#and he is the king of whatever the wrestling equivalent to bandom-stage-gay is. kisses the homies MID-FIGHT purely for the vibes
ybcpatrick · 2 years
who is this fellow you keep reblogging? i'm fascinated
his name is kevin owens! he's a french-canadian professional wrestler currently signed to WWE. and i am WOEFULLY infatuated with him, it's HORRIBLE, it is TERRIBLE, it is APOCALYPTIC. he fucking SUCKS, i can't STAND HIM.
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in character, he's an arrogant, manipulative, bullheaded prick who will stop at nothing to reach the top. it doesn't matter what prize he's chasing: championships, revenge, justice for himself (or sometimes, others)... once it's in his sights, he's not gonna let anything get in his way. even if it means stabbing people in the back, rebelling against his bosses, or the repeated song and dance of betraying-and-getting-back his best friend/nemesis/literal soulmate. KO knows he's one of the best in the game, and he feels he is owed that recognition. he can be cruel and calculated, and impressively violent, but he can also be shockingly fruity affectionate, and downright hilarious, too. he's got LAYERS.
kevin owens is not a good man... though sometimes, it feels like he doesn't even mean to be such a dick. at his core, kevin's just trying to provide for his family. he's honestly kind of insecure! he's got a temper, yeah, but really, he has no clue how to process his emotions, and so they all end up translating into righteous fury.
in any case, he draws you in. you want to root for kevin, because he is genuine. in the world of wwe, the outlandish is normal; demons and undead wizards and leprechauns and giants and a fucking turkey man are all real, and readily accepted. ridiculous shit happens, week in, week out, because it's just part of the job; KO is startlingly real in contrast. he's just a guy. he's a grumpy, realistic, ambitious guy, and you love to watch him fight for what he's after. and when he's being a lil bitch? you love to watch him get his ass handed to him.
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and then out of character, he's just like. incredibly sweet, humble, talented... 🥹🥹 he loves his family, he loves his friends, he loves animals, he loves having fun and telling great stories, and he just loves professional wrestling. quick with a joke, constantly lifting up his fellow wrestlers, wears his heart on his sleeve.. he's so cute it drives me absolutely nuts. kevin seems like such a great guy and I Just Really Really Like Him And Think He's Neat.
sorry this is so long. blorbo of the month. scronky from my wrestle. i like kevin owens.
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