#and gets frightened by wwx’s condition and his almost-death
grapesey · 2 years
A Guide on How to (not) Have a Secret Relationship
a story of pure fluff about wwx and lwj being in a relationship during the cr era and wwx realizing that, no matter how shamelessly he acted around lwj, no one would suspect a thing. and so, he takes it as a challenge. inspired by this tweet
you can also find it on ao3
The first time they’d almost gotten caught had given Wei Wuxian quite the scare.
He’d been hanging on to Lan Wangji’s arm, pressed into his side, chattering his ear off about something mindless as they strolled from the Library Pavilion at the end of the day. Lan Wangji had been too cruel, ignoring him entirely until he’d finished all his copying, which, Lan Wangji should know by now, was a horrible, horrible punishment! How was Wei Wuxian meant to survive under such conditions!? Alas, he’d persisted, and, eventually, all his pages were filled.
He’d gotten a hum of approval at that with the slightest of nods and all the strenuous hours had become completely worth it. It was a bit ridiculous how much control Lan Wangji’s miniscule reactions had on him. He’d forfeit food and sleep and do nothing but write for days if, by the end of it, he’d be rewarded with a single smile. 
Oh, he absolutely couldn’t let Lan Wangji find that out. Wei Wuxian enjoyed keeping up his image as an unruly menace, untamable by anyone, thank you very much! If Lan Wangji ever realized his crux, that would spell out horrors for his carefully worked-on reputation.
In any case, they’d done their work and Wei Wuxian was more than ready to retire to the dormitory where his friends waited for him. Before that, though, he’d take any opportunity he could get to be as close to Lan Wangji as possible, as every second spent in his company was a second well-spent. Even the ones where he was determined to make Wei Wuxian suffer into submission with his lack of attention. Seriously, they had hours to themselves, alone, where no one ever bothered them! Wei Wuxian could come up with a million different ways they could spend that time, each more fun than the last, but Lan Wangji would have none of it. Something about it being ‘inappropriate’ and ‘Wei Ying needed to complete his punishment’ or whatever. A real stick-in-the-mud, if you asked him.
As if any of that had been an issue that one time. When Wei Wuxian had brought it up, though, he’d thought he’d choke from how intense, if short, the silencing spell was. So, he’d kept quiet about it from then on, keeping the memory of Lan Wangji’s horribly flustered face as his compensation.
A wicked thought had sprung to Wei Wuxian’s mind on their walk and he’d leaned in closer, grinning as he purred it into Lan Wangji’s ear, watching with delight as the tip of it colored that adorable pink. He’d almost given his cheek a peck, then, when they rounded some bushes and all but ran into two guest disciples.
Wei Wuxian could have sworn his heart stopped right then and there.
And so there were the four of them, all frozen in their tracks, as the guest disciples (Wei Wuxian for the life of him couldn’t remember their names now) stared at him incredulously, his brows all but disappearing into their hairline. No doubt he made for quite the sight, all squashed up against Lan Wangji, his face a breath away from his skin. Their eyes then flickered to Lan Wangji, and, comically quick, all blood drained from their faces. Wei Wuxian barely blinked before the two scampered away, whispering something to each other.
Mildly surprised with his heart still pounding against his chest, Wei Wuxian leaned back to glance at Lan Wangji, to assess how worried they should be right now. What he found, instead, was a scowl so murderous it was truly a wonder how anyone witnessing it wouldn’t drop dead upon first sight. Wei Wuxian laughed, then, shaking his head.
“Aiyah, Lan Zhan, you probably frightened those poor disciples half to death with such a scary face!” he said as they continued walking. “I’d be surprised if they went on to tell anyone about what they saw after that.”
“Mn.” Was Lan Wangji’s only response as his face gradually returned to its neutral state.
Well, if Lan Wangji didn’t look worried, Wei Wuxian wouldn’t, either. Satisfied, he relaxed and continued his rambling. That is, until he noticed a frown etching in between his brows, the corners of his lips turning down just so. It was less anxious and more… dissatisfied, though, so Wei Wuxian wracked his brain for a few moments to figure out the cause. Then, as if a match struck, he realized he hadn’t gone through with what he’d meant to do before they were interrupted, had he?
With a coy smile, he sneaked one of his arms from Lan Wangji’s to his neck, winding around and bringing their heads closer. “Ah, Lan-er-gege, if you want a kiss, you can just say so,” he said before pressing his lips to his cheek, letting them linger before landing another kiss on his jaw, then under it, until he reached his pulse point, grinning against the delicate skin there. The only indication of this affecting Lan Wangji in any way was his quickened heartbeat and Wei Wuxian took great pleasure in feeling it against his lips.
Perhaps he was being far too bold, especially after what had just happened, but it was difficult to find it in himself to care in the moment. Even more so when Lan Wangji’s breath hitched and he grabbed Wei Wuxian by his arm, dragging him off the path behind some thicker shrubbery, Wei Wuxian’s laughter following.
When they finally parted ways, it was quickly approaching Hai. Still smiling and mildly flushed, a spring in his step, Wei Wuxian entered the dormitory, already anticipating the next day. His thoughts were quickly interrupted, though, by Nie Huaisang filling his vision.
“Wei-xiong!” he fretted, eyes full of concern, clutching at his fan. “Are you alright?”
Wei Wuxian stared at him, puzzled. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
“Oh, really?” Surprise crossed Nie Huaisang’s face. “We heard Lan Wangji looked ready to kill you a while ago…”
“You won’t find me mourning when he finally does,” Jiang Cheng, the sweet soul, said, scowling, arms crossed. “Seriously, what do you think you’re doing, courting death like that?”
It took Wei Wuxian a few beats to understand what they were talking about. When he finally did, he couldn’t help breaking out into laughter, head thrown back. Oh, so those two disciples did talk, but they’d entirely misunderstood what was happening. To them, it probably looked like he was harassing Lan Wangji, his fierce glare a response to that. Well, he’d take that interpretation over the real one any time!
“Oh, Lan Zhan would never, he’s too nice to do that,” he said, grinning. “I think I’m growing on him.”
Of course, who would believe the Second Twin Jade would ever get involved with the troublemaker Wei Wuxian? Never had he thought his infamous reputation would work so well in his favor now.
Jiang Cheng scoffed at him, “Are you an idiot? You better stop harassing him before you get your bones broken. I won’t help you out of the ditch then.”
“Yes, you will,” Wei Wuxian said, shooting him an award-winning smile. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re braver than any of us, Wei-xiong,” Nie Huaisang sighed.
“He’s brainless is what he is.”
Wei Wuxian let Jiang Cheng simmer in his irritation, waving their concerns off, content to know their secret was still a secret. Even if Wei Wuxian got more adjectives out of it.
The second time it happened it still startled him, but much less.
They were in the Library Pavilion where Wei Wuxian was meant to continue his punishment. Keyword ‘meant’, as he was, once again, distracted, his brush laying beside a half-finished page as he played with Lan Wangji’s hair. Could he be blamed, with how silky and glossy and fun to twirl around between his fingers it was? Lan Wangji didn’t admonish him, either—he had a sneaking suspicion he enjoyed having his hair toyed with by Wei Wuxian quite a bit. He only continued copying his own text, allowing Wei Wuxian to have his way just this once.
“A braid would look so good on you, Lan Zhan,” he said, carding through the long locks. “Can I? Just a small one?”
Lan Wangji glanced at him then. “It is not the proper way to wear one’s hair.”
Wei Wuxian sighed, long and dramatic, “You’re so boring, Lan Zhan. C’mon, no one would see it, I’d hide it really well.” He put his hands together, pulling his best pleading face. “Please, Lan-er-gege? If you won’t like it, I’ll take it out.”
Lan Wangji only stared at him for a while longer before looking back to his text, resuming his strokes. It wasn’t a no, so Wei Wuxian took it as permission. Grinning, he found a lock that was sure to not catch any attention and got to work. Taking extra care to weave it as neatly as possible, he slowly worked down, humming a joyful melody to himself. Already he could tell it would look gorgeous on Lan Wangji.
It was then that one of the Lan disciples entered the library, a rare occurrence during this time of day. He froze in the threshold, staring at where Wei Wuxian had his hands in Lan Wangji’s hair. Heavy silence settled in the room before Wei Wuxian shook out of his stupor and beamed, boldness surging.
“Lan Zhan has such pretty hair, doesn’t he?” he chirped.
The disciple blinked in confusion, glancing from him to Lan Wangji, and whatever he saw there made him stutter out, “A-ah, yes, I suppose… Excuse me.”
He scurried off farther into the room, disappearing in between the shelves. Wei Wuxian waited, patient, for him to reemerge with some book. He cast another incredulous look Wei Wuxian’s way before swiftly leaving the library.
His reputation was sure to take another hit after this, too. He couldn’t help but laugh.
“Ah, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, they all think I’m harassing you, you know,” he said, amused, resuming his braiding. “You should break my finger or two to make it more believable.”
 Lan Wangji furrowed his brows, a protest already on his lips, but Wei Wuxian beat him to it, “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! How would I be able to finish my punishment with broken fingers?” He grinned. “You wouldn’t want that to happen. It’d be horrible if we had to spend more time together while I recovered.”
“I’m not breaking Wei Ying’s fingers,” he finally said.
“I know. You’re too serious sometimes,” Wei Wuxian sighed. “But really. I don’t think any of them would actually suspect anything, no matter how in their face we were. It’s kind of funny, actually.”
And then, he got an idea. It rarely meant good things when Wei Wuxian got an idea. This time was no different, and yet, now that he had it, he couldn’t let it go.
Oh, that could be so fun.
“Hey, Lan Zhan,” he sang, swaying from side to side, still focused on the braid. He was almost done by then. “How much do you think I could get away with?”
He could feel Lan Wangji’s questioning eyes on him.
“I kind of want to find out.”
“That… would be irresponsible.”
“It would!” Wei Wuxian laughed. “But consider how funny it’d be, freaking them all out. I’d be careful around your uncle, of course. I don’t want to get thrown out so soon,” he chuckled. He lifted his gaze to meet Lan Wangji’s. “It’s actually not that bad here.”
Lan Wangji’s eyes softened at that, a rare, fascinating sort of thing, before he turned his attention back to his text, robbing Wei Wuxian of the privilege of their attention.
In a few moments’ time, the braid was finished. Beaming, he held it up for Lan Wangji to see, asking for his opinion. When Lan Wangji just stared at the delicate little thing woven into his hair, not saying anything, Wei Wuxian sighed and asked if he wanted to take it out.
“Leave it,” Lan Wangji said, quiet.
And so Wei Wuxian did, all too delighted with himself.
At the start, Wei Wuxian didn’t do anything particularly outrageous. Only to test the waters, as it were. Nothing too out of the ordinary for his flirty reputation.
“Lan Zhan, you’re so beautiful today!”
“Did you see how precisely he moved with his sword? Lan Zhan’s incredible!”
“Lan Zhan, your hands are so pretty!”
“I bet Lan Zhan has the sweetest smile.”
“Lan Zhan’s music could make me cry with how heavenly it is!”
Mostly, his gushing regardless of time and place only served to annoy Jiang Cheng. Others would throw him odd glances, occasionally agreeing with the sentiment, but only when Lan Wangji wasn’t around. If he was, they’d cautiously look between the two, almost expecting something to happen. Nothing ever did, of course. Nothing they would notice—Wei Wuxian took great satisfaction in seeing his ears flush just so when a particular compliment got to him.
One time, he was feeling particularly audacious. After going through some fight routines, a few disciples engaged in practical matches while the others observed. When Lan Wangji stood victorious having barely broken a sweat, Wei Wuxian sighed in adoration, clasping his hands in front of him.
“Ah, my Lan Zhan’s the best, isn’t he?” he swooned, a bit louder than necessary.
Jiang Cheng immediately swirled around to him and hit the back of his head, hissing, “Watch your damn mouth, you idiot!”
Laughing as he rubbed the sore spot, Wei Wuxian didn’t miss the glare Lan Wangji sent in their direction. Whether intentionally or not, he played his part perfectly—everyone would assume he was scowling at the outrageous comment Wei Wuxian made, but their eyes didn’t meet. Instead, they were fixated on Jiang Cheng on his right. In fact, Jiang Cheng, too, was indispensable in Wei Wuxian’s scheme—whenever Wei Wuxian said something shameless, Jiang Cheng would react with irritation, and Lan Wangji would, in turn, glower at him. And since Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were more often than not by each other’s side, it was easy to mistake the glares’ intended recipient.
It was too easy.
And so, soon enough, Wei Wuxian stepped up his game.
(Although, he would say, sometimes his comments would lead to unexpectedly exciting things. The one from the fights in particular earned him a heated session in the jingshi under the blanket of the night, with hushed words of ‘yours, mine’ exchanged between their shared breaths. So, he didn’t exactly complain.)
He started stealing touches here and there. A tug on Lan Wangji’s arm. A quick hug around his shoulders. Picking fallen leaves from his hair. Playing with his hair. It was widely known, or believed, that the Second Twin Jade hated physical contact, so the bemused looks Wei Wuxian would get from his compliments turned to concerned and bewildered ones once he started invading Lan Wangji’s space more and more. It was hilarious, the way their eyes would grow in shock when he would brush a stray strand from Lan Wangji’s face, entirely unworried for what fate his shameful hand could meet.
Once during class, he thought he could push the ‘shameless’ accusation a bit more still. And so, when Lan Qiren had his back turned, he twirled around to face Lan Wangji and, with many eyes on him, Lan Wangji’s included, blew him a kiss.
The entire room held a collective breath as they waited for Lan Wangji to react because, surely, this time Wei Wuxian had gone too far. To everyone’s shock, though no one’s as strong as Wei Wuxian’s, Lan Wangji… caught it. And then, entirely unperturbed, he turned back to the front of the class, once more a dutiful student.
It took a lot for Wei Wuxian not to break out into laughter then and there.
Luckily for both of them, this incident quickly got explained away by ‘Lan Wangji crushing his advances without even sparing Wei Wuxian a thought’ and similar notions. Wei Wuxian truly was having the time of his life.
At some point, the rumors got split. Some claimed Wei Wuxian was only teasing Lan Wangji because he was a menace who enjoyed living on the edge, while others began speculating perhaps he’d genuinely fallen for the cool and unapproachable Twin Jade. The second group pitied him and sighed in sympathy at Lan Wangji’s cold responses, some urging him to just give up already before his heart got broken. He’d only smile at them and proclaim, far too dramatically, his love wasn’t that easily extinguished. The first group could do nothing more than pray he’d have a peaceful afterlife. 
Wei Wuxian knew they were all wondering how Lan Wangji wasn’t beating him into the ground by now. How was he even allowing any of these transgressions. None of them voiced it, though; surely, he had his reasons, and, surely, questioning them could spell their own end. Nie Huaisang did, on occasion, but Wei Wuxian laughed it off easily.
“He probably likes me and is too shy to admit it!”
That earned him another smack from Jiang Cheng, and he’d feel bad about causing his shidi so much distress if it wasn’t so entertaining.
One evening as he was laying in Lan Wangji’s lap in the jingshi, eyes closed in contentment as Lan Wangji absentmindedly stroked his hair, his attention on the book he was reading, Wei Wuxian had a thought about the reason, too.
“You know, Lan Zhan, I’m a bit surprised you haven’t told me off,” he said, breaking the tranquil silence. “I’m acting really irresponsible, aren’t I?”
“Mn,” he hummed.
Wei Wuxian opened his eyes to look up at him, a cheeky smile on his lips. “Lan-er-gege, could it be that you like the attention?”
Lan Wangji glanced down at him, though didn’t answer. Wei Wuxian caught a lock of his silky hair and twirled it around his fingers. “Does my Lan Zhan like it when I’m being so shameless?” He traveled his hand up to Lan Wangji’s jaw, stroking it with his fingertips, feather-light. “Does he like it when I let everyone know how much I adore him?”
With his thumb, he pulled at Lan Wangji’s lower lip, just a bit, just because he could. Lan Wangji, with his eyes all but glowing, turned his head down and pressed a kiss against his palm, gentle, but scorching, and Wei Wuxian could have sworn his face erupted in flames. How, even after everything, Lan Wangji could fluster him so easily was beyond him.
Lan Wangji properly bent down then, his dark hair cascading around them, creating a little space separated from the rest of the world. Wei Wuxian, grinning, shifted his arm so it’d wrap around his neck and brought him closer, as much as their positions would allow, lifting his head up just enough to seal their lips. Soft and slow, Lan Wangji moved against him, despite the odd angle, and if Wei Wuxian died right then and there, he’d be content. What more could life offer, really?
“I’m not hearing a ‘no’,” he murmured between breaths.
“Wei Ying talks too much,” Lan Wangji responded, voice low and rough.
Wei Wuxian giggled, breaking the kiss off as he shifted his position, sitting up and sliding into Lan Wangji’s lap, arms wound around his neck. Lan Wangji settled his hands on Wei Wuxian’s hips, pressing into them with obvious intent. A shudder was already building in his bones as he leaned in.
“Yeah?” he said, his breath ghosting Lan Wangji’s lips. “Make me stop then, er-gege.”
One morning, Wei Wuxian got a sick, sick idea.
Lan Wangji had multiple sets of robes. He didn’t need all of them at the same time. So, would it really be that bad if Wei Wuxian borrowed one on their rest day when Lan Qiren was away (he’d rather not give the man such an early qi deviation)? Okay, maybe not all the layers, but at least the outer one?
It’d be his greatest transgression yet.
When Wei Wuxian showed his plan off, twirling around in front of Lan Wangji in his own robe, he was thrilled to see the stutter of breath, the way the bright gold darkened before he tore his eyes away, his throat bobbing. He should have worn Lan Wangji’s garments sooner.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, what do you think?” he asked, all smiles and giggles.
Lan Wangji took a slow, calming breath, before speaking, voice quiet, head still turned to the side, “Wei Ying looks… good.”
Heart fluttering, Wei Wuxian hopped over to Lan Wangji and hung around his neck, lightly swaying their bodies.
“Hey, er-gege, play with me today?” he hummed. “If you catch me, you’ll get a prize.”
Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around Wei Wuxian’s waist, bringing him closer. “Running is prohibited in Cloud Recesses.”
“So is wearing the Lan family clothing without belonging to it,” he grinned in response before dropping his voice to a low thrum. “What will it be, oh mighty Lan Wangji? Will you let this unruly one go unpunished? How will you, if you don’t catch him?”
The hold around his body tightened. Lan Wangji’s lips parted a minuscule amount, his lids drooping as he leaned in. Wei Wuxian could taste his breath, only a hair’s width separating them, but before that final distance closed, he twisted out of Lan Wangji’s hold with a laugh.
“Nope! You’ll have to play with me first!” he declared as he jumped out of Lan Wangji’s instinctual grab for him. “No kisses until you catch me!”
Cackling, he fled the jingshi without bothering to look back. 
Though it was still early in the morning, many of the disciples were already out and about. He paid their bewildered glances no mind as he dashed past them, focused on putting his head start to good use. He didn’t actually believe Lan Wangji would chase after him just like that; he still had a reputation to uphold, but best to put some distance between them regardless.
It wasn’t long before he found Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang and a few other guest disciples skipping rocks on one of the bridges, seeing who can make theirs go the farthest. Wei Wuxian slowed to a stop by them, leaning against the railing to catch his breath. Jiang Cheng was already throwing him suspicious glances.
“What did you get into this time?” he asked, letting his rock fly. It went farther than his last one did.
“Aiyah, Jiang Cheng, you always assume the worst of me,” Wei Wuxian complained, smoothing some of the crinkles from the garment. He was determined to return it to Lan Wangji in the same pristine condition he got it in, though how well that would go remained to be seen.
He frowned at him. “So, what, you’re saying you didn’t get into some stupid trouble again?”
“Ah, well…” Wei Wuxian chuckled, a bit awkward, but before he could say anything else Nie Huaisang gasped, his hand flying to his mouth.
“Wei-xiong!” he exclaimed, eyes wide with shock. “Are those Lan Wangji’s robes!?”
“Oh, you noticed!” Wei Wuxian laughed in delight, giving his incredulous audience a little spin. “They suit me pretty well, don’t you think?”
The speed at which Jiang Cheng’s face changed colors couldn’t be healthy for his heart. The other disciples only looked upon him in varying degrees of horror, some already taking steps away as if by proximity alone they’d be incriminated as well. 
“Wei Wuxian!” Jiang Cheng growled, dangerously red. “Do you seriously wish to die that badly!?”
Nie Huaisang waved his fan against his flushed face, caught between marvel and distress. “Wei-xiong, even for you, stealing another man’s clothes… Not just any man’s, Lan Wangji’s! If he sees you like this, oh, I’m scared to even think about it!”
“Then don’t,” Wei Wuxian beamed. “Besides, as long as he doesn’t catch me, I’ll be fine!”
“Why do you insist on harassing him so much!?” Jiang Cheng barked. “Mark my words, Wei Wuxian, when he aims his sword at your throat, I won’t stand in its way!”
“Ah, ah, Jiang Cheng, how could you be so cruel to your shixiong?”
Whatever insult was bound to be thrown at him next was cut off by one of the disciples yelping, their frightened eyes fixed somewhere over Wei Wuxian’s shoulder. Quickly, he followed their line of sight, only to see the unmistakable form of Lan Wangji emerging from below the hill, his pace brisk, face set into hard lines. How did he catch up so fast without running!?
“Oh, that’s not good,” Wei Wuxian giggled, high-pitched, and ducked behind the small group of students. “I’m not here!”
The disciples all exchanged glances before moving away from him as one, leaving him exposed in the middle of the bridge. Wei Wuxian gasped in mock hurt.
“Jiang Cheng, Nie-xiong, even you!?”
“It’s about time you pay for your nonsense,” Jiang Cheng snapped, arms crossed.
“Sorry, Wei-xiong, Lan Wangji is already scary, but when he’s angry…” Nie Huaisang shivered, fanning himself faster. “Maybe if you gave him back his robe now he’d show mercy?..”
“He wouldn’t deserve it.”
As much as Wei Wuxian would love to stand around and chat, Lan Wangji wasn’t slowing down, so he was forced to start backing away. “To think you’d abandon me so quickly!..” He sighed, much too dramatic. “Pray for me, then, at least that!”
Without waiting around for a, no doubt, biting response, he turned on his heel and sprinted in the other direction.
As much as he enjoyed freaking the other disciples out, he did actually want Lan Wangji to properly chase him. To really get him riled up. He’d never let himself go so close to Cloud Recesses, and so, Wei Wuxian led him away, towards the mountains and scattered forests. He allowed himself to get lost in it, in the thrill, and imagined he truly was on the run from something dangerous, that if he didn’t get away, he’d get eaten. 
It only made the blood in his veins pump harder, growing hot, the grin on his lips bordering on delirious. He did love a good chase.
This far away, he could indulge in it.
Or, at least, that was what he’d thought, until he emerged to a path, intending to cross it, and spotted, to his fright, Lan Xichen descending the mountain. It was too late for him to try and hide as their eyes met immediately and so he screeched to a halt, panting, and dropped into a bow.
“Zewu-jun,” he greeted, the word a bit too breathy.
“Wei-gongzi, I didn’t expect to find you here so far away,” Lan Xichen responded in that smooth voice of his, the ever-present polite smile gracing his lips. He walked towards him until a more comfortable distance separated them.
Wei Wuxian straightened, pulling what he hoped to be a non-suspicious grin in turn. “Ah, yes, I wanted to explore the area a bit more! It’s very beautiful out here.”
“Indeed it is,” he said, nodding. His eyes regarded him more carefully, from his tousled hair, puffy breaths, to the robe he was donning, his brows lifting in mild surprise. It was then that Wei Wuxian remembered why he’d been running in the first place and mortification seized him. Heat quickly rose up his neck to his face, and his smile now no doubt looked less convincing.
While acting shamelessly around his peers was amusing to no end, he had no idea how Lan Xichen, the esteemed Zewu-jun, would react to such behavior, especially when directed at his beloved brother. And this, dressing up in Lan Wangji’s clothing, certainly had to cross… some line. Cold sweat broke out across his heated back—would Lan Xichen admonish him? Report him to Lan Qiren, all but ensuring either weeks of punishment or an expulsion? Or would he wait to see what Lan Wangji would decide what to do with him?
To his great surprise, Lan Xichen did none of those things. Instead, his polite smile turned genuine, one that reached his eyes, as he said, “I’m glad to see you and Wangji are getting along.”
Wei Wuxian, in his shock, had to take a few seconds to regain his ability to speak.
“A-Ah, ah, yeah! Yeah, Lan Zhan, he’s…” he stammered, words tripping over each other both in his mouth and his head. He did, however, manage to beam at him. “Lan Zhan’s the best.”
Lan Xichen chuckled, “I’m sure he shares the sentiment towards you as well.”
And with that, he nodded, and resumed his walk, entirely unconcerned of the state he’d left Wei Wuxian in. Now his face was burning for an entirely different reason, and he couldn’t stop smiling, suddenly too giddy to stay in one place. It was something hugely relieving, knowing that Lan Xichen, Lan Wangji’s closest family, didn’t… oppose whatever he thought was going on between them. If anything, he sounded almost approving. Which was insane to think about! Sure, he’d never gotten the notion Lan Xichen disliked him, necessarily, but it was an entirely different matter for him to accept Wei Wuxian. Perhaps he didn’t realize the extent of their relationship, not yet, but it sure was reassuring.
Somehow… Lan Xichen as much as suspecting something, and looking happy, approving, welcoming about it—it made whatever he and Lan Wangji had more real.
Wei Wuxian got a bit dizzy thinking about it.
He must have stood there, in the middle of the path, like an idiot for a good while before a soft shuffling from behind caught his attention, making him barrel straight back to reality. He whipped around to find Lan Wangji only a few paces away, scaring the hell out of him. With a very dignified yelp, Wei Wuxian took off, scrambling for his dear life. Unfortunately, with how disheveled his mind still was, heart all the way up in his throat, his body worked against him and it took only a short while for Lan Wangji to catch up with him. At that point, however, he couldn’t find it in himself to mind that much.
Lan Wangji grasped at the back of his robe, intending to yank him back, but Wei Wuxian chose that moment to trip over the forest floor, sending both of them tumbling down onto each other. Swiftly, Lan Wangji flipped them around so that Wei Wuxian was on his back with Lan Wangji on top, pinning him to the ground with his legs. Wei Wuxian tried to push him off but Lan Wangji caught his wrists and held them down above his head, effectively immobilizing him.
And so, Wei Wuxian resorted to screaming.
“Lan Wangji! So ill-mannered, unhand me immediately!” he wailed, thrashing in Lan Wangji’s hold, to no avail. “This is assault, don’t you know!? What will the people think? Who would believe it that the virtuous Lan Wangji could be such a brute! Oh, what will they—”
He didn’t get to finish his complaint as he found his mouth full of Lan Wangji’s. Caught mid-word, he’d left it open for the taking, and Lan Wangji didn’t hesitate to seize the opportunity. Fast and needy, he barely gave Wei Wuxian room to breathe, and he struggled to match Lan Wangji’s pace, for more reasons than one. One after another, Lan Wangji pulled small noises from Wei Wuxian’s throat, desperate, breathy sounds, catching them all. He pushed deeper, as much as it was possible to go, and Wei Wuxian thought he could drown like this. Somehow, despite long since losing count of how much they’d kissed, every time still felt like the first one. If not in quality, as Lan Wangji was a faster learner than even Wei Wuxian, then certainly in feeling, with how hard his chest pounded, how scorching heat spread all the way to his fingertips, how all points of skin contact tingled with sharp energy. Wei Wuxian tugged at his arms, yearning to bury them in Lan Wangji’s hair, pull him closer, but Lan Wangji’s grip was unrelenting. If anything, his fingers dug into Wei Wuxian’s wrists harder, and he hoped it’d leave marks.
When Lan Wangji was satisfied with the writhing mess he’d reduced Wei Wuxian to, he pulled back with a bite on Wei Wuxian’s lower lip, just enough for them to share the air.
“Causing noise is prohibited,” Lan Wangji murmured, his lips brushing over Wei Wuxian’s as they moved.
Wei Wuxian didn’t remind him they were just out of the bounds of Cloud Recesses, so that didn’t apply here. He only stared up, dazed, trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah, well,” he exhaled. “I wouldn’t have screamed if you didn’t tackle me to the ground, you know.”
Lan Wangji dragged his lips from Wei Wuxian’s to his jaw. “Running is prohibited.”
Giggles rose in Wei Wuxian’s throat, ones that were quickly replaced by quiet gasps as Lan Wangji moved to the junction of his jaw and neck and nipped on the sensitive skin there. Wei Wuxian turned his head to the side, inviting him in, letting all the small, whiny noises bubble up as Lan Wangji traveled down at an agonizing pace. So gentle now, only a graze of his teeth, a flick of his tongue, a stark contrast to the way he ravaged Wei Wuxian’s mouth just moments prior.
“What else, Lan-er-gege?” he mumbled, words running off without his will. “What else?”
Lan Wangji hummed against his neck, “Excessive exultation is prohibited.”
Wei Wuxian, the devil that he was, laughed. “Oh, c’mon, Lan Zhan, even you have to admit that one’s just stupid.”
He didn’t get a response. Instead, Lan Wangji gathered his wrists in one hand, holding them down with ease, as the other ran up and down Wei Wuxian’s side, catching on the robe.
“Shameless behavior…” he started, low and rough, “is prohibited.”
Wei Wuxian exhaled, a shaky sort of thing, as he tried, his head spinning, “I don’t think I’m the one being shameless here, er-gege.” Then, a thought struck him, and his lips curled into a grin. “Or… are you talking about me wearing your clothes?”
Lan Wangji lifted his head to look down at Wei Wuxian, his light eyes now darkened, the intensity of his stare burning right to Wei Wuxian’s soul. He swallowed, his heart fluttering in his throat, and he pulled on his wrists once more.
“Lan-er-gege, please,” he pleaded. “Let me hold you.”
He seemed to consider it for a moment, but his gaze then melted and he eased his vice grip. Wei Wuxian slipped his arms out and wrapped them around his neck, burying his hands in his hair, thrilled to finally be able to twirl it between his fingers.
“Do you like it, Lan Zhan?” he whispered, tracing one lock down until he reached the side of his face. “Seeing me in your robes?” He smiled, then, cradling his cheek, running his thumb over the skin below his eye. “I think they suit me. I’d wear it all the time if it didn’t risk giving your uncle a qi deviation,” he sighed, a little melodramatic.
Lan Wangji’s hand on his side slowed to a stop then, his eyes turning somewhat conflicted. Wei Wuxian scrunched his face up in confusion. “What?”
“It…” Lan Wangji started, uncharacteristically hesitant. “...wouldn’t be an issue… if one was part of the Lan family.”
Wei Wuxian stared up at him in complete silence. The more he gaped, the more nervous Lan Wangji grew, before finally he shook his head. “Forget—”
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian cut him off, which he never did, but right now he could hardly think. His mind had screeched to a halt and he was having trouble remembering how his lungs were meant to work. “Did you just suggest I marry you?”
Lan Wangji, bless his soul, looked a bit ill. Then, he shut his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and steeled himself. When he reopened them again, they burned with renewed vigor. “Yes. If Wei Ying would have me.”
Wei Wuxian couldn’t help himself—he broke out into laughter. Gleeful, uncontrolled laughter. He shook with it so much that only due to Lan Wangji’s hold on him did he not start rolling around. Finally, when it settled enough for him to get a word in, he wiped a tear away before settling both of his hands on either side of Lan Wangji’s face.
“Lan Zhan, ah, Lan Zhan,” he sang, loving the way it sounded on his tongue. “But we’re so young! Do you really want to tie yourself down to me already? What if you get older and a beautiful maiden comes along that sweeps you off your feet? I can’t give you children, Lan Zhan, you know that.”
Lan Wangji’s beautiful face grew hard, lips setting into a firm line, and he shook his head. “I’ll never want anyone else. Only Wei Ying.”
“Those are some mighty words, Lan Zhan. Can I really hold you to them?”
“Mn. I do not lie.”
He giggled, a little delirious. A lot.
“What about your uncle? How would he ever agree?” he asked.
“He would eventually.”
“I think you underestimate how much he dislikes me,” he laughed. “Marrying off his precious nephew to the one stain on his teaching career? How could he!”
“I would convince him,” Lan Wangji declared, and just from the steely determination in his voice Wei Wuxian believed him.
“And Zewu-jun? What would he think?”
Lan Wangji frowned a little. “Brother believes it’s too soon,” he muttered.
It took Wei Wuxian a short while to register those words and the meaning behind them. When he did, he all but shrieked, “You’ve already told him about it!?”
No wonder Lan Xichen looked so unconcerned! Was there anything Lan Wangji didn’t share with his brother!?
“Did you not want him to know?” Lan Wangji asked, brows furrowing in concern.
“No, no! I just didn’t expect it!” Really, now he was even more embarrassed about before. “But he’s… he’s not against it?”
“No.” Lan Wangji turned his head to lay a kiss on one of Wei Wuxian’s palms. “He knows there is no one else for me but Wei Ying.” He looked down at him through his thick, black lashes. “My family will agree. But what does Wei Ying think?”
Wei Wuxian couldn’t take it anymore—he pulled Lan Wangji down and crashed his lips against his to show him exactly what he thought.
“Lan Zhan,” he sighed in between them, letting his fingers card through his hair, one hand settling on the back of Lan Wangji’s neck. The hold on his side tightened, strong enough to leave imprints even through all the layers of cloth. “My Lan Zhan. My beautiful, perfect Lan Zhan.”
Lan Wangji hummed, low and guttural, his claims on Wei Wuxian’s mouth never-ending. If they weren’t, Wei Wuxian thought he would die. 
“Only Lan Zhan. I only want Lan Zhan,” he managed to murmur.
Lan Wangji drank his little whispers like a man dying from thirst, growing more enthusiastic by the moment to take what he had earned, what he was now promised.
A thought struck Wei Wuxian and he gasped, tugging Lan Wangji back.
"What is it?" Lan Wangji asked, worry lacing his voice.
"I just remembered!" Wei Wuxian said, breaking into a wide grin. "You won the game. Congratulations, Lan Zhan. You shall now receive your prize."
With that, he leaned up and pecked the tip of his nose. When he laid back down, Lan Wangji had a look in his eyes as he stared at Wei Wuxian which should only be reserved for the starriest of nights. Then, incredulously, so much so that Wei Wuxian believed his sight had to be deceiving him, his lips curled into a tiny, soft smile.
Reserved for him. Only for him.
Perhaps Wei Wuxian’s wild ideas weren’t always so bad.
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