#and he is quite famous in his field (“5 digit of people listen to what he says so it must be interesting”)
jules-van-hering · 6 months
how the fuck do you calm yourself down from wanting to completely rip into those dudes on dating app who just saw the non-mono tag on your profile didn't read any further then texted you the most offensive shit and now you just wanna rip his head off
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robininthelabyrinth · 5 years
Eyestealer 5 - ao3 link
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Senju Hashirama & Senju Tobirama (mostly gen, hints of other relationships later)
Summary: Hashirama really doesn’t approve of the thoughtful way his father looks at his younger brother’s bright red eyes. He’s sure it doesn’t mean anything good for anyone.
He’s right.
Butsuma is right about this much: Hashirama does fight Madara, and Tobirama does keep killing Uchiha.
But Tobirama doesn't listen to Butsuma the way he used to, his heart broken by ‎the realization that he'd never earn his father's love not because of any fault in himself, but because of something his father himself inflicted on him, and that has a significant effect in a way neither Butsuma nor Hashirama ever realized.
Tobirama is the soul of the battlefield.
The Senju never really respected their leader's younger - now youngest - son the way they do Butsuma, for his ruthlessness, nor did they revere him the way they do Hashirama, with the crushing power of his Mokuton, but they've learned to trust Tobirama in a way they don't trust either other. Between his sensor abilities and tactical genius, Tobirama is able to look at any situation and ‎figure out how to turn it to their advantage.
He doesn't prioritize saving lives the way Hashirama does; his eyes are fixed on the mission objective, on victory, and to Hashirama's bemusement that is what his clan's shinobi and kunoichi apparently want. They die, yes, leaving widows and widowers and orphans behind, but they die with bloody teeth bared in smiles of pleasure, escaping to the Pure Lands with songs of triumph on their lips.
The elders and powerful of the clan all hate Tobirama, but the regular soldiers follow him first.
‎And so when Tobirama turns to his brother for confirmation of his orders, rather than his father, it is Hashirama's will that ultimately triumphs over the battlefield - his strategy, his objective, his terms.
His army.
Hashirama notices. Butsuma – doesn’t.
Hashirama notices that, too.
He’s careful not to oppose Butsuma too openly‎, counting on his father's arrogance and disdain for his second son to blind him to the truth, but under his careful guidance and Tobirama’s brilliance the battles become less bloody, the butcher's bill less steep, the slaughter less likely to spill over onto bystanders.
“No more dead children,” he tells Tobirama one day, when Tobirama finally hits double digits. In Hashirama’s opinion, Tobirama is still a child himself, round-cheeked and baby-fat, but he’s already a general. "I can't stop both sides from sending them out, but...no more."
Tobirama frowns. “He won’t like that.”
Hashirama doesn’t say anything. He won’t push, not when it comes to Butsuma; he doesn’t pay the price for that, not the way Tobirama still does.
“I’ll see what I can do,” Tobirama finally says. “But you might not like it.”
He’s right, Hashirama doesn’t like it – sticking the heads of child-killers on pikes? really? – but it works: the Uchiha are extremely freaked out by the unusual savagery of the tactic, which results in morale among the Senju being higher than ever, and that, in turn, means that Butsuma couldn’t get volunteers for a child-killing mission of his own even if he held people at sword-point.
It works.
Honestly, Hashirama is mostly just surprised that the mere presence of dead bodies, of which they have all seen far too many, is enough to cause such an effect on the Uchiha, and he says as much to Tobirama.
“It’s not the corpses, it’s the crows,” Tobirama replies, nodding in the direction of the heads, on which a fairly large number of crows have indeed come to rest. “I’m pretty sure the Uchiha burn their corpses to make sure no one steals the eyes.”
“Burn?” Hashirama asks, wrinkling his nose. The Senju prefer burials, but then, they're primarily a clan of doton users, for all that they're famed for their thousand skills, while the Uchiha are katon users; he supposes it makes sense. “And anyway, what has burial customs got to do with crows?”
“Crows pick out the eyes of dead men,” Tobirama explains. “The Uchiha are sensitive about things like that.”
Sure enough, the next time Hashirama’s on the battlefield with Madara only a swords’ width away, his (former) best friend glares at him as if betrayed and says, poisonously, “Heads on pikes? Really?”
“Only the child-killers!” Hashirama protests, thinking secretly that he and Madara are really quite delightfully similar when it comes down to it.
“What do you mean, only the –” Madara goes quiet for a second, thinking, or possibly just for enough air to cast that stupid fireball jutsu his clan is so famous for. “Your side stopped killing children around the same time.”
“It would be a blow to morale to do otherwise,” Hashirama explains, virtuously cribbing from Tobirama’s solemn and significantly more extensive explanation. He side-steps another katon and half-heartedly throws some roots to grab at Madara’s feet; they miss, of course, though they do make Madara hop like a particularly graceful rabbit. “The statement is only effective if we have moral superiority.”
“And by limiting the punishment to just child-killers, you make it unappealing for anyone in my clan to agree to those types of missions, too,” Madara says. He sounds begrudgingly impressed. “Who on your side thought of that, anyway? Not your father, that’s for sure.”
“...Tobirama,” Hashirama admits.
“Isn’t he ten?”
It’s shortly after that battle that the Uchiha start calling Tobirama the White Demon.
“Congratulations,” Hashirama says solemnly when they find out that the moniker has spread to other clans like the Nara or the Yamanaka, both of whom should really know better. He pats Tobirama on the back. “You’re a scary story parents tell to scare their children.”
“I’m ten,” Tobirama says through gritted teeth and an extremely bemused expression.
“Very scary,” Hashirama says, and pinches his cheeks.
“And I bet all the history scrolls are going to say that you’re the nice one...”
Hashirama does still fight, and quite seriously, against other enemies, and Madara does the same, and their reputations grow to the point that no one even questions why the two clan heirs continue to duke it out with no result – everyone just assumes they’re keeping the other away from the rest of the clan.
Madara might also think that, actually, Hashirama’s not sure, but either way their fights slowly start resembling more and more the sparring sessions they used to have by the riverbank. They never go so far as to shout encouragement for each other’s jutsus, of course, but there’s something of the same feeling.
After a while, Izuna starts making a point of targeting Tobirama on the field, sword against sword. Hashirama worries first that Tobirama is about to slaughter Madara’s last living brother, but they seem fairly evenly matched.
“You’re not going to let him kill you, are you?” he asks, his hands glowing green over a shallow slice in Tobirama’s arm, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. “I mean, I don’t want him to die, either, but if you need me to…”
He doesn’t want to, he desperately doesn’t want to, Madara would never forgive him –
“No, Izuna’s a good opponent,” Tobirama says. “He’s got a great defensive strategy, particularly in close combat.”
Hashirama looks at him.
“I can direct the battlefield any time I’m at a distance, then focus on him when I get close up without worrying about stray casualties,” Tobirama clarifies. “He’s defensive – the Uchiha trained him to guard Madara’s back, not strike out on his own. I might not be able to kill him, but I’ll be fine.”
Hashirama still worries.
That worry probably saves his life.
He’s not anticipating it when Madara suddenly goes back to attacking at full gusto, reeking with deadly killing intent that has a strange almost desperate edge to it, but he’s been holding at least a dozen roots back in reserve just in case he needs to incapacitate Izuna and when Madara hits him full force he squawks and throws them in between them as a shield.
He sees Tobirama blur with speed – his little brother is ridiculously fast, notoriously so even among shinobi, and that’s not a trait associated with the Sharingan, Butsuma – to try to come to help, because he’s probably been worrying about Hashirama as much as Hashirama’s been worrying about him, but Izuna’s blocking him, trying to harry him away from them.
Hashirama flickers his chakra in one of the patterns he and Tobirama established early on – all well here, continue fighting – and Tobirama twists back to focus on Izuna, much to Hashirama’s relief. Distractions in a battle field are a very bad idea.
Yes, yes, he knows he’s a hypocrite.
“What’s happened?” he asks, throwing himself to the side to avoid Madara’s next strike, and unlike his usual dodges he really does mean throw. “What’s wrong? Is everyone okay?”
“Are you insane?” Madara hisses. “You can’t ask me – we’re not friends! We stopped being friends long ago!”
“It’s only been a few years...”
He probably deserves it when Madara goes for his head next.
“Seriously,” he says when he next has a moment to breathe. “Who’s dying?”
He means it as a joke, but Madara looks grim and his eyes flicker ever-so-briefly to the west.
The west, where Tajima and Butsuma are fighting.
“Oh, no,” Hashirama says, meaning it. “I’m really sorry to hear that; I know you don’t get on with him that well, but that can’t be good for your clan.”
Yes, he knows they’re his enemies. But they’re still Madara’s clan, and he can still be concerned about them on Madara’s behalf, no matter how much Madara scoffs at him for it.
“Seriously,” Madara says, mockingly imitating Hashirama’s earlier question. “Hashirama, when did you go insane?”
“Some months before I met you,” Hashirama says honestly. “I had a very bad night.”
Madara gives him a weird look.
“A very bad night.”
Madara almost looks like he wants to ask, or express sympathy, and even though he doesn’t actually do it Hashirama’s counting that as a victory.
Tajima ends up pulling through whatever illness was causing Madara and Izuna such discomfort, and they go back to their almost stalemate for a while.
The next time Tajima begins to falter, though, and Hashirama’s watching for it now, things get bad again.
Madara and Izuna both throw themselves into the fighting, for better or for worse, and then they’re gone for an entire week – Tobirama suggests and leads several very successful covert raids for supplies the second Hashirama tells him they need an excuse not to openly fight the Uchiha until their two strongest fighters are back on the field, and he doesn’t even ask any questions – before returning.
This time, Madara wears the colors of the Clan Head.
Also, and this is more important to Hashirama, his Sharingan eyes are now pinwheels.
“Hey, so, what’s that called?” Hashirama asks, finding that he has to escalate to Sage Mode to stop Madara’s newest – significantly stronger – onslaught. “Oh, and my condolences.”
“You’re so weird,” Madara tells him, but his tone is more long-suffering than anything else. “Also, how long have you been able to do that?”
“As far as Butsuma knows, today,” Hashirama says, a little dryly. “In actuality – a month or so?”
Madara actually stops fighting for a second, peering at him. “Really?” he asks dubiously. “You’re not just saying that to make me feel better about the fact that you’ve apparently been taking pity on me?”
“Why would I take pity on you?” Hashirama asks, putting his hands on his hips. “You’re halfway to kicking my ass a good half of the time! If I didn’t get a head start on Sage Mode, you would’ve been able to kill me.”
“That’s the point. We’re at war, you idiot.”
“You still haven’t told me what your new eyes are called,” Hashirama says, because they’re not going to get anywhere retreading that old ground. “Is it still the Sharingan when it’s a pinwheel instead of flecks?”
“Please stop admitting that you look me in the eyes,” Madara says with a groan. “Just – stop. It’s embarassing. To you, mostly, but also to me. And it’s called the Mangekyo Sharingan, not that that’s any of your business.”
“Oh, is that what that looks like? We have some art. It’s – bad.”
Madara pauses again, probably thinking of Hashirama’s extremely underdeveloped sense of artistic appreciation (for some reason, Madara doesn't agree with Hashirama's conclusion that stick figures are as complex as art needs to go) and extrapolating from there about how bad exactly the art is. Then he makes a face.
“Yeah,” Hashirama says with a sigh. “That bad.”
“Just fight me already,” Madara says, but it sounds almost like surrender, and the rest of the battle is mostly Madara trying out cool new attacks while Hashirama blocks or dodges and shouts irritating color commentary.
(Hashirama’s just glad he doesn’t try the black fire the Senju scrolls they’ve uncovered tell about; Tobirama’s already told him that if Madara ever summons that he won't hesitate to use his black water to counter it, and that would be the end of everything.)
After the battle, though, he’s feeling particularly light-hearted. Madara, Clan Head! It’s a heavy duty that falls upon his shoulders, especially since he’s only seventeen, but despite everything he said about picking family over peace, there’s a chance that maybe he would be open to –
“- peace talks,” Butsuma says. “"We can have a delegation ready to go by the end of this week."
Hashirama gapes at him.
He knew Butsuma had started noticing his growing lack of control over the Senju clan - it began with Tobirama's army getting accustomed to looking to Hashirama because Tobirama does, and, once his approaches started getting results, their admiration spread even to non-combatants - but Hashirama still has nowhere near enough support in the clan to launch an effective coup and seize power.
And while Hashirama has been able to effectively leverage his growing popularity into a certain measure of influence over clan policy, enough to counter some of Butsuma's worst instincts, ‎Butsuma himself has always been his enemy, not his ally.
Why would he suddenly be agreeing to one of Hashirama's most dearly held dreams now?
Tobirama very minutely turns his face to the side, a deliberate shift that no one but Hashirama would realize was him shaking his head, warning caution, but Hashirama is filled with bubbling hope too strong to repress. He never cared if he was the one who reached out the first hand for peace‎ or if the credit went to someone else, as long as peace is ultimately reached.
If Butsuma has finally realized that peace was inevitable, that Hashirama will offer it regardless as soon as he was dead - a realization perhaps triggered by Tajima's own death? - and wants to get ahead in order to ensure that he can include robust terms in the negotiations, Hashirama will take it, and with great joy.
"How do we know the Uchiha will not kill our ambassadors on sight as they approach?" one of the elders is asking.
"We'll send them under flag of truce," Butsuma says. "We've never done that before; they'll be curious. A small party, no more than three individuals, and‎ at least one will be of sufficient importance that they will be convinced of our good intentions."
"I'll go," Hashirama says at once. He doesn't think it's likely - he's the heir, after all, and their Mokuton prodigy, not to mention even he knows that he’s frankly awful at negotiating when it’s for something he really wants  - and sure enough, everyone is shaking their heads.
Butsuma has a little smile on his lips, though, and Hashirama feels the first shiver of concern - he looks smug and satisfied, laughter behind his eyes at Hashirama’s small gesture in support of his idea, as if something is going right.
Tobirama always feared that expression most of all, and usually for good reason.
"No," Butsuma says, raising his hands for quiet. "Not you, Hashirama, but your brother's presence will be just as persuasive."
Hashirama's heart sinks, hope curling into fear in his belly. Butsuma treats Tobirama decently enough in public, especially since he figured out his second son's sway with the soldiers of their clan, but he's never truly valued him.
And while Tobirama would be Hashirama's own first pick as ambassador, with his self-control and poise and ability to always consider his options before acting, Hashirama is terribly certain that those are not the qualities Butsuma is thinking of.
Butsuma has always thought of Tobirama, first and foremost, as disposable.
But then, that would mean - the peace talks -
"An ambassador of such high rank would require them to treat him with respect," Butsuma says. "Gathering all the strongest members of their clan together at the welcoming feast - and that is when we will destroy them all.”
Some of the advisors look uncomfortable at the thought of using peace talks as a cover, but many of the elders are as vicious as Butsuma, and they’re already nodding.
“How, though?” one asks with a frown. “They won’t weaken their outside defenses –”
“The strength of a wall doesn’t matter if the attack comes from within,” Butsuma says, and there’s an ugly sort of anticipation in his voice. “An explosive seal tied directly to the user’s chakra, magnifying the effect many times over...the entire compound will be caught in the blast. Even those who survive the initial blast will be weakened, allowing our forces from outside to come in and pick them all off. We will leave no survivors.”
Hashirama is frozen. Horror wells up within him; his mouth tastes like ash, and he can see it, that’s the worst part, he can see it – it’s not a bad plan, not really, not with the Uchiha weakened and uncertain after Tajima’s death, not with Madara as the new clan head; Madara, who unlike Tajima would allow the ambassadors to pass through the compound gates, and all because he would believe without a second’s hesitation that Hashirama must be behind the delegation –
“Abomination,” he says, his lips moving without his conscious decision. “This plan – it is an abomination.”
Some of the leaders are looking to him, but not enough, not enough, he’s beloved by the majority of the Senju but their clan is no democracy – it is the elders and the powerful whose voices matter, and they support Butsuma.
Dogs, each one of them, baying for blood that they will not need to lift a finger to obtain.
“The Uchiha will not be so easily deceived,” one of the elders says, ignoring Hashirama entirely, obviously dismissing his objection as nothing more than the wistful dreams of an idealist the way he always does. “They will search our ambassadors before they permit them to enter, much less invite them to a meal. How can we hide the seal well enough to get it through their gates?”
Butsuma smiles. “Do not trouble yourselves; I’ve already thought of a solution to that,” he says. “We’ll put it in the one place an Uchiha will never think to look.”
He glances over at Tobirama, who he still thinks of as his – his tool to use, not his son, never his son, never beloved and all because of what Butsuma himself inflicted upon him – and his smile widens.
“We’ll paint the explosive seal onto Tobirama’s eyes.”
Hashirama doesn’t actually remember moving.
It’s as if the whole world goes white, then red, and it’s fury he feels, fury unlike anything he’s ever felt before, all the hatred he’s ever had for Butsuma suddenly filling him from head to toe – how dare Butsuma do something like this, how dare he pervert Hashirama’s dearest dream and seek to use, seek to kill, Hashirama’s most precious person in the process; how dare he use Hashirama’s friendship with Madara to destroy him and his clan; how dare he treat Tobirama like trash that finally has a use but only in its destruction; how dare he –
When Hashirama comes back to himself, his hands are covered in blood.
He’s lunged across the table, the wood of the floor and wall and chair – dead wood, of the sort he’s long pretended he doesn’t have the ability to control – all springing to life with sharp spikes to pin Butsuma in place, and he’s – he’s –
He ripped Bustuma’s eyes out of his head.
What has he done?
“Kill him,” Tobirama says.
Hashirama looks at him blankly. Doesn’t Tobirama realize – he just – the Senju clan will never accept a parricide as their leader, never; Hashirama will never be able to extend to Madara the hand of peace, he’ll be lucky if he escapes without being executed or banished –
Tobirama’s eyes are spinning pinwheels. He’s removed his lenses, hands moving as quick as the lightning he can summon, and his hands are knotted into fists on the table before him as if he is under some terrible pressure.
That’s when Hashirama realizes that no one else in the room has moved.
Their eyes are fixed on Hashirama where he kneels on the table before the moaning, wounded but not-yet-dead body of his father, but their eyes do not see.
Their eyes shine red, with black pinwheels.
“I won’t be able to block their vision for long,” Tobirama says, and he’s gritting his teeth with the strain of it. His chakra is strong, not weak as they’d always thought – it was only ever the presence of the ever-draining Sharingan that hid it away – and they’d figured out a way for him to borrow some of Hashirama’s when he needed extra, as he does now. “Kill him, now; then remove your wooden spikes and go wash your hands. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Tobirama,” Hashirama says, helpless. He’s the older brother; he’s supposed to be the one caring for his brother, not the opposite way around. And what does it matter, anyway? He’s a parricide, he’s never going to be Clan Head, and now Tobirama’s own succession will be in question because of what he’s done to help –
“I can’t kill him,” Tobirama says. His voice is as stern and calm as ever, but Hashirama knows his little brother and can see how much he’s feeling right now; he’s overwhelmed with emotion, far too many all at once for Hashirama to decipher. “I can’t kill him, anija; I still love him. So you have to do it. Now, Hashirama.”
Hashirama reaches out and snaps his father’s neck. He doesn’t laugh the way he thought he would.
“Now go.”
Hashirama goes.
When he comes back, the elders are all on their feet, all yelling, their eyes clear once more, and only Tobirama is still kneeling, his eyes closed to conceal the truth hidden under their lids.
“Hashirama-sama!” one of them bellows, grabbing at his arms – it’s the one who ignored him earlier, who asked about how they would hide the explosive seal to get it through the gates. He’s never addressed him as Hashirama-sama before in his life. “He has to be imprisoned at once!”
“I – what?”
“Your brother! After you stormed out, Bustuma explained his plan to use Tobirama as a vessel for the explosive seal, and Tobirama murdered him where he sat!”
After he –
Of course.
Genjutsu is the art of weaving illusions so real you can’t tell the difference between them and reality – so real that if you time it just right, you can overwrite a person’s perception of what happened right before their own eyes.
And Tobirama knows, just as Hashirama does, that the Senju will never accept a parricide as their leader. He used his Mangekyo Sharingan to trade that reality for a new one, using a skill he hasn’t touched since he was a child – a skill he swore he would never use again.
He broke that vow for Hashirama’s sake.
Hashirama looks at the scene before him with new eyes.
Butsuma’s head – with its missing eyes and snapped neck, damning in their tale of what Hashirama did – is missing, blasted away, probably with one of Tobirama’s water dragons, because Tobirama might have loved his father too much to kill him but he has never cared about what happens to corpses, no matter how once-beloved.
Hashirama had called the plan an abomination – he’d been too horrified to move, yes, but he could see a world in which he wasn’t, a world where he leapt to his feet and stormed out of the room. He can see the elder still asking the question he asked and Butsuma answering the same – he can’t see Tobirama rising up in fury, casting his most deadly ninjutsu on an unprepared man, much less on his father, but the elders can, and have, and that’s what matters.
Hashirama will be clan head after all.
“– execute him," the elders are shouting, "Exile him, imprison him –”
“No,” Hashirama says, and his voice silences them all. They’re not accustomed to seeing him be stern and solemn. “There will be no punishment.”
“You can’t be serious!” one of the other elders shouts. “He murdered your father!”
“My father went mad,” Hashirama says. “He must have, to have proposed such a plan. To pervert the laws of hospitality and truce like that – the Senju would never be trusted again by anyone. Our allies would desert us, our patrons and clients would abandon us, and the rest of the world would unite together to destroy us rather than permit the existence of a snake who would use the flag of truce as a weapon.”
They fall silent again – a guilty silence, this time, for having let their lust for Uchiha blood overwhelm their reason.
“To have even suggested such a thing is madness,” Hashirama continues, looking at each and every one of them. “To have proposed something that would lead to the destruction of our clan is unforgivable. It is treason, pure and simple – treason to our clan, treason to the laws of humanity itself. And the punishment for treason is death.”
The room is deathly quiet.
“My brother performed nothing more than his duty,” Hashirama says, and the lie tastes like ash on his tongue. “He executed a traitor. That it was our father is – unfortunate, yes, but I will not punish someone for doing their duty. He will not be imprisoned, he will not be punished. I say so not as a brother, but in my first act as the head of our clan. Is that understood?”
It takes a long moment, but they nod. First the ones he’s already lured over to his side, the ones who have already invested themselves in his eventual ascent; then the ones who wavered between the sides, uncertain who would prove more persuasive; and finally even the ones who supported Butsuma, realizing at last that he is gone, he is no more, and the world has changed.
Each and every one of them nods.
Hashirama has won.
He will be the next clan leader.
“Take my father’s body and prepare it for a proper burial,” Hashirama says, even though Butsuma deserves to be thrown from the compound walls and left for dogs to feed on. “And if you are to speak of what happened here, you will speak of it as I have: as treason, as madness, as justice. Now go.”
They go.
When they are at last alone in the room, Hashirama looks at his brother, still kneeling, his eyes still closed. There are tears gathering in the corners of his eyes: he still loved his father, even after everything, and Hashirama killed him. “Thank you.”
He doesn’t just mean for the genjutsu – for Tobirama violating his own oath, which not even Butsuma’s most dire punishments managed to get him to do – but for what it means. Tobirama doesn’t believe in peace, can’t even imagine it, would never pursue it if he were named clan head, but for the sake of Hashirama’s peace he will let his name be spat upon, tainted forever with the name of parricide that should rightly hang on Hashirama’s head.
“For you, anija,” Tobirama murmurs at last, still not looking at him. “Anything.”
How could Hashirama promise him anything less in return?
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Chris X is an 34 years old Internet Marketing Expert who made millions dollars on the internet and then repeated this again the next years. He is also a professional marketer and an expert in software development field. Many marketers, bloggers, business owners trust him and give great comments on his products.
He is very famous for many digital products that help businesses to gain more visitors and traffic on the websites. Some of his launches are Traffic Titan, Video Titan, Affiliate Titan, Resell Titan, Insta Crusher, Insta Crusher 2.0, Zen Titan 1.0, Zen Titan 2,… Now, let’s look at the next part of this Video Titan X Review and find out its features!
Here is detail of what you will get inside:
You’ll get Instant Access to the Video Titan X “tool-suite”, with all 7 super powerful video softwares:
Tube Loophole that creates the most TARGETED YouTube campaigns in seconds (ONLY available Monday + Tuesday!)
Tube Titan that discovers profitable videos making thousands of dollars per day & exports YouTube PPC campaigns
Titan Theme – a premium WordPress theme, focused purely on video & profitability. Installs rapidly
1 Click Video software that creates proven, profitable, viral videos for any niche, market or keyword in 60 seconds
1 Click Video Page software that instantly makes ready-to-upload video websites in minutes
Video Dynamite that lets you easily add sub-title text to any video, massively boosting engagement
Tube Traffic that lets you add clickable images and videos to any video, increasing the traffic you get from YouTube
And that’s just the Video Titan software – but there’s even more..
5 complete systems on profiting with video + Facebook, YouTube, affiliate marketing & much, much more
A quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes
Plus secret hidden videos where Chris explains all his secret tips and tricks.
But that’s not all. Order now, and you’ll also get access to all these additional newbie-friendly features…
5 complete systems on profiting with video + Facebook, YouTube, affiliate marketing & much, much more
A quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes
Over 100 pages of PDF training on video – beautifully formatted & complete PDF documents…
Training videos – how to use the software & start profiting with video marketing today.
Future upgrades, training & more – we supported T-Shirt Titan for 5 months. This is just the beginning!
Plus, you’ll get access to his T-Shirt Titan system, (with over 3,000 happy customers paying $25!) which teaches you how to profit with TeeSpring & Facebook Ads, and includes FOUR software tools & SOOOO much more…
The Tee Searcher that lets you find proven tshirt designs on eBay, Zazzle, Facebook & many others
The Idea Maker that auto generates over 100 proven design ideas in any niche in under 60 seconds
The Auto Designer that automatically generates ready-to-upload PNG design images in seconds
The Auto Model tool that lets you automatically create Facebook ad images that get dirt-cheap clicks
Over 8 hours of training videos, covering niche selection, finding designs, facebook ads management..
A quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes
Plus secret hidden videos where he explains all his secret tips and tricks..
So, on top of the $5,000 of Video Titan X software, you get T-Shirt Titan 1.0 (4x software, tools & 8 hours of training)… The #1 package (Titan) for t-shirts – as well as the #1 package for video! This cannot last! Oh, and of course, you’ll also get personal access to his email address in the members area. 🙂
First, let’s take a look at some painful (but true) facts about making videos:
Creating your own videos from scratch is time consuming, and quite frankly a pain in the butt.
You are competing with 100,000 other videos just like yours… it’s so easy to get no views or traffic.
If you’ve been thinking, “there has to be a better way,” you’re right! The software tool gives you a way to turn the tables in the video wars, and that’s where Video Titan X  comes into play.
Listen: it doesn’t matter whether you’re a complete newbie or a serious video veteran, I guarantee…. In short, This tool will change the way you look at video making, forever. The makers of VIDEO TITAN are opening up about this “secret weapon” tool. And it lets ANYONE make a competition­crushing video in ANY niche, with just a few clicks. This tool will allow you to work less than ever…while making way better videos than ever before.
In the details, you can use the software to:
Get free traffic with YouTube & Google
Predict the most profitable Facebook video ads
Create world-class, Hollywood-style video sales letters
Sell videos to offline businesses (making thousands a day)
Build your list and suck in thousands of targeted leads
Add images, videos and text to explode the engagement of your videos
This system is something that side-steps the most time-consuming part of making videos that go viral. So quick that you can dive right in, and finally succeed, by doing something super-easy! RIGHT NOW, this is easily the fastest and easiest way to make videos that I’ve seen in years…
And don’t think this is one of those “run of the mill” video software tools out there… It is a REAL system that generate REAL results for REAL people. It is a NEW and revolutionary way of making videos
Revealed to you by a guy who has mastered the art and science of creating engaging, popular videos… And now he’s about to give you all the software tools and training you need to copy him – right now. This offer will disappear as quickly as snowflakes on a bonfire.
In addition, you will be getting tons of the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action
Is it enough awesomeness for you? Because you will be also receiving my ULTIMATE huge bonuses. Those treasures are waiting for you at the end of this Video Titan X Review. And even though you do nothing but only read my Video Titan X Review, to thanks for your kind support, I still give you free bonuses. So keep reading then scroll your mouse down!
All you have to do is 4 simple steps:
Step 1 – Find a hot video niche
First, We use “Tube Titan” video software to find YouTube videos that are making thousands of dollars per day. Simply enter any keyword to view 50 views with a dozen metrics: estimated earnings per day, daily views, engagement %, affiliate links found & more
Then legally steal the top-earning videos, then beat them with your own better converting video, which brings our to….
Step 2 – Create Videos in 1 minute
Now, we need to create a new video – automatically with 1 Click Video software. Simply paste in text, images and videos, then choose from dozens of done-for-you “motion graphics” animations.
1 click video maker software creates profitable videos for: video sales letters, explainer videos, offline, Facebook, YouTube, Google, and affiliate video reviews. Go from new idea, to profitable video in 1 minute…
Step 3: Create $1 Million Video Websites
Now your video is complete, you’ll want to host it online. And that’s where Click Video Page software comes in, to create VSL websites, squeeze pages and landing pages in seconds.
This software lets you select from 10 video pages that made the creator $1 million, then simply insert your video & tweak the design, and put it live on the Internet in seconds… OR install software #4, the D4U WordPress theme if you want a video site that gets free traffic!
Step 4: Explode Your Video Profits
Now we have our design, it’s time to get traffic & sales. We do this using Facebook, YouTube & Google. He’ll give you his formula for profiting with 5 Proven Video systems. Plus, he’ll give you 2 new software tools to explode the traffic, sales and engagement you get with Titan – Tube Traffic to add clickable images to any video, and Video Dynamite
Checkout The Demo Below To See It In Action!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Video Titan X" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
For a limited time, you can grab Video Titan X with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
Front-end: Video Titan X ($7)
OTO 1: Traffic Titan ($17)
OTO 2: Affiliate Titan ($17)
OTO 3: Zen Titan ($7)
Let’s act now, don’t delay and grab it now while it’s still at the lowest price possible! And Just feel free to give it a try, because You have a full 30 days to put this to the test and make sure that this is for you. If you do not see any results within this period then please reach out to them. The Helpdesk Team is always there to help you out and make sure that you have been following the correct procedures.
In summary, I hope that all of the information in my Video Titan X Review can help you gain more understanding about this product and then be able to make a wise choice. If you’re ready to start making a real online income in the most passive way possible then click the button below before the price rises. I am look forward to seeing your success.
However, in case you are in need of any advice, please feel free to keep in touch with me anytime. Regardless, thank you for reading my Video Titan X Review. Goodbye, and see you again!
Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Video Titan X" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
  PLUS, You Will Be Getting These "2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle" As Bonuses For Your Fast Action:
The 2018 WordPress Ultra-Mega Plugin Bundle
A rare once-in-a-lifetime Super Mega Bundle on all the best WordPress Plugins to take your site to the next level and beyond.
For the 1st time, we are including all 4 our of Mega WordPress Plugin Bundles into one Super-Mega Bundle. This will be the only chance to get $4000 worth of Premium WordPress Plugins for a one off price that is 98% off of the regular pricing.
Volume 1: includes all the Social Media and Engagement plugins you will ever need for any type of WordPress based site
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Volume 4: Includes everything else that is necessary for fast loading sites.
  Volume 1 Includes: ($3785 Value)
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  Click Here @ 11:00 AM EST on 2018-June-11th To Get An Early Bird Discount On "Video Titan X" Along With My Exclusive Bonuses
1. Clear Your Cookies in your Web Browser (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) 2. Purchase Products Through My Email/Website 3. Contact Me Here OR Here On FB with the receipt of your purchase 4. ALL Bonuses in General Internet Marketing Bonuses Package is Yours & You will receive them within 12-48 hours.
  #Video_Titan_X, #Video_Titan_X_Bonus, #Video_Titan_X_Demo, #Video_Titan_X_Launch, #Video_Titan_X_Review
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brandonxnellis · 7 years
10 Reasons to Invest in a Disposable Number
We’ve all seen it in movies. Bad guy gets a call (or a text), does a bad thing, and disposes of a reasonably good cellphone. Back in the days before the invention of the iPhone, burner phones were associated with criminals. It was an easy, yet cost-effective way to stay under the radar of the police. Over time, technology has developed to a point where you no longer need a second phone to have a 2nd number. With the development of the digital communications and voice over IP, you can now manage more than one permanent or disposable number on a single mobile device.
But we’re not criminals, so what’s the point?
Glad you asked. There are many legitimate reasons for an everyday user to have a 2nd number, and with the growing rate of technology, it’s now more important than ever to protect your identity. Hushed app has taken this idea, and ran with it.
They are proving that there are legitimate uses for the everyday user, here’s 10.  
  1. Online Dating
@media (max-width: 412px) { .imageCenterFix{ align:center; margin: 0 30px 20px !important; } }
*buzz* …. *buzz* …. *buzzzzzz*
No, it’s not a bee, it’s your phone. You’ve already turned the ringer off and stashed it under a pillow, but you can still hear it vibrating. You don’t need to check who it is because you already know. It’s Tom. The date that should have ended as that – a date. But clearly, Tom doesn’t get the hint that after listening to him talk about his 4 cats for 3 hours, there clearly isn’t much more to say. You’re too nice of a person to tell the poor sap off, but what now? You need to use your phone. So you answer the cat-loving over-achiever, and now you have a second date next week. *facepalm*
With the Hushed app’s disposable multiple numbers, you can have as many numbers as you want. That way when Tom doesn’t take the ever-growing hint, you can stop him in his tracks and move on. It gives you the comfort of knowing that you can create boundaries when giving out your personal information in the world of online dating. That way people like Tom, can stop crossing the line into creepy.  
  2. Dedicated Business Line
Let’s say you want to start a food truck business, and you want to offer take out. You would need a dedicated line that the customer could use to make their order. You service at least 500 customers every day, and proving your personal number to complete strangers doesn’t seem like the smartest idea – even if Gerry comes here every day. You can’t install a landline because let’s face it – you’re on a moving truck.
A disposable number like the Hushed app would not only provide the flexibility of having all your orders in one place (your phone), but you don’t have to worry about anyone using the number to make any unexpected orders. It gives you the flexibility of knowing that any time you’re ‘on the move’, you are still connected.
    3. Applying for a Job
Jimmy just applied for a job at a top level firm in New York but lives in California. With an out of town phone number, Jimmy’s chances of getting hired have just dropped – but he doesn’t want to make a long-term commitment to a second number he may not need. When applying for an out for town job, you have limited options. With a disposable number, Jimmy can decide how long the usage will last – while also appearing to have a localized number for wherever he wants to apply.
Another case can be made as well. When applying for multiple job opportunities, it’s hard to keep track of who is calling you back as well as who is potentially reaching out. With so many unknown numbers, it’s difficult to be professionally prepared at all times as well as know exactly who is calling. Missed calls are bound to happen. Using a disposable Hushed number for your resume gives you the comfort of knowing that, when you get a call on that line, it has something to do with a potential job situation!  
  4. Travel
Everybody looks forward to their yearly vacation (if they can). Whether it be a 14-hour flight or a 4-hour flight, when crossing borders – there are always some setbacks. From booking your hotel and activities, preparing for your flight, packing, organizing the kids (if they are lucky enough to come), and making sure that your very tight schedule is kept on time, preparing your cell phone for travel is not the top priority. All the preparation that comes with taking a vacation, is time-consuming and irritating. It shouldn’t be so hard to go somewhere to relax right?
Having to add yet another thing to the list can add more unnecessary stress to an already overwhelming situation. It’s easy to forget about the fact that you do not have a local number for the area you will be travelling too. A disposable number from Hushed gives you the option for a short term or one time experience. Instead of leaving your personal number when you are travelling out and about, you can purchase a specific line to use locally – while you’re already travelling – saving yourself time and money to spend on the experiences that matters.  
  5. Starting a Small Business
There are plenty of online stores that you can shop at in this day and age. Whether it be listed through Shopify, Etsy, or even your own website. When you take out the direct selling aspect, you limit the feedback and questions that you can field from your customers. When choosing a business phone system – the options can be expensive and overwhelming. Using a disposable number gives your customers that opportunity to ask any questions, as well as no complicated or time-wasting installation process. This can limit the amount of time wasted on installation or unnecessary tasks – while still providing control over the amount of communication.
That being said, another case can be made in regards to marketing/business technology. When starting a new business as an entrepreneur, it’s hard to determine key metrics and opportunities. Using a disposable number for your marketing efforts provides a quick and easy way to keep up to date with the current campaigns, and make sure that the business is not missing out on any time-sensitive opportunities.  
  6. Professional/Famous Outreach
When it comes to industry professionals such as lawyers and doctors, you need to be available for clients to reach you in a state of emergency. Handing out your private contact information to Samantha who has a tendency of calling at least three times a day for a variety of non-emergency related reasons, is not the smartest option.
The same point can be made for those individuals in the public eye. Whether they are a local celebrity or an international one – fan engagement, interviews, and media appearances all require direct contact, but distributing your personal number isn’t always wise.
A disposable number helps public figures stay in touch while maintaining privacy – eliminating the need for a second device altogether. It provides professionals with a way to always be available without having to give out personal information. Hushed can act as a filter between yourself and the real world environment.
    7. International Calling
*You missed a call from MOM*
… *You have 16 new voicemails from MOM*
Little does mom know that as much as you want to answer her, you can’t. Not because you’re in trouble, or because you have ‘better things to do’, you’re just broke. Between classes, textbooks, food, and of course going out, the student living expenses just continue to grow. Your cell phone bill is the last thing that you want to spend more money on.
If you happen to be an international student, mobile plans for areas outside of the country you’re studying in can be quite expensive. International calls aren’t at the top of the list of things to save money on. Having a disposable number handy for those times you do have to call mom, saves yourself not only time and money but the headache of having to explain why you’ve been MIA. Since Hushed is available in over 40 countries, you don’t have to worry about not having a local number as well!  
  8. Craigslist/Classifieds
When posting an ad online, whether it be for a car or a $20 toaster, you are bound to receive some unsolicited attention. A personal number is something that can be traced back to your name when doing a little research. People can then find you on social media, or even locally in person. Some people have even run into buyers pretending to be interested in purchases when in reality they were only interested in recruiting email and/or phone numbers.
A Hushed disposable number helps protect your identity from a larger audience, who may not always have the best intentions. It also allows you to filter out any ‘difficult people’ who clearly don’t understand that you are not giving away your stuff for free. Once the item has been sold, you can dispose of your Hushed number and not worry about any long-term hassle.  
  9. Compartmentalizing
So much is being done on mobile these days that it is hard to escape the screen. Companies are not only looking to sign you up for their incredibly long newsletter via email but now also want your instant attention. Retail locations are sending coupons via SMS, airlines are sending updates via SMS – the list goes on. Although you may have filled out some kind of form, or actually agreed to this kind of disruption, it can be overwhelming.
When filling out a form online, how many times have you created a new email account specifically for the updates? What is the difference when it comes to your phone number? Having a disposable number is handy when filling out online forms or applications, that may only result in a one-time completion. Hushed provides options for short-term use, allowing you to forget about being contacted via phone in the future. With the amount of data mining and misinformation going on, it’s important to separate yourself from these kinds of personal associations. In the long term, you limit yourself to the amount of additional spam that you may not have signed up for.  
  10. Event Planning/Volunteer Work
How many times have you gone on Facebook looking for specific details from an event that is taking place? Or tried to share the details for an event over text with someone? What if you have to include a picture or a schedule in the message? One of the main difficulties with planning a large event is keeping everyone up to date and in the know. Organization can be a make or break factor when it comes down to it.
With a disposable number and Hushed app’s added features like Dropbox and Slack, it’s easy to stay organized and share crucial pieces of information when needed. If the rest of the members of your group also have Hushed number as well, you can create a group chat within the app, saving additional time and effort going forward. This can help provide separation between personal and business matters while keeping all of your event related information in one place. When the event or volunteer work is complete, you can choose to remove the number and start fresh.  
  Putting it All Together
There will always be illegitimate ways that a disposable number can be used, as seen in Hollywood blockbusters and all over the news. But the benefits far outway the negative applications of this small group of disposable number users. Overall a disposable number provides a more lightweight and viable option to carrying a second mobile device – it protects your personal identity while still maintaining contact with those who need it.
Disposable numbers have provided a way to connect with people you don’t know in a safe, comfortable way. Leaving you with a sigh of relief, instead of regret. Have you been caught in one of these situations? Think of another situation that you could have used a burner number? Let us know on Twitter!
from DDigits WP Feed 1 http://ift.tt/2yoqJPP via IFTTT
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ibloggingkits-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Blogging kits
New Post has been published on https://bloggingkits.org/bleacher-file-daily-daily-the-mtv-for-sports/
Bleacher File daily daily the MTV for sports
Bleacher Report CEO Dave Finocchio day-to-day build the following MTV — just without the entire Tv element.
It’s been simply over 12 months since Turner, which bought Bleacher Document for a said $a hundred seventy-five million again in 2012, laid out a plan day-to-day inject $one hundred million in day-to-day turning the sports property into a video juggernaut.
In that point, Finocchio has launched some of the authentic online collection and a feature duration documentary and is publishing every day on Snapchat as one of the company’s one of a kind Discover partners.
“Digital is a day-to-day playground everyday day-to-day broaden series,” Finocchio, who co-founded Bleacher Report in 2007, stated in an interview with Recode. “We’re able to discern out what’s running and what’s now not with out making a bet the farm.”
While Turner obtained Bleacher Document, it did so as it needed a sports vacation spot everyday accompany its live sports insurance and compete with the likes of ESPN. With 60 million precise every daytraffic a month, the web site has every day be one of the most popular sports activities locations on the net.
Now Finocchio desires day everyday step returned from the stats and recreation day-to-day that make up lots of traditional sports coverage, and instead dig in on video collection and documentaries that assist join the arena’s maximum famous athletes day-to-day the tradition they’re helping day-to-day shape. It’s the sort of cultural awareness that human beings cherished approximately MTV, Finocchio stated.
As part of the frenzy, Bleacher Report released an marketing campaign this week, which featured a Television business with NBA legend Allen Iverson. We spoke with Finocchio about how his video push is going and why Bleacher Report is converting its focus. What follows is an edited transcript of our interview.
Dave Finocchio: We need human beings contemplating Bleacher Record as being the heart of sports tradition. sports activities are such a terrific lens in everyday tradition, I assume for guys in particular in the United states. There’s no well-known language culturally that’s larger than sports activities. It’s in the center of ways men communicate every day each different greater so than some other challenges be counted.
The sports activities way of life tie-up sounds very ESPN-mosque daily me. Are you looking to emulate them here?
We absolutely don’t communicate about them lots internally. We probably speak about MTV the maximum. now not within the feel that we’re trying to emulate what MTV did in any particular manner, however the quantity every day which MTV mattered daily young humans on a 66b34c3da3a0593bd135e66036f9aef3 foundation on this united states of America — the rise of MTV in the ’80s and day-to-day the ’90s became truly remarkable.
Do you need everyday get away from commodity news, like sports activities ratings or highlights?
Field ratings, video games recaps, pick out your sort of cliché sports content material — that’s a part of a classic sports fan’s experience. That’s part of what we offer. However, those aren’t the components of the sports revel in which are [getting] a 12-12 months-antique youngster or a 17-yr-antique child … every day emotionally [get] off the equal of his or her chair and notice something that reasons them day-to-day percentage it with their buddies.
Will the content we see on Bleacher File alternate in any respect?
We will possibly do less conventional insurance of the Xs and Os on a recreation-via-game foundation. We’re now not as targeted on in-studio talking head content. You’ll certainly see us tackle increasingly more tasks along the strains of a [Bleacher Report original series] “sport of Zones,” or things that fall more ineveryday an episodic enjoyment sort of motif.
WWE’s Rated PG Stars daily – Roddy Piper Vs Drew McIntyre Taking a cue from a sequence of articles I noticed over on the Bleacher Document, a website that re-posts my very own blog entries, I decided everyday do my very own version of something they call creature vs creature. What they appear everyday be doing, is having special members do a weblog as everyday why they sense that the tag group they have got selected is the every day of all time. That got me inspired. So for the following week, I am going everyday do a sequence of posts comparing a number of the daily stars of the then, WWF, back inside the PG generation of the 80s, everyday their cutting-edge counterparts. For my first fit, we’ve got Roddy Piper vs Drew McIntyre.
Rowdy Roddy Piper.
at the time changed into one in every of the largest names in all the WWF. 2d only every day Hulk Hogan himself. maximum probably every day his feud with Hogan, and for being within the predominant occasion in opposition to The Hulkster at the first Wrestlemania. Well, I am positive Piper might had been well-known regardless, as he become one of the fine human beings at the mic that You will ever listen, and had a knack for getting the gang everyday hate him. Piper turned into no longer a good deal of a technical wrestler, in truth he become pretty much a brawler who’s major weapon turned into a sleeper maintain. And despite being as large as he became, he by no means did win the sector Championship. However on the other hand, this changed into the Hogan technology, so no one But him wore that belt for quite a while.
Drew McIntyre.
right here we have the new “Scot” on the block. It’s far way day-to-dayo early in McIntyre’s profession everyday know just how a long way this guy will pass, so we are able to only base this on what we’ve visible daily. And day-to-day, in spite of being billed as “The selected One” and being groomed as a destiny World Champion, he is no suit for Mr Piper. His matches have been stupid, and his interviews inspire one to grab the far flung as fast as possible everyday change the channel. Now, of direction Drew may additionally at some point win that World Championship, and feature one up on Piper, However from what I will see, he will in no way fill his boots. McIntrye has the looks, or even a better finisher along with his “future Surprise” DDT, But this every day is a no contest.
What Are The most famous sports in the Global? In these days When special sports activities are competing for funding and marketing, It’s miles exciting to see how they rank in phrases of recognition.
Diverse standards have been used day-to-day measure recognition including Television target market, attendance figures, and sales earner. So which game is the world’s favored? The answer after an exam of all of the standards is self-glaring, football is king. But what’s the arena’s 2d favourite? That honor is going every day cricket accompanied by way of basketball in third area.
1) football
It has the largest fan following across the globe, varying from rich day-to-day bad and young everyday old. The game is Chinese language in origin and became evolved by way of the English.
It’s far performed in 208 nations with a fan following because the #1 recreation in 93 countries with a blended populace of 2 billion people and is amongst the everyday three popular sports in 100 countries with 3 billion humans. It’s far the world richest game and may be played through rich and negative alike. Home leagues in Europe fee in extra of $30 billion and different leagues total some other $10 billion. The football International Cup can boost the host united states’s economic system via upwards of $10 billion (besides in growing countries) (Bleacher File- maximum famous crew sports: soccer & Cricket, Basketball & Baseball; via Amrit Doley, may additionally 7, 2009).
There are distinct styles of soccer, namely, futsal or indoor soccer and beach soccer which assist everyday develop its appeal. And there is girls’s soccer which extended for the reason that 1990’s and also has Global Cup competitions.
The second maximum famous recreation in the Global.
It’s far the most popular sport in 20 international locations with a combine population of one.6 billion and is among the day-to-day three sports activities in 10 nations with a populace in excess of 2 hundred million. The cricket International Cup is The second largest carrying event within the International with a cumulative Television target audience of 5 billion people. The Board of Manage of Cricket in India is the richest wearing organisation inside the Global valued in excess of $2 billion. (Bleacher File – maximum famous crew sports activities etc).
0 notes
realestate63141 · 8 years
Surprise! It’s not about passion. Five lessons on building a huge personal brand
By Mark Schaefer
I’m proud to announce the official launch of my sixth (and best) book, KNOWN: The handbook for building and unleashing your personal brand in the digital age. At the end of this post, you can download a chapter for free!
And you can see a “trailer” for the book here:
Click here if you can’t see the KNOWN book trailer.
Instead of telling you what KNOWN is all about, I’m going to share what I personally learned from writing this book. After all, when you study and write about a single topic nearly every day for 14 months, you pick up a new trick or two. Arguably, I’ve earned the equivalent of a master’s degree in personal branding!
You will learn a TON from reading my book. There’s no fluff here — My goal is to have at least one insight or lesson on every single page of the book. And here are five big lessons I personally learned from what turned out to be an epic journey.
In the beginning
First I should explain WHY I wrote the KNOWN book.
The seed of the idea was planted about three years in an exchange I had with my friend Jay Baer. We went back forth debating this question: Can anybody become known today? He wasn’t quite sure, surmising that there was an intangible “it factor” that’s difficult to pinpoint.
I could not get this out of my mind. Is there a “process” people could learn to become known … a repeatable, accessible path?
Being known is not the same as being famous. It’s not about having millions of fans and red carpet appearances. Being known is about approaching your web presence with an intent that creates the proper authority, reputation, and audience to realize your potential and achieve your goals … whatever they might be.
My first step was to read everything I could get my hands on about developing a personal brand — every book, post, and research paper. I found there was a lot of fluff out there. Everything seemed to be about finding your “passion” … but then what? How do you activate that? How do you turn that into an actual result?
I literally became obsessed with figuring that out.
So I started talking to people. I searched out individuals who were the best-known in their field … and it kind of snowballed! I ended up interviewing nearly 100 people from all over the world from business, education, real estate, construction, music, fashion, art, banking, and many other professions. I discovered something profound. Every person, in every field, in every region of the world, had followed exactly the same four steps to become known!
So I began to dissect this revelation, twist it, turn it, and figure out how this could be a path for anyone. And that is the premise of the book.
Lesson 1: It’s not all about passion.
This is a pervasive myth in business right now — success comes from following your “passion.” But I learned that sometimes a hobby is just a hobby. In fact, research shows that the number one reason for failure is that people follow a dream without any audience to support it.
Do you like the show “Shark Tank?” What’s the number one reason the sharks shoot down a business idea? Because it’s not scalable. It’s the same with a personal brand. If you have a dream, there has to be enough people out there to help you make it come true.
Of course it’s important to find something you love, your voice, your distinctiveness in this big world. But finding your passion is not nearly enough. How do you put that passion to work to achieve your goals?
Over the long haul, if you can’t connect with an audience big enough to matter, what in the world are you doing? In my book, I provide proven exercises to help you refine your “passion” into something that works — a sustainable interest that has a PLAN behind it!
Lesson 2: The critical impact of purpose
As I interviewed these amazing people, a theme emerged. Every person told me something about how their work had a positive impact on others. Everybody had a purpose besides just selling themselves, or selling a product. They had a deep sense of contributing to the world somehow.
To become known in the world, you need to be consistent and have some grit. You can’t give up easily. Studies prove that people who have grit are able to persevere because they’re driven by a higher ideal. They have a sense that people need them and depend on them for something.
This truth flies in the face of a lot of the Internet culture about “the hustle” and constant self-promotion every day, everywhere. You have to have a purpose. To make it in the long-term, you must realize it’s not about you. It’s about them. 
Lesson 3: There’s no overnight success, literally!
In my sample of people who successfully became known, it took an average of 2.5 years for a personal brand to “tip” and gain traction. In fact, only one person made it in one year (his secret is in Chapter 5) and on the other end of the spectrum, author Brian Meeks sacrificed for five years before he accomplished his goal of quitting his job to pursue writing full-time.
The last question I asked everyone was “If you could provide one piece of success advice to my readers, what would it be?” Nearly everyone said something about resilience, tenacity, and consistency. They told me that the biggest problem is that people quit too soon.
Perseverance is more important than genius!
My learning here: Passion is common. Endurance is rare.
Lesson 4: A focus on space
This was such a profound lesson for me — even if you have everything together and work your butt off, you can’t succeed unless you’re in the right “space” (or channel) on the web.
A couple months ago I gave a talk about my ideas in the new book. A man came up to me afterward and said, “I have been working so hard for years, producing great content every week, and in the first 10 minutes of your talk I realized what was wrong — my niche had already been filled with people who have been known far longer than me.”
Finding the right space to occupy is an absolutely critical step. My book takes you through exercises to determine the existing competition, and eight strategies to find a space, even in a highly-competitive field.
The internet is just beginning. There’s room for you, too.
Lesson 5: You don’t have to be an expert to succeed
I know this is common sense but it was a fact that smacked me in the face. All these people we look up to? None of them started at the top! Every person had to learn along the way and build their brand step-by-step.
Many of the successful people in this book were broke, destitute, or on the brink of personal disaster before they started their march on the path to become known. They stumbled, they were insecure, they did stupid things they regretted.
Years of hard work are often mistaken for innate talent. You might assume that being known for something is unattainable because you’re not the best at something. That’s not true. The people you’ll meet in this book share a trait: They didn’t start as natural experts in anything. They became known through commitment, constancy, and repeated practice.
To be known, you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. But you must have the determination and patience to become one. A professional is simply an amateur who didn’t quit.
The KNOWN book: It’s your turn
I would love for you to buy my book KNOWN and discover the path to unlocking your online potential. It’s thoroughly researched and fun to read (or listen to in an audio version I narrated). I guarantee there is no better resource anywhere to help you create an effective step-by-step plan for personal branding success. I’ve also created an accompanying workbook with space for you to record the exercises, bonus material, and templates.
The person who’s known gets the business. More doors open, more opportunities are created, more customers come to you. To be a speaker some day, or write a book, or be named to a board, you must be known. It’s really the only sustainable career advantage we can build for ourselves!
Here’s a free chapter of KNOWN to get you going. Click on the link and try it out!
Are you ready to become known? It’s your turn. And my book will show you how.
The post Surprise! It’s not about passion. Five lessons on building a huge personal brand appeared first on Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2l3VzV2
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exfrenchdorsl4p0a1 · 8 years
Surprise! It’s not about passion. Five lessons on building a huge personal brand
By Mark Schaefer
I’m proud to announce the official launch of my sixth (and best) book, KNOWN: The handbook for building and unleashing your personal brand in the digital age. At the end of this post, you can download a chapter for free!
And you can see a “trailer” for the book here:
Click here if you can’t see the KNOWN book trailer.
Instead of telling you what KNOWN is all about, I’m going to share what I personally learned from writing this book. After all, when you study and write about a single topic nearly every day for 14 months, you pick up a new trick or two. Arguably, I’ve earned the equivalent of a master’s degree in personal branding!
You will learn a TON from reading my book. There’s no fluff here — My goal is to have at least one insight or lesson on every single page of the book. And here are five big lessons I personally learned from what turned out to be an epic journey.
In the beginning
First I should explain WHY I wrote the KNOWN book.
The seed of the idea was planted about three years in an exchange I had with my friend Jay Baer. We went back forth debating this question: Can anybody become known today? He wasn’t quite sure, surmising that there was an intangible “it factor” that’s difficult to pinpoint.
I could not get this out of my mind. Is there a “process” people could learn to become known … a repeatable, accessible path?
Being known is not the same as being famous. It’s not about having millions of fans and red carpet appearances. Being known is about approaching your web presence with an intent that creates the proper authority, reputation, and audience to realize your potential and achieve your goals … whatever they might be.
My first step was to read everything I could get my hands on about developing a personal brand — every book, post, and research paper. I found there was a lot of fluff out there. Everything seemed to be about finding your “passion” … but then what? How do you activate that? How do you turn that into an actual result?
I literally became obsessed with figuring that out.
So I started talking to people. I searched out individuals who were the best-known in their field … and it kind of snowballed! I ended up interviewing nearly 100 people from all over the world from business, education, real estate, construction, music, fashion, art, banking, and many other professions. I discovered something profound. Every person, in every field, in every region of the world, had followed exactly the same four steps to become known!
So I began to dissect this revelation, twist it, turn it, and figure out how this could be a path for anyone. And that is the premise of the book.
Lesson 1: It’s not all about passion.
This is a pervasive myth in business right now — success comes from following your “passion.” But I learned that sometimes a hobby is just a hobby. In fact, research shows that the number one reason for failure is that people follow a dream without any audience to support it.
Do you like the show “Shark Tank?” What’s the number one reason the sharks shoot down a business idea? Because it’s not scalable. It’s the same with a personal brand. If you have a dream, there has to be enough people out there to help you make it come true.
Of course it’s important to find something you love, your voice, your distinctiveness in this big world. But finding your passion is not nearly enough. How do you put that passion to work to achieve your goals?
Over the long haul, if you can’t connect with an audience big enough to matter, what in the world are you doing? In my book, I provide proven exercises to help you refine your “passion” into something that works — a sustainable interest that has a PLAN behind it!
Lesson 2: The critical impact of purpose
As I interviewed these amazing people, a theme emerged. Every person told me something about how their work had a positive impact on others. Everybody had a purpose besides just selling themselves, or selling a product. They had a deep sense of contributing to the world somehow.
To become known in the world, you need to be consistent and have some grit. You can’t give up easily. Studies prove that people who have grit are able to persevere because they’re driven by a higher ideal. They have a sense that people need them and depend on them for something.
This truth flies in the face of a lot of the Internet culture about “the hustle” and constant self-promotion every day, everywhere. You have to have a purpose. To make it in the long-term, you must realize it’s not about you. It’s about them. 
Lesson 3: There’s no overnight success, literally!
In my sample of people who successfully became known, it took an average of 2.5 years for a personal brand to “tip” and gain traction. In fact, only one person made it in one year (his secret is in Chapter 5) and on the other end of the spectrum, author Brian Meeks sacrificed for five years before he accomplished his goal of quitting his job to pursue writing full-time.
The last question I asked everyone was “If you could provide one piece of success advice to my readers, what would it be?” Nearly everyone said something about resilience, tenacity, and consistency. They told me that the biggest problem is that people quit too soon.
Perseverance is more important than genius!
My learning here: Passion is common. Endurance is rare.
Lesson 4: A focus on space
This was such a profound lesson for me — even if you have everything together and work your butt off, you can’t succeed unless you’re in the right “space” (or channel) on the web.
A couple months ago I gave a talk about my ideas in the new book. A man came up to me afterward and said, “I have been working so hard for years, producing great content every week, and in the first 10 minutes of your talk I realized what was wrong — my niche had already been filled with people who have been known far longer than me.”
Finding the right space to occupy is an absolutely critical step. My book takes you through exercises to determine the existing competition, and eight strategies to find a space, even in a highly-competitive field.
The internet is just beginning. There’s room for you, too.
Lesson 5: You don’t have to be an expert to succeed
I know this is common sense but it was a fact that smacked me in the face. All these people we look up to? None of them started at the top! Every person had to learn along the way and build their brand step-by-step.
Many of the successful people in this book were broke, destitute, or on the brink of personal disaster before they started their march on the path to become known. They stumbled, they were insecure, they did stupid things they regretted.
Years of hard work are often mistaken for innate talent. You might assume that being known for something is unattainable because you’re not the best at something. That’s not true. The people you’ll meet in this book share a trait: They didn’t start as natural experts in anything. They became known through commitment, constancy, and repeated practice.
To be known, you don’t have to be a subject matter expert. But you must have the determination and patience to become one. A professional is simply an amateur who didn’t quit.
The KNOWN book: It’s your turn
I would love for you to buy my book KNOWN and discover the path to unlocking your online potential. It’s thoroughly researched and fun to read (or listen to in an audio version I narrated). I guarantee there is no better resource anywhere to help you create an effective step-by-step plan for personal branding success. I’ve also created an accompanying workbook with space for you to record the exercises, bonus material, and templates.
The person who’s known gets the business. More doors open, more opportunities are created, more customers come to you. To be a speaker some day, or write a book, or be named to a board, you must be known. It’s really the only sustainable career advantage we can build for ourselves!
Here’s a free chapter of KNOWN to get you going. Click on the link and try it out!
Are you ready to become known? It’s your turn. And my book will show you how.
The post Surprise! It’s not about passion. Five lessons on building a huge personal brand appeared first on Schaefer Marketing Solutions: We Help Businesses {grow}.
from DIYS http://ift.tt/2l3VzV2
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