#and he burps up and swallows bullets on the regular
askbloatedbellyblog · 6 months
Genuinely curious, why is boothill in S rank? Since hes a cyborg i didnt think he would be able to burp and all
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This is all conjecture as I've only seen the animations for him. I'm biased maybe a little because I've run into the same problem with Genos and even he eats a lot too.
But this is because of combination of a couple of his animations, which is he actually eats/swallows his bullets and as it shows in his his ult, he has enough control either bringing it back up or burping the bullet back up that he uses it. That's some masterful control over his digestive system, whatever it is. Plus he's a cyborg instead of full android.
The thing I laugh at is first, he won't like stand up straight even though he gets the very nice looking hip swing (it just has to be murder on his spine) and second, if he wasn't a cyborg, his outfit would be slutty/manwhorish/whatever you want to call it because his shirt is essentially a crop top to show off the bottom of his pecs, abs, and hips the whole time. The only difference is the metal skin then blends in with the rest of his outfit.
Plus we're dealing with places that has dreams, space trains, magic, and other scientific advances. There's no reason why a cyborg couldn't burp. He might fall down in rankings once actually get to know him, but there's at least solid evidence that he burps OFTEN, he likes to show off, and likes explosions and even be sexy on purpose (I see those hips and then his kicks). Right now, the evidence is stacked in his favor for him being a big burper. Not sure on eating, though I often think they go hand in hand.
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belliesandburps · 5 years
Kink headcanons for Cadmus and/or Drake?
Like all Saurians, Cadmus has an immense appetite.  To fill him up requires enough food to feed about three dozen people.  And even then, he’ll always room to spare.  Given that he’s a Saurian, in his snake-man form, he can pack away almost three times what he can in his normal form.  Cadmus is a particularly unique Saurian in that even in his human form, his jaws can stretch out like a snake.  He’s also deeply voracious and predatory, with no qualms about devouring his prey whole.
Another unique element to Cadmus is, like Hakari, his stomach can stretch to immense sizes, beyond what any human with his body frame could manage.  But unlike Hakari, Cadmus’ belly can stretch out to accommodate an entire average height adult male.  His stomach capacity is enough to stretch out by a solid near-five feet.  And anytime he’s beyond capacity, he sits and basks in fullness, sitting on his rump, rubbing and slapping his belly heartily.  The squirmier his prey, the better, since he has a VERY strong stomach.
Cadmus is almost never prone to stomachaches.  His belly is capable of withstanding almost any punishment, and is stretchy enough that something like a blade won’t even pierce it.  However, Cadmus is vulnerable to chemically induced bellyaches, if someone he’s eaten has chemicals or a poison on them.  Usually, that sort of thing will cause his gut to gurgle and churn aggressively, leading to Cadmus burping repeatedly, and if it gets too intense, even vomit out his prey.  Of course, if that happens, look out, because once they’re outside, if he recovers fast enough, he’ll be PISSED...and anyone who pisses Cadmus off, doesn’t go down in one piece...
It goes without saying, but Cadmus’ favorite meal is his targets.  He loves the feeling of his victims squirming helplessly in his belly, thrashing like mad.  Outside of that, he’s a huge carnivore, so meat is his second favorite dish, rarer the better.
Far as beverages go, Cadmus’ favorite drink is anything citrus-y.  He love especially tart drinks, be them regular juice, soda or alcohol.  He has no actual preference so long as the flavor is citrus and tart.
It goes without saying, but Cadmus can let out some real monstrous belches.  He’s very prone to eating a lot, and whenever he does, he eats very fast and voraciously, often taking in a lot of air into his stomach which he belches up.  His prey tends to make him very burpy as well.  The more volatile his prey gets, the more he finds himself burping again and again, usually really big, rolling belches after some rumbling wet ones.  Given that Cadmus isn’t 100% pure evil, he doesn’t digest prey while they’re still conscious, so a lot of the times, he’ll belch out all the air in his belly so his prey is rendered unconscious by the time digestion starts.  He’s also prone to burping up a lot of digested bones after the fact.  Cadmus is incredibly hedonistic as well, so if someone he’s with has any sort of kink, he’ll indulge them.  And since he knows to burp on command, he’ll work out some especially big and long ones for his lovers, often letting them rub his belly, whether it’s full or completely empty and get extra handsy to work anything out.
Cadmus doesn’t get hiccups since he has a very strong stomach and is almost incapable of “overdoing it.”  It’s the same reason he has no preference with beer since he’s also incapable of getting drunk.
Drake always had a fairly hefty appetite when he was human.  But mutated, his hunger is relentless and frightfully ravenous.  He’ll devour anything organic that he can get his claws on, doesn’t matter what or who it is, long as it can fill his belly up. 
Drake’s body is concealed behind near exoskeletal flesh.  It’s incredibly hard and adaptive, almost like bullet proof body armor and able to bend and adapt to trauma.  His stomach bloats out by about four or so feet if he swallows someone whole.  But because of how dense his flesh is, his belly becomes drum-tight, both outside and in.  Meaning it’s unbearably tight within his gut and doesn’t slosh or bounce at all when bloated.  It feels like a literal boulder whenever he’s eaten his prey.  Though, most of the time, he doesn’t swallow his prey whole, but rather messily devours them, out of a mixture of violent hunger and even more violent rage.
Drake can’t get stomachaches naturally, thanks to his mutated anatomy.  If he stuffs himself beyond capacity, his body adapts and stretches his belly out further to accommodate.  The only thing that gives him any sort of bellyache is, like Cadmus, chemicals or explosives.  Chemicals can cause him to be sick long enough to vomit out his prey, but he recovers almost immediately.  And unfortunately for any involve, if he swallows a grenade, the only thing it’ll REALLY accomplish is make Drake let out a huge, smokey belch, and some slight indigestion.
Drake doesn’t have any favorite food or drink anymore.  Literally his only concern is temporarily satiating his hunger by filling his belly with whatever he can sink his razor sharp fangs into.  There’s no real satisfaction for him when it comes to eating.  Everything boils down to “Full” and “Not Full.”
With how ravenous Drake gets, he tends to belch frequently when he’s really filling himself up.  He reacts on pure impulse, so the instant he needs to burp, he just does so.  And with Drake, his belches tend to be really deep and guttural sounding.  The biggest burps he ever lets out are if he’s swallowed an explosive of any kind, or if the chemicals he’s ingested are having a violent reaction within him.  Again, for Drake, it’s not out of pride or satisfaction, but pure necessity.  He doesn’t dwell, or sigh with relief or even comment whenever he burps.  He just burps and carries on.
He also doesn’t get hiccups of any kind, given his monstrous form and adaptive internal and external structure.
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