugged Piper tightly, knowing she should've shoved the girl--and Charlotte--and Jasper--and even Henry--inside that elevator with his parents. It was almost cowardly how they ran and didn't look back, but she didn't blame them. 
She could remember when they'd been so utterly knee-deep in dark waters, over their heads and drowning as the computer played like a stuck record. Every fibre of her being said to run, to take her doofus and babies and find somewhere safe, but she refused to move, not even when the girl in her arms whimpered in fear.
No one knew it yet, but this would be their finest hour when all came together as everything fell apart. Her place was by Ray's side at the end of all things, and she was with him, for better or worse, 'til death do them part, 'til their home shattered--and she'd do anything to protect those she loved. 
The time was close at hand when their friendship and bravery would be tested, when she faced her demons and revealed a new part of herself in their hour of darkness...when Henry Hart would make the ultimate sacrifice. 
The final showdown of Captain Man and his loyal sidekicks loomed, when life as they knew it would end. 
3 notes · View notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
Jason is sitting about 4,000 cities and he's a retard it's a son of Brad who got in a fight and hurt our son the son of bgaa who's got in fights with our son and they're friends with Trump who got in fights with our son and we want them dead now. 4,000 cities full of people who can't figure it out it's very hot in your city right there's no Oxygen you have oxygen meters there's a big ship full of retards above you taking all your stuff that was just going to take it from them cuz they're stupid as a box of f****** pine needles but you need to see that there are idiots and they need to go
I need you guys Max to listen our son is saying this you need to actually try and get yours to see that they're there so you can actually recover a little and you use oxygen meter temperature gauge thermometer I don't care if it's the one you stick up your ass it's still going to be accurate and you use the news it might have a number there that might be someone accurate showing that it's too hot and should be cold most the cities on the east and west should be cold and they're not and the outside line outside lying areas are cold and the cities are not and it's going to create storms shortly furthermore they're closed and if you stare at it you can see it and you can see it with binoculars and you can see it with a telescope and you can take pictures of it and handing around like some people already are it'd be very very worth your while instead of dying at the hands of nothing this is what your idiots are I don't really want them holding these cities hostage for much longer and I will tell you with a caveat and you know that I follow through with it hopefully at least you should I don't really have to put up with it for much longer and there are reasons for it so you stand up being a man or we will and we have options in Mac knows we do
Now our son says that and mac daddy is speaking now.... He has options and we have to do stuff but Jason is doing is treason and it's high treason it's sedition and it's organizing armies to attack Nations and challenging the sovereignty is a very solid active War and we're going now to them to talk to them and yeah they're awesome we're kicking the retards out day after day they can't keep coming back and holy s*** is stupid and f****** lame and mean you just a bunch of morons so he's saying is we have to get mean and against them and I do it I know what it's saying this is this garbage is going on for too long right here in Florida I was sending you into the furnace the incinerator I'm going to have hours collect you I am so sick of hearing from you and about you and the stupid border trial already happened I mean you people are f****** losers I want your name up in lights Jason and I want it now I'm ordering mine to go pay attention and figure it out new sensing too
Mac by the way our sunsaw sauce are above him and Port Charlotte and you sent up the alarm everybody wasn't aware even Tommy f and he detected it and he said it to the big guys who got something going that moved it now if you guys can't move it you know you have a bigger problem
We're on a boss and we do see that the kid did it which is ridiculous they did it with this two big guys and he says other stuff too and he had some of these other assholes to it and for some reason Tommy f is complicitous in this Trump s*** with them going after a bridge and he thinks it's the matrix and Trump is up in arms no it didn't say it cuz he doesn't care for Trump he doesn't care what happens to him and tell me if though is trying to attack his own forces and he doesn't care cuz he's just wiping out these idiots as they organize there and tell me if it's not really trying that hard I guess but he says is these people are lame even when you're controlling their bodies they don't seem to respond to anything no he's using leadership get some up there and boy that's a lot and for some reason people think Jason is making it happen and nobody's sure exactly what the connection is what's going on and his sacrilegious a****** he's a Satanist we're going to see it all over the place he says so we're going to get moving on it and yeah your friend is taking advantage of you and we can see it but you can't and obnoxious a****** to him and you make it so much worse so you're a Satanist and there really is no such thing these days because someone else is controlling it he says I'm threatening these cities he says they're full of pigs it's like a pig farm you try and go outside the city and your craft is done and he says oh no you're trying a few times and you can't and you got hit a little bit he says
0 notes
thegayfromrulid · 2 years
weridest a1 picture decision in sao tourmanet arc skip! granted I didn't read it either but
I got into this a bit with other fans back when it happened way back in, what, 2018? But I genuinely have some mixed feelings about this decision because I do get kind of why it may have been skipped over. Spoilers for the LN ahead, be warned.
So, the tournament arc in the first half of Alicization was fairly enjoyable and provided a bit more context for the closeness that Kirito and Eugeo grew to have between leaving Rulid and going to the Swordcraft Academy in North Centoria, but it worked better as a written format.
Certain sections of this part of the story are written from Charlotte's POV; if you recall, Charlotte is a spider, and her identity as a spider is revealed in the novel in the same place as it was in the anime—in the library with Cardinal. A large part of pulling off an adaptation of the tournament in Zakkaria would have involved making sure that the animators could adequately conceal Charlotte's identity while still preserving a few key details that she was involved in.
I ran over this part with my dad, who has a degree in animation, and the conclusion was that some scenes would either have to be changed or they would have to choose to do the reveal earlier for the audience than for Kirito. The latter very much could have worked! We would have had a lot more context for why Kirito heard a voice in the garden, or why Kirito's hair randomly stood up running from Eldrie and Deusolbert in the rose garden.
On the other hand, though, I think the animators mostly wanted to keep Charlotte's identity as hidden from the audience in the anime as the books did, and to do that while animating the Zakkaria sub-arc would have been...a challenge. Charlotte is seen from the start to be performing some wind arts to take care of Kirito's upturned shirt, which could have been fairly decently concealed, I think. The true problem is that some narration is done by Charlotte during the selection process for the brackets in the tournament. Charlotte is the key element that keeps Kirito and Eugeo from sparring one another and knocking each other out of the tournament. Without her intervention, this looks like random, lucky chance.
Now, why does that matter so much to an animator, perhaps? It's easy to change the visual perspective of scenes to not be from eight little eyes peering outwards from Kirito's bangs, and it's not like stories haven't relied on bullshit random chance before. I think, however, the animators knew that people would call it bullshit that Kirito and Eugeo oh-so-randomly pulled opposite fighting blocks, even when this is still statistically possible. It gives the story a bit more credibility to the audience when we can preserve something like this, because Charlotte obviously felt the need to tip those odds due to them being bad.
I think another problem is that the animators likely knew the episode count from the start and had to make decisions on what to cut and where. The second cour dealing mostly with Cathedral climbing took up a heavy amount of space, and we see like, a one-battle-per-episode thing going on. Places where possible cuts to the story were most likely: cutting an entire episode dedicated to Zakkaria, which was more for character development than story progression; cutting maybe what brought Kirito and Eugeo to be Elite Disciples, which was short and all but introduced Incarnation; or perhaps shorten the battle between the group and Quinella, which likely held a lot of the battle-heavy appeal people want to see in an anime with "swords" in the title.
Making these decisions is by no means easy for a group of animators, as they are given a specific budget and episode count. I don't know how easy it would be to ask their boss for more episodes or whatnot, because a lot goes into confirming you get those slots. A-1 has to confirm that television stations have the timeslots to air these episodes in; when SAO was given permission for four cours' worth of timeslots, this was already pretty generous on behalf of the stations airing SAO. Those stations were taking a gamble that SAO would get them viewing hours, and four cours is a hell of a gamble when it comes to hoping people stick it out until the end. SAO could have benefitted from a fifth cour or maybe even a slight handful of extra episodes, but the animation company does need to negotiate as much screentime as stations will permit.
SAO was also aired split-cour, which means that cutting something like the anime-only bits in War of Underworld would not have mattered in the long run for something that happened back in the first half. Perhaps you might be thinking "well we didn't really need anything dedicated to Eiji and Yuna here" and you're allowed to think that! But it wouldn't affect the lack of Zakkaria any more, because the animators cannot just leave you hanging mid-story when there's several months between Eugeo dying and picking back up with the aftermath and a timeskip to Alice in Rulid. It's just not a good business plan.
To conclude, there's a lot of reasons why the studio may have decided to cut Zakkaria, some of which I can definitely sympathize with. While I will also state that it's 100% okay to be frustrated when an adaptation does not look exact or does not meet our expectations as novel readers, I think it's also important to remember why these changes are made. Think about this before jumping into being angry at the studio for these decisions. Some decisions are far more logical than others!
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anarmorofwords · 3 years
Okay since I’m emotional about baby Matthew interacting with his parents, Charlotte having to leave Matthew for the first time since she’s had him (Henry is there so he’s not alone but you know what I mean) and she sneaks into his nursery and lets rubs her finger on his little chubby baguette arm and tells him to be good for papa and Charles and she loves him before she goes to Charles room and kisses him goodbye too. She did this for a long time, every-time she left until her babies weren’t quite babies anymore.
Henry positioning little Matthew on his lap so he can hold his fingers and just bounce before he can walk. Tbh? I think Henry was the one who really liked seeing his kids firsts, like he’s the one who wanted to see them walk and tried to contrive ways for them to have the chance too.
Matthew gave Charlotte a heart attack once because she tried to cut his nails as a baby and everytime she get close he scream and she jump away but then he laugh, he thought they were playing, he is the reason for her first grey hairs, she swears.
Charles and Matthew where the “he’s touching me” / “I’m not touching you” type of siblings. Matthew has pushed Charles into a fountain and Charles has cut Matthew’s doll’s hair off. But Charles would also kill spiders in Matthew’s room if he asked and held his hand to cross the street as a kid unprompted.
Henry did perfect his mobile rocking crib from clockwork princess by the time Matthew was born
Charles once took Matthew out of his crib as he was crying and walked into a room of small party his mom and dad were hosting at 7 and matter of factually told them “make him stop crying, please” and since he’s 7 and has no idea to hold a child the parents in the room all to rush to get the kid out of his arms.
Matthew actually was the tantrum Haver of the two Fairchild children and like he says, if he was going get angry he was gonna make it in eventful, baby fists flying (Charlotte and Henry grabbing his hands and telling him “no, no hitting, violence is not the answer” but he craves violence) screaming like a victim of a slasher film but after he did it a lot of times he Peter out and feel bad about it, after everything is said and done he usually said sorry. But he also tire himself out. Similarly? If Matthew was a screamer, Charles bit people. Horribly teething phase. No one will ever let him live down when he was five and he bit Gideon. All I’m saying is that Charlotte gave birth to hellions while Will have births to angels was the common joke back in the day
Matthew can do pretty good impressions of his parents that actually make Charles laugh, but he denies it. Matthew can do a good Charles too, but Charles finds it less funny.
Charlotte introduced Matthew to Oscar Wild, when she bought home a copy of Dorian Grey, Will insisted she read but “when do I have to read?” But she ended up reading it to Matthew as a bed time story not recognizing it may be a little scary for him but LUCKLY he just ended up stanning him.
Matthew had a little bit of Anna from the first half Frozen energy when it came to the Fairchild Manor. Change my mind.
Charlotte has a pictures of both Charles and Matthew as babies in a locket she keeps in her pocket. Henry has a family portrait as soon as photography was available.
In a similar way, in some ways to his son’s fears, Henry fears Matthew thinks he’s boring and prefers Will who more fun (Oh the irony right?)
Matthew and Charles have only met the Branwell side of the family a number that can be counted on one hand but even that is too many for them.
The academy explosion was the one time Charlotte truly blew up at Matthew over.
Both Charles and Matthew had quite a bit of freedom as young teens that maybe they shouldn’t have had.
hi anon!!!
so sorry for taking so long!
hey I'm emotional now too, was that your plan? :')
*le cry*
Charlotte kissing them goodbye is currently almost making me cry when I'm wearing a mascara, bad idea
yes?!! i totally see him being obsessed with their milestones and firsts (again, his kids are what he's most proud of, and I'll die on that hill)
lil Matthew being a lil shit like that has my heart breaking, thanks
they were. though, aren't most siblings like that??? it's really breaking my heart, because I assume this was very much their dynamic at first, the typical "wanna push you into a hole but I'll hold you while you're afraid of the dark" thing.
mobile rocking crib yes please!!!
the mental image of the entire TID gang scrambling to their feet to take Matthew from Charles' arms is currently killing me, thanks
he was and he would apologize after tiring himself out, yes. i kinda wanna imagine that if it happened during dinners/parties Will was at, he would try to take care of him by redirecting his attention, kinda like Jace urging the baby to fight demins
plz imagine Charles trying to boss Gideon around in TLH (in a political setting) and Gideon just looking at him unimpressed, like, "kid, you bit me when you were 5, shut the fuck up"
Omg yes?!?! acting skills, baby!! (Charles is pissed when he's doing the impression of him, but he's also equal parts impressed and unsettled by the accuracy)
I wouldn't say "luckily" about a 12-13 year olds stanning Oscar Wilde lol (especially that I remember my own existential crisis phase when I was that age and read it), but I like that scenario!
she absolutely has. also does she have like am office or something? because she so would have them there as well
Matthew being insecure about Kit and Henry being insecure about Will,,,,woah, pain. Though I'd say Henry only started thinking so when Matthew became a teen and started to be more distanced (aka mentally ill lol) and all that. Earlier, I think he was very vocal about his adoration for Henry, if NBS is anything to go by.
I imagine she was really really mad and definitely lost it
i think so too! perhaps it wasn't a bad idea in itself, but so it happened that it ended the way it did...
thanks for sending this dear! have a nice day/evening/night!
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thewildomega · 4 years
Doughnut of lies Ch. 5
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Feeling blood drip from your mouth and run down your chin to fall into the large puddle on the floor you blinked slowly and listened to the two men talk outside of the room. 
"Are you questioning my decisions?" the man that had been beating you for the past... you didn't even know how long it had been... said in an annoyed voice
"No! No boss all I am saying is well the girl isn't talking. She hasn't said one thing about the Big Mom pirates. She's ain't gonna hold up much longer so maybe we should just cut our losses and sell her..."
"Sell her?! Do you know how much treasure Big Mom has on her island?!"
"Yea but that girl's an omega, they go for a high price, I ain't seen no claiming mark on er' either. An unclaimed omega is rare, more rare than even mermaids..."
Hearing the other male hum you closed your eyes, God you'd rather die than be someone's slave. Just kill me. Please just let me die.
"If the bitch doesn't talk by the end of the day we'll sell her." 
"Yes boss." 
Looking up when the door opened you glared at the male who narrowed his eyes at you. 
"I'm guessing you heard all that?" he huffed. When she still didn't answer he shook his head and grabbed her small neck in his hand. "So what's it gonna be girl? You tell me what I want to know and I'll let you go."
Lies. All of it was lies, even if you told him what he wanted to know he would still sell you. You weren't stupid like he thought you were. Besides even if Big Mom wasn't the nicest person she had still taken you in and her children were your friends, you would never betray them. You would never betray the man you loved. Spitting blood on his face you heard the deep growl leave his throat as his hand tightened around your neck. 
"You've done it now bitch." he growled. Pulling his knife from his belt he held it up for her to see before he dragged it down her breastbone, leaving a bloody trail and cutting up the front of her shirt. 
Gritting your teeth you tried to hold back your cry of pain, your eyes closing tightly. When he stopped the knife at your diaphragm you tried to breath in as much as you could with his hand squeezing your throat. 
"If you beg I just might forgive y...AHH!"
Swinging your foot up you kicked him in the groin as hard as you could, taking in a sharp breath when he released his hold on your neck to fall to his knees. Whimpering at the intense agony in your chest from what you assumed was your many broken ribs you looked down at him and grit your teeth. Wrapping your hands around the chains connecting your cuffs to the ceiling you lifted you used all your strength to lift your body up, giving your leg the momentum to land a hard kick to his back. Out of energy you let go and dropped back down to your feet, your toes barely touching the floor as your body swung a little. 
Groaning and growling the man pushed himself up from the floor, his balls throbbing along with his middle back. Looking to the omega with fire in his eyes he moved over to grab the wooden cane from the corner. 
Seeing him swing the cane through the air you closed your eyes tight and thought of Katakuri. 
Sitting in the office of his mother's old cremate he kept his eyes closed. Marco, Whitebeard's second in command had come into the room a little over an hour ago and showed them that only a small corner of y/n's vivre card was left and still burning away. She was dying and the knowledge made him feel sick to his stomach, like someone was squeezing his heart. Over the past two days both ships had been sailing in the direction her card said she was in and he and her father had spent most of the time talking about her. He had admitted to denying her when she had finally found him, sending her away and threatening to kill her if he ever saw her again. It had taken everything in his power not to attack the man then and there. He knew how much it meant to y/n to find her father, how long she had been looking. There was no doubt she had been crushed by his rejection and he was sure to let the man know as much, not feeling sorry at all for the guilt clouding the huge male's eyes. 
"How did you meet her? How did she end up with you Charlottes?" Whitebeard asked the young alpha sitting in the chair with his legs and arms both crossed and his eyes closed. 
Sighing slowly he kept his eyes closed as he thought back to that night over twenty years ago. "She found me hiding from slavers in the shed, we got in a fight and she beat me up pretty good. When they came for me she hid me in their house." he wouldn't tell the man that she was the first only person who ever smiled at him, who never belittled him because of his mouth, how she was his only friend. "She somehow convinced her mother to allow us to stay with them until mama came back..."
"You knew Selena?" Whitebeard asked. 
"For only a short time. She was already very sick when we came along. She was mostly bedridden and stayed in her room where y/n cared for her." he told the male and saw the man's brow furrow. He had told him how he hadn't known about y/n, how he had thought his mate had been killed. 
"How old was she, y/n?"
"Five, almost six." 
She was so young, too young to be taking care of her dying mother. It should have been him, he should have been there. 
"She passed about a month or so later. When mama came to get us I... we took her with us. We have been together ever since." 
Humming he looked down, looking again at the pictures that had been bundled together with the stack of old letters he had written to his dear Selena. Most were aged but he could see his mate in them, along with a little girl, his pup. The first one was of Selena sitting in a bed, she looked tired but a smile was on her face as she held what he assumed was their newborn daughter in her arms. A few others were of Y/n was a baby and small child. His favorite was the picture of his mate and pup sitting in the grass, flowers around them. Selena was sitting back, resting on her hands while what had to be a three or four year old y/n laid in the grass by her legs, a large, carefree smile on her face and her blonde hair, hair she had gotten from him forming a halo around her head. Looking the the last one he saw it was a close up picture of the both of them, only their faces in the picture and y/n's little arms making him think she had taken it. Selena was smiling softly but her eyes looked so tired, so weak. The boy in front of him, Katakuri had said she was sick, she was already dying in this picture. Quickly swallowing the knot in his throat he closed his eyes. The guilt that his omega had been sick and he wasn't there to take care of her weighted heavily on him. Always he felt like a failure for not being there to protect her when he thought she had been killed but to now know she had died slowly while their daughter, a little omega herself was forced to care for her, to take on the responsibility which was his made him feel less than dirt. Opening his mouth to speak he was cut off by a loud knocking on his door. 
Snapping his eyes over to the large door he saw Marco throw it open.
"Pops I think we got her. That ship, if I'm not mistaken, I think it's the Reaper Pirates." he told his old man. 
Hearing this the massive man quickly stood from the chair and hurried out onto deck, Katakuri right behind him. Looking out in front of them, just on the horizon he saw the black ship with black sails and growled. 
"Who are the Reaper Pirates?" Katakuri asked Marco when he heard alpha growl. 
"A bunch of horrible people. Slavers, murders, rapist, you name it. They don't care who they hurt so long as they make out in the end. If they've got her then it isn't going to be good." Marco told him honestly. Holding the small bit of paper out for the large male to take. 
Taking the paper from Marco he saw it was only as big as his thumb nail now and grit his teeth. Looking back towards the ship that the woman he loves could be on he felt his heart hammer in his chest. Remembering what Nebula had said about an unclaimed omega going for a high price he grit his teeth. 
You were so cold, your arms were numb from being chained above your head and holding your weight for so long. You wished you could say the rest of your body was numb as well, at least then you wouldn't be in so much pain. Every breath you took felt like your chest was being stabbed with a bunch of needles. Blinking slowly you had to fight to open your eyes, they felt so heavy. How much longer would this last? When would it end? Closing your eyes again you heard what sounded like cannons but you couldn't will your eyes to open anymore. Things were starting to get muffled sounding now, yelling, it sounded like yelling... you were so tired. Sleep. You just wanted to sleep. Sleep and dream. Dream of him. 
He was the first one on the ship, using his devil fruit to fly across to the deck. Using anything he could he started cutting down man after man. Their bullets went through him with no problem, hitting the men behind him. He heard as Whitebeard yelled but he paid him no mind. As soon as he had seen the boxes and crates from Toto land he knew they were the ones that had attacked y/n's ship. Seeing the Captain run out of his cabin he growled at sight of the man adorned with y/n's sword. He gave him no time to attack, throwing his spear through the air and into the man's chest just as he saw his legs change into what looked like those of a frog. Being pinned to the wall he walked over to him and wrapped his hand around the man's throat. "Where is she?" he growled. 
"Where's who?" he chuckled, blood staining his lips. 
Gritting his teeth he shoved the trident into the man completely and watched him die. Ripping y/n's sword from his side he tossed it to one of his men, "Take it to my cabin." he told him and saw the man nod. 
Glancing to the sword Katakuri had handed over he recognized it as Selena's old one and looked to his crew, "Search the ship, find her." he told them. The ship wasn't made for his size, nor that of the Charlotte but the young alpha was quick to duck down and go bellow deck in search of y/n. It angered him to know he couldn't help look for her but the least he could do was make every man on this ship pay. 
Hurrying down the stairs he easily killed any person that dared stop him. Looking over every space he saw no sign of her. Squeezing down to the haul of the ship he kicked open doors, looking over storage rooms and such. Getting to the end of the hall he got to a thick wooden door with a bolt lock. Quickly unlocking it he threw open the door and what he saw made him almost fall to his knees and he would have if he hadn't fell tot he door frame instead. Oh God NO! His whole body trembled as he hurried over to her. There was so much blood. She was covered in it, her skin, her clothes, her hair. It was puddled on the floor, staining the wooden boards a dark red. Her clothes were torn, hanging on her small frame only by pieces here and there. Looking down to the sea prism cuffs holding her body up he swallowed hard at the raw, bloody skin under them. Her tiny fingers, the only part of her not smeared in blood were a light blue from holding her weight for so long. Swallowing hard he looked the room over for the keys but didn't see any. Hearing someone behind him he commanded for them to find the keys. 
"Y..yes sir..." the person said quickly before scrambling away. 
While waiting he gently, his hands shaking reached out to cup her head in his palm, tilting it up so he could look at her. Seeing the deep bruises littering her beautiful face he grit his teeth. Blood ran from her nose and mouth, along with the large cut on her cheek. Her eye was slightly swollen shut as well. At first glance she would almost be unrecognizable. Licking his lips he looked her over, "Y/n? Y/n wake up. Come on sweetheart look at me, open those pretty eyes." he said in a deep low voice. 
There was a voice, a soothing deep voice. It was calling to you. Something warm was touching your face and that smell, vanilla and leather. You knew that voice, that smell but it couldn't be him, he couldn't be here. Trying to open your eyes you just couldn't lift your heavy lids, you didn't have the strength, you couldn't even move your lips to say his name.  
Her eyes didn't open but he did hear a barely audible whimper leave her busted lips and it sent a aching pain straight to his heart, made something in him come alive.  "I got you sweetheart, you are going to be alright." he said, wither it was to her or himself he didn't know. Hearing boots running towards him he looked back to see the man from his crew standing there with the keys in hand. Snatching them from him he quickly started unlocking the chains around her wrists. Trying to hold her to him and unlock the cuffs he saw as Marco hurried towards him, helping to unlock the cuffs while he held Y/n in his arms. Once her arms were free he felt her entire body fall limp but he was there to catch her. Holding her in the crook of his arm he watched as Marco's hand moved towards her and he growled in warning. 
"Calm down Charlotte, I am a doctor." he told the alpha male and heard his growl stop but his noticed his body still tense. Feeling her pulse he knit his brows. "Her pulse if fading, we need to get her back on the ship quickly." he told him. 
Without another word he was rushing out of the haul of the ship with her cradled to his chest. As soon as they reached the deck he saw the emperor's eyes shoot to him and then down to the battered omega in his arms, his face contorting into one of pure fear and anger. 
"Come on we have to hurry." Marco called already going up the gangplank. 
With a nod from Whitebeard he followed the male to the room that was designated for medic. Laying her small body on the large bed he watched as the other male started moving about, grabbing this and that. Seeing a woman come into the room as well and start helping Marco he guessed she was his assistant or a nurse of some sorts. He could only stand there in a frozen state, staring at her near lifeless body. With the lights in the room he could now see more of the damage that littered her body. Her shirt was cut open, almost revealing her breasts. If it would have been under any other circumstance he would be a blushing mess right now but seeing her skin stained red and black he felt nothing but worry. 
"She has lost too much blood, she will need a transfusion. Do you know what blood type she is?" Marco asked the male who seemed to be in a state of shock. "Charlotte." 
Snapping his eyes to the male he blinked to focus. "Ah yes she... she is XF." With a nod he saw them set up the IV, watching as they cleaned away a part of her arm.
"She's too dehydrated...I can't find a vein."
"I'll have to do a central line." Marco said, moving to grab the things he needed. "I need you to go outside." 
Looking to the male he knit his brows, "I am not going an..."
"I can't risk her getting an infection, it will kill her. You are also in the way. You can wait outside and when I know something I will send Nina out to get you." 
Looking from the male back to the omega and he took a deep breath. Nodding he took one last look at her before he left the room. Getting outside he saw a few chairs in the small room and took a seat in them. Looking down he saw blood on his hands, arms and chest. Her blood. Closing his eyes he tried to steady his heart. He had swore the day Brulee had gotten hurt that he would get stronger, that he would always be there to protect the people he loved. He hadn't kept true to his word though because the woman he loved deeply was in the other room, on the brink of death and he hadn't been there to help her. Even now he was unable to help her. Clenching his fists he made a promise to never let her get hurt again. Hearing a door open he looked first to the one she was behind and saw it still closed. Glancing left he saw Whitebeard coming through entrance. The large male closed the door behind him before moving to sit in one of the other chairs. Not a word was said, there was nothing to say. All they could do was wait.
Hours later, long into the night the door to the medical room opened and he snapped his eyes open to see a tired looking Marco walk out, wiping his hands on a towel. 
Looking to both men he took a deep breath before starting. "She is stable. I'm not going to sugar coat it, she's in rough shape. She was beat, I'm guessing by that cane that was in the room with her. Her body is littered with cuts and bruises as well as some nasty welts. She has many broken or cracked ribs, as well as her cheekbone. I pulled a bullet out of her shoulder and a few large splinters out of her thigh and hip. I am guessing it has been at least a good week possibly more since she has eaten anything and considering how dehydrated she was I'd probably say they didn't give her any water either. Lastly she has a mild concussion and the ligaments in her shoulders and wrists have been torn from holding her weight for so long. I've healed her the best I can for today, she's too weak for me to do anymore and I don't want to push her but I will do more tomorrow. It will take time but she should make a full recovery." 
Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding he closed his eyes. "Thank you." he said and saw the male give him a small smile and nod. "Can I see her?"
"Sure, just give Nina a moment, she is getting her cleaned up a bit." 
Nodding he saw the male go to stand by his captain, the two of them speaking softly. It didn't talk long until the woman came out and he was allowed inside. Walking over to her bedside he looked down at her and closed his eyes, she was covered in bandages. But, she was alive and that was all that mattered. Lifting his hand he brushed her hair back some. 
Watching the young alpha with his daughter he took a deep breath. "My daughter, what is she to you?"
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cpknightly1 · 4 years
Chapter Three
The next morning...
On my way to the kitchen to make Ruby and I some sunnysides. She sits in a chair, facing the front window, a book in hand. "What's the word there kitten?". "Did you know monkey wrenches come in larger sizes"? she says sarcastically. "Ruby, what are you reading? Ruby lifts the open book above her head and announces.."Basic Mechanics "! "You could get a larger monkey and fix the radiator, couldn't you kid?" again sarcastically. "Yes I could, and I will". I kissed her cheek. Looking over her shoulder. "You think there's some darb in that book? Ruby says "maybe" I've flipped through the pages no marks or notes though. "I'm detecting"! She says.
The horn rings. "Hello..Boss? "Who is this? " I'm not doin it Boss! says Edna." I won't! "Edna you're the best mark for this job. " Look, just find a nice shop and bring out your, well, feminine side." " Boss I just can't. "Edna...I said. " Boss if I do this you'll owe me big, I mean Big!" "Think Clark Gable on the inside and Marilyn Monroe on the outside" I said. " ohhh hellfire"!
Edna's obscenities fade with the click of the blower.
There was plenty to do today. Ruby and I went to meet George's friends. We met at Pops. As Ruby and I entered both Nick and Carol sat in a corner booth. Carol crying. We introduced ourselves and copped a squat. " Carol"? says Ruby. "Why don't you tell us about George." " ohh my George" says Carol. " I can't believe it " (sobbing). "His poor mama is just devastated " " You know Helen Cooper?" "Sure. She is gruff with loads of people, but she and I get along swell." "And George was a great guy. Always polite. "We held hands all the time, ya know.? And went to the pictures ever weekend". " George was going off to College this fall". "Always too smart for his own good "Nick says. "What do you mean by that, Nick? I said." Ehh..I know nothing from nothing, he said.
Nick gets angry. "I'll blow em down, whoever it is!! Nick's eyes tear up. " He was like a brother to me. We grew up here at Pops "You mentioned he was like your brother." Ruby asks. "Neither of us had a father, we'd talk about it"
"What they might be like" "We used to drink out of the same bottle, as they say. Nick gets angry again. "SAY What are you doing about this, have you caught the hatchet man who did this"? "Not yet Nick. I said. "Has there been anything strange happening around George?"asks Ruby. " Something unusual?" "We just recently at the Dealership.."Dealership "? I asked. "Basic Mechanics". says Ruby.
"Spill it, Spill it all. I said.
Carol says. There were cars missing, receipts that were doubled "Cars that were bought way over true price ". I'm the Secretary for the owner Larry Winthrop and Nick works in the shop with Hal Davis." " And George "? "George worked at the paper, mostly picture taking. " We heard Larry and Hal fighting the other night " " Yeah, says Nick." "They've got some flimflam goin' on "Both of them are in cahoots on some sting. says Nick. "Hal slways smells like some kind of tiger milk" says Carol. "A boozer huh?" I said. They went deeper into the story, as we listened. " So you all witnessed this this argument "? I said. "Yeah" " What about "the usual place"?, any ideas says Ruby? "The garage maybe"? "No clue Nick says. "Carol, George and I went to find out what the chisel was." The peep on it, ya know?, says Nick".
" Now you two listen here. This is gonna be like a pebble in your loafers, but you keep your butts down.! "Let us do our jobs. "US! says Ruby. " umm Yeah, Us, that's right ". "No more pokin around the dealership, ya hear?! I said. "But what about work? says Nick. "Be as normal as you can". " Listen I've...We've, (Ruby smiles) got a plan under way. "Nick, Carol..Ruby says, " You two call if you need anything, savvy? Carol and Nick nod. Carl pulls up. Ruby and I pull away.
Meanwhile pulling up at the dealership is Edna. Driving a shiny midsized Chevy. The car, a looker but barely drivable. We needed a bait car of our own. After parking the car she opens the door and steps out. Edna is dressed to the nines. Charlotte hat, mink stole a slinky dress and some knockout shoes. As uncomfortable as she is, she's quite a dame. She struggles walking in the shoes and the girdles riding up. Quickly in stride, the portly man, Larry comes to greet her. "G'morning ma'am I'm Larry Winthrop, how may I help you today "? The fact that the man made her skin crawl she carried on. "Well, I'm not quite sure. Edna says coyly. " Well I can tell that a beautiful woman like yourself should be driving something with a lot more class" says Larry. Edna rolls her eyes. "You think"? "Well, says Edna "this car has lasted a long time" My next car must at least last that long, right?" (acting like a dimwit drives Edna nuts) "I think you're a smart Lady" (if he only knew) "Let's take you on the lot, eh?! "We have a large selection"! As Edna continued her dreaded tour at the dealership. Ruby and I are on our way to check out George's film.
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Best NXT Matches of 2020 10-6
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Io Shirai vs Shotzi Blackheart - September 16
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Shotzi Shotzi SHOTZI!!! Where did this come from?!? This wasn’t a title match, just a friendly exhibition for Shotzi to get into the true title picture and she took full advantage of it here. From the start, Shotzi treated this like a title match. She outworked Io on the mat and showed that she could strike with her as well with some hard kicks. Things got more and more intense and Shotzi stayed all over Io. She ducks the 619 and worked her way into a great Tiger suplex THEN immediately transitioned into Cattle Mutilation. At this point, I was on the edge of my seat because Shotzi was breaking out before my eyes. Io goes up top, but Shotzi breaks out a goddam super hurrancanrana. She wants to try a sunset flip powerbomb on the apron, but Io slips out and DRILLS her with a German suplex on the apron!! Io kills her with a meteora and a moonsault to win this banger. IT WASN’T EVEN A TITLE MATCH!! Shotzi had one of my favorite performances of the year and pushed Io to the limit.
Io Shirai vs Sasha Banks - Great American Bash Day One
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This was a highly anticipated dream match between the top two women of 2020. Bayley and Sasha “invaded” NXT a few weeks earlier in a tag team title match and Io attacked them both after the match to assert her dominance over NXT. I got major Eddie vs Rey vibes from this match. Io plays the Rey role, blitzing Sasha with her speed and aerial attacks early until Bayley distracts her and Sasha can take over. Sasha slows things down, bends, and contorts Io like her idol Eddie Guerrero used to do to one of his best foes. Io comes back and their exchanges are super fast paced and intense. In a huge holy shit moment, Sasha catches Io springboarding in with a hard kick then sunset flip powerbombs her into the plexiglass barricade. She goes to end things with the frog splash, but Io snatches her into a crossface. Bayley tries to use the tag title belt to give Sasha an advantage, but the odds are evened when Sasha’s Extreme Rules opponent Asuka comes from under the ring and mists Sasha. Io cracks her with a palm strike and ends this banger with a moonsault. Top two ladies doing exactly what you’d expect them to do. Seeing Asuka with Io made me salivate for a match between them. Also this match main evented NXT and was one of the few times that NXT beat AEW in the ratings. The Boss is a Draw.
Kyle O Reilly vs Pete Dunne #1 Contenders Match for NXT Title - December 16, 2020
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A few weeks before this, Dunne beat KOR in a great ladder match to gain the WarGames advantage for the Brand. This time, they take it to each other for the selfish reasoning of challenging Finn Balor for the NXT title. O’Reilly’s kind out of nowhere babyface has made me more of a fan, but I’d be lying if I wasn’t straight up rooting for Pete Dunne, who I’ve loved in a wrestling and romantic sense since the moment I saw him (kidding, not kidding). This is the wonderful blend of wince-inducing striking and masterful counter-wrestling that you would expect from these two that gets more creative and more hard hitting the deeper into the match that we go.
We got a repeat of their super fun tug of war spot, but this time, they’re pulling each other into the turnbuckle. KOR unleashes his own strikes and Dunne’s mouthpiece ends up coming out from the brutality. After they trade ankle lock attempts, Dunne attempts a standing Kimura lock and KOR blocks it by grabbing his own tights. I love the simple “real life” type counters like that. KOR counters the Kimura, they trade suplex attempts and KOR destroys Dunne with a brainbuster. There’s a great cinematic moment where Dunne slow crawls over to his mouth guard, but KOR steps on his hand. Dunne returns the favor with a trusty finger snap and he goes to end it with a Bitter End on the apron, but KOR counters to a DDT on the floor then he catches Dunne coming in with a Flying knee to the back to the head to win it and book a rematch against Finn Balor. Just excellent wrestling between two excellent wrestlers. I still really wanna see Balor vs Dunne this year though.
Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic - North American Title - Takeover Portland
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The beginning sequences of this match felt like they were pandering to show that they were “big dudes who can move”, instead of just telling their story. Once they went to just telling their story and letting the story display their skills, this was off to the races! Keith Lee is a superstar and they do a lot of spots to put him over as an otherworldly mass of a man. A standing release German Suplex on a dude DD’s side is crazy impressive. Keith doesn’t budge from numerous clotheslines and more than a few times, he counters something by just slowly pushing DD’s hands away from him. He’s still a tremendous seller, but it just communicates that it takes ALOT to get him off his feet. DD is up for the challenge though and he dishes out some crazy stuff, suplexing Lee onto the apron, delivering a terrifying Super Samoan Drop, & in the spot of the match, a top rope senton onto a seated Lee. DD does the New Japan no-sell of Lee’s spirit Bomb, so Lee just powers up and destroys him with another one, but DD kicks out. Lee sells it like a close cousin died. DD’s back is too injured form all of that and the BBC (LOL) ends this awesome opener.
Io Shirai vs Charlotte Flair vs Rhea Ripley - Women’s Title - Takeover In Your House
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This was the first women’s main event since 2015 and it definitely was main event material. Charlotte controls things early, tricking Io and Rhea into fighting each other then taking advantage and chopping the life out of em. Io Shirai has a vintage Rey Mysterio like performance here, where shes kinda swatted away by the bigger ladies, but then she pops out of nowhere with a crazy springboard dropkick or a suicide dive. Charlotte and Rhea resume their rivalry and they brawl all over the ring and the set until Io dives from the top of the House onto them both in a crazy spot. Charlotte turns back the clock and batters them both with a kendo stick, but while she has Rhea locked in the Figure 8, Io creams Rhea with a moonsault to claim the title. Rhea came off like the second fiddle here and things got a little sloppy at times, but it was fun as hell with a starmaking performance from Io Shirai. This would be the start of a crazy awesome title reign for Shirai.
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slo-liveblog · 4 years
Witch’s Heart: Bonus Stage Final Thoughts
Hello hello! Honestly I can’t believe I finished Bonus Stage after all this time... took me quite a few months, oof. Many thanks to the handful of you that stuck around during all that, and to the few new people who popped in too! Hope you’ve all been taking care of yourselves, and don’t mind the long post.
Claire: After finishing the first game, I didn’t know it was possible to love Claire even more. I was absolutely wrong. The way she took charge at the end was incredibly powerful and I’m so fucking proud of her, even if it’s sad as hell. I really really like how the game both criticizes and respects her unconditional empathy, I think there’s definitely room for both conversations and they’re both incredibly fascinating. I do think she suffers from some of the most writing pitfalls out of everyone, though. Like I said while playing, there’s really no reason given why she wouldn’t confide in Leon, or at least acknowledge that he’s likely the person there she can trust most. In addition, I found it really bizarre that Claire just... never tried to talk to Reynaldo or Sirius after learning about their pasts. Like, at all. I understand why the emphasis on Ashe was important, but it was jarring and kind of unsatisfying to see Claire act so uncharacteristically by not even really acknowledging them after their stories were over. It’s more of a story problem than a character problem though, I think, and I understand why it had to be that way especially considering the conclusions will touch on a lot of the missing pieces- I just wish there could’ve been more of a justification for it. The way her personality was explored through her interactions with everyone, and how other characters were depicted based on their reactions to her ideals, was incredible and I would die for her.
Ashe: Oh Ashe. Fuck Ashe. I do appreciate the depth given to his character, he’s definitely far more complex than I expected and kudos on that. I don’t really empathize with him as much as I do the other four mains, but I do think his writing is incredible and his relationships with Leon and Claire continue to be some of the most interesting to see play out, if not THE most interesting. Star shaped carrots man. Fucked up. Super excited to see how his dynamics with everyone continue, and he’s probably the character I’m the most interested to see make decisions going into these conclusions. His arc feels the most... unfinished, he’s never really reached any sort of closure at any point of the story so far and especially not bonus stage so it’ll be cool to see where he ends up.
Reynaldo: MY BOY. I’M SO FUCKING PROUD OF HIM... going into bonus stage my expectations for him were pretty much rock bottom from the moment I realized he didn’t have a single line in the opening scene outside of saying his name. Like, I kinda made my peace with the possibility that the writer just wasn’t that interested in developing him, and would rather spend time on the rest of the mains. But holy SHIT did he pull through in the second half of the game. The subtle but noticeable build to him deciding to side with Claire was so, so well done. I still wish there was a little more solidity to his characterization- I do have to reach way further to understand him than I do any of the other mains- but I think what we DID get for him was wonderful and god, I appreciate him so much. Definitely the character that improved the most for me from the first game to bonus stage. I can’t wait for his conclusion, here’s to hoping we do in fact get it this year. The way his similarities with Claire were set up makes me SO excited to see how their relationship develops when it’s actually the focus, and how he’ll be fleshed out more in general so we can finally have a clearer picture. Because to be honest, as much as I like the development he was given in bonus stage... there’s still a LOT of gaps to fill in with him.
Sirius: continues to be the perfect human being 1000000/10
Leon: Sweet baby boy whose expressions always make me cry. Leon is still a character I’m sort of on the fence on. Like, he’s very well written and easy to sympathize with. But I realized I’m always far more interested in how OTHER characters react to HIM than the other way around, though. He’s not really a character I personally would find interesting in general, he’s a little simple for my tastes, but that doesn’t mean I’m not 100% invested in seeing him end up happy... eventually. Something tells me it might be a while.
Charlotte: I feel like Charlotte definitely got the short end of the stick in bonus stage, moreso than any other character. Her only memorable scenes that I can think of off the top of my head were when she told Leon he could kill everyone but Claire, when she thought about how Ashe probably can’t be saved, and when she reacted to Claire after the completion of Ashe’s backstory. None of those scenes even come close to hitting the same level of intrigue or emotion as the sparse Charlotte scenes had in the first game, even if that last one does have some interesting bits in it. I said at the end of the first game that we’d only really scratched the surface and I was interested to see more from her and, well, my opinion hasn’t changed. I don’t think there was much I would’ve wanted out of her here anyway unlike the boys, so I’m not especially disappointed. Just hoping we get more excellent Charlotte moments somewhere down the line.
Zizel: I would’ve liked Zizel’s deal to be... a bit more built upon, to be honest? I could just have missed things along the way, but her triumphant moment is a little harder to get in to when we know almost nothing about her or the way she thinks beyond stuff reveled about her in the same scene. I could definitely see that her siding with Claire was being foreshadowed, but I think there needed to be juuust a bit more characterization given to her for that particular development to have the impact it seemed to be going for. Still, it was a good moment, and I think it definitely made up for a lot of the sore lack of Zizel in both games. Can’t wait to see what she does from here.
Lime: Goddddd. Okay look, I still love Lime probably more than I reasonably should. She’s wonderful and I love her design and her personality and her backstory and her motivations but... yea she’s a very very bad person. Bonus stage did really make it clear that she’s not just lashing out occasionally, and this isn’t anywhere near harmless teasing. She’s full on the primary villain of the game, in some ways, and has been doing pretty horrific stuff knowing (and intending for) exactly what she’s causing. Which we sort of knew in the first game anyway, but now it’s very explicit. And like, damn dude... I do wanna see what’s gonna happen with her. It’s tough, wanting to see a character get their comeuppance and stop hurting others while simultaneously just wanting good things for them. this really is how y’all ashe stans feel huh
Side Characters: I gotta say, I really loved a lot of the smaller characters introduced in bonus stage and the way their presence added to the development of the mains. Dorothy and Nicholas, the old dude and the thief woman (I didn’t actually realize until just now but nobody in Wilbert’s backstory had a name, huh. It may not have been intentional but considering that he might literally just not remember that far back I actually really like that decision.), and Ashe’s family and friends were really smartly integrated into the story’s themes and I appreciated that a lot. also lucy and coco rights
Overall This one gets a fucking 10/10 from me chief, some small issues certainly but as close to perfect as they get, in terms of the kinds of stories I like.
I debated breaking this up into chunks, like I did in the first game with the scenarios, but I feel like the writing quality is more or less consistent throughout the game so it would be a little redundant. I definitely need more time to think on bonus stage before I have a really solid opinion, but at the moment I kind of think the story was even better than the first game? My only major issue was the aforementioned use of Claire’s character, where she’d only really react to the boy’s backstories as she finished hearing them, with the exception of Ashe’s. And her not confiding in Leon. But other than that, it was a constant rollercoaster, with pretty much every scene being jam packed with 3000 layers of character development and relationship building with lore sprinkled in. The elements that were amazing in the first game, like the fun dynamics between the characters and the subtle and unobtrusive exposition, are nothing but improved upon. I do wish we got to play more with the idea of the demon girls living alongside the mains, I think that aspect was severely downplayed almost immediately after it was introduced, but I’m crossing my fingers those potential dynamics get some time in the conclusions. Once again, my biggest gripes with the story are just that I feel like there’s so much more to explore and I can’t wait to see how the rest plays out. still giving this bitch a 10/10 on this one it was everything I wanted and more
Combat: This was kind of... not even really utilized in bonus stage, which I didn’t actually realize until just now. There weren’t any real “boss battles” in the way there were in the first game, the closest thing to it would I guess be Dorothy’s showdown. Considering I didn’t even notice, I think that was a perfectly fine decision. The climax worked well without any actual fights. The battle mechanics continued to be functional and everything, just... not much of a thing.
Demon Requests: It could just be because I played a lot of bonus stage at a very different pace than I did the first game but the demon requests didn’t feel as frequent or intrusive this time around. I was always really excited to get to the request portion anyway cause of the photo booth and all the cool new areas, I had a super fun time using the deep sea bubble and I think overall the stuff that was added to the fantasy spaces was really neat. also lucy and coco rights
Minigames: Very hit or miss. It felt like the minigames were either so quick and easy they were hardly memorable or so tedious they made me wanna die. Take that with a grain of salt, though, I’m really bad at video games. There were very few of them anyway so it doesn’t matter much, but I guess it would’ve been nice if the minigames were less... Like that. To be fair, they were all still pretty charming or cool conceptually. Can’t really complain about getting to fucking shoot people as Dorothy even if it was hell to play.
Overall The demon requests were actually really enjoyable this time around, but the minigames and combat were kind of downplayed. Not to big of a deal, though, it’s not as if they were a focal point of the game to begin with. 7/10
Character Design: Not much to say that I didn’t already say after the first game, but the special bonus stage outfits are absolute bangers and I wish they got shown more often. And maybe I would’ve liked the guys to have a little more variety to their suits. But that’s nitpicking, Claire and the demon girl’s dresses are absolutely gorgeous.
Sprites and BGs: The overall art quality definitely got shaky in places but I gotta say, they pulled out ALL the stops for the sprites in this one. Ashe just fully has an entirely new set of them, and everybody else gets tons of new expressions too, all of which are super super good at conveying incredibly specific emotions. All I’m saying is, this would be a totally different game for me without the sprites, and I was always ecstatic to see new ones and figure out what was going on in the character’s head based on them.
OST and Sound Effects: Again, pretty much the same deal as the first game. I think there was a bit of a higher frequency for songs that made me immediately want to search for them so I could listen to them later though, thank god for that. So many good tracks.
Overall Continued to impress me, and then some. Only a slight improvement from the first game, in my opinion, but even that is pretty impressive since I didn’t have many issues with the first game to begin with. 8/10
So uh, in other words, I really really loved this game. Cannot WAIT to start best boy’s conclusion!!!
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ckret2 · 5 years
How to Stalk Your Ex on Social Media When He Doesn’t Even Know What the Internet Is
Sir Pentious-centric post-breakup Radiosnake angst fic.
Set immediately after the pilot episode. Technically a sequel to Cold Day In Hell but if you don’t want to read it all you need to know is that Sir Pent & Alastor were allies/friends/almost-boyfriends half a century ago, until Alastor declared he’d just been screwing around with Sir Pent’s head, destroyed all his airships, and ran.
Written to this prompt for @atomicmuffin:
maybe Pen, after the attack on the hotel, kinda lingering around, hiding, while he regenerates a bit since he's too weak to safely leave without his airship or most of his eggbois, and ends up peeking in through a window watching Al and the others, and kinda delving into his angsty feelings about that? 
I posted the first scene of this last night but now both scenes are done! Yaaay.
Sir Pentious could smell Alastor's cooking.
There was a breeze curling around the building near the crater that held Sir Pentious's most recently crushed airship, carrying the scents of meat and spices through the purpling twilight.
Oh, how he hated that. He hated the smell of Alastor's cooking.
He missed Alastor's cooking.
Sir Pentious shifted himself stiffly, muscles aching. He'd been flopped face down halfway out of the pit that had swallowed his latest greatest airship, his long tail noodled up in a fissure along the wall to keep him from slipping back down. His upper chest ached from being pressed to the edge of the pit for so long. He'd been half-unconscious for the past... oh... according to his pocket watch, an hour. He tucked his watch back into an inner jacket pocket, slowly dragged himself back on solid ground, turned, and sat on the edge of the pit, staring down into the darkness.
He supposed that wasn't quite the worst curb-stomping he'd received in the last fifty years, but it was probably going to rank in as the most humiliating. And from Alastor, of all people. Over half a century Sir Pentious had gotten by without getting wrangled into a fight with him! And the one time they crossed paths when Sir Pentious was already on the warpath and would have looked a coward and a fool if he'd turned and slinked away, it had to be when his airship was already damaged!
Would it have turned out any differently if his airship hadn't been damaged?
Maybe if he'd been able to power up his plasma cannon just a couple of seconds faster...
No. No, Alastor melted  into the shadows far too easily for that. Even if Sir Pentious's airship had been fresh out of the shipyard, he would never have landed a blow. He knew that.
If anyone asked, though—if anyone asked, he only lost because the prior damage made his ship malfunction.
What was Alastor cooking? Sir Pentious could smell onions and garlic. That did nothing to narrow it down. He'd probably been cooking since he'd dragged Sir Pentious's airship in the ground, hadn't he. One of those Cajun things that took half a day to cook. He didn't have any better ways to fill his time, Sir Pentious was sure.
The ground trembled slightly as Alastor's abyss began to close from the bottom up. Sir Pentious scooted back from the edge. So much for recycling the remains of his airship. He wondered if he could trick Alastor into giving him access to whatever dimension he'd sealed the wreck away in? Come challenge him again with a throwaway ship, have another one hiding nearby, wait until Alastor had trashed the junker and then use the reserve ship to tow away the remains of the first two... No, no. Too risky. Too labor-intensive. He'd just have to call this ship a loss. Alas, and it was the one with his new pipe organ.
If he didn't know better, he would almost suspect Alastor had something against organs.
The abyss sealed, leaving behind nothing but a jagged crack in the golden cobblestone road.
Okay. Time to take stock. What did he have. He had himself. He had his hat—good, he'd rather cut off his tail than lose his hat. He had a mess of Egg Bois in various states of disarray, from "visibly cracked" to "gently frying on the sidewalk." Only a single Egg Boi was conscious and up, toddling about checking on the other eggs—"Any other ssurvivors?" "Not looking good, Mr. Bossman." He'd lost his best airship, but he'd only lost one this time. Right after an extermination—good—anyone who might want to take advantage of his current setback would be distracted recouping their own losses. And he was... where was he.
He turned and gave the building he'd been threatening a proper once over for the first time since he'd approached it. Ten stories tall and its architecture included a train, an ocean liner, a carousel, and more bas-relief apples than actual windows. That was Luciferian architecture if Sir Pentious had ever seen it. And a hotel, no less? Had Alastor at last gotten sick of crashing on his friends' couches? Had he finally burned his last few bridges?
How long had he been staying here?
And why hadn't Sir Pentious heard about it before?
Frowning to himself, he pulled his pocket watch back out.
Sir Pentious liked to think he was a man of many sins but few vices. The only addictive poison he permitted himself was jealously stalking his exes. (And tea.) Alastor, despised though he was, was no exception. If anything, it was all the more essential for Sir Pentious to keep close tabs on the actions of the Radio Demon, chief among the threats to his eventual rise to power. His haunts, his habits, his friends, his foes—Sir Pentious knew every significant move Alastor had made in the last fifty years.
He didn't know a thing about this hotel.
He tapped on his pocket watch to unlock the screen, glided his fingertip around the edge until he highlighted the map application, and zoomed in on the spot in front of him. There was a little black box outlining the footprint of the building, but no identifying name attached. Either someone had been paid and/or threatened handsomely to conceal this location, or it was too new to show up on the map.
Sir Pentious squinted up at the building. It was an obvious Magne property with massive neon signs and arrows. It had dead trees, dusty windows, rust-eaten smokestacks, and missing shingles. It was neither covert nor new. What was going on, here?
For a moment, Sir Pentious was tempted to slither in the broken front door, find someone, and ask. What was the worst Alastor could do, crush a few more vertebrae? Big deal, they'd grow back. Sir Pentious had seen other people with Alastor, Sir Pentious could ask them about this place. Not the tall pink one. But one of the others.
But then, did Sir Pentious want Alastor to know he was so keen to find out about Alastor's latest distraction?
Sir Pentious clicked the crown of his pocket watch to return to the list of applications, scrolled around to the camera, and held the watch carefully by the edges of the case so he didn't cover the pink mechanical eye on the back as it focused on the mysterious building. A tap to the screen snapped a picture.
As he switched applications, he hesitated over one for a moment, considering calling for a ride share to his nearest safe house. Then he scrolled on. No. It would cost less to buy a plain black tea at the nearest coffee shop so he could wait for an Egg Boi to bring a car. Besides, too many ride share chauffeurs these days were depraved scoundrels who demanded fellatio in exchange for their services, and Sir Pentious was on the verge of being banned from using the service completely if he set one more car on fire.
He switched to one of his social media accounts, uploaded the picture of the mysterious hotel, and fished his stylus out of his watch pocket. He wove along the cobbled road toward the nearest drag of restaurants as he started scribbling out a query in the picture caption, asking for more information about the mysterious hotel. "If you're looting corpses, hurry up and grab what you want," he said distractedly. "We're leaving."
He was halfway down the hill before he escaped the scent of Alastor's cooking.
Sir Pentious was contemplating what was probably the worst cup of Earl Grey he'd ever had—it had cost more than a ride share, and he was still debating whether it tasted worse than a blowjob—when the Egg Boi said, "Wow, Boss! Look at this!" He held out a tablet.
Oh, where did he pick that up? Off one of the corpses, no doubt. Egg #23 knew he wasn't allowed to have Internet access, he was even more of a nuisance when he had steady access to those laser snuff films he was into. Sir Pentious snatched the tablet from him. "Give me that. You'd better not have dug up some pornographic filth—"
He fell silent as he saw his own photo of the mysterious hotel at the top of the screen—with a mind-boggling forty-one likes and nine comments. Was this his break into the social media big leagues?! He skimmed the likes to see if anyone important had noticed the post—his hopes jumped when he saw Vox's icon, before he realized it was just Vox's bot account that liked every post it could find—then read through the comments, looking for a way to take advantage of this new potential source of online infamy.
His ambition faded as he read through the comments, and had completely vanished by the time he clicked a link to a news article and watched the video.
So. The princess's pet project, was it? All the better that he hadn't destroyed it, he supposed. He didn't put too much stock in the Magne family—they were royalty, sure, and he'd grant them the due respect such a rank demanded, but they weren't his royalty, and he was angling to overthrow them—but on the other hand, he certainly didn't want to start a fight with them before he was ready to. He wasn't sure how Princess Charlotte's dear daddy would react if someone crushed her halfway house for repentant reprobates, and he wasn't eager to find out.
So much for the hotel itself. More intriguing to him was the fact that he'd found Alastor there.
Had he checked himself in some time after the princess's proclamation aired? Finally gotten sick of the pitiful little life he was living down here and decided to grovel in front of the Pearly Gates for absolution? Ha! Oh, Sir Pentious wouldn't be surprised if he was that bored.
He was always so pathetically bored.
But no—Sir Pentious was willing to bet that this was another one of his little phases. He did that, go through phrases—latch on to someone else's project for a few years in the desperate hope that it would amuse him, tie himself up in it so tightly it would come unraveled if he weren't there, and then either cut the strings and run or else tie up the person who had originally been running the project.
He held the leashes of quite a few little unwilling minions because he'd shown up to help them out, talked them into a deal they shouldn't have taken, and now he owned their very souls. (Sometimes Sir Pentious suspected that the main reason Alastor had backstabbed him so much more dramatically than his other former allies was because he'd never shook on a deal that would let Alastor control him.)
And yet, for all the minions Alastor was at liberty to command, didn't know what to do with any of them.
He never knew what he was doing.
That was just how he worked—although the word "worked" implied a basic level of functionality that Alastor lacked.
Project after project, distraction after distraction. Around the turn of the millennium, he'd spent all his time puttering between various nightclubs run by proprietors who weren't willing to admit the Roaring 20s were over. In the eighties, it had been that dotty little cannibal commune he'd tried to settle down in—hah—Alastor, trying to live a domestic life, he must have felt the ennui crawling across his flesh like roaches. Sir Pentious was pretty sure Alastor had spent most of the seventies trying to drown his boredom with bourbon. And in the sixties, his number one distraction had been... Sir Pentious. Sir Pentious and his "pet project" to take over Hell.
Just another one of Alastor's passing hobbies. Another toy to play with until it ceased to amuse him and he broke it.
And now his latest adopted project was Princess Charlotte's hotel, was it. How unfortunate for the princess. Alastor was as likely to try to enslave her as he was to simply pack up and leave in the middle of the night.
Sir Pentious had warned Alastor, hadn't he—that eternity was just going to drag on and on if he didn't start planning his future. Of course he hadn't listened. He'd probably never heeded a word Sir Pentious said, had he? What could a Victorian era has-been who's too weak to conquer Hell possibly know that was worth listening to. Hss.
Well, which one of them was throwing himself at every demon with an interesting idea that was willing to let him latch on, hm? Like a musician that hadn't produced a fresh album in decades but was still desperate to find a hot new artist who was willing to give him a "(feat. the Radio Demon)" credit on one track.
He wondered how long this distraction would last.
He rewatched the princess's proclamation, then started scrolling through the comments. He supposed it was admirable that someone was trying to do something about the annual exterminations, although he would have picked "find a way to kill the angels" as a higher priority than handholding a bunch of sinners through cleaning up their behavior. But then, she was the daughter of a fallen angel; maybe she had some sort of inborn instinct for things like redemption.
He didn't know. He'd never really fussed himself with all the theological figures wandering around Hell—sure, he could name them all, list off their ranks, their families and domains, their enemies and friends and allies and enemies and lovers and enemies, their political positions and tensions and ambitions—but their supernatural traits? Their celestial or infernal aspects? He'd never seen the point.
Most people he'd known who made a fuss over theology did so out of fear that they wouldn't meet the restrictive criteria to get into Heaven. Sir Pentious had never expected nor wanted to be anything but damned—and no matter which set of criteria you were going by, he'd been pretty much guaranteed his spot in Hell the first time he committed a murder and decided he didn't feel bad about it. There was that life goal sorted. So he'd had no good reason to obsess over the metaphysical side of the hierarchies of angels and demons. They were part of the local politics, that was all.
He wondered if a half-fallen angel could grant redemption to the already-dead damned. If so, he'd have to be careful to steer away from the princess and her hotel in the future. But he didn't know.
He wondered if Alastor knew. He might.
Sir Pentious's stomach twisted in a pained knot. He'd missed supper. Had he remembered lunch? He sipped his tea to try to stave off the hunger and wished he hadn't.
He reached the bottom of the comments, scrolled back up to reply to someone speculating on whether a porn star prostitute could really reform (Sir Pentious's opinion: some could, but he didn't think that one), and then started scribbling out a new comment mentioning that he was in possession of exclusive eyewitness evidence that the hotel's second guest apparently seeking a shortcut to heaven was no less a figure than the Radio Demon himself. Oh, he'd love to see what kind of attention that information drew.
A honk outside drew his attention. He glanced up, saw an Egg Boi waving through a limousine window, and said, "That's our ride." He posted the comment and passed Egg #23 back his tablet. "No pornography or I'm confiscating that again."
Egg #23 sighed. "Whatever you say, Mr. Bossman."
Sir Pentious uncoiled from around the legs of his chair, made direct eye contact with the barista, poured the remains of his cup on the ground—"Your tea sssuckss."—and slithered out the door.
He slid into the backseat, pulled the door handle shut with the tip of his tail, and tugged out his pocket watch again to send a message to the account that zealously posted location-flagged Radio Demon sightings (for the benefit of over ten thousand followers who were, by and large, eager to avoid him), alerting the account's anonymous manager of his latest discovery. Sir Pentious's claim wouldn't be posted without photographic evidence—that was their policy—but perhaps the tip-off would prompt them to send out someone to collect proof. The account hadn't been updated since late afternoon. It was obvious they'd lost Alastor's trail. Sir Pentious was keen to see them find it again.
With that business taken care of, he flopped his head back, pulled his hat down over his eyes, and sighed. He was tired and hungry. He only had until he got home to rest, though. As soon as he was in his safe house, he had to take inventory of his meager manpower and material resources, reorganize to shore up any new holes in his defenses, and make plans to start rebuilding.
If you enjoy the fic, a reblog or a comment would be deeply appreciated! Fic crossposted to AO3 here. If you’d like to drop me a tip, link’s in my description!
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angelamoores · 5 years
Friends Definitely Don’t Ask Each Other Out
A/N: this one was tough for me to write, and I still don’t love the final product but a special thanks to @rorythevambire and @mychenrymadness for their help talking me out of my funk so I could finish this. I set out to make this a lot less angsty but I was listening to kinda sad music so it turned out like this
Word Count: 2,409
anyway, tagging @kiddangers @ciara-knightly @chenoahchantel @up-the-tube @ginger--binger @cactus-con @charlottepage lmk if you wanna be added/removed
School the day after their midnight escapades to Nacho Ball was a disaster. Not because anything crazy happened, more because Charlotte and Henry could not stop falling asleep. Everywhere. In class, stood up in the hallway, in the janitor’s closet, even on random patches of floor. It had gotten to the point that they both ended up in detention, but to no one’s surprise, they both fell asleep in that too. 
Their extreme tiredness, however, was their only reference to the night before. Neither of them knew how to address their almost kiss, so they just didn’t. Although in actual fact, on the way to work was the only time since then they’d both been conscious enough to discuss it. Not that either of them were ready to bring it up in front of Jasper. 
Instead, they let him take over the conversation, listening to him talking about his crush on the new guy in their class. Every now and then, one of them would catch the other staring at them and they’d share a look, a smile. For a minute, Charlotte let herself picture Henry as not just a best friend, but as a boyfriend. 
Sure, he hadn’t always been the best boyfriend to other girls in the past, but he wasn’t fourteen anymore. He had matured a lot in the last few years, especially due to his job, and it had been a long time since he’d had one of those overly dramatic relationships kids have as an eighth grader before understanding it was never love anyway. Charlotte had never taken part in this experience, deciding to sit out the whole dating thing until she was old enough to have real feelings. And she was beginning to realise that time was now.
These secret glances and heart eyes followed them down into the Man Cave. Only they really weren’t that secret. It was to Jasper. He was so occupied by the text the new boy Lucas had just sent him that he wouldn’t notice if his own hair was on fire. As far as he was concerned, as long as they were talking, all was good. However, Henry and Charlotte were given away by the fact that Ray had eyes. 
He hadn’t seen the two of them this in tune since they were kids. They walked in tune with each other, said the same things at the same time and got flustered every time there was silence, looking at each other’s faces a little too much. It was when Ray saw Henry perched on the back of the round couch, with Charlotte sat below gazing up at him, that he intervened.
“Kid, c’mon. We’re gonna go take the Mancopter out on patrol,” he announced, after deciding this would get less push back from Charlotte than if he tried to fake an emergency somewhere. 
They hadn’t done it in a while, so Henry widened his eyes in concern, trying to figure out if something was wrong. Ray just shook his head with a smile. Henry rolled his eyes, but got up all the same.
When they reached the helicopter, Henry approached the driver’s seat, but was stopped by Ray’s hand on his shoulder. On the way there alone, his sidekick had zoned out approximately four times. And despite being indestructible, he didn’t particularly feel like crash landing that day. 
They didn’t really speak much during take off, despite wearing headsets so the noise from the propellers wouldn’t be an issue. Henry was off in his head, thinking about Charlotte yet again. Things were different now, though he could still turn back. It wasn’t easy as it had been before, with Bianca and Chloe and the other girls he had asked out. His friendship was on the line, and he honestly didn’t know what he’d be without it.
Charlotte called him to make sure he got to work on time every Saturday, she helped him with his homework in a way no one else had ever been able to. She held him when he cried and made sure he slept and drank and basically kept him alive. It wasn’t fair on her, the way he relied on her, the way all the men in her life had grown to depend on her. But she’d let him. And though she complained, she never made him feel like a burden; even when he knew he had been. Henry couldn’t quite pinpoint exactly when. But somewhere along the line, she’d become his favorite person on the whole planet.
And it wasn’t just what she did for him. It was the way she lit up when she was telling him something new and smart she’d learned that day. The way her nose scrunched up when she was concentrating. The faux-innocent smile she’d give him after stealing his food or saying something sarcastic. The nights he’d wake up shaking at the thought of something happening to her because of him, how his heart picked up when he heard her scream for help. 
“I’m scared, Ray.” Henry broke the silence. They’d been circling Swellview for a while now, thinking to themselves.
“What of?” His boss responded. Henry turned to give him a look, he was well aware he hadn’t actually been discreet. Ray sighed. “I know you’re scared to ask Charlotte out, but why?”
Henry let out a breath and leaned back into his seat.
“In case something happens and our friendship is ruined. I don’t think I could do all this without her.” His voice was hesitant, but Ray nodded, letting him know it was okay to go on. “And if- if I did y’know, date her, it puts her in danger. If anyone found out she was dating Kid Danger, she’d be a target. I can’t have people taking out their hatred of me on her, I just can’t.”
Ray thought for a moment, trying to come up with something to say to reassure him. He wasn’t stupid, he knew this life was a hard one, especially for a kid. It was a lonely one too at times. It didn’t matter how many people knew their secret, there were somethings you could only understand by going out there everyday, running after villains and criminals and doing whatever other work the police didn’t feel like doing that day. It was because of this that they shared a bond no one else had. And despite their differences from time to time, it would never go away. 
That was why it was so important to him that Henry wasn’t alone. Settling down had never really worked for him; however it was clear his accomplice was different. Ray had been selfish these last couple of years, yet maybe if he could be of help now, maybe things could change. He could be better.
“Charlotte is a smart girl. If she likes you as much as I think she does, she’s already well aware of what dating a superhero would bring. It’s her decision to make, kid, she’s never liked you telling her what to do.”
As much as he wanted to argue, Henry knew that he was right. Every time he’d tried to protect her from something, she’d just try do it more. It didn’t make him fear for her safety any less. 
“And as for that stuff about your friendship,” Ray continued, regardless of Henry’s continued inner turmoil, “you two have been in each other’s lives far too much for any fight to ever change that. Don’t let fear of breaking up keep you from getting together, it’s hardly like either of you are exactly in the friendship stage anymore anyway.”
Henry nodded, finally allowing himself to actually see this working out. Maybe he had gotten so used to all the good things in his life being able to be taken away at any given moment that he had stopped letting himself want them anymore. It hurt less. But sometimes it took losing things to realise what you’d had in the first place, at least that was how he had felt about his powers.
“Thanks, Ray. That was surprisingly helpful.” Ray feigned hurt, but really he had amazed even himself. It had been too long since the last time he was the adult in their serious conversations. When Henry had become mature enough to handle things himself, everyone who was supposed to be responsible in his life had just stepped back and let him handle everything. 
They didn’t speak much as they landed and walked back down to the Man Cave. Henry has far too concerned with planning out how the fuck he was gonna ask out his best friend. Ray was right about them being past friends now though, because friends definitely don’t ask each other out. 
It had to be big, right? But Charlotte hated stupid extravagance, especially in public. But if he was too casual about it she’d be offended. He knew it had to be perfect, but that was about all he knew.
His thoughts were soon interrupted, when he was greeted by yelling as the tubes came up around them.
“Where the fuck have you guys been?!” Charlotte yelled, dropping her phone from her ear, which he could now see was calling him. Ray opened his mouth to reply but never got the chance. “Some crazy guy came into the store claiming someone gave us something of his to sell and threatened to blow the place apart if we didn’t give it back. Schwoz and Jasper have him trapped upstairs, but they could probably use some help.” 
Ray headed straight for the elevator, drawing a blaster from his belt. Henry moved to follow, but he stopped him.
“Kid, maybe you should stay down here,” Ray muttered, gesturing subtly to Charlotte who was now shaking, on the verge of tears.
Henry nodded, mumbling a ‘good luck’ before slowly approaching his friend. As soon as Ray was gone, she whipped her head around to face him again as if she wasn’t crying. He didn’t get any closer, both remaining on opposite sides of the room.
“Why weren’t you answering your fucking phone?” She asked, trying her damnedest to keep her voice steady. To project anger over her fear.
Because of the events of the night before, he hadn’t had time to charge his phone and it had died earlier that day. However, he couldn’t blame for any of this on her the slightest, so all he said was “it’s dead.” 
A couple of seconds passed in heavy silence before either were willing to say anything. “What happened?”
“I was bored, so I volunteered to do Jasper’s shift upstairs. It was fine until this guy came in, bitching and screaming about how we had something valuable that belonged to him,” She recounted, getting louder and louder with each word until she was shouting again, it was easier to be mad at him. “He told me he had a bomb in his bag and I laughed. I laughed, Henry, and I told him ‘good luck with that’, I’m gonna call Captain Man and Kid Danger.”
“Char-” he started, but she ignored him and kept yelling. 
“I called you right in front of him and you didn’t pick up. I called Ray, no answer. I called you again, but this time when it went to voicemail the guy was the one laughing. He was insane, making stuff up to scare me, I know that now. He didn’t know just how cruel he was being when he told me with such certainty that you weren’t coming, when he implied that he had done something to make sure of it. And I couldn’t reach you, to confirm if you were okay, or even alive.” She spoke the last three words differently, with more emotion behind each letter. 
There was so much he wanted to say. He wanted to do all the right things to make her feel better, but the words weren’t coming. He just froze. 
“What the hell were you two even doing up there, Henry? And don’t lie to me.” She was sick of the tip toeing around their feelings, of taking things so slow they were barely moving. She had thought that she had lost him today. None of the little things she had been worrying about going wrong could be as bad as that. 
“We were talking. About you.” She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows. “I LIKE YOU, OKAY, CHARLOTTE?” For some reason, he was the one yelling now. It was out there, no take backs.
They both strode forwards across the room, crashing their lips together. Or rather their noses. Charlotte knew she had to tilt her head, but she had angled her head a little too far to the right, bumping her nose against his. Henry put a hand on her chin, connecting their lips properly, though they were both still giggling against each other. It was less awkward after they were able to stop pretending they were characters in a romance novel. It was sweet and new and so much better than she imagined. Because this was the real Henry, not her knight in shining armor, but her best friend.
“So, is kissing me as good as in your dreams?” He asked, pulling away with a shit-eating grin and smiling eyes.
She didn’t exactly have much to compare it to. If someone had told her a few years ago that her first kiss would be with Henry Hart she would have laughed in their face. Huh.
“It’s even better, doofus,” she beamed as if the smile was permanently tattooed to her face. She’s had the shittiest day she’d had in a long while, but none of that seemed to matter right now.
“So,” he started scratching the back of his head, only now realising he was still in his Kid Danger suit, “how about a date?”
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up at 6,” he replied, trying to be smooth.
“We both have work that evening so I won’t be at home anyway and you don’t have a car, Hen.”
“Fine, you’ll drive us both out from work at 6?”
“It’s a date.” The words felt foreign coming from her mouth, yet she felt a new wave of excitement. It was crazy really, they hung out together, just the two of them, all the time. But this was on a whole new playing field. She leaned back in to kiss him again when-
“IT’S A DATE?” Jasper screamed.
hi! if for whatever reason you’ve stumbled upon this after November 2020, you get the bonus content of the beginning of part 4 I never finished! enjoy! :
“What’s a date?” Charlotte replied too fast, she’d always been a terrible liar. Henry tried to hide his laughter by burying his head in the back of her hair, his arms around her shoulders not exactly selling her denial.
Jasper was far from the most observant person, but it didn’t take a genius to read the room. He’d literally walked in on them about to kiss. He gave her a look, holding eye contact until she cracked.
“Fine! We are going on a date, but I don’t want everyone to know just yet,” she admitted. 
Henry scrunched his nose behind her. “Ray, kinda knows,” he confessed, stepping out from behind her and into her eye line. 
She sighed. “That’s what you two were doing in the mancopter.”
“At least Piper doesn’t know,” Henry offered.
“Well…” she trailed off.
“Okay, is there anyone who doesn’t know about us?” He asked, only partially annoyed. It was kinda sweet that neither of them had been able to shut up about one another.
“What about you guys?” Schwoz questioned, reentering the room with the memory wiper that he had just used on the crazy guy upstairs.
“Oh, just that they’re going on a date,” Jasper replied with a smile, a full five seconds before he slapped his hand over his mouth. 
“Seriously, Jasper,” Charlotte groaned, wishing that any of this surprised her. Honestly, it was a miracle that they had managed to keep their identities a secret.
“You have to admit it’s kinda funny,” Henry laughed. It would’ve been nice to try out the whole dating thing and get settled in their relationship before it was announced to the world, but in the chaos they already lived in, what was a little more.
Jasper wasn’t quite sure how to feel now that he saw the two of them beside each other. He’d had a week to get used to the idea of them dating, but it felt different now that it was less hypothetical. He made the decision there and then that he was going to be happy for them. They had enough going on in their lives than to have to worry about him. He would say something if they left him out too often, not that he thought that was likely to happen. It was still gonna be the three of them against the world, at least that’s what he told himself.
It was getting late and after the day they had and the lack of sleep the night before, they were all pretty ready to go home. The tubes came up closer to his and Charlotte’s houses than Junk n’ Stuff, so Henry made his way over to them, chewing a bubble to turn back into his own clothes as he walked. 
By the time he’d changed and was on the launch pad, he looked out to where Charlotte was stood in front of him looking mildly annoyed. Wondering why she wasn’t stood at the other tube he glanced across to see Jasper stood there waiting, completely oblivious. He smiled, he’d been waiting for an opportunity to do this for a while.
“Char, c’mere,” he mumbled, opening his arms. She obliged, doing a little walk run over to him. Once she was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him and she looked at him the same way she had when they first kissed.
“Up the tube.”
Piper groaned, perched on the end of Henry’s bed as he tried on a ninth outfit. 
“She’s seen you sick and dying, you could literally wear anything!” she yelled to where he was changing in the closet, but he ignored her. It didn’t matter that he’d known Charlotte forever, tonight was their first date and he had to look perfect. He opened the door revealed his latest pairing of clothes that didn’t match. “Not that, though.”
She sighed, finally giving in as walked into his wardrobe. It took her approximately eleven seconds to pick out a top, belt, pants and jacket before wordlessly setting them out on the bed in front of him.
“I hate you, how’d you do that?” 
“I follow Charlotte on Pinterest, she has a board called ‘Outfits That Would Look Good On Henry’, it really wasn’t that hard,” she laughed. 
Henry would ask why she had neglected to tell him about it up until that point if he didn’t already know. He tried to look mad, but he couldn’t fight a smile. He really needed to see that board.
spoiler alert they were then going to try go to a restaurant in a car Charlotte built herself but it breaks down and she tries to fix it whilst he sits on the bonnet and orders food to the car and they sit there and watch the stars together it was gonna be cute but know life happens :/
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Tumblr media
A meeting was in progress at the Hazbin Hotel. Five demons were seated around a large wooden rectangular table near where the bar was.  The window and door that Sir Pentious’ machine had blown up were now repaired thanks to Alastor. (The door now had an elaborate skull with antlers hanging above the door frame.) The group sat in high-backed leather chairs with spikes on the rims. A pentagram was in the center of the table, drawn in white. Charlie, the blonde haired princess was standing up and writing words down on a whiteboard. Vaggie sat in a chair close by, glaring at everyone else with her gray hands clasped together on the table. Angel had his long legs propped up on the table off to the right. Alastor sat in-between Husk and Niffty. Husk moved further away from them and then stopped when Angel inched closer with his chair. In front of everyone were bowls of fresh Jambalaya, almost finished.
 “Thank you so much for making your meal for us,” Charlie said with a smile, turning from the board.
 “Anytime, dear!” Alastor replied. “I had used up a lot of my magic and I figured all of us would be hungry. Figured it’d be a great way to celebrate the start of your Haz…Happy Hotel!”
 “Wow Al!” Angel exclaimed. “That was some delicious grub!”
Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement. Even Vaggie had to admit it was delicious.
 “Thank you,” Alastor said with a smile. “It’s my mother’s special recipe…I even put in gunpowder for an explosive effect!” He laughed. “That was what almost killed her. She had too much Southern Comfort and decided to pour gunpowder while the jambalaya was in the pan…it blew up in her face! I tried it and the kick was straight outta Hell!”
 “Oh my,” Niffty said with a brief gasp. “You really should be more careful next time. It could leave a big mess.”
 “I try my hardest, dear,” he said to Niffty, which caused the small cyclops demon to blush.
 Alastor continued. “Did you know that hunters in Louisiana would often add game meat to their dishes? Deer, duck, and other animals they hunted. I did it all the time. Venison was my favorite…but human flesh gave it that extra flavor that was simply divine!”
 Vaggie, Angel, and Charlie made disgusted faces. “Can we please not bring that up?” Charlie asked, coming to sit down.
 “But I just did,” he replied nonchalantly.
 Vaggie stared hard at her bowl, eye twitching, fearful of finding any part that may have looked vaguely human. Niffty had licked her bowl clean…literally. Husk was busy drinking another bottle of booze.
 “What the flying, fuck, Alastor?!” Angel stated. “I love your looks and all, but try and tone down on the cannibalism.”
 Alastor leaned in slightly closer to Angel. “I read somewhere that some people on Earth consume insects in their diet. Including spiders.”
 Angel’s eyes widened in fear, but soon, his pink pupils dilated. “You would…try and eat me?” he asked with a grin, pink gloved hand moving just a hair toward his dick.
 Alastor deciphered what he was implying and replied with a haughty “No. Not in that way.”
 “Your loss,” Angel called as the Radio Demon moved away from the white feminine dressed spider.
 Vaggie narrowed her eyes a Husk. “Can we at least not drink during a meeting?”
 “Hasn’t started yet,” Husk replied, not even looking at her.
 Vaggie mentioned to the bar with her spear. “That bar shouldn’t even be here!”
 “I think it’s a necessary thing to have,” Angel replied. “Gotta have some liquor to enjoy between the pole dancing performances and stripping and…”
 “The hotel is not a strip club, Angel!” Vaggie pressed on.
 Alastor conjured a glass of Cornac in his hand with dark red magic and began to drink.
 Angel grinned widely, one of his top sharp teeth golden. “See? The strawberry pimp agrees, too!”
 A growl rumbled in Alastor’s throat as he glanced in Angel’s direction.
 “What the…” Husk gasped. “No fair!” He clenched his claws. “I’ve had it with your fucking games and showing off.” He looked like a cat ready to pounce.
 “What’d you plan to do, Husker? Fight me and lose your job?”
 The Radio Demon’s tone was laced with warning. A grumbling Husk got the message and sank back in his chair.
 “That’s what I thought.”
 Charlie banged her fist on the table, getting everyone’s attention. “Alright then! If you all are done with your meals…”
 Alastor snapped his fingers and the bowls vanished. Husk glanced at where his bowl was before. “I wasn’t done yet!”
 “…let’s get down to business with our first group meeting.”
 Charlie in her white tuxedo with a black bow tie, stood up and walked over to the white board. She held a wooden pointer in her hands.
 On the board, the words “Happy Hotel” were written in rainbow letters. Random drawings of unicorns, puppies, flowers, and smiling stick figures of demons decorated the board off to the side.
 “First and foremost, welcome to the Happy Hotel! I’m Charlie and I’m the founder of this place. How about we introduce ourselves?”
 “Babe, we ain’t kids ya know,” Angel remarked. “Besides, I already know the names of you guys.”
 “And frankly, I could care less,” Husk added.
 “I am Alastor, the Radio Demon! Pleasure to meet all of you!”
 “That radio voice of yours is getting on my nerves,” Vaggie muttered under her breath. “That wasn’t even necessary.”
 “What was that?” Alastor asked with a tilt of his head. “Speak up. Say it a bit louder for the people in the back.”
 Charlie looked at Vaggie who pointed to something on the board. The look in her eyes was telling Charlie to move on.
 “O-okay then,” Charlie said. “With the introductions over…ground rules!”
 Vaggie nodded and gave her a thumbs up.
 “Rule number one: Treat each other the way you want to be treated. Be kind to each other or at least tolerant.”
 Angel smirked. “Easier said than done.”
 Alastor rolled his eyes and laughed.
 Charlie put her hands on her hips. “You guys think this is all a joke, but I don’t. If you want to stay here, then you have to put in some effort. Even if it’s little steps every day.”
 “Like I said before, you can’t baby us into good behavior,” Angel said. “Are we like your students or something?”
 “Clients, yes,” she replied.
 “You’re just a teen, darling,” Alastor added. “You don’t have any experience with being formerly human or know about how Hell really works. I’m surprised you made it this far after your entertaining fiasco on the picture show.”
 That hit her hard. Alastor grinned in amusement at the stunned look on her face. His laugher rang in her ears (if she even had any).
 Charlie had dealt with snide comments like that for many years. Helsa and Katie Killjoy were the worst, never hesitating to bring her down with comments on her clothing, her silly ideas, or her clown-like appearance.
 “She’s a living joke!” Helsa would say, earning a snicker from her brother Seviathan. “Look at her blushing cheeks and tuxedo. Hey, you gonna juggle demon heads for us, princess?”
 A younger Helsa was standing with a bunch of mean girls by a row of lockers (resembling Zootopia school girls with animal-like features.)
“Hey, look! It’s the gay princess of rainbows!” Helsa called. “I wanna see you smooch those loser girls over there. A love fest for freaks!”
A girl with a white ponytail and glasses whispered to another girl who stretched out her leg and made Charlie trip…papers flying everywhere as their laughter screeched around her.
 “Well, looks like your project is dead on arrival,” Katie Killjoy had said, getting into her face. “How does it feel to be such a failure?”
 “Listen well, Charlotte, because I won’t say this again,” Lucifer had warned her back at home. “If you know what’s good for you, you will give up on your foolish idea and start behaving like an adult.”
“But I am an adult!” Charlie protested, no longer struggling. “And I’ve decided as princess to continue on with opening the hotel. It will be what’s best for us.”
Flames sparked in Lucifer’s eyes. “If you think causing a war is what’s best for us, then you are gravely mistaken. I had high hopes for you all these years. But now…you’re nothing but a failure.”
 A familiar voice cut in. Charlie looked to see concern in Vaggie’s yellow eye.
Vaggie enveloped her gray hand into Charlie’s pale one and gave it a comforting squeeze. The feeling seemed to bring her back from her plaguing thoughts.
She took a breath.
 “Well, that may be true,” she began, regaining her composure, “But my parents taught me a lot about Hell as well as their histories. I know I’m new at this project and I’ve never interacted much with a lot of people. But I’m learning new things every day from sinners like you all. I do my best every day because I know that there is good in every one of you. And I’m not going to give up on my goal. I’m offering you all a second chance; you could start doing the same for me.”
 Alastor was a bit taken aback, if not impressed with how well she recovered.
 “Inside of every demon is a failure,” Alastor sang softly.
 “You don’t know the song, do you?” Charlie spoke up, briefly startling him. She smirked. “And besides, I’m older than all of you. I’m over 150 years old.”
 Everyone stared in stunned silence. Angel’s mouth was open and he breathed “say what?” Booze sputtered from Husk’s mouth and the winged cat demon coughed. Niffty scurried over and wiped up the spilled drops off the table. Alastor’s mouth was almost hitting the floor. But shortly after that, he cleared his throat and added, “You’re beautiful all the same.”
 He winked and Charlie let out a giggle. Vaggie gave a deadpan stare at Alastor, gripping her harpoon tighter in her hands.
 “Rules!” Charlie proclaimed, getting back to the topic. “First rule is the Golden Rule. Be kind and respectful to everyone.”
 Rule number two: No drinking during the day or past curfew. Angel. Husk.”
 She stared at them. “You better be listening.”
 “I’m listening,” Husk said. “I just don’t care.”
 “I can take that booze away from you,” Vaggie said.
 “Try it bitch.”
 “Enough, enough! Rule number three: no drugs of any kind. Angel.”
 “Rule number four; no distributing porn. Again, Angel, take note of this.”
 “For fuck’s sake, sugar!” Angel replied. “You trying to make my life miserable here?”
 “Do you want to stay rent free or not, bastard?” Vaggie added.
 “Touché,” Angel said, calming down.
 “Rule number five: No murdering or harming any guests or staff members. Applies to everyone. Especially Alastor.”
 “What?” he said with a chuckle. “If I wanted to hurt anyone here…”
 “You would’ve done so already. We get it,” Vaggie yelled, walking over to him, spear at the ready. “Bullshit. If you won’t take that rule seriously…I can make sure that you do.”
“Rule number six, no swearing.”
 Husk let out a series of cuss words in response.
 “Vaggie, Husk, and Angel Dust, this rule is for you.”
 None of them looked happy about it.
 Alastor looked smug in his seat. “That’s one rule I don’t have to worry about.”
 He appeared next to Charlie after materializing from shadow. He placed her hand son her shoulders. “But what’s say you? You’ve let out some swear words as well. I heard you on the picture show.”
 Charlie looked flustered. “Y-yes, I know. I’m working on that too.”
 Alastor cupped her cheeks and tilted the corners of her mouth upwards. “No frowns allowed, dear. That’s another rule.”
 “Get away from her, you psycho!” Vaggie called, holding her spear and walking beside Charlie.
 “It’s okay Vaggie,” Charlie assured.
 Alastor poked the girls’ noses and materialized back in his seat.
 “Rule number seven: respect personal space at all times. Applies to everyone. Especially now that there’s a pandemic going around.”
 Alastor nodded. “A very important rule to have. The six foot rule! Angel Dust over there will have to follow it if he wants his fingers to stay intact.”
 Angel backed up in his seat.
 “But you will too, Al,” Charlie mentioned. “Just because you don’t like to be touched, doesn’t mean you can just touch others whenever you want.”
 Charlie felt cold hands wrap around her waist. She glanced down and they were long and black. The air behind her felt cold and hummed with dark power. She looked back and stared into a shadowy face with blank teal eyes and a creepy teal grin.
 “Argh!” Charlie jumped back in fright. Alastor’s shadow vanished.
 “Don’t do that, Alastor!”
 Alastor chuckled. “I didn’t touch you or anything. Surely, the no touching rule doesn’t apply all the time. How else would we dance and have fun?”
 Charlie sighed, “Good point there.”
 “Alright, now onto a list of possible solutions and goals to work toward. Vaggie helped me with this list.”
 Charlie walked around the room and passed out identification papers unique to each individual that listed the subject’s dates of death, their sins and rehabilitation strategies. Extra copies were kept in a folder in Charlie’s desk.
 “No sharing any personal info,” said Charlie. “Anyone who wants to talk about personal issues can do so in their own time.”
 Everyone looked at her with appreciation in their eyes.
“To briefly list them out with Vaggie’s help:
 “Angel Dust: drug therapy and gradual lessening of the cocaine and angel dust. Only drinking in the evenings or every other day. Frequent injections of medicine for sobering effect. Refrain from doing turf wars. No use of guns and weapons permitted in the hotel unless for self-defense. Rewards for cooperation include: staying rent free, making new friends, payment as progress goes on.”
 “Alastor: No invading other people’s space. Any murder, harm or demonic possession will result in dismissal and use of harpoon weapon. Use of dark magic on anyone is prohibited. No making deals with anyone. Rewards for cooperation include: jambalaya, jazz dances, singing, and the willingness to hear dad jokes.”
 “Husk: No stealing or hoarding liquor or any alcoholic beverages. We know that you do. Try and spend more time for alternative activities such as magic shows and similar gambling games that involve either less money or fake money. Rewards for cooperation include: catnip, weekend booze, money, and extra alone time.”
Charlie had written the next part for Vaggie:
 “Vaggie: Take deep breaths and focus on me whenever temper arises. Refrain from swearing and killing if possible. Have faith that this project will work and keep supporting me. It’s much appreciated. Reward: new friends and spending time with me.”
 “Niffty: don’t lift others up or cause any chaos. We know you’re capable of murder as well, so same rules: no murder, apply. Stalking men will result in a warning. Keep up the cooking and cleaning but don’t get too carried away. (rumor has it that you and Husk dispose bodies for Alastor, so watch your backs.) Rewards for cooperation include: spare time for reading, writing, and sharing fanfiction.”
 Charlie glanced down and saw a section of advice for her written by Vaggie:
 “Charlie: Refrain from swearing and getting too involved with the lives of other clients. It will take a while for demons to get redeemed, let alone go to Heaven, so be patient. Don’t be afraid to be stern and strict when necessary. You see the good in everyone, so bring out all their good traits while acknowledging the bad. Never give up on your goal, no matter what others may say. And most importantly:
 Charlie smiled at Vaggie who smiled back genuinely. She mouthed “I love you,” and Charlie did the same.
 “Well, that pretty much covers it,” she said brightly. “We plan on having weekly meetings whenever we can. If any of you wish to talk about your personal issues, you can speak to me in private for a session.”
 Vaggie nodded.
 “Now…onto the fun part! The games I planned out!”
 She held up drawings.
 Vaggie groaned and facepalmed.
 “Karaoke nights! Bingo! Strawberry cake desserts and cupcakes to share! Demon Dance Revolutions on stage! Bring your pets to work day! Arts and crafts and meet and greets! Sociological issues in Hell with Vaggie. And every Sunday, tales of Heaven and happiness!”
 Now everyone had given up on taking her seriously. Some even began fidgeting or standing up to leave.
 “I’ll stick with pole dancing,” said Angel.
 “And gambling,” said Husk.
 “Don’t forget dad jokes!” Alastor added.
 “18+ fanfictions to share,” said Niffty. “My favorite: When Vox, Sir Pentious, and Alastor Cared for Me in Bed!”
 Everyone gasped in surprise and disgust. The group parted ways, agreeing to meet back in the lobby.
 Alastor briefly walked out of the room and up onto the balcony. His staff lit up.
 “Hello there, you fabulous sinful folk! It is I, Alastor the Radio Demon coming to you live from…”
 He briefly looked behind him to see that Charlie wasn’t watching,
 “…the Hazbin Hotel! What is it, you ask? It is a unique little joint run by Princess Charlotte that aims to rehabilitate sinners. Yes, what a crazy idea indeed, but apparently, she already has a few clients waiting to stay there. It’s been getting boring around here and I think the princess and her friends could use some extra company. If you’re looking for a place to stay, or to hang out, or if you simply want to try and be a better person only to fail miserably at it…come on over! And it’s free as well!”
 He laughed and basked in his glory. Keeping his promise to Blitzo, he added,
 “…If you ever want demons or even humans to die after doing you wrong, contact the Immediate Murder Professionals. A lovely trio of imps in Imp City, they’ll kill your intended targets anyway you wish, both in Hell and on Earth! Decapitation, disembowelment, suffocation… you name it, they’ll do it. Goodbye humans, hello justice! Bonus: kids die for free!”
 He snapped his fingers and a jazzy version of the I.M.P. Jingle played on air.  
 “I’ll see you around next time, here on 66.6FM. And as always, smile and stay tuned!”
 The staff blinked off.
 “Alastor?” Charlie called from inside. “What were you doing? I heard some music out from the balcony.”
 Alastor turned around. “Hello, my dear! I just came out for some fresh air.”
 “Where you just on the radio?” she asked.
 “Yes. Nothing much, just advertising your hotel to the public.”
 Now it was Charlie’s turn for her jaw to hit the floor. A mixture of elation, surprise, and nervousness spurred through her core.
 “Y-You what?”
 Alastor laughed. “I did say I wanted to help, didn’t I? So I figured, why not spread the word to a wider audience?”
 Charlie smiled but was also shaking. If it was true, then now everyone would know about the hotel. Including Helsa, Katie, her parents…
 On the one hand, it was the start of a dream come true. More people would folk to the front doors in the hopes of possibly redeeming themselves in the future.  
 On the other hand, she’d now be a potential laughing stock for everyone in Hell. Her embarrassment at the news station was awful enough. Now there could be more demons out there who would dismiss her idea just like that.
 In the back of her head, she wondered about the other overlords. Would they be willing to come to the hotel as well? Could they track her location and harm her when she was by herself?
 And what would her parents think of this? The last thing she wanted was another lecture from her father of how her plan seemed unreasonable, ridiculous and a waste of time.
 But then again…she had her friends with her. She had Alastor to protect her. If she wanted to prove herself, she would have to get started somehow.
 “Thank you, Al. I don’t know what to say,” she finally said.
 “Think nothing of it, my dear. More people means more entertainment, doesn’t it?”
 Charlie walked back inside, soon surrounded by the others. She stared into each of their eyes and saw something she’d never thought she’d see: sparks of hope and support. Genuine smiles on their faces, even for Husk. Each individual leading different lives but all connected together in a strange bond. A band of misfits, brought together by herself and fate. The downtrodden brought to a place of comfort, where they could be themselves while working toward getting into paradise.
 It was the start of something special. Of potentially making a difference and changing her world.
 “Charlie?” Vaggie asked.
 “Yes,” she said.
 Vaggie mentioned to the door. A series of knockings could be heard. Charlie walked toward the door, hesitantly reaching for the handle before swinging it open.
 A pair of three imps and a hellhound stood in the doorway. The one in front had a white and red face with yellow eyes, long curved horns and a black mark on his forehead. The shorter imp to his right had white hair, a red face, yellow eyes and shorter horns. Both of them wore navy blue business suits, their long pointed red tails behind them. The other imp was dressed in a black tank top with torn pants. She had lone eyelashes and eye rows, plus a red face and wild black hair. Finally, the white furry hellhound was dressed in street clothing: torn short pants, a spiked collar around her neck and a tank top held in place with string shaped like a downward pointing pentagram.
 “Can I help you?” she asked.
 “Is this the Hazbin Hotel?” asked the imp in front. “The Radio Demon kindly advertised our company and so we decided to see what this Hazbin business is about.”
 “No, this is the Happy Hotel,” she said, confusion etched onto her face.
 “The sign up there read Hazbin,” said the shorter male imp.
 The first imp spoke. “So you’re the princess that the Radio Demon talked about. Redeeming sinners, right?”
 Charlie scratched the back of her neck. “Yes.”
 Blitzo laughed. “My, that’s a first when it comes to hilarious ideas. And I thought Stolas was crazy in the head.”
 Charlie flushed, eyes downward.
 “But hey, don’t worry, we’re just here for a visit. At Alastor’s request.”
 Those words sent an unforeseen chill down her spine. He wondered what he meant by that.
 Making an effort to be polite, she held out her hand. “I’m Charlie.”
 “Blitzo!” said the imp in front, shaking her hand. “The o is silent. Head of I.M.P. This is Moxxie, Millie, and my dear Loony. May we come in?”
 Blitzo proudly walked in, followed by a grumpy Moxxie, an excited Millie and an indifferent Loona.
 Vaggie gasped in shock as the group came in. Angel, Husk and Niffty soon took notice.
 “Hello there good friends!” Alastor greeted. He had clearly been expecting them. He turned to Niffty. “Niffty, it’s your turn to make some jambalaya for our new guests!”
 “I’m on it!” she beamed before dashing of toward the kitchen.
 “Jamba-what now?” Moxxie asked.
 “Jambalaya, a Creole specialty dish from New Orleans. Rice, shrimp, vegetable, meat, and fresh flesh mixed in if you prefer.”
 “Sounds ravishing to me!” Millie said.  She looked around at the hotel. “Wow, this place is quite something! It may not be the fanciest one but it’s better than the slums and halfway houses in Imp City.”
 She turned to Blitzo, “Blitzo can we please stay a night or two?”
 “No Millie, this is a place for sinners, not for us hellborn. Besides, we’ll have to go back to headquarters once our visit is over.”
 Millie pouted a bit.
 Moxxie folded his arms. “Getting sent here for a ”meet and greet.” Pathetic. We’re treated like dirt day in and day out by Hell society. Why visit a random hotel down the pit?”
 “Because,” Blitzo said, eyes shining. “Alastor promised me a taste of musical theater and entertainment. The two of us on stage!”
 “That’s right!” he chimed in. “I heard about I.M.P. on the picture show. It was the least I could do to show my support. And here I am supporting Charlie with her hotel. It does feel good to help out others.”
 Charlie cupped her face and beamed in delight. Millie and Niffty stood and giggled as they watched Alastor from a distance. Vaggie and everyone else looked suspicious. Vaggie seriously doubted that Alastor actually meant what he said. He was only concerned about entertaining himself and using others for his benefit.
 Blitzo and Moxxie exchanged worried looks. The hidden mark of Kalfu and Alastor hummed inside their heads. The three imps were, in fact, summoned to the hotel just after Alastor’s announcement. Loona quickly tracked them down, almost pulled in after then as well. She, too, felt a pinch of dark energy inside her.
 Moxxie opened his mouth speak, but no sound came out. He tried to use his hands for sign language, but a dark shadow seemed to hold his fingers in place. A look of fear was etched onto his face. He stared at Charlie, desperate to tell her, but he could only blink and move his eyes. Charlie was oblivious, of course. Vaggie and Angel were merely concerned. Niffty and Husk felt the same energy pulsing from inside their heads like a dark heartbeat. They knew that just like the newcomers, they couldn’t do anything but wait and watch. By the time the others figured out they had made deals with Alastor, he’d probably brush them aside, having no use for them. There was no way to tell, so they stopped thinking about it.
 “Is something the matter, good sir?” Alastor asked, grin stretching slightly.
A flash of a recent memory at headquarters…
 A very slow “Shave and a Haircut” knock filled up the silence. It came from behind the door that led to the hallway.
 Loona and Husk froze, maws open in mid-brawl. Moxxie raised his eyebrows and suddenly started to shiver. Millie and Blitzo suddenly felt an oncoming sense of dread. Husk crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. Niffty, however, clapped her hands in excitement. She took some steps forward, but froze at Moxxie’s glare.
 “Do not answer the door,” Moxxie whispered in a harsh tone.
 Niffty stared in confusion. “Why not? He’s my friend.”
 Moxxie narrowed his eyes.
 “From the other side!” Niffty emphasized.
 “Just don’t go any further.”
 Niffty grinned and tiptoed closer to the door.
 “No, no, no,” Moxxie breathed, moving his hands across in a signal. “Stop right there.”
 Niffty stopped and slowly reached her thin black hand toward the round handle.
 “Oh for Lucifer’s sake!” Blitzo announced, walking toward the door. “It’s Niffty’s coworker. How bad can he be?”
 He opened the door and grinned. “Hi I’m Blitz…”
 His eyes widened and his face fell.
 Blitzo stared at a towering tall demon wearing a tattered red dress coat with vertical thin stripes. Burgundy colored pants covered his legs and ended in red patches along the ends. He wore black dress shoes with red deer print marks on the soles. His undershirt was red and had an upside down black cross as part of the design. A black bow tie was displayed below his slender neck. One of his four clawed hands held a red vintage microphone staff.
 Blitzo stuttered, at a loss for words. Fear was constricting his throat. He stuttered as he looked up at the man’s face, “Welcome…”
 Blitzo stared at the man’s red and black hair, with large deer ears and antlers. His large red eyes blinked to life from a pale face. A monocle gleamed under his right eye.
 The man displayed a grin of sharp yellow teeth, his smile too wide to be considered natural.
 The demon opened his mouth, “Hell…”
 Blitzo slammed the door, catching his breath. He opened it a crack…
 Closed it again. “Guys…” he began.
 “What?” Moxxie asked in frustration.
 “I think we need to move away. Niffty, could you please send your friend away? He’s giving me the creeps.”
 Niffty shook her head.
 “Don’t let him in, sir!” Moxxie said. Husk nodded in agreement.
 Millie gasped, “That’s a rude way to treat a guest!”
 “Okay then, do you want to open the door?”
 Millie gulped.
 Blitzo sighed and opened it again.
 “May I speak now?” the man asked.
 “Sure, whatever,” Blitzo muttered.
 The overlord swooped into the room. “Greetings fellow sinners! I’m Alastor but people call me the Radio Demon. I heard from my little darling Niffty that you imps are part of an assassination organization, yes?”
 Blitzo took a deep breath and cleared his throat. A smile appeared on his face, now that he was feeling confident. “That’s correct, good sir! I’m Blitzo and I’m the founder of the Immediate Murder Professionals, I.M.P. for short.”
 Alastor laughed. “What a clever name! I.M.P. run by imps! And who are your associates?”
 Blitzo mentioned to the other imps, “This is Moxxie and Millie.” Millie waved and blushed while Moxxie glowered.
 Loona looked up from her phone.
 “…and this is my sweet daughter, Loona,” Blitzo finished.
 Loona growled and snapped her teeth at Alastor, causing him to take a step back. Retaining his composure, he continued. “That little maid is Niffty, and that cat over there is Husk. I saw your commercial on the picture show and was intrigued. Murdering people in gruesome ways…a classic form of entertainment! It even makes my methods look standard. All thanks to Niffty for finding your location.”
 Niffty smiled and waved.
 “Next time, don’t mention Imp City in the ad,” Moxxie spat at Blitzo in a low voice.
 Alastor walked slightly closer to Blitzo, leaning in. “Is it true that you have access to the living world?”
 “Uh…yes?” Blitzo answered. He felt Alastor’s fingers make their way along his curved horns. Despite himself denying it, Blitzo felt his cheeks go pink.
 “And you can create portals? Splendid, indeed. There’s no other being in Hell who can do that.”
 “Smooth liar,” Husk muttered from a distance.
 “That’s right!” Blitzo replied. “Our company has special access to the living world due to our abilities. I may have also stolen a Satanic ritual book from a bird dick overlord several days ago. Top secret.”
 Moxxie’s face turned purple, he made the hand signal for “zip it!” to Blitzo, but of course, he wasn’t paying attention.
 Alastor smiled and put a finger to his lips. “Rest assured, whatever happens here, stays here.”
 He waved his hand and two bottles of booze appeared in front of Husk.  
 “You might think you can keep getting away with bribing me like that…” Husk said, narrowing his eyes, “…but we both know you can!” He picked up a bottle and started drinking. Loona snatched the other one.
  “What exactly are you doing here, anyway?” Moxxie demanded to Alastor.
 “Why I’m here to help out your company, of course! I’m already involved in helping Charlie with her hotel, so I figured I could expand my horizons.”
 The Radio Demon walked over to Millie. “Hello, dear, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
 He gently kissed her red hand, making her giggle.
 Moxxie slapped his hand away. “No one touches my wife, you got that?”
 Alastor just shrugged and walked toward the table.
  “Don’t you walk away from me, Mister!” Mooxie stood from his chair and walked over to him. He pointed at his chest, making the demon’s smile more strained. “You look like a shady showman to me, so listen here. You have no business whatsoever in interfering with our company. Or messing around with my coworkers and my boss. So, don’t go around harming anyone here, or we’ll kick you out of our office…or just slice you to bits, Dapper Deer!”
 Alastor just laughed softly. Millie and Blitzo walked over to calm Moxxie down.
 “If I wanted to hurt anyone here…” Alastor said…
 He then spoke in a creepy tone: “I would’ve done so already.”
His eyes turned into red moving radio dials and the air filled with radio static and floating red voodoo symbols.
 He shook his head and the sensations ceased. His eyes returned to normal. “So, now let’s talk about how I can help you out.”
 “What?” Millie asked.
 “How can I be of assistance? You want donations? Promotion? An upgraded outfit?”
 Blitzo scoffed, “My outfit is great enough as it is. But… you said something about promotions?”
  Alastor nodded. “You ever feel like your work goes unrecognized?”
 “Yeah,” Blitzo replied. “People do come to us a lot to murder people, but…”
 Alastor tilted his head…
 Blitzo continued, “…but the imps and residents here look down on us. Not to mention even the sinners brush us aside like we’re trash. That’s why we’ve kept to ourselves a lot. We imps have to stick together…and hellhounds, too.”
 Loona rolled her eyes.
 “But your company is so unique, and with such special access, I don’t know why others would look down on you,” Alastor mentioned. “Whoever those horrible people are…who are they?”
 “My asshole father,” Blitzo said. “He’s kept me from achieving my musical theater dreams.”
 Alastor placed a hand on Blitzo’s shoulder. He spoke in his sympathetic tone, reserved for making others feel at ease.
 “Oh, believe me, I’ve been there. I’ve loved singing and music ever since I can remember. And my dad…well it’s a long story, too tragic to go into. Have you ever thought of…killing the person in your way? It’s surprisingly simple, and you of all people should know.”
 Moxxie nodded. “I had a dream that my parents were being murdered, and I wanted to get back to that.”
 “What if I told you…there was a way for your dreams to come true?”
 “That’s impossible,” Moxxie scoffed.
 Alastor appeared behind him, from his shadow form, making him jump. “I don’t think so! I can do so many things for your cause.” He stood in front of the three imps. A flaming bag of money appeared in Alastor’s outstretched hand, in front of Blitzo’s eyes. It changed to fiery silhouettes of Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie dancing to the clapping of a crowd coming through his microphone. “This may seem like a bit much, but so far, you’re a well-established company.” The I.M.P. logo appeared in his hand before he closed it. “I could improve you ads, extend your business to Pentagram City, all under my protection. Imps won’t have to be the lowest of the low ever again.”
 Blitzo and his associates looked at each other, lost in thought. Alastor’s grin grew wider.
  “Do you really want to give up this golden opportunity?”
 Moxxie paused. Blitzo found himself shaking his head. Millie smiled at Niffty and Husk nearby.
 Alastor turned to leave. “Well, it was worth a try. I could give you some time to think about it…it was only a suggestion.”
 He slowly walked toward the door. “3…2…1…”
 Blitzo’s eyes went wide. “No, no, wait! Don’t leave.”
 Alastor turned his head, smile wide. He turned back to them and held out his right hand. “So, do we have a deal?”
 “No deals!” Moxxie yelled, pulling Blitzo away. “There’s something shifty about this guy. The stuff he says is too good to be true.”
 “You sure about that?” he asked. “Perhaps I need to persuade you a little more…”
 He snapped his fingers and the table and pictures vanished. The room turned a dark purple and the floor became wooden like dance floor. Deer antlers and voodoo symbols lined the walls in neon colors. The posters now showed deer with black bloody circles in place of eyes. Alastor’s outfit changed into a red suit, with a red top hat with pins sticking out. Soon, everyone was wearing attire from the early 1900s: dapper dresses and round hats of purple, green and yellow for Millie, Niffty, and Loona, and suits of light blue, white and black for Blitzo, Husk and Moxxie.
  “Take it boys!” Alastor called, snapping his fingers. Shadow spirits emerged from a newly created portal in the ground. One played a saxophone, one a trumpet, and the other played the drums.
 A jazzy remix of the I.M.P. jingle played. Moxxie and Millie danced and spun around in the spotlight as the music played. Husk and Moxxie glared at each other in a corner. Niffty smiled and danced along, while Loona stared at her phone again.
 Alastor mentioned for Blitzo to come on stage and sing with him. Blitzo blushed and slowly made his way next to him.
  Alastor sang through his vintage microphone, which lit up.
   “When you want somebody dead,
And you wanna poke fun at their head
Call the Immediate Murder Professionals
 Whether homicide or genocide
We’ll make it look like suicide
Immediate Murder Professionals
 We do our job so well
‘Cause we come straight up from Hell
We’ll kill your husband or your wife
We’ll even let you keep the knife
 The Immediate…Murder…Professionals
 The song was followed by an electro swing solo and a repeat of the verses.
Blitzo was lost in a blissful trance as he and Alastor spun around in a dance.
 They both stopped to catch their breath as the music slowed to a relaxing jazz melody.
 Alastor held out his right hand. “What’d you say? Won’t you shake a poor sinner’s hand?” The area around him glowed an eerie green and a strange wind gusted.
 Millie ran over and eagerly shook his hand. “I accept! Thank you for your help!” In the shadows, Moxxie was pulled toward Alastor by black tentacles wrapping around his waist.
 Blitzo stared at Alastor’s hand in front of him. Common sense told him to stay far away from this demon.
 But Millie had shaken his hand already…and he did offer to help them…
 Blitzo’s musical dream was just beginning, and so was his company. Why back out now?
 He slowly moved his hand closer, hovering over Alastor’s fingerless glove- covered hand.
 Loona’s eyes grew wide. Her fur stuck on end and her instincts kicked in. She could smell deceit and evil coming from the demon. She hadn’t thought it would go this far. For the first time, she placed her phone down on the ground. “Blitz!” she called.
 Blitzo briefly looked behind Alastor…and saw his adopted daughter…with fear in her eyes for the first time. He was sure he was dreaming. There was no way magic like this could exist, and surely his daughter wouldn’t show this much concern for him.
 But then again…Blitzo could create portals to Earth, so anything was possible.
 “Anything is possible,” said Alastor, as if reading his thoughts.
 “Don’t do it!” Loona barked. She raced over to Blitzo…only for Husk and Niffty to block her. Husk’s eyes and Niffty’s eye glowed red. “Ahh, the fuck?!” Loona exclaimed, in shock.
 Blitzo’s shaking hand inched closer…
 Moxxie’s hand was forcibly guided to the demon’s other hand by the tentacles…
 Loona growled and swatted Husk and Niffty aside with her paws.
  Blitzo’s hand touched Alastor’s at the same time Moxxie’s did.
  The Radio Demon cackled in triumph as Blitzo and Moxxie shook his hands. All three imps briefly opened their eyes wide, all glowing red. Small streams of evil black energy from their souls traveled from each of their mouths and into Alastor’s staff. Husk and Niffty stood up and stared at each other…for this had happened to them as well. All five of them stood still like soldiers, each with too-wide grins on their faces as static and symbols filled the air.
   “No, sir, nothing.” Moxxie replied.
 The pulsing stopped and a shadow was lifted.
 “Very well then. Off we go to the bar.”
 Angel and Blitzo walked side by side, having a heated conversation.
“I’d kill to work for a company like yours, pun not intended,” Angel said. “Being paid to kill people? With all the turf wars I’m in, I’ve killed or hurt dozens of demons. With humans, it’s no problem.”
 “What do you do,” Blitzo asked. “I must admit, your dress is rather…strange.”
 “It’s a suit, thank you very much.”
 “I still like it.”
 “Really? Well, I’m not too surprised. I’m Hell’s number one porn star after all.”
 “What’s that like?”
 “I work for my boss Valentino. He’s the owner of a porn studio not too far from here. I just tell my haters, “It’s my day to be gay.” And to those who wanna fuck with me, they gotta pay me. My services don’t come cheap.”
 “Heh,” Blitzo said with curiosity. “You with Valentino?”
 “Yeah, he’s rough in the bedroom. Doesn’t really care much about me other than me paying him and keeping myself in line.”
 “Sounds similar to Stolas. He sheds his feathers when he’s aroused. We fucked in his palace and I stole a Satanic ritual book to access the living world.”
 Angel grinned. “Oooh! Kinky!”
 “Then I fell down into chocolate cake and tell his queen, “Sorry I fucked your husband!”
 “Damn! And you’re still alive?”
 “I was lucky to hightail it outta there before she could peck out my insides.”
 “Oh, tell me more.”
 Blitzo laughed. “He called me over the phone and told me he wasn’t lonely now that so many people die from the covid 19 virus. Then he was then like, “When I’m lonely, I become hungry, and when I’m hungry… I want to…”
Blitzo continued on with a string of curse words and graphic descriptions.
“...and I’ll leave you screaming….like a fucking baby!”
 Angel stared stunned at what he had told him. “Holy shit. And I thought I was into BDSM. This owl guy could probably intimidate Valentino. Heheheheh. I did the same thing to Alastor as a prank call and he just hung up on me.”
 “Hahaha! I can see why.”
 Charlie and Vaggie walked side by side together, placing their distance from the guys.
 “Stolas…” Charlie said to Vaggie after hearing the name. “It sounds familiar. Oh I remember. He’s Melodia’s husband and father of Octavia.”
 “Who’s that?”
 “Octavia is a princess like me, except she’s a black and white owl. We…we used to be best friends when we were younger. We did typical princess tuff, tea parties, dress up, and the occasional murder. We even went to Hell-World in Gore-rida.”
 Vaggie’s eyes brightened. “I remember when we went there together.”
 “Yes. We posed together in front of the castle and we rode all the rides, too. Oh and the Disney musicals were the best part!”
 The two girls reminisced over the fun times.
 Charlie’s face fell. “But then, as time went on, we grew distant. I started to focus on the Happy Hotel and several other projects that could help out sinners. I encouraged Octavia to join me, but she refused. She thought my ideas were stupid and a waste of time.   After a few years, she started to believe that I didn’t want to be her friend anymore. I told her that wasn’t true but she didn’t believe me. She said that if I were her friend, I would’ve kept in contact with her, dressed more properly and mostly forget about my rehabilitation goals.”
 “That sounds harsh,” Vaggie said. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.” She placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
 “My dad was hoping that our families could be on good terms through a partnership. Not by marriage but by business and friendship. Now we hardly see each other.”
Everyone made their way into the larger area, where they were free to talk or roam around.
   Later on, Alastor and a very happy Blitzo were singing together in the spotlight up on stage. Blitzo now had a fancy dark blue suit with an orange, red tie and two dark top hats over his horns with stitched up smiley faces on it. With a confident grin, Alastor pulled Charlie onto the stage to sing along with them, much to Vaggie’s shock and anger.
 Loona and Husk were fighting furiously over a bottle of booze.
 “That’s my bottle, you bitch,” Husk hissed. “Go buy your own.”
 It’s mine, pussycat.”
 “Homeless furry beast. Go back to the fucking slum where you and the hellhounds belong!”
 “I’ll chase you and rip you apart, you gambling shittalking clown!”
 The two of them bared teeth and claws, swiping at each other and pulling each other’s ears.
 Without ceasing his tap dancing nor letting his smile falter, Alastor snapped his fingers. Loona and Husk were sent to opposite corners of the room, each with a bottle of booze next to them. They both looked stunned before gulping down their bottles with deadly glares.
 Charlie stepped up to the microphone and began to sing:
  “Sing it out
You’ve got to see what tomorrow brings
Sing it out
You’ve got to be what tomorrow needs
For every time that they want to count you out
Use your voice every single time you open up your mouth
 Sing it for the beaus
Sing it for the belles
Every time you lose it, sing it for Hell
 Sing it from the heart
Sing it till you’re nuts
Sing it out for the ones you hate your guts
 Sing it for the winners
Sing it for the sinners
Sing about everyone as you make fresh dinners”
 Alastor’s heart fluttered as he immersed himself in the moment. Focusing only on the sound of her angelic enchanting voice.
 “Oh Charlie, you’re full of surprises, charming demon belle.”
 Meanwhile, Millie and Niffty were sharing stories about guys at their table.
 Millie pointed to Moxxie, who was sitting across a table from Vaggie, both of them staring in envy at the trio on stage.
“That’s my husband, Moxxie. He can be a grump sometimes, but he’s very kind once you get to know him. He made me a song called “Oh Millie.” We sang it together one night when we were out shooting demons on the streets nearby.”
 Niffty beamed. “How romantic! You two spending some great time together. Disposing bodies and dancing in the bloody rain…it’s worthy for a fairytale.”
 “I know!” said Millie. “Blitzo films us outside of work, which drives Mox nuts. Sometimes he can have panic attacks, but I always know how to calm him down. I do love my job at I.M.P. Seems like I’m the only employee who does. Sure, we get into a lot of fights and we live in a crummy area of Hell. But we are a company family, so we stick together no matter what.”
 “Well, I’m very happy for you.” She sighed. “It’s so sexy when a man shows his great power. I mean, look at my boss. He’s conquered a dozen areas in Hell and he has supernatural powers. Husk and I were summoned to this place to assist him. Husk is the bartender and I’m the cook and housekeeper. Man it felt good to be free of the burning lake, you know? Plus…I have a side-job too.”
 “What is it?” She leaned in.
 “Husk and I sometimes dispose of demon bodies after Alastor kills other demons…and we get paid at the end of every week.”
 Millie laughed. “I’m all too familiar with that process. Except we dispose of humans. And on Earth…it’s more risky if you get caught. Down here, nobody cares.”
 “Oh I just love men, so much! Alastor, Vox, Valentino…Lucifer too. If I had my way…”
Her voice grew lower and harmless fire spread over her body,
“I’d clean this hellhole of all the messy chaotic demons, clean up the organs and bathe in the blood. The skins of demons and women would be sewn together to make fashionable outfits for a grand ball. All the men in hell would devote themselves to me and the rest would die in cleansing flame.”
The flames stopped and Niffty shrunk back to normal size. Millie just stared at her for a while.
“Oh and I also want my new fanfiction to be noticed and published. I just fixed it, too. On Wattpad.”
She held up sheets of paper she summoned from fire: “How Vox, Valentino, Lucifer and Alastor Cared for Me in Bed.”
“I wonder what Blitzo and Moxxie are like…”
Millie glared. “Keep my husband out of this, and I’ll support your work.”
“Really? Thank you so much!”
Niffty jumped for joy and ran off to deliver more bowls of Jambalaya. Millie scanned through the papers with a smile. And then a grimace.
“Piece of shit.”
She casually tossed the papers to Loona, who tore them apart with her mouth and claws.
 Moxxie and Vaggie said nothing for a while. They just watched as Charlie took a bow after singing “You’re Never Fully Dressed.”
 “I swear, Blitzo, you keep going off the deep end every day. Why do I have to keep putting up with you and the dumb company?”
 Vaggie watched as Alastor kissed Charlie’s hand, both of them smiling.
 “Charlie, why don’t you stop and listen to me? You’d really risk our friendship…and dare I say it, your life, for an evil dealmaker who shows up at your door?”
 As if they were reading each other’s thoughts, Moxxie and Vaggie glanced at each other.
 “What a bunch of egocentric idiots,” he muttered.
 “No need to remind me,” Vaggie said. “I wish I could slap that stupid smile off that man’s face.”
 “You’re stupid if you plan on trying.”
 “Imp, I’ll only go that far if he puts my friend in danger.”
 “I’m Moxxie, lady. I could care less about who you are.”
 “Vaggie,” she growled. She gripped her spear with one hand.
 Moxxie scoffed. “You gonna use that harpoon on me? You best use it wisely. After a single strike, I’d fall dead and everyone would want to get their hands on it.”
 “And get kicked out of this place. No. How do you so much about my spear?”
 Moxxie let out a small grin. “I’m a weapon’s specialist at I.M.P. I’ve been fixing and using guns, rifles, knives, and pretty much anything. I know an angelic weapon when I see it.”
 This time, Vaggie got intrigued. “I’ve kept this with me ever since I fell down into Hell. I didn’t merely appear like the other sinners.”
 She dug into her pocket and showed him one of her daggers. Moxxie studied it with interest. “Appears to be hand-made. Steel blade, slightly worn. You made this?”
 Vaggie nodded. “I also am good at martial arts. Though I haven’t practiced since…well, my previous life ended and I fell from the Heavens. This weapon is my only reminder of that.”
 Moxxie handed the dagger back to her.  “Are you a … fallen angel?”
 “Fallen Exterminator,” she corrected. “I’m stuck here forever just like everyone else. And perhaps I’m destined to die on one of the Exterminations.”
 Moxxie shook his head. “With your intellect and courage…and temper, I doubt that.”
Vaggie didn’t know what to say, other than, “I figured as much.”
 Moxxie then asked, “Have you ever felt like you’re…somehow second best? Like you’re just the sidekick to your boss or friend, stuck in a big company with no one but annoyances around you?”
 Vaggie nodded. “All the time. It always seems to be about Charlie and Alastor. When they’re together, they act like I’m not even there. And don’t get me started on Angel Dust, Husk and Niffty. Angel, fucking son of a bitch drug addict. He jumps into turf wars and made the hotel look bad to the public. He only wants a free place to crash. He doesn’t give a flying fuck about anyone around him, it seems. And Husk, the drinker and gambler…swears as much as me. Called me bitch when I told him to stop hoarding liquor for the umpteenth time. Niffty, that fast little bugger, always hot for men and getting into everyone’s business. And Alastor…urgh! He shoves me aside, slaps my ass, steals my girlfriend away! He’d be dead if he weren’t so powerful. If this goes on too long…”
 Vaggie turned away, angrily wiping a stray tear from her eye. “Just…men are untrustworthy. At least to me. They stole my virginity, stole my life, and now my afterlife best friend.”
 Moxxie didn’t know what to say, he just seethed softly, debating on whether to talk to her or leave her alone.
 “That’s harsh. I’m sorry. I thought I had it hard, with Blitzo stalking me every day, and him using my salary to pay for an advertisement. I live in poverty and listen to musicals…but life’s not bad not that my asshole parents aren’t around.”
Moxxie cleared his throat. “Well, I can say this, having been in Hell for a while. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. Stick with people you trust, and when you can’t trust them…sometimes you have to roll with the punches and get through the day.”
 He brandished a small black gun and clicked it for show. “Trust your instincts. And when it’s time to fight, don’t hold back.”
 “I won’t, believe me.”
 Her demon form emerged, her white hair fanning out, with eyes forming on it like moth wings. Her pink bow turned into pink horns and her pink x glowed. Purple moth wings made of flame sprouted from her back and an extra pair of insect like limbs allowed her to carry more weapons. Small antennae formed from the front part of her head of hair.
 “I would give my life to save Charlie.”
 “As I would for Millie.”
 Vaggie reverted back to her regular form, the wings and features vanishing.
 “Thank you, Moxxie, I really needed that.”
 “Not a problem.”
 They shook hands before parting ways.
 Charlie ran over and enveloped Vaggie in a hug. “Oh that was such a great performance. It was so much fun being up there!”
 Vaggie had to smile. “You did well up there. Your voice is beautiful.”
 “Aww Vaggie,” she laughed. She planted a kiss on her friend’s forehead, a blush coming to her gray cheeks. Charlie sat next to Vaggie as they listened to Alastor’s dad jokes.
 “Two radio antennas got married. The wedding was good but the reception was awesome!”
 “Boo!” shouted Angel. Everyone else sat in boredom, save for Charlie, Millie, and Niffty who silently giggled. Lonna lifted a middle finger as she stared at her phone.
 Alastor cleared his throat.
 “Knock knock. Who’s there? Radio. Radio who?”
 He then answered his joke in a demonic voice without moving his mouth.  
 “Radio not here I come! Hahaha!”
 “Jeez, even when he’s telling jokes, he gives me the creeps,” Moxxie mentioned to Millie. Millie nodded, half dazed. “Snap out of it,” he shook her as she turned to him.
 “Calm down, Mox. Don’t worry so much.”
  Niffty had gotten a nosebleed and fainted in delight.
 Alastor glanced down. “Somebody please help the little darling?”
 Millie raced over and moved Niffty over to a couch.
   “Radio not, here I come,” Vaggie scoffed. “That’s not even a dad joke, it was a knock knock joke! So terrible.”
 “Like paper is,” Charlie added, with a smile.
 Vaggie playfully elbowed Charlie in the ribs. “Blonde dork.”
 Soon it was getting late. It was time for I.M.P. to go back to their business.
 “Thank you for coming, everyone!” said Alastor. “What a splendid night it was! You’re welcome back here anytime!”
 “Good riddance,” Loona called back, taking a breath of a cigarette and holding a stolen bottle of vodka in her hands. Husk flipped the bird at her as she did it back with both hands. Angel Dust had given her a bag of angel dust, which she hid in her shorts. It didn’t go unnoticed by Charlie but she decided to let the matter slide.
 Loona was the first one out, followed by Millie, Moxxie, and finally, Blitzo.
 “Bye everyone!” Blitzo called out. “Be sure to call us you want somebody gone!”
 “Are you sure you don’t want to redeem yourself?” Charlie asked. “You are an incredible performer and it was so much fun to spend time with you.”
 “Hmm, let me think…no thank you!” Blitzo laughed. “Business is business!”
 Blitzo did one last wave and wink before Charlie shut the door with a sigh.
 “Alright, off to your rooms everyone,” Charlie called. “We have a busy day tomorrow.”
Alastor sent his shadow to guard the perimeter outside, while the group straightened up the lobby before heading upstairs.
 She walked toward a certain red clad demon.
 “Alastor, you changed the sign of my hotel. Why?”
 Alastor looked up from the voodoo doll he was sewing and stood up. “Darling, Happy sounded too immature. It sounds like a name for an overnight rehab center where demon’s reputations are forever tarnished in group meetings and little kid activities. This is a hotel in Hell, for misfits like us. A safe place for them to stay for the night. No other name properly reflects that.”
 “That still doesn’t give you the right to change anything!”
 Alastor shrugged and spread out his arms. “Hey, no need to get so frazzled. I’m just doing my part to help. Though if you don’t want any more help…I can just find entertainment elsewhere…”
 “Nonono! Please…stay,” Charlie begged. “Just…stay out of trouble.”
 Alastor pulled her in for a brief side hug, then pat her head. “We’ll do. Goodnight, sweetheart.”
 He vanished into the shadows without another word.
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firecrackerroot · 5 years
Baysha: What You Won't Do For Love
Before we sink our teeth into the marvellous meal we’re being served by none other than the two best storytellers in all of WWE, lets do a quick recap, shall we? 
Bayley began her career as an adorable babyface who’s sole purpose was to connect with the kids whereas Sasha was on the complete opposite side of the scale as the heelest to ever heel, tormenting everyone in sight, kids included. (hi, Izzy.) Their paths crossed still on NXT when, in the pursuit of the title, Sasha stepped over Bayley with Becky as her sidepiece only to betray Becky shortly after and give us the TakeOver match where Becky The LassKicker Lynch was born. From then on, their stories were forever intertwined with them meeting once again, this time for the title at NXT TakeOver Brooklyn (I will get back to this story later on) in the match that jump started the Women’s Revolution and again on NXT TakeOver Respect in that gruelling Iron Woman match.
For a year, they were separated with Sasha having a history shattering feud against Charlotte Flair (where they hot-potatoed the RAW title) and where Bayley ruled the NXT women’s division as their fair yet hugable champion. When she was brought up to RAW, Bayley teamed up with Sasha, who then helped her gain her 1st title in spite of Charlotte and their story would’ve been a bouquet of flowers, hugs and healthy friendship blossoming through mutual respect had it not been for the Lion King reenactment at Elimination Chamber 2018.
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And thus the tale begins…
You see, the thing about these two and their relationship is that it grew from mutual respect. It grew after their clashing differences met twice, eye to eye, and Bayley surpassed them both times. It grew from the fact that, seeing Bayley’s unwavering resilience even in her heelest of times, Sasha’s heart was touched. Just a little. Just enough. All it takes is one red drop to stain a glass of vibrant blue ink, anyway. From that mutual respect and never ignoring their gigantic differences, these two polar opposites always tried to meet halfway. And when at times it seemed difficult and like neither of them knew how to deal with the shifting tiles underneath their feet, they still tried to talk things through. At first, pacifically. Much like the heartfelt promo Sasha delivered when she said Bayley is her best friend but she’s on strike two for leaving her mid match and where Bayley countered saying she can’t be on her corner, happily, when Sasha kicked her from the top of the EC pod and smiled afterwards. And then… Not so pacifically. For example, they had the also know as unforgettable “high-school lockers” brawl where everything blew up and I will bring that back later on too.
🎶 What you won’t do, do for love. You tried everything but you don’t give up 🎶 
In a desperate measure because, when two best friends are at war, the world will try everything it possibly can to avoid it, GM Kurt Angle sent them to (couples) therapy. Sure we didn’t see all of it but judging from the combination of body language and the words they exchanged, these two wounded lionesses were aiming for each others jugulars with reckless abandon. However, shortly after, they resurfaced on RAW, closer than ever before. During the months that followed, we saw their friendship grow from a hopeless little tree in need of assistance to a magnificent jacaranda. Branches strong enough to withstand the biggest of storms. Flowers so beautiful your eyes get tearful just looking at them. Roots so deep you couldn’t plunk them out of the soil even if hundred men were trying to push it. There was nothing stronger than them, no connection stronger than theirs. It blossomed in the spring. Purpleish. But still in the spring, the inevitable happened. Far too soon. Far too quick. The flowers fell from the tree. The purple disappeared. Gone with the wind. Drowned in waves of blue from different seas. 
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 🎶 In my world only you 🎶
Right after our tree was stripped of its purple flowers in the middle of Spring, Bayley moved to Smackdown and with that move, a shift in her attitude was felt. As soon as she arrived, she demanded respect from the current champion, Becky, and she made a point to slap the smugness off of Charlotte’s claims of entitlement. Not only that but, in what seemed to be an odd off handed comment but in retrospect, it was yet another domino piece of the bigger picture, Bayley said: “I left my hugs back on RAW”. 
And, for four months, Bayley wasn’t seen hugging anyone.
For four months, Bayley’s attitude kept shifting every so slightly, as if she was always on edge. Always ready to push against any sign of negative claims or power plays.
For four months, Bayley fought hard, week in and week out, to prove that she was still as strong as before. And she won Money In The Bank. And she became SmackDown women’s champion.
For four months, Bayley was meticulously targeted by Alexa Bliss and Charlotte Flair. Before and after becoming champion. Both of which calling her undeserving. Fake. Everything a champion should never be. Everything a champion isn’t. A placeholder. A loser.
You see. Sasha Banks made that mistake once. And then never again.
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At NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, the pivotal moment of their match was when, riding the wave of her bravado, Sasha cornered Bayley and kept repeating, time after time: “you think you’re better than me, Bayley? You think you're better because all these people love you? You’ll never beat me. You’re such a loser. You're pathetic.” That egotistical display was enough to release Bayley from her “love not war” shackles and she proceeded onto destroying Sasha until she held the title above her head.
Charlotte and Alexa insisted on the insults, despite Bayley physically showing them that she wasn’t comfortable with it. That they were out of line. And recently, she made a point to tell Charlotte exactly that. That she is the champion Charlotte never was and never will be. She may not be a poster child but she is the poster any child would have on the wall. (and then she pushed Charlotte off of a chair. Please don’t forget that.)
For four months, Bayley fought alone. But Sasha kept watering the tree.
While Bayley was shinning brighter and brighter, making her presence heard through the shifts in her attitude, Sasha was lurking in the shadows. Watering the tree. Taking care of the branches. Making sure the roots didn’t break through the ground.
🎶 Make me do for love what I would not do 🎶
Until it was time to blossom again. Until it was time for Sasha to walk out of where she was, waiting, patiently, recovering, recharging. Until it was time for the flowers to start to growing again. Except now it’s summer. And purple flowers don’t grow in the summer. Or else they’ll burn under the heat. Except now things aren’t the same as before so where does their friendship stand? What are they loyal to? Each other or their own goals? Their friendship or the gold? The roots or the branches?
For three weeks, they walked separately. Sasha showing the reasons for her return on RAW and Bayley continuing her shift on Smackdown.
For three weeks, they moved separately. Sasha attacking whoever she pleased on RAW, for her own goals or personal vendettas, and Bayley continued to fight against the perpetual image people have of her not being enough.
For three weeks, they were the embodiment of everything they accused each other to be on that “high-school lockers” brawl. Sasha did whatever she wanted for her career because she is “the legit boss” and Bayley was, at everyone’s eyes, a loser.
On the 4th week, their paths crossed, at last. Sasha’s “career” entered the ring as Bayley’s partner and Bayley entered the ring partnering with yet another example of why she was, at everyone’s eyes, a loser.
Don’t tell me that, after reading all this, you still think this would’ve happened another way?
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Don’t tell me that, after reading all this, you still don’t understand why?
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Don’t tell me that, after reading all this, you still believe Sasha is pulling the strings on Bayley as much as Bayley isn’t doing exactly what she wants to do?
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Don’t tell me. Because you’re wrong.
🎶 I came back to let you know. Got a thing for you and I can’t let go 🎶
You don’t need to understand how a tree grows. You just need to witness it. And if you understand how it works, how the miracle happens, you’re one of the lucky few. And once. Every blue moon. You’ll be blessed with blue flowers growing in the summer. Proving everyone wrong. Showing them that despite all odds, if you care enough about something, it will grow. It will prosper. It will-
But wait.
What about the kids, Bayley asks.
Its all about loyalty, Bayley says.
The means don’t justify the ends, everyone thinks.
But this isn’t what everyone thinks now, is it?
And if you can’t understand it by now, I’m not going to be the one telling you.
Dark Moon -S
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PS: Bayley made her decision to be heard using the same gear she had when Sasha told her she loved her a year ago and they made the decision to be heard using the same gear they had when everything slipped right under their hands. There is no stronger connection.
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 3: “Get to the Damn Ship!!”
Ok, now I remembered that this is not ✨ THE SHIP ™ ✨ , but I really get a bad feeling boarding any ship in this game...
Kevin and Riesz have small talk while traveling to Laurent (Laurent is the easy new name to remember thanks to Heroes of Mana) My headcanon of their friendship is so strong by now, I love it!
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She is really angry but her best friend has her back (pls chill, Im an expert on revenge, now is not the time) Love this cute cinnamon roll
=============== Now Riesz offered herself to guide the group now that she is back at home, and into the Meadow we go!  Yes the sleep flowers and the Amazon Hideout... Time to get the Chibikko Hammer!! I kinda like how this part is really quick now with the map markers and everyone telling you what to do and where to go... It took me AGES to figure that out with my brother with almost no knowledge of English.  
Is kinda sad that the hammer is no longer an item that can be assigned to the wheel.... anyway, ITS HAMMER TIME!!!
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Just wanted to bring this out: Kevin is “=O!”   but now lets do a close up to Charlotte face, She is laughing??
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Exhibit n°485 that proves that Charlotte is a spawn of Satan - I love how Kevin makes everything up: Just moved to live here; ohh I smell like human because I took a human to get here! hahahhaha precious!
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Domperi is a bigger troll than in the original, and even Kevin is kinda done with him
Exhibit n°738 that proves that Charlotte is the literal devil:
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Ok, enough fooling around, now back to the Corridor of Wind!... I mean Gusthall?? I repeat, I will need a lot of time to get used to real translation names... - Again going on that ship... Kevin and Riesz keep doing small talk, I really love this!!! BEST FRIENDS!! - I... I'm kinda overleveled for this, just sweep the entire dungeon AND  made class change of the 3 characters lol!
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Welcome the new team: DPS, Debuffer and devil's child Healer and support
- Time to get Laurent Castle back! CHAAAAAARGEEE!!! (omg just started the night-time! AWOOOOOOO!)
- Some of the Japanese audio tracks don’t have subtitles :( I don't speak japanese but I think know that Kevin is encouraging Riesz to keep going and that he will help her, best friends indeed.
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The thief stole her heart hehehe / Kevin asking if she is ok and looking kind of surprised.... and then we have Charlotte looking like “I’m gonna steal your man really soon and then kill him because he didn’t give ME a kiss”... She is the devil!!! I’m telling you!
=============== At some point it became day time, but is ok, I’m already on second class and 2 levels above the enemies. TOP 10 PICTURES TAKEN SECONDS BEFORE DISASTER
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Holy Mother of Mana!!! That was HAAAARD!!!! OMG I spend my 9 cups of wishes, almost all my candies and Riesz and Charlotte ended up beaten and down!!  Zehnoa is really hard (This is the last time I start a boss fight during daytime. ===============
OHH MY GOD! I FORGOT ABOUT BILL AND BEN IN THIS PART!!! Their theme is still fresh, and at least they were easy to beat :D
=============== Ok... now to ✨ THE REAL SHIP ™ ✨... Nonono no I really don’t want to take the boat... Wait... What did you just say Charlotte? You don’t know how to swim? Quick!! To the Ship!! (Still don’t want to take the ship)
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New Headcanon time: Kevin prefers to swim across continents because he gets a little seasick on long trips. Ok... I don’t like this ship but, let’s do it fast!!
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Too pure!  (hehehe yes he was thinking on passing it to other person hehehe cute kevin)
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Ghost Kevin giving the puppy eyes :( Ok Charlotte, you will be the ghost. bye!! =============== I hate this ship! I hate the poison! I hate this part! I hate it I hate it I HATE IT IHATEITIHATEIT ohh look! I can change their clothes to the previous class! how come I didn’t notice that before!! ===============
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Why is Kevin so scared!!??  omg I love the "Ghost Road” attack now!!  ( I really like the FFXIV battle mechanics :D ) AAAAAaand I’m freee!!! wooot!! good bye Ghost ship! =============== Next session: “I’ll rush the island that took me A YEAR to figure out what to do with my brother because we didn’t understand English 10 years ago and proceed with the story!”
2 notes · View notes
fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 14
91: Oct. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
October 19/2019 1245 hrs CST
“ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…
Sunday is historically day to attend worship and spend time with family. It’s also, in more urban areas the day when the biggest newspapers come out. Another beautiful but blanked up day because this curse still hangs in the air, no justice yet but it’s coming! Justice is coming! Sunday’s will soon be as they once were, different, through life experiences but they will family days again!
All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge just returned back to London last night after a five day tour of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The Royal tour was successful far and above expectations. They had promised the children a family weekend. I am certain there were lots of tears along the way despite FaceTime and talking, lots of hugs upon return home. Princess Charlotte has developed a passion for unicorns. Over the summer, as boys do, will all of the garden time that the Duchess did with her family he must have seen salamanders and lizards or just fell for them via books perhaps. So the whole family happily back together along with boss baby , Prince Louis. He acquired that title from his facial expression, priceless ones, during the flyover on Buckingham Palace balcony.
“ she’s not invited, again🧣“…
The Christmas church service last year, upon exiting, madam tried to engage Prince William in conversation, he was wise to her moves and made himself very busy fiddling with his scarf. She then tried Prince Charles who in turn ignored her. The term scarfing has truly taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I think this is clearly Prince William putting his foot down clearly expressing his opinion.The line she’s not invited, also has a bit of a cite reference, the day of Prince Louis’ christening, as they left the chapel to walk back into the entrance, Princess Charlotte said to the amassed media, “you’re not coming”, was tremendously funny and sweet. Her personality was already showing!
” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣““Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “…
HMTQ and PP, likely over the evening cocktail chatting, she jokingly states the above, his replies are the latter two quotes. I am glad they are able to talk and find some humour in this situation! Oh how l would love to be a fly on the wall, meaning love to hear some of their discussions!
“ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” …
Well trauma, upset, tears of sadness and shrieks of OH NO!! Prince George has lost his lizard, l hope not inside or shrieks of horror, outside, just a very sad little boy. I am certain a replacement lizard could be sourced post haste!
” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”
Prince William and HMTQ, and Duchess Catherine likely reviewed/debriefed the events of the tour with LG in attendance. I can hear ideas thrown about on how to continue this success to build on the success of the monarchy. I think half jokingly William said, what next, do you propose such a trip with all three children? I know rumours out there of madam being pregnant but not confirmed, besides another a Royal tour doesn’t happen with her, because SHE IS NOT ROYAL!!! I know the Cambridges took their own private medic along to Pakistan 🇵🇰. I have a feeling she may already be or will shorten announced that she is expecting another child.
“ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …This is definitely LG responding to the notion of an entire a Cambridge family Royal tour! Can you just imagine the coverage? There would have never been anything like it before, and madam would be climbing the walls of her cell or padded room when she learned of that. She will be forever jealous and hateful.
“ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
HMTQ reading when PP says something to her, she replies with the above quote! See 💜🐼💜, l have told youn🐼, THEY DO READ YOUR BLOG,!! This is an absolute confirmation of a suspicion l have had and have talked about! So feel free to express yourself!! WE LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HARRY, WE WANT HIM BACK!!!💜💜💜💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
October 19/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….what a fun happy riddle today. I love the tidbits about the children…..I want you know we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into deciphering these riddles for us. Well…I hope if HM does read here….she will let us know she is ok…😉.💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
92: oct 20
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻This riddle was extremely difficult 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜🤣
MM Anon
MM ANON … A disruption in the FORCE… … give a lot , take a little …… sighted for perpetuity …… 🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼……… multiple numbers …… his backhander slush fund …… silent outrage in Carshalton …… “ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings” ……… a comfortable exorcism …… “ sunshine is the best…” …… “ sunshine is the best…”
October 20/2019 1405 hrs CST
A disruption in the FORCE
In all the a Star Wars movies the FORCE is the power of the energy for good to fight evil. The force be with you has become common usage when you wish some good luck or best wishes in all kinds of situations. Here we are now, dear MM ANON has the word force , in all capitals , meaning extreme, pay attention, some people say all caps means you’re yelling. I personally do not, many of you know when o type in all caps l am expressing my emotions or concerned topic. MM ANON is in deadly seriously telling us that evil, and we all know the evil, it has a name and backers and ultimately the biggest backer who takes souls and laughs at God! There is an extremely concerted effort, especially today to take down HMTQ and the Monarchy, this is as serious a things get folks. There is a disruption, Harry was the access point, evil got in, has been using him everyday. I do not know what will happen today, tonight , tomorrow or the day after. But vigilance is needed, pray if you’re so inclined. This is the most serious battle and attack HMTQ has ever faced!
give a lot , take a little
That’s the phrase, climate change, leave less carbon footprints , charity give your time, etc. HMTQ and many royals give so much time, yes they get to live in mansions etc, but how many of us could keep HMTQ schedule for 93 years, still smile as if everything was fine. I think no future generations will have those skills. The world has changed, everybody is famous with their Instagram etc etc.
We have madam who has taken and taken , taken, taken, taken,taken, taken, was well with open arms publicly, despite manipulating her way in. She has taken very perk there is. NO GRATITUDE, give an inch, she takes 100 miles, so to speak. What does HMTQ get for this? Fingered up, every way, every day, now the poor card will be played after using and exhausting all her other cards. Few have asked me how l am, wah wah wah. She screams privacy, privacy, don’t take my picture, how can anyone ask you anything? She has treated the British people so vile lay, why would they even WANT TO ASK? They want her gone, pick a country, leave!! Just stop,your whinging , word salad, environmental preaching while taking six private jet flights. On and on and on….
sighted for perpetuity ……
Perpetuity is an interesting word, it’s used in financial terms but does have another usage. Let’s let our friend google help us understand it. One meaning is a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date. The second meaning is used as a legal meaning. It is
a restriction making an estate inalienable perpetually or for a period beyond certain limits fixed by law. Now let’s be clear on what inalienable means that something or someone is unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. Basically this is meaning , Harry’s inheritance from his mother, his great grandmother, the Queen mum, any other such funds, homes, jets etc etc CANNOT be taken away from him FOREVER. So should there be a divorce or annulment, she has no legal grounds or recourse to go after any of these items. A payout yes, so the royal family has sound legal and financial admin setting up their assets. Thank God!!!
🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼………
My dear MM ANON, l must say , l was absolutely expecting a return to this gem today! Pink Floyd’s Eclipse. The lyrics of this song about basically everything in life, l can’t put them in here due to copyright but you can easily find them The song ends with the eclipse. The thought is during a lunar/eclipse of the moon, the moon goes dark and the side we can’t see is still lit up. The song ends by this phrase that MM ANON gave us , it’s all dark. Extrapolating that to the situation at hand, it’s all dark. There is no sliver of a silver lining, bit of light or hope that madam will have an a-ha moment, fall on her knees, acknowledging her sins and beg forgiveness. No no no no, it’s all dark, no redemption will be sought. This is very dire friends, very dire indeed, the prognosis is dark. Hence my feelings of anxiety.
multiple numbers ……
Well what is this? We know madam has had multiple number partners, marriages, sex videos, tax issues, merching, basically everything. What is MM ANON referencing here? Discrepancy in items on her taxes? There are so many possibilities.here
his backhander slush fund
This has an informal British meaning of a secret payment, typically one made illegally; a bribe. So, a slush fund is extra cash , hidden, in case of emergency etc. Who is ‘his’ here? Is it PH? Did he think he could at first, just pay her for the booty call and she would go away, vastly unaware of the plot. Is this PP or PC who have such a fund, if needed. Is this PA, who also may have a fund of this nature, if needed. I have no idea which one but this confirms that such fund exists and the purpose for it, but l don’t know who or why it may have been started or if/when/how often it has been used. Yet another piece of this ever-growing larger puzzle.
silent outrage in Carshalton
Carshalton s a town, with an historic village in the London Borough of Sutton, South London. Historically Carshalton is part of Surrey. The Earl and Countess of Wessex live in Bagshot Park, Surrey. Sophie does so much in her duties. She is exceptionally close to HMTQ. I saw an interview with her and Prince Edward. They said basically every weekend they spend together, doing outdoorsy things, horses etc. She said also, since so close she often goes for tea with HMTQ. Prince Edward has been reportedly been called her favourite son. Edward will inherit his fathers title, the a Duke of a Edinburgh when that time comes. I think the both of them must be terribly concerned for HMTQ and PP, their health, this stress etc etc.
“ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings”
From Shakespeare’s As You Like It. First quote referencing seeing another’s happiness through their eyes. Harry saw/sees in William and Catherine’s relationship, then marriage, the three beautiful children, their complete and utter love and devotion. These are all things he longs to have, achingly so. I ache for Harry. I cannot seem to locate the second quote, that’s very odd/unusual. I shall figure it out. Longing for something, sometimes one bends or does something they would never nor do, if they think it can get them what they desire. Flings can be a very casual relationship vacation fling, holiday flings etc, now maybe a booty call. So here we have a young man , struggling with his emotional state, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD, has every tangible thing in the world, except he longs for , desires the intangible, love, utter devotion and children of his own, they become tangible or real. This describes the situation exactly when the attack was made on the BRF via Harry. This steams my tea kettle!!
a comfortable exorcism
Exorcism, in its truest meaning, is a person possessed by a demon, or demons/Satan and a Priest or pastor uses Scripture and other things to set the victim free releasing them. This word, demon,is often used now to describe addiction or other really difficult things that have a hold on someone, therapy, AA, exercise etc etc etc can be used to exorcise oneself. So here we have a comfortable getting rid of the thing that has a hold of some. God l plead this means that Harry will be released from the grasp he is under, if l read this correctly, comfortable means exactly that. How this will be done, LG and HMTQ know. Please let me be correct🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ sunshine is the best…”
Sunshine is the best disinfectant there is, you hang sheets, quilts laundry and the UV, ultra-violet rays kill anything. Just look at what it does to our skin! MM ANON is being cheeky with a double entendre here, Sunshine Sachs, the supposed master PR firm that ‘uses the dark arts for clients’. Since they have come on board, the boat has tilted and started quickly the process of sinking. So they have done nothing to help, on,y made this worse. However, we can count on God’s glorious creation, the sun, to sterilize the filth that’s made public so far and will be made public in the future!!! So come on, pullback the curtain, let the filth out!
October 29/2019
1520 hrs CST
You missed the last hint….
a very lumpy bed nutmeg
“A very lumpy bed nutmeg “
I think this in anticipation of a nice bed in an expensive building with lots of hired staff and she will get to wear designer orange jumpsuit! MM ANON hinting at either hospitalization or incarceration. I have an extensive 20 plus years working in the mental health field, inpatient treatment for any personality is in effective, they quickly adapt, learn staff weaknesses etc etc.
Preparing to hope the orange jumpsuit time comes!
Sorry love forgot this one guys, when l cut and pasted the riddle this didn’t appear.
Thank you PG…again looks interesting! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!😁💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
93: oct 21
MM ANON …… rejected ‘ now reflect!!…… A colonial decision …… Cain un-Abel………… he’s not heavy …… “re-tune your bloody violin”…… “ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…… a broken mendacity …… Calipornia scheming …… “f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…… “ the family I never asked for” …… “all to plan ma’am”……🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…… cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 21/2019 1340 hrs CST
rejected ‘ now reflect!!
We have had a clue very similar wording, l cannot recall exactly. Madam feels very rejected by the big bad U.K. l have been there a number of times, trust me, l was treated like royalty by my friends there!! The people are feeling very angry by her poor me poor me, the final straw l think the camels back is nearly completely fractured. That’s a phrase when something in life has been building and building and then some happens, the last straw and the person collapses mentally, or becomes violent or leaves a marriage. I hope l am explaining that so it makes sense! Harry will have six weeks to reflect, on everything he has done at HMTQ and LG behest. He has given his all for HMTQ.
Cain un-Abel
In Scripture, Cain and Abel they are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. God was given sacrifices for worship, he found favour in Abel’s sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel , jealousy? Here we have un-Abel. This is clearly Prince William and Prince Harry, not ever the murdering part. I think MM ANON is meaning one brother married and has lovely family and will be King. However Prince Harry’s marriage is bogus as is amw. Prince Harry is obviously struggling in every way. One brother just unable to find the love and family, life partner as the other has. I pray for them both!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A colonial decision ……
The colonies is what America was called before they separated taxation without representation! So madam has decided to return to the colonies, live her filthy life, write a book and continue to cause carnage, SO SHE THINKS!! She has absolutely no idea what will hit her when reality comes. No more delusional lies, the long list of alleged things done wrong and the laws alleged involved. Oh God, let justice be meted out SOON!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 P.S. madam, most people in the colonies have no idea who you are and more so they don’t care! She will be seen as a whiner etc etc.
he’s not heavy ……
Phrase, and song, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. In the garbage last night, Harry did not confirm any falling out, he said they’re both on different paths, busy life. But he’s my brother, they will always be brothers and always be there for each other. TO ME THAT SAYS IT ALL!!
“re-tune your bloody violin”……
Old saying when someone is whinging or feeling sorry for thematic, being a drama queen etc another person puts their hand up and rubs their thumb and index finger together. They then asker the whinging person, do you know what this is? It’s the worlds smallest violin playing just for you!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 PP wants a change in the tune, make it louder so madam cannot be heard!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
“ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…
PP and HMTQ started watching the garbage last night, PP chuckling says to her to change the tv channel! I picture them in their evening close, lovely fireplace, comfy elegant room and furniture, having a cocktail and just enjoying each other’s company. As they have done their entire marriage, they are at each other’s side, just beautiful, brings tears actually how horrible this massive attack has been!
a broken mendacity
Mendacity is untruthfulness, lies. Broken lies, well how many times have we seen this with madam. Dozens, she tells so many lies as does her PR, things get twisted and nothing gets amended, they lie their way out of it when questioned. If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be funny. Like a kid with chocolate all over his face and mum asks if he ate chocolate and he says no. She really is stunted about age 14 , lies like some teenagers do!
Calipornia scheming ……
Well she scheming what else she can do to blow the Monarchy apart and completely destroy it Prince Harry. This six weeks away, home in L.A.?Doing porn, or finding wealthy person to be used by for money.perhaps meeting with her backers. I hear rumours of an interview with OW. The whole group of ba let’s will rally around and continue their unrelenting plot to destroy destroy destroy.
“f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…
Well no surprise there, Frogmore Cottage blech , she wanted FROGMORE HOUSE THE MANSION! What unmitigated gall this stupid, egocentric, narcissistic, evil possessed bint! She probably thinks since their offices are at BP she should be given BP!
“ the family I never asked for” ……
Initially, she was saying the Royal family, was family that she had never had. She knew nothing of them, LIE! In the engagement interview she said everything she knew about the Royal family she leaned from Prince Harry and from actually meeting them. Now she has figuratively slapped them all across the face. Talking about how mentally damaging it is to live using a stiff upper lip. I won’t go into detail of how successful, having this life ethos has helped them get through wars, etc etc, you all know this and what a complete disrespect she has shown to them. To say Tutu was historic leader glad amw could meet, UNBELIEVABLE! HMTQ has reigned for nearly 70 years seen it all. Absolutely no respect for her and the Monarchy itself. I am so angered that this stupid, perverted, sold herself in every possible DARE DARE DARE!!! This degree of vulgarity and disrespect my blood is boiling, l am so angry!
“all to plan ma’am”…
LG giving HMTQ an update on how their work is progressing. He seems very pleased with last nights tv garbage. He has been patiently working with his team to deal with this. He has been playing the ultimate game of chess with someone who cannot play checkers. He has given her many opportunities to show her true self. Last night she was all laid bare, pun intended, videos or photos l am certain will be public at some point. She has walked confidently into every single trap that was laid out for her. Now all captured in living colour, in her own words!! Treason! She was not pregnant, fauxmegnancy! , if there is some surrogate child, it’s not Prince Harry’s child.
🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…
This is a great song by the TRUE Fab Four, The Beatles! It actually mentions the Daily Mail and the gossipy things that appear in tabloids. This is telling us that madam is or will be writing a book. She has no limits in her grand focuses and cause maximum carnage with our a Royal family. Her backers probably will pull some strings and make sure it gets maximum coverage. The big bad Brits and the Royal famine didn’t ask her if she was ok. Give me strength Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
Cry-sis is an actual UK charity to assist new parents when their babies have problematic sleep patterns. However, MM ANON, always clever, this is Crisis, what crisis? Someone is in denial. There are several real things happening in the U.K. that fit the word crisis. Brexit, politics, BOJO misleading HMTQ, madam and her backers plan to cause the Royal family to break and crumble. In last night garbage, in an area where life and death issues are occurring, she is 110% self focused. SHE HAS FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! Yammering on about her tough life standing on African soil where there are many third world problems. She is selfish to a degree l have never seen, it’s evil, Satan working through her! She has completely sold her soul.
October 21/2019 1455 hrs CST
Fascinating read dear PG! Looking good, all going as planned! Thank you so much, again…much appreciated! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
94: Oct 22
MM ANON …… dodging the Boo-lets…… November is a wicked month ……… Banksgiving … … “He’s untouchable” …… Dispatches Dispatched…… “ l stand by my husband “s,millions …… “ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…… Marry and Hagon …… “meanwhile, back at BP”…… “mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”…… “well we’re going as M&H”…… “yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”. …… “ nothings impossible mate”…… “look’ here’s your out!!”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 22/2019 1345 hrs CST
… dodging the Boo-lets
Today, now as we speak, madam is wearing her purple maternity dress which magically fits her, whilst attending the One World Youth Symposium at Royal Victoria and Albert Hall. Oh how l would love to see it, l so wish l were well enough to, alas, l am already digressing. This 💜💜”The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young talent from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact. Delegates from 190+ countries are counselled by influential political, business and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.
Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. All delegates have the opportunity to apply to give keynote speeches, sharing a platform with world leaders with the world’s media in attendance. As well as listening to keynote speakers, delegates have the opportunity to challenge world leaders, interact and be mentored by influencers. Delegates make lasting connections throughout the Summit, celebrating their participation at social events and the unforgettable Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
The One Young World Summit 2019 sees the global forum for young leaders return ‘home’ for the first time since the inaugural Summit in 2010. With over 300 languages to be heard on its streets, London is one of the most diverse places in the world. The city is home to nearly 9 million people, one of the world’s biggest financial centres and countless historic sites such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. A city where the past and future merge, London provides the ideal backdrop for young leaders from more than 190 countries to work together to accelerate positive change.” 💜💜 Information taken from one young world.com
It’s important because young people are vulnerable. This woman has no shame, After all the fireworks she has set off, she strolls in there, wearing someone else’s hair, in her maternity dress! An enigma wrapped in a riddle, quite literally is she.
Since the audience is composed of young people the addition of let’s after boo, refers to that. The hope of many is that she would be in direct line of receiving public anger. The brief bit l saw was Higgs kiss you etc, no boos nothing. Now l am never one to wish ill will on anyone but consequences for behaviours? ABSOLUTELY!! Consequences will at some point catch up with her!
November is a wicked month …
MM ANON you do enjoy the book don’t you, this is the second time you have referenced it but changed the month. My memory is still intact🤣🤣😂.l shall help others catch up. The book is entitled August is a Wicked Month by Edna O’Brien. The plot revolves around a woman who has moved to a foreign city, separated from her husband, dreadfully unhappy and moves south to find a new life in the sunshine. Well, we are in October, rumours abound about madam moving to Africa or Canada. On behalf of Canada, sorry we are closed for business, if you leave a message NOBODY WILL RESPOND!😂😂🤣🤣 l know l have used that line BRF but it’s so funny😂😂🤣🤣. What November, six weeks off, off to the sunshine in L.A. Oh God please let her lose her passport or have the IRS or FBI awaiting her arrival.
I must say, l have been pleading for Harry, PTSD, combat fatigue, that he be assessed medically for that pain, and psychologically regarding the off the charts stress of this role he has been playing. Thank you HMTQ and LG for giving him six weeks leave, he is so badly in need of it.
Madam returning home for American Thanksgiving which occurs much later than ours(Canadian)does. There is no bank holiday for Thanksgiving in the U.K. so what’s the meaning here? Is madam going to earn some money during the sex, l meant six weeks off?? I know she’s resourceful, has no shame, long history of letting every bit of her, body heart soul used. So l won’t think further, you can all imagine ways she might find a ‘bank’ in America.
“ l stand by my husband “s,millions
Old country music song Stand by Your Man, l think Tammy Wynette? Yes, madam has stood by her H , so many times, loving, supportive, so concerned when he was in pain, always let’s him go first, never interrupts him, praises HMTQ, treats people respectfully, especially during Royal tours, follows protocol in every way, oh oh oh, wait, l am thinking of Catherine! Yes the Duchess of Cambridge stands by her man! Madam stands by Prince Harry for his money and his fathers money, heck, anyone s money just as long as they give it too her. I may be jovial today is some comments, l have been awake since 0300 hrs bad night, but you all know by know how seriously l take to do justice to dear MM ANON in interpreting her riddles! Humour is a coping mechanism, l have honed that skill well!
“ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …
Prince Harry likely spending time with friends he has not seen for awhile. Likely he can share only certain things. Everyone who has eyes can see HES lost weight, depressed etc etc. The word mojo, when l was little, mojos were little fruit chewy candies, 5 for two cents. Mojo, means ones drive for life, zest to do new things or go back to doing things you used to enjoy. This is a very loving and honest person telling Harry this. I am so glad he’s got so many who love him. Harry, there are lots like me, who believe in you 100% , pray for you and want the octopus tentacles untethered from around you!
… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…
What MM ANON., no Pink Floyd. Now this is my jam, ‘ol blue eyes himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra, when music was music. This is a sentimental song. The lyrics take us through four phases in a mans life, ages 17,21,35 and autumn , the older years. It describes relationships with women, no let me take that back, it’s about how males see females at different ages. Seventeen is all teeny bopper love. Twenty one, things get far more intimate. Thirty five is interest, because Harry is due to turn 35. That part of the song, the lyrics speak of relationship with blue blooded woman, limousines, chauffeurs. I am interpreting this as an annulment or divorce before he turns 35. Hope and a future to look forward to real love, a real family of his very own. I wish that with all my heart for our Harry!
… Marry and Hagon
Marry and Hagon? Harry and Magon……..She will be gone. Harry will be Harry but she will be gone!!!!!
“meanwhile, back at BP”……
Old saying meanwhile back at the ranch, means change the topic or in tv shows change of scene. So with all that has gone on, HMTQ remains doing her duty each and every day. How l love her in purple!! She follows her routine, to the letter, giving each appearance her all. One would never ever know of all the things that have happened and are continuing to happen behind the scenes. The stiff upper lip, that’s how one gets things done, it’s not mentally damaging. HOBBIES , sniff sniff, snort snort, the like madam loves, and PERVERSION are mentally damaging. There is a saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. One doesn’t whimper and moan. With my current life, since my spinal lesion and constant pain, my life changed fir sure. Stiff upper lip and humour have got me through. I think pretty much anyone who has read my words, or messaged me, can attest to the fact that l have a serious side along with a silly side! Stiff upper lip!!
“mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”… “well we’re going as M&H”…
Well, how much would l LOVE to see these beautiful children in their Halloween costumes!! Princess Charlotte, a unicorn, Prince George as a lizard, William and Catherine’s joking as who they will be. MM ANON, can you please find out what boss baby Prince Louis’ costume will be!! Thank God for the beautiful Cambridge family,they are so beloved.
“yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”.
Prince Harry, again in conversation, l would say definitely with a male due to usage of the d word, starts with d rhymes with pick. Talking together with how he got into this mess. It was a booty call, just a booty call. To have that lead where it has, is terrifying. Pay attention kids! No casual sex! It eats away at your soul.
“ nothings impossible mate”……
Continuing in the conversation, his friend is reassuring Prince Harry that he has fulfilled his duty. This relationship will end in annulment or divorce and the future is bright. He has learned so much about himself, about life, about what’s truly important and there is definitely possibility for him to find love and have his own family. All thank a God he has supportive friends and family who live him!
“look’ here’s your out!!”
Madam, wah wah wah, nobody asks me if l am ok, and saying in vague terms that she maybe cannot continue, it’s near the end of the interview, l cannot recall the exact words. She will go to America , hit the ground running there🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. The only way she will hit the ground running is if she parachutes off the plane! Her doing this, his friend is saying that Harry’s out, it’s a short way to say, you can get out of a situation. This means get out of the marriage. I am still not 100% there is a legal marriage, Harry held up the register as he signed, plus non-consumation, (no intimacy after vows)annulment. I think the fact that this alleged baby is NOT his, that is critical point as well. Treason, madam trying to pass off baby as being of the body, fauxmegnancy, and no DNA matching Harry.
October 22/2019 1500 hrs CST💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dear PG! This is great….things are happening in the background….I too would love to know what PL will be! Much appreciated as usual…😊💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG APOLOGISES🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜💜I have to apologize, l after the submission, noted two clues were missed by me.
l have changed how l work on the riddles, in terms of where on my iPad. It has happened several times that l miss clues since that time.
MM ANON, l mostly apologize to you, l know you work so hard on your riddles.
Am l forgiven!???🥺
PG, no need to apologize…we appreciate you and all the time and effort you put in…😊💜💜💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻FOR MM ANON FROM PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… pg … no apologies never!!! You’re input as with others who give such a wealth of interpretations. Time for me to thank everyone for their esteemed efforts , my sincere and humble thanks. One last riddle ……… “ The pain in gain stays mainly on the wane.” (( difficult)) … but fun.
Eliza Doolittle
the rain in Spain stats mainly in the plains
MY FAIR LADY awe come on that was easy! Rex Harrison always my idea of an Englishman!
Seriously thank you for your kind words!
Thank you PG😊❤️❤️❤️
95: oct 24
MM ANON …… 22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes …… little boy lost (and found) …… LGs long rope …… 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼……… DVDelivery …… LGs records. …… 🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA……… “ No darling, 42 and counting “……… “ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”……… inadmissible but relevant …… “ a brilliant QC”……… “ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…… “as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”…… “one is reluctant you understand!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019 0500 hrs CST
Sorry it’s submitted so late!
22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes
Madam has a long, sordid past and present, her future is unknown, one can always pray for redemption. This clue is telling us of several decades of vulgarity, substance(s) use and abuse, pornographic videos etc etc etc. Some people somewhere have the videos. There has to be many many witnesses or people out there who have first hand knowledge either participating in or observing these behaviours. Thus far there has been no whistle blowers so to speak. That tells us a lot of money has been paid or threats made to silence people.
little boy lost (and found)
This has been the title of numerous tings, sculpture, film, novel and a poem by poem by William Blake in the 1700’s. I will focus on that. It is written by a Christian, he uses the metaphor of a young boy walking behind his father but loses his way, endings up all wet and muddy. Here we have little boy lost and found. This is of course our Harry. He was lost emotionally decades after he lost his mum. Lifestyle choices were not the best, shall leave it at that. He met madam on a booty call, here we are today. Harry has, l still believe! been working covertly for all the reasons l have stated reported in my interpretations. Hence the little boy, now a man has been giving his all to make up for his mistake(s) to his own physical peril. Weight loss, depression etc etc. He now has six weeks leave!
LGs long rope
LG has made a long game plan, every step of the way madam, thinking she’s getting her way, has fallen into every trap, the ultimate being the video interview with Tom Brady, Harry’s friend going way back! The old saying give a guy a rope and he will hang himself , metaphorically, like give an inch , she will take a mile. Give her bit of freedom and she ends up looking like an idiot. Well she truly has incriminated herself, the video was brilliant in capturing everything in HER OWN WORDS!
🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼
Fantastic musical entitled Evita! Based on the life of Evita Peron . She was born Maria Eva Duarte’s in a small village in Argentina, in a very poor family. At young age she moved to Buenos Aires with big dreams of being famous actress. A year there she met her future husband at a charity event. Juan Peron became president in 1946 and she was First Lady until 1952, year she died. The Musial became very successful even became a film with Madonna. Anyhow we know madam spent time in Argentina as arranged by one of her uncles, working in some job at the embassy/ consulate. Those years are murky but she didn’t last long , she allegedly left suddenly with some guy. The irony of both women’s lives cannot be lost!
DVD, we know recordings of sex exist. Who sent them and who received them? Who has copies. There are videos onlin, l won’t watch but some say yes, some say no regarding whose in them. I would think, LG has long long had possession of that and worse. We know the DM has a million dossier ready to go , ready BEFORE the day of unhappy people!
LGs records.
LG has the most distinguished record of service to HMTQ and country. I am certain he has kept a volume of data, in all forms of all the information he and his team and other agencies have collected. I am as certain of that as l am certain of anything.
🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA
MM ANON takes us again to Pink Floyd. I used to love! this song, Wish You Were Here, can be used with any loss, or at least l found it to be thus. Madam and MA have been an illicit pair for years and years. Just imagine what the two of them got up to together! Using SoHo, MA knows EVERYBODY,, He probably has dirt of EVERYBODY as well! These two, longing for each other’s company and their plans to outwit the backers or make that go rogue, marry baby etc etc. Their continued secret communications, thinking LG had no idea😂😂😂😂🤣. Oh they’re both in a world of hurt, missing their partner in crime, a common phrase but here think a literal meaning!!!
“ No darling, 42 and counting “…
There has long long long been speculation that madam is not and has never been truthful about her real age. MM ANON is telling us 42 and counting so what is her real exact age??? Old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth😂😂😂🤣🤣.
“ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”
I put these two clues together because MM ANON started and ended the quotation marks. The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina is from the musical Evita. It was a film in 1996. Evita the stage version started as a rock musical in 1976, came to the West End in 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the brilliant creator. Let’s do some math 2019 - 1976 mmmm what’s that give us 43! Madam is 43!!!! She was 42 at the gathering of unhappy people!!LIAR CRY FOUL, LEST BE A LIAR!!!
inadmissible but relevant
Evidence, has to be obtained legally or given voluntarily in order for it to be used in court. So what evidence exists that is relevant but inadmissible? Anything subjective, gut feeling, something told under duress, that sort of thing.
“ a brilliant QC”…
To those unfamiliar, in the U.K. and Canada the “Queen’s Counsel”, an honour given to a senior and distinguished barrister in recognition of an outstanding career during Queen Victoria’s reign. K.C. means King’s Counsel. K.C.
In Canada, the honourary title of Queen’s Counsel, or QC, is used to recognize Canadian lawyers for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession. These barristers or attorneys/lawyers are responsible for bringing legal cases to court for prosecution. They must need a brilliant one to process the litany of alleged crimes to be charged. I have absolutely no doubt there are many capable and they have alright had decisions made in this regard.
“ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Upon a barrister devolves the duty of taking charge of a case when it comes into court, but all the preliminary work, such as the drawing up of the case, serving papers, marshalling evidence, etc., is performed by a solicitor. The delivery of a brief to counsel gives him authority to act for his client in all matters which the litigation involves.The brief was probably so called from its first being only a copy of the original writ. From wiki. So given the number and brevity of likely charges, one can only begin to imagine the amount of paperwork, evidence , briefs etc etc etc
“as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”
LG and HMTQ in conversation, he is reassuring her, the evidence with corresponding charges is wrapped up solid.Her reply follows below.
“one is reluctant you understand!
She is reluctant to give the official go ahead, with all the unknown reverberations that could occur across the country, the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the globe, especially in light of Brexit. She has so much on her shoulders. Let’s do remember HMTQ in our prayers.🙏🏻🙏🏻
October 24/2019 0605 C
This worked PG….thank you😊❤️❤️❤️
96: Oct 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… six weeks in rehab🤫……… Invictus recovery …… loyally remembered …… unhook the Tender…… burned boats……political ambition …… nutmegs WH moment … sugar queen…… 🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼 …… The casting of the Runes……” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…… safe inside WC…… “a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019
1130 hrs CST
six weeks in rehab🤫
Rehab on the dl as the kids used to say. Down low, secretly. The emoji is the shhhh emoji, so it’s information to be kept quiet. So is that what visits to L.A. are now? Rehab? Is it compelled rehab?? She truly does need help, l also think a full medical and psychiatric work-up/assessment would be prudent. A long history of paranoia, people medicate themselves when experiencing psychotic symptoms. Unsure when this will happen. Harry needs family rehab, medical care, therapist but most of all time away from madam, of any appearances with her. Time to recharge his personal batteries, get his mojo back, as MM ANON used the word mojo, the other day!😊
Invictus recovery
Invictus, Harry’s blood sweat and l am certain many tears were the impetus for him creating Invictus. Invictus from the Latin means undefeated or unconquered. It is the perfect word for describing the individuals who are veterans with visible or not visible post war trauma. The next a Invictus Games are you be held at The Hague, The Netherlands in May, 2020. Harry did a quick visit there while madam was having her fauxmegnancy. This organization has helped uncounted veterans and their families, through the games, the camaraderie etc. He has done extremely well and he should be very very proud of helping sooo many including himself!
… loyally remembered November 11/2019, the eleventh hour, the eleventh day of the eleventh month we all or should stop to remain those veterans and those fallen in battle for our freedoms. It is always a day that many attend services, the Royal family always do, they spread out and cover various places. Harry is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps (AAC), and as HMTQ Personal Aide-de-Camp. He will be dressed in his dress uniform and likely attend several places. I think it might be especially poignant and painful this year due to the suicide of his close friend, who helped train him for the South Pole adventure, Jules Roberts.
unhook the Tender…
Unhook means to open or take/out down like curtain pins, or bra. Tender can mean gentle, Tender is also money, called legal tender. So who is taking down money and from where for what reason? Tender l just read can also be a battery or electrical charger. As l think now, this may be a right metaphor MM ANON has given. Unhook the tender, at any point you want a spark or a charge it’s ready and waiting! Voila, LG has all the evidence collected, case tight, all i‘S dotted and t’s crossed. Everything ship shape, nothing remotely left to chance, right down to MI6 watching over a Grandpa Tom in Mexico. Kids , it’s as close as it gets, hang on!
burned boats
Burned bridges can be literal actually burning a bridge but it can also mean damage or break your future options, connections,reputation, opportunities, by some act, particularly intentionally. Even if you fired from a job take care not to burn your bridges with unseemly comments on the way out, since you never know who you will meet again. Here we have burned boats, has madam lost any and all contacts in her yachting world, source of money. She very likely has, no one would be interested now, especially wealthy men, they don’t want the obvious scandal that would come if they were seen and perchance she be recognized. The obvious reason is her age, she , as my cousin who has a horse ranch would say, she been ridden hard and put away wet! You must rubdown a horse after riding. She’s aged and not well, her hobbies have really taken their toll.
political ambition
It has been rumoured for quite sometime that madam has political aspirations and even rumoured of her taking a run for the White House where the president of America has his office and home. All l can do is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
nutmegs WH moment
Madam met BO when he was President, she was the plus one guest of Ron Burkle , of SoHo. I wonder what on earth she had to do, to get that plus one invite!!!!🤢🤢🤢 Likely nothing she has not done numerous times before!
sugar queen…
Madams cult-like brainwashed ‘fans’ mostly younger and a certain demographic. They, l don’t know why, are called sugars. They worship her she is their queen, they fully believe she should be the next Queen. Since doing these riddles l have, sadly, learned of the ‘urban dictionary’, here is their definition,💜💜” A bisexual male that is stylish and easy to talk to to usually attractive and full of talent and advice 💜💜 A person who supports any and all activities (past, present, and future) done by the former z-list actress and current failure-as-a-royal and by several puns involving the name “Sussex.” Sugars owe their unfortunate allegiance to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) congenitally-low IQ, complete ignorance of etiquette and royal protocol, an excess of entitlement, self-esteem at a level warranted by godhood (with nothing to back it up), and the feeble defenses of “Jealousy!” and “Racist!” when challenged.💜💜 Actually, they are pretty much lower-rent clones of their low-rent diva goddess. I just can’t believe this sorry folks l am as shocked as you will be reading this!! The items between the Purple Hearts are from the urban dictionary!!They have actually MADE UP A WORD JUST FOR MADAM!
🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼
Life was just for fun… This song, All By Myself, has been covered/performed by many, my favourite being Celine Dion. The song talk about being young, casual sex, flings, and getting older. The entire premise of the song is someone who desperately does not want to be alone and grow old alone. This is our Harry. I won’t repeat his history, relationships, we all know all of it. Once madam is no longer in the picture, incarceration, moved whatever, he will begin the process of figuring out who he is after this experience. He will need a lot of time talking with a professional to help him, his pre-existing depression, PTSD compounded with the trauma of the last two years. He is young, healthy, has a big family who live him dearly. I have hope for him to find his love and have a real family of his own. Now l am going to hav this song in my head all day!
The casting of the Runes
Let’s educate ourselves on what Runes means. Wiki tells me it has several meanings, l am only familiar with it as stones. a letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet. Wiki
a mark or letter of mysterious or magic significance.
small stones, pieces of bone, etc., bearing runes, and used as divinatory symbols Casting the Runes“ is a short story written by the English writer M.R. James The story briefly wiki Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell’s work and died in a freak accident not long after.
Harrington’s brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram’s Church in Abbeville.
I couldn’t shorten it and do it justice. So basically madam has cast the runes, a horrible spell on Harry, he has suffered under it through it and his family has been exerting every possible intervention to help him, gather intel and evidence of alleged crimes. There will be justice, it is coming. JUSTICE IS COMING RACHEL!! TICK TOCK 🕰
” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…
Eureka is what the miners used to shout when they struck gold, oil, diamonds etc. Here MM ANON has written EU-bloody-REKA old thing. They are talking about Brexit and what the nation has been going through ever since the votes came in. Lots is still unknown and everyone is on edge, to put it mildly.
safe inside WC
Safe has at least two meaning, one is to be kept from harm, contented or a metal device or strong box that holds valuables, jewels cash, papers, wills, bonds etc etc. I am certain there is a safe in Windsor Castle ie WC. HMTQ is also safe at WC, there are plenty of RPO’S to protect her from anything and everything. I am very interested in what is the topic MM ANON is sharing with us. What’s in the safe?? Photos, dvd(s), recordings, on and on! Something of importance that’s for certain!
“a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
The emoji indicates blockage of cell phone/mobile device usage. Two places l know of for certain hospitals and prisons. The city of Winchester has both, and they are right across the street from each other. Clever eh? Rehab in one, no outside communication, alone with her thoughts, no hobbies no cope, it’s going to be a personal hell to detox. I’ve seen it many times, it’s horrible. Strategic in terms of containing for personal safety, not harm self, no contact with others, no news or what’s happening in the world etc etc. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 October 24/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜
33 notes · View notes
hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 01
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language.
Words: 3,701
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, "She-Bang", with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps "She-Bang" realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
A/N: My first Hoseok Fic, won’t be my last. Please support.
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Waking up to a raging headache and nausea everyday never gets old when you aim to live the life of a superstar musician. I can't even remember the last time I woke up perfectly healthy after a gig and that was fine by me.
I can feel the sun trying to pulverize me from the hotel window as I open my eyes. I immediately try to shy away from it and end up bumping into my band mate Carrie. She gives a tired moan as she rolls further away from me.
How and why is Carrie in my bed?
I peek over her at the second king sized bed in the hotel room to see Leyah and some guy she must of brought home last night without us noticing. Fuck. Carrie definitely got kicked out of her shared bed with Leyah and decided to bunk with me instead of Vicky in the next room on the couch. What else is new?
I take a glance at the digital clock on the nightstand. 4:56 PM. "Guys! We gotta move! Get up!" I yell, not helping my own hangover, but all the while moving like a bat out of hell trying to get the band ready for tonight. I walk around the bed and give Carrie a few good shakes until she sat upright. I move into the next room to Vicky, saving Leyah's sorry ass for last.
"Vicky. Come on babe, you gotta get up." I lean down and shake her a little gentler than I shook Carrie because I know she drank a little more than the rest of last night. "Vicky?" I said softly. "Hmm?" She responded still tucked into the couch with her back to me. "We have a show tonight honey and it's already five o'clock so I'm gonna need your ass to cooperate. I have a headache too and I'm sure the others do as well. Can you please get up for me?" I spoke calmly and softly even though I wanted to do anything but. She turned around slowly, opened her eyes just a slither and nodded best she could. Her pixie cut hair didn't change much since the night before, but her light brown skin was a little puffy in the face for obvious reason.
"Great!" I switched back to my yelling tone of voice to make my sure I got my point across and stand back up. "I'm glad we had this talk!" I start to walk away as Vicky said her peace. "Really Char!?" I laugh and continue walking towards Leyah's bed. "You all didn't make me the leader for nothing!" I yell over my shoulder.
"Hey! You!" I chanted at Leyah and her boy toy. I wasted no time as I pull the covers off of the both of them, not caring for the parts that were nude, but paid them no mind anyways. Leyah's long dark brown curls were in complete disarray, going in every direction. Her make up from the night before was smeared all over her tan skin.
"What the fuck Char?!" Leyah raged immediately after the covers were ripped from her, almost like she had already been awake.
"What the fuck Char- Can we skip all the bullshit and get to work? Starting with you. Get out." I say directly to Boy Toy who also seems to be awake. "Whoa! Who even-" I ignore him walk over to Carrie who seems to have fallen back to sleep.
"Carrie I swear for God if your ass is not in that shower in minutes there will be hell to pay...CARRIE!"
"I'M COMING!" Carrie fumbles out of bed and angrily makes her way to the bathroom. Her bleach blonde hair was also in knots and not pretty at all. Her pale skin on her face and chest were red all over from her hangover.
"Good now back to you. Out. Please." I figured using actual manners wouldn't hurt this time around. If it would get this creep out of our too then so be it.
"Hey you can't just tell me t-"
"Dude just give it a rest. Find your clothes and get out." Leyah grumbled from her place on the bed, not paying him any attention. The boy looks at a loss for words, then he does some grumbling of his own while he gets dressed and finally leaves.
"Whoo. Now that, that's finally over, I'm gonna hop in the shower."
"Isn't Carrie in the shower?" Leyah moaned.
"Yeah. So?" Leyah just laughs and snuggles back up to her pillow. "And don't you dare go back to sleep!" I say making my way to bathroom. "Yeah, yeah!" I roll my eyes and keep walking. I take some painkillers I brought to the hotel before undressing and hopping in the shower behind a singing Carrie. I reach for the soap on the right of Carrie and the sight of my arm is enough to send her arms flailing in a screaming fit, causing her to almost slip, but she grabs for the shower bar just in time. 
This leaves both naked and confused facing each other. I slowly reach for the soap once again while moving under the spray of the shower. Carrie steadies her breathing, finally, and does the same thing. It wouldn't be the first time myself of my band mates have done something like this. Thankfully we're all really close to one another so nothing surprises us anymore. Hence why Carrie isn't murdering me currently. 
"Leyah. You're next, don't fight me on this." I say after drying off and getting dressed. Cross the threshold to Vicky's room and kneel down to Vicky's level. "Here. Take these." I give her a glass of water and some pain killers. She takes them no questions asked. Next on the agenda is making sure the roadies were up and at 'em too.
I walk two feet to the next hotel room down and knock obnoxiously for roughly ten seconds. "Come on losers! What are you doing in there!?" Our roadie Darren opens the door to greet me with a smile and thankfully he's fully clothed. "You rang?" He drawled sarcastically causing me to chuckle. I took a second too long looking at his impossibly white teeth and how they contrasted with his soft looking dark lips. 
"Actually I knocked and I just wanted to know if you guys were getting ready for the gig tonight like you're supposed to."
"Don't worry about a thing Char." He spoke more seriously. "Everything's in the van ready to go, as are Kyle and I. See? Everything's under control." He tries to assure me so I wouldn't worry. But just as the words leave his mouth a tan skinned brunette girl walks passed him out of the room singing "Goodbye Kyle!" over her shoulder and continues to walk passed me down the hallway. Kyle can be heard saying goodbye from behind Darren. I look him up and down with a look that reads "Is that right?" in response to his before comment on having things under control. 
"Nobody's perfect boss." Is his excuse. I just shake my head and smile. "Just meet us at the van in an hour and a half." I say not waiting for a response, walking back to our room. "Whoa, that long? What's the hold up?" He asks. "Nobody's perfect Darren." I shrug and and turn to go back into the room pretending not to notice him checking me out as I unlocked the door and walked inside. I won't ever deny the fact that I am attracted to Darren, but with the plans that me and my girls have there is no time for romance or relationships. I made that a rule.
Walking back into the room I see the girls in the full swing of their morning routines so I put on some make-up, grab my camera and sift through the pictures I took last night of everyone and some I took in a nearby park when I found some time alone. I plan to go back and take some more when our schedule slows down a little. 
After dealing with the girls' shit and waiting for everyone to be ready, we met the boys at the van as planned and hopped in. We took longer than expected an now it was 7:49 PM and we were meant to go on by 8:30. At this rate, we'll be lucky if we  went by 9:00. Everyone was grateful to be out of the car and free from my nagging as we arrived at the venue. 
It happened to be a club/bar situation, but it left a lot of room for the stage and the dance floor so you knew people were coming out for  the entertainment as well. We could hear a band already playing as our opener, but we had no idea who. I lead my group as we approach the bouncer at the front entrance because the back entrance was locked.
"Hello. We're She-Bang!, we're here to perform." I announced. The bouncer looks me up an down in disgust. Probably because we cut in front of all these people. 
"I don't care who you are." He snarls. "Now get to the back." This man was about to make me lose my patience.
"Look. Sir. We are the entertainment for the night. If you don't let us in, these people won't get even get what they pay for." 
Voices of concern can be heard from the rest of the line. But I, of course, heard one in particular.
"OH MY GOD! Is that She-Bang!? Holy shit!" The rest of the line starts to talk amongst themselves and some are even screaming about the fact we're here. I turn back to the bouncer with smug smirk on my face.
"You here that? Those are our fans they're gonna be really pissed if you don't let us in." Leyah finally speaks up from behind me. "Took you long enough." I whispered behind me. she just rolls her eyes. 
"No way lady. Get lost." The bouncer growls. That's it.
"Look you piece of shit! We did not come down here to-"
"Char? What are you still doing out here?" The club owner, Evan, comes out and stands next to the bouncer who immediately tenses up at the sight of his boss. Evan stands out from the crowd in his expensive looking dark blue suit, black dress shirt and dress shoes to match. His black, neck length hair was styled to perfection in a way that brought out his piercing blue eyes and pale skin.
"I don't know. Why don't you ask Jack Black over here?" I say looking at the bouncer, but talking to Evan. My friends all laugh at my words. Thanks guys.
"James. Is there a reason you refuse to let my guests in?" Evan asks in a threatening tone of voice, his French accent peeking through.
"They cut in line boss." The bouncer responds nearly trembling. 
Evan makes a show of rolling his eyes and scoffing. "Get over yourself James. And double check your pay check to make sure I docked your salary appropriately?" 
"Yes boss." James visibly deflated at the news causing me to chuckle.
"Come on in guys. I'm sorry about that. How have you been Char?" He drawled in his light French accent. He grabs my hand, placing his lips against the back of it while looking me in the eye. If I could blush I would have. I've been doing business with Evan for about five months now and I've known he's wanted to sleep with me for just as long. I would go as far as to say Evan played a major key in our bands success and I would be lying if I said the attraction had nothing to do with it. But I would never stoop that low to get what I want. 
"We have been great Evan. And you?" I hear Carrie and Leyah snickering at my choice of words. 
"I have been well, thank you. But I am much better now that I am in your company." Evan's endless sweet talk causing Darren to openly groan. He and Evan share a heated glare and I know that is my cue to inform Evan that the band needs to head back stage to get ready. 
"That guy is such a tool Char. Why do you kiss his ass again?" Darren accuses, trying to upset me. I see right through it.
"Try the other way around Darren. I kiss ass for no one. We keep him around to keep the band relevant." I spoke uninterested, unpacking our instruments.
"Whatever man." Darren thankfully drops it and goes to help me. Leyah didn't need to bring the drum set, one was already provided here. Same goes for Carrie and her keyboard, but Vicky grabs her bass from it's case and I grab my guitar from mine. Soon enough it's time to perform and we are getting ourselves pumped in the wings. The announcer, already on stage, is getting the fans excited for the next act it's helping us out a lot.
"Are you ready for She-Bang!?" He yells into the mic and immediately the fans go crazy. We walk onto the stage and I didn't think they could get any louder, but they did. It was humbling. Everyone took their places on the stage, I walked to the mic.
"Hey guys. We're She-Bang!" The crowd cheers again. "But you already knew that." I said softly into the mic, getting some laughs from the crowd and from Darren and Kyle in the wings. I tilt my head side ways to look behind me at our drummer.
"Leyah. You know what to do." I turned back to the crowd.
Leyah clicked her sticks together loudly in the air. "One! Two! Three! Four!" We performed our covers first to warm up the crowd. We do everything from Beyonce to Paramore and all throughout there was the consistent flash from the same camera in the corner of the club. Normally I would brushed it off because let's face it, people take our picture all the time, but this flash seemed to be brighter than the others here and went off almost every five seconds. I sound like a little bitch, but it was so bright and close, we switched to performing our original songs and it got even harder to focus.
I waited for the camera holder to take a break to look in that direction. When it did I looked over see a tan, Asian man holding the most beautiful high tech camera I've ever seen with a long lens. He was looking through his pictures for a minute before holding his camera to take more pictures until he saw me already looking at him. He immediately put the camera down and continued to make eye contact like a deer caught in the headlights. My attention went from the camera to his face. He was incredibly handsome and I found myself analyzing him like I had to figure him out. His hair was a beautiful jet black. His chestnut eyes were so inviting, his nose was straight and bulb like at the bottom, but his nostrils were small, his heart shaped lips looked thin but seriously supple and on top of that his skin looked so soft and healthy it just screamed "touch me". And boy did I want to. 
Wait. What am I saying? We don't have time for romance remember?
I was shocked to find him checking me out as well. How did someone as perfect looking as him find me attractive too? I had curly brown, almost black, hair that flowed in waves to my shoulder blades. I had light brown skin and dark brown eyes. I had a thin waist and my long smooth legs were on display tonight. I wore a black mini dress that came to my mid thigh, a black leather jacket and black combat boots. My band mates wore something similar to our gigs. I was nothing special.
I was surprised to find that I was the one to look away first. I've never been one to be intimidated by a guy. Forget it, focus. I don't think I would have made it through the rest of the set if I hadn't looked away. When we finally finished the set we said our goodbyes to the crowd. "Goodbye everybody! Have a good night and drive safe!" and we were making our way backstage. We congratulated each other on a job well done and packed up. I finished first somehow and made my way out to the club with my guitar on my back. What do we pay those two for? 
Most people left while some fans stayed behind in hopes of seeing members of the band up close. I signed a few autographs and took a lot of pictures I said goodbye to our last fan when I noticed him again. He was in the same corner looking at something on his beautiful camera and as if he felt my eyes on him, he looked up at me and our eyes met once again. My immediate response was to look away like I'd been caught doing something wrong. 
What the fuck was that Char? We do not get nervous because of boys. They get nervous because of us.
I looked back up to see Camera Man, as I have started calling him in my head, smiling at me. Out of politeness, I smiled back. With the lights being turned up just a smidge, from here, I could see everything better. Camera Man was wearing a simple graphic black t-shirt with some kind of cartoon character on it I didn't quite recognize, a blue flannel and black jeans with all black Nike sneakers. It wasn't exactly club-goer-chic, but I feel the ensemble fit him better than any chain or leather jacket could. After studying him again I realize I have been staring at this man and he has been watching me amused. This just got extremely awkward. I see only two options for me at this point. I could rudely walk out of the club or approach this man and apologize. Or get his number possibly. 
What? No. I'm tired. I am not going to hit on this man. I just want to say I'm sorry for creeping him out. 
Without my permission, my body begins to move towards his table and his eyes are on me the entire way there. I approach the table and stand in front of Camera Man and wait for words to come out. Thankfully they do.
"Hi." REALLY!? Are you serious?
"Hi." He replies happily, waiting for me to say something else.
"So. You took a lot of pictures before." Oh this just keeps getting better doesn't it?
He looks down at his camera timidly. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry if that distracted you guys too much." He said guiltily
"Not really. It was mostly just your face that distracted me." Whoa. What's gotten into me? That's a bit forward for an apology. Shit, wait. I'm not supposed to be flirting with this guy. 
Isn't that why we came over here?  My own conscience outing my true intentions.
No we came to apologize, but that went out the window and-- fuck I just missed what he said.
"I'm so sorry. What did you just say?" There. We apologized for something. Mission accomplished.
"Ha ha. I said Thanks." He places his hand on the nape of his neck and rubs nervously. That's more like it Camera Man. Fuck. I should say something else to make him keep talking to me. Not that I want him to or anything.
"Uh. I couldn't stop looking at your camera during the show. What kind is it?" Good one.
As expected he was taken aback by my question. He put that aside to answer my question. "Oh, uh. It's a Canon EOS." The shock slowly making it's way back onto his face.
"Oh, wow. I only have my old Sony Alpha. The life of an up and coming musician doesn't really allow me to buy that kind of stuff you know?" I eye his device a bit more, that's like a $3,000 camera.
"Oh. You like photography?" He asked, stunned.
"Yeah. What's not to love?" I smile getting more comfortable talking about something I'm familiar with and I thought Camera Man was too, until he tried to speak and nothing would come out.
"Uuhhhh. Wow. Sorry, I j--wow. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you to be into that stuff." He says with wide eyes and a shy smile.
"Well. you can always expect the unexpected with us." Really? Expect. The. Unexpected? How old am I really? I try not to physically cringe in front of Camera Man. 
"I guess I will." He laughed. Thanking God he played along, I was ready to exchange information with him when I felt pulling on me arm. I turned around to see it was Carrie and the rest of the crew were already on their way out the door. 
"Char. Come on! There's this party down the street and they want us to perform ASAP. They'll pay! Let's go, we already got the money from Evan." She says not really giving me a choice and pulling my arms out the door. I try to say goodbye from the door of the club. 
"Uh, Goodbye! I guess." I say that last part to myself and I see Camera Man wave and smile at me from his table. Fuck! Camera Man? I never got his name, let alone his number. Not even any social media. 
Carrie pulls me into the van as I think to myself. Maybe its for the best.
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