#and his parents disapproving of it bc they dont think he can make jt
bookloverbilly · 7 years
i see your book-loving billy and i raise you art-loving steve
•steve being a more right-brained person who is super good at art, explaining why he pretty much sucks at everything else school related
•steve not knowing what to do with this love because no one has ever told him you can actually do stuff with an art degree
•he has hundreds and hundreds of drawings and doodles of all the kids when he babysits for them, carefully-crafted snapshots of nancy and jonathan, charcoal sketches of the woods and the buildings around hawkins
•(self-portraits of his blooded face and knuckles, eyes angry and pencil lines shaky with pain)
•he draws the demogorgon as best he can from his fear-stricken memories, then the demo-dogs in scary detail, his hands shaking as he draws to get the images out of his head
•he subconsciously draws billy after the other apologizes about everything, and it becomes a Thing
•he manages to draw billy without the other ever noticing—the upturn of his nose, his thick lashes and clear eyes, his curly blonde hair—and has a guilty sketchbook filled with snaps of the other
•it’s a little embarrassing how fixated he is on perfecting any drawing or doodles he starts of the other, but Billy is just so pretty with the soft lines of his face contrasting his toned body
•the first time billy goes in his room, steve has a portrait of him on his desk and he crumples it up before Billy notices and hides it in his sock drawer
•the other doesn’t even have any idea of what’s crumpled in Steve’s drawer because he’s staring at the drawing-plastered walls in awe
•”you know you can really do some shit with this type of stuff… like they have all kinds of art programs at College”
•Billy finds it really funny that Steve doesn’t know this but explains that you can actually do art and make money off of it
•”you could totally have a comic or something with those scary monsters you keep drawing—they’re weird by the way”
•steve no longer felling so helpless and lost in trying to find his way in life because he can suddenly has options to do what he wants???? what he’s passionate about???
•Steve has a spot in his room dedicated to his Friends and Billy definitely takes notice
•”why aren’t i here?”
•”guess I’ll have to draw you then”
•”guess so. good luck trying to draw my already-perfect features”
•”shut the fuck up”
•(the thing is, Steve already had. two weeks ago.)
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