#and he let me hold is arm through the irradiated zone where the sickness was the worst
tadpal · 8 months
currently going through something where all of my dreams are one half intense nightmare the other half meet cute romcom
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astertataricvs · 5 years
Inosuke Hashibira || Attention
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This is a long-ass one-shot and I have fun writing this!
Word count: 4.1k
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Inosuke was in his own little world, he was thinking about a particular girl who he just knew for two months which to be precise is you. You’ve been steadily appearing in his mind whenever he’s trying to train or just getting cozy within the Butterfly estate. Then in just a few seconds, your face would automatically pop out of nowhere that seriously pisses him off.
The first time he met you was the day where he and his two dumb comrades come across with you whose covering a handkerchief around the dog’s bleeding leg. He already knew that you’re likewise a demon hunter just like him since it already states from the uniform you’re wearing.
After that ordained rendezvous with them, you started to hang out with their group and became friends. You would regularly laugh at them because of their comical bickers and how Zenitsu would hide behind you. By just recollecting how that dumb blondie would hide behind you and hold your shoulders, he couldn’t handle the frustration accumulating inside him. He just had this feeling that he wanted to punch Zenitsu’s face and throw him at the cliff.
Knowing you, you really like to assist around the grounds of Shinobu and you would also help the three girls in their duties who are always with Aoi. Everyone in the Butterfly estate admires you because of your benevolence and how thoughtful you are to each one of them. Tanjiro’s sister takes a liking to you too; you would always play with her and try to sing a lullaby for her when she’s going to sleep in your lap. So to be precise, you’re just like a mother to Nezuko though you’re just the equivalent age as his brother.
Zenitsu who was called a shitty coward or piñata head by yours truly Inosuke; the blonde boy would regularly flirt with you and call your name like a broken piece of record that precariously made Inosuke pissed due to his incessant chanting of your name.
Tanjiro and you would seldom spar and train on your training grounds. Some other way around, Inosuke would tag along with you too and he likes how strong you were and could keep up from his agile and reflexive movements. Despite that you’re a lady, you really know how to fight and you can follow their movements without catching your breath. In your sparring session, you could even throw their heavy bodies and lift them up like they’re just some sort of a piece of article that really made Inosuke impressed at you. Now that he knows your aptitudes, he likes to defeat you and Tanjiro, he’s too adamant to beat your asses and he wouldn’t quit from making himself stronger until he passes the both of you.
Furthermore, what made Inosuke be allured by you is that you’re continuously educating him things and give him new insight that he hadn’t known or encountered. Although Inosuke was scorning you and driving you away, you didn’t leave his side and still insisted to be with him. He’s even throwing some crude words to you but you will only beam at him and be patient at his effrontery.
Every time Inosuke would be injured and cripple himself during your missions, you’d spontaneously aid him and tend his wounds. You would always reassure him and tell him not to move or else his injuries will deteriorate. You don’t know how his stomach would flutter in delight and he’s feeling giddy for some odd reason. He will just notice himself that he’s been gawking at your visage, studying your features in every little detail, from your head down to your nose, deep (colour) eyes, kissable lips, perfect jawline. He wouldn’t know that you’re this beautiful like a waterfall that he stumbled upon amid the mountains perpetually streaming down and glisten due to the illuminating sunrays or moonlight.
More importantly, whenever you’re going to touch his arms or just a part of his body, he would involuntarily flinch and back away like a scared cat while looking at you with large eyes. He doesn’t even know himself why he’s acting like that towards you and his heart would pound relentlessly inside his thorax as if it’s going to disintegrate sooner or later if you’ll trigger it any further.
These unexplainable feelings he was feeling, he immediately divulged it to Shinobu since he can’t keep this new sensation for long. He told her every detail why he’s feeling that way while Shinobu was attentively listening to him. Upon gathering the boar head’s explanation, she couldn’t suppress the smile developing on her face.
After minutes that feels like an eternity, the Insect pillar cleared her throat then bestow him a sly smile before answering.
“Due to your explanation, I can guarantee you that you love, (Name),” she simply stated, not removing her smile.
“W-What?! What love?!” He exclaimed. He was confused about what Shinobu was telling him. He doesn’t know that word for goodness sake! Please explain it to him!
“Love is a feeling where you feel strong affection towards that person. Like, you wanted that person to be by your side and you’re attracted to her and you just can’t get rid her off in your mind. Also, just like what you had mentioned; you can feel your heart would thump vigorously whenever she’s with you or just simply touching you, you’re becoming self-conscious when you’re around her.”
Inosuke was dumbfounded, utterly speechless because of what the old woman had told him. He only remained quiet and keep his mouth shut, discerning the words that Shinobu just spew.
So he loves you? That’s the reason why he’s feeling these new emotions because he was in love with you?
“If you don’t tell her you love her, Zenitsu might take her away from you,” she evokes which causes Inosuke’s body to freeze and slowly peered at her.
Zenitsu? That piñata head will take you away from him?! HELL NO! He won’t let that shitty coward snatch you away from him! He needs to tell it to you as soon as possible!
● ● ●
Attempt #1
The following day, you were watering the plants of the butterfly estate while humming your favourite song. Everyone was inside doing their tasks as you do yours outward. While you were watering the beguiling purple flowers, you abruptly heard footsteps coming towards your direction.
“(NAME)!” Inosuke’s loud voice roared around the area and it rapidly grabbed your attention. Seeing the boar head, you instantly shot him an eye smile.
The beast breath user planned on showing off to you and obtain your attention to him and after he succeeds in his plan, he will confess to you and you will not reject Inosuke-sama because he’s just marvellous.
“What is it, Inosuke?” You asked him with a mellow tone and the boar head felt his heart pound.
“Look at this, (Name)! I found this many–”
“(Name)-san! Shinobu-sama was searching for you!” Sumi interrupted Inosuke from his sentence and from showing the beetles he just caught in the forest.
“Really? I should go then,” you said thus put the hose down once you turned off the faucet. You take a glimpse at the pretty boy then grinned.
“Let’s talk later, Inosuke. I’ll see you later.” You wave your hand at him and bid your goodbye.
When you’re now absent of the pretty boy’s sight, he immediately threw the beetles dismissively and huffed because his first trial has failed.
“Damn that shrimp! She came into a right time to interject!” He frustratingly yells and stomped his foot on the ground. “I’ll make her look at me tomorrow! Inosuke-sama will not give up!”
Attempt #2
You and the three boys were on your mission in a miniature town at the said destination that your kasugai crow had announced. It said that during the night, the townspeople kept on disappearing every single day. They don’t know where the people missing had gone to and their families were worried sick for their loved one’s wellbeing.
Absolutely that a demon was the reason behind the disappearance of the people in the small town. The four of you elected to group yourselves into two which is you and Inosuke and Tanjiro with Zenitsu who was cowering in fear. He even objected of you coming with the primitive boy and let him be with you instead. So in the end, Inosuke barked at his outlandish reason and Tanjiro just clutched Zenitsu’s back collar, hauling him whose struggling from the burgundy haired boy’s grasp.
So in the end, you and Inosuke were investigating to find the demon who had caused casualties in the small town. Closing your eyes, you tried to sense for an ill-disposed aura encompassing the area. Upon tracking where the murderous aura was exuding, you briskly opened your eyes and notified Inosuke where the demon is.
Both of you started to run towards the forest and the aura was becoming lucid as you run further through the dark pathway. Once you two reached a lake where you can sight the sumptuous full moon irradiating the quartz crystalline lake.
“I can sense the demon’s presence! Come out you piece of shit! Inosuke-sama’s going to decapitate you!” Inosuke hollered as he unsheathes his nichirin sword and roams his eyes to detect a figure.
“Inosuke, be careful okay? I don’t want you to get injured again,” You said softly which causes the boar head to pause and stare at you for a good minute. He can feel the fluttery feeling fabricating inside his stomach while he gawked at your sedate countenance staring at the lake in front of you as the moonlight strikingly exemplifies your face.
Why do you need to be so goddamn beautiful?
“Inosuke!” You shout his name when a demon suddenly emerged on the lake and charged towards the zoning out boy.
Inosuke snapped out from his heeds and prepared his sword to slash the hideous demon gurgling.
“Come right at me bastard! I’m going to annihilate you!” Inosuke contemptuously declares while laughing.
This is it! This is the excellent time he should impress you with his god-tier skills! He wouldn’t back out right now specifically where you can see Inosuke-sama’s awesomeness!
“PIG ASSAULT!” He yells as he started to charge towards the demon whose ready to bound at him.
“Look at how I’ll kill this bastard, (Name)!”
When Inosuke was now in the perfect form to slash the demon’s neck.
“(Name)! Inosuke!” Your attention was easily earned by Tanjiro whose sprinting towards you followed by Zenitsu behind him. And that’s also the exact time where the ferocious boy decapitated the demon.
“Tanjiro, Zenitsu!” You called and the two mentioned boys approach you.
“I smelled the scent of a demon coming from here, that’s why we rushed towards where you two run off and saw the both of you already in the area,” the innocent boy explained and looked behind you; only to find the demon’s head was already disentangled from its place and the body was already consumed by the ashes.
“Oh, Inosuke, you already killed him,” you said then flash him your bright smile. The said boy didn’t respond and just stood on his spot while staring at you with a vein protruding on his forehead (as if you can see his irritated expression right now).
“Good job, Inosuke! We already accomplished our mission with ease!” Tanjiro chirped.
“Thank God that I didn’t need to confront a demon!” Zenitsu said in relief as he dropped his tense shoulders.
Attempt #3
Nighttime, Inosuke was on his walk a while ago. Then upon taking a stroll around the forest, he saw fireflies in the midst of the pond as the insects fly through the air without any care in the world.
Green tiny lights surrounded the fishpond and make the dark area to lighten up in a shade of verdure that surely made the dull area to be eye-catching due to the help of the fireflies.
He would be lying if he says that the view he was witnessing right now is not enticing. It immediately caught his attention and he couldn’t thwart his gaze and only stared at the bewitching view with admiration.
In a few minutes of staring, your face suddenly pops in his head causing the feral boy to snap out from his reverie and hastily looked behind the path where it leads to the butterfly estate where you were at this moment. Suddenly, a light bulb surfaced on the top of his head when a good idea crisscrossed in his mind. Without wasting a second, Inosuke rushed towards the butterfly estate to get you and show you the beautiful place that you’ll surely love.
You were at the backyard, admiring the magnificent crescent moon on the sky with millions of stars twinkling.
“(NAME)!” Your peaceful moment was disrupted by Inosuke’s howling voice as you shift your head towards the path where you heard the voice of your comrade.
Much to your surprise, the human turned into demon girl unexpectedly jumped at you and tackle you with a hug causing you to lose your balance and dropped on the dirty ground.
“Nezuko?” You bewilderedly mentioned her name as the charming little sister of Tanjiro nuzzled her cheeks on your chest. You divert your gaze at the burgundy haired boy whose face was contorted in apology.
“I’m sorry, (Name). When Nezuko woke up she suddenly sprinted to look for you. She’s really fond of you,” Tanjiro mused while scratching the back of his head. You merely shook your head with a small smile crept on your visage.
“It’s fine, I love your sister too, Tanjiro. She’s so adorable!” You squealed and molded her cheeks by your hands.
Nezuko hummed in delight as she flashes you her eye smile that really makes your heart warmed and you can’t contain yourself to rub your cheeks on hers.
Then afterwards of pinching Nezuko’s cheeks, you suddenly remembered Inosuke. He felt like he wants to say something to you. Therefore, you whipped your head to the side where you saw the pretty boy, however when your eyes landed on the spot where he was earlier, he was already gone.
“Did I really saw Inosuke earlier? I’m not hallucinating, am I?” You muttered to yourself.
“What did you just say, (Name)?” Tanjiro inquired.
“Oh nothing, I just thought I heard and saw Inosuke just now.” Tanjiro looked at the place where you were staring at.
“Really? I didn’t see him though.”
“Of course, dummy, he already left. I wonder what does he want from me?” You wondered while placing your pointer finger on your chin.
● ● ●
The next day, Inosuke was really baulked at how everyone would interrupt him in a perfect time where he could show off to you. He was beyond indignant knowing that his attempts utterly failed!
He can’t restrain the burgeoning frustration he kept for days of attempting to get your attention!
He’s really in a bad mood right now so don’t ever come to him or else you’ll definitely be dead meat.
Inosuke kicked the pebble vehemently that was on his path as he walks without any care in the world. He doesn’t fucking care if someone would receive a blow on their face because of the pebble he just booted. He was undeniably agitated to even give a fuck to everyone or everything.
Inosuke’s ears perked up upon hearing the familiar sweet and soothing voice that he loves to hear. Lifting his head, his eyes shot open ever so widely when his eyes settled on your figure whose rubbing your forehead. He can see a red mark creeping on it and he was utterly aware that the cause of it was the pebble he just kicked not so long ago.
“(Name)!” Inosuke hurriedly marched towards you as he looked at you with concern.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine, it just stings,” you assured.
Talk about not giving a fuck for everyone.
“You need to tend that scratch right now! You should go to Shinobu!” He instructed you but you only shook your head in response.
“It’s okay, I’ll treat this later when I’m done doing my errands.”
The green-eyed boy shakes his head in disapprobation. “You should take care of yourself dumbass! You’re always worrying about others but not yourself! You piss me off!” He scowled and before he can grab your wrist and drag you to the butterfly estate, a sudden loud cry of Zenitsu had caught your attention.
“(NAME)! HELP ME! Tanjiro keeps on pestering me to train with him and Uzui-san when I wholeheartedly turned him down because I don’t want to!” He cried while gripping your shoulders.
“Eh? But you should though! Isn’t that a privilege?” You arched your eyebrows and Zenitsu give you an aghast look.
“SHUT UP, PIÑATA HEAD! YOU SERIOUSLY PISSES ME OFF!” Inosuke interjected as he pulled you to him and releases you from Zenitsu’s grasp.
“I’m not even talking to you, eyelashes!”
“Huh?! Who are you calling eyelashes, shitty coward!”
"GUYS! WILL YOU PLEASE STOP?!” You suddenly shouted which causes the two to stop from their petty argument and looked at you with astonishment. “Seriously, guys… you’re always fighting, can you please keep it down? You’re gaining the attention of all the by-passers, see?”
The two boys looked around to see everyone was staring at them with entertainment or just solely watching them. Zenitsu and Inosuke steal glances each other and immediately turned away with a huff.
You sighed at your two friends and just glanced at Inosuke. “Inosuke, I’ll accompany Zenitsu to go to Uzui-san’s training area first. Let’s talk later, okay? And I’ll treat this scratch just like you had told me.” You beamed and thus faced your back at the boar masked boy before nodding at Zenitsu to leave.
Inosuke merely watched you deliberately walking away as you talked to Zenitsu with a smile on your pretty visage. He suddenly feels his heart throb once he sights you with that coward being happy and you just fancied to go with him rather than him.
He clenched his fists and hang his head while chewing his lower lip. He can’t contain the frustration filling his whole existence anymore. He can feel his blood boil and the rage surging through every little fiber of his body because this time, he wasn’t venturing his plan and just wanted to talk to you but why does it need to be interposed again and to be specific, by that blonde cowardly boy?!
“GODDAMNIT! GIVE ME YOUR ATTENTION TOO, (NAME)!” Inosuke went berserk. He can’t restrain himself anymore and he won’t regret what he just spouted because it’s the fucking truth!
You, on the other hand, was dumbfounded and stared at the boy who’s still standing on his site where he was earlier. Your mouth gaped and stared at the pretty boy with altitudinous astonishment.
Did you just hear him right? Did he just bluntly tell you to give him your attention? Even Zenitsu was incredibly shocked because of what Inosuke had roared. Its crystal clear for him, especially that he has a keen sense of hearing! He didn’t know that Inosuke has this kind of character as well! He thought that he’s a stupid dumbass who was obsessed at fighting and a muscle brain! So, of course, it will shock him to the core!
He was utterly in disbelief! You two were caught off guard!
“I-Inosuke–” the said man briskly run away before you can say something to him.
“Zenitsu, can you please buy the stuffs written on that list? I just need to chase Inosuke!” You quickly give him the list and the money then afterwards, started to run away to look for the boar head boy.
Inosuke’s legs brought him to the pond where he was supposed to show you until Tanjiro’s sister intervened. He only plopped himself down and sit on the grass while staring at the crystal clear pond. He sighs in impediment and still can’t comprehend that he went amok and screamed that you should look at him also. He forgot that there are still people passing by and the shitty blonde as well.
He was abashed to spit it out out of the blue but he didn’t regret saying those words. He just needs to let the frustration out that kept lingering inside him.
The feral boy jolted and frantically looked at you whose smiling at him. Inosuke was astounded to see you here, and he didn’t even notice your presence just now!
“W-What are you doing here?!” He exclaimed causing him to stand up from his sitting position.
“I just have this feeling that I should chase you,” you answered.
A gust of nature’s wind blows your body as you shift your head to sight the pond. An awkward silence inundates between you two while the pretty boy merely gawked at your beauty once again.
Your hair was dancing through the wind as a content smile plastered on your pretty visage. He can perfectly see your well-defined nose, aligned jawline and how your haori sway in sync with your (colour) (length) hair.
Once again, Inosuke was bewitched by you. He absolutely won’t get tired staring at your face.
“What do you mean about earlier, Inosuke?” Now your gaze was diverted to him, his body involuntarily flinched and stared at your (colour) irises. Your smile just now was now gone and you’re looking at him with sobriety.
Inosuke feels a lump stuck inside his throat and he couldn’t utter a single word. His mind was becoming hazy and he just wanted to run away right now but Inosuke-sama isn’t the type to run away!
“Now that reminds me, the other night when Nezuko suddenly lunged at me… Are you there at that time?” You asked with curiosity. The green-eyed boy took a glimpse at you then nodded.
“Well, why do you need me at that time? Were you going to say something to me?”
Is this a perfect time to confess to you today? No one’s here to interrupt you two but… Inosuke’s nervousness was preventing him to say those three fucking words! His face was starting to burn up and his head was becoming fuzzy.
“If you don’t tell her you love her, Zenitsu might take her away from you.”
Inosuke’s eyes widened upon recalling the words when Shinobu answered his feelings he has for you. Snapping his head to gaze at you, the boar head gradually stepped closer and closed the gap that you two have.
Arching your eyebrows, you only watched Inosuke coming closer to you and once he was already in front of you, he grabbed your shoulders and stared into your eyes.
“I love you, (Name)! I hate it when your attention was grabbed by someone! You know it frustrates me whenever your attention is with others instead of me! I will not let anyone take you away from me especially that dumbass coward!” He scowled.
His sudden confession made you shock, surprised and stunned. You don’t know what to say to him and your brain is not operating anymore.
“Be my mate, (Name)!” He said with devotion laced in his voice as he stared deeply into your eyes.
You sucked a breath thus bite your lower lip. You’re still assimilating his words because it feels so surreal to you specifically that you fell for this bestial boy. Inosuke was really full of wonderments and never cease to amaze you.
“You know that I love you too right?” You elicit a soft chuckle which causes Inosuke to release his grab on you and give you a dumbfounded expression.
“Really?” He said in incredulity.
“Yeah, really.”
Inosuke blinked a few times and processed your words into his brain. After minutes that feels like an eternity, the brawny boy took you by surprise by grabbing your waist and spin you around with so much happiness.
“You really love me?!” He asked once again, this time his eyes were sparkling in excitement.
“Yes, I do love you.” You flashed him a bright smile then Inosuke swiftly hugged you and cupped your face.
“I love you too, (Name)! You’re now my mate!” He declares then boisterously laugh. You only giggled at his dorkiness and kissed his cheeks.
“Yes, yes. I am now your mate.”
“Your attention is mine now, got that?!” You only sigh and nodded.
“Of course.” Then in a brisk, Inosuke gives you a peck on the forehead and bestow you a toothy grin.
“I now defeated Monjiro! Hahaha!”
You didn’t understand what he just declared but you just shrugged him off and let him feel giddy for now. Seeing a happy Inosuke makes you feel happy also, that’s how contagious he is to you.
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