#and his fanbase is not the same so if they're hoping to break records the way his 2020 livestream did... good luck
izacore · 1 year
is it wrong of me to be super pissed that he’s charging for this streaming thing?? like i so appreciate he doesn’t charge much for his concert tickets and has done lots of free things for fans in the past, but like why make fans pay for this?? especially since a lot of us paid to see the movie in theaters already. i mean some fans bought fucking billboards to help advertise the film (not saying that was necessary or something they should’ve done or should be compensated for but like…) idk i feel like we’ve done enough to allow him to do this for free or like $5 per stream max. but maybe i’ve just gotten spoiled lol. he needs to just put it on Netflix or Hulu and call it a day. i’m tired of him saying it’s “me and the fans” and “all about the fans” and “i’m a man of the people” and “i want all of us to watch it together” blah blah blah and then charge $18 for a one time streaming of a movie.
oh honey you are allowed to feel any way you want about the actions of louis and/or harry. we are not a monolith and can have different opinions and if the fact how much he is pricing for this livestream is making you mad then it's perfectly valid. i very much agree. like i said, in my currency it's really a lot, it could get me clothes or food or tickets to visit my parents and back. and while i understand they want to earn money at the same time i'm like... please, lthq, do some research and maybe read the room. unfortunately, i think people will pay anyway cause that's the fanbase they cultivated - one that subconsciously thinks louis must be struggling financially so every type of support will help.
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janggtoco · 1 year
hello <3 sorry i live in asia i think you’re asleep/about to sleep whenever i send asks 😭
how was the cb!! i personally love all the songs on the album. i’m an ass shaker AND depressed so they truly catered to my demographic. my ranking: super - idubilu - fuck my life - fire - dust - april shower (april shower is the only one i’m not CRAZY crazy about really, but i like it still!) what’s your opinion on each song on the album?
being on twitter during this cb is giving me whiplash tbh they’re breaking records and people cheered woohooo then here come [redacted members of a fandom] who are trying to discredit them and saying the vilest most immature shit i’ve seen. i saw one related to bin and i wanted to actually pick a fight but they deleted their account after getting flak. pussy. i’ve been so riled up that i actually started streaming religiously (like i followed the streaming guidelines and all) to drive up views and streams out of spite and sheer pettiness. youtube spotify apple music youtube music YOU NAME IT LMAOOOO they’re truly testing me as a “hag”
and it’s nice to see that you’re going to therapy 🩵 how’s that going for you so far? i hope your therapist is a good fit <3 and know that whenever you feel lonely or that everyone hates you, you have a friend here who will listen n actually likes you (me)!!
have a great week ahead <3 sorry if this was long !
-🐻‍❄️ (can i use that? “hi it’s the same anon from before, the one who likes to check in on you” is getting long 😮‍💨)
lol that's okie! your asks are always a pleasure to wake up to. it's a nice start to my day and makes me smile :3 i hope i do the same for you <3
i love the comeback! personally, this mini is fighting going seventeen for my fave album from them because i enjoy every song to some extent! i cant wait to see the mcountdown performance tbh!! the choreo looks insane and the tiktok challenge is lowkey sadistic 😭 my ranking is idubilu - april shower - fml - dust - super - fire! i really enjoy all of the songs though, fire and super is more of just like.. if i'm running/work out songs for me though lol. idubilu is MY song though. probably my fave song of theirs along with i don't know and good to me like she's THAT girl!!
it's a certain toxic part of a certain fandom that just can't accept the organic growth that svt has... anything svt does is always "well, they wouldn't be this big without [redacted]" or "so funny they think they have global influence like [redacted]".. what's funny is i never cared about streaming but i too started streaming out of spite just bcs they pissed me off so much 😭 they're pretending to be mad over photocards just to discredit the fact the carat fanbase is HUGE and not full of people who will mass buy albums just to throw them away. i may be a hag but at least i have the money to buy albums ! (also sick to hear that they're using bin's name for stupid fanwars. it's really so upsetting to see the lengths kpop stans will go to..)
and therapy is going really well actually 🥺 i really like my therapist and she's been really understanding with everything and opened my eyes on a lot.. it's funny, every week she says "i'm still trying to put the puzzle of you together" because i bring up some new trauma or event every week 😭 but she's so nice and i'll tell her about youtube videos i'm watching and stuff she always gets so excited with me. it's weird going every week but it's definitely needed and it's kind of a nice catch up and to process everything that happened in the past week! and that's so nice anon :((( ngl, your first message came during a really rough and dark day and it was weird just knowing that someone you haven't interacted with cares enough to reach out.. i don't think i properly thanked you but.. thank you :(( your messages help more than i think you even know <3
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tytrack · 3 years
twitter is such a fucking toxic cesspool for tyongfs rn 😭😭😭😭 everyone's coming out with their unnecessary commentary on him or unleashing their deep seated hatred of him or they're making tyongfs feel bad for wanting a simple statement on his injury and if he's officially on leave of absence from the company responsible for all this and making us look like we're asking for his private medical history like ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! we all want him to get better that's all we're worried and all this extra fucking chatter is making everything worse. this has got to be the worst fucking shit i've ever witnessed mygod 😭😭😭
under the cut
oh it’s been so awful i’ve been trying to distance myself from it but it’s clear that most of the fandom doesn’t give a shit about him, especially on twitter where it’s most just solo stans and akgaes.....the evidence just keeps piling up by the day. the only thing im hopeful about is ltybar and lty global putting out the petition and getting people to sign that. ltybar is literally the biggest fan support fanbase for the group and also makes the most money for them, them stepping up and doing this makes me hope that SM will open their eyes and do something about this situation. literally how hard is it to announce that he’s taking a break on their official accounts? but someone has this theory which makes a lot of sense to me as to why theyre so hesitant to announce his absence. meanwhile the only indication that he’s missing from schedules is his blatant erasure from the promotional tickets/photos, which just adds to the confusion and disrespect. obviously the worst thing is that ty is getting the shortest end of the stick, where we don’t even know if he’s fully resting or not, like SM has him on retainer whenever they think he can hop back in to do their schedules. like why is he seen recording on 201220 and wearing the same outfit in the superm happy holiday video but completely excluded from the ticket promo....it makes no sense. and to think that others in the fandom think we’re asking for too much when we’re demanding SM be responsible and shed some clarity on his situation and do their actual job, they’re using his ambiguously missing status to reel fans into promote nct/superm so they don’t lose out on money.....there are fans on instagram, facebook, etc. that are asking why taeyong is missing in the promotional pics bc they literally haven’t said shit besides that beyond live announcment on fucking lysn
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