#and he wouod just be...too big to fit places
entering--hyperspace · 11 months
Dragons, and the influence the Faerûn Pantheon has (or rather, does NOT have) over them. And how it relates to my tav
I've been thinking about how much the gods of dnd actually play a role within bg3, and kinda how having a True Dragon (albeit at first unknowingly) influences the story just a bit because of what he is.
To get started, Dragons have their Own Pantheon, assuming we are not ruling out pre-5e lore entirely. Bahamut and Tiamat are the most well known of course, they are also included in the Faerûn pantheon, so I won't be talking about them too much.
What I'm mostly concerned with are the two defying aspects (Life, Death, and fate) seeing as Withers is very obviously Jergal, and how The Dead Three (along with Vlaakith and Mystra) are all within bg3 in some way.
The Most Influential Dragon god is Asgorath/Io, the originator. He is briefly mentioned by Lae'zel within bg3 in a throwaway line. Known as the Ninefold Drgaon, Asgorath influences the fates of all dragons
There is also Chronepsis, Dragon god of Fate, Death and Judgement. A multi aspected god who may also be known as Null.
Now, to have a Dragon be put into the center of conflict of a story is rare indeed, which is why I like Págos so much. Dragons are often treated as mounts, villains, bosses, or otherwise just out of reach wells of knowledge one party may encounter only to move on with their lives.
It's special in the sense of bg3 because you are dealing with a Lot of Faerŭn gods, but in my canon bc Págos is a dragon none of these gods have Any actual influence over him? Dragons are outside of their jurisdiction unless specifically asked for their help by them. They have no hand to mold their clay, that is for their own gods. This is what makes Págos such an anomaly, because that is essentially what he is in bg3's story...An Anomaly.
Págos is from the ancient past frozen in time and wound up in the present. His fate is guarded by his own gods, leaving the faerûn pantheon to simply watch what is essentially a wild card wander into what could be a world-ending conflict. Withers mentions this, for being a god watching over fate and death, he had no insight into Págos which made dealing with him unsettling at the very least. In my head Elminster also mentions this to Gale as a forewarning about Págos from Mystra, Vlaakith knows this and becomes even angrier not just because of Lae'zel going against her, but because lae'zel is traveling with a companion that makes the entire situation much more dangerous for her, Same with Shar. It is why raphael tried so desperately to get págos into a contract with him. The stakes are higher with a glitch in the system, outside of their control and outside of their influence. Not to say they couldn't hurt him of course, they could they're gods, but its with the knowledge it isn't as simple as smiting someone when a greater power has placed them there, when doing so creates a plethora of problems than it would if págos was simply another mortal. I just think its all very funny. Its also my reasoning why they dont just directly influence him or the game outside of whatever reasoning is already provided.
And also, as a little side note about how ive been having so much fun with him as a character...its kinda like i said before. Dragons in dnd are incredibly powerful, knowledgeable, otherwordly PEOPLE. They are PEOPLE, they are highly intelligent (moreso than the mortal races) and can outlast civilizations...but they are never treated as such, a product of being a game npc. Dragons are regulated to side characterss, npcs, animals, threats, mounts, but never really delving deep into their own personhood. Never the heroes of a story...until now! Thats why I like Págos so much! Because I get to play with How a dragon actually interprets life and emotion differently. I get to delve deeper into lore like this, I get to play with a dragon interacting with others not as this outside influence but as a friend, as their ally. Especially with him being a chromatic dragon its doubly important since chromatics are often just considered evil and are more likely to be treated as animals despite the fact they are just as capable as their metallic counterparts. Anyway I just think its fun! Thanks for coming to my Tav ted talk.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Forgotten Birthdays
George Luz x Reader
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Gif not mine! Credit to original owner.
disclaimer: writings are only based off of the actor portrayals in the television series. this is not meant to disrespect the real hero’s of the war.
synopsis: George forgets a special day leading to the couples first fight
request: anon - Hello! I love your writing! Could you possibly do a fic about how George wouod act in a fight?
warnings: none
word count: 1.9k
taglist: @floydtab @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @peggycarter46 @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @love-studying58 @ya-yeeteth @rarmiitage @primusk @punkgeekchic @joesliebgott
Birthdays had always been a big deal for (Y/N). Being the youngest in her family, she relished in the once a year attention her whole family devoted to her. She enjoyed the constant praise, the well-wishes, and the feeling of being celebrated by her loved ones. She always spent the day with a radiant smile, never too shy to tell the older man who worked the ice cream shop down the street that it was her birthday in order to get a free sunday.
But that changed when she joined the Airborne.
She quickly learned to not draw unnecessary attention to herself and was sure to never mention her birthday around Sobel, fearful he would gift her extra PT as a “birthday present”. As time wore on and as she started to get closer to the men, she shared her feelings about how much birthdays meant to her.
She always made sure to write a birthday down when she heard it, even if she wasn’t close to the man, she understood how alone they felt and wanted to cheer them up and make them feel close to home. So, she always had her list handy and frequently checked it, got to know their interests, and scounged around for gifts when the time came. On the day, she would leave it in their fox hole or bunk, a small smile on her face as she watched their reactions.
Yet, there was never anything left for her on her birthday.
When her and George got together, she had expectations. George was a good man, he was always there for her and she was his priority, so she didn’t think anything was wrong with expecting a heartfelt happy birthday from him. It’s not like she was asking for a diamond necklace.
She had especially thought things would be different once they settled down in Haguenau. They had a warm bed, hot food, and had a roof over their heads.
So (Y/N) had found herself watching George organize and take inventory of the extra rations for the men on a particular cold day in February, her 21st birthday. A big milestone in her life, for now she could legally drink and not one word muttered about it from any of her friends. She had spent the last three years fighting for them, protecting them, and not one of them remembered.
She leaned against the counter, her chin holding her head up as she watched his eyes scan over the candy bars as he mumbled numbers under his breath. She was finally a full blown adult, images of her being able to walk into a warm bar back home filled her mind as she listened to the crinkling of the wrappers as George picked them up and set them back down on the counter. The folded letter she had received earlier that day from her sister pressed against her chest as he swiftly pushed them to the side and wrote a number down on a piece of paper, his eyes not meeting hers as he spoke.
“You haven’t said more than two words to me all day sweetheart” He pointed out as his hand reached up to scratch his hair covered chin, pulling her out of her thoughts. “Did I do something?”
She shook her head as she pushed herself away from the counter, his head snapping up and watching her movements. (Y/N) didn’t want to be difficult, but she couldn’t stop the ache in her chest as the day wore on with no mention of its significance from George.
“No” She responded softly, the sound of an explosion outside causing her to slightly jump. George’s eyebrows furrowed as he moved in front of the counter, holding his hand out for her to grab. “No” She repeated again, looking towards the door and then back at George, his concerned expression causing her heart to beat faster. “You didn’t do anything, I just-” She cut herself off with a curt shake of her head.
Why couldn’t she just open up to him? Her mind was screaming at her to be honest, be an adult, and be emotionally available to him, but the disappointment she felt clouded her judgement.
After a moment of silence, she continued. “I just got a letter from my sister, that’s all” She felt his warm hands rub up and down her arms, gently squeezing at her forearms, his deep, warm brown eyes still locked onto her face. “Makes me miss home, I hate only getting to see everyone through pictures.” Her eyes filled with angry tears as she bit her lip, a feeling she couldn’t describe washing over her.
“(Y/N), baby, what's going on?” George’s words were rushed as she crumbled before his eyes. He leaned down a little bit, catching her eyes with his as his hand gently cupped her chin. He knew a few letters from home wouldn’t have caused such an extreme reaction.
She shook her head, pulling her arm out of his grasp as she felt her emotional floodgates open.
Her bottom lip quivered as a hot tear rolled down her hollow cheek. “I don’t understand why you couldn’t remember one day.” She knew she was being ridiculous, throwing a fit over her birthday while the world was at war, while young boys were dying outside. But she couldn’t stop herself. “I-I don’t ask a lot from you George” She felt his warm hand on her arm again, his face frozen into a confused stare. “But I asked you to remember one fucking day.” Her finger prodded his chest as she finished with a sniffle, the usual dullness of her cheeks morphing into a deep red, not allowing her to mask the shame and embarrassment she felt for yelling at George.
A harsh silence settled between them, his eyes pleading with hers as his eyebrows stayed furrowed. “Doll” He spoke softly, hoping his tone and the pet name would calm her down a bit. “Help me out here. What did I forget?”
A light scoff escaped her lips, her eyes closing for a few seconds before reopening. “Nevermind”. Her words were barely above a whisper as she stepped back, creating a large gap between them. With a huff she turned and walked out of the small building, the grey sky and distant sounds of explosions reminding her of the horror that lay across the river.
(Y/N) and George had never fought. They had never had a disagreement or a misunderstanding, so George was thrown for a loop. His mind drifted back to her words and the look on her face as he tried to piece together what he had down wrong; what he had forgotten. He was distant and distracted all day, allowing his drifting mind to interfere with the tasks he was given throughout the day.
The rest of the day dragged along, (Y/N) silent as she pushed the “stew” Malarky had cooked up around her mug. Her dark eyes seemed to drill a hole in the old wooden table as the men joked around her. Her mind floated to the many birthdays she had spent at home, her body warm by the fireplace as music floated into the dining room. Her favorite meal was always on the table as her friends and family chatted amongst themselves. It was a stark difference to the stuffy air of the basement.
George walked in, his footsteps heavy on the creaky stairs as a small gag left his parted lips from the smell of that night's dinner. Malarky looked over at (Y/N) before back at George, silently asking the older man what had transpired between the couple. George sighed softly as he shrugged. “Not sure.”
(Y/N) didn’t spare George a glance as he pulled the chair out from next to her, placing his hot mug on the table as he sat down. Clearing his throat as he mixed the contents of the mug, his eyes downcast as a heavy cloud of tension fell over them.
“You gotta eat.” He started gently, not sure if this was the type of situation he should joke around in “Don’t know how this isn’t making your mouth water” he added with a light chuckle, scooting closer to her so their knees were touching.
Her lips pursed as she turned her head, a piece of her dirty hair falling onto her cheek. “It’s not my ideal birthday dinner” She watched him put together the pieces as her words hung in the thick, dank air of the basement. “But it doesn't make sense to complain” She stood up, the chair squeaking against the floor, grabbing the attention of some of the other men standing by them. She scraped what was left in her mug into George’s, his eyes wide as he watched her pale shaking hands.
“Sweetheart-” He stood as well, his calloused fingers pushing the mug away from him as he watched her retreat up the stairs, no longer hungry.
He waited a few minutes, allowing himself to collect his thoughts as he rubbed his hands over his forehead.
His feet dragged against the cobblestone road as he made his way back to the house he had been staying at, a weight lifting off his chest as he say (Y/N) tucked into bed, moonlight from a part of the caved in roof illuminating her hand as she wrote on an old yellow piece of paper. He sat next to her on the bed, one hand grabbing the paper and pen out of her own as the other ran over her cheek.
“Wake up sleepyhead” Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared up at him “Happy birthday” His chapped lips curved into a smile that reached his eyes “I simply cannot allow you to spend your birthday in bed.”
“What the fuck are you on about?” She asked as she sat up, bringing her knees to her chest as his hand trailed down her body and stopped on top of her knee.
“I want a redo” A chuckle escaped her lips as she started to move, wanting to get out of the small bed but his hands steadied her. “No (Y/N) I’m serious.” His change in tone stopped her as she fell silent, letting him say his peace. “I fucked up today, I know that.” He wet his lips with his tongue before he continued. “You deserve to be happy, to feel appreciated and loved. It’s my job to make you feel that way, I want you to feel like that everyday, but I know you don’t.” He took in a sharp breath as his thumb rubbed small circles on her knee. “And it’s one fucking day a year I should be able to remember, ‘cause I want to celebrate you, I want to make you feel how you make me feel.”
“George-“ She tried to interrupt but he stopped her.
“I’m not done.” His hands moved to her cheeks, forcing her to look into his eyes. “I love you and I’m sorry I’m such a dumbass.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his words as she relaxed into his grasp. “So please accept my apology and let me spend the rest of tonight and tomorrow celebrating you.” He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to her lips, letting their noses brush. “Can you do that?”
She nodded, closing her eyes as he kissed her again, this time, for longer. “What are your plans for the rest of the night?” She asked as she moved over to create space for him.
“Whatever you want” He answered as he slipped his legs under the thin blanket. “It is your birthday, but I was hoping we could start with a cuddle.” His lips pressed wet kisses to her jaw as her eyes closed.
“I have a feeling this might end up being a pretty good birthday after all”
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Naegiri Week: Day 1, ILL
A nice quiet Sunday, at least it would be if Kyoko Kirigiri wasn't hacking up her own lung, great. She had an inportant case to deal with, and she can't even get out of bed, she has a child too, she can't get sick, not right now!
"Kyoko? Are you okay?" Her best friend, and husband, Makoto Naegi asked, concerned.
Lying would be a very bad idea right now, she can't hide it from Makoto, he's too sharp for that.
"Not really." Kyoko said, on the onslaught of a coughing fit.
At the moment of hearing that coughing, makoto brought his palm to her her forhead, she was burning up, big time. Feeling that, he got out of bed, and headed to the kitchen. Kyoko could hear the sound of running water, then the sound of the stove turning on. Kyoko felt another coughing fit come up, and coukd not hold it back.
Within the span of a half hour, Makoto brought back a wet washcloth, and placed it on her forhead, it was cold, but it felt nice. there was also some medicine, and there's also a bowl of..chicken soup? Why chicken soup?
"In the west, they bring sick people chicken soup, I though you wouod like it too." Makoto answered.
Kyoko did her best to nod. Another thought came to her head, but before she could answer
"Don't worry about Kazuki, I'll make sure he doesn't come in here until you get better." Makoto promised. Kyoko nodded, but that just left one more thing.
"I have an important case to go over, i should get to work-" Kyoko started to say
Her mistake was looking in Makoto's eyes, full of disaprovment and worry of what she said, he's right it's better to stay in bed when you're sick, but the trail's gonna get cold.
"Can you ask for someone else to take over?" Makoto asked.
"In that case, why not you?" Kyoko asked.
Makoto sputtered, "wh-what!? I'm not a detective!" Makoto protested.
"No, but you are sharp, and you can easily get to the truth when you put your mind to it, and your empathy will help you connect to witnesses, allowing them to help you get to the truth that much faster."
Even when she's sick, Kyoko's smirk is still beautiful and cute.
"O..okay, just don't get out of bed too much, and take your medicine." Makoto said.
After getting out of his pajamas, and fully dressed, he took Kyoko's briefcase. Both of them had a feeling it wouod be a long day today.
(A/N: Kazuki is @capnii 's fankid, all credit belongs to them)
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