#and he said 'I wanna be the most famous twitch streamer' and she was like 'but what reasons are you giving people-
5uptic · 2 years
PEOPLE HATE AIPHA? HOW? I don’t have twitter. Aipha is literally so funny he literally is chill and friends with everyone. I used to watch when he played Among Us with the Hafu and 5up among us lobbies and now I watch when he plays valo with Punz. There’s literally like no reason to hate this man. He just builds with legos and makes jokes. That’s so fucked. Like I know Twitter stans hate everyone but that surprises me. What’s the reason?
whenever i see people whining about him is bc they think aipha is latching onto punz and co for fame reasons only. i mean i can see how people can make the connections, and aipha is honestly the only streamer that i regularly watch that freely talks about content/twitch and he's clearly mindful of all those aspects. but it's just an unfair reading that anyone can make when they're pissed off, which those kinds of mcyt stans seem to be like, all the time lol.
i've never seen any sort of "cancellation" around aipha in the way i've seen with other ccs mcyt fans tend to hate (hbomb, fundy, schlatt, big etc), so my takeaway has to be that they dislike aipha for arbitrary reasons (valid) and then try to justify that into anything that they can get their grubby hands on (rancid). but that's just the twitter way of life, when you think about it *shrug*
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he’ll never see this ~ noen eubanks
word count: 1994
request?: yes!
“Hi can you do one imagine of Noen Eubanks, like, the reader is a tik toker or influencer something like that and they have a crush on each other,and they Fans are Shipping them.
description: in which she admits her feelings for a fellow creator during a stream thinking he’ll never see it
pairing: noen eubanks x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of a new donation message coming in pulled you away from your game for a split second. The automated voice read the message out to you: “are there any influencers that you are totally crushing on right now?”
You chuckle to yourself as you turn back to your game. “You guys really wanna start something, huh? You realize this will be trending within an hour if I say anything.”
You glanced over at your chat to see they were begging you to tell them who your influencer crush was. You had mentioned a few times that there was a fellow influencer that you had a crush on, but you refused to admit who it was (for obvious reasons). Your viewers, however, were determined to find out who this mystery man you liked was.
“We promise we’ll keep it a secret,” you read, managing to catch one message before it disappeared into the void of never ending messages. “I don’t believe you guys at all.”
You laughed as you watched the chat blow up again. You finally paused your game and made your face cam bigger for the audience. “Okay, you know what? Fuck it, there’s no way he’ll ever see this and I’m not big enough of a content creator to have articles written about me. My influencer crush is Noen Eubanks. If you don’t know who he is, look him up on TikTok and you’ll totally understand why I have such a crush on him.”
Your chat went absolutely wild at this. You went back to playing your game, smiling to yourself as you did so. It felt nice to get that off of your chest, and you knew you were about to get a kick out of your fan’s reactions to this.
Like you said, you had no fear of Noen actually finding out what you said. You had a bit of a following, but it was nothing too big. Just enough that you could be classified as “Internet famous”, but not enough that admitting you had a crush on someone else who had a much bigger following than you would be a big deal.
Or so you thought.
After your stream, you decided to go right to bed. You were feeling tired and had to get up early to edit the video you were planning on uploading. You weren’t awake to witness the internet absolutely explode over your comment, but lucky for you it was still happening when you woke up the next morning.
When you checked your phone for the first time that day, you noticed that your notifications had blown up over night. You figured it was just your fans teasing you over your crush on Noen, which it partly was, but you noticed that it was also YouTube news Twitter accounts and internet tabloid accounts tagging you in their articles about your crush on Noen.
“Oh no,” you said, your eyes widening as you read through article after article, tweet after tweet.
Before you knew it, you had spent nearly two hours sat on the floor, reading through everything that mentioned both you and Noen. All the articles were the same: an brief introduction to you and your small Twitch/YouTube following, talking about you admitting to having a crush on Noen the night before, and asking whether the reading audience believed that you and Noen would make a good couple or not.
The reactions from fans were as entertaining as you figured - with many of your fans trying to come up with ship names for you and Noen and tagging him in clips from your stream - but then there were the less than entertaining reactions. Many people, whether they were Noen’s fans or just people who wanted to hate on you you weren’t sure, were saying you had mentioned Noen’s name just for clout, or that your “crush” was nothing more than an infatuation over his looks.
It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were finally pulled out of your trance and back to the real world. Your friend’s name lit up on your screen, and it took you a moment to collect yourself before you answered.
“(Y/N), have you been online yet today?” she asked.
You sighed and nodded, then remembered she couldn’t actually see you. “Yeah, I’ve been scrolling for the past two hours on Twitter.”
“You haven’t checked your Twitch page, or YouTube account yet?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “No? Should I?”
“You definitely should.”
You put her on speaker and switched to your Twitch app. You were shocked to see that you had skyrocketed in subs overnight, same with your YouTube page. You had gained a solid ten thousand subscribers on both platforms, and it was still rising by the second.
“So this situation has gained me more subscribers, who cares? That’s not why I talked about Noen on stream,” you said.
“Oh no, honey. It isn’t just the situation that has given you new subscribers. Go check Noen’s Twitter.”
You knew what she was implying, but you had to see it for your own eyes. You immediately opened the Twitter app again and typed in Noen’s name. You were brought to his Twitter page, where his most recent tweet was a link to the clip from your stream along with a caption that read, “When your internet crush calls you *their* internet crush”.
You covered your mouth in shock. You were sure you were about to start screaming, but you were so speechless that you couldn’t force any sounds from your mouth.
“I’m assuming by the silence that you’ve seen it,” your friend said after a prolonged moment of silence.
“D-Did he just c-call me his...?” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“He did,” your friend confirmed. “And both of your fans are going wild. They’ve already come up with a ship name for you, which isn’t the most clever name but I admire their spirit.”
You could barley hear what your friend was saying. You were still staring at the tweet in disbelief. Your mind could barley comprehend anything else besides the fact that your online crush thought the same as you. You were trying to tell yourself not to get too worked up, as it was most likely that nothing was going to come from this besides some gossip for a week or more, but your heart was still racing with excitement.
You gasped as a notification popped up on the top of your screen: “@/eubanks_noen is requesting to message you”.
“He’s trying to DM me,” you whisper, so silently that you could barley hear yourself.”
“He’s trying to DM me! On Twitter!”
“What are you doing talking to me?! Go answer his DM!”
You were too focused to laugh as you hung up the phone and went into your DMs. The familiar profile picture that you saw almost every day on your timeline was the first thing you saw in your message requests. Your whole body was shaking so much that you could barley see the screen as you pressed to open it.
“hi :)”
It was a very simple message, but it was enough to make your heart race even more.
You were debating on messaging back, wondering if maybe this was a fake account or something. But you knew there was only one way to find out for sure, so you took a deep breath and responded.
“hi! :)”
His response came near seconds later: “so...we’re the internet’s hottest power couple, huh?”
You chuckled to yourself. “i guess we are. sorry if i ruined your mentions last night. i didn’t think it would blow up the way it has. i’m not all that famous online.”
“are you kidding me? you’re like one of the best twitch streamers. i’ve watched every single one of your streams, including last night’s”
You felt your face heating up, but a slight groan of embarrassment came from your lips. You were thinking of all the embarrassing things you had said and done on stream, and now wished you could just melt into the floor or erase the entire internet.
“oh that’s embarrassing. i’d say i’m not that awkward and dumb in real life, but i’m actually more so”
“i wouldn’t say you’re awkward or dumb at all. i think you’re adorable”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed to no one in particular. If your face got any hotter, it would be on fire.
“you really know how to talk to a girl”
“i really don’t, but i’m glad you’re enjoying my attempts to flirt”
“so you’re flirting? never would’ve known”
“i know, it’s hard to tell. i’m trying to be subtle”
You continued to message Noen for a while. It felt so natural, as if you weren’t talking to someone you had been crushing on for about a year now. You were extremely glad you weren’t coming off as awkward as you normally felt.
Finally, after having been sat on the floor for a good three hours, your back began to ache and your stomach was growling so loudly in attempts to get your attention. You realized then that you had put getting breakfast on hold in order to fall deep into the hole of internet gossip that had surrounded you overnight.
“love talking to you and all, but i’m gonna have to go for a little bit. i’ve been sat on the floor basically since i woke up and i haven’t eaten yet today so my stomach is very upset with me”
“why are you on the floor? 😂”
“when i’m stressed i tend to sit down no matter where i am, and i was very stressed to see my name plastered all over social media this morning”
“why were you stressed over that?”
“it’s not something i’m exactly used to. like i said, i’m not overly famous online. i just have a small following. i’m not someone who has an article written about every little thing she says. also like i said, i didn’t expect you to see me admit that i have a crush on you last night, so i was so worried about what your reaction was going to be”
“i guess i can understand that. i haven’t had a lot written about me. i’m not a big tiktoker like some of my friends are, but i guess that’s a blessing”
You started to type another message, but paused when you saw the three dots from Noen indicating that he was typing something else.
“for what it’s worth, i’ve had a internet crush on you since you first started streaming”
Your jaw dropped at this. You had started streaming months before you even knew about Noen, which meant he had known about you before you knew about him. Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
“wow! that’s quite a while. you must be one of my first subscribers then”
“i’m up there i think. i’ll wear that badge with pride”
The three dots again. You waited anxiously to see what he was about to say.
“i liked getting to talk to you today, though. maybe we could talk offline sometime, like through text or phone call. maybe meet in person eventually”
Your smile was so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “yeah, i’d really like that”
You exchanged phone numbers and added his to your contacts. You finally pulled yourself off the floor and started making a super late breakfast while also starting to edit your next video since you had also gotten such a late start on that.
You were putting your food on a plate when your phone chimed, indicating a new text message.
“btw, it’s nice to finally get to meet you internet crush :)”
“it’s nice to get to meet you, too, internet crush”
You sat at the table, your heart feeling warm. And to think, it all came true thanks to one nosy donation.
Not sure how much I like this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed anyways!
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