#and heading towards 'it's okay to be antisemitic towards jews if i don't like them'
mewtonian-physics · 2 years
saw someone say 'nazionist' today.
you know you can criticize the israeli government without bringing nazis into it, right?
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"hi, since when is it okay to promote violence towards citizens " ask israel and the majority of their citizens... not that you actually care because I'm sure you view Palestinians as subhuman, anyway, and are too cowardly to admit it.
hi, since you seem very adamant in your opinion and seem to have educated yourself a bit on the situation in the land of palestine, I would assume you know who "israel" is. The current government, right? Now tell me. If you ask a right wing extremist who, on multiple accounts has said things about humans that would have gotten almost any person in a court, what do you think his answer regarding Palestinian civilians would be? You know, the current Israeli government is currently ruled by a far right to moderate right wing coalition? You know, people who "we" like to call fascists? I think the answer is clear. As for the populace of Israel, you probably also know that since October 7th and the beginning of this "war" (its more of a beating up with warcrimes) that some of the biggest, ongoing protest have started in israel against the war? Even some of the moderate right have joined the call to end or halt the war. And surely you also know the effects on Propaganda on people. That the Israeli military is trying to be the Saint for israelians.
As for the second part, I don't know what made you come to that conclusion. Maybe you're projecting? Maybe you have spent a little too much time with antisemites that you didn't know were antisemitic? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is just not applicable outside of a 2 sided conflict. And almost not a single conflict worldwide is 2 sided.
I'm sure you'd be delighted to know that there are many people outside of your bubble you can talk to, I can recommend talking to Jewish/Israeli people specifically. (Personally I want to thank the people that corrected me on my pretty bad post some few months ago, I forgot your names but you made me realize what lies and antisemutic paroles are present in the oh so accepting pro-palestinian movements)
the worldwide proletariat is present in every nation, in every peoples. Just because there are right wing extremist at the head of one nation, does not mean that the people living in them are at fault. What's next, italians declared not worthy of respect because they elected people who work on manipulation (fascists)?
Try looking inward a bit. Try identifying what things you are saying are just antisemitic paroles that have the word "jew" replaced with "israeli". Free Palestine.
Here are some sources. I'm lazy so just accept the Wikipedia links
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jewlian · 3 years
Please know that I mean no disrespect with the question I'm about to ask, but
Why is it such a problem for Jews to wear christmas sweaters?
I'm not trying to justify drawing the Devoraks in them, and I am definitely not coming at you for saying anything. I am just genuinely, as someone uneducated on the topic of religion, trying to understand why it's such a sensitive thing.
I did read very briefly something that mentioned christmas being a catholic holiday, but that's about as much detail as that went into, so I'm still not really seeing anything too bad in this. I mean, many people celebrate christmas and the winter period for non religious reasons, and they still participate in different stereotypical activities such as wearing jumpers or eating fancy dinner together.
Also, I think more people would stop drawing the Devoraks in christmas sweaters if they understood too. In Aisha's case, there was a lot more explanation to the religious aspect of the hijab within the fandom, so I think there was a wider understanding which fuelled more outrage towards the devs. So perhaps, if you explained a little about what Hanukkah celebrates and why it is a problem for Jews to be wearing sweaters, I think you'd see less of it.
Another thing- people with adhd and/or autism often need some sort of explanation that makes sense for them to do something. Taking myself as an example, I see that you're saying it is anti-Semitic to draw Jews in christmas sweaters, but I don't understand why, so in my head it still seems moderately okay, because so long as they're not wearing them for religious reasons, it's not interfering with religion, right? I know I'm probably wrong, but that's just how my brain works and until I'm given a concrete, digestible reason, I can't actively change my mind because I need it to make sense.
I'm very sorry for asking you to explain things like this. Again, I would like to reiterate that I say all of this with no intention of belittling the Jewish faith or showing you any disrespect. I just want to get a better understanding. :)
okay so the first thing you need to understand here is that the reason people celebrate christmas for non-religious reasons is that our culture and society are overwhelmingly biased toward christianity. Holidays like Easter and Christmas are treated like default holidays and school/work vacations are given for Christmas specifically and never Jewish/etc. holidays because society at large (in certain countries) prioritizes Christianity in all facets. Nobody would see a character celebrating Hannukah and say "they might not be doing it for religious reasons."
Second, people have been trying to explain for years now why it's not okay to portray the Devoraks as celebrating christmas but people won't listen. Antisemitism in this fandom is a huge and ongoing issue wherein most of the fandom won't even acknowledge that they're jewish in the first place. By drawing Julian (lets get real these people never draw Portia) in christmas sweaters, the immediate impression that people will get is that he's christian or christian adjacent. Barring special circumstances someone who was raised as a practicing jew isn't going to celebrate christmas. Best case scenario it's just another day, worst case scenario it's an actively hostile presence in their life.
Lastly, with all due respect i think a jew saying you shouldn't do something to or with a jewish character should be a concrete enough reason for you to change your mind. You clearly aren't Jewish and I think I gave plenty of reasons in my original post as to why you shouldn't do it. It's erasure. It erases their Judaism because the immediate assumption when you see someone celebrating christmas is that they're a non-jew. You could come up with any number of technicalities-- I myself am a jew from an interfaith non-devout family and I celebrate christmas-- but given this fandom's history of antisemitism and Jewish erasure I don't trust them not to do so in bad faith.
To sum it up, this is a one way street. None of these people would ever portray non-jews celebrating Hannukah or Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah or Passover. They are spoiled for choice in regards to all the non jewish characters they could draw in christmas sweaters and they can leave the like two jewish ones in existence the fuck alone.
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