#and he doesn't listen to what other ppl/his actual enemies tell him and take it as the truth
thelovinghost · 8 months
Could I plz request a grumpy/sunshine dynamic (reader being the grumpy) for Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru?? Tysm!
Hell yeah
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Tamaki Suoh
Your personality does not deter him
In fact, he'll try even harder to be friends with you
He wants you to like him and he'll do anything for you to like him
There is a part of him that doesn't even realize you don't like him, but there will be moments where he'll be like 'What if they don't like me?'
You do eventually tolerate him because-
1. He won't stop trying to be friends with you
2. He has more influence, power, and money and you really can't afford to have him as an enemy
And lastly 3. He's not all that bad to be around
He always does everything in his power to see you smile and/or happy
It makes him giddy and proud that he made you feel that way
He invites you to the Host Club and gets so sad when you don't show up
Although, when you do show up, he ends up neglecting his other guests, so Kyoya limits your time w/ Tamaki [Kyoya would like to eradicate your time, but Tamaki won't have it]
Tamaki loves giving you gifts, because no matter how much you try and hide it, you always give him a smile, even if it's small
He'll come over to your house, UNANNOUNCED, and it always irates you to no end. He just hates being away from you and wants to be near you
He kind of likes that you're mean, because he doesn't have any competition
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Hikaru Hitachiin
Hikaru? Sunshine? Maybe in another universe
You're both grumpy and it takes time for you to become friends
You actually start off as enemies
You two have more in common than you'd like to admit
Kaoru is tired of hearing about you and finally invites you over so you can both talk, because he's sick of you
^So many death stares
When you two do become friends, thanks to Kaoru, everyone should be scared
You're like the little red devil on someone's shoulder and he's the worse version
You two are not a duo to be messed with
You gang up on people, by tag teaming them [Usually Tamaki is the victim of your tagteams]
[Tag team= Ganging up on someone in an arguement.]
Hikaru realize he actually really likes you, because you're actually kind of funny
He denies his feelings tho
He actually tries pushing you away in fear of these feelings. He doesn't want you to hurt him, so he ends up hurting you
This really pisses you off and you try confronting him
But he just avoids you
Kaoru tries asking him about it, but Hikaru either avoids the question or shrugs him off
Kaoru will soon pick up on Hikaru's feelings though, because that's his twin
He [Kaoru] confronts his brother and Hikaru tries to deny it, but he's cornered and he finally yells at Kaoru saying-
"Fine! I like them! Are you happy?"
Yes, Kaoru is happy and he pushes Hikaru to confess to you
It takes a while, but Hikaru eventually does do it, while Kaoru spies hoping for the best for his brother
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He thought you were pretty and wanted to talk to you
Your grumpyness doesn't bother him, because his twin brother is grumpy too, so he's used to it
He'll listen to you rant and complain and try and give you advice
He keeps you away from his brother in fear of either you liking Hikaru, not being able to tell the difference between them, or you two ganging up on him when realizing you two are both mean ppl
Kaoru seeks you out and gives you little gifts to make you happy
^ Lots of clothes and fashion [Stuff that remind him of you]
Whenever you are sitting together, you both are usually a few feet apart, but slowly he scoots closer and closer to you
He's so in love that anyone can see it
Hikaru doesn't like you when he does finally meet you, because you're taking his brother from him
Kaoru acts as the buffer between you both
If you have a bad day, he's always there for you and is willing to try and boost your mood
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dmclemblems · 2 years
im just thinking suddenly about gw/ag miklan and edelgard like
lol r u fckn kiddin me
they basically implied that the empire had their hands full on the western front (for the entire game in gw bc miklan never dies in gw, only matthias does)
and a little tumbleweed blows by the entire western front like girl are you actually fucking serious right now are you literally murdering people left and right to change a system that right before your eyes has clearly already come apart at the seams in faerghus
like girl you’re literally behind the times get with it you RLY over here talking about a future for fodlan that can “only” happen if xyz but... it... already... happened... outside the empire... which means... if YOU are still having trouble fixing YOUR system AS THE EMPEROR with the supreme power of your country where YOU have the final say in shit... girl... that’s a fckn Y O U problem don’t drag the rest of fodlan into ur shit
now mind you in gw claude also manages to change the system in his country and fix their biggest problems (re: the roundtable during war), which means both leicester and faerghus ain’t havin’ a hard time fixing their systems or the overall crest problem in fodlan
nah that’s LITERALLY an empire based problem if y’all still havin’ a hard time over there bc the rest of fodlan is moving on without a hitch
“but the CHURCH likes their cwest system uwu”
cool seteth actually complimented miklan and has a good deal of trust in his ability at the western front and even got approval from rhea to send their personal soldiers to aid miklan in the defense of the sturdiest fortress in all of faerghus, possibly all of fodlan so what im telling u is that RHEA sent her own soldiers to AID A CRESTLESS COMMANDER WHO WAS PREVIOUSLY DISINHERITED AND DISOWNED and left their lives in his hands bc ya boi seteth has a good opinion of miklan BASED ON WHAT HE HAS SEEN/HEARD ABOUT HIM and ain’t even worried about his crest situation he lookin at the MAN not the crest or lack thereof (mind you this information is shown in ag, but all the routes show the story from a different perspective, which means seteth still had to talk to rhea about sending church soldiers to aid the west and defend from the empire which as i understand it, miklan had the highest authority or at least one of the highest authorities in that area, but rhea and seteth put their soldiers in the hands of a crestless man and seteth found him very capable)
so basically tl;dr edelgard’s entire reasoning for war falls apart completely because it’s literally only the empire having these issues still, two+ years (timeskip+time passed during the war) into all the lords taking full power in their countries. she basically goes to war with all of fodlan to conquer it just so everything is the empire, not to fix the system in “fodlan” because the only system that needs fixing at this point is the empire’s. instead of focusing on fixing the empire’s issues, she assumes the empire’s issues are everyone’s issues and goes to war over it because she can only see what’s happening in the empire.
NOW MIND YOU that two years was spent by dimitri by reforming the crest system and his own private army. he had miklan located before he even knew edelgard was going to start a war. he had him trained in military thoroughly by matthias himself (who has defended against sreng for many years and has the prowess to speak of) and successfully created a private army of commoners. everything edelgard is claiming she fights for was already done and sealed in faerghus BEFORE she even started a war and yet she didn’t even think about the continent outside of anything in her immediate view i.e. the empire’s problems which she assumed were fodlan’s problem, showing how tunnel visioned she is and how if the empire is having problems she’s gonna make it everyone’s problem.
so basically her only goal is to make the whole of fodlan under the empire’s flag and nothing else because the rest of the shit she claims to fight for has already been in progress elsewhere and she’s THAT ignorant to anything outside the empire that she’ll start a continental war over the issues within the empire.
mind you any nobility things in leicester like... nobody cared lmao the nobility protected the commonfolk and the commonfolk lived their lives literally like nobody cared about the system and everyone was fine. the lords at the roundtable argued and shit but like... usually it was just over their own territory and shit, it had nothing to do with crests and erwin was considered HIGHLY loved by his people regardless of having a crest.
erwin rly said like up yours @ edelgard and im here for it this guy is such a vibe and im trying not to like him so much bc of houses but im starting to fail the more i delve into his characterization in hopes ajkdhjasgdj erwin stOP
#Three Hopes Spoilers#is this an im angry at edelgard post? or is this... a miklan is superior post???#or is this... edelgard looks like a damn fool precisely bc our boi mikky is here post?!#edelgard's motivations make me so tired... and i can see why they make dimi and claude tired too#i don't like micaiah but at least she had totally legit motivations#and in fact i hate micaiah and love jarod but i totally acknowledge jarod is the bad guy here lmfao#jarod is like top tier shithead but he's funny about it and he gives damn badass speeches so like#at least with him im willing to fully admit i like him and completely understand he is not in the right#im not gonna defend his bullshit just bc he's funny and badass and has a VERY loyal and interesting sidekick#like those two all in their own are cooler than edelgard and literally they just are like#more interested in their reputation in begnion at anyone's expense and THAT'S THE THING#i like them yes but im not willing to defend their intentions bc i can SEE how crappy they are#edelgard is like... worse ashnard too bc she has the same exact motivations as ashnard to the dot#just in another world/universe/continent with a SLIGHTLY different system i.e. crests but the nobility system is the same#but then you have laguz who have the exact kind of system edelgard would want and they're co-existing with ppl who have#the opposite kind of system i.e. beorc and nobody ever went to war over that between them#they went to war bc ashnard has a same general concept as edelgard except ashnard owns his shit#and he doesn't listen to what other ppl/his actual enemies tell him and take it as the truth#he also runs his own shit and doesn't make excuses for it like... at this point im sad that edelgard couldn't be#as cool a villain as tellius' villains bc it'd have been great to have a badass female villain like them#in such a nuanced game like houses. it's sad that one of the only female villains just couldn't be written AS a legit villain#instead the writers tried to uwu her bc pretty sexy bisexual girlboss when rly they could've just put in an ashnard clone#and i'd have taken that shit over edelgard's headache any day like just toss female ashnard at me and i'd take that#i ain't about to make excuses for ashnard and jarod im gonna like them and im gonna tell the world how shitty of people they are lmao#tl;dr miklan being in this game and his role in it just proved exactly how ignorant edelgard rly is and how much she literally#does not care about anything except being the supreme ruler and can't accept anything else#bc the rest of the continent moved on without her and she didn't even notice apparently#so she just assumed the empire's problems were the whole continent's problems and they were literally not#miklan and erwin both honestly make me gape in disbelief at her sheer volume of ignorance
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Renjun would include
Requested by anon: hi !! your dating series headcanons are very cute, could i please request one for renjun 🥺
A/N: I have the biggest soft spot for this man
Series Masterlist
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*You can see Renjun in the corner bc you’re on FaceTime. He’s trying to listen to your story while doing something else. The texts are what led up to the impromptu call.*
Crushing Stages:
So I mentioned here that I think if Renjun has a crush on someone, he doesn’t look at them
He can like them A LOT, like literally dream about them
But his friends don’t even know he likes someone. He is just so lowkey about it and the possibility that you may like him too??? KINDA SCARY
I feel like he could be a potential enemies to lovers type person IRL
When you initiate the interest, internally Renjun is PANICKING,,, but he eventually gets all soft and comfortable in your presence???
Like the way he giggles at your jokes, or leans into you, or generally how happy he is to be around you (although he does try to maintain somewhat of a front)
That’s when you really know he’s down BAD bc he’s like this with no one but you
He only lets so many ppl into his life like this so pls be careful with his trust
But the moment you get him to really open up, you become his favourite person
The rant sessions are the best
bc you two are just agreeing with each other about how everything sucks
he just gets you, you know?
Also bickering every 2 minutes
While he fights you, he would also fight anyone for you
Why is he ready to square up with u from the moment he wakes up
"You moved too much in your sleep last night" OK and what are u gonna do about it? NOTHING
He’s just so petty
Why are competitions ‘do or die’ for this man
Be ready to literally go head-to-head with him with anything
Also he either gets all shy or whiny when he wants affection from you
"Come here." "Why? Do you wanna cuddle or something?" "No..." "Okay then I'm not going there." *in a quiet voice and his arms reaching out* "Pleaseeee. Don't make me beg."
Very affectionate when it’s just you two
Not a fan of PDA
Like he won't admit it, but he likes to be BABIED
Can be sensitive from time to time
No doubt in his mind that he would defend your honour if someone talks shit
You are just an extension of him and NOBODY messes with what's his
When you do something embarrassing he’ll look away and pretend he doesn’t know you
Colouring book dates :-(( where you guys just sit across from each other and colour together :-(((
Also picnics in scenic places where you guys paint on canvas
Soooo pouty
He really truly does admire you
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Gets mad if someone is noisy while you try to take a nap
and then he'll put a blanket on top of you and kiss your forehead :-(((
Doesn't answer your facetime calls the first time you call him, but will call you back like "🤨 what?"
Annoying him must be soooo fun, like you know exactly what ticks him off so you do it
With just one look you can tell when he's over something
Tries his actual best to be patient with you
Because he does have a soft spot
He will literally stay up with you if you need help with something
And try his absolute best to make time for you
And update you with new things so that you're not worried about him
Makes sure you're not stressing yourself out too much by bearing some of the load off your shoulders
His love language is saying "you're so annoyinggg" when you're actually being really cute LMAO
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tries to cheer you up by singing to you
this song ALL THE TIME (nooo why did I actually search up ‘Renjun’s lil song’ on youtube djskkwosk)
Once you get past his "tough" exterior you know he's really just a grumpy baby that just wants to be loved by his favourite person
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
whats his relationships with the other charas like (like gill, maya, radar, or anyone rlly)? if there's no friendship/he doesn't know them well, what'd you think it'd be like if wulf was friends with certian characters?
i am so mad man i had shit typed up and then the page refreshed itself. anyways all the stuff is under the cut
wulfric / aiden (wulfden) • dating
i know you said OTHER characters but i gotta start with my main mans. wulfric and aiden started dating after the end of season 2, when aiden returned from golden city (post-s1e5 sky city). its not exactly enemies-to-lovers, more like two friends who couldnt stand each other sometimes. they still like to take the piss out of each other sometimes. and surprisingly aiden was the one who asked wulfric out. just a "hey i think i might actually like you a bit and the feelings i had in my chest werent ALL disgust after all no homo tho" except its all homo. and the ship name was so funny to think abt cuz like. it took me way too long to think of that, so i might be stupid
wulfric + doppler ( @freds-keep​ ) • best friends
theyre best friends!! i have to like look at my notes again wherever i put em and figure out exactly how they met, but ik they met between the s1 DLCs and s2, and iirc wulfric is the one who introduced doppler to radar. wulfric tried to teach doppler to parkour once and it ended with wulfric having to force a potion of healing down doppler's throat. never again. maybe with featherfalling boots but not likely. its okay tho, doppler ribs on him for being friends with a singer when he's completely tone deaf
wulfric + maya • dislike
he. doesnt like maya. the two were kinda just constantly down each other throats getting into more spats than he and aiden ever did. they could never agree on anything and its a wonder that they didnt just kill each other sometimes. its ONLY just dislike bc like. they were a part of the same gang. even after he found out about the sky city ordeal he was just like "yknow what i expected that"
wulfric + jesse • dislike
wulfric doesnt like jesse fr the same reason the other ocelots (minus lukas) dont like him. just rubbing it in his face all the time that they won the building competition every year they participated and jesse and his 'order of the pigs' didnt. he mellows out after s1, but he still doesnt rly like him that much :/
wulfric + lukas • friendly
while they were best friends pre-s1 DLCs, after the DLC episodes they just didnt hang around as much as they used to. sure it was a bit upsetting, but wulfric wasnt too beat up. wulfric actually defended lukas from the admin (posing as jesse ofc) which is what got them both sent to the tower, with wulfric taking advantage of his parkour skills to escape and attempt to like. tell ppl. except he got caught again bc he got cornered. oops. anyways the two of them reformed the ocelots with the other prisoners
wulfric + gill • friendly
wulfric and gill had a. short fling once. not really dating just like fwb stuff but that never rly made anything awkward between them even when they stopped. when gill returned to beacontown the two spent a lot of time hanging out again. also when the witherstorm was tearing through the overworld, wulfric rescued gill from a tractor beam and they both contracted wither sickness but its okay they got better
wulfric + radar • friendly
wulfric and radar met like right before construction on champion city began, like immediately after the DLCs. he offered radar a place to stay for a while but he had passed on it since stella was kinda. keepin him glued to his side for ~intern work~ which meant he couldnt. after radar quit being stella’s intern and started working for jesse, the two began to hang out a lot more. wulfric is still kind of in-awe at his arm tattoos, but loves to poke fun at him for ~getting them in prison~. he KNOWS what happened ofc but its funny to mess with him and say they locked him up for being too cute
wulfric + petra • friendly
petras the one who actually took wulfric to the nether For Real for the first time. she offered and he almost declined because all he knew was that the nether was Dangerous, but gave in and let petra show him that the nether’s only dangerous if you dont watch where ur lookin. she also showed him how to barter with piglins! sometimes when petra’s back in beacontown the two will go out and explore. he feels safe around petra.
wulfric + axel • hate
wulfric hates griefers. straight up. cannot stand them. boom town is on his like. anti-bucket list. if he never went there in his life it’d still be too many times. he doesn’t like axel at all. definitely couldnt take him on in a fight cuz im p sure axel would crush him but they’ve gotten into verbal spats
and now for ones i dont have listed / written down:
wulfric + olivia • dislike
about the same level of dislike as jesse. he might be a bit envious of her redstone skills but he knows redstone isnt his strong suit so he doesnt really care
wulfric + ivor • hate
this one might just be me projecting the fact that it took until s1e8 for me to even TOLERATE ivor, but he still holds some grudges on the grounds that he technically DESTROYED HIS TREEHOUSE. he’s mad.
wulfric + jack and nurm • admire
pre-s2 he visited the adventure emporium quite a couple times just to look around and to listen to the stories jack would tell. he thought they were super interesting and he wishes he could be strong like them.
wulfric + romeo • ???
wulfric doesnt know how to feel. like ofc that was the admin. he did all that bad stuff but like. he seems so sluggish now? and powerless. and just depressed. he might take him out to get some rabbit stew or somethin cuz he kinda looks like he needs to eat. same hair tho!
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