#and have a gray lyon and ultear so check those out for more content!
Do you have any Gray & Lyon headcanons? They're my brotp I love them so much <3
I gotcha!
They actually do unison raids all the time but are too dense to realize it (they did a three-way one with Juvia once and it was awesome)
The boys have been found in various stages of nudity fighting so many times that now half the population think they are hooking up
Lyon is usually really good at things first try so Gray has started straight up sabotaging him
They slander the shit out of each other during interviews. Every couple months there’s a headline like “Lyon Vastia confirms Gray Fullbuster kicks puppies”
They also send in awful pictures of each other to get added to sorcerer weekly. Lyon will never forgive Gray for the picture of him mid sneeze that Gray sent in
Literally so dramatic all the time. Lyon accidentally stepped on Gray’s toe and Gray put a cast on it just to make Lyon feel bad
Oh and they hold grudges like crazy. Never forgive. Never forget. But only non serious stuff. Like Gray stained Lyon's favorite shirt and Lyon has never stopped whining about it
Both men claim the other has terrible style but they have accidentally shown up to events in the same outfits before
Every year (if they both have time) they take a trip up to some freezing mountains and train together
And yes sometimes training includes snowman building competitions and ice skating races
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watcher-ofthe-sky · 3 years
9, 15, and 23 for the salty ask game thing! (Any fandom or multi fandom, whatever you feel like :D)
Omg, I am so sorry. I did not think that anyone will actually send an ask so I forgot all about it and didn’t check my inbox until now. But thank you for sending it!! I’ll go ahead and do FT.
Salty Ask List
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Juvia. I am pretty much transparent about my dislike towards her. To keep it brief, it’s mostly how her entire character is centred around Gray without any footing of her own. Her clear disrespect of his boundaries and claiming to do so in the name of “love” bothers me because it’s just not funny at all. It diluted and drained away the little development she had in the beginning. See, there is one thing to enjoy some aspects of relationship and romantic love which heightens in fiction and do not condone to real life representation. I can completely understand this indulgence. Juvia’s hero-worshipping and devotion towards Gray who saved her could have been filed under that upto some extent if that said devotion constructed a larger part of the story, say thematically serving loyalty or faith or a belief in other--considering the fact that Gray is a person who struggles with self-worth and atonement. Juvia could have been someone who would have helped him with that, while at the same time grounding her own issues for the same. 
For a mostly character-driven plot, Fairy Tail did not succeed in pulling this devotion to a greater use. Hence, making her seem as an obsessive woman with no personality of her own. Which was evidently not the case in the beginning because she did have her own traits. But rather than exploring those, everything was flattened into her being someone who would stop at no cost to get the person she loves without regarding that said person’s feelings.
Especially, as I have said above, Juvia’s ignorance of Gray’s boundaries only showed that she disrespects him and made it seem to the audience that he in turn owe her the return of feelings simply because she has been turned down many times before.  
I can go on and on about gru//via and how much it sucks. So, in the end, it’s just a pity how much her character got butchered for the sake of an unhealthy ship. She could have been great and that’s why it makes me mad.
 15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I can hardly call it unpopular but as we know, there is a polarity of opinions regarding Fairy Tail as a show. Of course, not everyone will like everything but I've noticed how quick people are to dismiss FT in the name of the power of friendship. Which doesn’t make any sense because most shōnen do have this as one of the main element. While I know FT often does go overboard with it, it needs to be remembered that at its core, it’s a show about found family and the bonds that we make with people. It’s about believing in other people and let yourself be loved by those people; forgiving and moving forward in the hope that there will a warm place to welcome you some day. 
At the same time, since it is about friendship, I think the fandom keeps forgetting that aspect and lean towards shipping more. Now look, I have dozens of ships for every character and enjoy digging them out as much as the next person, and while I know that there is nothing wrong in characters having a romantic subplot, people need to remember that the plot itself is about friendship. 
Lastly, it is just the fact that people tend to forget that the show has tones of flaws (which are what most of us are aware of) and is not above criticism. Being aware of the flaws and able to keep an open mind of the content you are consuming is necessary. And it does not need to take away from you the aspect of enjoying it. 
23. Unpopular character you love?
Lol, I think I mostly love who are popular enough--Erza, Ultear, Jellal, etc., and that in FT most of the characters have their fair share of popularity. Assuming that Lyon too comes in that spectrum, I’ll say Erik. I think he is a really interesting character and we could have seen more of him had his potential been utilised more. He is a snarky and sarcastic but at the same time, he is quiet too, as seen after the time skip. He looks like a layered character to me. His relationship with Oracion Seis members was great and had the foundation of trust and care. Seeing how after being released from the prison, they all stayed together. His dynamic with Crime Sorciere would have been really fun to see too but they never got the deserved screen time.  (Crime Sorciere spin-off when?)
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