The current food situation .. low carb breakfast
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Day 23 Self care Why you should exercises
Most of us know the physical benefits of exercises but not many of us fully understand mental benefits. Exercise releases endorphines ( happy hormones) in the brain , which have a role in reducing stress and managing depression as well as decreasing stress hormones such as cortisol which is linked to weight gain and fatigue if over used..
A good dose of daily exercise can also be a great outlet for frustration and anger .It can take your mind off of problems and troubling thoughts just by placing you in a different environment and forcing you to focus on breath (moving meditation)
Research shown that even a 10min walk is better than none and can increase your heart beat. If you do not have a regular exercise routine, how about you start one today with a 10 min brisk walk .
If you are interested in starting a exercise routine that will get you into fantastic shape why not inbox me for some tips and ideas #exercise #selfcare #womenwhoworkout #selflove #28daychallenge #selfcarechallenge #benefitsofexercise
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Happy Sunrise Ladies ,
So I've decided to step out of my comfort zone and finally get the ball rolling on my 'Let's talk Level up' sessions .Since I've received quite a few questions centered around weight loss I've decided to kickstart the sessions with a discussion around fat loss and creating a lean healthy body
The sessions will be every two weeks and we will cover an array of topics( dimensions of wellness) all centered around taking your life to the next level.
I would like to invite you my beautiful sistars to join me in the discussion next week Sunday May 3rd 6pm GMT on Zoom . If you would like to know how to loose those extra pounds or would like to share your tips and tricks on how you stay in shape inbox me or email me @ [email protected]
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Day 8 Self Care Challenge Ho'oponopono
These words are healing words, when you can say them to yourself and mean them, let go, you are healing yourself .
You are renewing, you are resetting your life
You are starting again , clearing blockages , clearing out the old data
and programming a new ..
When you can say this to yourself from heart space you are also saying it to the universe around you .The frequency of the the words , the vibration of the words radiate around you and pulsate beyond you and penetrate all around you.
This mantra can heal the world 💚💚💚
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Day 7 Self Care Challenge.. Feed your body with healthy food
An healthy high quality nutrient dense diet is a crucial aspect of self love and care. What you put in your body to help it function at its highest ability is 100% percent within your control . I'm not going to sit here and tell you what foods you should eat or shouldn't eat , when and why. What is healthy for you does not always translate the same way for another person . What I want you to do is research foods that are nutritious and start to experiment with them and find out what works for you .If you need assistance with the process I'm open for consultations so we can work together. I will gather information from you so I can assist you with creating a structured healthy diet plan that works for you.. #28daychallenge #selfcarechallenge #selfvalue #selflove #selfcare #healthyeating #healthyfoods #womenswellness #womensholistichealth #womensupportingwomen
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Day 6 Self care challenge .. Take Ownership and Let go
Taking ownership means taking responsibility of what you experience in life . Even those experiences you did not initiate and you were an injured party to .. Taking ownership does not mean it is your fault, it simple means you are taking control of the experience and now choosing how you make the experience affect you from this moment forwards
When my daughter passed away , I had no idea how I was going to move about this planet without her . I had no idea how one lives on after laying your child's body to rest .. Then one day I stepped into meditation and gratitude and what was made clear to me was this
Though I will never get over the passing of my child , what I can do is choose how I use my grief. I can chose how I express my love for her and show my appreciation for having her in my life for 24 years . I used the grief that I was feeling and decided I was going to step back into my purpose and start to live my life according to my core values. One of which is to help other women thrive ( hence this group ). Most of my purpose filled work has been centered around women for the last 20 years and that is where I thrive also ..
By no means am I telling anyone how to deal with problems or issues they face
What I am saying however is within each of us is a little peace of power , a divine energy some would call that god, we can tap into and we can use it to bring about healing , self love , miracles and so much more, however, this can only happen if you understand you can change things by take ownership of what you have experienced and not let it consume you.
Whatever you have going on in your life , health issues , debt , loss .. Take ownership of it then find out how you can change things, transform it , or just let go of it
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I shared this originally in my Embrace my feminine ,level up group https://www.facebook.com/groups/683738639130564/?ref=share
I shared this originally in my Embrace my feminine ,level up group https://www.facebook.com/groups/683738639130564/?ref=share
I was talking about why one should pamper self and invest in our looks and how important it is when it comes to our femininity .As we know women who rest in their feminine thrive ... Day 3 Self Care Challenge, Invest in your looks and pamper
On your journey to femininity you have to be open to receive in order to give, that includes giving to yourself. It means giving time to making sure you are balanced in your mental , spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Many women view pampering as a luxury they indulge in every so often I however understand pampering is a vital part of your overall wellbeing and femininity.
If you do not give yourself time to take care of your well-being and invest in your looks then how important are you to you.. How will you allow that feminine energy to flow through you and radiate from you if you are not treating yourself like a high value women.
Today I want you to Implement a weekly pampering session.. My pamper day is Sunday
I start with my beautiful full body and face steam and body scrub , then I do a turmeric face mask
All while I have a deep treatment coconut conditioner in my hair which I will leave in for a couple of hours ..This is also the day I start my weekly 24hour fast. I keep myself fully hydrated and absorb videos on YouTube that cater to my feminine . I then start a intense hand and foot scrub treatment and natural oil treatment paint my toe nails and take a well earned nap. I wake up wash the conditioner out of my hair and style as desired I will also do some divination / spiritual work .. This is a full day of pampering for me . I also make sure I have my monthly massage reflexology manicure and vaginal steam bath #selfpamer #selfcare #investinyourself #womensholisticwellness #womenswellness #befeminineandthrive
I was talking about why one should pamper self and invest in our looks and how important it is when it comes to our femininity .As we know women who rest in their feminine thrive ... Day 3 Self Care Challenge, Invest in your looks and pamper
On your journey to femininity you have to be open to receive in order to give, that includes giving to yourself. It means giving time to making sure you are balanced in your mental , spiritual and physical wellbeing.
Many women view pampering as a luxury they indulge in every so often I however understand pampering is a vital part of your overall wellbeing and femininity.
If you do not give yourself time to take care of your well-being and invest in your looks then how important are you to you.. How will you allow that feminine energy to flow through you and radiate from you if you are not treating yourself like a high value women.
Today I want you to Implement a weekly pampering session.. My pamper day is Sunday
I start with my beautiful full body and face steam and body scrub , then I do a turmeric face mask
All while I have a deep treatment coconut conditioner in my hair which I will leave in for a couple of hours ..This is also the day I start my weekly 24hour fast. I keep myself fully hydrated and absorb videos on YouTube that cater to my feminine . I then start a intense hand and foot scrub treatment and natural oil treatment paint my toe nails and take a well earned nap. I wake up wash the conditioner out of my hair and style as desired I will also do some divination / spiritual work .. This is a full day of pampering for me . I also make sure I have my monthly massage reflexology manicure and vaginal steam bath #selfpamer #selfcare #investinyourself #womensholisticwellness #womenswellness #befeminineandthrive
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Day 4 Meditation and Stillness
Some people associate meditation with a religious belief or spiritual practices and though they may be right, meditation can also be used as a simple tool to keep you focused and centered.
It can be used as a time to check on self and what is going on within. It's an opportunity for you to lessen your attention externally and focus on the internals of all the levels of your being.
I use meditation for many reasons and practice it in more than one way, however , I use it predominantly as a time for stillness and a chance to just be, Allow myself to observe thoughts as though I am watching a movie and they are not connected to me but just passing through my consciousness.
How this helps me in my day to day everyday living (EDL) is it allows me to bring that same stillness and consciousness observations of thought to the realities of my interaction with other people and situations.
When faced with a challenge I intentionally call upon a stillness within and sometimes externally.
Then with my minds eye ( visualize )I assess the situation as a third person to that situation or as
a higher consciousness, one could say. I watch the challenge being played out in my head with a solution or possible outcomes. I resolve by accepting this is the solution or not, what is within my control I can change and what is not I put it aside until it is .. This has helped me to become more of a responsive person rather than a reactive one. This ultimately has a knock on effect on my ability to thrive. By not trying to tackle things which I can’t change and focus on what I can, this is energy and time saving. #meditation #stillness #28daychallenge #selfcarechallenge #womenwellness #womensholisticwellness
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Self love Day one
How are you feeding your spirit today ladies ..
Today I spent time in gratitude , I expressed gratitude for all the people I have in my life
To the universe which I am apart of and sustains me
I have gratitude for those that came before me and after me who no longer operate fully on this physical relam .
When you are grateful for the things you have the universe keeps that vibration going and gives you more to be grateful for.
How are you feeding your spirit today ladies ?
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With our current situation , I think we are all looking at ways we can boost our immune systems. After studying Intermittent fasting I came across a study carried out by scientist at the university of California . In which it states a 72 hour fast can prompt stem cells to create brand new white blood cells which is essential to regenerating the immune system.
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Are you attracting emotionally toxic people ..
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Some of the fundamentals of water and health.
I often get asked how much water should one drink and what type of water is best  . Well I personally drink when I'm thirsty or hungry . I drink first when I feel hungry before I reach for food, simply because I want to make sure I am hungry and not thirsty. Sometimes thirst  can feel like hunger. Our body's are really good at letting us know when we are dehydrated and need to replenish .If you need a specific value you can target so things are more tangible for you .
2.7 liters per day for Women  and 3.7 for men . If you are pretty active then you might want to add another liter  per hour of exercise .
What type of water should you drink
Plastic bottle water will have chemical leaks from the plastic, it's not the best source and really should be a last  resort. Water in glass bottles are OK but pricey 
Tap waters are filled with metal and chemicals that are quite toxic to the body.
Filtered water seems to be the better option but studies have shown some of the natural minerals within water can be filtered away
Alkaline waters : Well as long as the water has very little toxic chemicals in it and  the natural minerals are present in the water , the water will be alkaline
I use filtered or  glass bottle water and make sure my electrolytes are on point ..
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What are your thoughts on this .. Did Idris have no regard for his wife? .Is his wife demonstrating self love by not insisting he Quarantine alone ..So much to unpack here regarding relationships
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Hey ladies,
I challenge you to step into a rejuvenated refreshed reconnected you. I challenge you to take the first step to balancing all of your Well-being dimensions and start to live a life that aligns with your core values and purpose.
This 30 day Be balanced Be you challenge is a great way to start the journey to living the life you really want .
The challenge has be designed to:
1. Help you connect with your purpose and core values (these can change over time). 2. Look at the Dimensions of wellness and assess how your core values and purpose statement align with the dimensions.
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3. Assist you in creating goals and action steps to meet your objectives.
4. Get you going, take action. The be The first unit to The 30 day Be Balanced Be You challenge, will be available to those of you who wish to take part on the April 1st. 2020
For now, have a beautiful day
Please feel free to DM me if you would like more info
Joined The Liyah Rose Wellness group to take part in the Challenge #wellnesscoach #womensupportingwomen #wellness #wellnesschallenge #womenswellness #liyahrosewomensholsiticwellness #liyahrosewellness #liyahroseletstalksessions
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Fundamentals of Healthy Eating
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If you have a detox protocol in place. Why not support the process and help stimulate the detox organs , bowel , skin ,kidney , liver, etc with some detox support tea ....#detoxtea #ayurveda #detoxyourbody #womenswellness #womensholistichealth #holsiticwellness #liyahrosewomensholsiticwellness #liyahroseletstalksessions #
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