#and he high fived me AFTER the middle schooler I'm just like. huh.
ladies is it weird if the guy you like completely sweeps you (and a middle schooler) off the board at foosball and then high fives you (and the middle schooler) about it?
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mrskurono · 3 years
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Fourth grade was the first time Osamu said it.
"I'm going to marry her."
Something about it stuck with Atsumu. He'd whipped around with a scowl across his face and volleyball in his hands.
"Eh? Samu what?"
Osamu repeated himself with a blank stare. Never once wavering in his tone as the twin proclaimed he was going to marry you as nonchalantly as the sky was blue.
Seventh grade. During a volleyball camp. Actually it was the end of the camp as the group of middle schoolers who'd been at the camp as well as their friends, walked home. You were among others. Both twins glad to see you after the long week. It was here that Osamu said it again.
"I'm still gonna marry her y'know."
Blindsided rightfully so by his twins proclamation. Atsumu had all but forgotten about the same words three years ago. Still met with the same fiery indignance though.
"She isn't gonna marry you! Samu shut yer trap with crap like that! If anything she'll marry me!"
"No ones gonna marry you Tsumu. No one even likes you if you're gonna be a jerk."
"I don't care if you think I'm a jerk Samu!"
"Not true everyone thought you were a jerk at camp."
Atsumu would puff his cheeks out and pout. Brewing on his brother's words. Fighting still it was until they got broken up prior to fists being thrown.
Senior graduation and Osamu watched you high five Ginjima as Atsumu came up beside him with his own diploma.
"Tsumu. I'm still gonna marry her."
"What?! You just graduated so far below me why would she marry you?!"
"Because I'm nicer."
"Samu shut up if anything I'm going to marry her! Just you watch!"
It would be an evening he had off from the Jackals. One that didn't happen without prep and planning. Even for how easy the entire time went. Atsumu still would come into the house giddy as can be and ignoring Osamu eating on the couch.
"Hmm. Guess I should probably think about marrying her pretty soon."
"Huh??? Marry you?? What are ya talking about Samu we've been dating for like- One, two- Almost three years. I'm marrying her!"
Osamu might have laughed. Probably did laugh actually just to watch Atsumu fume some more. It was so easy to get him going even now.
Then came the thirteen days after Atsumu's wedding. A wedding Osamu was the best man to as well as a maid of honor it seemed. So when he was working behind the counter at Onigiri Miya with his brother seated at the bar, Osamu looked over his work station to his brother.
"You haven't said it in a while."
"Said what?"
"That marrying crap."
Osamu dipped his fingers in water and cleaned them off giving his brother a dead pan stare over his assembly area, "Wanted me to say something at the wedding?"
"Could have added it to your best man speech or something since I married her." Atsumu leaned in on his arm looking at his brother. Speculating a thought for a second then dropping the sly smile and sitting back up straight, "...you were never going to marry her, were you?"
Not even sparing his twin a look Osamu shook his head, "Nope."
Ring sitting on his finger. Knowing your last name matched his now. And everything else in the past five years. Something about not hearing his brother's tease. Or the simple fact Osamu never meant it. Suddenly felt fake.
"...never ever?"
Osamu shook his head and shrugged.
"So you didn't love her? You only said that to upset me all these years?! Samu you shit faced jerk I should-"
"I just wanted you to be a better person for her." Osamu finally looked up from his meal prep and still with that dead pan stare looked at his twin across the counter, "You have always just been a little more in love with her than I was."
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vivaamor · 2 years
care about me
warnings: swearing, catcalling, marijuana use, very minimal violence but it's there, edgy!y/n, golden retriever steve
relationships: steve harrington/ female reader
summary: opposites attract, don't they?
opposites attract. that's the old saying, isn't it? never in a million years did you ever think you'd be friends with steve and shortly after that, friends with his clan of fifteen year olds. eddie munson? made sense. steve harrington? not really.
you didn't mean to become friends with steve, you didn't mean to be his friend, to get to know him as you do today. it just happened.
hawkins, indiana wasn't known for having a wild night life, but it was known for having middle and high schoolers crawling the streets once school was let out. you usually liked to stay home, be by yourself and smoke. today was different, you had to run to the store to get groceries for your apartment. you only lived two blocks from the nearest store, so you walked.
around five o' clock with two bags of groceries in hand, you walk out of the store and toward your apartment complex, walking past twenty five-seven, the only bar in town.
"hey, lady!" a man's voice calls after you, whistling. you keep your head down and continue walking. "gonna ignore me, huh, sweet thing? you are a sight, aren't ya?" you can hear loud footsteps traveling toward you, so you pick up your pace. "don't run away from me now, babe." he goes to reach for your arm when something stops him.
you turn around and your eyes meet none other than steve harrington. or king steve, as people referred to him as in high school. "dude, come on. leave her alone, fuck off." the man scoffs, walking away from you two, and that's when steve turns to you. "you alright, there?"
"fine." you cross your arms over your chest, "i can take care of myself, didn't have to do that."
he chuckles, "i know. makes me look tough, secure in my masculinity." he jokes, moving his hair out of his face. "i'm steve."
"thanks, i guess," you quirk an eyebrow, "i know. we went to high school together. class of '85."
his finger waves in the air, pointing at you. "oh, right! y/n. sorry. barely recognized you. been a while." you shrugged your shoulders. you'd never even talked before more than a head nod when he said hello to you once in the hallway. "getting groceries?"
"looks like it. i live one block down. what are you doing here?"
he scratches the back of his neck, "uh, car broke down at the arcade when i was dropping my friend off. already towed, just waiting for robin-- robin buckley to come pick me up. but looks like i'm gonna be waiting for a while." he looks expectingly at you.
"is this your way of asking for a ride?"
he grins, "maybe. since you know, i saved your life and all."
sighing, you nod. "right this way, harrington."
and it was then that he asked for your phone number, claiming how he needed more friends. you talked about eddie munson, a mutual friend of yours, although you only met eddie in high school during junior year when you bought from him. you didn't know how the two of you could possibly have anything in common, you were polar opposites. even your appearances was like comparing the north and south pole.
steve always wore a polo with jeans or maybe a yellow sweater every now and then and you could tell he spent time on his precious hair. you, however, looked like a background character from the adams family-- fishnets always being a key accessory for you, usually along with a black skirt or ripped jeans and combat boots.
but he liked you, he liked being around you, asking for your opinions on things. you didn't try to fit in or change what you thought to fit his ideas and opinions. you were just purely you. and you didn't care what people thought. he needed that in his life.
it was with you he smoked his first joint, about two months into hanging out. and it was you that he only would smoke with. you didn't use substances to party or black out, you used them to feel calm and chill, to hang out.
he nearly coughed up a lung when taking too long of a drag, the joint between his fingers as he passed it to you. "and that is why metallica is not the greatest band to ever exist. i mean, come on, the beatles? hey jude is a classic, y/n. a classic!"
you rolled your eyes, exhaling the smoke from your lungs, your lips parted slightly. "your taste in music is astounding, harrington. astounding."
"oh, cut it out. you love me." you gave him a look. "alright, you care about me at least." he huffs, "you don't even care about me? alright, then tell me why you share your weed with me? never ask for money."
"you're a newbie, it's humorous watching you nearly puke when you take too much." you lied-- he wasn't wrong, you did care about him and maybe, just maybe, love him.
but steve knew he did. he came over all the time, and when you were out of town, he always offered to watch your cat. he adored you, everything about you. he noticed how you almost never smiled, but when you did, it was the slightest curve at either end of your lips. it was almost unnoticeable, but he noticed. he always noticed. he liked how you almost never wore makeup except for a dark shade of lip stick, and how you couldn't be bothered to do anything to your hair; you always wore it in a bun or let it fall messily and frame your face. you were always honest and when he asked for your opinion, you were brutal. your fingernails were always covered in a dark shade of blue, your fingers littered in silver rings. he truly noticed everything about you and there wasn't a single thing he would change.
you acted as if you couldn't be bothered to even look at him, nevertheless care about him. you never admitted to enjoying his presence before, yet he knew you did. that was because you wouldn't put up with him if you didn't. you wouldn't drop off coffee to him at family video if he had a long day if you didn't (accompanying the coffee with the excuse they had to remake it because they made it wrong, so here). you weren't one to blurt out your feelings or constantly reassure him that you loved him to death, but you showed it.
and sometimes when he would tell you he knew, it would hurt his feelings when you didn't agree with him because steve was upfront about how he felt. he always told you if he liked your hair a certain way or if he liked your t-shirt or if you had gotten a new ring. he wore his heart on his sleeve, always telling you to drive safe and let me know when you get home. see you later, love you!
"what are you doing right now?" he'd asked when you answered his phone call, wanting to see you and hang out.
"going to the store, need to get stuff for dinner tonight." you explained, taking your purse off the kitchen counter and balancing the phone between your shoulder and ear. "can't hang, sorry."
he grinned, "i'm coming with, i'm bored. be there in ten." he pulled up to your apartment and walked beside you to the store, chatting your ear off the whole trip inside hawkins' grocery and more on your way back to your place, insisting he'd help you make dinner.
"hey, kid!" a familiar voice filled your ears, the same man who'd cat called you months ago, the first time you met steve. "that's the kid who talked shit to me a while ago." he told his friend in a leather jacket, a beer in hand. "not so tough now, are we? now that i'm not outnumbered." him and his friend approached you, grabbing steve by his arm.
"get the fuck off me, man." steve pushed him off, his eyes widening when he saw his friend. they pushed him around until you dropped your groceries. you hooked back your arm, your fist colliding with his cheek, causing him to let go of steve and stumble back a few steps.
you walked up to the two men. "get the fuck out of my face before i call my dad." you threatened, "who by the way works for the county sheriff. or maybe i can call my friend, jo. you know jo lodie, don't ya? gang member, right? maybe he can come and tell you personally to leave me the fuck alone."
"yeah, whatever, lady." the guys wandered back off and you go to grab your groceries off the ground when steve grabs it. steve's eyes are wide, telling you that was fucking awesome, y/n, holy shit! you smirked to yourself, unlocking the front door to your apartment. he said it again once you sat down for dinner, having made mac and cheese.
"steve?" he looked up from his place at the table, sitting next to you. you sighed to yourself and leaned in, cupping his cheek in your hand, your painted fingernail ghosting over his skin. "you're right. i care about you."
"i fucking knew-" you shut him up with a gentle kiss, cutting off his sentence. his arm hooks around you, resting his palm on your lower back. you pull away slowly and he has the cheesiest smile on his face. "i knew it." you can't help but laugh and he wants to roll around in the sound of it.
"eat your dinner." you chuckle, shaking your head.
opposite do attract, don't they?
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dracosbloodychicken · 2 years
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"𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝?" 𝘈 𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘈𝘚𝘔𝘙 (SCRIPT)
You are a member of hellfire club since your first year high school. You never really fit in with the rest and Eddie noticed that, not until...
E: "You seems lost. Do you eat lunch alone?"
You looked up at him and he was smiling at you. You noticed that the way he dressed is different from the others. Leather jacket, vest, ripped jeans, rings that occupied almost all of his fingers, his hair and his shirt that says "Hellfire Club".
L: "I always eat alone. Thank you for asking."
E: "Wanna change that? I am making a club for people like you."
L: "You're making a club for people like me? Guess no one's joining that club for sure."
E: "You can say that. Look at the table at your right."
You looked at the table at your right and you saw three other people sitting and eating lunch while talking about something.
E: "It's not that much but they are people just like you, too. So, are you in?"
L: "What are the activities in your club?"
E: "Well, we play D&D after school and oh we also play our fantasy games."
L: "Fantasy game? What are you, five years old?"
E: "It doesn't really matter. But as long as you're into band, or anything that can be interesting, as long as you're enjoying it."
L: "I might think about it. But i don't know how to play D&D."
E: "It's okay. We'll teach you how to play and we're gonna help you get your rank aswell."
L: "You'd do that for me?"
E: "Of course, i do. As i said, i am making a club for people just like us. Everyone think were freaks for liking something they can't agree."
You were speechless. He was so kind and have a really great sense of humor.
L: "Okay, fine. I'll join."
E: "Great! Since you're joining my club, you get to have these cool tees (t-shirt)"
He handed you a tshirt the same as the one he's wearing. You suddenly thought "Where the hell did he get that from?"
You immediately accept the tshirt and smiles.
L: "Thank you for including me in your club."
E: "I should be the one thanking you. I thought i was gonna reject again. I've been talking to everyone and most of them rejects my offer. So i should be the one thanking you. Hey, you're free to join our table if you want. I'll tell the others that we have a new member."
L: "R-really? Okay, then. I'll join the others aswell."
E: "Great! Let's go. You're never eating lunch alone again, coz you have us now. Welcome to hellfire club, uhh what's your name?"
L: "Listener. My name's listener."
E: "Welcome to hellfire club, Listener."
You're currently at the hellfire club room playing D&D with Eddie and the rest. Lucas can't come in due to the championship game and Mike and Dustin, the new member of the club asked to find a substitute for him and they found a substitute for Lucas which is his sister. You laugh with the others as you saw how Lucas sister roasted Eddie everytime.
L: "You're just gonna let that kid roast you, Eddie?"
You teased him and laughed with Gareth and the others.
E: "Shut up! I'm not gonna get roasted by Sinclair's sister."
L: "Then why are you pissed? You can't think of a comeback, huh?"
E: "What are you, five years old? I'm not gonna have an arguement with a middle schooler."
L: "Just admit it, Eddie. That kid is really good at D&D and pissing you off haha."
E: "If you don't shut up, listener. I'm going to throw this dice at your face."
L: "Make me."
E: "Oh really? Then"
Eddie throws the dice he's holding at your face.
L: "Ow, that hurts!"
E: "Told you i can throw this dice at your face."
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