astertataricvs · 1 year
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title: late night thoughts
pairing(s): dan heng, reader
characters: dan heng, reader, himeko, pom-pom, march 7th
word count: 2.9k
synopsis: a moment of thoughts of dan heng about one of his crewmates.
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Beads of perspiration glistened on the brow of the guard aboard the Astral Express, accompanied by his thunderous, labored breathing resonating within the confines of his room. Dan Heng had once again experienced a night that exposed his former life in his place of origin. His evenings were frequently besieged by memories of his past that clung to him relentlessly, as if they were determined to never let go. Despite his earnest desire to break free from them, it seemed an impossible task. For the power coursing through his veins was a living testament to the life he had lived, the person he once was, his essence, and his formidable capabilities.
It was akin to an indelible marker that defied all attempts at erasure, no matter how ardent the desire to do so.
Dan Heng sat upright, his back as straight as a rod, as he massaged his temple. He knew that slumber would elude him once again, fearful that the same old nightmares would seize him anew, keeping him up for the rest of the night. His only recourse was to gaze out the window and behold the infinite expanse of stars that glittered like diamonds in the inky darkness of space.
Whenever Dan Heng was unable to drift off to sleep or would wake up from a nightmare, he would seek refuge in the twinkling stars outside his window. Sometimes, he would occupy himself with his duties as an archivist on the Astral Express, which proved to be a valuable distraction from the memories of his past that tormented him.
But at this moment, he desired nothing more than to remain in bed and watch the stars, as he glanced at the clock and realized that it was the time when most of the crew would be asleep in their respective quarters, save for their adorable little conductor, pom-pom.
Suddenly, a familiar voice from one of his crewmates jolted him out of his reverie, causing him to shift his gaze towards the door as though it was the most intriguing thing in the room.
“Pom-pom, would you like some pancakes?” Your voice rings in Dan Heng’s ears, diverting his attention.
“Pom-pom loves pancakes! I'm hungry, (Name)!” replied the little conductor with enthusiasm, eliciting a giggle from you.
“All right, come along with me to the kitchen,” you said, beckoning the cute little pom-pom to follow you.
The resounding footfalls gradually fade into silence as they move away from Dan Heng's quarters. The melancholic musings that had been plaguing his mind mere moments ago now give way to a perplexing inquiry: what could be keeping you up at this ungodly hour? 
Each time he awakens in the dead of night, he finds himself alone in his thoughts while the rest of the crew slumber peacefully in their own rooms. 
So why are you still awake?
Dan Heng is equal parts confused and intrigued by the mystery of your own sleeplessness.
In all honesty, when it comes to his other crewmate, he doesn't show any interest or curiosity, but the mere sound of your voice breaks through his trance effortlessly.
Dan Heng couldn't pinpoint exactly when his fascination with you began to emerge, but the moments and days he had spent in your presence had ignited a spark of intrigue. Every action you took seemed to draw him in like a magnetic pull, pulling him towards you, and his gaze would follow your every move with an intense curiosity. He couldn't explain why he was drawn to you in this way, especially since he had never felt this level of interest in another person before.
This enigma puzzled the reserved guard, who was used to feeling captivated by the eccentricities of objects or entities, rather than people with whom he had no particular objectives. Yet, despite the mystery surrounding his newfound fascination, he couldn't deny the pleasure and satisfaction he felt whenever he was around you.
In truth, this noble feeling was something entirely new and delightful, and it left Dan Heng eager to uncover the secrets of this captivating person who had captured his attention so easily.
The memories of your kindness flooded Dan Heng's mind, each one a cherished moment that he held close to his heart. He recalled the small gesture of you showing interest in him, asking questions about his hobbies and passions, and listening intently to his every word. It was a thoughtful act that he appreciated more than words could express.
Others might have found his interests dull, but you were different. You never hesitated to ask him about his otherworldly pursuits, and he would lose track of time as he explained and talked with you. The eagerness in your eyes was a balm to his soul, and he longed to see it again and again. It was a craving that he couldn't ignore, a desire to bask in the warmth of your fascination.
For so long, Dan Heng had felt invisible, like a shadow lurking on the periphery of other people's lives. But with you, he felt seen and valued as an individual. Your interest in him had kindled a flame of hope within his heart, and he was determined to keep that flame burning for as long as possible.
Dan Heng's hometown had been a place of hostility and animosity, where the mere mention of his name elicited hatred and disgust. To them, he was a pariah, a creature to be avoided at all costs, for fear that he would bring death and destruction upon those who dared to engage with him.
He couldn't blame them, not really. After all, he had committed unspeakable acts that had left a trail of devastation in their wake. There was no going back, no way to rewrite the past and change the course of events, like a storyteller tinkering with the plot of a book.
But in his new life on the Astral Express, things were different. Here, nobody knew about his past, and he had no intention of sharing it with anyone, not even you.
He had found a kind of solace in the anonymity of his new life, a reprieve from the judgment and scorn that had plagued him before. It wasn't a perfect existence, but it was bearable, and for that, he was grateful.
There's a simmering unease inside Dan Heng, a fear that you might uncover the secrets of his past life. The mere thought of it sends shivers down his spine, and he can't bear to imagine the warm, accepting gaze that you now give him turning into one of disgust and loathing.
It may seem selfish, but he wants to hold on to this moment of acceptance and generosity for as long as possible, reveling in the warmth of your gaze and basking in your kind regard. He knows that the inevitable reckoning will come eventually, but for now, he wants to savor the sense of belonging that he feels in your presence.
He is acutely aware that he can never truly escape the shadow of his past, that it will follow him wherever he goes until the end of his days. He is resigned to that fact, but he will do everything in his power to be ready for whatever the future may bring, even if it means putting his life on the line.
Dan Heng was once again interrupted from his musings when he heard a gentle knock at his door.
"Dan Heng, are you awake? I made you a herbal tea just in case you want to go back to sleep," you said softly on the other side of the door.
He was momentarily bewildered as to how you could have known he was awake, as he had made no sound. He had been sitting in his bed, lost in his tumultuous thoughts.
Not wanting to keep you waiting, Dan Heng rose from his bed and strode towards the door. As he slid it open, he was met by your kind, smiling face. You held a tray in your hands, with a warm cup of herbal tea made just for him.
His blue eyes instantly met your own (color) ones that sparkled with a mix of delight and concern. It reminded him of how you always looked at him with care whenever he got hurt on his missions, and with joy whenever he returned to the Astral Express.
Dan Heng couldn't deny the flood of warmth that enveloped him whenever you gazed at him with such a caring expression. He treasured every kind gesture you bestowed upon him, for he had never experienced such genuine consideration back in his hometown. 
Your presence in his life made him feel protected, like a guardian watching over him, even though he was the designated guard of the Astral Express. It was an irony he couldn't help but marvel at, yet he couldn't deny the comfort and solace he found in your company.
But you are just that kind of person.
Dan Heng admires your intelligence and tactfulness, recognizing your ability to perceive social situations and determine the appropriate actions to take. He admires your awareness of boundaries and social cues, and your ability to communicate in a way that puts others at ease.
He still vividly recalls the day you first met. Despite his reluctance to open up about his past, you treated him with respect and kindness. You didn't pry or press him for information, instead choosing to show him around the Astral Express and help him get acclimated to his new surroundings. Dan Heng was initially surprised that you didn't ask him more probing questions, but he later realized that you were respecting his boundaries and giving him the space he needed.
Over time, Dan Heng grew to appreciate your approach to conversations. While you would occasionally ask him surface-level questions, he never felt pressured or uncomfortable around you. He knew that you were genuinely interested in getting to know him, but that you also respected his privacy. In a world where everyone seemed to have an agenda, you were a refreshing change of pace.
He's relieved that you didn't pry about his personal life. It will be troublesome for him if you were. Hence, he's grateful for that.
From Dan Heng's perspective, you and he are alike in the sense that both of you are guarded about your personal lives. Despite working together for some time, he knows very little about you beyond surface-level information. While he can't help but feel curious about your past, he understands the importance of respecting your privacy.
Even March 7th, who is usually quite inquisitive, has never been able to pry any details about your life before the Astral Express. You seem content to keep your past a secret, and Dan Heng admires your ability to maintain boundaries.
Dan Heng recognizes that it wouldn't be fair for him to know about your past while keeping his own hidden. He appreciates the unspoken agreement between the two of you to maintain some level of distance and respect each other's privacy.
Therefore, he refrains from asking to avoid any sense of unfairness of the situation. Moreover, he finds the idea of prying into other people's business distasteful, and he loathes such behavior.
If someone were to ask him to describe you, he would use one word— mysterious. He finds you to be enigmatic and intriguing, someone who keeps their personal life hidden away.
While kindness is a trait that many possess, he perceives your benevolence to be more exceptional and unique. He feels more drawn to your compassionate nature than anyone else's, and he finds it difficult to resist its allure.
"How did you know I was awake?" Dan Heng inquired with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"When Pom-pom and I stopped in front of your room, I heard a faint shuffling sound emanating from inside. Hence, I concluded that you were awake," you responded calmly.
As Dan Heng tried to comprehend your sharp sense of hearing, he realized that you were a mystery to him. How could you hear such a subtle noise from inside a room so clearly?
"I should ask you the same thing," Dan Heng said as he leaned against the door jamb, crossing his arms. "Why are you awake at this hour?"
You locked eyes with him for a brief moment before giving him a simple answer, "Nightmare."
That was all you said, but Dan Heng could sense the weight behind those words. He stopped himself from saying that he could relate to you as he pondered the similarities between the two of you.
"Well, you should take this tea. I already finished my fill a while ago with Pom-pom," you beam at him as you hand him the tray and he takes it from you. "I should go. I hope you have a good night's rest."
You say your farewell to Dan Heng and gracefully make your way towards your room. As you take your last step, you glance back at him, and with a gentle wave, you close the door behind you, leaving him to his thoughts.
Dan Heng stands there, rooted in his spot, watching as you disappear from his sight. He can't help but feel a sense of warmth in his chest as he thinks about the kind gesture you just showed him.
As he lowers his gaze to the tray of tea, he notices a thin line of vapor rising from it, indicating that the tea is still steaming hot. He can't help but be impressed by your attention to detail, making sure that the tea was still fresh before giving it to him.
After returning to his room, Dan Heng promptly set the tray down on the nightstand. He let out a faint exhale before lifting the teacup and taking a delicate sip.
As the warm liquid trickled down his throat, Dan Heng sensed his rigid muscles gradually loosen. His chaotic thoughts dissipated, as if they were being purged from his mind.
For Dan Heng, it was a brief yet much-needed pause from the turmoil of his thoughts. There's no noise that could be heard, only the stars beyond his window, and the only company he had for the night was the tea you had prepared.
As he gazed at his teacup once more, memories of your beaming countenance flooded his mind. The warmth of your smile seemed to linger in the room, even though you were no longer there.
It was a familiar pattern, one that you seemed to intuitively understand - knowing just when to offer a distraction or comfort to soothe Dan Heng's troubled thoughts. You were the unassuming hero, saving him from the abyss of his past without even realizing it.
There had been countless times when you had come to his aid, yet Dan Heng found himself unable to express his gratitude. It was as if his tongue was being held hostage by some invisible force, preventing him from articulating the depth of his appreciation.
Even in this moment, as he sipped on the tea you had made for him, Dan Heng was overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude that he was unable to put into words. He was keenly aware of the countless acts of kindness that you had bestowed upon him, and he knew that he owed you a debt that he could never fully repay.
Although it would be easy for Dan Heng to express his gratitude, he was held back by the fear that it would be too little, too late. He knew that time was running out for him, and that he may never have another opportunity to thank you for all that you had done.
Yet, a small voice in the back of his mind urged him to speak up, reminding him that it was never too late to show appreciation for the kindness of others. As long as he remained aboard the Astral Express, and drew breath, there was still time to make amends.
Deep down, Dan Heng knew that his time with the crew was limited. From the moment he first stepped aboard, he had known that he could never stay for long. The conversation he had with Himeko echoed in his mind, reminding him that he could leave the express once he had found his true destination.
It was a bittersweet realization, knowing that his presence could put the lives of those around him in danger. His dark past and the powers he possessed were secrets that he could never share with the crew he had grown to know and care for over the years. And yet, despite the inevitable parting that lay ahead, Dan Heng couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments of peace and companionship that he had found aboard the Astral Express, especially to you.
Dan Heng was acutely aware of the danger he posed to those around him, and he didn't want to put you or the rest of the crew at risk because of his dark past. He knew that you had shown him kindness beyond what he deserved, and he didn't want any more trouble to come your way.
Despite his fear and hesitation, Dan Heng realized that he needed to express his gratitude for your unwavering assistance. He knew that time was running out, and he didn't want to miss the chance to say what he had been holding back for so long.
As he looked down at his tea, Dan Heng felt a sense of calm wash over him. And before he knew it, he had spoken the words that had been on his mind for so long.
"Thank you, (Name)."
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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Way to have a dirty mind, Kazunari.
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astertataricvs · 4 years
Catchphrase by yours truly, poet Homare Arisugawa.
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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Twisted Wonderland Icons - Fairy Gala
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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A3! Icons - Sakuya Sakuma
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astertataricvs · 4 years
y’ello! coming back with a request idea ! how about a different-heights-kiss with Riddle and then Malleus ? You know how little is Riddle, and how tall is Malleus - how would they react to a reader, using the stairs to be taller than them and then bending down to kiss them ? I thought of writing this idea but my writing isn’t ideal; yours on the contrary is *chef’s kiss* !
here you go, sweetheart! I apologize for the tardiness since it took me so long to write this, but inspiration is such a fickle thing... lol
but alas, I’ve completed these headcanons at last! I took some artistic liberty for them, such as malleus’ ones not involving a kiss, but I hope you like them nonetheless? (o゚□゚)o
they’re also... really, really long... I was not endowed with the gift of brevity at birth...
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❧ riddle rosehearts ;
Honestly speaking, Riddle isn’t quite the type to fixate ( or worry himself silly, even ) over frivolous things such as a person’s height, let alone his own. He has no qualms in admitting that physical height is indeed a rather desirable quality to have, particularly when it contributes greatly into asserting one’s dominance over others and earn their respect like a dormitory leader such as himself has to do, but if personal experience is anything to go by… then he has no need for it, not when his dormitory members already know better than to anger him and have their necks chopped off in the process ( only metaphorically, of course ) without him having to put any effort into it.
With that being said, any comment hinting at his height as a weakness does get on his nerves a little, especially if they downplay his other achievements at the same time – something he is, unfortunately, pretty sensitive to. Rather than defining him a perfectionist, though, he’s more the type who tends to accumulate lots of knowledge to counteract his lack of self-confidence, so to have something he’s put a lot of effort into achieving talked down upon with such nonchalance, just to get under his skin, is not something he can easily let go of even after learning healthier coping mechanisms than letting his anger get the better of him.
It’s different when it comes to you, however, although Riddle himself cannot quite discern the reason behind such bafflement, and it leaves him with a bitter taste in his mouth somewhat – but there are a lot of things he doesn’t understand about you ( your selflessness, for example, hiding underneath the occasional snappy comeback and the long sighs you heave when the idiotic duo from his dormitory flock to your side like mussels on a rock, and how in spite of the headaches you always greet them with a welcoming smile ), whether it’s due to the contrast between two vastly different views of the world or his latent cynicism getting the better of him when confronted with someone as bright and good-hearted as yourself, and even after your relationship with him developed past the point of just being good friends there are still a number of interrogatives he has yet to find a satisfying answer for.
And it’s curious, bizarre, almost whimsical in a certain sense – the rush of novelty he feels whenever you take him by surprise in always new, ever-changing ways, oftentimes with Trey and Cater’s aggravating help, the warmth spreading to his cheeks whenever you kiss him goodbye before returning to your respective dormitories, or the feeling of your fingers entwined in his in a gentle but firm hold. If he can’t completely figure you out, so open and honest with your feelings, then it’s even harder for him to figure himself out, someone who’s been out of touch with his own emotions for too long to even begin to fathom the reason behind his quickly accelerating heartbeat or the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips whenever he’s in your presence.
And nothing you do helps him out of his predicament; rather, you make it much harder, though unconsciously and unaware of his inner struggle. He does not fault you either, because you’re the one who always brings him back to Earth whenever his thoughts drift off the rails and into his own made-up wonderland of absurdity and hypotheticals and, with how frequently it’s been happening recently, he almost expects you to get fed up and leave him–– but you don’t ( you wouldn’t ), looking just a little bit concerned at most, blinking down at him with bright eyes reflecting worry and-- wait, blinking down?
It takes him a few seconds to piece everything together ( the proximity of your faces, the tip of your noses almost touching, the tingling sensation on his lips and the widening, bashful smile on yours ) and if it wasn’t for his steely composure, toughened through years of hard-work, he’s sure he’d have dropped the books within his arms purely out of ill-concealed embarrassment, if the rosy flush at the tip of his ears is anything to go by. “[ name ]! We’re in the library!” he whisper-shouts, almost indignant, morning blue irises meeting yours with a stern gaze and a frown. But, even then, all you do is chuckle, adjusting your posture on the wooden ladder and smiling down at him apologetically. “I know, I know, I’m sorry? But I tried calling you three times, and it didn’t work, so I had to get a little creative… I must say, though, you really are small from this perspective!”
He can’t even bring himself to feel offended because, frankly, he is not, not when it comes from you and he’s perfectly aware that nothing you say has underlying meanings, hidden from view and ready to attack his weaknesses when he least expects it. But it still stings a little, and the shift in his expression must have been quite noticeable because you’re quick to salvage what you can, while you can, by changing the subject. “By the way, you really seem to be drifting off in your own world a lot these days… if something’s troubling you, talking about it might help! So don’t hesitate to reach out to me, alright?”
And he sighs, but there’s a barely noticeable smile curving his lips as he nods, gloved hands readjusting their grip on the stack of books slowly getting higher and higher as the two of you make your way down the infinite sections of the library, gathering the equally as infinite list of manuscripts required for Mr. Trein’s next lesson. Talking about it, uh? He mulls over it for a while after that, almost berating himself for not thinking of such an easy solution. It was so simple, indeed, yet it somehow eluded him for so long… He should ask Trey to prepare some sweets for a private tea party soon, he ultimately decides.
❧ malleus draconia ;
While his height has never bothered him or caused him any trouble, Malleus does recognize that it’s one of the deterrents discouraging others from approaching him, though he himself fathoms not why exactly it has such an unfortunate effect on the children of man, or on the children of any other kin for that matter. Ungrateful for the qualities he has been endowed since birth he is not, but he does find himself thinking of the hypotheticals and ( when left unsupervised by not only Lilia, but Silver and Sebek alike ) he admits the passing thought of casting a spell to rewind time did cross his mind, and he did deem it an exceptionally brilliant idea… until he was reminded of how carefully he was treated by the servants back in his father’s castle, too, even amongst his own kin. Aah, truly, how troubling…
It’s almost endearing, really, the way he, Malleus Draconia, descendant of the king who rules over all creatures of the night, instead of power, influence and all-encompassing authority, covets nothing more than simple companionship and a relationship far removed from the suzerain-vassal driven ones between him and his retainers, or the protégé-guardian one between him and Lilia, absurdly precious to him all the same but not in the way he yearns for.
And so, when out of pure chance his path crossed yours, someone who doesn’t even belong to this world of his, he was perplexed, if a little stupefied – mystified, even, because for someone to willingly address him first, with no soul prompting them to, is simply too foreign a concept for him to wrap his head around. If he had to describe you in one word, it would be cheeky — but your brashness comes hand-in-hand with your desire to understand others better, and the fearlessness you display does nothing but contribute to your self-assigned enquête in this curious, wonder-filled world you suddenly found yourself thrust into.
In his eyes, you are a fascinating existence like few others are. You aren’t apprehensive of him, nor do you cower away in his presence whilst putting up a faux front of courage like many others have attempted before, thinking they could fool him with only so little. But it’s not like Malleus is a connoisseur of social clues -- rather, he’s quite the opposite, valuing honesty much more than the mindless favor-currying of the rabble he’s gotten used to since childhood, and thus he welcomes your candor, your brazenness and the impudent nickname you’ve given him on your second meeting ( “Tsunotarou,” you had enthusiastically called him, your talking monster-cat lazily hanging over your shoulder with an unimpressed mien, and he remembers the genuine bewilderment he initially felt slowly melting into barely contained amusement and endearment ) like the first breeze of autumn after a searing summer.
Only rare occasions allow him to accompany you within the school’s premises, most oft preferring the nocturnal rendez-vous, more intimate and private, with no outside disturbances, to the frenetic school life you both have to live through during daytime — and you significantly more than him, what with the troubles caused by your fellow first years falling on your hands to solve and the unreasonable requests presented to you by none other than Headmaster Crowley himself. If the right opportunity presents itself, though, he wouldn’t hesitate to reach out to you to lend a hand and aid you in anything you might need.
And present itself it does, the idea of throwing a small party during winter break hitting him all at once and yet not quick enough for him to send out an invitation for you as soon as the thought came to him, and asking Lilia to deliver it to you was… both the smartest move he could’ve made and the most unbecoming of someone of his caliber, even though he’s perfectly aware that his guardian is not one who’d harbour any semblance of perplexity when confronted with actions deviating from normalcy. So Malleus did expect Lilia to carry out his request without questioning him, what he did not account for was him returning to the dormitory with you in tow, a self-satisfied grin on his lips.
Thus, this is how you ended up helping Malleus ( and all the others at Diasomnia who chose to spend the holidays at school ) redecorate their dormitory and prepare for the up and coming party hosted by none other than the dormitory head of Diasomnia himself, ever so fear-inducing with red and green ribbons tied to his horns ( courtesy of Lilia and Silver, clearly, because Sebek would’ve sooner thrown himself down the highest point of their dorm building than disrespect the Young Master like that ) while holding the ladder for you to attach more obnoxious decorations to the wall. And it’s almost funny, honestly, seeing someone as harmless and unobtrusive as you get along with someone as imposing and intimidating as Malleus, though he supposes you never really cared about appearances.
But it appears as though he’s been lost in thought for a heartbeat too long, because he’s snapped back to reality by soft hands caressing the outline of his horns, the unraveling satin ribbons secured on them once again. He blinks once, then twice, and at the third bright green eyes gaze upwards to meet your almost embarrassed ones, your hands hovering just some inches above the crown of his head. “I’m… sorry? Was I not supposed to do that…?” you ask, tentatively, index finger scratching your cheek bashfully as your visage flushes pink with shame, and Malleus cannot contain the amusement spilling from his lips, tenderness coating his eyes as he watches your blush deepen into shades of red. “You may touch them as much as you like, [ name ].”
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astertataricvs · 4 years
Ace: isn't it weird how we pay money to see other people?
Deuce: you mean prostitution, concerts or the movies?
Ace: glasses.
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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twisted wonderland icons ♚ lilia vanrouge.
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astertataricvs · 4 years
I've been simping for lilia ever since. And i'm glad that i am 😩👌 silver makes me go uwu
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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Twisted Wonderland Icons
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astertataricvs · 4 years
Howl's Moving Castle Movie:
Howl sees grandma Sophie in the castle: *walks closer to her and looks at Calcifer* Calcifer, you're so obedient.
Howl's Moving Castle Book:
Howl: Who on earth are you?
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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This part where Kalim lets Yuu and Grim have the experience to ride his magic carpet made my mind drift to where Aladdin and Jasmine sang "A Whole New World" .
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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Twisted Wonderland icons
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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Twisted Wonderland icons
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astertataricvs · 4 years
Miya Atsumu; how endearing
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summary: Atsumu would frequently receive confessions from girls. But yours is the one that caught his attention.
word count: 2k+
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Above the busy city, the honking of cars, the people walking down the street, and in a certain place where Inarizaki High School is established. The eminent azure tinctured heavens cloaked the world. It was an ordinary day the disseminated powder-puff clouds drift indolently across the interminable sky as the fresh sunlight irradiates the crevasses of every place – dusting off the darkness with the sun's glorious celestial entity.
Suna Rintarou stood in the rooftop, both elbows propped on the banisters as the youthful breeze of spring brushes through his body with the chorus birds above singing happily along with its kinds. He relished the calming atmosphere, feeling as it has a touch of magic, as if anything may happen that would grant him a magical experience.
Suna's eyes settled on the landscape before him, the varying types of edifices and houses with several colors that festoon the once cryptic hollow space billions of years ago. It was a sight indeed, suited for a man like him who's quiet all the time. But his eyes never missed catching two figures beneath him: a girl with long ebony hair and a familiar blonde hair who he was certain that it's their team's setter, Miya Atsumu.
The middle blocker already has the knowledge of what was going to occur among the two. It's the same scenario that he'd frequently witness every lunch break, Atsumu receiving a confession again, and he'd reject the girl straight away without batting an eyelash.
He doesn't care about what will happen anyway. That is precisely why he never had mentioned it to the setter that he'd often be the spectator of him acquiring a girl's love. It's not notable to him, and he isn't the type of guy who likes to stick his nose into other people's businesses. He likes to avoid that. He will always be doing that.
Although he's sick of perpetually seeing a confession from his usual spot, his eyes have adhered to the two persons who are beneath him.
Miya Atsumu has once again been summoned by a girl that he doesn't even know that she's actually studying here.
In the to-do lists of the girls in school, one of many cliché things there was to confess to someone at the courtyard of the school. Anyone with courage enough to do that was worthy of praise, even from Atsumu himself. He admired them for it but did not think it was riveting. Just another day at Inarizaki. Another thing to cross off on a list. Atsumu couldn't even remember the name of the last girl who confessed to him.
"I like you, Atsumu-kun!" The girl declared while eyes were sealed as her cheeks tinged in roseate hues.
Atsumu executes a subtle sigh as he straightens his back, preparing the words itching in his throat that he'd regularly answer girls.
"Sorry but I'm not interested." The girl pressed her trembling lips to keep the tears at bay.
Atsumu watched her with disinterest and full of boredom written on his face. It's the identical expressions he'd perceived whenever he'd reject them. Melancholic and tearful. Composing themselves from crying in front of him because they refuse to witness them weep by him, which is the thing he's most thankful for. He's not the one to blame if they'd cry to their friends in the girl's restroom or anywhere they pleased.
They were the ones who chose to confess to him even though they already knew the answer they would gain from him. The only emotion that keeps them from venturing their plan is their unyielding tenacity; their friends stimulating speeches and the hope that he might like them back – and that latter is what Atsumu despises the most.
He doesn't want to waste his time frequently hearing a girl's confession, it's revolting for always hearing it – though, he appreciates their feelings they possess for him, but it's not thrilling anymore.
Atsumu had achieved his task, so he excused himself first and left the girl behind, granting her an alone time to weep.
It is something that he doesn't want to see, he knows the feeling of rejection, but not in a romantic aspect, yet he is aware of how disheartening it felt – like you were being shrouded with darkness and feel the clenching of your heart inside your chest. Though it appears that Atsumu looks like he had tons of relationships in the past, he won't be ashamed of proclaiming to the world that he has stayed single ever since the day of his birth. Heck, he would admit that he much prefers being disengaged with the clutches of relationships and stay inclined to volleyball instead.
That's more preferable and pleasant to hear.
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Atsumu tossed the ball to his twin and was satisfied as they earned a point with his set up. The coach decided to hold a practice match with every member of their club. Presently, they were having a match with Kita and Aran, who were on the other side of the net. It never ceases to amaze him every time he'd view their ace's spike and their captain's substantial receives. Despite being impressed with his teammates, Atsumu also gives his all in the game, and the thirst for victory enkindled in his system.
This is the thrill that he craves, not the same as the daffy confession of every damn girl he'd constantly receive every day.
"'Tsumu, are you done being a freak staring into space? Coach gave us a water break." The monotonous voice of his twin had snapped him out from his stupor.
"Shut the hell your mouth! I don't want to hear it from someone whose face is always stoic," he countered before stomping his foot and sauntering to where everyone was taking a rest and drinking their filled water bottle.
Osamu shrugged and followed his twin. Their captain had scolded them yet again with his more indomitable appearance and bland voice. Osamu told the blonde that Kita is more vacuous than him, and Atsumu wouldn't deny that because it's a fact. But still, the setter categorized them both in the same kind of species – the emotionless species.
He has no idea why he and his brother had distinct personalities, yet they are twins. Sometimes, he couldn't determine what Osamu was thinking about and his emotions except when they'd argue.
He is the actual opposite of his brother, lively and not impassive like him.
That is why he thinks that he's reliable and more preferable because he can show different emotions rather than Osamu, who is perpetually stoic as the same as the captain. Musing about it makes his ego skyrocketed.
Suna and Ginjima, who happened to witness Atsumu grinning like an idiot by himself, had caused them to step back and weirded out at him – well, he's already weird in the first place, though – but this kind of behavior only made him weirder.
'Is it the reason for getting confessed almost every day?' Suna mused while drinking his water.
A strum of a guitar resonates throughout the area, causing all the members to pause from their movements as their ears perked up upon hearing the sound of an instrument. It strummed in a familiar melodic pattern, but no one can figure what song it is. Suna knew that it's an acoustic guitar because of its vibrating strings and its sweet and softer tones.
Before they could even start a query, a woman's voice yet again halted them from their tracks and rendered them mute. Even Atsumu, who was in his stupor, had snapped back to reality once a sweet voice of a woman had rung within his ears.
I've never gone with the wind, just let it flow Let it take me where it wants to go
All of them are curious about the one who's singing, and they could distinguish that the noise is coming from outside their gym. Kita also grew curious, and his feet led him to the doors to discover the person behind that beautiful voice – even the captain admits that – Atsumu did not hesitate to follow Kita. His curiosity overwhelms him and wants to find out who is singing.
His mind is full of queries as to why someone would sing outside the gym. There are lots of rooms and areas in the campus for her to take a sweet moment by herself. However, Atsumu couldn't deny that he was pleased to hear the charming voice of this mysterious girl.
As once Kita and Atsumu took a peek outside, the setter's lips instantly dropped once his eyes landed on the girl he knew too well.
'Til you opened the door, there's so much more I've never seen it before I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings But you came along and you changed everything.
Atsumu's eyes are like glue, transfixed on you, who is singing and playing the guitar. He didn't tear his gaze away from you even if he could hear the footsteps approaching behind him.
He doesn't have any clue why you were doing it here, as if you're a busker who sings and plays in streets or any other public places. But most of all, he feels his breath hitch when you stared into his eyes while singing the lyrics while playing the guitar. Your eyes never left him, and he did the same thing.
Atsumu let himself be absorbed with gawking to you as you played.
You lift my feet off the ground You spin me around You make me crazier, crazier Feels like I'm falling and I'm lost in your eyes
While you're singing, you suddenly step forward and mosey toward where Atsumu stood. Now he could feel his body turned rigid and as if his breath had seized by a lurking spirit, making him breathless. 
As you finally stand before him, you sing the last lyrics of the chorus.
You make me crazier, crazier, crazier.
"I like you, Miya Atsumu-san," you confessed, voice laced with fondness, no hint of jest but utter sincerity. Looking at him like the king of the jungle that bears pride and gallantry and wouldn't waver whoever it confronts someone.
Atsumu swallowed the lump inside his throat, caught off guard, speechless and dumbfounded. Now he comprehends the situation as to why you were singing outside their gym.
It's because you were serenading him. But why English, though?
Atsumu hadn't foreseen that it would happen to him, someone serenading him as their type of confession.
That is beyond the usual. You remarkably caught him by surprise, and this is the first time he couldn't produce a coherent speech in his head – except when he's taking an exam.
"That's all!" you squawked and bowed to him before bolting away and left everyone in an astounding state.
Kita looked over at Atsumu with his usual expression, but inwardly he was surprised as well, knowing the fact that this is the first time he had heeded a woman serenading a man. That's off-the-wall. 
Everyone directed their gazes to their setter, who's still flabbergasted at the scene a while ago and stared at the path where the girl had run off.
The known Miya Atsumu, who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, had become speechless.
Atsumu blinked his eyes, returning him to his senses from his astonishment. As he assimilates the extraordinary event earlier into his brain, he suddenly evokes a chuckle. He was dazzled by your outlandish confession and had come to pique his interest – he's not gonna lie – the way you confessed to him was impressive.
The most shocking for him was, he never perceived you to be this daring enough to serenade him in front of his teammates. Moreover, it never forded his mind that you like him in a romantic aspect since you would approach him as a mere classmate only. You haven't provided him with a hint that you fancy him. Well, it makes sense for Atsumu why you don't look like it.
After all, you are his seatmate all this time.
'How endearing.'
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astertataricvs · 4 years
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