#and his little awkard getaway at the end😂
lennies-blog · 10 months
Translation: Mick and Seb talking about Mick's future in WEC
Sky Sport F1 Germany
Seb: "Of course, we talk to each other and are in exchange, and I think it's good that he's in a race car again and drives races. I think the WEC is in a very good path, that a lot of manufacturers swarm in and the level of it is rising. A lot of talented drivers will be involved and it will certainly be good for him (Mick). On the other hand he will have the opportunity to stay connected to F1, stay on topic, learn further and yeah, that is certainly a great opportunity."
Peter: "So much for what Sebastian has to say, who just won the sustainability award, not the young talent award! (German word play, the words for sustainability and young talent are very similar) Mick, another question I asked myself is that if you belong to the Alpine family next year, is there a connection as well to F1? So if one of the main drivers will drop out, so Esteban Ocon or Pierre Gasly, will there be an opportunity."
Mick: "No, that's definitely separated, F1 and WEC. I will be there as a Mercedes reserve driver and will mainly be in F1 for that. And the WEC programme, due to it being so close to F1, there's a presence that I can show to them and to the other teams, which is important and good."
Timo: "What does your schedule look like? I mean the first race is at the beginning of March already, isn't it? What does your schedule look like, how often will be in the car?"
Mick: "We have a 3 day test planned before the end of the season, or rather before the end of the year and then we'll have another few test before the first race weekend. It's not a hundred percent certain, but it's enough, to sit in the car."
Peter: "We will of course be there for broadcasting. Mick, thank you and enjoy your weekend in Abu Dhabi!"
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