kelcair · 9 months
hey guys if u see someone with my username on AO3 ITS NOT ME!!!! i don't know how long there been impersonating me but it's genuinely horrifying
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distortedclouds · 11 months
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leclerking · 11 months
the charles pole to dnf/dns/dsq pipeline is fucking insane
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antiradqueerguy · 7 months
not radqueers attempting to reclaim arisomei , "Transarissomei"
"Coiners of this term believe people are entitled to their opinions, just get collectively pissed when shit like terms have DNIs."
m suck my cock /notsexual
The fact that you are so entitled that the first time (that I'm aware of) that antis try to make their own term without you, you get pissed because your not included, as if you don't dogshit every single anti who is pro-transid
the funniest thing about this is the fact you added your own dni
"This term has no DNI except antis who support the original term. Y’all can just use the original term <3"
*don't harass this person*
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
I saw one of those videos that are like “POV you’re the Barty crouch jr of your friend group” which is fine. It’s fun, even. But the last slide was “you’ll grow up to be an alcoholic” and what the FUCK guys?? That’s not fun or quirky or mysterious, it’s a serious thing that people genuinely struggle with. It’s not an “aesthetic” it can legitimately tear people’s lives apart
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twinksintrees · 7 months
20 minutes in, the given movie is so much more stressful than i ever thought it would be
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oh dear god please take all of rahul's pain and give it to sandeep reddy vanga
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brionysea · 2 years
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michael myers? MICHAEL myers?????
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lucianinsanity · 4 months
Talking about USA people who live in other countries, y'all have too many machines in your houses, like
I've seen some girl complaining we don't have like, fifteen different appliances in normal apartments, and like, buy them? Yeah, most normal people in here don't have a dishwasher, you know how fucking expensive any of what you are saying is?
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slvttystella · 10 days
No longer talking with anyone on here? Or you found someone and everyone else goes fuck themselves?
Maybe my life got busy?
Maybe my cat has been sick?
Maybe my dad is dying?
Maybe I did find someone who brings me solace?
Maybe I’ve been moving?
Maybe I’ve been trying to get a business off the ground?
Maybe I’ve plummeted so deep into my depression that I’m barely hanging on?
Maybe I’ve been struggling with my anxiety & panic attacks?
I enjoy sharing my body, I enjoy knowing that you are also enjoying it, I enjoy sharing my kinks and exploring others. But that in no way, shape or form ENTITLES you to my time.
So kindly, fuck off.
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jules-van-hering · 6 months
how the fuck do you calm yourself down from wanting to completely rip into those dudes on dating app who just saw the non-mono tag on your profile didn't read any further then texted you the most offensive shit and now you just wanna rip his head off
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professionallush · 1 year
@murielsweating got me thinking I should get myself a little candle treat but since I'm a local snob I didn't want to have a candle shipped from Brooklyn so I was looking for LA-based candle companies (there are plenty) but I'll be damned if I'm buying a candle from this guy
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that god damn tongue thing he does…🫠
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worstlovesong · 8 months
Beating my intrusive thoughts with a stick
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sonicattos · 1 year
I don't want to sound like a jerk at all, so sorry if I do, but Starline isn't real. It's fine to enjoy him as a character even if he isn't a good person, because it's just a narrative, I don't think he shouldn't be put in polls just because he's a villain. Also I'm a bit worried what I just typed out makes me sound like a p/roshipper, so to clarify, p/roshippers suck and I am not one. I just think people should be able to be fans of fictional villains even if they've done evil stuff
that’s not what i’m talking about. i know he isn’t fucking real do you think im stupid??? whateverrr im just pissed
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swirly-lemonade · 11 months
You still support kaz? I mean I get you like him and everything but you shouldn’t let that cloud your judgement swirly.
Dude just fuck off-
I said the drawing I posted was the last one I would make on this was the last on this topic but this pissed me off, why wouldn’t I still support him? He explained everything and shit dude and I’m not letting the fact I like him ‘cloud my judgement’ anon, he has been nothing but nice to me from the start until now I just really hope you saw his side and glitchy’s side melo could have handled it better in my opinion ,if they were truly worried but personally it seems like this was more of a means to hurt the both of them, just i don’t think my judgement is clouded at all anon. If you disagree that’s fine but don’t say shit like that to me it makes it feel like you think of me as a lil baby that needs help to see the big picture eat dirt don’t fucking baby me. It pisses me off it really does now if you want to unfollow me or even block me because I support them sure go ahead anon it’s your choice in the end but don’t act like it’s the only choice because we all make choices and we all believe the choice we choose is for the best and after seeing both sides and talking to other people this is my choice, and I personally think this is the right one
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