#and his bitchass wife is here too like can you two go take care of your children or something go awaaaaaaayyyyy
hellfireeddiemunson · 2 years
i just want to have a nice day off and first day of the new year. why have there been people here since 11am. GO AWAY
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songficsbyrissi · 6 years
Freaky Friday (T’Challa x Reader Feat. Erik Killmonger)
A/N: I think everyone knows what Freaky Friday is. It’s still technically a song fic because it’s inspired by “Freaky Friday” by Lil Dicky and Chris Brown, however if you’ve heard the song, you’d know why I couldn’t drop the actual lyrics as a summary like I usually do. T’Challa and Erik is doing the body switching, which is why I put “Feat. Erik Killmonger” but I wanted the readers feel included so Reader is T’Challa’s wife. Also, Reader is going to have the superhero Starfire’s powers and I know Starfire is DC but she’s one of my faves since I was a kid.
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T’Challa Udaku, the King of Wakanda, was stressed. Well, to say he’s stressed was a total understatement. Not only did he have his king duties, he had his black panther duties. While other countries had the monarchy members and military members separate, it was together here. He had to make decisions for his people and also physically protect them as well.
“My love, are you working yourself sick again?” You frowned when you poked your head inside his office to see him rubbing his temples in frustration.
On top of all that, T’Challa was a husband which was another duty added to  his list. A duty you, as his wife, felt like he neglected but you tried your  hardest not to annoy him about it. Unfortunately, when you got pregnant, you  became more needy so that plan was shot to hell.
Your husband just groaned in response and you walked in closing the door behind you.
“I wish you would come to bed.” Your hand caressed your 20 week pregnant belly. “Me and the baby miss you. Don’t make us sleep alone again.”
T’Challa glanced up at you tiredly. “I really want to, ikumkani wam. But-“
You interrupted him by setting yourself on his lap and planting kisses from behind his ear to his jawline. Your fingers found his buttons on his shirt.
“Or maybe we can turn your desk into a bed.” You purred seductively.
Recently, your pregnancy gave you raging hormones and the fact that your husband hasn’t been blowing your back out was irritating the hell out of you. You emitted a small starblast from your index finger to light the candles in his office.
He gently pushed you off. “Sorry, my love. Maybe another time?”
“You keep pushing me off! You would make time for that avenger bitch and not me!” You growled angrily then your mood shifted to sad. “Do you find me sexy anymore?”   “Of course I do! I am just really busy, my love. I will tend to you tomorrow  after my meetings. I promise. I am all yours.” T’Challa pecked your cheek.  “And you know the doctor said you shouldn’t be using your powers during this pregnancy.”   “You can’t scold me until you give me dick, T’Challa!” You shouted leaving  the room in a huff and came face to face with your cousin in law, Erik. He raised an eyebrow. 
“You good?”   “I’ll be good when your cousin gives me attention.” You pouted storming away. Even though you were extremely horny, you still just wanted your husband to yourself for now but you couldn’t which sucked.   Erik shook his head watching you storm away and mumbled under his breath. “I don’t understand how this nigga has everything yet takes it for granted.”  Erik stepped inside the office and dropped the papers he’s been working on for months now.
“Yo T. I need you to sign these papers.”
T’Challa hummed beginning to look them over. “What are they?”
Erik took a seat and got comfortable. “Well it’s papers to begin construction of an outreach center that uses Wakandan technology to help young black kids in need. We starting in Oakland.”
“Erik, you know we can not afford to do that.” T’Challa brushed him off and  Erik grew furious.   “Nigga, you promised me when I was on the brink of death that if I let you  heal me, you would listen to my plans and make things happen. That you would  do better than your bitchass daddy did! Was that all bullshit?!”   T’Challa stood up, suddenly staring his cousin down angrily. “You have no  right to speak about my father like that! Yes my father was wrong but do not disrespect him! And I am doing better than him!” Erik sucked his teeth, chuckling sarcastically.   “Oh for real? From what I can remember, your daddy turned his back on underprivileged kids, especially when one of them happened to be his own blood!” Erik spat venomously and looked his cousin up and down in disgust. “Now here you go doing the same shit. You call that better?”   “You do not understand!” The exasperated king slammed his fists on the desk. “My responsibility lies with the people of Wakanda first and there is a lot to be done before I can attend to intentional affairs! This is not a easy job. You are not King, N’Jadaka!”   Erik snatched the papers of his desk. “I wish I was. I would be doing a better job than your ass. Shit, you even failing at being a husband. How the fuck you keep letting your pregnant wife sleep alone? I’m surprised she hasn’t used her alien powers to blast your ass.”   “It is easy for you to say that because you are not in my position. You have  no idea and I wish I had your life. No responsibilities and the freedom to  have my only concern be myself. Lastly, I may let my wife sleep alone but at  least I did not kill her to get ahead in my schemes.” T’Challa snapped  viciously, sitting back in his chair. Yep he went there. He really brought  Linda up and how dirty Erik did her in his dark times.   “You know what? To hell with you, T. To hell with you and this damn country.  I’m going back to America tomorrow.” Erik slammed the door hard behind him  and T’Challa went back to his work furiously.   ‘Bast, I wish I could be living like Erik so I did not have any stress and  all the freedom I desire. That would be nice.” T’Challa thought to himself.   ‘Bast, I wish I was King so I can have and do every damn thing I want.’ Erik thought to himself at the same time.   What the two cousins didn’t realize is that Bast was listening and listening closely.  
Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.....
T’Challa’s eyes opened up to a ceiling he wasn’t too familiar with. He turned  his side and fell out of bed at the sight. It was a naked woman that was not  you. What the fuck did he do? You were going to kill him. Before he could  shake the woman awake, he stared at his hand and realized this wasn’t his  hand. Matter of fact, this wasn’t his bed. Hell, it wasn’t his bedroom! It  looked like Erik’s bedroom. He fell asleep in Erik’s room?
He trudged towards the bathroom Erik had to himself to rinse his face. When he glanced his reflection, his heart began to race. It wasn’t his face. It  was his cousin’s face.   “No no no! I must be still dreaming!” He splashed his face with freezing cold water once again and wiped it with a face towel. He glanced at the mirror  again and still saw Erik’s face.   “HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!??!”
The naked woman from the bed appeared in the bathroom with concern on her face. “Erik, baby, is everything ok?” She reached to touch him but he jumped  in shock.
“Step back, woman! I’m a married man!” T’Challa shrieked covering his eyes to prevent seeing the naked woman any longer.   “Oh and we gotta hurry up before your wife comes home.” The woman smirked coming closer and cupped his shaft. “I love role playing with you, daddy.”   He managed to escape the woman even when she turned psycho. Is this how being  single is? Sleeping with women that end up being psycho? He was glad he was  married. Next thing he knew, the castle servants were pressing him for his  flight to America. He had forgotten Erik was flying back to America.   “Wait! I just recalled- “ T’Challa cleared his throat as he moved hesitantly towards the aircraft. “Um, I mean, I remember that T needs me here! Yes that negro T!”
He couldn’t tell them that he was really T’Challa. They would think he’s crazy.
“Sorry, Prince N’Jadaka, but the people are waiting for you and it is too  late to cancel.”   Shit. He’s going to America as Erik. Great. Well at least he wouldn’t be bothered. He could do whatever he wanted.   Now back at the castle, Erik was shocked to wake up in the King’s office, in the King’s chair. He glanced at his hands and began to panic. He hurried to  the mirror on the wall.   “WHAT THE FUCK?!”   A knock was heard at the door. “My king? Are you alright?” Okoye stepped inside with concern on her face. “I heard you scream.”   Yeah. Everything’s alright except he was not the king. He was the King’s cousin that woke up in the King’s body. He could tell Okoye that. She’ll believe him, right? Hell no. This shit sounded insane.   “Yeah I’m aight.” He sighed then when Okoye tilted her head in confusion, he cleared his throat. “I mean, yes, I am....fine, General.”    Okoye smiled in relief and began to exit when she looked back over to him.  “You have a meeting, my king. Did you forget?”   Shit. Shit. Shit. He was hoping to find T’Challa or himself or whatever the  fuck and fix whatever bullshit caused this. Looks like he would have to be  T’Challa a little longer than he planned. He didn’t mind though. He finally  got his wish to become king.   Erik was wrong. Being king wasn’t as easy and lit as he hoped it would be. It turned out his cousin was trying but his workload was ridiculous and to top it off, the council was getting on his last nerves and he had to resist the urge to curse them out. His cousin’s workload was ridiculous and he couldn’t handle all this. Why the fuck did he think he could? He also endured all the comparisons to his father that T’Challa had to deal with everyday. Shit was too annoying. Erik slowly began to realize he didn’t want to be king.   He remembered that he was supposed to be going back to America to check on the status he’s trying to create without Wakanda’s help but he was pretty  sure T’Challa is trying to come back ASAP so all he had to do was wait and  take it easy.   He retired to the King’s bedroom which had him hating because it was much better than his but still. After this bullshit day, he was ready to be  himself again. He closed the door behind him to find you treading towards him  slowly, dressed in some sexy red lingerie that complimented your skin so  nice.   Damn. Even pregnant, You were still looking sexy as fuck. Ok maybe he could get through this.   “Um Y/N, you gotta-“ You cut him off by placing his hands on your breasts. Erik internally cursed himself out. He was being turned on by his cousin’s wife and he would feel like a piece of shit if he had sex with you, even if he was in T’Challa’s body. Erik cursed again. Feeling bad was not his thing. Great. Not only was he in T’Challa’s body, but he got the man’s feelings and emotions too.    “Come on, kumkani.” You purred nibbling on his ear. “I wanna cum all over  your dick and lick it off, my king.”   “Oh word?” His eyes widened feeling his member down low rise but he snapped out of it. Pushing you off. He gotta tell you the truth. Maybe your alien ass could help. “Y/N, it’s me, Erik. T’Motherfucker and I switched bodies.”   You threw your head back and let out a booming laugh. “T’Challa, that’s a good Erik impression but not the time to do this. You’re killing the mood. Let me ride that face and use your ears as handlebars.” You went in to kiss him again and he refused again.   “Girl, I’m being deadass! I woke up in his body and he’s in mine!”   You groaned hopping off his lap and threw your satin robe back over your shoulders. You grabbed the remote turning off the music from your sound system.   “Seriously, T’Challa. If you didn’t want to have sex with me, you can just say it. You don’t have to pull this charade. I can’t believe I wasted time doing all this for you. You clearly aren’t attracted to me anymore.” Your eyes narrowed in anger and glowed a bright green. “I fucking knew it! You fucking that white bitch from the Avengers!”   ‘How the fuck are you sexy when you’re mad too?’ Erik thought in fear. ‘T’Challa is a lucky and poor nigga at the same time.’   “You get me pregnant and now you have the nerve to cheat on me, you son of a bitch?!” Your hand formed an ultraviolet blast and he stood up quickly putting  his hands up.   Is this how it’s like to be married? You get into some bullshit arguments and  you can’t even entertain someone else? Monogamy wasn’t for Erik right now.  His cousin can take this shit back.   “Y/N, calm down, girl! Damn! I can prove it!”   Your eyes returned to normal and you diffused your blast you were ready to throw at your husband’s bitchass head.   “Alright. You got 30 seconds to prove it before this baby grows up without a father.”   He sighed out of relief and thought of something. “We call him “T’LeftFeet” behind his back because that nigga ain’t got no rhythm. Can’t dance for shit. You once said he looked like a constipated Bambi.”   Your eyes grew in shock and you closed your robe.   “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Ohhhhh fuck!” You screeched jumping up and down. “Erik???! Oh shit I almost had sex with you! Oh my goodness, you’ve seen so much of me! Bast!”   “Yeah you a freak and that lingerie sexy as fuck. That nigga lucky as hell.  You scary and sexy when you’re mad. I fuck with it.”   You rolled your eyes as you tied your robe. “How did this happen? Where’s T’Challa, Erik?”    “Somewhere in Oakland. I’m not sure. All I know is that he’s in my body, I’m in his, and I really gotta piss but I’m not trying to look at this nigga’s dick.” He replied leaning back on his elbow in a way Erik would.   “Ok we have to fix this now.” You went over to blow out the candles and turn on the lights.   “Wait!” You turned to him and he gestured towards his erection. “Girl, you caused this. You can at least take care of it.”   You scrunched up your face in disgust. “No! Have you lost your mind?!”   “I mean technically you wouldn’t be cheating! It’s his body. I’d just be feeling it and remembering it.” He argued. “Show me why my cousin keep busting nuts in you.”   “You’re disgusting.” You grabbed your change of clothes from the wardrobe and made your way towards the bathroom.   “Girl, you are the last one to be talking! Talking about cumming and licking it off. I see why he got you pregnant. Freaky ass.”   Back in Oakland, T’Challa was overseeing the plans his cousin had for the outreach center he was attempting to do by himself. To say it was a failure was an understatement. Barely any kids and/or homeless people came around because it had little to nothing.   “Erik! You’re back!” A little boy ran up hugging his legs. He stepped back and held his hand out as if he wanted a handshake. He shook the little boy’s hand and he looked confused.   “What was that? Aren’t you a G?”   “Yes. A real G is to be a gentleman. I’m teaching you how to shake like one.” T’Challa stated proudly then cleared his throat, taking the boy into a headlock and gave him a noogie. “Little negro.”   Being in Oakland made him realize that Erik was trying to do a lot and he was no help. The little boy who was excited to see him lost both his parents and belonged to a foster home who barely paid him any mind. Similar to his  cousin’s story.   He also missed you. Dealing with the crazy broads that all wanted his cousin was not the life for him and having that one special woman to come to was everything. He neglected you and he’s seeing that now. He also looked at his cousin’s journal were all entries were apologies addressed to everyone he wronged, even T’Challa himself. He read all them and even saw one addressed to Linda. T’Challa realized his cousin did have a heart and was not so selfish as he thought. 
 “T’Challa?” You raised an eyebrow skeptically as “Erik” walked into the office with Shuri. You glanced back at “T’Challa”. “Erik, right?”   “Yes, Y/N. I am in Erik’s body and he is in mine.” He kissed your forehead and caressed your belly. “I missed you. Are you and the baby all right?”   You removed himself from his embrace and he looked a little hurt. “Sorry it’s weird having....”Erik” touching me like that. When we fix this, then I got  you, babe.” You sent a wink at him and he smirked in understanding.   “Look, we gotta fix this because I sucked it up and took a piss.” Erik breathed deeply. “Looking at a dick that’s not mine was not ok!”   T’Challa nodded in agreement. “Yes. Seeing your penis was really uncomfortable.” His eyes knitted together. “Wait, you touched my penis?”   “Nigga, you touched my dick too! Please tell me you did the shake!”   Shuri cleared her throat. “Anyway, I ran tests and tried to reverse it but...”   “But what, Shuri?”   Shuri sighed shaking her head in defeat. “I can’t. I tried everything. This isn’t a scientific issue.” She looked up at you three. “It is spiritual, the work of the Gods.”   “Meaning we need Zuri.” You sighed at the two men and left the office.   Zuri was more than happy to help, even though he still had a little bit of  grudge towards Erik for almost killing him, causing him to reply, “Nigga, I’m  redeemed!” In T’Challa’s voice which was more than weird. Zuri had the two men recall the events before they went to sleep that night where it was revealed they both called on Bast and Bast granted their wishes.   “In order to fix this situation, you two must do what you did that night but reverse it. Call on Bast. Face each other and say your wish at the same time.”   The two cousins faced each other at the same time.   “Bast, I wish to return to my body and life.” They said in unison and nothing happened. They figured that maybe they should sleep real quick and then they’ll wake up in their own bodies. That didn’t work either. Bast was not granting their wishes and they had no idea why. You all groaned in defeat realizing that they were stuck. You and Shuri retired to your bedrooms while the two cousins met in the King’s office.   “I guess I’m stuck being the king.”   T’Challa chuckled in response. “Wasn’t that what you wished for?”   “Shit, I did but nigga, I didn’t realize how much bullshit you had on your plate. The council irritate my balls, your wife is hot but crazy, and every single person needs the king for every damn thing. Your shit is hard. It’s my fault for not seeing that.” He sat up and looked at his cousin sincerely. “And my fault for not seeing that you were trying to help Oakland.”   “I was not helping enough. I will be honest. I did not prioritize Oakland as much as I should’ve. I really understand why it was so important to you. I see that your life is not as easy as I thought. I apologize.” T’Challa stated. “And my wife is crazy but she is the love of my life. I rather deal with one crazy woman for the rest of my life than deal with multiple like you do. Seriously cousin! How do you do it?!” Erik chuckled as his cousin continued.   “Y/N is halfway through her pregnancy and I have no idea if I will be present for my first child’s birth. I don’t know when Bast will switch us back.”   Erik choked on air. “Shit. Hopefully soon! I ain’t ready to be a father!”   They both laughed at themselves and sighed deeply.   “Bast, I wish I could go back to my life. I love my life, just the way it is.”   “Bast, I wish I could back to my life. I love my life. It was lit.” 
As soon as the cousins spoke those words, there was a shift in the atmosphere and the two examined themselves, realizing they were back to their bodies. They cheered in joy when you and Shuri bust in, curious. You heard the commotion when you two met up in the hallway. 
“What’s going on?” You questioned and T’Challa ran up on you, pecking your face with multiple kisses and your belly. “Erik, what the fuck?”   “No, my love! It’s me! We are back to our bodies! Now I get to tend to my beautiful wife all night long.” Your husband smirked grabbing your hand and leading you out of the office as you grinned widely, knowing you were about to get some.   Shuri glanced at Erik who was looking down inside his pants with a smile on his face. “What are you doing? And why are you smiling so hard? It’s weird.”   “Because princess, I got my dick back. I’m looking at my dick not his!” Erik pushed past his cousin’s way. “Now if you will excuse me, I got a couple of ladies that need to looking at it as well.....if you know what I mean.” He popped his collar on his way out and Shuri pinched the bridge of her nose in disgust and sighed.   “Yep. That is Erik, all right.”     Tags:  @iamrheaspeaks @chaneajoyyy @dramaqueenamby @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @brattywriters-anonymous@cancerianprincess @blowmymbackout @ljstraightnochaser @blackpinup22 @airis-paris14 @vibranium-chakra@sociallyawkward18@chefjessypooh @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @slimmiyagi @imasmille @ashanti-notthesinger @thehomierobbstark @give-me-a-million-dollars-pls @quietstorm-73 @90sinspiredgirl @lewatigress 
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Planning Mischief
@rebaobsessions and @thechaoticwave continue to be awesome at formatting. <3
This one is immediately after we clear out the Redbrands’ dungeon/mansion! We looted a lot on the way, picking up a bunch of nails and 3 hammers on Bob’s advice.
What do we do with them?
...Inconvenience people.
D&D Campaign RPs
(Read more.)
Being near midnight, there was a general consensus among the group to stay here and sleep for the night – in what beds that weren't charred by the fireball. Carl, being in the loopy stages of tired, wandered up to Tony.
Carl: Tony. Hey Tony, got a moment?
Tony gives him a sidelong look, not having heard much from Carl today aside from when he'd spoken through Luna.
Tony: Yeah? Not like we're facing anything down at the moment.
Carl: I- (and giggles madly) Okay, so you know the small armoury that we cleared out right?
Tony (dryly): Which one?
Carl: Before the hammers and nails.
Tony: Yeeeessss... (He looks down at his bag of holding.) What about it?
Carl: You mentioned earlier that if you turned it inside out, everything inside it would come out?
Tony: Yep.
Carl: And since there's a whole lot of weapons inside it right now...
Tony: We'll be up to our knees in weapons, yeah.
Carl: If I flew up and turned it inside out over someone, like that nothic, it would be pretty inconveniencing for them.
Tony nods, slowly.
Carl: Ioun, you know what would be hilarious?
Tony: I suspect you're about to tell me.
He looks a little like he has an idea of where Carl is going.
Carl: If we use those nails we found as caltrops!
Tony makes a face. 
Tony: Ouch. But we'd have to place them all pointy side up. It's not a guarantee someone will poke themselves on the sharp end of the nail...
Carl: The time would be worth it though.
Tony: Oh yeah. But where would we get that time?
Carl: You mentioned that townmaster being a jerk, right? Something about a bitchass liar?
Tony: Oh yeah! But that was Zira. He's a liar and a racist. I had something else planned for him that wasn't necessarily so...physical.
Carl makes a face disgust.
Carl: Ew. I've had my fair share of racists as well. Well, if you don't want the caltrop thing, we could nail all his doors together.
Tony: Heck yes.  I'll need some nails for something else, but we can absolutely do that. The caltrop idea is a little too vicious for his brand of assholery.
Carl: We have sixty of them, there's enough to go around.
Tony: Considering there's one door in and another door for his office… But do we want to lock him inside his office or just inside that fancy house of his?
Carl: There are two doors? I guess it's your choice, you've been inside it
Tony: Well, there are technically three but I have no idea what's in the third. I'd suggest going to take a look but it's a bit of a walk. And you're in no shape to be doing anything and I'm relatively sure there are three people here who'd have my head if I go anywhere.
Carl: Tomorrow, bright and early?
Tony: Both of us sneak out to take a look at the third mysterious door? (He grins.) Why, Carl, I never knew you had it in you.
Carl: Causing mischief AND teaching a racist? I could ask for fewer things to make me happy.
Tony: ...Okay, actually I'm not that surprised anymore. We can do it, but I'll need to get a few different things prepared for this. The nails aren't even all of it.
Carl: Ooooh. Do you need help?
Tony: ...You know what, sure. I'll have to write it but you can help out with what I'm going to say. I'm going for insults. Basically hitting him exactly where it hurts.
Carl: Awesome. Does, "you're a spineless coward that's never held a real conversation with anyone worth talking to" work?
Tony: ...That's...a little bit too on-the-nose for what I'm going for here. See.
Tony holds up a piece of parchment with a handwriting that is very distinctly not his own.
Tony: Recognize this?
Carl, squinting: Is that his handwriting? I've never seen it up close, but…
It reads: There's something awfully fishy about that halfling in the forge.
Tony: It absolutely is. I'm gonna be nailing little bits and pieces of these all over town in this exact handwriting and signed. It's like a diary.
Carl: Oh. OH.
There's another piece of parchment that says: No one can be as pious as that elf constantly attending to the shrine. Why does no one else see this?
Tony: He dislikes orcs so much, even if they haven't done a single thing to him. (His voice is quiet with a very sharp undertone to it that isn't usually heard.) He should get a little taste of what it's like to have those suspicions cast on others that can defend themselves without being called monsters.
Carl: ...I would very much like to talk to him, just once.
Tony gives him a darkly amused look.
Tony: I'd really like to see that.
Carl looks over Tony's–that is, the townmaster's–handwriting and practices for a bit on a scrap piece of paper. Then he scribbles something on a piece of paper, then shows it to Tony. It reads: How many people has that half-elf with a bow killed? When is he coming for us?
Carl: I don't really want to target Clint like this, but he should be more than capable of defending himself.
Tony: Oh yeah. And if he doesn't it'll be his partner for sure.
Tony copies the handwriting; it's much closer to the original than Carl's. He goes back to the first piece of parchment and adds something else to it: What is the halfling doing here so far from his home? What could he be plotting?
Tony: You spent more time here than we did, contemplating those four shoulders of yours. Anyone else our lovely townmaster might have singled out?
Tony is writing out another few lines on a fine sheet of parchment. This one reads Those Redbrands could do something useful instead of terrorizing perfectly good humans.
Tony: Hm... Bit too awful, maybe? ...Maybe I can put this where not a lot of people would see… The inn had some folks...
The next paper reads No one knows what's hidden in that inn.
Carl: Yeah. I don't know if that'll be the best idea since both the innkeeper and his wife are halflings, but people do go there.
Tony: They go there and they obviously like them. They'll be well-defended. Besides, the reason I'm writing these is because I know this guy doesn't think about these folks like that. But he could and that's the entire point. None of these folks are humans, but they're treated well because they don't look like orcs. And yet orcs really aren't any different from you and me. Which is why I'm heading out to the orcs this guy wanted us to take care of and making sure they're actually in a safe place that won't send people after their heads.
Carl: Hells yes. The more I hear about that (and he makes a chirp-sound) the more I really, really want to talk to him.
Tony: Well...if you want...maybe you can distract him if he finds us sneaking through his mansion. Or house, actually. No one has a mansion in this place. Excusing what we're in right now.
Carl: That sounds like a great plan.
Tony: Awesome; so we'll do it tomorrow and sneak out because no one will do anything tonight and I'm absolutely wiped after what happened today. (He does look tired; he's since mended his armor with the help of his mending cantrip so there isn't any visible sign of what happened earlier.) In the meantime, just give me some ideas of other things I can nail up around town. I want this guy seriously considering everything he's done and his own mother.
Carl, a bit doubtful: You've had a long day, are you sure you'd rather not rest?
Tony: Oh, I will. But I've seen your handwriting and while it's a decent shake I know I've got it copied down exactly. I don't want anyone suspecting that we had anything to do with it. I want this guy protesting his own innocence and no one believing him because his actual diary is littered around town.
Carl: Gotcha.
Carl picks up another piece of paper, scrawling something derogatory about a shopkeep, then shows it to Tony)
Tony looks over Carl's work, copying down the words on his own sheet of paper, editing it only slightly. He punctuates it with a slight ink splotch like the writer was upset or agitated.
Carl: I can slightly wrinkle it so that the paper doesn't look too fresh, but you should go to sleep. A lot of things has gone down tonight, and you ARE starting to look kinda tired…
Tony: Sure thing, buddy. (He gives Carl a small smile. He doesn't stop scribbling, though.)
Somehow the scribbles still look like the townmaster's writing. Tony's personal handwriting is nowhere near as impeccable and sometimes resembles chicken scratch if he's half-asleep.
Carl: Tony. Seriously, it's getting really late. I will wake Rhodey up to help me with this if I have to.
Tony: You will not! (He looks suddenly magnitudes more awake than before.) He can't copy anything even if it's right in front of his nose!
Carl: ... I mean to help me getting you to sleep, Tony.
Tony: Oh.
He deflates, looking down at the pile of parchment he's already written out.
Tony: ...Fine.
Carl: You've already written a lot, people will definitely see this. Go sleep
Tony points a finger at Carl's beak. 
Tony: You write a single thing and you leave it aside for me to copy tomorrow, capiche?
Carl: I won't write anything, just gonna crumple it up a little.
Tony: Great. You do you. I'm-- 
He gestures vaguely to the bed that he appropriated when they bunkered down for the night.
He does clear up all the notes and hand them off to Carl.
Carl: Sleep well, Tony.
Tony lands face-down on the bed without taking off his armor.
Carl: ....
Carl shrugs, and then pulls out his journal out of his pack. He slides the pages that Tony had written in them, and then he bends and twists the journal so as to wrinkle up the pages. He may or may not have sat on it at one point, but nobody knows, having all been asleep. After roughening up the pages a bit, he also goes to bed after checking that the pages are well hidden inside the journal which he slips back into his pack.
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