#and i snuck out of my room to go smoke w my brother upstairs and when i came back down a friend of my moms was here who i also dont fuckin
hellfireeddiemunson · 2 years
i just want to have a nice day off and first day of the new year. why have there been people here since 11am. GO AWAY
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2plottwist · 1 month
Fate - Prologue
Pairing: Dean x Female!OC (Skyla)
Characters: Skyla and Luke Winters
Warnings: blood, injury
Author: Kenna:)
Word Count: 1.7k
Series Masterlist
Breathing felt like shards of glass lining my throat. The one survival tactic that I was left with, the one my body knew without even thinking about it, hurt like hell. My ankle prickles with numbness, like pins and needles firing into my feet. Tears streaming past my eyes blurred the dimly lit highway in front of me. 
Fear raced through my body, pushing my right foot harder on the accelerator. A small piece of paper, crushed between my fingers, my only guidance as I drive away from the only home I’ve ever known. 
The house vibrated. Crashing and the sound of breaking furniture was palpable from my upstairs room. Peeking my head out of the door, my eyes followed a dancing light, firelight. The smell of smoke wafted up the stairs and down the hallway. 
My eyes scrunch with the smell and confusion racing through my thoughts. I see my brother’s face move up the stairs, fear racking his body. Tears well in his eyes, but the majority of his face red with anger. 
“Luke, w-what’s going on?” I ask, finally noticing the giant red stain on his shirt, “Oh my god,” 
“Quiet,” he hisses, wrapping his hand around my mouth to shut off my gasps. 
He pulls me back into my room and shoves me out of the way. He slams and locks the door.
“Luke, stop,” I pant, “You’re bleeding,” 
He ignores me and quickly starts rifling under my bed for something.
“Where is she?!” A loud voice rages downstairs. 
Fear rips through my lungs, Who? Where is who?
“Luke?!” I whisper with terror coating my words, not taking my eyes off the closed door of my bedroom. 
“Shut up, Skyla,” he hisses again, finally grabbing what he needed from under the bed.
A brown leather duffle bag, packed to the brim. He pulls the front zipper open and takes a piece of paper out and opens it. With a nod of his head, he grabs my hand and runs towards my second story window. 
Before he can open it, I hear a pounding coming up the hardwood stairs. Another string of fear rips through my stomach. Luke finally yanks the window open and hands me the bag. 
“Sky, listen to me,” he says sharply. My eyes well with tears matching his. “I need you to jump.” 
“Please, just trust me,” he begs and grabs my arm and pushes me toward the window again. 
I look out the window and down two stories of my childhood home. I’ve never even snuck out, I can’t jump down this far. My courage was drained the moment I saw my brother’s blood soaked shirt. 
“I-I,” I try to back away, but his arms hold me still, willing me to jump out the window. 
A banging sounds on my bedroom door so hard that the entire wall shakes, “Open up!” a female voice screams. 
My eyes widen and I can feel Luke shaking against my arm. I watch him pull out a huge knife, the carvings look ancient and terrifying. I pull away from his hold. 
“Luke,” I say softly as the banging at my door continues. 
“Skyla,” his face is wet with tears. Real terror coating his cheeks and face. I feel his hands take mine and shove the piece of paper between my fingers, “Go to this address. Look for Bobby Singer. Tell him who you are. He will know what to do,”
“W-Wh-,” my bedroom door shatters into pieces. Standing before it, a group of middle aged people with black eyes, and in the middle stands a rugged looking man with yellow ones. His smile feels like a knife to the throat. Terrifying. 
His laugh rings through the room causing Luke to step forward and block me. “Azazel,” 
My body shakes as Luke backs towards the window, bringing my legs to the open night air. 
“Hand her over,” Azazel’s yellow eyes flash. 
That’s the last thing I see before I’m barrelling down to the ground. I land on my ankle the wrong way, causing my body to flay itself across the grass. Finally, my fight or flight kicks in, leaving my legs running toward the garage. 
Pain and terror continue to rack through my body as I race down Highway 381. I’ve never even left the state of Kentucky. Where am I supposed to go? 
I remember the blood soaked paper crumpled in my fingers. I roll it open while trying to keep my eyes on the road. 
Singer Salvage Yard
2194 Kripke Lane, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
My father’s handwriting is instantly recognizable. A tear drops from my cheek and soaks the ripped, crumpled, red stained shred of paper. If there was one thing I was going to do, it would be following my father’s instructions, so I did. 
As the rain taps the windshield of my brother’s beat up old pickup, I can’t help but think about what the hell happened in that house. 
Where are my parents? Why was there fire? Did my brother survive? 
The blood on Luke’s shirt. The smell of smoke and fire. The terror and tears soaking my older brother’s face. These are the thoughts that would plague my travels from Old Ridge, Kentucky to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 
Singer Salvage Yard looked more like my brother’s heaven than a business. Old, broken cars scattered across the piece of land. Car parts lay everywhere. You can’t walk without stepping on glass or tripping over a bumper. 
My back ached and my ankle started turning the worst shade of purple I’d ever seen. My rain soaked pajama shirt and shorts reeked. I took a deep breath, willing my eyes to stop their tears, and opened the door. 
The porch felt like I would fall through at any second. I rapped twice on the door that looked pretty much the same. There was no answer. I knocked again, frantically this time. 
He will know what to do. Luke’s voice rang through my head. 
“You have ten seconds to get off my property before I shoot you in your face,” I hear a low voice call from behind the door.
“B-Bobby Singer?” I shudder, “I’m Skyla Winters, Jacob and Danielle’s daughter.” I was too sore to say anymore, despite the threat of a loaded weapon trained on my face. 
The door flies open to reveal an old man donning a flannel shirt and grease stained cap. He holds a shotgun in his hand and stares at me with curiosity. “Skyla?” he whispers. 
I stare at him, eyes wide and pleading. He opens the door for me, allowing the smell of dust and books to hit my nose. Bobby’s house was filthy, as if it hadn't been cleaned in years. The floorboards creaked and groaned under my limping, nails sticking up every so often. 
I hear the door close behind me, “Why are you here?” 
My eyes continue to roam around the house. The tone of his question brings a stinging sensation to my eyes. I simply hand him the piece of paper I haven’t let go of since that night. 
He takes a moment to scan the note and mumbles to himself. 
“I’m sorry?” I ask, hoping he could say something to clarify anything that’s happened. 
“The Devil’s Rights,” he speaks up, moving to the desk covered in paper, books, and liquor bottles. 
A dining table should be there, but Bobby has a desk and red spray paint on the floor. The symbols remind me of those on my brother’s knife. My eyes widen and I back away slowly. My swollen ankle making it hard for a quick get away.
“Balls,” Bobby whispers, his head rising to meet my tear soaked face,  “You haven’t had the talk, have you?” 
“W-What?” I stumble, not understanding what he said. 
“Come on,” he extends a hand to me, “You need to rest,” 
I move away from his hand, “No.” I state firmly, “I need my questions answered.” 
“I’ll answer your questions after you get some rest,” he pushes. 
I furrow my eyebrows, fury burning across my face, “No, Bobby. I’m pretty sure I just lost my entire family and I need my questions answered.” I snap. 
Bobby shakes his head in defeat, “Alright, shoot,” 
“The people who broke into my house,” I start, “They had black eyes.” 
“Yes, those were demons,” Bobby begins, “The Devil’s Rights to be specific. They’re a group of bounty hunters crafted by Lucifer himself. They do his bidding - murder, kidnapping, you name it. The Rights came to your house to take you.” My eyes widened at his explanation, “I don’t know why, but your father sent me a letter when you were born saying that if you ever showed up at my door, I need to let you in.” 
And he did. 
“Demons are… real?” I hesitate. 
Bobby nods, “So is every other nightmare ever dreamt up by man.” 
A shudder racks through my body. Werewolves. Shapeshifters. The Boogieman. My mind races with more questions and thoughts. I landed on one. 
“But I thought they had black eyes, why did one of them have yellow ones?” 
“Azazel,” Bobby states, “He’s the biggest bastard of them all. Their leader.” 
He knows who I am. He wants me. 
“I need to go back,” I say, not confirming or denying that I heard anything of what Bobby had to say in the past few minutes. 
I move to the door knob, but a hand grabs my shoulder. “No, you need rest,” 
It finally caught up to me. The cries shook my body, dropping me to the floor. My knees hit hard into the splintering wood. Sobs rack my body and my shoulders shake. 
They’re gone. My family. They killed them. The monsters killed them. 
I lay my forehead to the floor, waiting for the Earth to swallow me whole and take me away from this unbearable pain. 
I can still feel Bobby’s presence behind me, though his hand no longer lingers on my shoulder. We stay there for God knows how long. The entire time, the pain burned me alive, tearing my flesh from bone. Azazel’s ugly head and deep laugh, his yellow soaked eyes boring into my skull. 
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forthecoloredgirl · 4 years
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You were livid, not angry, livid. You didn’t know how to process the many emotions of just anger all attacking your mind and body at once. This had been your final straw, well maybe, it wasn’t one of those drastic issues where you’d have to do something drastic. You could say you were getting a little dramatic, but it was only because you cared. What got you so riled up was seeing your young movie star boyfriend slowly allow himself to get swallowed into the dark side of Hollywood. 
Young Leonardo DiCaprio was now Hollywood’s new IT boy along with other actors such as Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt. He was raising up in world quicker each and every night and as the fame rose up, so did he. He rose to the occasion, it first started with a small house party in the hills, but it gradually got bigger. The Leo you once knew didn’t spend his weekdays and weekends constantly just partying it up and getting drunk. He was a neat boy and now he was getting sloppy, but you had only thought it was just booze and a good time until you were hit with a wake up call today. 
Earlier you had gone to the Warner Brother’s studio to surprise Leo with lunch, but you were the one surprised instead. You had caught him in the back parking lot with a few of his older co-stars smoking a cigarette. You were shocked to the core and did a complete 180 coming back home. You couldn’t believe it, because it wasn’t just a cigarette, it was a small slow killing poison. That the both of you watch kill someone very important to the two of you in front of your eyes.
Both you and Leo had grown up in the same town and around the same neighborhood. Went to the same school, church, and even ran with the same crowd. Growing up the two of you belonged to the same friend group ever since the sandbox days, it was a group of six of you, two girls and four guys. All six of you lived on the same block, hung out together, and ultimately you all did every little thing together. Tried alcohol together, snuck into movies together, and even told each other your deepest secrets. However, everything changed within your group when the six of you got to highschool. That’s when drugs were introduced to you all and that caused a rift in the group. 
Leo and yourself ended up leaving those friends behind after an unfortunate homecoming night when the rest of the group decided to go outside with the seniors and try cigarettes. It all started because this one girl had gone to Europe for the summer and raved on and on about the legal drinking age and the trend surrounding smoking. At that point the school had created a new form of “cool” and in order to be part of that you had to smoke. So of course like any other doe eyed freshmen your friends followed, but you and Leo restrained yourselves deciding the focus on the things that would get the two of you out of your hometown. 
Most of the kids who hopped on the smoking trend at that time quickly found themselves in addiction. Loosing both their health and money just to get a smoke. Unlucky for you and Leo, the two of you had front row seats to watching one of the boys of the group, Robert, start to decline. Unlike the others, Robert’s body was more sensitive to the drug and it killed him before the two of you could finish highschool. Instead of walking the stage senior year, Robert lied in a casket six feet under. making him stuck in that town forever. 
After that Leo and yourself swore to one another that you wouldn’t dare touch the very thing that killed Robert and that was his addiction. However, now it wasn’t a bratty rich girl bragging about her trip to Europe, it was a new wave a fame and influence taking over Leo as it took Robert. 
“Baby, I’m home!” 
You heard Leo yell from front door. You sat in the kitchen, at the table with the picnic basket that had Leo’s surprise lunch in it wasting away. You waited until he entered the kitchen, once he spotted you he immediately could tell your energy was off. 
He questioned, not really knowing what to do, You looked up at him and you watched as the confusion danced around in his eyes. 
“You remember Heather Chandler from high school? You know the girl that was stupid rich and basically got the whole school hooked on the “London Look”.”
He responded unsure at first to where you were going with that statement, but it slowly clicked for him after a moment. Heather Chandler was taken out of school after Robert’s death, because everyone ultimately blamed her for getting him addicted, as well as other kids. 
“I saw you today Leo, when you were out by Johnny’s car.”
You watched as instant shock ran across his face. Just like you were before, he couldn’t believe it. But that quickly changed, when he just shrugged his shoulders, turning to grab a beer from the fridge. You watched him a silent horror as he opened the beer and took a long sip. 
“Okay. Y/N it’s really no big deal. You’re acting as if I took a hot comb to your hair.”
He laughed at his own joke, but you only nodded your head. Reaching down beside you, you had brought out the yearbook from your senior year and opened the book up to Robert’s memorial. You gently placed the book on the table and got up leaving Leo and book alone together. You left him to go upstairs to your bedroom. Upstairs you pulled out a suitcase and began to fill it was clothing and other items. Minutes later you could hear Leonardo coming up the stairs, angrily he burst into the room. He chucked the yearbook onto the bed.
“You think I’m going to end up like Robert?! Seriously Y/N how low do you think of me?!” 
Ignoring him, you continued your task and kept your silence. After a couple of seconds Leo spoke up again and still you ignored him. This went on for about ten minutes and right as you were about to place the last item in the case Leo came over to you slapping the toiletry bag out of your hands. 
“Am I speaking to myself here? Or are you hearing impaired?” 
Still keeping your silence you just bent down and picked up the bag. Picking up the bag you side stepped him and walked back over to the bed where the case lay. Placing the bag in the case and zipping the case up, setting in down on the floor. 
“B-baby w-w-what’s the case for?”
Now there was no more boom to his voice and it had gone soft now. Shaking your head and pulling the handle up from the case you began towards the door. Quickly throwing himself onto your lower body, Leo was on his knees and shaking. 
“No, no, no. Please don’t leave, you can’t. Baby I’ll do anything.”
Anything you thought. Now knowing you held the upper hand in the situation.
“Leo get yourself together. Like you said it isn’t a big deal, but that is your opinion. Robert was loosing himself just like you are now and I will not sit around to watch another one of the people I deeply care about loose not only themselves but their lives too!”
“No baby I’ll change. Everything stops now! No more drinking, smoking, all of it.”
“Really Leo you think-”
“No baby! I know I can! If it’s for you, I’ll do anything. Baby even if you wanted me to stop this acting thing I’d put it all to an end right away! Nothing is worth loosing you over. You’re the only thing I know truly in my heart that I want and need.”
Tears were running down his face and once you finally looked down at him, your heart shattered. You gave in instantly and dropped down to your knees pulling him into your arms. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry! Baby you say the word and it’s done.”
“It’s okay Leo, just calm down and we can talk. Maybe some fresh-”
“NO! I don’t need fresh air I need you!!”
“Leo I’m not going to leave, I promise!”
You said rubbing his back softly as his grip on you tightened. 
“Baby I can’t loose you and I’m sorry to Robert too. I know we made a promise to each other and now I’m going to take in seriously! I owe it to both you and Robert.”
“I know, I know.”
You said holding onto him. You were hoping he was serious, because you seriously couldn’t put yourself through watching him loose himself to addiction. Especially if it was going to be the boy you loved. 
**If you would like to repost my work please give credit**
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