#and he Did rly like yunie
toestalucia · 5 months
msq lines about captain & loki's journeys i was supposed to post a billion yrs ago but only went to grab now :D yippe(through tears)
Loki: There is no beginning without an end. In other words, to begin means that the ending draws ever nearer. You know, I'm kind of relieved. Relieved to know that my journey's coming to an end. Fenrir: No way are you okay with that… Whaddya mean the journey's gonna end! Just like you decided when to start, you get to decide when to end it! Because it sure as hell ain't much of a "journey" if you're just letting yourself get swept up every which way!
Katalina: Whatever happens to the world now, you're no doubt going to continue playing a large role in it. But regardless of that, I'd like for you to continue your journey. Ever since I took you out of Zinkenstill, it's the one thing I've always wished you could focus more on. Instead of having to respond to the world's every whim, maybe consider your own journey sometimes…
when they started having loki wishing to see what captain&his brother saw i nvr thought we'd end up Here. loki definitely always has just been going around for the ride, taking the emperor spot he said he did cuz he wanted to annoy freesia (long theory about him grieving his brother also played a part), pushing the crew to nalhegrande seemed implied to be something true king wanted (even though in that line he's nooot happy theyre separated. i rly do think loki had plans for it, even tho theyve still havent gone into loki & true king's prior meetings). i feel wanting mikaboshi freed from the great wall is like one of the few times he Rly went for it. either way (ill get into these things more some other time), loki who wished to see the scenery others saw and struggling to look forward, getting a ship, getting members for a crew, and then..........? oarlyegrande was probably the worst time for it anyway knowing what goes on, but.....
lokis journey vs captains journey, who goes from fighting freesia to avoid the world being rewritten, to fighting true kings plans to avoid the great wall falling into his hands, to joining a rebellion in oarlyegrande against true king (who also was revealed to have attacked zinkenstill and kidnapped their aunt in the past), to fighting the otherworld cuz if they dont its joever......
'consider your own journey sometimes'
guy who doesnt know what he wants & guy who cant say no to the world. also both guys who has stated they'd go against fate itself to get their will through (loki when talking to the astral at edgelands, captain when meeting bahamut when almost dying again due to lyria being far away (in the otherworld))
Violet Knight: So I'm truly grateful that you fight for the sake of the skies. On the other hand, you've gained too much influence. It's not a good idea to entrust the peace of the Sky Realms to a single pair of hands. Even if you could do it, doesn't mean you should.
goes hand-in-hand with this. as well as the yuni&cosmos anni about captain's role as the singularity. (not to mention the fact msq timeline captain uhhhhh. yknow! with how it ended! where do i even start!). but also violet knight saying this when true king is singlehandedly trying to save the skies too......shoves the role onto captain so he can do stuff from the sidelines cuz otherworld inference in our timeline......
Violet Knight: You say that now, but how far would you go to save a friend? I have to wonder where you draw the line. Let's say—and I'm speaking hypothetically here—sacrifices have to be made in order to save you friends. What would you do? what if those sacrifices included me and my family? Rosetta: Well— Violet Knight: You see? No hesitation at all. Look, you're more than welcome to put your priorities first. If we swapped places and I had to choose, I'd throw you to the wolves. That's the beauty of power: choice. The right to choose what to protect and what to reject. The world is your oyster. Second-rate folks get the opposite treatment. They don't even get the chance to choose. Not out of maliciousness, mind you. That's just how it goes. Makes you nervous when I put it that way, doesn't it? It's not a novel concept, nor is it strictly limited to physical power.
haha. hehe. hahahahahah... freesia who we fought so she couldnt rewrite history using akasha. we who are about to try to revive what the otherworld killed. (noa voice) well theres the fizzure in the sky and thats not normal and we should fix that anyway so
i forgot he spoke about 'how far would u go to save a friend' im gonna combust. i was thinking a lot about that one line in maquia too....'why didnt time stop for you'. the way they make a point to show every island suffered but its citizens are doing its best to keep going. cain whos grieving leona and reinhardtzar. vira whos grieving katalina. captain, lyria and vyrn who cant seem to move forward. im glad they didnt show us tzaka reacting to io (assuming tzakas alive), cuz that would have broken me. like it haunts me cuz theyre always trying sooo hard to keep going, but after losing the crew (and i fear for everyone who has not been shown onscreen) and having to grieve this many ppl, to the point where captain loses sight of estalucia too??? man.
i think its fine for us to go try to undo all the damage the otherworld did, one timeline is completely destroyed anyway. everyone died there too. captain died there. but thinking about how its shifting too 'lets go to estalucia cuz theres rumor it can grant wishes' and how estalucia & the boundary....... as well as how og god is there...... i have sooo many thoughts about it. like i appreciate noa trying to steer it in the 'we need to get rid of the crack in the sky the otherworld created' direction but we r going there to revive ppl. cuz we dont want to move on. im going to combust pt2. im enjoying myself sm its unreal
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katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; relatable; PG
when ur talking to an old kinda friend nd u find out that u both go to the same mental institution
“Oh,” Jonghyun says quietly. His cheeks are slowly heating up darker and he’s not meeting Taemin’s eyes, teeth pressing into his bottom lip. Taemin bites his own lip. Hmm. He always forgets that other people aren’t as open about being fucked up as he is.
“Hey, um,” he says. “I can pretend I don’t know, if you want,” he offers.
also hey guess who’s cross-posting to ao3 it’s me
Taemin swirls his mini m&ms around his strawberry ice cream slowly, watching the way they leave darker red streaks in the pink. Glancing up, he checks that his dad is still a few steps in front of him and hasn’t wandered off into some other store without telling him like he usually does. He’s tired of being lost in the mall. Once he’s sure that he’s not, he takes in more of his surroundings. Starbucks up ahead, Gamestop next to it, some shoe store across, the sweet factory sadly downstairs, someone sitting on a lonely bench in the corner next to the music store….
Taemin slows a beat, doing a doubletake at the human he just saw. They look like--he is Jonghyun sitting there with his nose buried in his phone, trademark undercut and sleeveless shirt and everything. Huh. Neat. He makes a snap decision and jogs up a little bit to tug on his dad’s sleeve.
“Hey,” he says. “Hey--I just saw a friend from school.” He points vaguely in Jonghyun’s area with his spoon when his father looks over. “I’m gonna go sit with him, yeah?” Friend might be a bit of a stretch but he just tagged along here for free ice cream and some notebooks and shit for when school starts again in a few weeks, both of which they’ve already gotten. Whatever his dad needs to do here he can do on his own. He nibbles on his spoon as his dad squints at Jonghyun and then shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. “Stay there,” he adds, waving Taemin off. Taemin hisses in victory and steps off immediately, making a beeline for Jonghyun. It occurs to him halfway there that Jonghyun might not want to talk to him or even really remember who he is, but it’s too late now.
As he approaches, Jonghyun glances up from his phone, looks away, and then does a doubletake not unlike the one Taemin just did a minute ago. Taemin waves, reminding himself to smile at least for a moment, and breathes a soft sigh of relief when Jonghyun smiles and waves back. He’s welcome. Nice.
“Hey,” he says, sitting down next to Jonghyun but a comfortable distance away. “Nice seeing you.”
“Yeah, uh, you too,” Jonghyun says. “New piercings?” he asks. He nods at Taemin’s ears with a curious little look; Taemin lifts his hand to gently touch the three rings in his lobe.
“I mean, kind of,” he shrugs. “I got them before junior year but we didn’t really see each other a lot last year, so.” he shrugs again and Jonghyun nods, an accepting little thing. They were more “pass each other in the halls and smile” friends last year than “we share a class” friends like they were their first two years of high school. “Are you just here alone?” he asks. Solitude would sound nice if Taemin wasn’t lowkey terrified of getting lost. Jonghyun shakes his head, though, gesturing towards the music store.
“With my mom and sis,” he says. “They exiled me out here so they could get me a late birthday present.” A tiny smile tugs up his lips as he says it. Taemin feels a smile on the inside that he doesn’t really bother transferring to his face.
“Cool,” he says. “I came here for the free ice cream.” He holds up his cup and spoon and wiggles his eyebrows as Jonghyun laughs softly. He watches Jonghyun turn to squint down at the end of the mall where the ice cream parlor is with a little hum. He bets he knows where he’s gonna take his mom and sis next.
“So how’s you summer been?” Jonghyun asks as he turns around. Taemin blinks with a spoon of ice cream in his mouth, kind of caught off guard at the sudden extra smalltalk.
“Um,” he says, and swallows thickly. “Okay,” he shrugs. “Mostly videogames inside and Jinki making me play videogames outside.” Honestly Jinki is the best neighbor friend he could ask for. Letting him do what he wants but making sure he doesn’t get all pale or whatever. Good shit. “You?” he asks. Jonghyun shrugs as well.
“The same, pretty much,” he says. “More guitar, less outside. I did spend a week up at Northern North Meadows, though,” he adds. He cocks a brow and gives Taemin a winning smile like Taemin is supposed to be impressed and jealous of a rad campground vacation, but the name Jonghyun said brings a different thought to his mind entirely.
“The mental institution?” he asks. Jonghyun’s smile falters; he looks away and then looks back quickly, insecurity obvious in his eyes even as he tries to smile again way too late to be believable.
“Uh,” he says, “no, uh, the. Like, the campground, you know, with the--how did you know?” His fingers curl nervously in his shirt collar, but the little pout on his lips is resigned and ashamed. Taemin stirs his melting ice cream slowly, not really seeing what the problem is.
“I’ve been in and out of there for years,” he says. “I know that North Meadows is the campground and Northern North Meadows is what people at the hospital call it as an inside joke.” The actual institution has a different name but it and the campground are right next to each other and it’s been a little thing between all of the patients as long as Taemin can remember.
“Oh,” Jonghyun says quietly. His cheeks are slowly heating up darker and he’s not meeting Taemin’s eyes, teeth pressing into his bottom lip. Taemin bites his own lip. Hmm. He always forgets that other people aren’t as open about being fucked up as he is.
“Hey, um,” he says. “I can pretend I don’t know, if you want,” he offers. Jonghyun looks up at him with big, wide eyes, but before long he sighs and lowers them again.
“No, it’s… fine, since you’ve been there too, I guess,” he mumbles. “At least you know what it’s like.” He leans back against the bench, staring at his knees, his fingers twiddling inside of his hoodie pocket. Taemin sucks an m&m off of his spoon and thinks. He’s not feeling awkward at all but he’s sure that Jonghyun is. Maybe he fucked up. He should say something about the place to make Jonghyun feel less bad about it.
“Did you meet Yunie?” he asks. He loves Yunie.
“Who?” Jonghyun asks. His eyebrows have a cute little scrunch in them when he looks up.
“Yunho,” Taemin clarifies. “One of the orderlies. He’s kinda tall, dark hair, really soothing voice.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Jonghyun says. Now he’s smiling, nodding and looking fond of whatever memories he’s having. Taemin smiles a quick second of a smile himself, proud that his plan worked. “He helped me a lot with just… believing myself,” he says. “Taking myself seriously and knowing that I’m not faking, you know.”
“Mmhmm,” Taemin hums. He’s super good at validation. “Every time I come back he sits and talks with me for a little bit at least.” It’s what he appreciates the most about the whole institution. Jonghyun nods, one hand out of his pocket and resting on the back of the bench.
“It’s a good place to go back to if you need to?” he asks. His fingers tap on the plastic and his bottom lip is between his teeth again.
“Yeah,” Taemin says. “I’m--well, I’m a lot of things,” he mumbles. A whole cocktail of disorders. “But I usually just go there when I get super low in my depression,” he says. Usually it’s a safety thing, other times it’s just to decompress before he gets that low. “I’m sure there are better places but it’s the best one I’ve been to, so.” He shrugs. His parents aren’t gonna pay for some super high quality, five-star hospital for him to spend days or weeks or months at, so he settles with the three-and-three-quarter star place. It works for him.
“Mmm,” Jonghyun hums. He lifts his other hand to twiddle his fingers together again. “Because, um. I’m new to the whole thing, because I finally turned eighteen a few months ago and can actually admit myself, so.” He shrugs more and Taemin pauses for a moment, thinking, before he suddenly remembers.
“Oh, right,” he says, pointing at Jonghyun with his spoon. “Has your shitty dad fucked off yet?” He remembers Jonghyun complaining at him one time a few years ago about his father not letting him go to the doctor for anything physical; of course that extended to mental shit as well. It’s good that Jonghyun can finally get the help he needs. After a few moments of him digging in his ice cream for another m&m he realizes Jonghyun hasn’t replied yet; looking up, he sees Jonghyun kind of just looking at him, eyes a little wide.
“Oh,” he says. He rubs his nose with the back of his hand. There he goes, being all blunt again. “Sorry, uh, should I have not said that?” he asks. He never knows why he’s supposed to avoid obvious things, but at least usually he remembers to not do it anyway. He doesn’t know why he’s fucked up twice today. Jonghyun looks at him for another moment before he shakes his head and shrugs.
“No, that’s fine too,” he says. “He hasn’t,” he adds with a grumble. “Mom’s been, like, talking about divorce more lately, though,” he says next. He nods an eager little nod with a tiny smile. “So maybe soon.”
“Here’s hoping,” Taemin says, lifting his ice cream in a little half-assed toast. Jonghyun chuckles softly and nods.
“Anyway,” he says. “You would recommend it?” he asks.
“Mmhmm,” Taemin says. “Unless you can try some of the more expensive ones,” he shrugs. “I hear Misty Hills is really good.” He hears they get jello that isn’t sugar-free. And, like, better psychiatrists and softer beds and more staff and whatever, but the jello is what’s important to him. Jonghyun scoffs lightly, shaking his head.
“I can’t afford that shit,” he grins. “I had to pay to admit myself.”
“Oh, yikes,” Taemin says. Add another point to Jonghyun’s dad being shit.
“Mmhmm,” Jonghyun says. “Mom helped a little and sis drove me there and back, but. Still.” He shrugs, one hand rubbing over the back of his head where his undercut is buzzed in. Taemin hums in understanding. He knows that Jonghyun’s family isn't that well-off to begin with. It’s sweet that they helped him. And, speaking of them, he sees the two of them walking out of the music store behind Jonghyun. They’re both as cute and similar to Jonghyun as he remembers. Jonghyun turns around too after a moment; he must have noticed Taemin looking over his shoulder. “Oh,” he says.
“We’re back,” Jonghyun’s mom says. She jiggles a bag from the store in her hand and Jonghyun smiles at it, obviously giddy and excited for whatever present is inside of it.
“Hey,” his sister says. She’s looking at Taemin with a fond little smile. “You’re. That one kid. That came over that one time.”
“Oh my god,” Jonghyun whispers. He puts his face in his hands, but Taemin laughs, muffling it into his sleeve. He knew he liked her for a reason.
“Taemin,” he reminds her. He doesn’t remember her name either so it’s not like they’re any different.
“Right,” she says. “Nice to see you.”
“Mmhmm,” Taemin hums.
“Mom, can we get ice cream?” Jonghyun asks quickly. Taemin keeps smiling, amused at the little blushies that have returned to his cheeks. He stands up, but faces Taemin as he straightens out his hoodie.
“Yeah, sure,” his mom says. She fixes his hair out of his eyes, then turns to Taemin when Jonghyun lifts his hands to fix it himself. “Do you want to come with us, Taemin?” she asks. “We don’t mind.”
“Oh, uh,” Taemin says. Honestly he wants to, but he kind of can’t. “My dad told me to stay here,” he says. He should’ve told him that they should meet up in the food court later or something. Damn it.
“Oh, well, okay,” Jonghyun’s mom says. “You have a nice day then.”
“You too,” Taemin says. “Bye Jonghyun.”
“Bye,” Jonghyun says, voice and smile and wave all small. Taemin waves lazily back.   
“See you in school, or, like, wherever else,” he says. Jonghyun hesitates, then nods back, giving him a bigger smile of understanding. They leave him then to head to the other side of the mall and Taemin pulls out his phone to see if he still has Jonghyun’s number. He thinks he’d like if if both of them were at the institution at the same time. They could be fucked up together.
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tigren · 7 years
im going to do the 30 day neopet challenge but im going to do it in one post under a readmore bc i will almost certainly forget it within the first week if i do it the proper way, i don’t think anyone is going to care about my responses in particular and i don’t want to spam people daily, and most importantly: im super bored right now
Day 01: When did you start playing Neopets and how old is your current account?
my first account got purged but i saved the date that i created it. i had my 14 year neopets anniversary last month WOW!!! my current account will turn 11 in may.
Day 02: How did you find out about Neopets?
i think my brother made a neopets account when he was like 10ish, he didn’t get super into it but my dad also made an account and got really involved with the site!! i was like 6 or 7 and i just really liked poogle solitaire (rip). i don’t think i actually knew how to play but it amused me and my dad let me continue playing because he got stuff for it. but eventually i guess he got sick of me being on my account and made one for me. my first username was bleubaby_72, which is named after a doll i had as a much younger child (Blue Baby, misspelled) and i don’t think the 72 means anything. my first pet was a yellow aisha whose name i don’t remember... my dream pet was a desert aisha (would still die for a UC desert aisha, i wouldn’t say theyre my fave but THE SENTIMENTAL VALUE.......)
Day 03: Favourite Neopets species?
i love boris! and yurbles recently shot up my list of fave pets, but i don’t like a lot of their colors. i generally prefer neopets that are mammalian (but not as a rule necessarily) and have features of real animals but can’t necessarily be pinpointed as a certain real species. like, aishas and wockies are cats, gelerts and lupes are dogs, grarrls are tyrannosaurus rex, elephantes are duh. and thats fine and good i still like a lot of those species! but yurbles for example have that hedgehog/bear thing going on but they also have their weird spiral ears and neck ruff. and thats my favorite thing. 
i also really like unis because i’ve been a horse girl since childhood n never grew out of it, and they have great colors. and aishas were my first fave and will always be one of my favorites. so i can appreciate pets that can more easily be represented by 1 animal. 
Day 04: How many pets do you own and which is your favourite?
ummmmmm 14 i think? there might be a few other pets rotting on sides that i kinda forgot about, i’m too lazy to check. Abbur is my favorite, he’s my pink bori baby boy and i just care about him with all my heart. i really like his customization and none of my pets have any real “stories” or anything but most of them have vague personalities and histories and his is more developed than any of my other pets. Alabryss is another fave, i’ve had him for FOREVER and he’s always been a uni but he’s gone thru a billion color changes. he’s royal now and will almost definitely be royal for the rest of his life. his name is a misspelling of the petpet Alabriss (i think i made him 1 day after they were released) which i didn’t totally do on purpose.. like obviously i got the name from the petpet but i didn’t realize until a while later that i had subconsciously used it. anyway i’m not complaining, i still love him and he has an alabriss petpet named yuni
Day 05: Favourite Paint Brush colour?
OHH HBOY that’s hard!!! off the top of my head w/o looking through colors or anything i like royal and desert bc they’re generally more Elaborate w/ the clothes options and stuff. but i also have a big appreciation for cheap colors like cloud and ghost.. they look good on almost every pet imo. i like starry a lot too, big obnoxious iconic neopets stars. i especially like when starry pets have orange accents.
Day 06: Favourite Labray only colour?
is robot labray only? robot is cool. i guess there’s the robot zapper thing from the dr sloth plot forever ago but does that count?? i think chocolate would be my next choice. i can’t even remember all the labray only colors
Day 07: Favourite Petpet species?
this is so hard!!! i’ve always loved petpets SOO much. i’ve recently started to have a big appreciation for the super like.. generic, classic petpets.. like the kinds youd find in the neopia central petpet shop. they have a certain charm to them and i love them. i’ve always liked crokabeks a lot, theyre sooooo square shaped!! square crows! gruslen & doglefox were my faves as a kid. 
Day 08: Favourite Petpet colour?
birthday is rly cute
Day 09: Favourite Petpetpet species?
uhhhhh i don’t know all the petpetpets and never had THAT much of an interest in them. what’s the one that looks like a praying mantis??? i’ve always liked those
ok wait i just looked up a list and petpetpets can be p cute actually. i still like the praying mantis dude, moach, but i also love: cooty, fleaf, lightmite, and zytch. i don’t tend to like art of petpetpets in games and stuff but they’re cute in their regular images.. theyre so small......
Day 10: Favorite Neopian world?
UHHHHHHH since i was a kid i’ve always liked: faerieland, lost desert, and mystery island.
Day 11: Which team do you pick for the Altador Cup and why?
always darigan citadel. i don’t really know why i picked it my first year... i was never like an Edgy Goth Kid or anything. they got 2nd place the first year and i thought that was awesome, and i had also gotten involved with a really fun DC chat group so i joined them again the next year. then they won and that was awesome!! other people in the chat group started joining other teams and there was no reason it needed to be a DC only group (it was called the 30 trillionaires... our “goal” every year was to collectively make it to 30 trillion goals during the season. which is impossible but idk that was what made it kind of fun i guess.. it was just casual yooyuball grinding and chatting with friends lol) so i wasn’t “stuck” with the team but even after they stopped doing so well i stuck with them out of loyalty. i used to be SUPER into the altador cup but i lost touch w/ the chat group and never got into it again
Day 12: Favourite Avatar?
ANOTHER HARD QUESTION!! i’ve always LOVED the bon appetite kelp one.. which i still don’t have. generally i prefer the “older” style of avatars where they were simpler, mostly animated but in a simple way and a lot of the time w/ pixel art elements. i feel like a lot of newer avatars have a way heavier focus on animation, like theyre just lil gifs, they lost a lot of that simplicity. i also tend to be biased toward avatars that have odd shapes rather than just being squares. like gloomy and jazzmosis and taelia. even the circle ones that still have regular borders are pleasing to me
Day 13: Which chat boards do you usually chat in?
i don’t use the boards much... i lurk newbie chat a lot and sometimes try to get involved and talk w/ people but i never keep it up. i was an avatar chat girl as a kid and that’s still the place i feel the most comfortable i guess.
Day 14: Are you in a guild?
nope! i LOOOOOVED guilds and 10 year old me would be so upset to find out that i’m not involved in the Guild Life anyway. imo it’d be really cool if guilds got a rehaul.
Day 15: Favourite Faerie?
mira is my girl.. i like the battle faerie a lot too but i can’t remember her name. 
Day 16: Do you have a gallery and does it have a theme?
i have one created but i don’t even know what’s in there, i don’t pay much attention to it. i think i just have a few plushies and petpets and random items i thought were cute or charming. i like the idea of one day having a guild with a cool theme.
Day 17: Do you use the Battledome?
not really. i have my dad’s old account now with a super super powerful battle pet (he was Famous in the BD and i think for a while his pet was one of the most powerful pets on the whole site) so i guess i should take advantage of that but i don’t
Day 18: Do you use the NC Mall?
nah... i use the free NC when i get it, usually. i think i have some accrued on a few different accounts that i just don’t use. it’s kind of a pain in the ass to worry about NC items in customizations on diff side accounts. 
Day 19: Favourite shop to shop at?
i rarely even look at neopets shops lol. when i was younger i really liked the faerieland petpet shop. that’s all i got for u
Day 20: Favourite game?
i feel obligated to say spinacles bc it’s my blog title but i don’t even like spinacles, i’m just good at it and there were a good few months when i got a good number of people who aren’t normally super into neopets obsessed w/ beating my score and it Amused me. i’m not even like a spinacles Master but i do know how to get gold Very easily. anyway uhhh i think let it slide is fun and i’m fairly good at it but i hate playing it for np because it feels like it takes forever and it gets boring. i feel the same way about assignment 51 which i also like the Aesthetic of a lot. i have a love/hate relationship with ultimate bullseye II
Day 21: How many items are currently in your Safety Deposit Box?
Items: 1,900 | Qty: 2,828
Day 22: Whats the most amount of Neopoints you’ve ever had at one time?
i hit 8mil recently and then spent some of it on a royal pb. i had planned on going for 10mil before spending any (so i can get that sweet bank account upgrade) but i got impatient. 
Day 23: Do you use the Stock Market?
occasionally. i don’t check it every day but i have a decent portfolio
Day 24: Favourite Daily (ex. Coltzan’s Shrine, Tombola, etc.)?
i kinda like the discarded blue grundo plushie or w/e in faerieland. i don’t know his whole stupid name but i remember when he was just a tiny pixel in faerieland that didn’t do anything, so it’s cute that he’s a daily now and gets visited by people more often. 
Day 25: Do you decorate your Neohome(s)?
not at all
Day 26: What is a Paint Brush colour TNT should release next?
honestly why dont they just make pet pb colors out of colors that are currently petpet exclusive? birthday and valentine? fuckin.. picnic might be harder to execute but it’s out there and it’s a fun one. 
Day 27: Favourite hero? Favourite Villian?
i’m not as educated about neopets lore as i’d like to be i think..... i like nabile, shes a hero right?? and i’ve always like balthazar. he’s a piece of shit. 
Day 28: Favourite plot or site event?
my biggest regret is not being more involved in plots as a kid :( i read the comics but didnt participate. i really liked the LDP comic and wish i’d been part of the actual puzzles and stuff. 
Day 29: Are there certain items you collect?
i kind of collect cute petpets, i love them and don’t usually get rid of them once i acquire them. same with cute plushies. also i like the poorly drawn items from the “artists day off” days, smelly jelly is one of my faves i think
Day 30: Why do you like Neopets?
there’s... so much to do!!!! like yeah the site is dying and jumpstart is digging its own grave and sooo many parts of the site are dead or broken or whatever but there’s still just, always a new goal to strive toward and a new thing to get into and i think that’s cool.
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