#and have literally been burning my skin lately and getting awful rashes
goldensunset · 2 years
my ideal state if it were possible would be to be constantly either showering or sleeping. or both at once. i want to live life snoozing in a warm bathtub but like also still function as a person
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In another life
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My Masterlist
Pairing: Ivar/Reader, Ivar/Awful Life Choices
Summary: Ragnarök has come for all of them, the Seer’s words to Ivar prove right, and he wonders on what the world ending truly means when he has already lost it all.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Mentions of death, descriptions of violence and death, major character death, angst (or my best attempt at it anyways, but this ain’t a happy story), and my terrible writing.
A/N: So, the world ending, right? Charming thing to write about. I just really like the idea of reincarnation and yeah, here goes. The quote is by cynthiago, you can find it here.
In this universe, the Heathen Army conquered Northumbria and Mercia and it kept raiding for longer than in the show. In this universe, no Freydis. Björn was made King of Kattegat by undirectly, as a result of helping Lagertha defeating Ivar, who took to the Silk Roads with the Reader chracter , and found the Rus and thus, shitshow.
Not long ago he was just like this, sitting before his chariot, covered in blood, and facing an army that hesitated at the sight of him.
But this time, this time is different.
There’s no Viking army to support him, there’s no Ubbe or Hvitserk to fight beside him, there’s no…there’s no victory.
There’s no chariot at his back, only splintered wood.
He remembers the Wise One’s words, so many years ago when he told Ivar of his Fate: your chariot lies as broken as your legs, a snake has settled in your skull, your eyes betray you.
He hears laughter, or at least it sounds like it in his head. The cackles that left his lips as Christians died before him, the mocking giggle of that Rus as he forced his hand, the warm laugh you breathed by his ear as you promised to marry him.
A cruel twist of Fate, or maybe just his arrogance playing against him, but he realizes now none of it happened in the order the Seer spoke it.
“There has to be more to it than…this, don’t you think?” You ask, eyes on the horizon before you. Ivar moves closer, pressing a kiss on your bare shoulder and silently demanding your attention returns to him.
It doesn’t, and it irks him more than he should let it by now.
But, he gathers, a part of him will always want you, want your attention, your touch, your eyes meeting his. He can’t imagine a day he won’t want to have you in his arms, just like he refuses to imagine the day he can’t.
You agreed to marry him once a deal with Alfred is struck and the war can pause, he reminds himself of that with a familiar warmth spreading through his chest. You’ll be his wife, only his.
The memory of your warm laugh as you embraced him and whispered your promises to be bound to him before the Gods and your families -or what was left of them- makes him want to have you all to himself, to feel nothing but you for hours on end.
But, because you asked a question, and because even the slightest of rejections, even one born out of genuine curiosity for an answer, Ivar knows will make him lash out; he replies,
“All that’s left that isn’t ours is Wessex, love.”
You shake your head, “I mean…more than these years we have here. More than this life.”
“Maybe,” You muse, and your eyes return to the horizon. “Maybe there’s more to life than this. Maybe…maybe we get to live again.”
“Like those Eastern men say? We…return?” Ivar questions, the beginning of a mocking smile teasing at his lips before he bites it back, aware of the seriousness in your expression.
You were always one to question everything and nothing. Why an axe curves that way, why Freyja favors cats, why Vikings must be bound to these lands.
Why the world is so big and life so short.
You and Björn have that in common, he guesses. Though you don’t have the thirst for discovery his brother does, instead you just look for…transcendence.
“Maybe we’ll meet in another life.” You seal your promise, your hope, with a kiss against his lips, and smile.
His eyes stay trained on your inviting lips even as he argues, “But you know where we go when we die.”
“Valhalla, Ragnarök, it all may mean something else,” You whisper back, “Things are not as literal as you think they are, Ivar.”
“What does Ragnarök mean to you then?”
“The end of the world,” You reply without hesitation, a slight waver in your voice, “But the world ends every day for someone different.”
It is only then he realizes your eyes are not on the horizon, but on the trails of smoke left by the burning pyres of those lost in the fight.
Ivar can still remember your warmth. You were so…alive, so warm and free and so alike fire.
He spent most of his younger years breathing life to that fire, making you clench your hands into fists and get that adorable little frown with well-placed taunts and jabs.
Gods, you even felt like fire under his fingertips when he touched you, he can still remember how your touch scalded and soothed away years of pain and anger and loss. You kissed him and it felt like the cold that made the bones in his legs ache never existed, you touched him and it felt as if he’d never again know what it was like to be alone.
You’d promise love against his skin in fervent kisses that left their mark even after so many years, and for every time he’d tell you how being loved by you felt like the best kind of wildfire, you’d tell him being loved by him felt like the soothing embrace of ice over a burn, like a relief after a lifetime with bare feet on burning coal.
And he wishes he had believed you.
For so long he thought his eyes to deceive him when it came to you, when it came to the proof of your love and your loyalty. For so long, he wasted so much time fearing you’d leave him, betray him.
Now you haunt him.
Your eyes are big and filled with tears as you look at him, but he refuses to give away his own weakness, instead gritting his teeth and looking at you with nothing but fury and poison.
“If I don’t kill you, you’ll…”
“I’ll kill you, and I’ll make it painful.” Ivar promises, voice hoarse not because you threaten his life with your sword - the sword he gifted you, back in a time when you were cruel enough to pretend to love him- at his throat, but because he knows only one of you will leave this room alive.
You shake your head, and your head drops, your back curves with a sob that still tugs at a pathetic and stupid part of his heart.
“You’ll kill us all,” You whisper, and though your voice trembles, the grip on the sword grows tighter, more certain, “You’ll be the end of our world, if I don’t stop you.”
“Then stop me.” He dares, and Gods, he wants your eyes back on his. It is the end, and he realizes what you meant when you said the world ends many times for many people.
“Don’t make me do this.” You beg, but he doesn’t think you’re talking to him. Maybe Fate, maybe the Gods, he doesn’t know.
“You’re not strong enough to kill me.” Ivar offers, more softly than he should. But it is true, and you both know it. And when your gaze -finally- returns to his, he sees it written in the tears that stream down your cheeks, in the helpless and furious shine of your eyes.
“But I am strong enough to defend my people.” You state, resolute, and though you lower your sword with a shaky breath, Ivar still feels the threat of sharp steel at his throat, but for completely different reasons.
Cold grips at his heart, fear and dread.
“You will not leave me.” He states, voice as certain as it has ever been, and yet it still tastes of desperation, still feels like the lie a madman tells himself.
“I know your ways of war, my love. If anyone, I am the only weapon our people have in fighting against you and these Rus.”
“I will not let you betray me!” He yells, but you don’t react, you only step closer.
The sword makes a clanking noise as you drop it that rattles inside his head.
Your eyes fill with tears, or maybe his do, he doesn’t know anymore.
Your smile is sad, but it still speaks of days spent with you safe in his arms, of nights when your voice by his ear was the one thing that kept him from breaking, of a life that he thought you’d be able to have.
His eyes flutter shut when your hand lifts to his face, dainty and delicate fingers tracing the newest of scars. He curses his weakness, and he forces his eyes to open and meet yours, if only because it may be the last time he can.
Your lips breathe a kiss over his.
“Only death would stop me.”
And with five words and one movement of his hand, his world ends.
Ivar watches as the warriors make way for one of their own. A leader, maybe.
He extends his arms at his sides, even if his ribs keep him from breathing, even if his arms shake, even if he doesn’t see on one eye from the blood that pours from the deep cut on his head. He taunts him, dares him to attack like he did so long ago in a city they have long since lost.
The warrior swirls a sword in his hand, and drops the shield he was holding, eyes set on Ivar. Ivar knows he won’t win.
You did always say he realized his mistakes too late.
You were the only one he ever admitted to any regret, so when the devastating realization of what the war he had brought to his homeland meant for his people and the Gods themselves dawned on him, he had no one to talk to but the wind.
It has been like that for a long time. He doesn’t remember any more how long it has been since…since.
Maybe it is better this way, that no one is there to know how many regrets he carries with him to wherever the Gods will take him. Maybe it is better they think of Sigurd’s death as the cold act of a man that can love nothing, and not the rash action that cost him something he didn’t know he held dear. Maybe it is better they think the war he brought with the Rus at his back is the ruthless planning of a man that would burn it all for a throne, and not the stupid mistake of a king with no kingdom and too much arrogance to see when he was walking into a trap.
Maybe it is better they think your death was the certain and inevitable action of a monster that can’t love anything more than his own ambitions, and not the act of desperation and fear that cost him everything.
The man in front of him steps closer, without fear, without hesitation.
He lost someone. Ivar knows that glint in his eyes. The man wants revenge.
He wouldn’t be the only one. For all the Rus and their games took from him, for all the Saxons and their God have cost him, why should he have allowed any of them to have anything to call their own? No, they deserved to suffer, to feel what it is like to have the world end with a whimper, to know what happens to those who take what is his.
He doesn’t feel any shame -even though he knows you would, you would blink big and sad eyes his way and whisper about mercy and softness and goodness, as if any of those saved you-, and he didn’t feel any then, when he ordered his men to kill the children, to take the wives and hang them for them all to see along the edges of the battlefield; when he led raids and had them burn the villages to ash; when he laughed and laughed until all that was left was raw throat and hoarse sobs as they lost it all, just like he did.
He manages to hook the curved edge of the axe behind the man’s knee, and brings him down to his level, moving quickly and attempting to ignore the pain of broken legs, of cut and bruised body, as he settles over him, letting the axe find a home in the man’s eye.
A scream, pained and guttural, and the man strikes back, trying to move him back but unable to do so.
Ivar feels the piercing and sudden sting of the blade that goes through him, like his did so long ago, to too many people that were undeserving of that fate. But it is with a smile he greets his Fate, his death.
He kills that man, and drops beside him as if their Gods, their wars, stopped mattering, and made them equal. There are no kings, no commanders, no Vikings and no Christians. Only two dead men in a rundown city, and an army that watches in silence.
With gasping and broken breaths, he looks with blind eyes up at the sky, and he knows he will die today.
Your chariot lies as broken as your legs, a snake has settled in your skull, your eyes betray you.
The Seer was right, he always was. Ragnarök came for them all, their world as they know it will end. And the end isn’t far, both for the golden age of the Vikings and for Ivar.
His eyes always betrayed him; he has learned that. Seeing shadows and betrayals where there was none, seeing tricks and lies where there was only truth. For a long time holding on to the certainty that it hadn’t been his fault, he believed it meant seeing love and loyalty in your eyes when you were only playing with him. He knows now, has known for a while, it meant seeing in the smile you pressed against his lips the life he wanted you both to build, and not the strain of a woman pulled between her love for him and her love for her people.
Ivar believed for so long the snake that settled in his skull was you, with your soft touches and your warmth and your love; he was blinded with his own hate and fury, so certain in this self-fulfilling prophecy of his that you could never love him, that it was all a trick. Gods, you were right beside him telling him not to trust Oleg, not to turn his back on his -your- people, and he didn’t listen. The snake that settled in his skull cost him all he had left, the one he had loved above anyone else. He made sure to make him suffer before he died, he would fight this endless and already-lost war for a thousand years for a chance to make Oleg pay for it again.
But, at the end, it wasn’t Oleg’s knife piercing your heart, was it?
His body shakes, and he cannot stop it, he cannot control his breathing and Gods, he is dying.
He looks up at the sky, the sky that remained the same when you died in his arms with love on your lips and regret in your eyes, the sky that remains the same now as the last of the battles for life as they know it is lost.
And Ivar thinks -hopes, he hopes like he hasn’t hoped for anything in such a long time- that maybe you were right after all. Ragnarök isn’t darkness and chaos for them all, for the world ends each day a different way for everyone. The Gods know his world ended on a cold night years ago, and has ended again every day since.
Maybe Valhalla is nothing but another chance to live again.
He murmurs your name with a ragged breath that leaves his lungs at last, and pleads that if the Gods hear him, they will let him see you again. In another life.
So, I hope you liked it! I would really love to hear your thoughts on this, it has been boinking around in my head for a while, the idea of reincarnation and of the Seer’s prophecy about Ivar.
Anyhow, this is thought out to be the first part of a two (or more, but still short) series, where I dip my toe on the modern/soulmate!au. It can, of course, end here, because I tried writing it to be a standalone if moderns are not your thing.
If you guys are interested, I can write the next part(s), tho it could take a lil while cause I have a lot of stuff to do writing-wise, atm.
Thank you so much, I love you all! <3
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easyweight101 · 7 years
Neostrata Eye Cream Review (UPDATED 2017): Don’t Buy Before You Read This!
Neostrata Eye Cream is an eye therapy that works to improve the tone, texture and appearance of the skin surrounding the eye. This product works to help the skin moisturize and hydrate, minimizing wrinkles and providing a barrier against irritants and environmental stressors.
Neostrata Eye Cream is made from a blend of hyaluronic acid and PHA, along with vitamins E and B5—all working together to fight free radical damage responsible for an older appearance. Though anyone concerned with aging skin can use this product, it’s geared more toward restoring mature skin.
Throughout our research, we’ve looked at an awful lot of antiaging solutions designed to erase crow’s feet, dark circles and restore elasticity with use. Kremovage stands out among a vast sea of options. This advanced solution works to rebuild collagen under the eye, erase fines lines and provide the hydration and moisture needed to create a youthful, refreshed look. Click here to get more details about Kremovage.
Do You Know the Best Eye Creams of 2017 ?
Neostrata Eye Cream Ingredients and Side Effects
Neostrata Eye Cream contains an attractive blend of antioxidant ingredients, oils and more. Here’s a look at some of the key components in this formulation:
Polyhydroxy Acid Gluconolactone Green Tea Hyaluronic Acid Avocado Oil Evening Primrose Oil Pro-Vitamin B5 Vitamin E
Polyhydroxy Acid Gluconolactone: Chemically similar to alpha hydroxy acids, gluconolactone can function as an antioxidant when present in skin care products, as well as an exfoliant.
Polyhydroxy acids are less potent than AHAs (less dermal penetration), but they may be a good solution for people with sensitive skin.
Green Tea: Green tea is known for its antioxidant and anti-aging benefits. Green tea works to reduce signs of damage like sun spots, fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin as a result of its ability to neutralize free radicals with use.
Evening Primrose Oil: Evening primrose oil is used to reduce redness and inflammation on the skin and may help reduce the severity of skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, rashes, hives and more.
Additionally, evening primrose may be a good moisturizer for dry skin. It’s non-comedogenic and loaded with omega-6 fatty acids.
Avocado Oil: Avocado oil is a good source of rich, moisturizing fatty acids. This oil hydrates and softens skin, but may also be effective in fighting inflammation and acne.
Hyaluronic Acid: A substance found naturally inside the body, hyaluronic acid keeps skin hydrated—maintaining the moisture required to keep skin looking plump and supple. Hyaluronic acid may be effective in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well.
Pro-Vitamin B5: A skin moisturizing vitamin, pro-vitamin B5 has hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties and works to stimulate the skin’s natural healing process.
Vitamin E: A vitamin and antioxidant found in a number of skincare products, vitamin E works to moisturize and repair skin cells at the same time.
Not using an eye cream? Here’s why your under eyes need a little extra TLC.
Neostrata Eye Cream Quality of Ingredients
Neostrata Eye Cream has a nice blend of ingredients. There’s not too much in terms of whole food-based skin nutrition, but the formula is hypoallergenic and made from potent antiaging agents like PHA.
Additionally, this product claims to smooth out wrinkles through avocado and evening primrose oil—both loaded with nourishing and healthy fats—along with hyaluronic acid.
This product is lightweight, meaning it works well under makeup and won’t cause any trouble throughout the day, but it likely won’t provide the meaningful hydration you’ll get from an overnight eye cream.
Our impression of this formula is, it looks like a good product for erasing existing signs of aging, more so than something that aims to protect skin from further damage down the road. The ad copy for this product claims that it was formulated for mature skin—but we did come across several women in their 20s using this product, too.
While this may prevent some of the early signs of aging, those who have yet to develop crow’s feet or fine lines may be better off with a product rich in antioxidants that aims to soothe and moisturize. That, and investing in a good sunscreen.
More about our favorite eye creams when you click this link.
The Price and Quality of Neostrata Eye Cream
Neostrata Eye Cream is sold directly from the official website for $50 for a 15 mL container. Most sites offer the product for a lower rate—generally around $30-40 per tube.
Neostrata Eye Cream is offered for $23.98 on Amazon, so that might be the best place to purchase from. But, the reviews suggest that this product primarily functions as a moisturizer, not so much a potent attack on aging.
Aside from the Amazon pricing, this product is a little expensive for what it is. At $50 a tube, it would be nice to see more active ingredients, as well as things like peptides and skin-nourishing vitamins.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this product with a proven eye cream such as Kremovage for better results.
Look your best—experts share their thoughts on the importance of taking care of the eye area.
Business of Neostrata Eye Cream
Neostrata Eye Cream is made by a company known as Neostrata. Their information can be found below:
Phone: 800.225.9411
Neostrata is a demonological company that makes a number of skincare solutions, as well as products that support physician dispensed procedures, such as injections.
The site features a comprehensive range of items, offered through the e-commerce platform. Consumers are able to leave their feedback right there on the webpage.
As a brand, Neostrata is rather transparent about the ingredients they use. But, it’s clear that these products are meant to be used as a team, not so much as standalone products.
For example, Neostrata makes both this cream and a separate eye serum. Many customers use both, claiming that they offer different, yet complimentary benefits.
Neostrata Eye Cream has a dedicated product page on the site. It’s easy to read and users can look at the ingredient profile before they purchase.
The site is comprehensive and makes clear that the makers of Neostrata Eye Cream know what they’re doing. But, quality falls in line with price here. This particular product contains parabens and a number of filler ingredients, while some of their more expensive products contain a higher concentration of active ingredients.
Customer Opinions of Neostrata Eye Cream
Neostrata Eye Cream didn’t have a ton of reviews, but the ones we came across were mostly positive. No one reported any dramatic changes in the appearance of their under eye skin, but most people felt it was a solid, low maintenance choice—good under makeup, lightweight and for most, good for sensitive skin.
Here are some of the comments we came across in our research:
“I’m in my late 20s, but read that this eye treatment was great for early signs of aging like wrinkles, crow’s feet. It works pretty good—provides some moisture and doesn’t mess with my makeup.”
“I bought this without paying attention to the ingredient label and found that it works pretty good—I literally have no idea why it’s so effective, as the ingredient list isn’t all that impressive. But, glad it does.”
“Been using this product for years, along with the brand’s peptide serum. This duo works well together, but I’m inclined to believe the peptide serum is doing the heavy lifting. Either way, this one smells and feels great.”
“Used this product for about a week with no major problems. Then started getting itchy, burning eyes each time I put it on. Discontinued use and the problem ended up going away.”
Overall, it seems that this product works fine for most users. It doesn’t have the cleanest ingredient profile—filled with a combination of binding agents and preservatives, as well as beloved skin-friendly nutrients like evening primrose, green tea and PHA.
Want to look more rested? Click here to learn more about the ingredients that really eliminate dark circles for good.
Conclusion – Does Neostrata Eye Cream Work?
After evaluating the contents of Neostrata Eye Cream, we have found that this product is missing some elements that make this product worth the money.
It certainly has some good stuff—but it’s balanced out with a formula full of fillers. Some people may not take issue with the parabens or the fact that a good portion of this product is made from inactive ingredients—but it’s still a $50 eye cream, so we expect a little more. Were this product at a lower price point, it may be worth some extra consideration.
Neostrata Eye Cream did have a lot of reviews, but none of them really reflected any feelings of excitement or of being impressed by the results. The more flattering reviews we came across were from people who used this eye ream in conjunction with Neostrata’s eye serum, a product with better reviews and a better ingredient profile.
Kremovage is our favorite product when it comes to smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the skin around the eye. A blend of antioxidants, peptides and potent plant extracts provides a mix of hydration, soothing and repair to skin in need of a boost.
Kremovage was made by a team dedicated to helping consumers care for themselves through safe and effective plant-based solutions. Check our website for more information about using Kremovage for anti-aging.
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