#and frank getting his hourly head pats
frnkiebby · 8 months
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these stupid cute fuckers~🎃
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snowgoldwaylon · 3 years
Ring of Fire - Alex Mason X Reader
Mason saves you from an apartment fire. Are you happy? No. But, did you just meet a very attractive man? Yes.
TW: Strong language, fire, eventual fluff!
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"Alex Mason! Meet me in my office please!' Is what Mason heard after a long, hard, and hot training.
Mason felt anxiety by the way his drill sergeant spoke to him like that. So, Mason hauled ass to the office, and stood professionally until the drill sergeant finally came in.
"Ma'am" Mason said with confidence, in attention.
"At ease Lieutenant. Now, take a seat. I have something to discuss with you." She said, sitting down and pulling a file out.
Mason took a seat, and watched her pull a thick, yellowish file from her desk. She opened it and layed out several pieces of paper in front of Mason so he could see everything. He took a closer look and saw something for the local fire department, a look of confusion clouded his face.
"Lieutenant Mason, you are being asked to take part in giving a hand to the Fair Banks Fire Department. Their chief has been layed off for a while due to a recent building fire, and they need men. And you just so happen to be the perfect candidate for helping out!" The drill sergeant said, pulling out a cigarette.
Mason was hesitant, he didn't know how to feel. He was afraid that he might fuck up and get someone hurt. Or worse, killed. But, he already worked in that part of the field. One mistake and it means death.
"Drill Sergeant Rivers, I don't have the proper training for this kind of thing. So why am I being picked?" He questioned.
She hit her cigarette and exhaled. She shot a glaring look back at him, while reaching for a pen nearby.
"Mason, they wouldn't just send you in with no training. They are offering on the job skills training and certification. You provide won't even be working there for very long anyways, they just need help until the Chief comes back. So that means, you'll be chief Alex Mason for a whole three months!" Rivers spoke, ashing her cigarette.
Rivers slid him a pen, and gave a devious smile. She pointed to the words on the contract as she spoke.
"We'll still be paying what you make here hourly, and they will also pay you for the position. You'll receive a work vehicle, and housing options if you are interested. But, if you will, please sign here, and here. And then finally, date this at the bottom."
Mason sighed, and grabbed the pen.
"I really hope this isn't a stupid idea, Drill Sergeant Rivers. I'll still have my position here in the Marines, right?" Mason asked.
"Of course, Lieutenant. You are the best of the best. Besides, I don't think Frank would last very long without you." She said with a chuckle.
Mason signed the papers, and slid them back over to Rivers. She quickly and carefully tucked them away safely into the left pocket of the folder, and set it off to the side.
"Thank you, Mason. The Fire Department is going to welcome you with open arms, and everyone is going to greatly appreciate what you are doing. Now, why don't you get on out of here and head over to the Fire Department. The director is anticipating your arrival at 0700 hours. You are dismissed."
Mason stood up, and quickly saluted Rivers. He turned on his heel, and gathered his things. Woods come up to him and patted his back. Mason looked back at Frank.
"Man, what was that about? Sounded like you were in some hot ass water. Did she find out about last weeks breakout?" Woods asked with a smirk.
Mason slapped him, and told him to stay quiet. Mason rolled his eyes, and started walking. Woods followed close.
"No, she didn't. I actually have gotten assigned to something new all together, but just for 6 months. So it looks like you'll be a lone wolf until I get back." Mason said.
"Wait, where in the fuck are you going? And when the hell are you comin' back??" Frank asked as they stepped into the elevator.
Mason clicked up, and the doors shut. It took them up to ground parking.
"I'm filling in for a Fire Chief for a while, I got personally hand picked for the job is what I got told."
"Well brother, you can't argue with that. We are still gonna have boys night on Friday's, right?" Frank asked, before getting out at where the elevator stopped.
Mason laughed, and nodded.
"Of course man, as always. Bring a 30 pack this time!" He shouted to Frank as the door closed.
"My ass!" Frank called out.
Mason patiently waited as it took him up. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. He walked to his pickup truck and got in. He slammed his door shut and laid his head back onto his seat.
'I hope I don't fuck up.' Was all he repeated to himself.
Months later......
Mason was heading to his office with a newly made friend, Dixon. Dixon was a higher up who worked with everyone, so he frequented Mason. They had coffee in hand, and were ready for safety reports.
"Oh shit, Dix. Do you remember any information on the structure at the controlled burn on the corner of Euclid and Odin we did? I need details for my JHA but I can't recall shit for some fucked reason." Mason asked as they both sat down.
"I can tell you that it had 5 stories, and over 50 apartments in it. Oh, it stood next to Crane Run Bakery. The ignition was faulty wiring, right?" Dixon responded.
"No, it was a gas line pipe. The faulty wiring happened at that bowling alley on Curtis Avenue. But thank you, hopefully I can get this JHA filled out how I should!" Mason said.
Dixon went on with Mason for about 30 minutes about baseball and football. Mason filled out his paperwork, ordered new parts for gear and trucks, and inspected everything with a fine tooth comb. It was a normal night shift for the fire crew, until the alarm system began to wail.
"We have a structure fire on Linden Ave, at 26435 Linden. Possible civilians trapped." Dispatch called through the speakers.
Within minutes, the whole shift was suited up and already in the truck and headed Northbound. Mason was behind the wheel, lights and sirens at full blast. The roads were dead at this time, minus the few cars that happened to be out at 2 AM.
"Dispatch, tell me what we're looking at. I have another truck enroute to said location, and about three ambulances. How high are flames?" Mason asked, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Dispatch here, we have flames about 20 feet up and rising. Recommend you get here quick."
"10-4." Mason responded.
They reached the fire within minutes. When they pulled up the fire was quickly engulfing anything in it's way. Mason knew what needed to be done. But right now, they needed a buidling sweep for any possible trapped people.
"Dixon, set up a crew to stay on hoses, bring about four out and hookup. My team, your with me! We are going in!" Mason said.
Mason put on his face gear, and quickly looked around for a way in. He spotted a perfect way in through a safe looking way. He quickly pointed his team that direction, and headed in. He always made sure to go ahead of his crew so he could determine what was happening.
He got in, midst the hot heat, heavy flames, and the small mist screen of water he'd feel periodically. He lead the way, and began to check every corner and possible place to hide he could. They swept the buidling for a grand total of 30 minutes before Mason determined it was clear.
"Head back everyone. Everything is clear, no indication of anyone." Mason said through the radio.
Everyone headed outside, Mason being left so he could check more. By now, the flames were out. The only thing left was smoking ruble and hot ashes. Mason carefully looked around, and looked even closer at a piece of burnt wood that was beginning to move.
Without thinking, he pulled it back, and revealed a small door that had shut, but by either luck or circumstance, hadn't been burned. Mason soon heard pounding on the metal door, and he went to open it. But it was behind blocked by something.
He struggled to open it completely, the pounding was now more frequent. He pulled with all his might, but it wouldn't budge. He could hear the sounds of a female crying, and begging for the door to be opened. Mason's adrenaline kicked in at this moment.
"I found a live one! Bring in a large ax for me, this damn for isn't opening!" Mason shouted into the radio.
"Miss, I'm going to need you to step away as far as you can from the door! We are going to cut it open! Shield your face until I get you!" Mason yelled.
He took out his small ax, and began to chop away at the hinges. But, the small ax could stand no chance against the hard metal. Instead, he quickly turned and saw Dixon with the industrial ax. He took it, and with brute strength, he swung done with control and accuracy.
The hinges slowly began to break away, until finally the door popped right off. Mason gave the ax back, and quickly threw the door off. He looked back down inside, and saw a girl about his age, coughing her lungs out. He wasted no time, and held his hand out.
She took it, and Mason lifted her out. He quickly adjusted her so she'd be against his back, to where he kept a good grip on her and carried her out. She was covered in black ash and soot, and was damp with water and sweat from the heat.
Once they were out, Mason quickly sat the girl on the gurney and took his respirator off. He secured it around her face, and up to her mouth and nose. The fresh oxygen would help her with breathing, seeing as if her lungs just went through extreme stress.
"Are you alright? Is there anybody else down in that basement?" Mason asked once her breathing returned to normal.
She looked at him, and slipped the mask off.
"No, it was just me. I was just trying to do my laundry for work, and that's when the door slammed shut and I couldn't get out....."
Mason felt a pang in his heart for this beautiful lady.
"Well, you are alright now. We are going to have EMS check you out, and ride you to the hospital to run standard tests." Mason said, giving a smile.
He took his respirator back and turned on his heels. He walked away to regroup with his crew, and Dixon. They cleaned up best they could, and headed back to the station for a shower and change of clothes.
Months After....
Mason sat in the town sqaure, drinking a coffee in his uniform. He was sat on one of the square benches, reading the paper as he waited on Woods. It was Friday, they were going to play poker after a long, exhausting week.
"Excuse me, sir? May I sit with you?" A voice said.
Mason looked up from his paper, and confusion hit him. A familiar looking face flooded his view, but he just couldn't place it. Her face had small bandaids, and a few purple bruises.
"Well, of course. Do I know you?" He questioned.
She sat down, only then did Mason notice the green box in her beat up hands.
"My name is Y/N Y/L/N, you actually saved my life in a fire on Linden street, I talked to a man named Dixon at the fire house to where I could find you.....I have something for you here." She said, handing it to him.
"No Miss, I can't take that. I was just doing my job, I don't need a reward. Seeing you alive and breathing is reward enough." Mason said.
She pushed the small box towards him. The smile on her face was warm, and made Mason feel butterflies.
"Please, I insist." Was all she said.
Mason took the box and opened the lid. Inside was a beautifully made chocolate cake, all kinds of different snacks, and a check of $15,000 dollars.
"Miss, no, I can't. This is way too much money, I will not take it." Mason said, putting it back.
"Please sir, I don't mind. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. It would mean so much to me. If anything, please donate it to your firehouse." Y/N said.
"I will do just that then. We've been needing new parts for months...."
Mason looked back up at Y/N, and smiled.
"I'm Alex Mason by the way, I'm glad to see you are recovering well. Maybe I could take you to dinner sometimes?" He asked slyly.
You chuckled, and nodded.
"Of course, I'd love that.
Taglist: @smokeywhalee @kapanovangswife @americas-monster @wennbergbabe @direwolfspostsrandomshit @kazazure @draw-with-eri @scumbagg @silomotism
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Fic: Unicorn Jumping Over a Rainbow
Summary: Jake's anniversary present for Amy leads her to meeting her idol Leslie Knope.
 A/N: So not only is this my first Brooklyn Nine Nine fic, it's a Parks and Rec Crossover. The idea came from my sister @dancyreagen who y'all should follow. Thanks to @mysecretfandomgarden for being my late night beta even though she doesn't know either show. Dipping my toes into writing another fandom is scary. So be nice to me.
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Do you know what today is?" is what she wakes up to. Jake in the kitchen, singing loudly and slightly off key, "It's our anniversary, meant for you and me." He's coming closer. Amy closes her eyes and goes back to sleep. "Uh uh, I saw that, you're awake." "I wanted to let you surprise me," Amy says sitting up. Jake sets a tray on the bed, with a bowl of cereal, a boiled egg, and toast. He sets a glass of orange juice on the night stand and looks at her eagerly. She takes a bite of cereal and Jake settles on the bed and opens a granola bar. "Happy Anniversary, Babe," he says before taking a bite. They sit in silence for a second, but Amy notices Jake fidgeting. "This isn't the only surprise, is it?" "Definitely not. But you should totally give me your gift first because otherwise it's gonna seem really lame compared to what I got you." "Jake, it's not about presents, it's about celebr"ating our relationship and all we've been through-" Jake cuts her off by putting an envelope in her lap. Amy opens it and stops mid-sentence. "Jake. Is this what I think it is?" "You mean two VIP tickets to Binder-Con, including a VIP meet and greet with keynote speaker Leslie Knope? Yeah, that's totally what it is. But you know, it's not about gifts, it's about celebrating our love."
"SHUT UP, JAKE, I'M GOING TO BINDER CON!" A month later, Jake and Amy head to Buffalo with a promise to send hourly photo updates to Captain Holt, but no Trapper Keepers, as they were a disgusting mockery. Amy is prepared, full of fun binder facts that she can’t help but share. "Did you know that they used to make binders like hard cover books? Three pieces of board held together with cloth book covers and end sheets? Oh god and don't get me started on the vinyl phase. It was poisonous. Literally. But I mean, they just didn't know any better." When they arrive, a revolving door made to look like a giant binder with dividers, Amy looks so happy she could burst. "It's like Disneyland for nerds. Seriously, is that the mascot? Who is that?" "Uh, only  Friedrich Soennecken, the inventor of the binder! We have to get a picture with him!" They stand in line for an hour for a picture with the mascot and Amy makes friends by making binder jokes, while Jake stands around sticking out in his jeans and hoodie. "This must be what it felt like when I took you to see Jay Z, isn't it?" "Yeah, a little bit. It would have helped if I knew where we were going and wasn't wearing a pantsuit." They stop at a stand and purchase snacks shaped like office supplies. Jake is quite fond of the three onion rings, while Amy likes the gummy staplers. Despite what Captain Holt has to say, Jake's favorite part of the day is the neon lit Trapper Keeper display, including vintage Trapper Keepers on sale. Jake sends Holt a picture of the exhibit and a video of him purchasing a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper with the picture of unicorn jumping over a rainbow. He holds it up to his face and looks into the camera, "Captain Holt, I know you told Amy to bring back some binders and I found the perfect one," he says into the camera. "Unicorn jumping a neon rainbow," Jake sings in a high pitched 80's metal voice, complete with guitar sounds. Amy rolls her eyes and starts to say something, but stops in her tracks, eyes open wide. She frantically pats Jake's arm. "Jake, Jake, that's her. That's Leslie Knope! I've been following her all over social media. Her binder enthusiast Facebook group, her Instagram of the binders she uses in her office. Her binder Pinterest is where I got the idea for Captain Holt's birthday present. She is a binder legend. Oh my god! I'm gonna meet her. What am I gonna say? I used all my good binder material waiting in line!" Amy starts panicking. Jake takes her hand and turns her to face him. "Ames, you are going to kill it. She's gonna love you. You'll be best binder friends and do what binder friends do." "Jake, Leslie Knope makes friendship binders for all of her closest friends. I will never be on that level with her. I should tell her about how I completely revamped the 99's organizational system! I should have put the pictures in the binder I brought her to sign!" Their VIP tickets get them seats up close and they can see all of the binders on stage. Amy gasps. "Those are the real Knope Binders," Amy says with awe as they take their seats. The lights dim and air horns blast before Leslie appears onstage with a lot of fog. Too much fog. "Okay, Tom, cool it on the fog," Leslie says before turning to the crowd. "Welcome to Binder Con 2017! Who's ready to talk organizational skills? Who wants to talk binder mishaps? How about some binder hacks?" The crowd laughs, "Yeah, I thought so. We don't need binder hacks because we know how to pick the best binders for the job. Not like those plebeians who put too much paper in a two-inch ring. Our rings always close. Our paper never snags. Our dividers always cascade. Alright, enough small talk, let's talk binder styling." Jake looks around at the crowd which is completely enraptured. They head out as soon as Leslie's done and wait in line at the meet and greet. Their VIP badges allow them to go to the front of the line. Amy takes deep relaxing breathes. "You got this. You got this," she says to herself. "If you freak out, I'll jump in, ease the tension. Tell some jokes, share some stories." In no time, Amy is waved forward. She pulls a binder out of her bag and hands it to Leslie. "Well, well, this is lovely. May I?" Leslie asks. Amy nods.  Alot. The front page of the binder is a table of contents. "Very nice. I love the font. Tell me your binder story," Leslie says. "Um, wow. Leslie Knope likes my font. This is my binder for us. This is my boyfriend Jake and he bought us these tickets for our anniversary. And I was really inspired by the binder you made for you and Mr. Wyatt's paper anniversary. It was beautiful. And while I didn't want to copy your style, you can see from the dividers and paper protectors that I am definitely influenced. I took some stylistic liberties, our theme is New York because we're both detectives for the NYPD 99th Precinct in Brooklyn." "Tell her what you did, Amy," Jake says beaming with pride. "What did you do?" "Oh, it's nothing." "She totally reorganized the precinct and made brand new binders for all of our case files. It's really easy to use, even Hitchcock and Scully can use it. And they're useless." "What an amazing accomplishment. This is great work. What's your name?" "Detective," Amy answers nervously. Jake squeezes her hand reassuringly. "I mean, Detective Amy Santiago. Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Knope." "Amy, do you go by OfficerOrganized online?" Amy nods. "You're rant on people over the age of 11 using wide rule paper was inspired. I won't have it in my office. Though all of my attempts to ban wide rule paper from Pawnee were blocked by Jeremy Jam, I did manage to buy all of it and recycle it to get it out of stores. If you're as passionate about your detective work as you are about binders, then Brooklyn owes you a debt of gratitude." Leslie shakes Amy's hand and Amy stands stunned. She thanks Leslie as Jake leads her away. On the drive home Amy chatters excitedly as Jake drives and her excitement is contagious. "Seriously, Jake, this was the best gift ever. Thank you so much." "It was cooler than I thought. And I got a super cool Trapper Keeper that Captain Holt hates. Best day ever."'
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